Rahul Project Outline

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1. Student’s Name: RAHUL.R

2. Enrollment Number : AM.AR.U3COM08067
3. Semester/Course : S5 B.Com
4. Name and Complete Address of the Organization :
Kalarcode, Allepeey, Kerala-688003 .
Ph: 0477 2267336, 3090296
E-mail: shymashonda@shymas.com
5. Name, Telephone number of the Corporate Mentor / Supervisor :
Vinod V
HR Manager, 9895702753
6. Title of the Project chosen: Employees Job Satisfaction Management Customertinagement
7. Reason for choice of project / organization: As a part of my curriculum
8. Relevance to the student : To improve my management skills
9. Objectives of the study: To motivate the employees to give their best inputs to the
organization in order to achieve organizational goals.
10. Scope of the study: It is helpful to identify the employer’s level of satisfaction towards
welfare measure.
11. Methodology that would be administered for data collection (personal interviews,
questionnaires, schedules and the like):
12. Sample size:
13. Proposed Weekly Activity plan:
14. Any other relevant information:

Signature (Student):

Approval Signature (Mentor)

Countersignature (Project Coordinator):

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