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Boys English Section

Under Supervision of Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Grade 3 Projects / Assessed Homework

29th December 2010

Dear Parents

Here are the project instructions for English. The due day for this is on or before the 5th of January 2011.
Marks for these projects contribute towards the midyear report card.


Write about 10-15 sentences on one of the following topics:

1. Describe your recent visit to the zoo. You can write about some of the following points:
What did you see? How did you feel? What was your favourite part of the trip? What was your
least favourite part of the trip? Did anything funny happen? How do you think the animals feel
about living in a zoo? Did they look happy? Do you think keeping animals in a zoo is a good idea?
You can add pictures or drawings in places to help illustrate your points.


2. Describe your favourite hobby or activity. You can write about some of the following points:
What is your favourite hobby? Why is it your favourite? How long have you been doing this? Do
you do this alone or with others? Why did you start doing this? Did someone introduce you to this
hobby of yours? What more would like to do in the future with your hobby (i.e. what are your

All typed materials should be submitted on A4 size paper. Please include a title to your piece and
ensure that you include your name and grade. Marks will be allocated for content, spelling, grammar
and overall flow / presentation.

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