English Listening Quizzes: A Survey - 1: Top of Form

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English Listening Quizzes: A Survey - 1

You will hear a man asking a woman questions for a survey. Write down the answers to the
questions he asks. You will hear the listening twice. After you have finished, click on the
arrow to see if you have answered the questions correctly.
Top of Form

1. How long will the survey take?

A f ew minutes

2. Does she have a TV?


3. What is her name?

Anne Wylder

4. What's her address?

40 Paine Road, Liverpool

5. What's her telephone number?

051 22 063

6. Where is she from?


7. Where was she born?

New York

8. Where does she live now?


9. When was she born?

September 9, 1949

10. Is she married?

No, she is single

11. What does she do?

She is a doctor

12. Where does she work?

At University Hospital

Bottom of Form

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