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Matrix Structural Analysis Second Edition William McGuire Professor of Civil Engineering, Emeritus Cornell University Richard H1. Gallagher Late Professor and President Clarkson University Ronald D. Ziemian Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Bucknell University ® John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York / Chichester / Weinheim Brisbane / Singapore / Toronto TA GGL H26 ® 2000 i = | causinoysyoren ——~_WanaAnr cousmoxsspron te ILLUSTRATION COORDINATOR Sigmund Malinowski/Eugene Aiello ELECTRONIC ILLUSTRATIONS Precision Graphies, Ine “This book was set ia 1012 Times Ten by UG / GGS Information Services, In. and plated wed pound by Hamilton Printing Company, Inc. The cover was printed by Phoenix Color Corporation ‘This book sprinted on act-ce popes 3) ‘the pape in ths book was mantle by ail whose fret managenentprogiams neh sustained yield harvesting ofits tnberlands, Sustained yield harvesting principles rece that the numbers of trees eut each year does not exceed the amount of new growth Copysght © 2000 Joba Wiley & Sons, Ine. All sphts reserved. No par ofthis publication maybe reproduce stored in a etieva stem or tansmited cee foam or by aay means, eleetCoie,rechanical photocopying, recerdng,seanning ve atlas, excopt tz petted under Secuons 107 or 108 ofthe 1976 United States Copyrinht Ach without either the prior witen permission ofthe Publisher, or sanzration turough payment ofthe appropiate per-copy fe to the Copright Clunraace Center, 22 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01925, ($8) 730-400, fx (Goa) 750-470. Requests to the Publisher for persion should be addressed 0 the ‘envisions Departneat, Jha Wiley & Sons, In, 605 This Avenve, New York, NY 40158-0032, 212) 850-601, fax (212) 8506008, &-Ml: PBRMREQ@WILEY.COM. Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publiation Dave McGuire, Wiliam, 1920- ‘Matrix strctoal aang / by Wilisn MeQuire, Richard H. Gallagher, RonoldD. Zeman, — 2nd ed Pe om. Iacludes index ISBN 0-471-12918-6 (sth: alk, pape) 1, Structural asalysie Eagineesag)—Matric methods, aller, Richard H. IE Zierlan, Ronald D. TH Tie. Tasos 2000 sai —8e23 sass ae rite inthe United States of Ametea 98765432 Preface to the Second Edition ‘The first edition ofthis book was written 20 years ago, but our aims remais. the same: to place proper emphasis on the methods of matrix structural analysis used in current practice and to provide the groundwork for forthcoming practice and allied, more advanced subject matter. The present edition accounts for changes in practice that have taken place in the intervening years, and it incorporates advances in the art of analysis we regard as suitable for application now and of increasing importance to practitioners in the years just ahead. "Among the major changes from the fist edition isthe addition of chapters on the nonlinear analysis of framed structures, treatment of the solution of nonlinear prob- lems, and packaging of a compact disk containing the computer program, MASTAN2 ‘The major reductions include the deletion of Chapter 7 on the flexibility method, Section 10:7 on the transfer matrix method, and Chapter 12 on the finite element method. The entice text and illustrative examples have also been edited extensively, and several chapters have been repositioned. These changes deserve some explanation. ‘The reduction in coverage ofthe flexibility method was presaged by a comment the preface to the fist edition: "Iti hardly used in practice.” Although the method is advantageous in certain cizcumstances and we believed it might receive greater atten- tion if east in a more efficient form, such has not been the case. Therefore, the de- velopment of flexibility method equations of global analysis has been deleted. But extensive coverage of the flexibility approach to the determination of element force- displacemeat relationships has been retained because of the value that it has in many instances, Elimination of the global flexibility method formulation also lec to recon- sideration of the chapter on the equations of statics and kinematics (Chapter 6 of the first edition) which was in large measure preparation for the identification ofredundant forces in the flexibility method. That material has been deleted also. The other dele- tions-material on the transfer matrix method and the general finite clementconcept— were made in the interest in retaining a reasonably wieldy volume. ‘The additions represent some departures from the spint of the fist edition. In that edition’s preface it was noted tha, in concentrating onthe direct stiffness method, we ‘were dealing with an accredited, widely practiced procedure, whereas an earlier gen- tration of texts frequently dealt with subject matter that was not fully crystallized. Nonlinear structural analysis has a long history and itis the subject of « number of books and some highly sophisticated computer programs, but it can hardly be called “crystallized.” Many ofits features are ad hoo—in the good sense of the term—and are in need of reduction to more routine procedures through further research and ‘generalization. Others may always require the expertise of specialists in analysis, as ‘opposed to the design engineer who has many additional concerns, Nevertheless, itis believed to be timely, and indeed necessary, to include an introduction to nonlinear analysis in a text on the analysis of framed structures, particularly those of the civil ‘engineering variety. Techniques for its practical application are at hand, and there is 2 growing awareness of their place in design. Similarly in the fst edition we decided to exclude computer programs, citing in its preface their rapid obsolescence aud the widespread availability of commercial pro- grams such as STRUDL. Advances in all arcas of computer technology over the past

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