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Runway Magazine Inc LA Jeff Knight

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J. Star Media

Runway Magazine LA® provides information of a general nature pertaining all forms of cosmetic enhancement included but not limited to plastic surgery. Cosmetic dermatology and cosmetic dentistry. The information pertaining in this publication is provided that neither Runway Magazine LA®. nor its affiliates are engaged in rendering medi-
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page 4
Mallory Bajan

Sarah Menchel Kristen Hepinstall Edward Daris

Feronia Wibowo Vilte S. Holstad Amanda Rushing

James Buccelli

Allison Castello Alicia Oreck Dino Archon

Runway Magazine Inc. is Southern California's leading beauty guide with a bi-monthly distribution of over 50,000 issues and readership of 200,000 plus on-line visibility. Magazines are distributed to beauty industry
customers at local hair salons and stylists, beauty supply stores, nail salons, modeling agencies, cosmetic dentists, beauty schools, cosmetologists and electrolysis facilities, dermatologists, health clubs, yoga studios, tan-
ning salons,weight loss clinics, spas, plastic surgeons, as well as hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, fashion and beauty boutiques and select Hollywood Red Carpet events celebrity gift bags.. The Beauty Black Book™
is a Cost-effective advertising vehicle that directly reaches your target audience. It is your go-to guide for beauty and fashion.
page 6 Tommy Bruno
18 102 Q the Tribute


36 106

56 112

Whats The Deal? SPA -TACULAR!

67 114

NY Fashion Week

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RUNWAY >>> Art

Artist: Jaime Iim


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RUNWAY >>> Art

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RUNWAY >>> Art

ARTIST: Jaime Iim


page 12
RUNWAY >>> Art

Artist: Jaime Iim


page 13
RUNWAY >>> Art

page 14
There are few designers that start
their first collection at age before they get to

Hall By Vilte S. Holstad

middle school. Well, perhaps not a full col-
lection, but Kevan Hall, growing up in Detroit,
already knew which celebrities he wanted to
dress at age 8. Knowing that he was getting
inspired and sketching at such a young age,
it is no surprise that he went on to receive
the Peacock award from the Fashion Insti-
tute for “Outstanding Fashion Design” and
later was presented with the “Great American
Designer” award by the NAACP. With igno-
rance for fads and passion for classic looks,
Kevan is branching out to bigger things, leav-
ing us at awe every season. I visited Mr. Hall
at his beautiful studio to chat and perhaps try
to get an inside look into the creative mind
behind the modern glamour of Kevan Hall
Designs .

VH: Thanks for meeting with me Kevan, I’m

going to dive right in. How did you know you
wanted to be a fashion designer?
Kevan: Being a designer is something I’ve
always wanted to do. Even though I didn’t
know there was such a thing as fashion
designer. When I was a child, about 8 years
old or so I would sketch and pretend I was
dressing movie stars. I would look at old va-
riety TV shows and redesign their costumes
and watch old movies with Greta Garbo,
Kate Hepburn while sketching their outfits.
That is how I started to sketch and draw. My
parents were very supportive and gave me
art books and supplies everything I needed
to follow that passion.

VH: If it wasn’t fashion, what would have

been your second choice for a profession?
K: Probably architecture. I love environments
and beautiful buildings, the look of a beauti-
ful city. .

VH: What would you say are you biggest

K: My inspirations are beautiful women who
love to look amazing. Women that enjoy
fashion and enjoy being women. It must be
great to be able to dress up, change your
look, your hair, your make up. You can go
with flat heel, high heel, I mean its got to be
great! That is in sorts an inspiration as well
as art books. As I travel I look for the next
thing that jumps up and inspires me. That
could be anywhere from scuba diving trip to
an art museum. Perhaps an iconic designer
or movies. All those things inspire my work.
I’m always looking and open to inspiration.

VH: True artist always are. Do you have any

favorite fabrics you like to work with?
Photo Fusion Workshop:
July 25-26, 2009
An introduction to combining your digital photos with mixed media. You
will create several works on fine art paper and rigid substrates. In addition to
your projects, you will take home a DVD demonstrating several inkjet transfer
techniques- a retail value of $40!

Price: $270 instruction, $25 materials fee

Please Bring: A selection of photos (4-12) on CD (300 dpi)

Registration: Please contact Wal*Art at 310-274-9055 or send an

ley email to
mie Be
& Ja
ard Du
1639 South La Cienega Los Angeles CA, 90035 310.274.9055
page 16
Location Location Location All demising walls are 45’
Location is the old real estate high grouted naturally colored
mantra; cinderblock walls allowing the
Green Green Green is the new owners maximum acoustical
design philosophy now fully isolation and privacy.
embraced by real estate profes- All demising walls are 45’
sional and the market. high grouted naturally colored
cinderblock walls allowing the
Universal Lofts live/work project owners maximum acoustical
combines both philosophies isolation and privacy.
mentioned above. It is a project
in a great unsurpassed location The large commercial high
with a “green attitude” grade window walls keep the
noise outside along with ef-
Strategically situated between ficient climate control inside.
the green hills of Universal City
walk on the north and the hills The units are equipped with
of Studio City on the south right individual hot water heater, elec-
there in the midst trical and gas meters allowing
of the Hollywood Biz hustle and the tenants maximum control
bustle stands a unique one of a on their utility usage.
kind eco friendly project. This
live work project does not use All units are prepared to receive
the term loosely. It is located on a 2.5 kilowatt solar panel sys-
a commercially zoned property tem that can give each unit its
yet offering a own independent power source
residential feel to it. courtesy of the sun.

Close to all of Hollywood’s The inside of the units incorpo-

entertainment employment cen- rate an efficient open environ-
ters, freeways, restaurants, the- ment with open flowing space,
atres etc, it offers a quick and bright bamboo floors, wood
easy access; at the same time cabinet, low flow plumbing fix-
it allows one to live and work in tures and other features making
harmony under the same roof universal live work lofts a one of
cutting down on smog pollu- a kind eco friendly environment
tion, fuel consumption, traffic in the middle of Hollywood.
congestion and precious time
for today’s busy professional. For More Information, please
visit or
The green element is not con- call 310.277.LOFT (5638)
fined to the project’s location.
They are immediately noticeable
from the first step into the units.
Each is provided with a large
open space on the first floor al-
lowing ample office space with
extra parking.

page 17
o the present day, Engineered by Remy has evolved from solely making sport hood-
ies to leather jackets, jeans, men’s and women’s dress shirts, along with accessories.
Engineered by Remy's future lines will include sport blazers, handbags, and his in-
novative sport-dress shoes. His pieces are so exclusive that they are not even in any
boutiques but you will find them draped on celebrities, from John Legend to J Holiday
and legendary rap artist MC Lyte who performs in his custom leather designs. The list
of celebrities sporting Remys’ designs are extensive and the buzz about this young
Cambodian designer changing fashion within the Hollywood community is spread-
ing like wildfire. You can also see the latest designs on the red carpet and in the latest
music videos by the hottest young talent but that too will change. Near future plans
include collaboration with M the Movement, making available for the first time to the
public, Engineered by Remy clothing in all of the hot and trendy boutiques; “What you
are witnessing is my vision being translated through apparel. I represent the endurance
of a fighter: when the body is weak and tired, the only thing that will keep you going
is your heart."
While Remys’ designs are breath taking, nothing can leave you more speechless than
the story of the struggles the Hournhornnheanhou clan endured in their homeland
before immigration to the United States. Rathana Hournhornnheanhou (Remy Hou)
was born on May 7, 1981 into the aftermath of a gruesome war that killed 20 million
Cambodians between 1975-1979. His family deeply affected by the loss of numerous
relatives, immediate family, and the family’s eldest daughter. Being held captive in
refugee camps and with their lives at stake they eventually escaped captivity and fled
to a small village in Cambodia called Side Two. Living conditions were still desperate
in this village in the deep jungle highlands where he and his family fought fever, sick-
ness, thunderstorms, landmines, and the regime looking for his family. Remy recalls
“There is a scar on the left side of my face which reminds me of the event when my
family and I escape captivity in pitch dark. We ran through the jungle and a thorn bush
ripped my face open like a knife cutting halfway through an apple. I was 2 or 3 but I
didn’t cry.”
The tragic events in Cambodia led Remy and his family to migrate to the United States,
Long Beach, CA in 1990 where he became literate in English and developed a passion
for technology and clothing design. He then earned a Bachelors of Science in Telecom-
munications Management in 2002 and a Masters in Business Administration in 2004.
Although he had never formally studied fashion in an academic setting, he discovered
his calling in 2006 while working as a VIP Technical Supporter for Helio (now Virgin
Mobile) in Westwood. There, he designed custom Helio sweaters on the side while
“If you believe in something, the only thing left to do is create it. I am troubleshooting the cellular network. In 2007, the positive feedback that he received
inspired because I believe in change; I am that visionary who wants to from employers and clients encouraged him to create and establish Engineered by
make his designs speak without saying a word.”-Remy Hou Remy. Remy explains: “I am doing this to show the world my vision of fashion. I am
Founded in 2006 by namesake Remy Hou, Engineered by Remy, has inspired by struggle, love, pain, dreams, and a hunger for success.”
quickly become one of the most prestigious and exclusive luxury brands Recognition of all of this hard work and struggle has allowed Remy access to produc-
in Hollywood. His founding principle is simple change fashion through ing many successful fashion shows in the hottest clubs of Hollywood, CA including
unique and innovative design. Remy built his company from the ground The Kress and Social. In addition to fashion shows, Remy has also made many ap-
up through careful planning, innovative designs, viral marketing, gorilla pearances at red carpet events, which have previously included The Tribute to Quincy
promotions, and meticulously sewing all of his unique creations himself. Jones, The BET Awards, LA Lakers’ star Lamar Odom’s Charity Auction, John Leg-
One jacket alone can take as long as 12 hours to produce. Seeing the end Tour Events, Runway Magazines Oscar Gifting Suite, and numerous other high
finished product, you cannot help but stare in awe at the completed mas- profile events.
terpiece, something only a person born with a natural talent can create, "This is my heart: fragments of memories and life challenges that inspire me to make
it is undeniably ahead of its time. If you have not had a chance to meet what you wear. No matter what you face in life, it's the decisions you make today that
Remy Hou at an event you can see his designs on his website (www. lead to a better tomorrow."-Remy Hou where you can witness what the future of style
will be without riding in the Delorian with Marty McFly. In the short Please visit
span of time from Fall 2006 t Writer/Executive Assistant-Monica Ban

page 18
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In a time of recession, for shoe designer and entrepreneur
Jacob of “Shoes for the Stars”, business is booming. What
started as one of the best-kept secrets in Hollywood, hidden
in a small store on Melrose Ave., is now turning into a
whole design center that is about to take the fashion world
by storm.

By summer ’09, Jacob is expanding his “Shoes for the

Stars” and is slated to open a one-stop-shop for fash-
ion, style and beauty. In addition to helping high-profile
clientele find the right shoe for the next photo op, Jacob
will offer a line of customized dresses, hair and make up
products. His original shoe and boot designs will be paired
easily with one-of-a-kind dresses, hair and make up styles
guaranteed to turn heads and capture hearts.

Inspiration has been a great driving force for much of the

growth of Jacob’s store. Much of his inspired work and
designs can be attributed to his spokes model, Christina
DeRosa. DeRosa brings sass and sensuality to his signature

“GG” line and he has created other designs specifically
for DeRosa to wear as she walks down everything from
runways to red carpets. Her versatility is the perfect
compliment to Jacob, a designer who thrives on constantly
changing up his line by mixing colors, patterns, fabrics

and heels. As seen at events all over Hollywood from the
ALMA Awards to the Emmys, DeRosa creates a buzz that
follows her wherever her well-heeled styles take her.

DeRosa is in good company with some of Jacob’s other

celebrity clients. "America's Next Top Model" had a recent
photo shoot while sporting Jacob's signature creations.

"Germany's Next Top Model" is next on the list. Heidi
Klum and her aspiring fashion icons are tapped to wear
his latest designs in the launch of her series. Erykah Badu
actually enjoyed 12" of height on her last world tour thanks
to Jacob and one of his platform creations.

These inspirational styles are a result of 25 years in the

fashion/shoe industry. Starting in Israel in the clothing
industry, Jacob traveled to Paris, London and Italy to gather
inspiration and to fan the fire of his passion for design. Ja-
cob has poured all of his passion and creativity into devel-
oping footwear for men and women that is modern, stylish
By Allison Kramer and unique. With one of his custom-designed styles, the
"little black dress" can be taken up to a whole new level. In
fact, most of his styles will take a client up several inches.
Flats are well, "flat", in Jacob's world. His clients enjoy
a more "elevated" experience. Amazingly, any of Jacob’s
platform styles offer the comfort that can only be found a
favorite pair of sneakers. With the expansion of his store,
he will no doubt elevate the standard for dressing everyone
from head to toe in style and comfort.

Jacob’s success is a result of his can-do attitude. As De-

Rosa points out, “Bring him an idea of something you want
into the store and he’ll do it.” This kind of openness to cus-
tomized creation is a true testament to positivity promoting
growth and success.

And with “Shoes for the Stars” soon to become “Dresses,

Makeup, Hair AND Shoes for the Stars”, Jacob is poised
and ready to see another aspect of his dream become a

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SAM KIM for Future Heretic
runway shots from BOXeight

page 24
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christian audigier

christian audigier
joeseph domingo

suh tahn

nohjah mckenzie
CARDUCCI Interiors International

CARDUCCI offers a very unique supply

of exclusively customized furniture to af-
fluent clients. A free design service is part
of our strategy to approved clients. Home
visits, display presentations along with
conceptual interior drawings are part of
a service in order to establish our ability
to complete customized furniture using
unique and exclusive materials. Clients
are given a brief on our unique items
while visiting the showrooms that dis-
play a large cross section of our designs,
hand crafted furniture in shell and a large
selection of furniture in fossilized volcanic
stone. Artist drawings, floor plans, walk
through virtual reality graphics and cross-
section of sample materials being used in
the project are submitted with confirmed
orders. Photographic displays are part
of service to clients on completion of the

Grand exclusive sofas, chairs, lounge

room furniture, dining settings, desks,
cabinets, a large selection of consoles
and mirrors in forged iron, bedroom set-
tings and accessories are part of our
inventory. Displayed items can also be
customized to client specification. From
a choice of 26 unique colors of fossilized
volcanic stone we have the capacity to
customize furniture and interior require-
ments. This material is wafered and in-
laid within brass channel to create very
unique furniture items, extending to wall
panels, interior doors or luxurious outdoor
furniture. Mother of pearl and a selection
of 15 colors of deep sea shell is another
natural material that is used in crafting
our unique furniture and accessories.

Las Vegas Design Center
495 South Grand Central Parkway
Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Design Center

475 South Grand Central Parkway
Las Vegas,

Round &
page 26

About Ah, the lovely shapes and archi-

tecture of fashion. There's just
something about the round
form that has always captured
the minds of the fashion and art
savvy minds of the world. Per-
haps that's where the phrase
"don't be square" came from.
Why be boring and closed
minded with four distinct edg-
es? The circle is majestic in its
form, having no end and being
one of the most fun shapes to
play with. Just take a look:

page 27

the world is round, the peace sign is within

a circle, and the infinity symbol - sideways
8 - is continuous and in round form. See a
pattern? That's what fashion is all about...
it's continuous, while changing, it will always
be there. These silent muses represent
what fashion is all about, and the shapes
are divine. Who would've thought such a
simple shape could be so...beautiful? Think
about everything that's round in the world,
and you’ll find a lot..

page 28
page 102

You can create all sorts of intri-

cate and interesting forms with
this shape in mind. Don't get me
wrong, the other shapes in the
spectrum are good for when they
are needed or used, but nothing
compares to the round shape of
the illusive circle. Even the scien-
tific measurement of pie, which is
3.14, cannot be specifically mea- goes on and on and on.
How amazing is that?

page 29
page 103

So, what do you see in the round

form? If not its splendor and excel-
lence in creating masterful works
of art and striking images, perhaps
its ability to make you feel better, be-
cause just think about it…a smile is
half a circle. Didn’t think about it like
that, did ya? That’s what is perfect
about this shape…its everywhere.

page 30
By: Kristen Hepinstall
Fashion history repeats itself with stylish trends revamped from past decades

Vix Swimwear 2009


Not just for women, tie dye is an
equal opportunity trend that is
One shoulder is better than two this sea-
male friendly as showcased on the
son and most designers agree accord- runway in the Conference of Birds
ing to the Spring/Summer 2009 runway Spring 2009 collection. Before you
shows. freak out about this recycled
More mysterious than cleavage, a trend, hear me out.
shoulder tends to be an overlooked After a 15-year hiatus, design-
asset of the female form and could
use a little innocent exposure.
ers have taken this psyche-
delic trend, made famous in
An advantage of the one shoul-
the late 60s early 70s, and
der ensemble is that it creates
an asymmetrical line that draws incorporated it into
the eyes to the sensuality of the their Spring/Summer
neck… 2009 collections with
…and don’t be surprised if you a modern interpreta-
see this trend making waves at tion of the groovy
the beach. It’s so popular this print. Thanks to these
season that designers have designers, Fashioni-
taken the Grecian inspired look stas are moving tie-
and incorporated it into their
dyed trends to the
swimwear collections.
front of their fashion
Exposing one shoulder is a sanctuaries aka,
classy way to show some skin so their closets.
put your best shoulder forward this
season but, fellas, please leave this
trend for the ladies.

Another tie dye

Vix Swimwear 2009 friendly designer,
Photo courtesy of
Mercedez Benz Michael Kors, Conference of Birds,
Fashion Week used the ec- Spring 2009 Collection
centric print on
everything from
tops to acces-
Halson, Spring
2009 Collection sories.
Victoria Beckham in Balmain
Jeans Spring 2009 Collection

Michael Kors
Tie Dyed

Halston, Spring
Matthew Williamson, Conference of Birds,
2009 Collection Beach Bunny Swimwear,
Maxi Kimono Dress, Spring 2009 Collection
2009 Collection Spring 2009 Collection

page 32
This season, designers have pulled from past inspirations with a modern take on old school classics that will have you thinking… déjà vu!?

PLAID: SHOULDER: Balmain 2009

Spring Collection

Most fashionistas prefer to leave shoulder

pads to the football players, however, some
Designers are giving hard designers defy the shoulder pad trepidation
working labor looks a little with a subtle approach to the controversial
fashion love this season 80s trend. Designers are showing a fresh
with the help of a popular perspective of this unpopular trend by
90s trend, sans the pairing shoulder pads with looks that are
lumberjack appearance. slimming in hopes to enhance its popularity.
Normally, a fall trend in- Initially, shoulder pads arrived on the fashion
tended for cooler climates, scene to create long sensual necklines and
this print prematurely for this season, designers have toned down
launched in spring with the volume and created looks that enhance
plaid dresses, skirts and rather than distract.
trench coats sashaying on
the runway. Known for making bold statements with
its strong architectural structure, shoulder
pads are best suited for jackets and dresses
with minimal volume.

Even the most trendy of trendsetters

maintains an apprehension for shoulder
pads but one benefit to this trend is that it
makes the hips look smaller! I’ll give you
a second to let that sink in. Shoulder pads
make the hips look smaller. So, rather than
shun this trend, embrace it because shoulder
pads do have your best figure in mind.
Dries Van Noten,
Spring 2009 Collection
Perry Ellis,Spring
Miss Sixty, Spring 2009 Collection
2009 Collection

Made famous in the fashion scene

by Burberry’s tartan criss-crossing
pattern, lightweight plaid looks are
hot this season and pair well
with wide belts, heels or boots.
Should you prefer to dress down
this trend, wear an oversized
loose fitting plaid button down
with denim cut offs and your
favorite pair of flats.

As another equal opportu-

nity trend, the plaid print can
create an upscale preppy
image or a laid back alterna-
tive vibe for both men and

Don’t have time to primp?

Don’t worry. Skip the comb
and throw on a fedora and
oversized sunglasses with
your plaid ensemble and on-
lookers will think you meant to
leave the house slightly disheveled.
Trend bonus: expect this look to car-
ry over into the Fall 2009 season!

Balmain 2009
Spring Collection

Marc Jacobs, Spring

2009 Collection

Perry Ellis, Spring

Vivienne Westwood Red Label Miss Sixty,
2009 Collection
Spring 2009 CollectionCollection Spring

page 33

Not just for flappers, cowboys or…dan- This western inspired

With the rising pop-
FRINGE: gling in doorways, fringe is fabulous ularity of statement trend, mostly used in
this season and can be seen flowing conjunction with suede
jewelry, fringe ef-
from dresses, oversized purses, shoes fabrics, compliments an
fortlessly fits in with
and jewelry. oversized bag and can
the fringe look.
be seen dangling from
J.J. Winter’s Collection
of accessories.

J.J. Winters Fringe Bag

Boho loving Fashionistas were the first in
line to wear fringe on their boots, heels
and sandals this season.

Dolce Vida Fringe Flat Sandals

2009 Collection
Jil Sander Spring Christian Louboutin Spring
2009 Collection 2009 Collection
Christian Louboutin Deva Suede
Tie Back Boots 2009 Collection
Leave it to Alexander Mc-
Christian Louboutin Fringe Boots
Queen and Jil Sander to 2009 Collection
work this trend into their
Spring 2009 collections in
order to create a modish Alexander McQueen
and feminine aesthetic. Spring 2009 Collection

Oversized, geometric and mismatched, nowadays
it appears that an outfit is the accessory and the
jewelry is the main attraction. This season, design- Roberto Cavalil Blue Star Bangle

ers have paved the way for over-the-top, avant

guarde, and costume -esque jewelry that gives the
EE E!!!
appropriate meaning to the term: wearable art.

Louis Vuitton
Christian Lacroix
2009 Collection

With exotic designs from ...Big, bold, bangles, long

ethnic inspirations, the chunky necklaces, oversized
great thing about this earrings and cocktail rings give
trend is that there are the eyes something else to ad- So why not rummage through your mom’s
no limits as to how mire besides a trendy outfit; old costume chest and dust off your favorite
bold you can be and and the bigger, the better this piece of old-school bling because most like-
the possibilities are season. A friendly fashion sug- ly, it will fit right in this season but whatever
endless as to what gestion for this trend: keep the statement you plan to make, may I suggest
you can wear. Well, outfit simple when wearing leaving the wearing of an oversized clock
don’t exactly quote statement jewelry.. around your neck to Flava Flav.
me on that.
DKNY 2009 Collection
Chris tian Lacroix
2009 Collection
page 34

page 36

My girlfriend Natasha and I decide its time

for an adventure. We're lucky enough to
be blessed with beauty and brains, and
although we travel along different paths,
we find ourselves in the same position--
moving too slow through our lives as the
lust for speed grows by the second.

page 37

So, we gather up a few girlfriends who

know what’s what and head off to a
racetrack in the desert-- a place where
men zoom around an asphalt oval in the
center of a dust bowl just for the fun
and the danger of it. No big crowds. No
accolades. Just a soulful toughness and
the will to compete.

page 38
page 52

I have to say, the blazing sun

is not the only thing that’s
hot out there. The men
scorch the track, and we in
turn, scorch the men-- hot-
ness in perfect balance.

page 39

The moment we settle into our ver-

sion of a desert storm, a bohemian
photographer on a cross-country trek
passes by. He never had a chance.

page 40

We give him the most memerable mo-

ments of his life and it only costs him a
few photographs.

Later, the desert presents us with so

many bountiful treasures, we return
home satiated and ready to charge
through reality. I would share these
stories with you all, but unfortunately,
what happens in the desert stays in the

page 41
Runway Beauty is your
one-stop guide to every-
thing that’s going on in
the illustrious world of
beauty. From the Beauty
Black Book to interviews
with top docs in the field,
to trends, you’ll always
find it here. Runway
Beauty is all that you
need to keep up to date
with what’s hot, what’s
now, and what’s new!

The leader in skincare science, Dr.
Howard Murad himself, is a mind con-
stantly at work. As we’re all familiar with
the famous skincare line known as Mu-
rad, the revolutionary dermatologist is
transforming skincare as we know it. As
a pioneer for making everyone look, feel,
and be their best, Dr. Murad is also an
author of two helpful books: “The Cel-
lulite Solution” and “Wrinkle Free For-
ever.” With the “The Cellulite Solution,”
Dr. Murad tells you how you can lose
all those unsightly bumps, dimples, and
stretch marks that may be haunting you.
In “Wrinkly Free Forever,” you’ll find the
5-minute, 5 week dermatologist’s pro-
gram to help improve and renew your
skin from the inside out.

page 44
So what’s your concern? Anti-aging? No prob- So that brings me to this new Active Radiance Se- Yes, absolutely men should be included. Our prod-
lem. Cellulite? Solved. Acne? You’ve met your rum…what will this do for skin? ucts are basically unisex, they don’t have a feminine
match. Any skincare issue you have, Dr. Murad or masculine appearance, so anyone can use it. I
This new product is full of all kinds of things. It has
has thought of the solution for it…and is continu- think the difference between men and women, and
ally finding solutions for skincare needs that aren’t this new form of Vitamin C which is really 50 times this is a general statement that is not always true,
being met anywhere else! Whether it’s what you stronger than typical Vitamin C, plus it has all kinds but women are more concerned about appearance
can do about dark circles, to how you can get rid of other agents that minimize the damage. and men are more concerned about health. So,
of your acne, Murad skincare is the right choice So it will reverse damage? we bridge that gap because our products not only
for anyone. Got questions about skin? I got the improve your appearance, but they improve your
answers from the famous and most trusted der- Well we aren’t going to reverse everything, but we overall health.
matologist. will make a significant difference, a very noticeable
change. And that’s something that you really pioneer, that
What made you want to become a dermatolo- good skin comes from within.
gist? Read more about and find out more information
about Murad’s NEW Active Radiance Serum at Correct. We focus on improving your skin by im-
There were a couple of reasons. Number one, proving your overall health.
when I was a teenager I had pretty bad acne. And
so being concerned about my skin was a factor. What is the idea behind the “Cellular Water Prin- So limiting stress is the biggest key in keeping
Then along the way, after I became a doctor, I was ciple”? your skin and yourself healthy?
drafted in the military, and thought that I might
want to be a surgeon. But I saw my fill of surgery Well it’s totally understanding not only aging, but
Well, it’s a combination. We call it the three pillars;
when I was in Vietnam, and I was attached to the disease. So regardless of aging and disease, the
one pillar is putting the appropriate topical care to
dermatology clinic when I came back. I really liked final common pathway is only one thing, and that is
help prevent damage from the environment; two is
it…so it was a combination of things. I was sort of water loss. If you look at your skin today versus the
nutrition to help yourself be as healthy as possible;
directed into the right direction by Uncle Sam. way it was ten years ago or fifteen years ago, it’s
and three is emotional self care, to reduce stress.
a little drier than it used to be. I’ve measured thou-
Your skincare line was the first doctor branded And there are many ways to do that: a. to be do-
sands of people, and within every decade of life,
line in the industry. Did you find that there was a ing thing, that you enjoy doing more. A lot of people
there is a decrease in the water within themselves,
need for your products? say that they don’t have time to do what they like,
regardless. But when we’re sick we have even less
but you need to put that as a priority. The second
water, when we’re stressed, we have even less wa-
Well it wasn’t something that happened overnight. thing is to eat well, based on the principle of cellular
ter, when we have a sunburn, we have even less
But I started out as a pharmacist before I went to water, with more raw fruits and vegetables if noth-
water. So regardless of what causes it, whether ag-
medical school, and then I went to do my residen- ing else. And three is making sure that you have
ing or not, water loss is the common pathway. And
cy at UCLA. When I opened up my practice, there the right skincare products that can reduce damage
over time, I’ve been able to find methods to encour-
were times when patients needed something that from the environment.
age more water within ourselves. Partly with what
wasn’t generally available. So I would have the
you eat; raw fruits and vegetables have water that
pharmacist compound the prescription for them. Visit to see
can penetrate into yourself better than tap or bottled
And so that was sort of the beginning, when I how Murad products can
water. Protecting your skin from the environment
started my medical practice. But little by little, the help your skin problems!
with sunscreens and antioxidants, as well as anti-
more that happened was that I could see a bigger
inflammatories, which is also helpful. But an easy
need, so in 1989 I started my brand called Murad.
approach would be to take some supplements that
But it started early on in the 70s because I was
encourage more of cellular water. And with that,
looking at my patients and seeing what I could do
we see a more significant change in people’s lives;
for them that was just not generally available.
they sleep better, they have more energy, they’re
more resistant to colds and things like that.
Do adults need to still worry about acne?
I have heard so much controversy on whether or
Well yes and no. There are three kinds of acne;
not what you eat has an effect on your skin. Once
there’s teenage acne which is down the middle
and for all, is this true or not?
of your face; then there’s the adult female acne
which tends to be from the nose down to the lower Absolutely! It’s enormous. What you eat has a big
part of your face; and then finally there’s hormonal effect. Now in the past, people say that if you eat
acne where there’s these big under-grounders chocolate, it will give you breakouts. I’m not sure if
that last forever. that’s true, but if you eat more raw fruits and veg-
etables, you’re going to get much better hydration
So with regards to sleep deprivation: what canthat
under your skin. Amino acids will make a big differ-
do to your skin?
ence; a lot of things will make you better. So what
A lot. When you don’t have enough sleep, your you eat is probably even more valuable than what
skin can get very dry and you begin to have very you put on your skin.
fine lines and wrinkles. You can become very sal-
I’ve seen a lot of skincare lines that target women
low, you lack shine and health, and develop more
for their products. Do you think it’s important to
dark circles under your eyes. There’s a lot of
include men?
things that are secondary to lack of sleep.

page 45
We’ve long been confused by what exactly
Steve Aoki’s deal is. Does the Benihana heir
live here or in L.A.? He’s always here, but
then he’s always in L.A.! And is he actually a
D.J.? And a record-label owner? And a cloth-
ing designer? Or is he really just like the male
Asian hipster version of Paris Hilton and all
these “business”-type things are really just a
sideline to his real gig, which is going to par-
ties and hanging out with famous people?

He is friends with Lindsay Lohan, after all.

Well. We’re even more confused by his pres-

Is An Artist, (WeThink)
ence on Fashion: The Life, the Pepsi-spon-
sored online MTV micro-series about start-up
designers, since Aoki’s Dim Mak clothing line
is actually designed by other people. Hell,
Story: even he seems confused: “I’m an artist for
art’s sake,” he explains in the first “Webisode.”
“My entire goal is because I’m an artist.”

page 48
page 49
Tarzana Hair Pros 818-991-1480
CLASSES Kids Gym USA 818-343-1120 Kanan Professional Beaut 818-889-5401
Last Tangle 818-706-0103
Thousand Oaks Matthew Guy Inc 818-889-0212
Calabasas Future Physique Westlake 818-597-2639 Peer Pressure Promotion 818-991-7668
Betterbody Pilates 818-224-4734 Golds Gym 805-496-9331 Upper Cut Mens Hairstyli 818-991-6448
Nickys Pro Karate 818-225-939 My Gym Childrens Fitness 805-494-4154 Agoura Hills Nails 818-706-0165
American Event Company 818-625-0884
Encino Valley Village Anita Cut 818-991-2611
My Gym Childrens Fit Ctr 818-385-0888 Artistry In Motion Fitness 818-980-5831 Bambinos Childrens Salon 818-707-0903
Premier Private Fitness 818-789-5553 Beauimage Salon & Spa 818-706-9600
Pure Pilates 818-783-7556 Van Nuys Bibi Salon 818-889-9933
Tight Moves 818-783-2331 Gymnastics Olympia U S A818-785-1538
San Fernando Valley

Cleo Hair Slon Clmncia 818-879-1898

Glendale Woodland Hills Cleos Salon 818-879-1940
Ack Martial Arts Supplies 818-507-5063 Sports Leisure Group 818-251-9911 Dee Guy Hair Stylist 805-495-4030
Barefoot Body Works Pilat 818-957-7356 Fayes Beauty & Nail Shop 818-879-0065
Dae-Myung Judo-Karate 818-243-6252 George Lamirage Beauty S 818-889-9933
Diet For Health 818-243-9586 BEAUTY SCHOOLS Health & Beauty Inc 818-991-6991
Kanan Hair Design 818-889-4660
Moorpark La Perias Hair & Nails 818-889-1171
Tang Soo Do University 805-530-0000 Burbank M2 Event Creations 818-991-8658
B & H Education 818-954-8894 Mary Anns Creations 818-889-4308
North Hollywood Elegante Beauty College 818-954-8894 Nickis Beauty Salon 818-991-3160
Cardio Barre 818-761-4525 Perrys Cut 818-889-6480
Power Motion 818-509-0222 Encino Roberts and Zba Beauty 818-889-6480
Rock N Roll Pilates 818-509-9979 Academy Of Makeup and 818-905-0828 S & N Paris Cut 818-991-1772
Shear Technicolor 818-879-7467
Northridge Granada Hills Summa Salon & Supply Inc818-889-2900
L A Fitness Sports Clubs 818-832-5496 Newberry School Of Beauty Suzanne Laterbach 818-735-5420
818-884-9660 Z Ba Beauty Supply & Sal 818-889-4800
Sherman Oaks Newberry School Of Beauty
Anisa School Of Dance 818-986-4738 818-366-3211 Burbank
Bad Cat Pilates 818-385-1115 Devonshire St. Aidas Hair Cut 818-559-8783
Garlands Studio 818-385-0012 Granada Hills, CA Ambiance Hair Studio 818-846-9794
Gym Equipment Of L A 818-784-6200 Arcade Beauty Box 818-842-6570
Pure Energy 818-905-0040 Argelios Beauty Salon 818-954-9423
Results 818-385-1121 Panorama City Avi Beauty Center 818-848-6848
Nollys Fashion 818-895-5623 Beauty Barn 818-848-3556
Studio City Beauty World 818-526-0024
Doves Bodies 818-980-7866 Reseda Beleza Skin Care 818-843-0017
Reel Fitness 818-508-0690 Marinello School Of Beauty Bella Ciao Hair Salon 818-260-9942
Rejuvenation Center 818-506-5801 818-881-2521 Best Hair Stop 818-260-9730
Best Lttle Hirhouse In Bur 818-840-8932
Thousand Oaks Studio City Blondis Hair Nail 818-953-7400
Cheas Fitness Retreat 818-575-9703 Last Looks Makeup Aca 818-506-6549 Blue Medical Beauty Spa 818-783-3600
Breezes Foot Spa & Nails 818-558-4065
Van Nuys Sylmar Burbank Hair Cuts 818-843-8977
Ymca-Riverside Drive 818-989-3800 Academy Aesthetics Cosm 818-833-5502 Carlos Juan Caceres Intl S 818-842-3769
Carlton Hair 818-295-3974
Woodland HillsSb 818-618-2593 Thousand Oaks Colleen Hair Salon 818-843-4300
La Belle Beauty Center 805-449-3661 Connies Coiffures 818-846-6590
Corium 21 818-563-2866
ATHLETIC CLUBS AND Van Nuys Creative Nails by Carri 818-563-2026
GYMNASIUMS Make-Up Lab Of Hollyw 818-994-3040 Cutting Edge 818-846-6979
Dead Sea Secrets 818-558-1694
PERMANENT MAKE-UP Diana Beauty Salon 818-840-0359
Burbank Divine Gifts 818-848-8184
Fun & Fit Gymnastic Cent 818-845-0700 Permanent Make-Up By Joan Wolf El Greco Coiffures 818-843-6181
World Gym Media Centers 818-954-0021 18733 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana Ca. 91356 Elegent Skin Care 818-559-6555
818-344-4799 Emerald 818-569-3780
Encino Essentials Medical Spa 818-954-0208
La Private Trainers 818-501-5142 MAKE-UP STUDIO Event Hall Group 818-846-4255
USA Sports Centers Inc 818-444-5100 Fantastic Nail Cart 818-955-8529
ENCINO Fashion Flair Beauty Salon 818-848-7081
Glendale Polaris Cosmetics Francisco Verdugo Hair St 818-846-1312
Olymp Studio 818-502-1388 4849 Genesta Ave. Frenchys Beauty Parlor 818-845-7545
Some Pretty Cool Grips 818-370-9643 Encino, CA 91316 Gales Hair Fashions 818-846-3278
Threshold Fitness 818-502-1708 Telephone: 818.501.4951 Genevieve Sultenfuss 818-243-1610 Glamour Gear 818-558-5758
Granada Hills Gohar Salon 818-558-5232
Q & L Workout Team Inc 818-832-1065 Golden Nail & Hair 818-842-7697
Star Sports Clinic LLC 818-831-2500 ThOUSAND OAKS Hair Designs by Natellie 818-848-0816
2940 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Suite G Hair Elements Salon & Bu 818-260-0640
Northridge Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Hair Perfect 818-567-2830
Golds Gym 818-772-1400 Telephone: 805.496.5763 Hair Place 818-843-6993
Sherman Oaks Hair Techniques 818-848-0164
Shape Fitness 818-501-5646 Hair To Please Beauty Sa 818-845-6744
Haircut Express 818-563-1111
Hairdo 818-843-3721 Golden Crown Marketing 818-225-5840 Chatsworth
Headlines Salon 818-841-9881 Hair by Yvette 818-591-2872 Amals Hair Design 818-341-8865
Heavenly Beauty Corner 818-842-2256 Hair Salon 818-880-0533 Beautizone 818-709-0671
Image III 818-955-9467 Irena K Calek 818-591-1002 Beauty Gallery Supply & 818-885-8800
Image Maker Prod Inc 818-842-4003 Jumelle Skin Care 818-347-4641 Beauty Squared 818-341-7676
Impulle Hair Designs 818-845-8789 K T Nails 818-222-5853 Carmelos Coiffures 818-882-9411
Industry Hair 818-562-1858 Little Glamour Girls 818-222-1299 Chatsworth Nails 818-701-7190
Jeri Buliavac 818-567-4913 Magic Touch Remodeling 818-224-4448 Colours by Carmine 818-882-1466
Josies Cut & Curl 818-842-9262 Melamed Tamir 818-591-8671 Crown Beauty Center 818-882-5516
Judy Leas Hair Designs 323-851-7979 Okie Dokie Kids Salon Inc 818-340-7771 David W & Charotte C Styl818-885-5522
Kamala Mc Callister 818-558-6930 Old Town Hair Co 818-222-7895 European Skin Care 818-998-4497
Kate Somerville Skin Care 818-260-9860 Salon Centrale 818-225-0745 Hair by Honey 818-341-5601
Kelly Konorti 818-843-6449 Sri Nails Salon 818-880-1451 Independent Beauty Suppl 818-678-0810
Its All About Beauty 818-341-3316

San Fernando Valley

Kim Clark 818-842-5772
Kim Mai Beauty Salon 818-260-0825 Canoga Park Joyce & Co Hair & Nail D 818-998-0230
Krimson Hair Studio 818-848-8557 Anagaby Beauty Salon 818-347-8477 Lana Bobritsky 818-709-0101
La Design 818-558-5213 Ashleys Sizzorz Palace 818-703-9935 Liz Jones Hair Studio 818-709-0563
Linas Beauty Salon 818-848-2441 Beauty by Christina 818-592-0433 Loris Hair 818-407-1452
Linda Woodburn 818-845-1205 Best Event Mobile Djs 818-341-1142 Maestas Marie Rumours 818-701-7200
Lisa K Barton 818-566-4445 Cathianas For Hair 818-313-9097 Model Nails 818-773-8738
Louises Marias & Dianes P818-848-4014 Cheris 818-704-8184 Nail Shop 818-886-7188
Lovely Nails 818-841-5897 Cosmetics by Michelle At 818-340-9501 Nails by Crista 818-349-7733
M2 Studio Salon & Spa 818-843-0231 Emmanuel Hair Salon 818-712-9836 Nailspa Salon 818-998-8900
Macgregor Susan Blondis 818-953-9115 Expert Cuts Hair Salon 818-998-8718 Pacific Salon Systems Inc 818-576-2380
Mario Vega 818-729-8323 Family Colors & Cuts 818-999-4247 Paradise Beauty Salon 818-718-8205
Master Nails 818-563-4410 Fay Salon 818-775-9485 Rumours 818-727-1808
Melissa Tuszynski 818-843-6449 Fuschia Nails 818-883-5344 Shear Illusions 818-407-4660
Michael Angelos Coiffures 818-845-9386 Hair by Jackie 818-884-8080 Sue Zannes Hair Design 818-882-2744
Modern Cuts 818-845-7416 Hair Chem Labs Inc 818-346-4559 Summerville At Chatsworth818-718-1525
Nicole Saint Hilare 818-845-1174 Hair Flair Intl Salon 818-887-3400 Total Image 310-327-5797
Ninas Beauty Salon 818-845-5362 Hair Pros 818-716-7199
Obsession 818-846-9784 Hoa Beauty Salon Inc 818-992-1339 Encino
Pam Mcdonald 818-955-5820 Isabel Beauty Salon 818-715-9280 A Signature Salon Inc 818-986-7088
Permanent Cosmetics 818-848-1604 Joconde Hair Design 818-883-3441 Ankh Studio 818-907-0575
Philasoftus 818-566-7457 Kathryn Reasoner 818-340-5851 Barbara The Barber 818-986-0688
Premier Salon 22907 818-298-6648 Kids Parlor 818-884-3484 Beauty Body & More 818-386-0555
Prestige Nails 818-843-3674 King & Co Hair Styling 818-346-9446 Bithias Nails 818-995-0762
Promotions Et Cetera Inc 818-846-1952 Komachi Hair & Beauty S 818-703-1123 Blasetti Hair Salon 818-995-7568
Radale 818-556-5494 La Contessa Hair Stylists 818-346-5531 Bretwood West Salon 310-899-1146
Raving Beauties 818-559-6309 Le Comb 818-700-2870 Debra Adams 818-789-3779
Regency Hair Stylist 818-845-1509 Lee Hair Fashions 818-993-6065 Edwards Allen Beauty Sal 818-981-7711
Richards Hair Salon 818-848-0214 Lida 818-888-2992 Encino Beauty Salon 818-501-0908
Rivera Aurora 818-848-0085 Lucky Nails 818-884-1555 Encino Discount Beauty S 818-986-7986
Rods & Rollers 818-848-0506 Marnos Unique Beauty S 818-718-7989 Epic Salon Manicuring 818-986-2034
Salon Altieri 818-846-0222 Marys Face & Body 818-341-1024 Epicuren Skin Care Makeu 818-995-1225
Sara & Sue Hair Designs 818-841-9295 Meet-A-More-Faces 818-348-6038 European Skin Care On Li 818-335-0407
Shampagne Hair Studio 818-955-8888 Mireyas Unisex Hair Buty 818-341-3220 Friends Hair Salon 818-501-8198
Sharon Velasquez 818-848-9606 Nail Tech 818-710-6606 Gaye Sarkisian 310-905-6262
Shelley Durso 818-559-9661 Nails by Laura 818-888-6811 Hair by Design 818-995-0877
Sheveaux 818-848-1991 Nek-Eez Co 818-704-9180 Heiress Salon 818-728-9863
Skin Care by Esperanza 818-729-9482 New Impression 818-888-6580 Jil Professional & Mgt Svc 818-609-8137
Studio 9 818-840-1044 New Looks by Isabel Buty 818-348-9502 Jilly Of Encino 818-907-5585
Style Rite Beauty Salon 818-566-8902 New Star Hair & Nail 818-992-5283 La Femme 818-708-2665
Sugar Hair Salon 323-666-7000 Our Ladys Shadow Of N 818-346-8373 La Jolie Hair Studio 818-906-9100
Takle Rodolf --Hairdrssr 818-846-0068 Parrys Hair Studio 818-886-7401 La Mirage Family Haircut 818-342-3130
Thought Waves Tarot 818-563-3531 Princess Beauty Salon 818-341-1524 Laurel Baitz 818-981-8728
Trends La 818-845-5050 Pro Look Hair & Nail Inc 818-716-0681 Leslie Ellen Shear 818-501-3691
Trends La 818-845-5050 Pro Look Nail Star & Skin 818-719-9862 Marias Nails 818-379-9877
Trixxies 323-661-9480 Ricardos Barber & Beauty 818-348-1950 Maxx Salon 818-906-1419
Tu Estilo 818-565-0101 Rosa Arauz 818-316-0624 Mays Beauty Salon 818-716-5250
Tulip Salon 818-556-5271 Roxanna Hair Salon 818-884-5070 Mazal M Haim 818-887-6546
Uni Hair Design 818-848-5871 Sabrina Beauty Salon 818-701-7667 Noris Hair Salon 818-995-6571
United States Hair Cutters 818-842-5110 Salon 818 818-348-1888 Nuvo Salon 818-995-3688
Universal Cut & Beauty S 818-567-2928 Samir Int Hair Design 818-884-0232 Ny2la Salon 818-801-6770
Veronica Hair & Nail Stu 818-842-4030 Scs Salon Consulting Serv 818-716-1929 Parrys Hair & Beauty Desig818-345-0562
Wandas Creations 818-972-2840 Seemas Skin Care 818-887-6599 Platinum Salon International818-986-3435
Zoe J Salon 818-843-6954 Shingaar Beauty Saloon 818-992-6887 Polaris Cosmetics 818-501-4951
Skin Bar 818-592-6761 Rauls Dencino 818-344-8100
Calabasas Special Effects Inc 818-773-7400
Advanced Beauty Technol 818-878-0811 Studio One 818-886-8354 Glendale
Angels Salon 310-305-3813 Trade Secret 818-704-0392 A Personal Touch by Sandi 818-241-0989
Beauty Collection 818-225-9424 Tran Dane Hair Nail Buty 818-884-5551 About Face by Tracy 818-547-5700
Beauty Source Of Calabas 818-880-5040 Tres Jolie Beauty Salon 818-702-0343 Aidaa European Skin Care 818-247-1623
Cowlicks Hair Trends 4 Sp 818-222-6555 Unlimited Touch Salon 818-704-5156 Alice In Beautyland 818-243-9002
Deja Vu Hair Design 818-591-8881 Vivi Nails & Boutique 818-704-7319 Allure Salon Debeaute 818-249-5475
Elegant Look Beauty Salon 818-880-8888 Yamilete Beauty Salon 818-226-0095 Alva Laser & Beauty 818-500-8090
Elise Beth Skin Care 818-222-9797 Yenis Beauty Salon 818-703-9010 Amalias 818-842-1031
Gallerie Salon 818-528-7373 Yesenias Beauty Salon 818-610-1032 Anait Hair Cut & Design S 818-265-7721
Angels Touch Salon 818-265-7775
Armondo S Francisco 818-244-9049 Hair Today 818-502-2662 Raving Beauty 818-243-9676
Arnol Salons & Spa Inc 818-246-1645 Hair With Flair 818-247-1162 Renaissance Hair Studio 818-240-3329
Art Of It All 818-242-8115 Hairdressers-Nieman Phyll 818-244-2525 Rhondas Hair Shoppe 818-249-8225
Balla & Nella Beauty Salon818-956-0623 Hans Beauty 818-248-7588 Rodeo Hair Salon 818-240-0303
Be Young Hair Studio 818-244-0006 High Class Beauty Center 818-545-7727 Roobe Stylist 818-637-2527
Beatriz 818-956-8276 High Sense Beauty Salon 818-242-8929 Roobiks Cut 818-956-3306
Beautiful Nail 818-500-9873 House Of Arnol North 818-242-7665 Rozas Beauty Salon 818-240-4728
Beauty Pro 818-247-2486 House Of Beauty 818-246-0467 Salon Robert Paule 818-247-2788
San Fernando Valley

Bella & Nella Beauty Salon818-291-0781 Illusion Hair Salon 818-500-038 Salon Tina 818-956-8462
Bellas Studio Inc 818-547-2773 Imagemkrs Hair Rplcmnt 818-247-8240 Sandie Of Wee & Friends 818-247-7403
Berta Beauty Fashions 818-244-0171 Incredible Doz 818-848-5110 Sarah Kim Beauty Salon 818-545-9333
Best Cuts Inc 818-240-2700 Ivan Grigoryan 818-240-1557 Saras House Of Beauty 818-242-5199
Beverly Bartram 818-242-4105 Jackies Hair Design 818-500-0384 Seda Beauty Shop 818-502-1571
Bon Jour Madam 818-972-9904 Jacquelines Hair Design 818-241-8089 Sedas Beauty Salon 818-240-1925
Broadway Hair Salon 818-500-3959 Jamshidi Shahla 818-241-6103 Selin Beauty Salon 818-244-3003
California Cuts 818-240-6264 Janice Beauty Salon 818-956-7065 Shahbazian Artoon 818-662-9833
Capelli Studio 818-545-0633 Jean Hair Salon 818-246-9224 Shakes Magic Touch 818-545-9030
Carlton Hair 818-502-1176 Jeniks Beauty Salon 818-507-8899 Shampoo Conspiracy 818-956-0661
Cavaliers Mens Hair Styli 818-248-7771 Jenny Furginson 818-249-2657 Shear Eclips 818-551-1166
Central Beauty Salon 818-240-8148 Jinas Hair Cut 818-241-6608 Shooshan Hair Design 818-242-2220
Chanes Elysees 818-500-8850 Jouleit No Appntmnt Faml 818-249-3134 Signature Cut 818-541-0022
Classy Cut 818-249-3360 Kelly Kert 818-249-0979 Signatures Styling 818-241-4700
Color by Chrissy 818-500-9409 Klair Beauty Salon 818-500-8729 Siloes Beauty Salon 818-547-1171
Colorado Beauty Salon 818-243-7311 La Jolla Beauty Salon 818-241-0345 Silvana Safarian 818-543-0177
Crabens Vanelle 818-247-6727 La Salon 818-547-9474 Silver Affair 818-634-3323
Cristin Beauty Salon 818-243-5218 Ladies Hair Design 818-551-0886 Silvi Salon 818-548-4295
Davi Hair Salon 818-507-8011 Larue Tan Sun Tan Salon 818-249-4924 Skin Chrysalis 818-248-6050
Dianas Hair 818-500-0224 Leslis Hair Designs 818-843-0623 Slimmer Body 818-246-3399
Dinas Hair Styles & Buty 818-500-9599 Lesoleil Day Spa & Beauty 818-291-0060 Sofi Salon 818-242-1434
Divine Beauty Salon 818-843-0000 Linda Larose 818-242-0253 Soheila 818-956-3224
Doreens 818-243-8248 Lindas Beauty Salon 818-241-3904 Sonias Wax Works 818-249-8155
Dragonfly Salon 818-545-9607 Linear Hair Inc 818-240-5300 Sourianas Beauty Salon 818-500-1879
East Side Enterprises Inc 818-545-3995 Linet Zahra Salon 818-244-1311 Star Face 818-547-0334
Eddie Marino 818-846-7441 Lisas Beuaty Salon 818-241-6088 Studio One Skin Care 818-541-9542
Ediks Salon & Supply 818-240-0590 Lora Kang Beauty Salon 818-246-0259 Styles Young 818-248-2490
Edo Hair Cut & Style 818-240-1057 Lori Rosa 818-558-5044 Stylux Beauty Center 818-241-6466
Edwards Diamond Cut 818-500-7203 Lori Rosal For Hair 818-841-8507 Sung Ho Han 818-248-3324
Elegant Skin Care & Med 818-955-9550 Loriks Beauty Salon 818-244-9558 Sunny Nail 818-247-2506
M & G Associates Inc 818-335-5038 Super Elegant Hair Care 818-244-6441
Maecel At Marinas Hair St 818-246-5322 Super Hair & Facial 818-240-9940
Maggie Ks Hair Studio 818-246-4556 Swedish Skin Care Acade 818-957-5290
Magic Curl Beauty Salon 818-241-0235 Tahmasian Anoshavan 818-241-9569
Margo Zimmerman Stylist 818-557-0641 Tonis Cuts & Curls 818-248-2433
Envy 818-507-7895 Maria Escobar Rosina 818-546-2795 Truong Hovy 818-243-6527
Esmaili Seda 818-500-7511 Maria Katiforis 818-500-0143 Unique Salon 818-547-9854
Estee Hair Design 818-551-0387 Mariella Beauty Salon 818-244-1957 United Hair Cutters 818-246-5006
Esther Swartzbaugh 818-243-4166 Marilus Salon 818-500-4064 United Hair Cutters 818-957-0157
Euro Cuts & Perms 818-957-1112 Marinas Hair Studio 818-437-7871 Valentine Hair Studio 818-957-2209
European Beatuy Center 818-543-7004 Marios Hair Design 818-848-4882 Vartan Kaloosi 818-246-2998
Excellent Nails 818-241-5469 Marshall Hair Salon 818-549-9856 Venetian Beauty Salon 818-244-5544
Ez Cut 818-265-3095 Marthas Beauty Shop 818-240-0758 Vick Beauty 818-243-0285
Fame Beauty Salon 818-500-7511 Marys Dermispa 818-515-0050 Village Beauty Center 818-249-3949
Fantastic Design Services 818-507-7897 Marys Hair Studio 818-242-8185 War Dancers Supply Co 818-246-6703
Fantastic Sams 818-244-2290 Michelle Pham 818-242-7607 X Press Cut 818-548-5853
Fashion Cut 818-240-1231 Michels Hair Salon 818-500-0808 Yeghshyan Hasmik 818-409-0967
Felix Gomez 818-507-8860 Mikes On Broadway Hair 818-249-2006 Zatikyan Gayane 818-240-6349
Femina Coiffeurs 818-246-4262 Modern Barber Shop 818-241-4570 Zeeba Hair Fashions 818-247-0960
Five Fifteen 818-550-0600 Ms Hair Salon 818-541-7770 Zs Design Beauty Gallery 818-243-4247
Garden Beauty Supply & S 818-240-8460 Mys Nails 818-552-2690 American Nails 818-366-7773
Garniks Beauty Salon 818-547-1073 Nails 818-549-1520
Glamorous Beauty Salon &818-547-3639 Nails by Peggy 818-241-2275 Granada Hills
Glamour Beauty Supply & 818-547-1102 Nazarian Goharik 818-240-5414 American Nails 818-366-7773
Glamour People Inc 818-956-0710 Nemisia Beauty Salon 818-507-8829 Avenue Salon 818-366-7086
Glendale Beauty Salon 818-241-9136 Ofallayen Albert 818-972-9334 Beauty Etc 818-366-0196
Glendale Beauty Shop 818-500-4955 Olivia Hairstyling 818-242-6496 Bobbi Lyn Beauty Salon 818-360-2297
Glendale California Cuts 818-241-4409 Oushana Juliana 818-953-4000 Canine Coiffure 818-366-2055
Glenoaks Beauty Salon 818-241-8899 Ovanes 818-545-7069 Chateau Beauty Salon 818-894-2025
Glenpro Beauty Supply 818-244-1776 Paradise Beauty Salon 818-247-0996 Christina At Hair Nail Deta 818-993-1166
Gohar Beaute Clinique & 818-241-0127 Pennys Hair Fashion 818-242-9094 Danielle Fortier 818-831-8120
Golden Palace Buty Salon 818-241-7799 Pete Cortez 818-246-1181 Dollys Beauty 818-831-2431
Grace Anparan 818-243-8625 Petegite Panashe 818-558-1160 Emils Hair Design Inc 818-360-3200
Great Escape 818-240-4978 Petite Panache 818-841-9716 Envision Hair Design Inc 818-366-1731
Great Escape 818-247-9700 Philadelphians Beauty Sal 818-244-8888 Extension Specialist 818-363-9554
Hair & Now 818-248-5588 Pixie Dust 818-409-1970 Gaemi Beauty Salon 818-831-5050
Hair by Janet 818-500-1848 Pixie Dust by Edna 818-549-0976 Gentle Touch Hair Salon 818-368-6866
Hair by Karen 818-265-7702 Prima Beauty Salon 818-500-9336 Gutierrez Leticia 818-366-0198
Hair Innovations 818-994-0082 R and R Hair Studio 818-502-5007 Hair Encounter 818-360-6276
Hair Lase 818-241-1911 Rafik Hair Design 818-956-5215 Hair With Jim 818-363-2336
Hair Salon The 818-957-0451 Ramos Frank Hair Stylist 818-956-0685 Her Place 818-360-9619
Illusions With Hair 818-368-7211 A Different Vibe Hair Salo 818-753-7611 Z Clips Inc 818-760-7616
Kang Liah Beauty Salon 818-831-3851 A Really Great Place For 818-985-6588
Kang Tae Nyeo Skin Care 818-831-7979 Alonsay Salons 818-505-6888 Northridge
Khin Patricia 818-360-4619 Angies Beauty 818-760-2131 2 The T Hair & Makeup by 818-341-2143
Maria Milanes 818-363-5226 Beauty Closet 818-508-1818 A & J Beauty Salom 818-701-6053
Nails 818-368-8077 Beauty Day Spa 818-508-5462 Abha Beauty Services 818-349-4767
Number 1 Nails Spa 818-360-7978 Bertolinos Salon 818-761-4434 Apotheosis Beauty Labs 818-366-5556
Princess Nail 818-831-5885 Bk Nails 818-980-5916 Beautiful Options 818-998-1597

San Fernando Valley

Purple Salon 818-366-2666 Black Tulip 818-508-7188 Black Hair & Beyond 818-886-6011
Ruiz Sylvia Care Of K C S 818-366-9448 Blue Velvet Salon 818-766-8867 Blacks Hair & More 818-998-0384
Rumors Hair Salon 818-832-9181 Body Wave Beauty Salon 818-980-7518 Bravo Rosio 818-886-4554
Sira 2000 Hair Salon 818-366-1837 Bodywraps At On Beach 818-506-8266 Cabanne Coiffures 818-349-1550
Skin Care Makeup and Wa 818-378-0182 Boogie Secrets Hair Studi 818-506-7410 Crane Sale Associates 818-882-1573
Spa Sanctuary 818-363-2828 Boulevard Beauty Supply 818-985-8430 Debra Provencher Services 818-360-6270
Spa Sanctuary & Salon Inc 818-366-4718 Carol Lisa 818-760-0760 Delcies Hair Design 818-341-5111
Sun Beauty Salon 818-360-4473 City Salon Inc 818-766-5120 Diana Anaya 818-363-2382
Tips Of The Town 818-339-4646 Continental Affairs 818-760-4836 Dioro Salon Inc 818-709-1111
Yvonne Edwards 818-832-1214 Creative Airs 818-769-3666 Ditalia Hair Care 818-882-1710
Crown & Glory 818-505-1015 Dorian Beauty Salon 818-366-6765
David Cox Salon Inc 818-505-8828 Fernandos Hair Faces 818-717-3084
Mission Hills Debbie At Waves Salon 818-906-1350 Fivb Instructor Coach Lus 818-727-7486
African Hair Brding Cl Afr 818-895-2828 Elegant Touch Beauty Sal 818-762-2911 Gorgeous Salon & Supply 818-341-6586
Bella Donna Salo 818-892-3552 Eliska Packard Hair 818-506-4268 Hair & Makeup by Tina At 818-366-1084
Cindys Beauty Salon 818-891-9890 Family Hair Cutter 818-985-1417 Hair After 818-894-9308
Dermasilk Lazer & Skin C 818-365-1988 Food For Film Stylists 323-877-2376 Hair by Suery 818-341-2488
Florimels Beauty & Barber 818-361-0822 Hair & Skin Clinic At On 818-766-4247 Hair by Victoria Miller 818-709-6075
Gloria J Waktins Cosmetol 323-254-8884 Hair 2000 818-985-1232 Hair Design by Liza 818-349-7278
Kristi Nails 818-837-7979 Hair Design Studio 818-754-1080 Hair Designs by Merry At 818-718-0565
Lornas Hair Salon 818-837-4247 Hollywood Hair & Nail N 818-763-2913 Hair Diamond Northridge 818-772-8391
Prime Hair Concepts 818-895-0255 In The Cut Barber Shop 818-762-8788 Hair Extraordinaire 818-993-3311
Rio Nail Salon 818-361-7876 Indep/Beauty Consult 818-760-4602 Hair Grove Salon 818-886-4444
J L Hair Palace 818-753-9145 Hair Perfect 818-882-0051
Moorpark Jenney Gentle Touch 818-760-7019 Hair Reflections 818-885-8190
Bogart Hair Design 805-529-3834 Judi Ragasa Beauty Servic 818-769-5908 Hair Tradition 818-727-0773
Debra Salon 805-532-1577 Julias Beau Tique and Skin 818-980-1771 Havanessian Valia 818-993-8002
Enriques Place Hair Salon 805-523-0981 Julie Manicurst Mach 818-505-0842 Heads Galore 818-343-4044
Fantasy Hair & Nails 805-529-4775 K & C Nail Salon 818-508-1713 Heathers Hair 818-368-6119
Hair Cuttery 6 805-523-1675 Le Charme 818-508-1586 Ideal Hair & Nail Beauty S 818-885-6129
Hair Design by June 805-529-7974 Lendways Custom Hair De 818-763-5856 Image Hair Studio 818-701-0777
Hair Makeup by Marcia Or 805-529-5540 Looking Glass Records 818-763-3885 Intrigue 818-993-4478
Inspirations 805-529-6421 Lucys Hair Salon 818-753-4811
Internet Beauty Corp 805-529-8341 Luisas Hair Design 818-761-4576
Jessies Designs 805-529-3925 Maggies Beauty Salon 818-508-3032
Klausmier John 805-373-0020 Mani Hair Studio 818-980-6264 J Cut 818-885-5236
Major Event Prod Inc 805-529-9944 Mary Perassolo Hair Styli 818-769-1243 Jcpenney Salon Spa 818-993-5545
Margarita Ford 805-529-5381 Maryams Hair Studio 818-508-5682 Kiertzner Tressa 818-772-1443
Marinas Styles & More 805-529-6518 Maya Skin Care 818-505-0568 Kim Richards Salon 818-363-4501
Modern Cuts Plus 805-531-9530 Miguels Curve Cutters 818-506-6591 Latin Touch Beauty Salon 818-718-9291
Nails by Annie 805-529-7885 Minor Cuts & Major Abras 818-262-9733 Lavish Beauty Enterprise 818-709-1820
Oasis Hair & Nails 805-523-0889 Mr Z Barber & Beauty Sal 818-505-1819 Le Salon Complet 818-366-6849
Ultima Hair & Make Up b 805-532-1975 Nail Time 818-755-3956 Leader Cuts 818-832-4870
Nancys Touch Asia Nail S 818-505-6898 Lee Kaja Beauty Salon 818-998-8870
North Hills Obrien Hugh Salon 818-509-0986 Lin Mona I-Chin 818-772-2382
Beautiful by Paulina 818-894-2151 Planet Beauty Cynthia 818-769-5729 Little Rascals Childrens H 818-886-4444
Carlas Beauty Salon 818-893-1190 Rivera Mauricio 818-763-4850 Looks & Assoc 818-886-4282
Color Artict Beauty Salon 818-893-8877 Robert Bachelor Salon 818-980-3452 Lorenas Beauty Salon 818-701-1180
Control Depeso 818-891-0355 Robs Fine Hair 818-761-7819 Marthas Sala De Belleza 818-772-8113
Creative Salon & Spa 818-672-8263 Sala De Belleza Crystal 818-505-8582 Mehri Jem Skin Care 818-344-9734
Family Beauty Salon 818-830-0566 Salon Dijon 818-753-4146 Micky Chungs Beauty Sa 818-349-4080
Hair Designs by Amy 818-993-0603 Salon Molise 818-766-5470 Nabilda Beauty Salon 818-349-0599
Hectors Hair Salon 818-891-7535 Savannah Bleu Salon 818-509-2958 Nail Care 818-830-2844
Heidys Beauty Salon 818-892-6409 Silvias Beauty Inc 818-985-0775 Nails by Denise 818-772-2835
Jk Dreams 818-893-1740 Split Ends 818-508-6962 New Era Beauty Systems 818-886-9311
Katies Salon 818-893-8332 Steady Cuts 818-506-9910 Northridge Beauty Club 818-700-8885
Lebene Beauty Center 818-893-2601 Sterlings Studio 818-985-1437 One Step Logic 818-700-7837
Lucky Nails 818-837-9761 Styles Multiple Production 818-769-2295 Over Rnbow Chldren Hair 818-886-9325
Martin Salon 818-891-6717 Superstar Beauty & Fashio 818-308-9398 Parthenia Tax Services 818-886-2887
Nail Tips 818-891-9800 Tamara Dahill Salon 818-752-6567 Perfect 10 Beauty Sup & S 818-349-7900
OK Beauty Supply & Salo 818-893-8500 Tanias Skin Care 818-766-6600 Porter Ranch Hair Styling 818-363-4960
Play Cuts 818-892-4546 Trilogy Hair Studio 818-753-0996 Premier Salon 22550 818-710-8226
Salon Debelleza Ali 818-830-7270 Valentins Beauty Salon 818-763-0803 Rachel Shinn 818-882-7043
Sharp Cuts Beauty Salon 818-997-0001 Valley Village Hair Salon 818-762-4400 Regina Sheimker 818-882-1603
Sherries Hair Salon 818-892-7050 Venice Affair 818-506-7390 Regis Salon 818-993-0100
Susys Beauty Salon 818-895-6675 Victory Nails 818-766-0884 Rose Broderick 818-772-2900
Ultimas En Salon 818-892-0068 Vilmar Beauty Salon 818-769-0889 Shear Delight Beauty Salo 818-885-1906
Vilma Hair Stylist 818-892-5409 Wilo Hair Design 818-508-9456 Sheila Kvale Re 818-885-6993
Way Too Much Hair Styles 818-894-5788 Wongs Alice Skin Care St 818-769-7019 Susan Herer 818-349-5654
Xpressions Beauty Salon 818-980-3505 Sylvia At Madison Avenue 818-886-5959
NORTH HOLLYWOOD Young Williamson 310-550-8269 Thai Skin Care & Spa 818-775-1759
Tomokazu For Hair 818-701-1588 Angels Beauty Hair & Nai 818-343-0286 Paradise Nail & Spa 818-365-8855
Tyra Skin Care 818-407-0014 Arts For Less 818-343-9899 Picasso S Hair Studio 818-361-7113
Woo Doo Muhri Hair Sa 818-345-7751 Beauty Up Salon 818-705-9900 Roxannes Hair Styling 818-361-9945
Young Age Skin Care 818-363-5455 Braids by Ziggy Salon 818-881-6536 Sala De Belleza Crystal 818-365-2160
C&J International Door To 818-705-3814 Snippers Paint Ball 818-898-7080
Pacoima Christine Nails 818-343-1328 Tadashi 818-363-6484
Andres 818-899-1115 Cirias Beauty Salons 818-343-7375 Victorias Cstle Dsgners Gl 818-838-2250
Angelica Ponce 818-899-8540 Citycuts 818-344-2728 X Generation 818-365-7842
San Fernando Valley

Annys Beauty Palace 818-899-4260 Crystals Hair Salon 818-996-2589 Yolan Beauty Salon 818-837-0739
Bessys Beauty Salon 818-897-3015 Dennis Salon Unisex 818-342-5654
Campbells Beauty Salon 818-896-9414 Eli Dafesh Full Svc Salon 818-996-6667 Sherman Oaks
Cartas Chani 818-686-6894 Fabulous Haircuts 818-775-4545 Above Rest Fire Prote 818-902-1869
D J Hair Replacement 818-890-0883 Girl Talk Hair Fashions 818-345-5017 Absolutely Perfect Hair Co 818-906-0991
Diva Expressions & Hair E 818-891-1999 Intrend Coiffures 818-345-1088 Alcid Hair & Beauty Supp 818-501-2861
Elegantes Beauty Salon 818-892-3099 J & Js Beauty Salon 818-343-1448 Americuts 818-766-0999
Exacto Cut 818-834-4651 Juliet Hair Design 818-344-2400 Angelos Hair Salon 818-789-7121
Fabulous Hair Styles 323-686-3385 Kims Upper Cut 818-343-4992 Annas Skin Care 818-907-0254
Gomez Paulina 818-897-9977 L Q Permanent Make Up 818-342-6630 Art by Dahli 818-385-0032
Hair Obsession 818-890-1617 Laras Hair & Beauty Salon 818-705-6923 Arus Salon 818-779-1664
Hair Pin 818-894-9314 Linda L Delfino 818-343-1797 Aspect Beauty 818-728-0546
Hair Pin Beauty Salon 818-894-9314 Love Thy Self Salon 818-345-4409 Aveda Spa Kriza Salon 818-501-1444
Hair Studio 818-894-7780 Lukes Salon 818-996-6760 Aymara Beauty Salon No 2 818-787-3147
Juanitas 818-899-5235 Lynna Nails 818-881-4088 Barbara Yniguez 818-986-2817
La Tijera Dorada 818-897-2277 Mehri Jem Skin Care Salo 818-705-4046 Beautiful Hair 818-461-8173
Leritas Beauty Shop 818-899-5325 Mel O De Beauty Salon 818-344-4700 Beauty Center 818-988-6090
Maria Elena Beauty Salon 818-891-9123 Modelcuts 818-774-1001 Beauty Essentials Inc 818-990-8989
Micheles Beauty Salon 818-899-2043 My Look Clip-On Hair Ex 818-757-3731 Beeta Salon 818-907-0656
Miguels Barber Shop & B 818-834-3679 Nails Studio 818-776-0259 Beverly Collection Inc 818-789-4999
Mirellas Beauty Salon 818-897-3505 Perfect Nails 818-701-0385 Beverly Piny Hills 818-784-4247
My Peazza 818-897-8118 Premiere Class Day Spa 818-757-7088 Boulevard Beauty Sup & S 818-788-8128
New Generation Beauty S 818-891-0472 Q Q Hair Cut 818-776-0868 Burke Deborah D 818-907-7712
Ortiz Martina 818-834-4123 Salon Madam Lucy 818-345-3989 California Concept 818-901-2838
Osborne Beauty Salon 818-899-8466 Tk Salon 818-342-7627 Candace Curls 818-380-0453
Patty Leal 818-834-7900 Unique Coieffes 818-345-2695 Carlton Hair International 818-986-8750
Place 4u Hairby Enrique 818-896-3871 Valley Beauty Supply 818-609-7631 Charlotte Schaefer 818-501-5529
Charme Parisien 818-986-9600
Chayo Hair Salon Sherma 818-995-3551
San Fernando Cruces & Cursoli Salon 818-990-9373
Rosies Hair Salon 818-834-2899 Ahead Of Its Times 818-361-1141 Custom Hair Extensions 818-995-3592
Shavouns Hair Sal 818-899-5636 Alicias Beauty Salon & Su 818-365-8268 Cut Connection 818-528-7273
Cynthia Esser 818-783-9380
Daltons Salon 818-995-4029
Dej Salon 818-981-8593
Showroom Beauty Salon 818-892-4395 Alicias Beauty Supply 818-365-8208 Denise Knoll 818-905-5665
Style 2000 818-897-0733 Anna S Prof Hair Design 818-361-7002 Diva Salon 818-728-4288
Stylesville Bty Shp 818-899-0565 Beauty Department 818-365-7413 Econo Cuts 818-789-3673
Value Cuts Beauty Shop 818-834-6683 Best Image Studio & Hair 818-361-1316 Ellen Batten 818-783-2678
Venecia Beauty Salon 818-896-6932 Blue Full Service Salon 818-361-1959 Envy Salon & Spa 818-379-9993
Yorks Beauty & Barber Sa 818-890-7573 Camarenas Beauty Salon 818-365-0010 Fantasia Salon 818-781-2737
Crystal Beauty Salon 818-890-7911 Fashion Nails 818-905-6577
Panorama City Crystals Beauty Salon 818-365-2160 Ginas House Of Beauty 818-788-0303
AC Best Cut 818-892-2313 Darlenes Beauty Salon 818-898-9299 Ginos 818-788-4013
Bao Beauty Salon 818-989-1410 Dcarmens Salon 818-898-9449 Goldhill International 818-907-7770
Double Image Productions 818-902-9795 Divas Salon 818-838-7180 Goldhill International 818-907-7770
Expert Hair Design 818-781-6709 Elizas Salon & Spa 818-365-1048 Goldhills Aveda Concept 818-907-6035
Grace Beauty Salon 818-780-5848 Emils Hair Dsign For Men 818-368-9500 Great Looks Construction 818-376-1000
Graciela S 818-830-9946 Estetica Latina 818-361-6222 Hair by Zhora 818-907-8670
Helenas Hair Salon 818-892-7845 Excellent Salon 818-837-8312 Hair Salon 323-465-5549
Imagecuts 818-893-8099 Exclusive Hair Design 818-365-3272 Hair Studio Sherman Oaks 818-995-1883
Karolines Beauty Salon 818-891-1404 Fantasy Beauty Place 818-898-4810 Hair Touch 818-906-9832
Luesas Beauty Salon 818-672-8809 Julie Nails 818-365-9778 Haircutters 818-304-0840
Maria Bonita 818-891-2096 La Casa Coiffures 818-361-9600 Hairworks Studios 818-784-5584
Miriams Beauty Salon 818-988-2171 Latijera Dorada Beauty 818-837-1500 Hall Julianne 818-784-0985
Monet Salon 818-892-6649 Lindas Beauty Salon 818-365-5357 Helen Beauty Salon 818-981-7119
Olgas Beauty Salon 818-908-3550 Lovely Nails 818-898-9114 High Expectations 818-632-3853
Pats Hair Design 818-893-1670 Magic Beauty 818-837-0351 Hildebrands 818-906-2210
Preciosas Beauty Salon 818-830-9903 Magic Beauty Salon 818-361-2323 Honey Suite 818-501-5524
Rosa Luz Beauty Salon 818-893-3738 Margaritas Hair Salon 818-898-0039 Image Design Studios 818-781-9322
Roses Beauty Salon 818-895-8982 Maries Party Palace 818-365-3606 Image Hair Studio 818-905-9599
Salvadore Alcaraz 818-895-7009 Maris Hair & Nails 818-365-5700 Its All About U 818-787-8197
Show Off Beauty Salon T 818-892-1211 Marthas Beauty Salon 818-361-3988
Susies Hair Studio 818-893-7938 Melanies Beauty Center 818-837-3707 Juan A Salon 818-783-2945
Teresas Hair Cuts 818-989-6081 Mercy Hair Salon 818-837-1024 14084 Ventura Blvd.
Violets Barber & Beauty S 818-830-9397 Miyas Hair Styling 818-361-2001 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
World Expressions Salon 818-891-3532 N & R House Of Style 818-837-0742
Nails U Love 818-837-9761 Kim Holtzman 818-783-7195
Reseda New U Beauty Salon 818-837-7079 Koby B 818-905-6388
A 1 Creative Salon 818-881-7677 Normas Hair Design 818-365-5686 Koya Skin Care 818-501-3371
Amit Skin Care 818-776-8009 Paper Cuts Inc 818-838-0704 L Salon 818-788-8914
Laaldava Beauty Salon 818-901-9212 Levon & Susies Hair Desi 818-760-7524 Lucia Salon 818-344-5888
Lavender Natural Beauty 818-986-1280 London Hair Co 818-762-6111 Manijeh At Monique Salon 818-881-8384
Linda Sherman Hair Desi 818-728-8284 Matique Salon 818-760-2255 Mark Tope Hair Design 818-708-7507
Madeleine An Affair With 818-783-7360 Monet Salon 323-664-5085 Mellinger Style Lounge I 818-609-7046
Magic Touch Seal & Painti 818-781-6502 Natural Nails 818-763-6217
Mani Hair Studio 818-386-0630 Paul-Florent 818-980-3166 Michael Joseph Furie 818.344.0271
Mari Mcquay 818-783-7221 Shear Attitude Hair Design 818-753-4787 18733 Ventura Blvd.
Marika Negrea Manicurist 818-501-2867 Sheila Matian Tonys Hair 818-784-2484 Tazana, CA 91356
Mexico Beauty Salon 818-997-7686 Sheilas Hair Studio 818-761-5639

San Fernando Valley

Michael H At Casablanca 818-783-0084 Skin Care Elizabeth 818-985-0457 Monas New York Designs 818-881-3322
Miokas Salon & Supply 818-728-8338 Studio Taj 818-506-6316 My Pamper Party Salon 818-996-9758
Mirror Image 818-786-5394 Suburbia Salon & Spa 818-505-1188 Nails by Kathy 818-343-5969
Montage Hair Studio 818-788-2401 Waves Salon The 818-981-9038 Number One Nails 818-996-8366
Morilety Beauty Salon 818-781-4247 Pini Salon 818-705-7420
Nails by Bonnie 818-788-3538 Sylmar Prime Cut Hair Design 818-342-5315
Naiyana Salon 818-788-4754 Alicia Hair Creations 818-367-5203 Rosa Spencer 818-344-4142
Obsession 818-789-0389 Amadas 818-362-7998 Salute Sherie 818-342-7044
One Five Zero Five Three 818-501-0299 Aviation Gifts by Ruth 818-364-1224 Sandy Salon 818-881-3420
Onyx Salon 818-501-0299 Barbaras Hair Co 818-362-5811 Sandys Beauty Shop 818-996-0979
Pam Potawanich 818-784-9084 Beautiful Image Beauty Sa 818-833-0311 Strands & Hands 818-999-5541
Party House 818-990-1295 Best Cut 818-367-8091 Strategy Hair Salon 818-788-7782
Patrice At Robbie & Brian 818-784-2225 Chissays Beauty Salon 818-899-3356 Styles For Less 818-996-1306
Pink Cheeks 818-783-9380 Coco Look Beauty Salon 818-364-0446 Styles Unlimited 818-705-1198
Pink Cheeks Skin Care Sa 818-906-8225 Country Girl 818-367-7151 Super Curl Beauty Design 818-342-9080
Prida Salon 818-789-9745 Country Girls Beauty Salo 818-367-7151 Tarzana Beauty Salon 818-881-5321
Queen Beauty Salon 818-902-1105 Dianas Beauty Salon 818-891-3020 Tarzana Beauty Supply & 818-881-1444
Remo Hair 818-981-8151 Fantasy Cuts No 2 818-367-7590 Tonys Hair Design 818-996-5926
Renaissance Salon 818-986-3363 Fashion 2000 Hair & Nail 818-367-4999 Total Image Hair Weaving 818-757-1216
Renewal Hair & Nail Spa 818-781-3700 Golden Nail & Skin Care 818-362-7984 Valley Hair Studio 818-345-6333
Ricky Ayres 818-501-2044 Hair and Make Up Artistry 818-833-0830 Yellow Box Beauty 818-705-3187
Rosies Beauty Salon & Su 818-988-0179 Hair Factorie 818-367-1805 Thousand Oaks
Sallys Gift Shop 818-990-8351 Hairtastics 818-367-6882 Accent On Hair 805-497-0682
Salon Branca 818-788-6050 Josies Image Salon 818-362-0880 Angela Skin Care 805-496-3939
Salon Salon 818-386-9000 Juanitas Beauty Salon 818-899-5235 Angels Touch 805-497-9594
Salone True 818-461-0138 Marias Beauty Salon 818-367-0326 Atlas Beauty Sup Salon & 805-375-8592
Sandra Dager Rev 818-783-7304 Mia Qaro Beauty Center 818-367-2323 Barbarajean Faller 805-497-8870
Semendyayeva Marina 818-788-0255 Olgas Beauty Salon Inc 818-367-3389 Barron Klly Strnds Hair St 805-496-9302
Serenity Skin and Nail Spa 818-285-8599 Paloma Skin Care 818-367-0360 Baxters Salon 805-497-0404
Shawns Haircutting & Styl 818-766-0900 Platinum Plus Salon 818-897-8726 Beauty Island 805-498-1886
T Shirley 818-990-0223 Regis Svm Prod 818-899-2241 Bella Skin Care 805-376-0289
Terry Dean Hair Design 818-990-3527 Sexy Beauty Salon & Bar 818-833-8454 Bertas Prfiles Buty Salon S 805-498-1818
Tete-A-Tete 818-905-0385 Tabatas Beauty Salon 818-686-6389 Blanca Gaeta 805-492-7424
Tony Martin Salon 818-501-2221 Two Sister Glamour 818-896-8676 Body Sanctuary 805-230-0010
Total Beauty Care 818-501-7892 Boulevard West Hair Desi 805-373-8545
Treats For The Face Skin C 818-762-3132 Tarzana Breathe Pilates Studio 805-449-1901
Violeta Beauty Salon & S 818-785-7798 Accentuous by Heather 818-609-9320 Bree Hair Care 805-449-2066
We Are Juan 818-986-2665 Alex Beauty 818-996-0222 Brian D Brantner MD 805-496-2475
Young Attitudes A Chld Sa 818-788-2887 Annies Beauty Salon 818-758-8484 Canyon Salon 818-889-1220
Young Performers Studio 818-788-7114 Beauty Collection The 818-881-8393 Christines Hair & Weeve 805-494-3118
Z Exclusive 818-788-4247 Bu-Ba Image & Beauty Su 818-708-7322 Classic Loks Skin Cr-Lnda 805-449-9200
D Miller Salon 818-609-1000 Connie Mcgovern 805-496-5507
Studio City Dmermaid Beauty Salon 818-705-9505 Del Mano Salon and Galle 805-497-4458
Allen Edwards Spa 818-763-0220 Ejabat Farzaneh 818-343-5502 Elements Of Skin & Body 805-230-8288
Aveda Spa Kriza Salon 818-509-1220 Elenas Skin Care Studio 818-609-9918 Fancy Salon Nail & Hair 805-373-6848
Beauty Lounge Inc 818-980-5617 Elite Solutions 818-401-0777 Fun Cuts Inc 805-379-1633
Belle Visage Day Spa Inc 818-907-0502 Elizabeth Nguyen 818-708-2771 Hair by L&S Co 818-865-9532
Bobbi & Sals At Tonys 818-981-8859 Esthers Haircutting Studio 818-705-8155 Hair by Mary Anne 805-492-1122
Capella Salon 818-506-1450 Farrah Alana Cosmetics 818-342-7411 Hair Impressions 805-379-0060
Chinoiserie Salon 818-752-4347 Ferfere 818-344-3362 Hot Choppers Salon 805-494-0708
Coif 2 818-762-3700 George Beauty Salon 818-708-3131 In Touch Massage and Day 805-778-1771
D A Simons Total Salon 818-505-8492 Gerald Kriegisch Salon 818-881-1775 J Suzy 805-496-2509
D Miller Salon 818-508-4500 Glorias Skin Care 818-342-4544 Jc Penney 805-497-6811
Daphne Jogopulos 818-506-3824 Haddadi Milaheh 818-776-9079 John Chamberlin Hair Des 805-379-3738
Deluxe Beauty 818-623-0213 Hair by Farideh 818-776-1887 John H Gardner 805-494-3886
Diamond Beauty Supply 818-761-1778 Hair by Orly 818-342-6525 John Of Italy 805-497-0333
Eddy James Salon 818-505-0086 Hair Quarters 818-710-9272 Joshuas Beuaty Salon 805-494-3936
Edwin Alvandi 818-763-4033 Head To Toe Beuaty Parlor 818-996-6810 Julie Jones Skin Care 805-379-9974
Elaines Beauty Salon 818-655-6157 Heddy Russell 818-996-3701 Karizma 805-371-3696
Esthetica Skin Care 818-980-1711 HI & Above Travel 818-705-8353 Kathy Nails 805-379-0063
Ewl Studio City Inc 818-763-4005 Image Hair Salon 818-345-0393 Kindred Head Quarters 805-449-4374
Galverde Hair Studio 818-761-6838 Inaara Medspa 818-757-1228 Lambiance Salon 805-496-6959
Garry Cooperman 818-783-1065 J & B Salon 818-343-1353 Mcburney Melodi Hair De 805-778-1144
Ginas 818-754-1130 Jajuan Beauty & Barber 818-708-7973 Mirabella Beauty Salon 805-370-0144
Hoskins Brandon Salon 818-508-5501 Kallick Mollie F Re 818-344-4500 Naturally Shear Heaven M 805-497-3919
In Style Nails 818-762-0641 Kim Nails & Hair 818-344-0050 North Branch Beauty Suppl805-373-1212
Irasema At Wave Salon 818-385-0017 Le Phung Manicurst 818-996-6231 Pacific Breeze Salon 805-778-1144
Jennifer Skin Care & Waxi 818-769-3150 Lie Lie Salon 818-774-0081 Pattycake Cosmetics 805-778-1602
Katie Nail 818-505-8632 Linda Marie Friezner 818-343-7191 Phyllis Bell Salon 805-496-6010
Larisa Beauty Salon 818-980-2012 Lollicut 818-342-6171 Privee Day Spa & Salon 805-494-9188
Savvy Salon & Spa 818-597-0779 Michies Place 818-908-0815 E Salon 818-593-8987
Simply Skin 805-497-0099 Moa Beauty Salon 818-988-1005 Estetica Salon 818-593-8987
Strands Hair Studio 805-496-3627 Mundo De Los Cortes 818-901-0960 European Beauty 818-340-5518
Studio 316 805-496-9316 New Style Beauty Salon 818-901-8090 Final Cut Productions 818-999-4877
Susan Burkhart At Strands 805-496-6486 Ninnis Hair Styling 818-782-4733 Fingernails 818-224-4477
Tony Laschi Hair Designer805-495-2315 Nonas Hair Studio 818-988-0311 Four Seasons Nailspa & H 818-884-6811
Trims & Tresses 805-492-2471 Ocean Air Skin Inc 818-779-0110 Frank Greca Salon 818-887-6303
San Fernando Valley

Village Style Etc 805-495-9064 Olys Professional Salon 818-786-2048 Gloria Eneriz Beauty Servi 818-225-0176
Vr Gem Cutters 805-492-1904 Padilla Mercedes 818-780-1259 Godivas Secret 818-591-0883
Pattys Beauty Salon & Bar 818-994-4963 Golf On Earth Event Svcs 818-594-7277
Valley Village Paulinas Beauty Salon 818-782-7268 Grumbl Ludmila 818-347-4641
Coopersmith For Hair 818-753-2611 Peluqueria Mexico 818-994-7265 Hair Affair Beauty Salon 818-591-1217
Fantasy Hair Design 818-761-1337 Perfect Cut 818-787-0427 Hair by Hal 818-990-5436
Farrell Enzia Salon 818-985-6080 Rita Suubi Braids 818-994-0396 Hair Care by Lani 818-223-9251
Julianie Beauty & Supplies818-761-2037 Roberto Of Rome Inc 818-995-8607 Hair House 818-340-3242
Karen Faye Inc 818-985-5110 Running With Scissors 818-989-4997 Hair Incorporations 818-992-0900
Lili Oganezova 818-623-0312 Sheilaa Hair Extension 818-892-8964 Hair Sanctuary 818-703-6677
Motaghy Maryam 818-762-0219 Shirley Beauty Salon 818-947-0468 Hairlab 818-225-0015
Nails by Mary 818-752-4751 Star Salon 818-785-2319 Heads Up Entertainment 818-704-8914
Scary Hair 818-980-6352 Stella Skin Care 818-997-8478 Heros Beauty Salon 818-340-1927
Scissors Florence 818-766-8935 Super Hair Design 818-780-9074 Izone 818-712-7777
Sportsman Lodge Hair Sa 818-623-8887 Super Maxi Hair Cut 818-988-1841 J Stewart Hair Design 818-883-4696
Van Nuys Superior Cuts 818-901-9391 Jaime Ziegel 818-259-2276
Adys Beauty Salon & Sup 818-782-8588 Supra Beauty Salon & Sup 818-344-6877 Jans Family Salon 818-676-1331
Afarian Haik Beauty Salon 818-705-1685 Tanias Beauty Salon 818-901-9062 Judy Jus 818-225-1555
Allure Nails Salon 818-376-4007 Totally New Wvs&Braids 818-997-7204 Kim Jefferey Hair Design 818-887-5700
Angels Beauty Salon 818-784-5040 Touch by Zs Angels Inc 818-786-1557 Lindas Hair Salon 818-587-3342
Anna Rossi Beauty Inc 818-997-7755 Valley Hair Salon 818-343-8811 Lucid Beauty 818-704-7379
Annies Beauty Salon 818-781-8335 Vickys Classic Cuts 818-785-9411 Luu Hair Design 818-716-8898
Antonia Salon 818-782-5197 Victors Hair Styling 818-781-3366 Madonna Novelle Facial S 818-703-0888
Aphrodite Hair Salon 818-786-8547 Violetas Beauty Salon 818-988-0930 Marino Claudio Hair Desi 818-712-0901
Arismendy Hair & Faces 818-780-3774 Marlene Reicheg 818-346-6245
Bark Juns Hair Salon 818-757-0675 Millennium Hair Studio 818-313-9928
Beauty Touch by Liana 818-786-0257 Votre Beaute 818-981-7546 Nail Doctor 818-347-3877
Bevs Best Little Hair Hous 818-780-1107 West Cuts 818-782-4443 Nail Salon 818-710-0054
Broken Nail Crisis Inc 818-787-7007 Yadis Hair Salon 818-780-8281 Nazzes Beauty Salon 818-999-5000
Busy Wall Chain Salon 818-781-0876 Youre Soaking In It 818-786-9229 Partners Salon 818-887-2321
Personne Complet Salon 818-224-2035
Pin Up Girlcom 310-289-4304
Platinum Plus 818-591-5880
California Family Fashion 818-785-2920 Winnetka Pro Beauty Center II 818-222-0901
Center Beauty Hair & Nails818-780-2966 Celebrity Hair 818-780-9392 Purple Salon 818-225-7140
Clinica De Belleza Mexico818-782-2126 Seilys Beauty Salon 818-576-3574 Rande Lewis Hair Design 818-224-2244
Colima Beauty Salon 818-982-4060 Rosette Hair Stylists 818-992-8865
Color Master Beauty Salon818-909-9193 Woodland Hills Salon Nvoa Aveda Concept 818-788-7031
Cris Sala De Belleza 818-909-9346 Allen Edwards Salon and Spa Salon Oases 818-876-0633
Delias Hair Fashion 818-343-7703 818-887-7330 Salon Paragon 818-592-0612
Dimension Three Hair Sal 818-376-0640 20855 Ventura Blvd. Salon Sarafina 818-225-1709
Divas Beauty Salon & Sup 818-786-8127 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Salon Sirenetta 818-884-1141
Dr Yermian Beauty Produc 818-994-9944 Sardo Laila 818-888-4544
Event Vehicles 818-997-7722 Allen Edwards Salon and Spa Shanas Hair Design 818-888-5822
Fernandos Beauty Salon 818-989-2109 310-394-2878 She & He Hair Styling 818-346-4247
Gold Scissor Cuts & Bouti 818-989-1551 216 26th street Sheila Stotts Salon 818-505-1525
Golden Nail & Hair Salon 818-989-7838 Santa Monica, CA 90402 Signature Stylist 818-429-3172
Gonzalez Beauty Studio 818-908-0837 Simas Beauty Salons 818-224-4100
Hair Asylum 818-762-8236 Skincare by Debe 818-704-4223
Hair Design 818-780-6899 A Cut In Time 818-225-1212 Studio Salons 818-876-1508
Hair Express 818-786-2440 A Perfect Press & Curl 818-887-4247 Styles Oshare 818-932-9336
Hair N Motion 818-909-9156 Advantage Hair Design Inc818-884-2228 Stylistic Studio 818-716-5484
Hair Network 818-996-4868 Alik Salon 818-615-0309 Terrase Benjamin Jay Sa 818-596-4800
Hectors Hair Salon 818-765-7810 Allen Edwards Salons 818-887-7330 Totally Clips Inc 818-888-2577
Hip Nails 818-785-3590 Allen Edwards Serenity S 818-593-7094 Tracey Giovanelli 818-887-1009
Jeanette Beauty Salon 818-781-2242 Allen Edwrds Slon Serenit 818-887-7330 Yossidayspahairsalon 818-227-9667
Jessica Beauty Studio 818-442-0165 Annas Fancy Hair & Nails 818-348-8449 Youras Beauty Salon 818-884-4700
Jins Hair Salon 818-785-6365 Beauty Shack 818-999-1086 Zibas Beauty Salon 818-716-4155
Kathryns Hair Design 818-997-8398 Bee Waxed 818-999-9298
Kay Berry 818-781-1816 Best Face & Body Day Spa 818-888-1484
La Mexicana Beauty Salon818-782-8160 Bigoudi International Salo 818-887-3627 COSMETOLOGISTS
Laxmi Beauty Salon 818-782-1686 Brass Fawn 818-999-6211
Lee Ka Ja Skin Care 818-708-8685 Brigitte Hair Fashions 818-225-8344
Lucid Beauty 818-779-7769 C K Salon 818-225-0155 Agoura Hills
Lupe Beauty Salon 818-908-3261 Colour Image Cosmetics 818-996-2245 Illuminari Aesthetics Inc 818-707-7240
Magden Cuts 818-988-8329 Cosinta Skin Care 818-521-2151
Makin Waves Inc 818-787-8216 Creations by Mary 818-887-7371 Burbank
Maria Bonita Beauty Salon818-988-0523 Creative Cuts 818-222-8145 Burman Studios Inc 818-980-6587
Marianas Beauty Salon 818-780-9203 Debbie At James Salon 818-347-6391 Passion Beauty Salon 818-843-6465
Maro Unique Beauty Salon818-342-8312 Dianes Nail & Hair Salon 818-346-4757
Martica Beauty Salon 818-780-3066 Divine Salon 818-346-5551 Calabasas
Melissas Hair Design 818-902-0175 Don Carlisle 818-712-0901
Youthful You 818-222-2796 Magic Beauty Salon 818-367-0791 Studio City
Canoga Park Mary Kay Beauty Consult 818-362-0092 Heavenly Cosmetic Medic 818-508-0010
Celebrity Beauty Center 818-998-3100 Princess Beauty Salon 818-833-9185 Kalologie Skin Care 818-761-9020
Elite Full Service Buty Sal 818-716-4040 Spirit Dance Day Spa 818-509-8855
Farahs Beauty Trend 818-702-0354 Stotts Hair Studio 818-980-7437
Make Up Design Inc 818-718-6217 Studio City
Planet Beauty Supplies & 818-766-5159

San Fernando Valley

Mary & Lucys Beauty Sal 818-347-7014 Tarzana
Pr Enterprises 818-709-0344 Nail Studio The 818-881-9204
Susans Beauty Salon 818-313-9133 Tarzana
Wendy Beauty Salon 818-717-0214 Flawless Beauty 818-758-0013 Thousand Oaks
Yenys Beauty Salon 818-346-0395 Posh Beauty Essentials 818-343-1918 Petit Spa 805-777-1179
Sherry Kanani At Posh Be 818-342-9455 Shirleys Permanent Make 805-379-4099
Chatsworth Thou Oak Beauty Collecti 805-497-4957
Bella Skin Spa 818-718-2772 Thousand Oaks
Edward French Inc 818-340-3494 Facial Rejuvination Cntr T 805-497-0068 Valley Village
Maos Enterprise Inc 818-718-2140 Michaels Barber & Beauty 805-492-2746 Rose Skin & Body Care P 818-763-1998
Monalisa Beauty Salon 818-718-2140 Mollys Beauty Supply 805-496-5161 Yelenas Skin Care 818-763-5382
Polaris Cosmetics 805-496-5763
Glendale Professional Travel Make 805-492-3680 Van Nuys
Alice Makeup Land 818-247-2944 My Dream Beauty Salon 818-375-4995
Art To Beauty 818-553-6613 Van Nuys Red Persimmon Nails and 818-994-3052
Biaje Beauty Studio 818-548-0900 Genesis Beauty Salon 818-785-6380
Fidas Aesthetics 818-957-0140 Meso Solutions Inc 818-908-9135 Venice
Golden Touch Beauty Salon & Su818-248- Susan Avon-Mcwhirter 818-908-0689 Euphoria A Place For Hair 310-399-2660
7248 Victory Beauty Salon 818-785-7257
Henry Beauty Atelier 818-242-5700 Woodland Hills
Lucys Beauty Salon 818-662-9483 Woodland Hills Skin Tuition 818-992-0302
Sussy Beauty Shop 818-241-6088 N Powell Esthetician 818-347-1029

Classic Beauty Center 818-363-9090 COSMETOLOGY AND PERSONAL
Facial Fitness 818-831-1051 HYG I ENE SALONS
T L C Beauty Salon & Sup 818-363-1340 Burbank
Burbank Westmore Academy Cos 818-562-6808
North Hills Crystal Nails 818-563-3639
Marylu Beauty Salon 818-920-3799 Veronica Gonzalez Skin C 818-556-3415
Wax Poetic 818-843-9469 Encino
North Hollywood Emmanuelle 818-501-8350
Crystal Beauty Salon 818-505-8582 Canoga Park
Robins Skin & Body 818-505-0534 Signature Nail 818-615-0469 Sylmar
Strands Salon Day Spa 818-886-4247 Academy Esthetics & Cos 818-833-5502
Northridge Calabasas
Cosinta European Skincare 818-772-4400 Cq Nails 818-880-0499 Thousand Oaks
Extravaganza Beauty Salo 818-772-2603 Skinplicity 818-880-2197 Schad Dana Electrolysis & 805-496-4747
Jasmines House Beauty Inc 818-886-0691
La Maison Hair Designs 818-341-1667
Pacoima Archenault Sylvie 818-905-8815
California Barber & Beaut 818-897-8701 Medi Spas Professional H 818-906-533
Chavez Beauty Salon 818-897-6138 New You 818-776-1202
Danas Beauty Salon 818-686-9194 Sallys Nails 818-788-8901 Dr. Phillip M. Sacks D.D.S., F.A.G.D., Inc:
Gracielas Beauty Salon 818-896-1212 Sayra Skin Care 818-298-2045 818 348-2507
Hectors Beauty Salon 818-899-8652 COSMETIC, RESTORATIVE
Masters Fx Inc 818-834-3000 Glendale AND IMPLANT DENTISTRY
Mercedes Beauty Salon 818-899-8958 Aida Ovasapyan 818-244-4999 Woodcourt 2 20301 Ventura Blvd.. Suite
Vjs Touch 818-545-4090 200
Panorama City Woodland Hills, CA. 91364 818.348.2507
A Ms Beauty Salon 818-892-1521 Granada Hills
Alma D Beauty Salon 818-892-7845 Sense Of Skin 818-831-6012 Dr. Svetlana Liljegren
Skin Centre 818-366-7739 Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry
Reseda Tip Of Town 818-368-7776 4350 Woodman Ave. Sherman Oaks.
Elsys Beauty Salon 818-343-2169 818-981-4508
Happy Beauty Salon 818-996-9100 North Hollywood
Jennys 818-757-3536 Mary Jos Boutique 818-763-6989 Ang Angelica DDS: 818 980-2647
Magos Beauty Salon 818-757-3683 All Family Dental Care: 818 709-9988
Marys Beuaty Salon 818-705-7540 Northridge California Complete Denta 818 753-4800
Gotcha Inc 818-349-2702 California Complete Dental Care:818 846-
San Fernando Noonoosh Skin Care 818-343-7974 3377
Lupitas Beauty Salon 818-898-1086 Sense Of Skin 818-832-4528 Center For Smile Dentistr 818 841-7645
Crispin, Bruce DDS MS: 818 758-3557
Sherman Oaks Panorama City Crispin, Kristi A DMD: 818 758-3557
Alice Makeup Land 818-990-9366 A & A Partners 818-830-2700 Carlton, Dana Alan DDS.: 805 373-6665
Bialo Basix LLC 818-783-2210 Dental Health Center: 818 789-2034
Charm Beauty Salon 818-808-0198 Sherman Oaks Daniel Liberman DDS: 661 290-3355
Healthy Skincare Boutique 818-995-6101 Dr. Sabolch Peter D.M.D. 805 379-5222
Image Nails 818-906-1548 Encino Smile Design: 818 986-8060
Sylmar La Beautique 818-788-7880 Global Dental: 818 781-5180
Las Estrellas Beauty Salon 818-833-1575 Ryan Ledda 818-385-1816 Leslie Rosenthal H DDS: 818 981-0394
Promenade Dentistry: 661 333-2242 Castellano Angela MD Fa 818-789-6296
Smile Masters Adult & Edward M Young Jr MD 818-981-8510 Northridge
Children Dental Center: 818 609-0009 Edward Petko MD 818-990-1734 Alan Susan Salon 818-360-2234
Torgan-Beard Dental Grou 818 225-0046 Mid Valley Dermatology 818-907-7546 C G Steinhauser 818-345-2333
Young Charles J.: 818 769-1347 Electrolysis by Joan Wolf 818-360-2234
Whitmer Leda M D. D. S.: 661 254-7020 Tarzana Hwang Shiufon 818-886-7970
Dermatology Group 818-343-6653
Dermatology Surgical & 818-981-8510 Sherman Oaks
San Fernando Valley

Norris Cosmetic Physician Ctr. Bernstein Thea Electrolysis 818-501-4322

DERMATOLOGISTS 818-776-0031 Blue Spa 818-480-3333
S. Wayne Lutzker, M.D. Dee Dees Skin Care Elctro 818-906-0204
18384 Clark Street, Tarzana 91356 Electrolysis by Nelli 818-906-7546
Agoura Hills Michael Ruth Salon 818-783-8700
Enchanted Garden Skin Care Patricia Cavender MD 818-705-2901 Studio 20 818-784-7300
Tabibian Michael P MD 818-706-3744 Thousand Oaks Studio City
Anita S Pakula MD 805-373-6069 Diana Calioglu Electrolysis 818-380-0457
Burbank Center For Dermatology C 818-707-1340 Rodneys Hair Design 818-762-9807
Benmar Medical 818-845-2491 Conejo Dermatology Med 805-497-7529
Dermatologic Med Surgical Ctr Daphne Panagotacos MD 805-379-3376 Tarzana
818-842-8000 Bradley A Daigle MD 818-990-6414
Jeff Ashley MD 818-845-8538 Heng Madalene MD 805-497-1694 Carol Schumow 818-344-4500
Kay Martin H MD 818-238-2350 Pierre Skin Care Institute 805-496-9190 Electrolysis by Joan Wolf 818-344-4799
Lisa Benest MD PC 818-729-9149 Hochman Penny Re 818-344-3311
Niels T Graybill MD 818-842-4111 Van Nuys Laser Image 818-996-7910
Valley Dermatologists 818-785-8707 Shayne Robinson Re 818-881-4308
Robert A De Stefano M D 818-222-7495 West Hills Thousand Oaks
Robert M Miller MD 818-884-8044 Conejo Medical Center 805-497-3239
Canoga Park Skin Care Clinic The 805-494-3173
Body Sculpt Endermologie 818-784-2639 Woodland Hills
Family Dermatology 818-347-0681 Artecoll Clinic 818-884-7150 Venice
Leg Center 818-884-9290 Cherry & Nahid Skin Care 310-823-3434
Ocean Electrolysis Re 310-301-0070
Pac West Dermatology 818-992-9200
West Hills Dermotology 818-592-6005 ELECTROLYSIS AND EPILATORY
Woodland Hills
SERVICES Camille Electrolysis by R 818-591-2688
Chatsworth Electrolysis by Frida 818-712-9524
Masada 818-717-8300 Agoura Hills Electrolysis by Rochelle 818-703-1003
Kalish Elizabeth Electrolys 818-597-8925 Miyamura Hilda Re 818-704-6098
Encino Perfect Image Electrology 818-992-1018
Aesthetiq Laser & Skincare Three 6 Nine 818-347-1900
818-986-2810 Burbank
Albert R Mackenzie PC 818-789-0449 Laser Bare 818-848-9807
Encino Dermatology & Laser Ctr EXERCISE FACILITIES
818-528-2500 Canoga Park
Friedman Stphen J MD D 818-986-3376 Moran Coca Skin Care & 818-992-4430
Global Dermatology 818-905-7800 Burbank
Indianer Lask Rosenzwei 818-788-4022 Encino V Pilates 818-953-5105
Leo Indianer MD Inc 818-788-5216 Doloress Waxing 818-986-9999
Nelson Norman MD Inc 818-789-0533 Encino Professional 818-789-6511 North Hills
Red Medical Inc 818-789-5555 Flash Laser Aesthetics 818-205-1280 Bodies In Motion Inc 818-997-0900
Skin Cancer Medical Cent 818-907-8144 Lasersmooth 818-907-6662 Meridan Sport Club LLC 818-698-2900
Skin Deep Aesthetic Cent 818-981-1661 Michael T Lin MD 818-906-6900 Sherman Oaks
Tooraj Joseph Raoof MD I 818-788-5060 Silverman Rita Electrolysis 818-762-1002 Body Power 818-905-6856
Glendale New Body Fitness 818-986-9403
Glendale Acosta Ignacio MD 818-790-8020
Advanced Cosmt Dermato 818-246-4936 Beauty & Art Skin Care 818-241-6150 Tarzana
Alan M Mantell MD Inc 818-790-3588 Carrizosa Cldtte L Elctroly 818-244-7662 Circuit Fitness For Women 818-996-1264
John J Guagenti MD 818-242-6357 Chaps Elysees Beauty Sal 818-500-8160
Michael Novak MD Inc 818-244-7281 Electrolysis by Loretta 818-246-8114 Thousand Oaks
O Bojalina MD 818-500-0712 Electrolysis by Zabil 818-243-0081 Sudore LLC 818-879-1394
Electrolysis Center 818-545-0100
Granada Hills Glendale Electrolysis Gr 818-240-8093 Van Nuys
Acedmy Phyicans T 818-368-5175 Hasmik Electrolysis 818-242-3344 Fitkids 818-997-0381
Dermatology Clinic 818-368-5651 Haueter Beverly A Re 818-240-8093
Silvers Jack H MD 818-368-5175 Lucy Krikorian Electrolysi 818-502-0955
Mcleod Mrti Rgstred Elctrl 818-240-2406 EXERCISE SALON
North Hills
Parthatnia Medical Group 818-894-8171 Granada Hills Burbank
Azar S Farr MD 818-360-2800 Curves Burbank NE 818-842-1007
Northridge Maga Donna 818-366-6643 Curves For Women 818-558-3591
Liposuction & Aesthetic C 818-885-0455
Michael E Borok MD Inc 818-832-7898 Mission Hills Canoga Park
N A K (Proactive) 818-407-0359 Laser Alternatives Mont 818-891-6321 Curves 818-264-1313
Offices Rsnick Freeman C 818-886-3884 Curves For Women 818-702-0230
North Hollywood Curves For Women 818-888-4770
Sherman Oaks Electrolysis by Meredith 818-623-0122 Curves For Women 818-999-0072
Mayas Skin Care 818-788-2222
Encino Noa Skin Care 818-788-0180 West Hollywood
Curves For Women 818-986-7212 Skin Affair 818-231-3047 Aurelia Adrian Insttut De 310-273-2304
Skin Bliss Inc 818-347-1976 Christina Greenlaw 310-888-7711
Glendale Skin Care by Sophia Came 818-385-1081 Da Luise Dawn Skin Refin 310-659-1828
Curves For Women 818-242-4553 Spani-Plaza De Oro 818-990-6830 Humble Abode 310-360-9300
Curves For Women Glenda 818-244-3030 Marieta Skincare 310-550-7502
Glendale Ruska Institute Debaute 310-652-1414
North Hollywood Adrianas Skin and Body C 818-248-1615

San Fernando Valley

Curves 818-762-2295 Advanced Skin Care 818-240-6484 Woodland Hills
Curves Of North Hollywd 818-760-9957 Bath & Body Works 818-502-3238 Annette Maquillage Par 818-224-3327
Candies Nail & Skin Care 818-545-8741 Azur Skin International 818-888-0188
Northridge Gandi Skin Care 818-638-8769 Beauty Is An Attitute 818-992-5558
Curves For Woman 818-920-7205 H2o Plus 42 818-551-0831 Carabella Cosmetics 818-340-4034
Curves For Women 818-773-7342 Jostel Derma Care 818-550-0466 Dermacare Facial Clinic 818-703-0244
Curves For Women 818-368-3811 La Juvonce 818-956-5600 Dermaya 818-343-1584
Rejuva Skin Care Center 818-846-4470 Healing Touch Theraputic 818-225-0819
Pacoima Skin Bliss Spa 818-550-9990 Nail Citi 818-316-1303
Curves For Women 818-896-9114 Skin Care Center 818-957-4478 Rula European Skin Care 818-225-2285
Skin Deep Studio 818-244-0030 Sinoway Lisa Face To Face818-888-1817
Panorama City
Curves International Inc 818-781-0101
Reseda Aesthetics 2000 818-360-6955
Malsi Co 818-886-9530 Facial Fitness 818-831-3399 Laura Schell
Hair Structure 818-360-2418 310-980-1698
San Fernando Moon MI Young Skin Care 818-363-2926 Hairstylist/Color Specialist
Curves 818-361-4321 Print, TV, Film
North Hollywood On Location or Salon
Sherman Oaks Raya Cosmetics 818-760-6655
Curves 818-782-8783 Agoura Hills
Curves For Women 818-981-7985 Northridge Liana Feuer Agoura Hair 818-707-1185
About Face by Joei 818-349-3216 City Rage Salon 310-274-9001
Studio City Bona Skin Care 818-993-0740 Davids 310-273-8060
Curves 818-762-0022 Casandras Skin Care 818-892-5787 Euro Hair International 310-288-9900
Florsheim Shoe Shop 138 818-772-4426 Hair by Martha Brown 310-275-1111
Sylmar Urban Escape Skincare & 818-341-3938 Hair Solutions 310-276-6194
Curves 818-833-9777 Ithica For Hair 323-782-0626
Curves For Women 818-833-4505 Reseda Kays Beauty Salon 310-274-7639
Katias Faciales 818-342-1585 Maggie Jack Coiffure Inc 310-659-7479
Thousand Oaks Michael Canale Co 323-851-7043
Curbes 818-879-8500 Sherman Oaks Mitchell Nance Co Inc 310-278-8966
Curves For Women 805-449-0089 Alona European Skin Care 818-907-0321 Robert Hickland Haircolor 310-858-6440
Bianco Louise Skin Care I 818-787-0987 Samir A Beauty Hair Stylin 310-277-2647
Van Nuys Body Scents II 818-789-7027 Silvia Galvan Hair Studio 310-278-6655
Curves Of Reseda 818-668-8433 Headache & Facial Pain C 818-789-3319 Uk 310-659-3688
Curves Van Nuys West 818-902-2100 Lumity Medspa 818-817-0555 Valentines Day Hair Salon 310-652-3501
Massage Masters 818-990-1076
West Hollywood Shiras Studio 818-995-6864 Burbank
Curves 310-854-4428 Skin Essence Clinic 818-995-3591 Actual Image 818-260-9611
Taulina Nails 818-981-0882 Burbank Haircut 818-843-8977
Woodland Hills Treats For Face 818-783-1113 Century Cuts 818-566-9651
Curves For Women 818-340-9614 Claudines Hair Salon 818-845-9333
Curves International 818-883-8853 Studio City Fancy Cut 818-845-5540
Burbank Animal Dermatology Cent 818-981-8877 Hair & Skin Care by Tere 818-566-1572
Amorous Buty Clinic & D 818-567-2590 Holistique Healing & Body 818-763-7628 Hair by Julie 818-260-0400
Chaba Herbal Spa 818-557-6261 M J M Services Inc 818-508-2488 Hair by Victor 818-846-9784
Le Balcony 818-848-9011 Nadia Thibault Skincare 818-763-9424 Hair Tailor-Leigh & Tracey 818-840-7011
New Identity 818-848-5652 Nourish 818-985-7492 In Hairtence 818-845-8076
Ricki Skin Care 818-761-8286 Jasmin Hair Studio 818-953-9681
Calabasas Scentsabilities 818-761-7727 Kim Hair Salon 818-729-7876
Adel Mar 818-222-6651 Kims Hair International 818-557-1223
Spa In Calabasas Renewal 818-223-8697 Tarzana Lees Hair Salon 818-848-3113
Essentially Skin 818-345-3583 Lees Hair Salon & Skin C 818-848-5882
Canoga Park Facials & Body Waxing by 818-708-1102 Linas Hair Stylist 818-848-2441
Proderm Plus 818-887-3376 Senna Cosmt by Eugenia 818-881-4911 Ludys Beauty Garden 818-845-9397
Skin Room 818-881-2980 Shiri Skin Care 818-776-8340 Margaritas Hair Stylist 818-567-7371
Moteaze Hair Design 818-562-1754
Chatsworth Thousand Oaks Permanent Make Up Skin 818-848-1604
Arcona Studio Inc 818-280-0866 Anti-Aging Intergrative 805-497-4429 Reiko From Vdal Sssoon A 818-404-6093
Body Shop 818-407-1422 Jodyes Cosmetics 805-371-1128 Revelations-Hair by Ruber 818-846-3555
Cosmetic Creations 818-368-0080 Oral Facial & Implant Sur 805-449-2548 Rochelles 4 Hair 818-846-7726
Cosmetic Creations 818-368-0080 Pam R E Borowski 805-497-2993 Sherry & Jackie At Ambia 818-843-6734
Venis Skin Care On The B 818-706-3337 U S Haircutters & Beauty 818-841-4910
Encino Yummy Hair 818-559-3403
Clear Image Skin Care 818-345-2555 Van Nuys
Corrective Skincare 818-981-6130 Bianco Louise Skin Care I 818-786-2700 Canoga Park
Denise Institut De Beaute 818-907-9025 Crown Internatl 818-782-2612 Black Hair by Sharon 818-883-4469
Jackline Kerendi Skin Car 818-990-8510 Natures Sunshine Herb Dis 818-780-3705 Cuts Etc 818-884-0495
Norbellas Hair Salon 818-772-6194 San Fernando
Ernies Castle Hair Salon 818-898-3638 Woodland Hills
Chatsworth Margaritas Salon De Belle 818-838-2965 Art Michael Work Of Art 818-316-3334
Hair Studio 818-701-6838 Precious Cuts 818-361-8862 Gi Gi Of London 818-340-0739
Ultimate Hair Design by 818-886-8090 Glamour Hair 818-224-3308
Sherman Oaks Hair by Nazy Full Svc Sal 818-340-6299
Encino Club Hair 818-989-1043 Hair by Pamela 818-224-3780
San Fernando Valley

Cest Chic Hair Design 818-728-1159 Hair by Doris 818-783-6675 Hair Concepts 2000 818-346-9114
Cosmos Hair Design Inc 818-906-3660 Hair by Julio 818-905-7662 Hair Stylist Jeni 818-517-5555
Hair Studio 44 818-986-6737 International Hair Boutique 818-990-9166 Hair Zone 818-888-2577
Off The Boulevard Hair St 310-905-1568 Joe Chavira 818-902-0169 Hairwood Salon West 818-224-4668
US Cut Beauty Salon 818-342-7171 Kema Does My Hair 818-989-0929 Head West 818-591-2413
Kings Hair 818-909-0252 June & Co Hair Design 818-887-6290
Glendale Kurt Hairdresser 818-783-4043 20969 Ventura Blvd.
Arlet Hair Studio 818-409-9006 Michelles Hair Designs 818-907-1151
Bungalow 7 818-248-9446 Papillons Beauty Store 818-981-1122 La Combe Hair Design 818-887-1216
Carmen Hair Stylist 818-243-7799 Rc Hair Com 818-788-8099 Lucianos The New 818-346-7182
Cassiopeia Hair Salon 818-241-1617 Ventura Cuts 818-986-9186 Michelangelo Hair Designs 818-340-0200
Chic Beauty Salon 818-246-2192 Salon 5951 818-716-1242
Cutters 818-249-8051 Studio City Salon Dane Inc 818-225-1323
Elite Hair & Color Center 818-242-1154 Ariel Ariel Hair Studio 310-963-4978 Tennis Club Beauty Salon 818-883-3645
Gohar Carol Frank Buty C 818-241-0127 11239 Ventura Blvd. 212/10
Hairapetian Star 818-500-8319 Studio City, CA 91604
Harrys Hair Design 818-246-6797 Hair by Deanna At Pink C 818-906-8220 HEALTH CLUBS
Hrand Hair Dresser 818-507-1712 Hairworks Studio 818-505-8997
Nazarian Hasmig Hairdrsr 818-240-5157 Jennifers Hair Salon 818-760-8189 Agoura Hills
New Images Cuts 818-242-8555 Luna Hair Studio 818-505-8939 Teague Pilates Studio 818-991-9405
On Broadway Hairdressers818-241-3039 Mescha Hair Studio 818-761-5166
Rods & Rollers 818-954-3187 Ruby Begonia Hair Studio 818-990-7991 Burbank
Simons Hair Studi 818-242-6522 Salon Td 818-752-7176 Center Studio Pilates Phys 818-848-8111
Tom Hair Salon 818-662-9125 Twist Hair Studio 818-763-9780 Essentially Yours Represen 310-966-0009
United Hair Cutter 818-246-4512 Universal Hair Salon 818-985-2500 Synergy Performance Heatl818-333-1690
War Dancers Hair Salon 818-246-4105 Yellow Balloon 818-760-7141 World Gym Fitness Center 818-259-6753
World Gym Fitness Center 818-243-1600
Granada Hills Sylmar World Gym Fitness Center 818-563-4203
Attitudes Hair Design 818-363-1212 Bulahs Hair Boutique 818-362-9521
Envision Hair Design Inc 818-360-3313 Orozcos Haircut Beauty Sa 818-833-7822 Canoga Park
Ferlini Hair Salon 818-363-8197 Alabama Health Center 818-610-3050
Shannon Casey 818-831-5272 Tarzana Canoga Park/West Hills Cl 818-887-2582
Furie Michael Joseph Sa 818-344-0271
Moorpark Hair by Lynda 818-708-2700 Chatsworth
Sootis Salon 805-529-2943 Hair by Mary Lou 818-758-9220 Bally Total Fitness 818-882-5912
Loras Beauty Center 818-705-4030 Forever Yours 818-775-0377
North Hills Salon D Shauntal 818-342-9500
Exclusive Hair by Karlene 818-894-0803
L B Is Platinum Shears Hai 818-920-3963 Thousand Oaks Encino
Anitas Hair Studio 805-496-0949 Adas Basic Training 818-907-6300
North Hollywood Jamies Hair Design 805-496-4747 Aligned Health Center 818-610-3333
Cindys Beauty Salon 818-769-4343 Regis Salon 805-777-3448 Bally Total Fitness 818-382-6060
Erjavac Kimberly Paul Do 818-762-3800 Michael Levy Workout - Pi 818-783-0097
Haircutting Studio 818-766-1702 Van Nuys
Hairstyles by Diamond 818-505-9737 Betty Kenbirg 818-997-6756 Glendale
Smooth Operators Chic Ha 818-508-9312 Casablanca Salon 818-986-1366 Bally Total Fitness 818-240-2425
Northridge Diamonds and Pearls Hair 818-285-7333 Fred Vllris Stdios Self Dfe 818-957-7544
Cut A Head 818-772-0300 Family Haircut 818-902-0313 Glendale Active Club 818-240-5111
Genesis Hair Design 818-368-0840 Hair Fashion Beauty Salon 818-994-2888 Glendale Super-Sport Club 818-247-4334
Hair 2000 818-718-9220 Nonas Hair Salon 818-908-9288
Hair Focus Beauty Salon 818-360-8616 Numero Uno Gmetric Hair 818-986-6291
Mitzner Kristin 818-772-6077 Salon Tropical 818-776-8019 Granada Hills
Samson Management Inc 818-363-4942 Sunray Healthcare Center 818-832-6700
Shugars Intl Hair Extentio 818-998-5091 Venice
Sindel Maurine 818-999-5186 Glass Hair Design 310-396-5226 North Hollywood
Kathleen Hana Hair Stylist 310-822-1129 Bodyimage 818-761-8840
Pacoima Trim Hair Salon 310-396-3330 Jens Progressive Pilates 818-487-9565
Finishing Touch Hair Trim 818-485-3014 Noho Gym 818-766-8888
Saras Hair Design 818-894-5240 West Hollywood North Hollywood Spa 818-760-6969
Carlos Garcia Hairstylist 310-854-5425 Prime Fitness 818-506-1007
Panorama City Clips 310-659-1013 Toluca Lake Fitness Studio818-752-3824
Marios Hair Salon 818-893-7837 Edwards Hair 310-888-1858
Elan Elan Hair Salon 310-659-0777 Northridge
Reseda Elite Hair Salon 323-650-9590 Bally Total Fitness 818-885-7417
Anitas Hair Styling 818-345-5717 Mijo Hair Studio 323-822-2970 Bodies In Motion Inc 818-700-4900
Final Cuts 818-701-3080 Taro Awai For Hair 310-859-9682 Jab Fitness 818-882-4522
Jungle Hair Shope 818-708-0328 Todd Wheeler Hair Co 323-654-8296
New Hair by Wendy 818-774-1799 Top Secret Hair 310-657-6879 Reseda
Ranavic Hair Center & Be 818-717-1971 Varon Hair Studio 310-289-1392 Magda Institute Martial Ar 818-342-2455
Reseda Beauty Salon 818-708-0977
Roylyn E Welsh 818-705-6926 Winnetka Sherman Oaks
Hair Chalet 818-701-7667 It Figures Fitness Center L 818-995-7745
Max Fitness Personal Train 818-501-4436 Oasis Nail Spa 818-239-1688 2000 Nail Salon 818-502-9952
Performning Arts Physcl T 818-788-2270 Olive Nail 818-566-7159 A Wild Hair 818-957-8548
Ride Indoor Cycling 818-995-7433 Polished 818-260-8788 Alynns Nails II 818-242-6888
Sherman Oaks Sport Club 818-728-6777 Queens Nail Salon 818-557-0588 Amys Nail Salon 818-956-1271
Rose Nails 818-557-8230 Beauty Zone 818-662-6910
Studio City Sandy Nguyen 818-841-7524 Carols Nails 818-550-8455
Bally Total Fitness 818-760-7800 Sharons HI-Lites & Nail S 818-840-8040 Central Nail Design 818-242-6204
Women Only 818-766-5657 US Nails and Spa 818-558-5919 City Nails 818-507-8929

San Fernando Valley

Venus Nails 818-557-1647 Crescenta Nails 818-957-2222
Sylmar Vista Nails 818-841-8352 Cutting Edge 818-248-1135
World Gym Fitness Cente 818-367-4653 Your Nails by Gloria 818-562-6600 Foothill Nails 818-249-1786
Glendale Salon Spa 818-240-6340
Thousand Oaks Calabasas Great Escape Kathy Bewa 818-248-9386
Elite Fitness Plus 805-494-4279 Cheryl Burr 818-880-6122 Happy Nails 818-244-4820
Ko Boxing 805-373-3756 Judys Nails 818-222-8641 Jenny Nails 818-247-5873
Spectrum Club 818-879-9500 K T Nails Too 818-591-7999 Julies Nails & Gifts 818-547-6923
Spectrum Club Thousand 805-778-0888 Leilas Hair Salon 818-880-2935 Karen Nails 818-637-2133
Thousand Oaks Sport Club 805-777-7300 Nailissimo 818-222-6633 Lacresta Nail & Beauty Su 818-249-9430
Total Body Personal Traini 818-991-5410 Nails by Connie Tortolani 818-223-9926 Lanly Nails 818-248-7545
Nails by Taylor 818-223-9621 Lux Beauty Center 818-545-0919
Van Nuys Shiny Nails 818-225-1193 Lynn & Cindys Nails 818-507-8897
Go Figure One On One Tr 818-786-3669 T K Nails 818-880-5148 Magic Touch Beauty Cent 818-242-5277
La Fitness 818-988-7411 Magiff Nails 818-545-7794
Olympic Health & Rehab 818-442-0200 Canoga Park Melinas Nails 818-244-0197
Cin-Dee Nails 818-716-6646 Monica 818-548-7684
Venice Cyn Pretty Nails 818-346-7408 Montage Nails 818-242-7645
Redwoods Boxing Club 310-306-6272 DC Nail Supply 818-700-9884 Nail Express 818-956-8111
Y A S Yoga and Spinning 310-396-6993 Dekos Nails Total Look 818-884-2775 Nail Forum Inc 818-502-5307
Fallbrook Pedispa 818-887-5606 Nails by Lynn 818-247-3050
Woodland Hills Fancy Nails & Hair 818-998-4218 Nails For You 818-242-2966
Accredited Medical Equi 818-986-1234 First Lady Nails 818-703-1996 Nails R US 818-243-6350
Los Angeles Fitness Sports 818-884-1100 Kims Nails 818-883-6863 Nero Alanna 818-500-7393
Pilates Method 818-313-9900 Lans Nail 818-346-2880 Odets Nails 818-244-3675
Total Woman Promenade 818-710-7606 Nail Oasis 818-999-3190 Park Ave 818-848-7717
Nails City 818-348-3708 Pretty Nails 818-957-2123
MANICURE PREPARATIONS Nails Coloring 818-718-4035 Q Nails & Spa 818-244-6477
New York Nails Skin Care 818-888-9837 Regina Nails Care 818-547-3833
Canoga Park Q Nails 818-700-0227 Rose Art Nails 818-502-2599
A Plus Nail 818-882-0262 Queens Beauty Salon 818-932-9890 Rubys Nails 818-548-7010
Satin Nail 818-888-8029 Spa Bliss Hand 818-246-0060
Chatsworth Special Nails 818-709-4504 Stacy Nails & Spa 818-956-3765
Lasco Diamond Products 818-882-2423 Tinas Nails 818-703-7126 Stars Nails & Hair Salon 818-244-8958
Theraputic Massage by Ni 818-249-7209
Chatsworth Vartani Nail Design 818-502-9693
Best Nails 818-998-2832
North Hollywood Golden Nails 818-349-3962 Granada Hills
Shirleys Nail Care 818-766-8822 Kimberlys Nail & Skin C 818-882-7858 Allen Michelle Nail & Bdy 818-363-5709
Lt Nails 818-678-6621 Beat Heat Nails 818-831-5772
Nail Care by Ada 818-717-0416 Emils Nails 818-360-1371
Sylmar Nail Studio 818-886-7188 Get Nailed by Nancy 818-360-6796
Perfect Nails 818-364-5393 Nails by Linda 818-772-1369 Gettin Nailed 818-368-5544
Nails by Sylvian 818-886-9770 Goddess Nails & Spa 818-894-0405
Van Nuys Paris Nails 818-773-8930 Happy Nails Salon 818-366-0809
H & H Nail Products Inc 818-902-9995 Michelles Skin Care & Bo 818-363-5709
Encino Nail Salon 818-363-5022
Burbank A Place For You 818-343-9531 Nail Secrets 818-551-9511
Angels Nail 818-955-9682 Apic 818-986-3561 Salazar Norka 310-273-7752
Cali Nails 818-848-5038 Bf Beautiful Forever Nails 818-385-0264 Silky Nail 818-363-5280
Celina Nail 2 818-846-0369 Dana Nails 818-783-7400 Moorpark
Chi Nails & Spa 818-729-9496 Encino Nail Spa 818-990-6931 Elviras Hair & Nail Salon 805-529-9093
Classic Hair & Nail Studio 818-848-3787 Friendly Nails 818-904-9386 Jennifers Hair & Nail 805-523-7822
Claudines 818-841-1307 Hands To Hold 818-986-5867 Lisas Nails 805-529-5115
Eden Nails & Spas 818-557-7774 Kim Shaw 818-986-1399 Mousavian Sara Manicurst 805-529-2080
Fashion Nail Spa 818-843-7888 Lenail Studio 818-981-8058 Nails Plus 805-532-1328
Fashion Nails 818-845-3682 Manicuring by Sybil 818-986-8531 Nails Studio 805-653-2604
Hands and Strands 818-559-2244 Michelle Nails 818-996-2914 Ocean 11 Nails & Spa 805-553-9106
Janet May 818-563-6757 Michelles Nails 818-996-2914 Princess Nails 805-531-9876
Kimmis Nail Salon 818-843-6700 Mina Nail Salon 818-905-1961 Ruby Nails 805-529-8445
Lq Nails Spa 818-843-3218 Modern Nails 818-708-3561 Soodabeh Nail Salon 805-529-0740
Luxury Nails Spa 818-848-1519 Nail Cafe 818-461-0000 Tanyas Nails 805-532-1743
Majors Sharyn 818-953-9448 Nail Elegance 818-981-2754
Modern Nails 818-841-1505 Nail Works 818-342-3171
Nail Care Center 818-842-9250 Nails by Linda Sherbert 818-981-7663 North Hollywood
Nail Club 818-846-2464 Palace Bakery 818-881-1100 Alexander Hailey 818-766-7989
Nail Design Center 818-841-9610 Peace Of Mind 818-367-4039 Dream Nails Inc 818-505-8712
Nail Event 818-842-1522 Syndicate Manicuring 818-981-2863 Ec Nails 818-623-8985
Nail Time 818-845-2737 Tammy Nail 818-990-4690 Elegant Touch Nails 818-753-8773
Nails by Lidya 818-848-4686 Instyle Nails 818-753-9948
Nails by Phoebe 818-558-5898 Glendale Madlenas Hair & Nails 818-509-1318
North Hollywood Nails 818-761-7750 Gauthier-Linda Hohmonn 818-783-6015 Nail Wizard 805-493-1584
Oriental Fashion Nails 818-760-1748 Hands To Hold 818-995-1867 Nails by Helen 805-497-7993
Playgirl Coiffures 818-769-0067 Jungle Nail 818-783-8037 Paseo Nail Spa 805-230-2550
Romance Nail Spa 818-762-6181 Linh Vu Esthetics 818-762-8086 Spa Nails 805-496-6266
Ss Nails 818-506-6150 Merry Nails 818-990-3184 Starz Nails 805-381-0023
Studio Nail Spa 818-769-2689 Modern Nails Boutique 818-784-3543 Strands Hair Salon 805-557-0702
Tk Nail Salon 818-509-1115 Nail Design 818-789-3506 Tulip Nails 805-241-5067
Valley Nail 818-761-7168 Nail Spectrum 818-990-9787
San Fernando Valley

Ventura Nails 818-762-2918 Nails by Joanna 818-988-3525 Valley Village

Withstyle Nails 818-753-9948 Nails Spa 818-780-0177 Artists Nail 818-769-5632
Pastels 818-905-0336 Nails by Annie 818-760-1430
Northridge Paulena Nails 818-783-4167
Angies Nails 818-773-7397 Pink N Y Nails & Spa 818-788-8786 Van Nuys
Annie Nail 818-772-5769 Pro Nails & Skin Care 818-981-6458 Camernzas Nails 818-997-0833
Cloud Nine Nails & Spa 818-341-3883 Queen Hair 818-902-1105 Cute Nail & Hair 818-781-0076
Elegance Nails 818-993-0925 Roses Nail Salon 818-990-8305 Diamond Nails 818-782-4905
Fancy Nails 818-772-8603 US Nails 818-783-4810 Dright Cut Hair & Nail St 818-994-2425
Fashion Nail Salons 818-998-2720 Velvet Nails 818-988-1383 Fantasy Nail 818-785-6436
Happy Hands 818-993-1143 Fashion Nails 818-782-7673
Head Station 818-886-0559 Studio City Glamour Nails 818-997-1576
Lee S Nails 818-993-3069 Art Nail 818-763-6740 Hot Tip Nails 818-376-8285
Nail Shop 818-885-0947 Asian Nails 818-980-1422 Lovely Hair & Nails 818-787-4292
Nail Shop 818-368-8801 Emilys Nails 818-783-3974 Lynns Nails 818-788-1774
Nails & Reflexology by Sh 818-257-2152 Glamour Nails 818-506-4447
Nails by Diane 818-700-8142 Great Nails 818-769-7548
Nails by Jenny 818-773-4629 Mailan Nail Salon 818-980-1870
Mibella Nail Salon 818-505-8846 Magic Nails III 818-994-1332
Nail Time 818-761-4148 Nail Studio 818-785-8031
Nails Boutique 818-623-9688 Nails by Leonor 818-986-4068
Nails by Rosie Reilly 818-832-6552 Nails by Denise 818-505-1556 Nguyen Chinh 818-786-0801
Nailspa 818-831-8717 Pampered Nails 310-659-4097 Orly International 818-994-1001
New Style Nails 818-360-1386 Studio Nails 818-506-6691 Perfect Nail 818-506-8250
Northridge Pedispa 818-998-7826 Hollywood Nails 818-767-7350 Super Nails 818-996-6003
Professional Nails 818-998-8770 Judys Nail 818-768-5145 Thu Nail Fantasy 818-781-3338
Red Per Simmon 818-998-8889 Le Nail 818-771-9974 Tip & Toe Nails 818-786-4668
Sydnee Rose Foot Spa Nail 818-727-0605 Les Nails 818-771-9974 Western Nails 818-785-1934
Top Nails 818-709-9962 Nail Connection 818-503-8885 Yolandas Nail & Hair Sal 818-780-0606
Pacoima Sylmar
American Nail 818-892-4374 Beautiful Nails Inc 818-367-6731 Venice
Fancy Nails Inc 818-890-1464 Le Divas 818-899-3132 Ambers Nail Salon 310-305-7724
Nail Master 818-897-7815 Lilynn Nails 818-362-0699 Dynasty Nails 310-301-9005
Nice Nails 818-891-9961 Number One Nails 818-833-0688 First Nails & Spa 310-314-5575
Tammies Nails 818-892-2024 Get True Nails 310-392-4388
Lincoln Nails 310-399-7277
Reseda Tarzana Magic Nails 310-305-8863
Carnation Nails 818-881-9330 Amer Management Service 818-708-0909 Nails 2 Charming 310-581-6452
Chic Nails 818-344-7874 Beauty Nail 818-342-9934 No 1 Nails 310-392-8602
Elle Nails 818-609-8669 Capri Nails 818-758-1909 Practitioners 310-822-1144
Exquisite Nails 818-773-0756 Carol J Watkins 818-881-1337 Spring Nailspa 310-827-0115
Future Nails 818-708-9362 Carol Watkins Manicurist 818-344-0702 Top Nails 310-821-8990
Ginies Nail Salon 818-772-4727 Colorful Nails & Spa 818-774-9165
Happy Nail 818-609-8368 Elegant Nails 818-343-1568 Winnetka
Impressions Hair & Nail 818-788-6321 Euphoria Hand & Foot Spa 818-996-0954 Amerinail Salon 818-222-0799
Lannis Nails 818-996-8980 Eve Nails 818-881-6579 Lacom Beauty Salon 818-407-0178
Mamzelle Hair & Nail Des 818-344-8222 Heavenly Nails 818-342-5667 New Nails 818-888-3211
Mays Paradise Nails 818-343-3008 Hello Gorgeous 818-345-1900 P & P Nails 818-998-4495
Nails Spa 818-344-5893 John Fagan Hair In L A 818-345-4603 Top Nails 818-774-0610
Nguyen Sang Manicurist 818-718-1758 Nails At Tiffany 818-343-2088 Violet Nails 818-998-6999
Star Nails 818-996-1961 Nails by Helen 818-705-1570
Nails by Hien 818-758-9578
San Fernando Nails by Lee 818-344-7075 Woodland Hills
Carmen & Linda Hair & 818-365-8587 Nails by Mary 818-708-2123 Alan Edwards 818-888-1275
Pico Nail and Hair 818-837-4521 Nails by Sandra 818-342-4988 Alices Nails 818-225-8648
Rose Nails 818-361-8859 Nails by Shro 818-609-1701 Aline Nails 818-888-5614
Sensi Nails 818-837-0115 Okamoto Margaret 818-344-4142 Artistic Nails & Skin Care 818-881-0211
Tonys Nail Salon 818-898-7881 Oriental Nail 818-881-5890 Carnation Nails 818-716-2893
Smith Leza 818-996-0009 Crystal Nails 818-223-3280
Sepulveda Susies Nails 818-343-8055 Famous Nails 818-704-5382
Cherie Nails 818-893-8332 Tarzana Nails & Beauty S 818-996-5905 Glamour Nails 818-224-3770
Julie Nails 818-884-2854
Sherman Oaks Thousand Oaks Kathy Nails 818-716-7318
Allstar Nails 818-501-7245 A1 Beautiful Nails 805-496-6266 Latest Nails 818-340-9638
Bf Beautiful Forever Nails 818-784-7802 America Nails & Spa 805-449-2097 Leanna Sforzini 818-999-1580
Emporio Nails 818-906-3647 Entourage 805-499-7962 Lisa Treen 818-999-0911
Fancy Nails 818-981-7237 K Cs Hair & Nail Shoppe 805-371-4167 Nails 2000 818-591-0889
Four Seasons Nails Spa 818-986-1261 La Nails 805-495-6661 Nails by Kim 818-222-0902
Full Moon Nail Spa 818-784-8839 Lil Nail & Hair Salon 805-373-3946 Nails Club 818-887-9774
Galinas Nails 818-760-6788 Nail Club 805-449-0023 Paradise Nails 818-340-7351
Passion Nail Salon 818-340-9996 A Orthodontics 818-280-0385 Studio City Fitness 818-506-1436
Pronail 818-222-9592 Azar-Mehr Arleen P DDS 818-363-3117
Rose Nails 818-225-8554 Dandona John R Dmd 818-366-8180 Northridge
Rosies Nails 818-884-2583 Deukmedjian Orthodontics 818-360-3636 California Fitness Source 818-882-3581
Sues Nail Stop 818-992-8977 Lee R Logan DDS Profess 818-885-8650 Forever Young Private Fit 818-342-8909
Supra Nails 818-702-0569 Pair David E DDS A Prof 818-349-4956 Northridge Athletic Club 818-993-3696
Top Nails 818-224-3707 Pilates Worx 818-993-3269
Top Ten Nails & Spa 818-340-6082 Thousand Oaks Specialty Fitness Inc 818-882-3535

San Fernando Valley

Ventura Nails 818-225-9984 Eddie A Saremi Dmd 805-496-7776
Vip Nail Salon 818-888-5423 Grattan Dewain G DDS A 805-495-7511 Reseda
Williams J Nail Spa & Hr 818-888-2452 John Farsakian DDS 805-496-4133 Mid-Valley Athletic Club 818-705-6500
Williams Douglas P DDS 805-497-1004 Pr Fitness Training 818-776-8720
Zierenberg Roger H Jr DD 805-495-5474
Van Nuys Curves Of Santa Monica 818-419-4244
Millennium Agency 818-817-9494 Kwon Joong Gun Orthdnt 818-908-0560 Deena Russo Fitness 310-394-8898
14545 Friar St. Suite 110 Zinati B David DDS 818-782-6341 Entertaining Fitness Inc 310-264-5803
Van Nuys, CA 91411 Equinox Fitness Club 310-593-8888
Woodland Hills Fitness Company 310-993-2463
Calabasas Dr Conrad J Sack Dmd Ms 818-999-9559 Laurel Crown Global Fitne 310-255-8545
J A B Models 818-876-0804 Maher Albouz Dental Corp 818-224-3452 Phase IV 310-582-8212
Rage Model Agency 818-225-0526 Mostafa Mirzabagi DDS 818-591-0945 Power Pilates 310-587-2409
Schacter Orthodontics ADC. Shutters On The Beach 310-458-0030
818-348-0075 Robert Schacter D.D.S.,
Chatsworth M.S. Sherman Oaks
Jd Power and Associates 818-407-4880 6342 Fallbrook Ave. Ste 201 Alive Fitness LLC 818-907-8600
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Barrys Bootcamp LLC 818-784-6262
Glendale Body USA Inc 818-995-0688
Composite Factory 818-246-1317 PHYSICAL FITNESS FACILITIES Carriage Inn 818-787-2300
Danny Veldez 818-386-1368
North Hollywood Agoura Hills Fitness Individualze Trai 818-817-3643
Direct Models Inc 818-752-5080 Agoura Fitness 818-706-0003 L A Fitness Sports Clubs 818-505-0772
Osbrink Models 818-760-2803 Better Body Studio 818-707-3723
Fish Painting & Decorating 818-706-3474 Tarzana
Valley Village Stevenson Fitness 818-707-0123 I N Shape Personal Fitness 818-996-3284
Flawless Entertainment 818-200-6464 Ladies Fitness 818-345-3456
House Of Pang 818-980-3577 Burbank Peal Performance Basic Tr 818-406-1430
Actors Workout Studio 818-506-3903 Q Health Spa 818-345-5678
Burbank Health & Fitness 818-841-7348
Don Tuttle Senior Citizen 818-238-5367 Thousand Oaks
ORTHODONTISTS Global Capital Mgt Group 818-557-7404 Cool Fitness 805-495-7233
Miami Fitness LLC 818-566-7547 Fitness Together 805-557-0883
Room To Sretch Inc 310-838-8386 Marks Fitness Service 805-499-9477
Burbank Vision Fit 818-557-6544 Sherwood Development 805-496-1833
Donald A Whitney DDS 818-846-6244
Merilynn Yamada DDS 818-846-3774 Canoga Park Van Nuys
Peter Brenn DDS 818-563-3825 Basic Fitness 818-346-2467 Fritz Reiter 818-785-1537
Stephen D Willens DDS 818-846-1733 Choreology 818-675-1042 Motor Sports Fitness 805-231-9961
Van Dental 818-845-7611 Insight Fitness 818-719-9906
Ladies Workout Express 818-340-7777
Calabasas Oasis Personal Training Inc818-340-0808 PHYSICAL FITNESS INSTRUCTORS
Stuart J Hoffman DMD 818-222-0090 Polateez 818-888-2402
Wonderkyd Fitness Traini 818-999-3386
Chatsworth Agoura
Maclean Professional Dent 818-341-5150 Chatsworth Health Staffing Network 818-991-6256
Club 50 Fitness Center 818-718-2006 Tao Of Wellness 818-991-6928
Encino Generation Now Fitness 818-882-8200
Daniel Azani DDS MS 818-783-4870 Lifestyles Personal Train 818-709-8327 Calabasas
Sherwood David DDS A Pr 818-981-0640 Powerhouse Gym 818-775-0300 Swing Kinetics 818-880-1742

Glendale Encino Canoga Park
Burke Errol Michael DDS 818-242-3377 Arena Fitness LLC 818-906-3030 Fit Look Personal Trainer 818-348-5665
Hudson & Williams Dental 818-244-2121 Don Cestone Fitness Entps 818-710-7544 Pilates by Melissa 818-613-8730
Kevorkian Gary DDS Ms 818-244-8663 Knuckles Personal Trainin 818-783-4455
Stretch N Grow & 5 Star S 818-995-1551 Chatsworth
Los Angeles Body Performance 818-881-4288
Salem Donal 310-820-4986 Encino
Sandbags 6 Mid Wilshire 213-386-4266 Glendale Fusion Fitness Concepts 818-990-9269
Stanley Miyawaki Dmd 310-826-6694 House Of Fitness 818-541-6705 Jenny Craig 818-901-1801
Ymca 818-240-4130 Sk Movement 818-817-4585
Mission Hills
Chang Thos G M DDS 818-365-9118 Mission Hills Glendale
Taub Samuel 818-361-1213 Bodyworks Dance & Fitne 818-830-1612 Gnc 818-502-0261
Cyrus Fitness LLC 818-368-6577 Pilates Body 818-265-9918
North Hollywood Tricia Williams Training 818-247-3911
Buenavista Orthopedics 818-506-0999 North Hollywood
Claudia Tossoloni 818-763-4040 Body Awareness 818-761-1202
Coach Sams Cozy Fitness 818-762-5604 North Hollywood
Northridge Fit Wize 4 Kids 818-763-0070 An Ancient Touch 818-980-3060
Mary Zander 818-761-6811 Glendale Roman Spa 818-259-4118
Pilates Studio City 818-509-0914 Allan W Perry MD 818-790-0385 Star Physique 818-735-0999
Private Trainers 818-766-3317 Glendale Cosmetic Skin C 818-244-3137
Studio B Pilates 818-508-0400 John A Vartaniana MD 818-662-0600 Chatsworth
John Gross MD 818-790-2280 Aqua Salon & Spa 818-709-2100
Northridge Norick Boggosian MD 818-241-9611 Jordyn Daniels Day Spa 818-993-8485
Body Wise 818-718-1188
San Fernando Valley

Contour Express 818-775-9892 Northridge Encino

Exotic Image Fitness Cent 818-701-7708 Aesthetic Eye Plastic Surg 310-271-5434 Skin Spa Inc 818-995-3888
Kelman Simone M 818-349-0339 New Beginnings Cosmetic 818-349-0600 Velvet Hands 818-905-5130
Northrdge Fcial Plstic Sur 818-993-9824
Sherman Oaks Glendale
Cardio Sweat Shop Fitness818-667-6821 Sherman Oaks La Belle Spa 818-541-9103
Independent Fitness Cons 818-385-0020 Allan S. Wirtzer, M.D. 818-907-7546 O Skin Care 818-638-8522
4836 Vaan Nuys Blvd. Sandys Skin Care 818-957-5096
Tarzana Spa Gos 818-249-7724
Gym Spot 818-609-9123 Sunrise Med Spa
J-Netics Fitness 818-410-2627 Essence Plastic & Reconst 818-784-3961 3171 Los Feliz Blvd. Ste 300B
Mind Bdy Fitnes Pilates & More 818- Grossman Medical Group 818-981-2050 323-669-9888
613-4161 Mani Marc MD 310-203-0511
Teplinsky Joel J MD Facs 818-990-9433 North Hollywood
Thousand Oaks Dermix Clinical Skin Care 818-505-1149
Fitter Bodies Inc 805-496-1777 Tarzana Healing Spa Center 818-752-3772
Aiache Adrien MD 818-708-2081 Nano Spa 818-763-0291
Bijan Tagavoi MD 818-774-0087
Breast Beautication Med C 818-708-7116 Reseda
Professional Fitness Servi 805-493-2224 Breast Beautification Med 818-708-7222 Magical Touch Day Spa 818-998-2639
Star Training 818-975-7285 Michael D Landman MD 818-609-0600 Spa Thai Health Center 818-776-0163
Peter F Giacobazzi MD Inc 818-342-4541
Van Nuys Sherman Oaks
A1 Personal Trainer 818-902-1256 Thousand Oaks Dead Sea Spa 818-385-0835
Costanzo Christopher MD 805-373-9919 Shiatsu Of California 818-906-8869
Woodland Hills Kouros Azar MD 805-373-7073 Williams Burke Day Spa 818-789-3339
Absolute Yoga & Pilates 818-226-0695 Michael C Ciano MD 805-497-8411
Jenny Craig 818-704-1151 Plastic Srgery Ctr Thsand 805-497-1105 Studio City
Kevin Lwis Ftnes Lfstyle 818-887-1680 Plastic Srgery Inst Sthern 818-991-6226 Sunrise Med Spa
Psp Surgical Facility 818-889-2272 11239 Ventura Blvd. Ste 215
Slywka Brian H MD 805-497-1105 Studio City, Ca 91604
PLASTIC SURGEONS T J Bury MD 805-777-7333 818-508-4884

Van Nuys Image Frst Hlthcare Spcial 818-509-0751
Afshin Faradmehr M.D. (Sean F. Mehr, Grossman A Richard MD 818-990-6000 Krystal Salon Day Spa Est 818-501-7778
M.D) Robert Gazamarian 818-901-6600 Spoiled A Day Spa 818-508-9772
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Skin Cancer Universal Day Spa Inc 818-487-9030
Surgery West Hollywood
1125 S. Beverly Dr., #600 Athleo L Cambre MD Med 310-777-6677
Los Angeles, CA 90035 Thousand Oaks
1-800-90210-4U Clearwater Spas Of Socal 805-497-2090
310-271-1131 SKIN CARE Marsand Enterprises 805-449-1799
310-277-0910 Studio Tan 805-777-8834
Michael F. McGuire, M.D. F.A.C.S. Robin Lynn Skin Care TALUCA LAKE
1301 20th street #460 Beauty Collection Apothecary OC Skin Secrets 818-761-5965
Santa Monica, CA 90404 4732 Commons Way 4446 Farman Drive
310-315-0121 Calabasas, CA. 91302 www.OCSKIN.NET
Burbank Carolina Goldberg - Arbonne Consultant Woodland Hills
Mcneese Stephen C MD F 818-840-8335 www. Allen Edwards Salon an 818-887-7330
Stone Richard T MD Facs 818-846-1114 20855 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Canoga Park SPAS
California Surgery Center 818-884-9944
Golden State Surgicenter 818-883-8477 Visit:
Lawrence Stein MD Inc 818-992-7786 Agoura Hills Allen Edwards Salon an 310-394-2878
Robert P Sengelmann MD 818-884-7123 California Pools 805-495-7220 216 26th street
Indulgence 818-889-4385 Santa Monica, CA 90402
Baskin Mark A MD Facs 818-905-5115 Burbank
Cosmetic Plastic & R 818-981-3333 Burbank Spa& Garden 818-845-1251 A Spa 818-692-7771
Kamins David F 818-990-1071 Relax Spa & Beauty Lou 818-557-0024 Appearances 818-888-5878
5400 Balboa Blvd Roman Spa 818-841-0744 Spa Loft 818-226-5638
Encino CA 91316-1502 Tessa Hemmingway 818-566-7526
David G Glick 818-784-9304
Feinberg Barry J MD 818-986-8454 Calabasas TANNING SALONS
Jonathan Hoenig, M.D. 866-463-6449 Thursdays 818-225-2000
5400 Balboa Boulevard, Suite 127 Zen Spa 818-591-0046 Agoura
Marschall Frank E MD 818-986-7040 Canoga Park L A Tan 818-707-0826
New Beginnings Cosmetic 818-728-8430 Fashion Nails 818-884-5888
Burbank North Hills Burbank
Electric Sun Tanning Salon 818-843-8360 Ink Fever Art Studio 818-920-4015 Kumaras Center For Arts 818-848-9333
Hair Country 818-843-1647 Number 1 Bad Habit Tatt 818-892-6111 Yoga Blend 818-954-9642
Hang Tan Tanning 818-557-1433
Media City Sun 818-842-5600 Northridge Calabasas
Tanntanstic 818-846-8266 Purple Haze Tattoo 818-341-8766 Inner Power Yoga Studio 818-591-2639
West Coast Tan 818-843-1722 Skorzenys Tattoos 818-885-5289 Lululemon Athletica USA 818-591-7156

San Fernando Valley

Pacoima Encino
Calabasas Flesh Dreamz 818-890-5582 Bikrams Yoga Cllege Ind 818-986-9642
Eurostyle Tan Inc 818-225-8264 Sin City 818-834-3682 Rope Yoga Inc 818-342-2112
Miami Tan 818-880-8267 Tattoo Shop 818-896-7859
Canoga Park Sherman Oaks Glendale Yoga 818-956-1621
Do Tai Tan 818-716-7392 Art To Bone 818-907-6114 Yoga At Village 818-265-9833
Miami Tan 818-887-1988 Body & Soul Tattoo 818-784-7528 North Hollywood
Supertans Inc 818-884-8267 Subculture Tattoo 818-783-1323 Awareness Pilates Gyroto 818-760-0267
Enercise Chi Yoga 818-752-9823
Encino Studio City Prana In Motion 818-760-0112
Fingers N Toes 818-783-0707 Kirk Alley Studio 818-506-6046 Siam Yoga 818-760-1515
Maui Tanning Company 818-995-8333 Studio Cy Tattoo Bdy Pier 818-769-4049 Yoga With Aruni 818-763-5126
Media City Sun 2 818-981-1300
Victory Studios 323-821-0278 Reseda
Glendale Electric Tattooing Dahn Yoga Brain Rspirati 818-343-6960
Kool Rays 818-242-9964 11390 Ventura Blvd. Prana Yoga 818-345-9642
Paradise Tan 818-249-2600 Studio City, Ca 91604
Perfect Tan Inc 818-500-1600
Sun Works Tanning 818-242-4240 Tarzana Sherman Oaks
Sinful Ink 818-345-3600 Annies Yoga Studio 818-788-5960
Northridge Wax Pot West 818-343-3858 Black Dog Yoga 818-380-0331
A Tan For All Seasons 818-993-1888 Yoni Tattoo 818-996-9152 D J Yoga Inc 818-990-8879
Epic Tan Spa 310-836-3772 Rising Lotus Yoga 818-990-0282
Miami Tan 818-993-4844 Thousand Oaks Sahaja Yoga Center 818-986-9857
N V S Tans LLC 818-998-2028 Gr 8 Stuff 805-531-0123 Yoga & Rejuvination Cen 818-981-1405
Supertans 818-700-8267
Tan Crisrey 818-360-0854 Van Nuys Thousand Oaks
Tanning At Its Best 818-832-5554 Fiftyone Fifty 818-989-5150 Yoga Works 805-371-3030
Needle Pshers Tttoo Bdy 818-343-8209 Yogaversity 805-379-1974
Sherman Oaks Saints N Sinners 818-785-3488
Pacific Sun 818-817-5550 White Drgon Tttoo Bdy Pi 818-989-1514 Venice
Suntans To Go Corp 818-905-1455 World Famous Emporium 818-997-8995 Liberty Advance 310-395-0885
Rainbow Path Yogatime 310-827-5144
Studio City Woodland Hills Sacred Movement Center 310-450-7676
Sunset Tan 818-761-8262 Aesthetics Centre 818-712-9524 Yoga Surf Camp Inc 310-562-5306
12050 Ventura Blvd. Think Ink Tattoos 818-347-5272 West Hollywood
Acapulco Sun 818-761-4786 City Yoga 323-654-2125
City Tan 818-766-3680 Yoga Inside-Out 310-855-9642
South Beach Tan 818-508-7169 WIGS
Sunset Tan 818-761-8262 Woodland Hills
12050 Ventura Blvd. The Fuzzy Navel 323-9394862 Body Mind & Spirit Yoga 818-702-0390
Tanning Plus 818-505-0927 High Quality 100% European Hair Wigs Lifeworks 818-888-7319
7204 Melrose Ave Yoga Loft 818-710-9057
Thousand Oaks
L A Tan 805-373-5335
Miami Tan 818-865-0700
Paradise Beach Tanning C 805-495-6556 WEIGHT REDUCING CLUBS WEST LOS ANGELES
Southern Exposure 805-494-4005
Southern Exposure Tan Sa 805-496-6547
Woodland Hills Laweight Loss Center Plaz 818-700-8019 AEROBIC DANCE AND EXERCISE
Insatiable Sun 818-716-8690 CLASSES
Midnite Sun 818-710-8510 Van Nuys
Sunset Beach Tanning Sal 818-702-0886 Essemm Group 818-376-0066
Winnetka Corpus Jessie 310-274-4178
Curves Of Winnetka Inc 818-264-1313 Expecting Fitness 310-275-8855
Canoga Park Ruffage 310-275-4663
Electric Dragon Body Art 818-999-0097
Nathans Tattooing Bdy Pie 818-340-5969 YOGA INSTRUCTIONS Los Angeles
Beverly Hills Karate Aca 310-275-2661
Glendale Burn 60 310-476-5656
Beauty Magic 818-441-3867 Carolina Goldberg - Arbonne Consultant Circus Aorts and Gymnast 310-652-3060
Body Shop Tattoo 818-956-8288 www. Max Muscle Of Hollywo 323-464-1495
Agoura Hills My Pilates Body 323-653-1981
Granada Hills Bikram Yoga Of California 818-879-9642 Nyce Bodies 323-655-2418
Naked Catering 818-795-7737 Dahn Yoga Center 818-889-9642 Pilates Studio West 310-207-1868
Tattoo Room 818-832-0100 Yoga Instructor 818-707-0641 Studio Dren-The Pilates M 323-874-2615
Superslow Brentwood 310-979-0123
Will Power Spt Med Per F 323-493-9455 Barbara Shaw-Taber 310-859-7159 Jeanne Landet 310-247-1833
Malibu Batia and Aleeza Inc 310-657-4517 Jerilyn Champion Anti Agi310-275-0228
Malibu Fitness Inc 310-457-5220 Belle De Jour Buty Sup & 310-659-7486 Jet Set Aviation Professio 310-860-4787
Bellezza Salons 310-270-4247 Jim Wayne Salon 310-278-1191
Marina Del Rey Beloved 310-860-9975 Jonathan Salon Beverly HI 310-273-9999
La Body Kinetics 310-821-7200 Ben Simon Salon 310-274-9763 Jose Eber 310-278-7646
Bernardina Skin Care 310-657-0797 Joseph Martin Hair & Bea 310-274-0109
Santa Monica Beverly Estetica Hills 310-274-1553 Joyce Marie Of Beverly H 310-275-6694
Nebraska Studios-Pilates 310-393-1703 Beverly Hills Beauty Cente 310-278-8815 Joyce Sasano 310-854-6681
Revolution 310-393-6399 Beverly Torrenueva Hills 310-288-0606 Juan Juan 310-246-0808

Studio Seishin 310-664-1903 Bezzetti Salon 310-275-8016 Judy Ferber 310-278-1898

Westside Body Works 310-315-0996 Bio Ionic 310-273-9001 Kabuki Beauty Salon 310-858-0101
Venice Bo Balsim Hair Inc 310-657-1184 Kabuki Of Beverly Hills 310-858-0101
Mimis Body Art 310-396-9232 Boniface Skin Care 310-247-9988 Kate At Christopher 310-777-0387
Soma Syntax Studio 310-396-3566 Braids Are You 310-659-0064 Kathryn Milan 310-860-4739
Bruno & Soonie Salons Inc310-275-8152 Kathryn Milan Studio 310-860-4739
C & J Botique 310-275-9292 Kenworthy Salon 310-274-9360
West Hollywood California Baby 310-277-6430 Latelier Inc 310-854-1930
Harmony Studios 323-822-9584 Canale Salon 310-273-8080 Lauri Fraser Hair Cutting 310-271-1591
Carol Nelson Skin Care 310-385-9556 Lemay Levy Sylvie Rn 310-274-9557
Carrie White Hair 310-277-9005 Leone Mosaique Salon 310-275-5401
Chayas Hair Salon 310-289-8282 Lewis International Hair S 323-665-8079
Swatt Fitness 310-657-0075 Choe Heyson 310-274-6096 Liliane 310-277-0042
Well Tempered Workout 323-656-1968 Chris Mcmillian Salon 310-285-0088 Lily Boroonand 310-859-2536
Christopher Beverly Hill H 310-858-0031 Linda Byun 310-276-2174
Chroma Makeup Studio 310-274-2155 Lintermans Lacoupe Hair 310-274-5106
Cosio Robin /The Salon by310-205-2379 Lush Beauty Boutique 310-246-0458
ATHLETIC CLUBS AND Cottage Hair Studio 310-967-0041 Mademoiselle Skin Care 310-843-0211
GYMNASIUMS Cream Specialist 310-276-9040 Maggie Jensen Event Desi 310-289-1224
Cush Salon LLC 310-360-7963 Majolie Beauty Salon 310-276-0977
Daniel Gravel Salon 310-556-1069 Mariko At Jon Adams Hair 310-452-0753
Los Angeles David Paul Salon 310-273-5313 Maryam 310-284-8220
Easton Gym Co Inc 323-651-3636 Debby Kaplan 310-275-4090 Max Malloy 310-553-0456
Golds Gym 323-462-5084 Do Hy 310-274-2865 Maxime Sl Inc 310-205-2370
Hollywood Gym Ftnes Bo 323-845-1420 Doggie Styles LLC 310-278-0031 Medio Mundi LLC 310-386-0761
Pro Gym Inc 310-826-6624 Dream Hair 310-278-5826 Mialibu Catering & Event 323-962-2500
Wild Card Boxing Club 323-461-4170 Dreamskin Clinical Spa 310-286-1600 Michaeljohn 310-278-8333
Duane For Hair 310-274-6914 Mikolaj Alford 310-278-6634
Santa Monica Eddie Dalton Hair Design 310-550-1193 Mirage Beauty Supply & 323-653-6683
Active Fitness 310-902-3476 Edith Weissburg 310-277-8499 Miris Skin & Beauty 310-858-8823
Eastern Gym 310-395-4441 Edward Boye 310-201-0904 Moon Salon 310-271-9486
Fitness Together 310-576-1508 Elliot King Hair Stylist 310-470-8091 Murad Skin Care 310-657-7127
Kidnasium 310-395-6700 Emik Hair Design 310-276-1087 Mutti 310-553-0456
Petranek Fitness 310-260-9550 Eric Torres 310-557-0555 My Stewart Pro Skin Care 310-277-1192
Essly Yeo 310-247-8485 Nail Design 310-278-3881
Venice Estetica Salon 310-274-1502 Nail Paradise 310-858-1880
Golds Gym 310-392-6004 Expert Cuts 310-246-1922 Nails by Dee 310-652-2334
Fabric Salon 310-248-5227 Nailtica 310-274-2088
Falevitch Ronit Skin Care 310-273-7221 Neil Sloanes 310-275-1322
BEAUTY SCHOOL Fekkai Group Inc 310-777-8700 Nick Chavez Salon 310-247-1838
Feris Custom Face & Body 310-273-7744 Oasis Hair Salon 310-652-0049
Fernando Romero Manag 310-550-7716 Oliver Maisha 310-855-1700
Marinello School of Beauty Fernando Romero Salon 310-550-7716 Omidi Sabeti Roohi 310-657-5502
Start Training Today! Fifty North Salon 310-659-5663 Palomas Skin Care 310-278-3596
Fisher Jim At Borrelli 310-858-8894 Parvaneh Beauty Supply & 310-271-2565
ph: 800.648.3413 Flash Cuts 323-782-7072 Patronellas 310-289-8255
Text “info” to 232889 (Beauty) Frederic Fkkai Bute De Pr 310-777-8700 Paulines Skin Care 310-275-0939 Gary Goyer 310-274-0626 Perry Gail Soluk 310-860-1848
Gavert Atelier 310-858-7898 Phi-Ten U S A Inc 310-550-7235
Santa Monica George Hair Design 310-652-7722 Planet Salon 310-659-8789
Vidal Sassoon Academy 310-393-0252 George Mchael Bvrly Hlls 310-282-0997 Plush 310-550-0646
Ghetto Fabulous 310-275-0269 Point De Vue LLP 310-273-1231
Newberry School of Bea 818-366-3211 Gi Gi Vision Hair Salon 310-273-0851 Prokhorchuk Sofiya 310-203-8329
Gildas Nails 310-854-9011 Pursue Skin Care 310-278-3800
Glitz 310-553-6500 Radu Crstina Erpean Skin 310-855-0888
Golden Nail Salon 310-788-9027 Rahimian Eti 310-273-1718
BEAUTY SALONS H C Products International 323-651-5831 Rainbow Pro Nail Salon 310-859-0286
Hair Styling by Lesli 310-273-1153 Ramona Cline Skin Care 310-858-3858
Head Above Water 310-275-7946 Raphael O Salon 310-277-6310
Beverly Hills Head Above Water Inc 310-275-7946 Reallusions by L&J 310-247-1003
A Beautiful Look by Jenna 310-777-8847 Hiroshi Hair Design 310-273-6715 Regan At Sotiris 310-360-6898
A New U 310-274-6395 Humble Hands 310-367-4635 Rene At Christophe Salon 310-274-2157
A T Tramp Inc 310-887-1891 Irene Vaksberg 310-657-6200 Renia With A Different Vi 310-358-0348
A Wynning Event 310-279-5114 Jack France 310-652-0421 Richards Styling Agency 310-601-3092
Adele Chuprovsky 310-273-2854 Jacky Hair Design 310-659-6326 Rita Bogdan Ltd 310-274-7482
Amato Hair Studio 310-277-6524 Janette 310-858-7105 Roberts Damone 310-271-2100
Angel 310-859-2541 Jb Nail Salon 310-657-8740 Roxbury Pilates Spa 310-777-0201
Anita Dawson 310-273-1515 Jean Pierre Gallelli 323-782-3877 Rudolf Beauty Center 310-473-9000
Aroma Beauty Salon 310-247-1240 Jeanette Casablanca 310-247-9043 S E Hair Inc 310-874-0851
Salo Vadim Dean 310-275-1986 Details Event Planning In 310-476-8188 Matty European Skin Care 323-651-2180
Salon 310-276-2762 Discount Beauty Supply & 323-850-7676 May Beauty Institute 310-476-2166
Salon 7948 310-854-6454 Divas Beauty Salon 323-462-3888 Mex Medical Management 310-274-2710
Salon Awilda 310-657-8133 Duarte Salon Inc 323-461-5500 Michael Curto Ltd Hair Sa 310-472-9556
Salon City Press 310-854-0733 Ea Salon 323-851-7576 Michael Herrera 310-854-7770
Salon Vivace California 310-246-0944 Eclipse Salon 323-938-9844 Michael With Arlia Adrian 310-274-6729
Samirs 310-277-2647 Eden Spa & Nails 310-288-8387 Micheles Hair Salon 323-655-7744
Scene 310-234-0339 Elizabeth Spencer 310-820-7757 Millenium Hair Salon 323-782-1443
Sentaro & Co Hair Design 310-278-6624 Elliot Rogers & Co 323-651-4185 Mirror Image Detail Servi 323-934-6111
Shahrzad Beauty Center 310-550-6306 Enh Thi Tran 310-247-9099 Mirshkar Parvaneh 310-207-0991


Skin Care by Lidia 310-246-1892 Epiphany Hair Studio 310-652-1822 Mona Lisa Salon 323-634-0767
Sonos 310-552-2641 European Beauty Salon 323-650-8288 Monica West Hair Salon 323-654-9314
Sonya Skin Clinic 310-553-7344 Event Boutique On Robert 323-860-1443 Morton & Sally Ann Kirsh 310-476-1567
Stan 310-273-7171 Expert Nails Inc 323-876-9777 Myers Alannah 323-782-8117
Star Waxing Salon 310-277-7131 F & L Hair Studio 323-852-1615 Nailism 323-466-2328
Studio 407 310-271-0522 Fantastic Cut Etc 310-289-9717 Nails Du Temp 310-205-0589
Sunnys Hair Salon 310-273-7869 Fantastic Sams 310-820-8300 Nellys Inc 310-440-9107
T L C Waxing At George 310-203-8329 Floras Hair Studio 323-658-5099 Next Event 323-876-8886
Tina Dizon 310-278-2928 Fred Segal Beauty Salon 323-653-5331 Normas Shear Salon 323-658-1109
Tina Marie Cassaday 310-276-6194 G Zoreh 310-472-0064 Object 323-852-0978
Tipperary 310-274-0294 Gavarrete Digna J 323-468-8804 Opals Fountain Of Youth 323-656-4229
Tocco Hair Salon 310-777-0170 Genesis Beauty Salon 323-651-3356 Ophelia Skin & Body Care 310-207-2443
Um Style 310-652-0967 Gibbon Kelly At Bella Sal 310-458-4850 Oray Hair Dressing Salon 310-659-1942
Upstairs Salon 310-859-8899 Gillian Bissett Color Salon 310-656-8833 Outlook Beauty Salon 323-876-1029
Vazana Mario Hairdresser 310-385-8678 Grey Adia Beauty Salon 310-476-0076 Patterson Wanda Vincente 310-820-0211
Verabella Skin Therapy 310-278-4733 Guy Michael Salon 310-657-1254 Paul Russo Hair Care 310-440-0100
Vidal Sassoon Salon 310-274-8791 Hair Cut Unlimited 510-471-0043 Peggy O-Neals Hair Enter 310-820-8861
Wright Salon 310-289-5141 Hair In Vogue by Linda Le 310-804-6946 Penningtons Salon 323-653-4981
Yaffas 310-550-8036 Hair People Salon 323-463-2127 Perfect Ten Nail & Hair 323-656-6353
Your Event To Remember 323-759-4409 Hairem 323-656-0900 Phillip Bloch Stylist 323-874-4979
Yuki Sharoni Hair Stylists 310-273-9892 Hairtech 310-550-9021 Phyllis Mccrea 310-673-8232
Yuko System Salon 310-550-8850 Hairworks Studio 323-962-2132 Pickford Salon 310-276-3926
Zoya 310-203-9692 Hands Across Table 310-275-1394 Pierson Ratana 310-659-2239
Harris Jnne Hair Clor Spca 323-658-6008 Princess Hair Fashions 323-655-0444
Los Angeles Healthy Hair Specialist 323-655-6588 Quality Hair Salon 323-461-6453
9022 Sunset Salon 310-278-6738 Hollywood Beauty Center 323-465-3750 Rainbow Hair & Nails 323-465-1162
A Different Vibe Hair Salon323-653-0760 Hollywood Haircut 323-464-1919 Raisa Laser Skin Care 310-360-6500
Agi Hairstyling 323-851-2023 Hollywood Health & Beau 310-770-7018 Re Muve Hair System 323-655-2500
Alexalon 323-653-2321 Hollywood Secret Salon 323-460-4053 Regis Contractors 323-874-1300
Alfredo Aja 310-657-7303 Inna Koron 310-657-5588 Rehab Salon 323-461-1777
Ali and Elenor Hair Design 310-472-1311 International Design Group323-464-8478 Rennaissance Ice Designe 323-467-6244
All Star Nails 323-845-0962 James Drew 310-395-1405 Rhonda At Jordans 310-288-0874
Allen Walker International 310-246-2450 Jans Hair Shop 323-467-2993 Richard Williams Salon 310-442-5974
American Beauty Salon 323-525-1025 Je Jeune Salon 323-464-1384 Robert Krumpak For Hair 310-472-1447
Angel Beauty Palace 323-650-5373 Jean Benaim Phillippe 323-654-1176 Robert Matt Salon 310-888-8850
Annointed Hands 323-653-5985 Jerome Salon Hair by And 310-659-5150 Roni Jones 323-655-5177
Azin Hair Salon Inc 310-207-5393 Jersi Salon 310-855-1080 Rosa Manicurist 310-472-3876
Barrington Court Health & 310-440-2717 John Frieda Salon 323-653-4040 Roselyn Gift & Beauty Sa 213-383-9262
Barringtons A Salon For H 323-650-1879 Josys Beauty Salon 323-962-2138 Ross Lujan Studio 310-652-0830
Beauty Salon 323-462-3290 Juan Juan Salon 310-979-8081 Royal Beauty Supply & Sa 323-653-8710
Bella House Of Beauty C 310-859-1006 Kadzhiyan Arutyan 323-962-8292 Ruth Graner 310-652-1269
Bellas Beauty Supplies & 310-393-1195 Kennedy Hair Studio 310-657-0451 Sagalow Hair Studio 323-650-4815
Bellezza Hair Studio 323-848-8688 Khatoon Beauty Salon 323-651-4616 Salon Aniko 310-550-1140
Beverly Nail & Skin Care 323-655-0545 Kut N Go 323-960-9225 Salon Hairroin 323-467-0392
Bio Ionic 323-525-3001 L A Rendezvous 323-653-7656 Salon Roman 310-854-1030
Bioscor Intl Hair & Skin C 323-466-1179 L A Spa 310-979-9050 Second 2 None 310-412-4952
Black & White Beauty Sa 323-467-8360 La Combe Hair Design 323-464-1811 Second To None 310-412-4907
Bliss 310-659-0857 Lamas Beauty 323-936-1281 Shampoo 323-653-2274
Blush Salon 310-657-4336 Lanny Nails 323-653-3370 Shampoo Salon 323-463-9081
C Kevin For Hair 310-358-9667 Laurens Groom Room 323-852-1410 Silvia Skin Care Salon 310-207-3359
Carlton Hair International 310-657-4873 Le Beach Club 323-966-3100 Silvie Hair Designing 323-512-5527
Caz Hair Salon 310-820-1959 Le Figaro Hairstyling 323-874-6555 Skin Care Therapy by Nico 310-358-9455
Cest La Vie 323-466-4730 Le Quepe Salon 323-462-4321 Skin Essentials 310-472-4440
Charles Hair Studio 310-657-1800 Le Quipe Salon 323-467-7971 Smart Hair Inc 323-467-6779
Chau Hair Vine 323-467-8882 Leading Man and Woman 323-651-1900 Soghomonian Shahen 310-471-7149
Chaz Dean Lifestyle 323-467-6222 Lottys Hair Salon 310-278-2879 Star Shoes Salon 323-462-7827
Chopchop Salon Gallery 323-464-8100 Lushspa 323-856-9983 Stefans Azalia Salon 310-471-1723
Clark Nova 323-655-1100 M & A Beauty Salon 310-858-0461 Stitch Hair Salon 310-385-9129
Condon Mario Ellis & Jo 310-476-6581 M Salon 323-658-6682 Studio Salon & Boutique 323-956-8558
Cosmo At New York New 323-655-5070 Magnific Hair Salon 323-465-9535 Sunrise Beauty Salon 323-463-0168
Crazy Cuts 323-467-1966 Mahmoud El Souri 310-979-7677 Susans Hair Salon 323-658-8760
Crazy Cuts 323-466-4003 Manny Js Brentwood Bar 310-472-8393 Tamaras Skin Care 323-653-5757
Ct Nails III 323-656-6189 Margaritas Hair Design 323-653-2002 Thomas Beautiful Inc 323-464-5093
Daidone Salon 310-471-5555 Markarian Maro 310-271-6672 Tom Hair Stylist 323-655-3930
Dama 310-576-1335 Marks Mchaels Salon On 323-651-0812 Tonda Corp 310-471-7187
Ddg Drop Dead Gorgeous 323-252-0045 Martha Tilaar Total Beauty323-957-9265 Tony & Marie Beauty Sal 323-465-8067
Deborah Prices Beauty 310-394-6119 Martin Wiech 310-476-6922 Tonys Hair Design 323-651-1718
Deja Vu Salon 213-319-9559 Mary & Pola Barajas 323-469-2755 Toshi-Covicente Hair 310-447-1428
Design Hair Cut 323-654-0304 Mary Katz 310-442-2295 Tristans On 3rd 323-655-9225
Valerie & Chiz Coiffeurs 310-276-6121 American Beauty Hair Fas 310-393-2334 Pecha Hair 310-451-8780
Vered 323-655-3030 American Laser Centers 310-260-7685 Piero Hair Salon Inc 310-314-1566
Vern Pingatore 323-932-8376 Antonie - Pierre 310-458-1971 Pomp Salon 310-393-1543
Vipha Hair Styling 323-655-9400 Arshak Hair Salon 310-998-8964 Professional Nail & Skin C 310-828-6600
Visages 323-650-8880 Auburn Salon 310-451-0330 Purebeauty 310-399-8107
Visions 310-476-0033 Aya Salon 310-451-3583 Razia Salon 310-581-8078
Wain Ailen Hair Salon 323-650-5997 Beauty Channel 310-395-2120 Rpa Direct & Event Marke 310-633-6189
Warren Tricomi 323-651-4545 Blakes Beauty Gold & Gif 310-581-5100 Salazar Lheitha 310-451-8779
Wave Salon Inc 323-653-7841 Braians Hair Design Studio310-453-7920 Salon Amba 310-581-2622

Wonderful Cuts 323-655-1143 Brentwood West Salon 310-899-1146 Salon Delrey 310-822-1199
Wut It Is 323-467-3300 Byu Ti 310-587-2207 Salon Montana West 310-451-3710
Yuki Salon 310-652-7474 Carl Boland 310-393-1908 Salon Tosta 310-255-9997
Zeitoun Bty Salon 310-275-8101 Carlas Salon 310-392-8515 Salon Vox 310-394-7563
Carlton Hair International 310-458-8858 Sherry Skin Care 310-260-0065
Malibu Chantalynn-Le Salon Chez 310-777-9071 Skin Care Direct 310-451-3999
Chu Nins Hairstyling 310-393-5466 Skin Paradise 310-581-6888
Cmt Nails 310-395-2728 Soshin 310-458-2762
Cut Salon 310-396-2887 Soshin Inc 310-393-6553
Bernie Safire Salon 310-456-9973 David Louks Hair 310-395-3499 Studio B 310-395-8025
Brigitte Nielsen 310-317-9700 Diannes Hair Design 310-451-1488 Studio E 310-392-2193
Clarisse 310-456-5130 Dons Cutting Edge 310-315-1098 Sunkissed Tanning Inc 310-451-9895
Colony Salon 310-456-3112 Elizas Beauty Center 310-255-9995 Super Styles 310-452-1385
Faces by Vicki 310-456-9688 End Santa 310-399-3390 Total Beauty Media 310-392-8600
Faith Valentine For Beauty 310-456-6405 Faberge Salon 310-394-0342 Tracy Cahill 310-581-3199
Ginger Snips Salon & Spa 310-456-2460 Franks Studio Inc 310-998-1920 Valentinos Barber Shop 310-393-4544
Heads Above All 310-456-3933 Fred Segal Beauty 310-451-5155 Willie & Glorias 310-394-9279
Kellys 310-457-3999 Fred Sigle Beauty 310-451-0001 Worlds Above Co 310-396-0614
La Sirene Full Service Sa 310-317-4824 Fringe 310-260-7900 Youngs 310-393-7386
Lisa Avery 310-456-3934 Garvey Georjean 310-396-2817 Zaine Colour Salon Inc 310-451-0295
Malibu Barber Shop 310-456-7556 Gentle Journey 310-315-3038 Zumani 310-392-7439
Nikki Tee Hair Makeup 310-456-9141 Get Fresh 310-315-0020
Pacific Coast Hair 310-457-5512 Giti Salon 310-395-2434 Venice
Pacific Coast Hairway 310-457-5770 Hair Brings The 310-450-8669 Ayla H 310-314-2666
Salon At Malibu Creek 310-456-2971 Hair Buisness 310-450-8669 Beauty & Beach 310-821-1229
Salon Eco 310-457-5262 Hair Cafe International 310-393-0444 Beauty Hair Trading Inc 310-883-1600
Shiva Skin Care 310-457-5100 Hair Place 310-395-0233 Carlton Hair International 310-823-7951
Hair Research & Design 310-452-4247 Clara M Pinedo 310-396-9813
Marina Del Rey Happy Nails 310-395-0903 Curros-Unisex Beauty Sal 310-827-8262
Ada Hair Salon 310-823-3064 Hazel Williams 310-450-3246 Cut Brothers 310-305-2803
Beauty by Q Q 310-822-0511 Hedonism Salon & Day S 310-255-0650 Cutting Edge 310-305-2221
Club Pravana 310-578-9906 International Dermal Instit 310-260-8682 Designs by Kathy 310-301-8380
Creating Beauty Laser 310-306-7100 Irene Vuong 310-899-3815 Doll Face Natural Beauty 310-305-1546
Daves Hair Salon 310-822-4122 Irmas Board & Care 310-399-8305 Elegant Nails Nail Salns 310-305-1036
Friel Rosann Skin Care 310-578-7555 Isle Of Kaarina 310-451-9880 Heathers Skin & Beauty L 310-581-1601
Hair by Cher & Co 310-822-6575 Jim Dior 310-399-3888 Josephs Entrada Hair Studi 310-454-2929
Hair by Tori George 310-577-1113 Jocelyne Kepler 310-451-8890 Latin Fashion Beauty Salo 310-392-3882
Isis Hair by Design 310-578-2287 John Adams Salon 310-314-1333 Lips & Locks 310-301-8086
Marina Beauty Bar 310-578-7600 John At 1422 310-451-9613 Luckys 310-396-2753
Maverick Event Productio 310-822-8454 Judy Kennedy 310-828-1233 Manleys Barber and Beaut 310-399-5449
Morles Ursula 310-821-8012 Judy Matsumoto Hair Sa 310-395-0637 New Head 310-827-0204
Pauls Barber Shop 310-821-7000 Jung Lupe At New Dimen 310-260-9993 Off The Top 310-452-8985
Salon 310-822-1687 Kenneth George Inc 310-453-5497 Ohm Salon 310-399-9973
Sauls Hairstyling 310-822-9270 Kutting Room 310-458-1700 Palace Hair Styling 310-392-7277
Saving Faces Skin Care 310-577-1062 Kyoko Hair Designer 310-394-4250 Paper Scissors Rock 310-399-7625
Sevaslian Narina 310-306-0802 Larry Scissors Manageme 310-664-1304 Peponi Nail and Skin Care 310-450-7195
Skin Care by Nada 310-448-9200 Lauras Nail 310-399-2048 Peri John Hair Design 310-821-8012
Sondra Spiegel Hair Salon 310-822-1262 Le Maire Hair 310-276-1635 Polly Hoyt Styling 310-306-7977
Waterside Beauty 310-827-3345 Lee Nails 310-828-1104 Pyatt Christina Stylist 310-450-5900
Lerand Michale 310-451-7979 Sabys Hair Salon Unisex 310-390-9624
Santa Monica Lynns Bounge Beauty Salo 310-450-6894 Salon Rosemarie 310-823-7740
Allen Edwards Salon and Spa Main Attraction Nail Spa 310-450-1688 Salon Rouge 310-437-4410
310-394-2878 Mariass Beauty Salon 310-399-2609 Seven Salon 310-390-2757
216 26th street Marvelous Nails 310-458-0083 Soapbox Salon 310-968-9931
Santa Monica, CA 90402 Mary Brambila 310-458-3770 Solace 310-399-0383 Mary Ellens Beauty Salon 310-828-9451 Styles by Kathy 310-306-9575
Montana Nails 310-393-5836 Sunset Tan 310-452-8264
Muses 310-394-6873 Talk Of The Town 310-821-0476
Allen Edwards Salon and Spa Nahid Beauty Salon 310-828-9545 Traces Place At Salon 310-578-8380
818-887-7330 Nellys Beauty Salon 310-399-4200 Venice West Salon 310-396-1177
20855 Ventura Blvd. New Dimensions Beauty 310-395-4271
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 New Direction Hair Design310-576-0502 West Hollywood
Nicole Rosecrans Okudaira310-394-0614 Andre Hair Salon 310-274-4451
A Video Affair 310-453-5051 North Of Montana Salon 310-393-5775 Angels Massage Therapy 323-654-4808
Absalutely Fabulous Electr 310-828-5494 Novo Salon 310-395-9882 Aphrodite Enterprises Inc 310-581-3500
Aida Grey Head To Toe 310-399-1268 Ocean Beauty Center 310-452-5559 Arthur Johns 310-276-6636
Alan Scott Internatl Hair 310-452-4175 On Set 310-452-7059 Atelier Beauty Salon 323-822-2030
Albas Hair Salon 310-581-2522 On Set Hair Productions 310-395-1300 B2v Salon 310-777-0345
Alchemy Wellness & Bea 310-666-6020 Pacheco Salon 310-581-3696 Barber Shop The Hair 323-848-9162
Ambiance Hair Studio Inc 310-392-4866 Paris Nails 310-829-2461 Beautyco Inc 310-659-3802
Beyond Fringe 310-385-9640 COSMETOLOGY AND PERSONAL
Bhava Salon 323-655-6030 HYG I ENE SALONS Los Angeles
Bungalow On Melrose Place 323- Coffey Skin Care 323-295-0644
655-4040 Dardashti Malihe MD 323-655-8221
Elena Gordienko 323-650-5633 Beverly Hills Dixie D Richards 310-826-5949
Euphora Apophecary 310-360-1400 Beehive Of Beverly Hills 310-278-7374 Goldman Peter M MDD 310-855-1160
Farre Salon 310-550-6999 Beverly Lifestyles Holdin 310-278-7374 McKenna Paul MD 323-655-6873
Farrell Hair Replacement 310-289-9260 Bianca Beverly Hills 310-247-8722 Primary Skn Cre & Aestht 310-659-8488
Freddys Prof Hair & Buty 310-271-8471 Brighton Skin Care 310-273-1050 Samer Alaiti MD 323-938-2626
Fusion Hair Salon 310-657-8911 Silvers Jack MD 310-826-2051


Glamour Skin Care 310-788-8461
Grand Affair Inc 323-962-5062 Meadowbrook Mountain S 310-274-3285 Tower Dermatology & Las 310-855-1160
Igor Skin Care 310-652-4467 Pureglo 310-274-3004 William D Keith MD 323-932-0382
Important 323-822-0840 Skin Rejuvenation Center 310-276-1247 Zisser Millard H MD 310-659-2770
In-X-Ss 310-271-2057 The Loft 310-289-1196
Jimie Beauty Salon 310-273-5340 Malibu
Jump House Design LLC 310-854-7640 Los Angeles Gary R Carlson 310-456-2220
Linda Kammins Hair Salon 310-659-6257 Beautique 310-442-9559
Lrs Event Services 310-289-6501 Cest Tout 310-476-4233 Marina Del Rey
Luna Art 310-247-1383 Evas European Skin Care 310-472-3136 Advanced Dermtl&Laser 310-577-7544
Marco Pelusi Hair Studio 310-967-0999 Hoffman Lisa Skin Care 310-442-2600 Aesthetic Dermatology 310-827-2653
Matt Adams Salon 310-657-4756 Kara Nail Bar 323-857-0396 Skin by Tania 310-578-7707
Mila Moursi Skincare Insti 310-274-1602 Leetal Skin Care 323-655-5138
Miwas Beauty Salon 323-651-0831 Serenidad 323-651-1725
Noguera Norlan 310-652-6390 Skin Premiere 310-440-3800
Pamelas 323-650-3567 Skin Premiere 310-440-3800 Santa Monica
Pure Beauty by Diana 310-385-0643 10th St Medical Building 310-451-4779
Rachel Russo Salon 310-657-7892 Dermatology Inst Southern 310-392-1111
Ray Roberts Salon 323-656-4247 Malibu Dermatology Psoriasis Me 310-264-2434
Renia At Borrelli Salon 310-652-9597 Malibu Magic 310-457-1229 Jennifer Haley MD 310-917-3376
Rescue Hand and Foot Spa 323-822-1887 Landau Jos W MD A Med 310-828-4494
Serge Parino Hair Studio 310-659-5063 Marina Del Rey Laser Institute 310-264-2421
Staples Gwen Hair Design 310-652-3992 Angeis Petite Spa 310-821-7045 Marc D Chalet 310-828-6984
Sumikos 310-271-8387 Odyssey Medi Spa LLC 310-301-4288 Mary Lee Amerian 310-829-9396
Tres Chic Hair Studio 323-656-2355 Pennell Beauty Concepts 310-827-0606 Miguel Chiu MD 310-917-3376
Victor Hugo 323-822-1030 Molly E Griffin MD Inc 310-255-0221
Warren Triconi 323-654-4495 Santa Monica Newcomer Victor D MD 310-451-1455
West End Salon 310-855-0048 Ava MD Skin Care Produc 877-282-3376 Patrick R Abergel MD 310-829-2005
Aveda 310-576-0989 Richard Bennett MD 310-315-0171
Electrology by Design 310-260-2181 Santa Monica Dermatolog 310-829-4484
COSMETIC DENTISTS Teitelbaum Steven MD 310-315-1121
Hauschka Skin Care 310-395-7291 Vein Lazarus Derm Grp. 310-828-6118
House Of Face 323-788-6495 W. La Medical & Skincare 310-393-5288
Kenneth George Sanctuary 310-453-0224
Dr. Phillip M. Sacks D.D.S., F.A.G.D., Inc: Nicols Hair Studio 310-452-1046
818 348-2507 Ocean Oasis Medical Day 310-458-8190 West Hollywood
COSMETIC, RESTORATIVE Derek H Jones MD Inc 310-246-0495
Woodcourt 2 20301 Ventura Blvd.. Suite DERMATOLOGISTS
Woodland Hills, CA. 91364 818.348.2507 ELECTROLYSIS AND EPILATORY

Beverly Hills
A Armand Newman Derm. 310-888-8877
COSMETOLOGISTS A P Skin & Laser Center 310-550-7669 Beverly Hills
Alfred G Lerner MD Inc 310-275-8194 Ackerman Robin R E 310-273-4247
Armond Newman MD 310-273-4454 Ghukassian Mariet 310-278-4599
Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Dermatolog 310-550-7661 Homa 310-271-6594
Chris Dragotta Brow and 310-271-7220 Beverly Hills Medical Mgt 310-289-9700 Judy Bien 323-651-2131
Delord Cares Inc 310-860-7546 Beverly Hlls Prof Frml/Pr 310-550-7661 Loving Elctrolysis by Dia 310-855-1808
Dino Morra Face & Body 310-860-9869 Brian E Dubow MD 310-855-1160 Magic Touch Waxing Sa 310-556-9748
Evalon & Vickiz Beauty S 310-281-0134 California Derm Center 626-332-7522 Mlnie K Banen Wxing Elc 310-858-7217
Hanratty Elzabeth Aromath 310-247-1797 California Derm Center 909-860-7600 Peters Lucy International 310-274-0454
Marthas Beauty Salon 310-289-8353 California Derm Center 714-530-7011 Waxing by Larisa 310-271-6813
Piel Skincare 310-247-1321 California Derm Center 310-200-8705 Waxing World 310-657-4012
Valerie Cosmetics 310-274-7348 David Charles Rish MD 310-275-5136
Derm Assoc Med Group 310-274-9954 Los Angeles
Los Angeles Emily F Bloom MD Inc 310-278-8811 Electrology Center 323-651-2131
Dan Ferris 310-854-0058 Epione Cosmetic Laser Ce 310-271-6506 I N A A R A Med Spa 323-655-8590
Goodform 323-658-8585 Ezra Kest MD 310-276-1252 Judy Bien Re Electrolysis 323-651-3206
Heidys Beauty Salon 323-462-1485 Fakhri Wlani Skin Care Sp 310-274-9300 Scott Tamara & Co Re Cpe 310-471-4712
Solminelly Beauty Salon 323-469-3502 Lancer Harold A MD Faad 310-278-8444 Smith Sabrena Lre 323-467-9594
Touch Elegance Beauty Pl 323-651-2199 Leo M Pomerantz MD Inc 310-274-6343 Waxing by Zhanna 310-274-4650
Obagi Derm Med Clinic 310-275-3030 Waxing by Zhanna 310-274-4649
Santa Monica Pacific Surgical and Laser 310-273-8885
Aimee Darrow 310-823-7372 Rand Rhonda MD Inc 310-273-0467 Santa Monica
Brentwood Skin 310-264-9800 Rish David Charles MD 310-275-5136 Electrolysis by Florence 310-394-7384
Vanity Faire 310-394-6660 Samovitz Myron MD A M 310-278-5025 Glorias Electrolysis 310-396-4730
Sheri G Feldman MD 310-275-5136 Lenore Bruckner Cpe 310-394-4032
Sid Danesh MD 310-550-0666 Surface 310-453-6006
Stuart H Kaplan MD 310-858-7880

Beverly Hills Roxanas Exclusive Skin 310-288-0118 Rlf 310-394-5759
Ahmad Fahid DDS Ms 310-274-4411 Royal Blue Service 310-275-0524 Vert Center Of Santa Mon 310-264-8385
Jack I Brown DDS Inc 310-278-9624 Schneder Gerald Face Con 310-657-7523
Mike Pirbazari DDS 310-246-1000 Skin Renewal Clinic 310-205-3999 Venice
Sofias Skin Care Electroly 310-205-0602 Newlife Fitness LLC 310-729-9538
Santa Monica Susan Lockhart 310-275-4008 Personally Fit 310-306-7969
Bradley G Seto DDS A P 310-393-9733 Svetlanas Care For Skin 310-248-2322 Pro Camp 310-664-9908
Rauth Travert Holcomb an 310-393-9733 Van Leeuwen Inc 310-247-9299
Trabert Kenneth C DDS 310-393-9733 Vera Bella 310-278-4504 West Hollywood

Viaderman Skin Care 310-275-2030 Sebastiens Pilates Plus LL 310-358-9491

Vida Skin Care 310-859-9400 Your Center 310-657-7878
Youthfulwomen 310-281-2055

Accent On Skin 310-858-4997
Bella Bellismo 323-658-8396 Laura Schell 310-980-1698
Los Angeles Chicet 323-651-0979 Hairstylist/Color Specialist
American Aerobic Assn 310-659-1218 Chicet Mrana Eropean Ski 323-651-0291 Print, TV, Film
Super Slow La 310-471-1300 Enessa 323-655-5950 On Location or Salon
Whole Life Fitness 310-657-6310 Face Behind The Faces 323-651-3382
Face Place Inc 310-855-1150 Calabasas
Santa Monica Faces European Skincare 323-852-1166 Boulevard Hair Company 818-225-8653
Strong Life Fitness 310-450-3605 Facial Skin Care by Emli 310-273-6590 Hair by Joshua 818-224-3780
Venice Gabi Meise 310-652-4224 Unicuts Precision Haircutt 818-880-5569
Evolve 310-314-3344 Giovanna Jutta Ltd 323-658-7855
Launa Stone Medical Skin 310-207-5967
M & I Spa 213-925-9122 Los Angeles
EXERCISE SALONS Marys Body Aesthetica 323-651-0505 Alex Roldan Salons 310-855-1113
Raya Taver Skin Care 310-652-2250 Americas Cut 310-214-3762
Ruth Skin Care & Cosmeti 310-652-5220 Artistic Cuts & Supply 323-464-7409
Beverly Hills Smiles Skin Care Salon 323-651-5477 Designs by Debbie 310-476-6456
Irinas Pilates 310-550-1390 Fantastico Hair Salon 310-289-9717
Malibu Gary Marks Haircutters 323-651-0811
Los Angeles Loccitane 310-317-0780 Glorious Hair 213-407-3987
Curves For Women 323-467-8101 Veronicas Skin & Body C 310-456-8883 Hair by Claudia 323-653-9111
Curves For Women 323-851-2878 Hair by Rhonda 323-655-6838
Curves Health & Fitness 310-571-2422 Marina Del Rey Hollywood Beauty Salon 323-467-6731
Iyengar Yoga Institute 323-653-0357 Angie Petite Spa 310-821-7045 Indo Hair Salon 323-653-4636
Pilates Studio 310-659-1091 Christine Valmy Skin Care 310-821-8892 Jaren Millard For Make-U 310-854-5798
Davi Luxury Brand Group 310-827-0800 Jordan Imani Hair Studio 323-655-6553
Malibu Lori Hart Cosmetics 310-574-3990 La Coupe 323-651-3558
Curves For Women 818-871-0503 Lili Hair Design 310-289-1244
Curves For Women 310-457-1880 Santa Monica Lloyd Windsor For Hair 323-658-6684
Bella Vida Endermologie 310-804-9714 Magnet 323-463-0100
Santa Monica Finer Skin Institute 310-393-2598 Michelles Hair Fashions 323-651-3388
Curves Health & Fitness 310-582-9181 Jurlique Wellness Day Spa 310-899-1923 Mullah & Bailey Hair Salo 323-655-5025
Fyera 310-581-1507 Manaz Skin Care 310-458-3066 Papillon Hair Salon 323-462-4321
Yoga Works Inc 310-393-5150 Nice Skin 310-458-7770 Paul Ohana Hair Studio 323-782-1088
Ritas Inst For Beautiful Ski310-394-4120 Pinchevski Polina Hair Sty 323-462-1913
Venice Sairmont Hotel 310-393-4778 Power Cuts 323-655-7034
Curves For Women 310-301-9933 Tranquility Skin & Body C 310-449-1001 Ryan Boyd Hair Phd 310-652-4455
Urban Skin 310-829-9474 Taboo Hair Salon 323-655-3770
Thaxton Hair Design 323-782-1780
FACIAL SALONS Venice Vous Beauty Salon 323-653-5032
James Elisa 310-399-7313
Beverly Hills Hair Extensions Of Malibu 310-456-8336
Anastasia Skin & Body 310-273-3155 FITNESS INSTRUCTORS Penny Lane 310-456-5437
Anya Waxing & Facial S 310-286-2521 Susan Schultz 310-317-9985
Belladonna Face & Body 310-360-6300
Brigitta Body & Skin Care 310-278-6478 Beverly Hills Marina Del Rey
D M K Skin Revision Cen 310-275-7259 Beverly Hlls Hlth Emplym 310-659-6499 Phazes 310-822-6030
Delord Cares Inc 310-860-7546 Popios Elite Hairstyling 310-305-4009
Dermanew Inc 310-724-8300 Los Angeles
Dermanew Institute 310-276-0457 Bar Method W Hollywood 323-651-2226 Santa Monica
Dinas Skin Care 310-360-1773 Fit Plus Exercise Systems 310-571-0997 Bangs 310-450-7007
Epiderme Medical 310-385-0066 Golding Fitness 323-655-4602 Chinda Kaczander Hair St 310-395-7965
Face & Body Clinic 310-657-3551 Ivon Dahl Inc 323-656-6373 Club Sante 310-395-0416
Georgette Klinger Inc 310-274-6347 Kathy Smith Lifestyles 310-889-1809 Dbd Enterprises 310-392-3331
Joy Nerida Skincare Group 310-777-8897 Ru Fit 2 310-445-5668 Elijio Salon 310-449-0055
Lady Dees Corrective Skin 310-659-7082 Malibu Hair by Sophia 310-393-2772
Lea Eigard Advanced Skin 310-278-2221 Edie Azar Studio 310-456-5401 Hairrington Shi 310-451-5958
Mckaybailey Dangene 310-276-7601 Lincoln Barbers 310-314-1719
Mitras European Skin Care310-657-3833 Santa Monica Luxe Lab Hair 310-255-9900
Obo Atsuko 310-888-8081 Bodyfrst A Prvate Ftnes S 310-453-8903 Magic Style Hair Beauty S 310-829-6823
Patrizia Face & Body Cli 310-657-3551 Bradley Langenberg 310-450-6627 Salon Upstairs 310-829-5776
Rimmas Facials & Waxing 310-205-0222 Feldenkrais Awareness Thr310-828-5528 Shop 310-395-4526
Rose La Peau 310-273-3345 Industrals Strngth Prod 310-458-0822 Yellow Balloon 310-458-7947
Karen Voight Productions 310-264-5800
Paint Shop 310-652-5563
HEALTH CLUB Polish 310-788-0909 Santa Monica
Ripsys Nail Salon 310-858-8486 Bonjour Nail Salon 310-451-2080
Rosalie Manicuring 310-659-7261 C J Artistic Nails 310-829-5966
Beverly Hills Sandys Nail Salon 310-859-2496 Classy Nails 310-396-2359
Outside Shot LLC 310-888-0010 Shalita Asya 310-278-2011 Cute Nail 310-399-8833
Silver Nails 310-247-0853 Cute Nail Salon 310-399-8833
Los Angeles Stellas 310-275-0750 Emilys Nail Salon 310-587-3376
Bally Total Fitness 323-461-0227 Superb Nails by Elisa 310-278-5888 Heathers Nail Salon 310-576-1340
Bally Total Fitness 310-652-7440 Tina Cassidy Hair Salon 310-276-6194 Lily Thu Hong 310-399-3569


Boulevard Health Club 310-659-5002 Uberto 310-550-4589 Lilys Nail 310-394-4343
Equinox Fitness Club 310-289-1900 Wendy Nails 310-659-9239 Majestic Nails 310-395-1109
Hollywood Fight Club 323-465-0800 Zen Nail Spa 310-289-1368 Marys Nail 310-458-0263
Hollywood Sport Club 323-461-2024 Nail Affairs 310-393-8531
Jp Muscle 323-828-9341 Los Angeles Nail Elite 310-394-6007
Madonna Grimes Fitness T 310-652-3417 Apple Nails 323-654-0849 Nails by Helen 310-453-7958
Meriludotcom 323-874-1634 Art Nail 310-360-8050 Nails by Kim 310-828-9458
North Hollywood Spa 323-464-0445 Beautiful Nails 323-651-2774 Nails by Lee 310-452-1923
Star Cmnty Adult Day Hlth323-463-4000 Bella Nails 310-652-0139 Nails Plage 310-260-8801
The Hollywood Spa 323-463-5169 Beverly Nails 310-274-4603 Nancys Nails 310-828-3917
Ultra Body Fitness 323-464-5300 Bliss Nail & Spa 310-360-5950 New Dimension 310-458-8113
Winsor Pilates 323-653-8767 Brentwood Nail Design 310-826-9998 Polish Nails & Waxing Inc 310-451-0017
Candys Nail 323-658-5665 Pretty Nail 310-453-0102
Malibu Carla Kay Nails 323-653-2291 Princess Nails 310-829-4230
Malibu Gym 310-457-2450 Century Nails & Spa 310-207-9889 Q Nails 310-399-8833
Malibu Pilates 310-457-5277 Claudio Ditalia Hair Salon 310-826-0868 Toe Haven 310-392-8611
Marina Del Rey Co Star Nails No 2 323-462-3711 Tracys Nails 310-393-3882
Fit 4 Lf Per Training Syste 310-822-6868 Concepts Nails 323-463-4775 Vo Michael Lang 310-396-6869
Marina Fitness & Racquet 310-821-1662 Connecticut Nails 323-461-2348 Yes Nails & Spas 310-829-5944
World Gym Fitness Center 310-306-9912 Diamond Nail 323-969-8760
Et Nail Shop 323-461-4477 West Hollywood
Santa Monica Face It 323-851-2005 Artistic Nail Center 310-273-4466
24 Hour Fitness USA Inc 310-255-0008 Fantasy Nails Inc 323-653-0173 Ct Nails 5 323-822-9708
Core City L A 310-451-5507 G P Nail Spa 323-957-2402 Happy Nails and Spa 323-969-8253
Easton Gym 310-395-4441 Geishas Nail Club 323-658-5122 Jackies Nail 323-656-1611
Jackson Sousa Cross Train 310-917-1178 Hair & Nails by George 323-464-8708 La Vie Lorange 310-289-2501
Santa Monica Sport Club 310-450-4464 Hollywood & Nail Salon 323-467-6794 Melody Nail Salon 310-652-1455
Winston Pilates 310-395-2220 Hollywood Nails 323-462-5920 Planet Nails & Spa 310-657-0828
Inspyle Nails & Spa 310-657-2566
West Hollywood Irena Nails 323-655-0103
Angel City Gym 310-858-6812 Jeannie Nail Care 323-651-5268 Los Angeles
Bomb Squad Gym 323-969-9966 Jessicas Nail Clinic Inc 310-659-9292 Shaun Daneshgar DDS 323-653-9440
West Hollywood Sport Cl 310-652-7440 Just Nails 310-476-9737
Just Nails 310-476-6581
Kimberlys Nails 323-653-5342
Kims Nail Care 310-659-9284 MODELING SERVICE
MANICURE PREPARATIONS Kims Nail Salon 323-650-6954
L A Beverly Hills Nails 323-852-0405 Millennium Agency 818-817-9494
La Nails & Spa 310-652-6058 14545 Friar St. Suite 110
Beverly Hills Labelle Image Inc 310-820-2950 Van Nuys, CA 91411
Robertson Nail Salon 310-289-8161 Lapeer Beauty 323-934-7500
Lisa Nails 310-659-2924 Beverly Hills
Agoura Hills Lynns Nail 323-658-7762 Beautiful Bartenders 310-600-1077
Affection Nails 818-706-3881 Marie Nails 310-550-5843 Bleu Model Management I 310-854-0088
Jennifer 818-706-0357 Melrose Nails 323-954-7264 Body Parts Models 310-275-8263
Nails by Tee 818-889-6819 Mimosa Nails 310-657-2797 Elite Model Management 310-274-9395
U S A Nails 818-991-4416 Nails & More 310-271-9800 Ford Models 310-276-8100
Nails by Norma 310-476-0420 Go Models and Talent 310-
Beverly Hills Pamela Nails 323-655-8279 274-2980
Amy Nails Design 310-652-2446 Passion Nails 323-464-2075 Next Model Management 323-782-0010
Bella Nails 310-385-0885 Pastel Naisl Spa Bijou 323-957-9879 Posh Enterainment Group 310-385-5869
Beverly Hills Nail Design 310-205-0694 Pink Nails 323-653-2117 Spectrum La 310-461-6113
Beverly Hills Nail Design 2310-273-0509 Simply Best Nail Salon 323-962-7196 Susan Jones 310-858-1533
Bonjour Nails 310-273-8186 Skin Sense by Marion Si 323-653-4701 Warning Management Serv 310-860-9969
Cindy Nail 310-652-6596 Star Nails 323-654-9385
Contempo Nails 310-855-8879 Susans Nails 323-852-9133 Los Angeles
Diana Tran 310-273-8033 Tina Pham 323-851-3441 Bass International 323-851-0173
Elegant Nails Salon 310-360-0970 Tinas Nails 323-655-2999 Booking Actors & Models 323-468-9188
Eros Nails 310-360-7029 TLC Salon 310-260-9292 Click Models Of Los Ange 310-246-0800
Express Nails 310-360-1471 Top Town Nails 310-471-3061 M Model Management 323-658-8382
Hands On Spa Boutique 310-860-0137 Trinabella 323-848-7798 Models Inc 323-460-4225
Jackie Manicurists 310-247-1434 Zumani Nail & Hair Spa 310-979-9918 Morgan Agency 323-938-6250
Lees Nails 310-859-3501 Morgan Agency Inc 323-469-7100
Lindas Nail Care One 310-657-6078 Malibu Nous Model Management 310-385-6900
Lynns Nails 310-277-6268 Ambience Skin and Nail C 310-456-3088 One Planet Agency 323-655-0619
Margo Nails Youth 310-858-0223 Angelas Skin & Nail Care 310-457-4950 Petite Model & Talent Mgt 323-782-9582
Nail Care by Kathy 310-277-6113 Christys Nails 310-456-8684 Victor Kruglov & Associat 323-957-9000
Nails 2000 310-271-8548 Giovannis Hair Concepts 310-457-2413
Nails by Mria Tresa Bvrly 323-888-8035 Magic Nails 310-456-0659 Malibu
Melissa Brewer Productio 310-459-4912 Rlf Robert Lee Fitness 323-860-0641
Seaside Health & Fitness 310-967-5333 Santa Monica
Santa Monica Sharons Fitness Domaine I 323-656-1254 Bonjour Nail Salon 310-451-2080
Star Bodies Fitness LLC 310-278-3030 C J Artistic Nails 310-829-5966
Swerve 323-782-0741 Classy Nails 310-396-2359
Blake Ari 310-393-7600 Ultima Health & Fitness 310-655-4850 Cute Nail 310-399-8833
Grace Models & Talent 310-358-3381 Wild Willow Inc 310-472-0361 Cute Nail Salon 310-399-8833
Emilys Nail Salon 310-587-3376
West Hollywood Malibu Heathers Nail Salon 310-576-1340
Affinity Model & Talent 323-525-0577 Fitness Ecetera 310-285-8433 Lily Thu Hong 310-399-3569

Finesse Modeling Manage 323-658-8269 Lilys Nail 310-394-4343

J R P International Inc 310-887-3800 Venice Majestic Nails 310-395-1109
Lewis Huynh 323-654-6106 Hands On 310-967-5088 Marys Nail 310-458-0263
Otto Model Management 323-650-2200 L A Fitness Sports Clubs 310-827-0904 Nail Affairs 310-393-8531
Nationwide Fitness LLC 310-399-9000 Nail Elite 310-394-6007
Optimum Fitnes 310-664-7015 Nails by Helen 310-453-7958
ORTHODONTIST Ritz-Carlton Ht Marina D 310-823-1700 Nails by Kim 310-828-9458
Nails by Lee 310-452-1923
West Hollywood Nails Plage 310-260-8801
Beverly Hills Dr Alis Holistic Health Ce 310-360-0416 Nancys Nails 310-828-3917
Aesthetic Orthodontics 310-888-0066 Embody Fitness 310-621-3030 New Dimension 310-458-8113
Bloore J Alan DDS Ms 310-277-9700 Garden Sanctuary 310-288-3024 Polish Nails & Waxing Inc 310-451-0017
David B Zinati DDS 310-652-2010 Pretty Nail 310-453-0102
E Wasserman DDS PC 310-276-6789 Woodland Hills Princess Nails 310-829-4230
Jeffrey M Cohen Dmd 310-247-8880 Bodyfusion Inc 818-226-9266 Q Nails 310-399-8833
Joe Cannon DDS 310-289-1989 Fitness Philosophy 818-223-9985 Toe Haven 310-392-8611
Mario E Paz DDS Ms 310-289-6666 Gymnasium Fitness & Tra 818-591-8085 Tracys Nails 310-393-3882
Molayem S DDS 310-278-9101 Inside & Out Personal Tra 818-999-3177 Vo Michael Lang 310-396-6869
Newhart Orthodontics 310-550-1533 L A Fitness Sports Clubs 818-884-1100 Yes Nails & Spas 310-829-5944
Soleymani Peiman DDS 310-275-4606
Tepper Harry Dr 310-246-0100 West Hollywood
Artistic Nail Center 310-273-4466
Santa Monica PLASTIC SURGEON Ct Nails 5 323-822-9708
Beauchamp Dr-Western D 310-396-2926 Happy Nails and Spa 323-969-8253
Newhart Scott Gould Dmd 310-393-9389 Jackies Nail 323-656-1611
Paul Austin Dr 310-393-8233 Beverly Hills La Vie Lorange 310-289-2501
Sanford A Aaronson DDS 310-393-9339 Adult Practice 310-273-0234 Melody Nail Salon 310-652-1455
Woo Craighton 310-458-6769 Advanced Action Designs 310-652-8030 Planet Nails & Spa 310-657-0828
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery I 310-623-1288
Aesthtic Plstic Srgery Bvrl 310-659-2525
Los Angeles
PHYSICAL FITNESS FACILITIES Afshin Faradmehr M.D. (Sean F. Mehr, Shaun Daneshgar DDS 323-653-9440
Beverly Hills Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Skin Cancer
Balance 310-274-3966 Surgery
Bring Back Gym Inc 323-717-0214 1125 S. Beverly Dr., #600 MODELING SERVICE
Charlenes Fitness Survival 310-246-1967 Los Angeles, CA 90035
Estee Lauder 310-550-2044 1-800-90210-4U Millennium Agency 818-817-9494
Feelin Good Fitness Inc 310-461-3574 310-271-1131 14545 Friar St. Suite 110
Fitness Programca Pound4 310-273-8223 310-277-0910 Van Nuys, CA 91411
Formula For Fitness Inc 310-917-1363
Laura Fitness by 310-362-4133 Andre Aboolian MD 310-888-8862 Beverly Hills
Natural Pilates & Body Wo 310-277-6386 Anthony C Griffin MD 310-657-8264 Beautiful Bartenders 310-600-1077
Sidekicks Personal Traine 310-454-7648 Beverly Hills Aesthetic & 310-247-9040 Bleu Model Management I 310-854-0088
Sky Sport & Spa 310-652-7721 Beverly Style Plastic Surge 310-271-0536 Body Parts Models 310-275-8263
Beverly Surgery Center 310-275-4446 Elite Model Management 310-274-9395
Los Angeles Brian H Novack MD 310-859-1699 Ford Models 310-276-8100
Absolut Fitness 310-826-4880 Cosmetic Physicians 310-550-5893 Go Models and Talent 310-
Barrys Bootcamp 310-360-6262 Desired Beauty Surgical & 310-274-4900 274-2980
Body & Soul 310-659-2211 Eton Barry DDS 310-275-5325 Next Model Management 323-782-0010
Body Maxx Exclsve Traini 323-655-8365 Facial Plstc & Rcnstrctive 310-552-2173 Posh Enterainment Group 310-385-5869
Broadhag Fitness Design 323-656-2031 Flashman Tom A MD 310-274-7821 Spectrum La 310-461-6113
Bulldog Gym Of Hollywo 323-960-0660 Fleming Richard W MD F 310-278-8823 Susan Jones 310-858-1533
Daras Fitness Inc 310-652-3271 Foundation For Aesthetic 310-278-1839 Warning Management Serv 310-860-9969
Emerson Hall Fitness Inc 310-274-0700 Francis R Palmer III MD 310-652-9583
Eric Cooper Fitnes 310-487-0769 Gaffney Institute 310-385-7765 Los Angeles
Get Rid Off Physical Fitne 323-938-6179 George Brenan 310-275-9215 Bass International 323-851-0173
Groove Fitness 323-960-0660 Glassman Harry A MD 310-550-0999 Booking Actors & Models 323-468-9188
Gym Private Fitness 310-247-8817 Gregory Mueller MD 310-273-9800 Click Models Of Los Ange 310-246-0800
Hollywood Health & Fitne 323-957-8780 Guy Massry 310-453-8474 M Model Management 323-658-8382
Isley Personal Fitness 310-360-0639 Harry Marshak MD 310-657-7600 Models Inc 323-460-4225
L A Fitness Sports Clubs 323-462-5199 Healthwest Inc 310-274-4999 Morgan Agency 323-938-6250
Lifestyle Fitness 310-472-9656 Inland Cosmetic Surgery 310-470-9678 Morgan Agency Inc 323-469-7100
Lift 323-469-1761 Jon A Perlman MD Inc 310-854-0031 Nous Model Management 310-385-6900
Magic Castle 323-851-3313 Kamer Frank M MD Facs 310-556-8155 One Planet Agency 323-655-0619
Mental Fitness Publishing 310-278-7720 Kanodia Raj MD A Medica 310-276-3106 Petite Model & Talent Mgt 323-782-9582
Mobile Fitness 310-203-0773 Karen Dennis MD 310-275-8542 Victor Kruglov & Associat 323-957-9000
Movimento Fitness Soluti 310-394-4110 Koplin Lwrence M MD 310-277-3223
Myogenics Fitness 323-848-6900 Kotler Robert MD Facs 310-278-8721 Malibu
Lasky Clinic 310-556-8155 Santa Monica, CA 90402
Lawrence M Birnbaum 310-556-5663 Allen Edwards Salon and Spa
Leslie H Stevens MD 310-556-1003 818-887-7330
Liposuction Of Beverly H 310-271-7433 20855 Ventura Blvd.
Masoud Malek M
Michael Cardenas MD
Moellenken B Plastic Surg 310-273-1001
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Monell & Berman Mds Inc 310-278-3223 Beverly Hills
Norman Shore MD 310-278-1839 Beverly Thibiant Hills Inc 310-278-7565
Novack Brian H MD 310-888-8818 Kristines Day Spa Inc 310-652-4078


Ophthalmic Facial Plastic 310-276-0044 Royalty & Relaxation 323-646-3551
Orringer Jay S MD Facs 310-273-1663 Solution Skincare 310-276-5558
Plastic Srgery Med Group 310-461-2477 Touch LLC 310-659-8559
Plastic Surgery Ctr A Med 310-271-7110
Precision Plastic Surgery 310-854-6777 Los Angeles
Ryan Frank H MD Facs 310-275-1075 Bliss World Spa Reservatio 323-930-0330
S Daniel Golshani MD Inc 310-274-3481 Burke Williams Day Spa 323-822-9007
Semel George Herbert MD 310-274-7547 Chang Mai Health Spa 323-465-1255
Shorr Norman MD Facs 310-278-1839 Great Shape Inc 310-820-6602
Sinclair Alexander MD 310-274-4103 Launa Stone Rn 310-826-2030
Smaili Tarick MD 866-372-3288 M Statics Spa 310-859-4939
Sokol Anthony B MD 310-274-8157 Pure Cleansing Center 323-878-2600
Surgical Inst Upland 909-931-3227 Unity Spa 310-826-9877
Takowsky Gary S MD 310-657-7741 Beauty Black Book
Trott Suzanne MD Plastic 310-275-3990 Malibu
Varkony Steven J MD 310-271-7110 Energy Essentials 310-456-1597 Packages
Yuan Robin T W MD 310-385-8425 Malibu Hot Tub Co 310-457-4248
Malibu Medical Corporati 310-456-1603
Los Angeles *Premie Package: $50
Aronsohn Richard MD Pr 323-653-7700 Santa Monica Package includes company listing
Babak Dadvand MD 323-806-5027 Aqua Day Spa 310-899-6222
Behrooz Torkian MD Ap 310-462-2351 Beverly Hills Rejuvenation 310-473-5800 with vital company information name,
Carolyn Conboy Do PC 323-954-5800 Exhale Mind Body Spa 310-921-7100 address and phone number. Front page
Hansen David C MD 310-273-8006 Laser Inst For Dermatolog 310-828-2282
Health Transformation Gen 323-456-2601 Nail Spa Lane 310-451-8722 editorial on RunwayMagazineLa.
Joanne Low MD 310-659-3300 Precision Spa 818-363-3635 com!.
Keyes Surgicenter 310-859-9388 Skin Remedies Inc 310-453-6474
Konstantin Salkinder Dr 323-933-8477 Williams Burke Day Spa 310-587-3366
M Aesthetics Spa LLC 310-276-3183 Willow Spa 310-453-9004 *Platinum Package: $100
New ME Institute 310-271-3000
Richard Ellnbgen MD A M 310-276-3185 West Hollywood Package Includes Company Listing In
Richard Kendrick Slate 310-967-1155 Kinara Spa LLC 310-657-9188 Red with vital company information...
Stanley Frileck MD Inc 310-820-1491 Lulur Inc 310-659-4100
Phancy Nails 323-822-1118 name, address, phone number and web
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page 94
page 95

Arm Lift (brachioplasty) Average Cost sensation, contraction of scar capsule surrounding
implant, infection, deflation or leakage of implant,
anesthesia-related complications. Also, having
Description implants may make it more difficult to read mam-
Surgically reduces loose skin and fat deposits in Treatment Frequency mograms.
order to reshape upper arm. Procedure may be per- Once.
formed in conjunction with liposuction. Breast Lift (mastopexy)
Length Of Surgery Description
Roughly 2-3 hours. Reshapes and raises sagging breasts through surgical
Recovery Time procedure.
Able to resume moderate exercise in 3-6 weeks. Able
Outpatient. to return to work in 1-2 weeks.
Length Of Surgery
2-5 hours.
Average Cost Duration of Results
$3,000-$10,000 In/Outpatient
If weight is maintained, permanent, though aging
may affect the results. Either.
Treatment Frequency
Average Cost
Once. Risks
Irregular scar formation, loss of sensation, and
anesthesia-related complications. Treatment Frequency
General or local with sedation.
PROS: Cons:
Recovery Time
Dramatic improvement Significant recovery time Anesthesia
Able to resume exercise in 3-6 weeks. Able to return of appearance. and extensive scarring.
to work in 2-3 weeks. General or local with intravenous sedation.
Due to the increasing number of gastric
INSIDE Recovery Time
bypass patients losing massive amounts of
Duration of Results weight, body lifts are one of the fastest-
If weight is maintained, permanent, though aging growing areas of plastic surgery. Body lift is Able to resume moderate exercise in 3-6 weeks.
may affect the results. best performed once weight loss plateau has Return to work in 1-2 weeks.

Duration of Results
Risks Breast Enlargement
Long-lasting, but gravity, weight loss/gain, aging and
Asymmetry, numbness, infection, irregular scar (augmentation mammaplasty) pregnancy may affect results.
formation, and anesthesia-related complications.
Description Risks
3 essential arm lift questions Enhances breast shape, enlarges breast size and/or Irregular scar formation, loss of sensation, asym-
1 Will my arm lift also require liposuction? improves asymmetry by the insertion of a saline or metry of breasts and/or nipples, anesthesia-related
silicone filled implant. complications.
2 Where will incisions be made and the resulting
scars be located? Length Of Surgery
PROS: Cons:
3 How many arm lifts and other body-lift Roughly 1-2 hours. Breasts look younger, Scarring on surface (and
procedures have you performed? May I and perkier. at times underneath) the
see some before-and-after photographs? In/Outpatient breast.
Outpatient. Breast implants are commonly recommend-
PROS: sleeved shirts. INSIDE
ed along with breast lifts. The insertion of a
Feeling comfortable Average Cost breast implant restores lost breast volume
waving hello or good- Cons: and firmness.
bye without “flapping”. Large scar that generally
The confidence to wear begins in the underarm Treatment Frequency
sleeveless and short and may extend all the Breast reconstruc-
Once, though you may choose (or need) to replace
implants since they may not last a lifetime. Description
Anesthesia This procedure may include the use of a woman’s
own tissue or the insertion of an implant in recon-
Description General or local with intravenous sedation. structing the breast. Reconstruction can remarkably
Rather than one surgical session, this procedure may improve a woman’s body image and self-confidence,
Recovery Time although the results will never identically match the
be performed in stages. Body lifts are performed to
Able to resume vigorous physical activity in 3-4 disfigured or lost breast.
reshape the belly, hips, buttocks and/or thighs, upper
legs and lower torso. weeks. Able to return to work in 7-10 days.
Length Of Surgery
Length Of Surgery Duration of Results Roughly 2-10 hours.
Roughly 4-8 hours. Long-lasting, though gravity and age may eventually In/Outpatient
alter breast shape and size.
Primary procedures are inpatient with a 2-5 day
Risks hospital stay. Secondary procedures, however, may
Inpatient. be outpatient or inpatient.
Accumulation of blood requiring drainage, loss of

page 77
Cellulite Treatment

Average Cost Buttock Implants Risks

Depends on technique, procedures to the opposite Bleeding, infection, irregular scar formation,
breast needed to achieve symmetry, and insurance Description anesthesia-related complications.
coverage. Adds volume to buttocks by placing solid silicone
Treatment Frequency
elastomer implants inside, over, or under buttock Cellulite Treatment
To achieve a reasonable result, more than one (Endermologie, TriActive, VelaSmooth)
planned stage may be necessary. Length Of Surgery
Roughly 2 hours.
Anesthesia Spa or office based treatments that may reduce the
In/Outpatient appearance of cellulite through light/energy treat-
General for primary procedures; general or local
ments and/or manual massage.
with sedation for secondary procedures. Outpatient.
Length Of Surgery
Recovery Time Average Cost
30-60 minutes per session.
Approximately 2-6 weeks. $6,000-$12,000.
Duration of Results Treatment Frequency
Permanent, though aging and weight gain/loss can Once.
affect results. Average Cost
$100-$250 per session
Risks General.
Infection, asymmetry, bleeding irregular scar forma- Treatment Frequency
tion, anesthesia-related complications, capsular
Recovery Time
A series of six to twelve (or more) treatments, plus
contracture if a breast implant is used in reconstruc- Able to resume normal activity in 6 weeks. Able to maintenance sessions, are required to sustain results.
tion, permanent loss of sensation and tissue in the return to work within 2 weeks.
breasts or donor sites. Anesthesia
Duration of Results
Permanent, though aging and weight gain/loss can
Breast Reduction affect results. Recovery Time
(reduction mammaplasty) Risks None.

Shifting or visibility beneath the skin, bleeding, Duration of Results
infection, irregular scar formation, anesthesia-related
Makes breasts lighter, smaller and firmer through the Usually temporary without maintenance treatments.
complications. Also, a disfigured appearance may
removal of fat, skin and glandular tissue. result from removing implants without replacing Long-term results unkown.

Length Of Surgery Risks

Improper use can result in thermal injury, and out-
Roughly 2-5 hours. Buttock Lift comes aren’t always predictable.
An overnight hospital stay may be recommended.
Buttocks are reshaped by removing excess skin and Liposuction
Average Cost redistributing or reducing fat. (suction-assisted lipectomy)
$4,000-$15,000 Length Of Surgery Description
Roughly 3-4 hours. Body is sculpted through the removal of fat from
Treatment Frequency localized areas of the body. Techniques include
Once. In/Outpatient power-assisted lipoplasty (PAL), ultrasoundas-
Either. sisted lipoplasty (UAL), superwet and tumescent
Anesthesia techniques.
General for primary procedures; general or local Average Cost
with sedation for secondary procedures. Length Of Surgery
$8,000-$20,000. Varies according to number of sites, amount of fat to
Recovery Time be removed, technique.
Treatment Frequency
Able to resume strenuous physical activity in four to
six weeks. Able to return to work in approximayely Once, usually. In/Outpatient
two to four weeks. Outpatient, but may be inpatient depending on
Anesthesia patient’s health and the extent of surgery.
Duration of Results General.
Average Cost
Permanent, though aging and weight gain/loss can
affect results. Recovery Time $1,500-$5,000 per area.
Able to resume normal activity in 6 weeks. Able to
Risks return to work within 2 weeks. Treatment Frequency
Asymmetry, bleeding, infection, irregular scar for- Once, as long as weight is maintained.
mation, permanent loss of sensation in breasts and/or Duration of Results
nipples, loss of tissue, anesthesia-related complica- Permanent, though aging and weight gain/loss can Anesthesia
tions. Breast-feeding may not be possible. affect results. General, local, local with intravenous sedation, or
regional (e.g., an epidural block).

Recovery Time Average Cost Length Of Surgery
Able to return to work within 3 days to 3 weeks, depend- $6,000-$20,000 2-5 hours.
ing on the areas treated and the extent of liposuction.
Treatment Frequency In/Outpatient
Duration of Results
Usually once. Either, depending on circumstances, extent of sur-
Noticeable improvement in the first few days
through 4 weeks. Continued improvement for 6 gery, and surgeon preference.
months post-surgery as swelling decreases. Results
may be maintained with proper exercise and diet. General. Average Cost
Risks Recovery Time
Numbness, asymmetry, fat or blood clots, excessive Able to resume normal activity in 3 months, and Anesthesia
fluid loss, nerve damage, friction burns, infection, ad- return to work within a month.
verse reaction to the anesthetic and epinephrine used
in tumescence, other anesthesia-related complications, Duration of Results
sagging skin, irregular scar formation, contour irregu-
Treatment Frequency
Permanent, but aging and weight loss/gain affects
larities or dimpling, and pigmentation changes. results. Once.

Risks Recovery Time

Thigh Lift Able to resume strenuous activity in 8-12 weeks.
Irregular scar formation, infection, bleeding, anesthe-
Description sia-related complications. Return to work in 2-6 weeks.
Thighs are reshaped through the removal of excess Duration of Results
skin and, in some cases, fat.
Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) Permanent, but weight loss/gain and pregnancy af-
Length Of Surgery fect results.
2-6 hours, roughly. Description
Removal of excess skin and/or fat resulting in the flat- Risks
In/Outpatient tening of the abdomen. Procedure sometimes includes Irregular scar formation, infection, skin loss, blood
Either. tightening of the abdominal muscles. clots, internal bleeding, anesthesia-related complica-
skin resurfacing: non-Ablative skin resurfacing: Abla-
tive Skin-Tightening Energy-Based Procedures Spider
Vein Treatment
Description Description
A nitrogen plasma-energy treatment used to resur- Risks Thermal energy is imparted using a light (Titan) or
face the skin and restructure collagen. Persistent redness, possible wounds, scarring, radio-frequency based energy (Thermage) to tighten
irritation and irregular pigmentation if performed skin and stimulate collagen production.
Length Of Surgery incorrectly.
30 minutes. Length Of Surgery

In/Outpatient Skin Resurfacing: 0.5-1.5 hours

Outpatient. ablative In/Outpatient

(dermabrasion, laser, deep Outpatient.
Average Cost
chemical peel) Average Cost
Treatment Frequency
For maximum results, a series of treatments is Treatment Frequency
required. Upper layers of the skin are removed to smooth scars,
wrinkles and fine lines, or to treat irregular pigmenta- If necessary, may be repeated.
Anesthesia tion. Dermabrasion involves a controlled mechanical
scraping of the skin. Lasers commonly used include Anesthesia
Topical. Additionally, an oral sedative may be given erbium or carbon dioxide (CO2). Chemical peel None or local, oral sedation may be recommended.
to reduce anxiety. agents include Jessner’s solution, croton oil and TCA.
Recovery Time
Recovery Time Length Of Surgery Immediate return to work.
Redness, swelling, skin flaking and some oozing is 0.5-1.5 hours
to be expected for 3-5 days. Duration of Results
In/Outpatient The technology is too new to provide a reasonable
Duration of Results
Outpatient. estimate.
Will vary according to the speed in which aging
and environmental factors will produce new surface Average Cost Risks
irregularities. The extent of improvement is just as
unpredictable. $2,500-$5,000 Persistent redness, burns, scarring, uneven pigmenta-
Skin Resurfacing: Treatment Frequency
Non-ablative If necessary, may be repeated.
Spider vein treatment
(microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, Anesthesia (sclerotherapy)
light chemical peel) Local with sedation. Description
Description Benign spider and varicose veins are made less vis-
Recovery Time
This treatment removes the superficial upper layers ible and unsightly by injecting them with a scleros-
of the skin without causing wounding. Micro- May return to work within 2-4 weeks. ing solution.
dermabrasion uses vacuum suction and fine abrasive
crystals to polish the skin. Dermaplaning involves Duration of Results Length Of Surgery
careful scraping with a fine scalpel. Chemical peel Long-lasting, but aging will influence results. Protec-
solutions include low concentration TCA, glycolics, 15-45 minutes per treatment.
tion from the sun is essential to maintain results.
retinoic acid or amino acid combinations.
Risks In/Outpatient
Length Of Surgery Outpatient.
Persistent redness, burns, scarring, pigmentation chang-
30 minutes. es, activation of herpes virus infections (cold sores).
Average Cost
In/Outpatient 5 essential ablative laser questions $350 per session, depending on size of treated area.
Outpatient. 1 What kind of experience do you have with
lasers and other skin resurfacing techniques? Treatment Frequency
Average Cost What type of laser will be used? 3-4 monthly treatments, depending on size of the
$150-$300 per treatement 2 In order to achieve my desired result, how area.
many treatments will be required? How long is
Treatment Frequency the process? Anesthesia
May be repeated weekly, monthly or as your doctor
advises to maximize results.
3 Is this procedure safe for my skin type? Will I None.
experience any changes in my skin tone?
Anesthesia 4 What type of recovery will I need? Will special Recovery Time
None, but you may request a topical numbing cream skin care be required during this time? Immediate or next day return to work. Able to exer-
prior to treatment if you are exceptionally sensitive 5 Will you or a member of your staff treat me? If cise moderately in 24 hours. A compression wrap or
to pain. the latter, what are his or her qualifications? support hose may need to be worn for 2-14 days.

Recovery Time Duration of Results

None. (Skin may be slightly pink/red for a few hours Skin-tightening Long-lasting, but it should be noted that sclerothera-
following the treatment.) py does not prevent new veins from appearing.
Duration of Results procedures Risks
Temporary, but results will improve with each treat- (Aluma, LuxIR, ReFirme, Pigmentation changes, blood clots at injection site(s).
ment. Protection from the sun is essential to maintain
results. Thermage Titan)
page 81
Browlift/Forehead Lift
Eyelid Surgery
FacE Implants facial surgery
facial surgery

Browlift/Fore- In/Outpatient Anesthesia

head Lift Outpatient. General or local with intravenous sedation.

Description Average Cost Recovery Time

Youthful look is restored to upper third of the face Upper lids: $1,500-$3,000 Though swelling, stiffness and bruising may persist
(including the forehead and brow region) by smooth- Lower lids: $1,500-$3,500 for 3-4 weeks, patient should be able to return to
ing furrows. Hooded or lowered eyebrows may also work in 10-14 days.
be repositioned. Treatment Frequency
Duration of Results
Length Of Surgery Long-lasting, but gravity and aging may gradually
Anesthesia take their toll and you may desire another facelift.
1-3 hours, roughly. (Note that if a twin gets a facelift and the other
General or local with sedation. doesn’t, the twin who underwent the procedure will
In/Outpatient always look about a decade younger than his/her
Outpatient, usually. Recovery Time sibling.)
Back to work in five to fourteen days. Strenuous
Average Cost Risks
activity in three weeks.
$3,000-$8,000. Hematoma (collection of blood under the skin),
Duration of Results asymmetry, nerve damage, irregular scar formation,
Treatment Frequency altered hairline, anesthesia-related complications.
Approximately 10 years, but may be affected by 5 essential facelift questions
Usually once. lifestyle factors and hereditary.
1 What is your experience with this technique?
Anesthesia Risks 2 Where will incisions and resulting scars be
General or local with sedation. Asymmetry, infection, bleeding, impaired eyelid located?
function, anesthesia-related complications.
Recovery Time 3 What techniques do you recommend for me?
Able to resume vigorous activity in 3-4 weeks, and 5 essential blepharoplasty questions 4 What type of anesthesia do you recommend
return to work within 7-10 days. and who will administer it?
1 What eyelid surgery technique do you
Duration of Results recommend for my upper and lower eyelids? 5 Will a facelift alone achieve my goals?
Long-lasting, but gravity and aging may affect
2 What is your experience with this procedure?
results. Face Implants
Risks 3 Where will incisions and resulting scars be
located? Description
Asymmetry, nerve damage, infection, bleeding,
irregular scar formation, hair loss adjacent to scars, 4 Will eyelid surgery alone achieve my goals? Facial contours are enhanced through the use of
altered hairline, anesthesia-related complications. jaw, cheek or chin implants usually made of solid,
5 essential browlift questions 5 What type of anesthesia do you recommend medical-grade silicone.
and who will administer it?
1 Do you recommend a form of coronal inciscion Length Of Surgery
or perform endoscopic techniques? 1-2 hours, roughly.
If your vision is impaired due to sagging
2 Where will incisions and resulting scars be
eyelid skin, this surgery is considered
reconstructive and may be eligible for insur- In/Outpatient
ance coverage. Pre-certification is a must, so Usually outpatient.
3 What is your experience with this technique? discuss this with your surgeon during your
initial consultation. Average Cost
4 What type of anesthesia do you recommend $2,000-$6,000 depending on number and type of
and who will administer it? FaceLift (rhytidectomy) implants.
5 Will a browlift alone achieve my goals? Description Treatment Frequency
If you choose to undergo a browlift, your A more youthful appearance is achieved by repo- Once.
INSIDE sitioning and tightening facial tissue and muscles,
days of Botox aren’t necessarily over; Botox
may be recommended to relax the muscles reducing and/or redistributing facial fat, and redrap- Anesthesia
before surgery, and to enhance results post- ing and reducing excess sagging skin of the neck,
General or local with intravenous sedation.
face and jowls.
Recovery Time
Eyelid Surgery Length Of Surgery
Able to resume strenuous activity in 5 weeks. Able
(blepharoplasty) 3-6 hours.
to resume work within 7 days, depending on number
and type of implants and whether insertion is com-
Description In/Outpatient
bined with any other cosmetic procedure.
Surgical procedure to remove fat and excess skin Either.
from the upper and/or lower eyelids, or repositions Duration of Results
and tightens the lower eyelid muscles, making the Average Cost Permanent.
eye area appear less fatigued and thus more youthful. $4,000-$25,000
Length Of Surgery Treatment Frequency
Shifting of implant, infection, anesthesia-related
1-3 hours. Usually once. complications.
facial surgery Limited-Incision Facelift
Necklift Nose REShaping
Lip Augmentation


facial sugery
Limited-Incision 60 minutes. 5 essential necklift questions
Facelift In/Outpatient 1 What type of results are experienced by your
patients and how long do they last?
Description Outpatient.
2 How will my necklift be addressed? What is
Elevates sagging tissue (mostly mid-face) through Average Cost your experience with this procedure?
the removal or redistribution of facial fat. Dif-
fers from a full facelift in that a shorter incision is $600-$3,500 3 Where will incisions and resulting scars be
involved and the reduction of excess sagging skin is located?
limited. Treatment Frequency
4 What type of anesthesia is recommended and
For injectable fillers: every 3-9 months. Fat injec- who will administer it?
Length Of Surgery
tions tend to last longer and roughly 30-50% will
1-4 hours. remain permanently. 5 Will a necklift alone achieve my goals?

In/Outpatient Anesthesia
Nose REShaping (rhino-
Local. plasty)
Average Cost Recovery Time
$4,000-$20,000 Description
None – may return to normal activity immediately.
Nose is reshaped by altering size, proportions or
Treatment Frequency Duration of Results curves, angle, and sometimes even the nasal tip and
Procedure may be repeated. As aging progresses, a nostrils.
full facelift may be necessary. Temporary.
Length Of Surgery
Anesthesia Risks
1-3 hours.
General or local with intravenous sedation. Asymmetry, bleeding, potential allergic reactions,
migration of fillers. Additional risks will depend on In/Outpatient
Recovery Time
Materials may also be implanted to augment
Outpatient, usually.
lips; often performed in conjunction with
Bruising, stiffness and swelling may persist for 3-4 other facial procedures.
weeks. Able to resume work within 5-14 days, depend- Average Cost
ing on the extent and technique of the procedure. $3,500-$14,000
Duration of Results NeckLift (platysma- Treatment Frequency
Will vary according to procedure. (Results differ Once.
from full facelifts.) Description
Neck appearance is enhanced by tightening the sag- Anesthesia
Risks ging platysma (neck muscle), removing excess skin Local with sedation or general.
Irregular scarring, asymmetry, hematoma, (collection and fat, and softening the appearance of chords. May
of blood under the skin), nerve damage, anesthesia- be performed in conjunction with liposuction or a Recovery Time
related complications. facelift.
5 essential limited-incision facelift ques- Able to resume strenuous exercise in 3-6 weeks.
Length Of Surgery Able to return to work in 10-14 days.
1-2 hours. Duration of Results
1 What is your experience with this procedure?
Permanent, though aging may affect results.
2 What limited technique is best for me? In/Outpatient
Outpatient. Risks
3 Where will incisions and resulting scars be Asymmetry, infection, bleeding, unsatisfactory
located? Average Cost results, possible breathing difficulty, anesthesia-re-
4 What type of anesthesia is recommended and $3,500-$10,000 lated complications. Results may be refined through
who will administer it? secondary procedures.
Treatment Frequency
5 Do you recommend other procedures, or will
a limited-incision facelift alone achieve my Once, but you may choose to refine results every 10 Threadlift
Limited-incision facelifts are known by many
fyi different names and incision patterns. The
S-lift (so named for its S-shaped incision be- Local with intravenous sedation or general.
Sagging skin (brow, mid-face, neck or jowls) is
elevated through the use of barbed or suspension su-
ginning at the temple and curving above and tures. The only threads the FDA currently approves
behind the ear) is the most common pattern.
Recovery Time for cosmetic use are Contour Threads.
Lip Augmenta- Able to resume exercise in 3-4 weeks. Able to return
Length Of Surgery
to work in 1-2 weeks.
Description 1-4 hours.
Plumper, fuller lips are achieved by injecting Duration of Results
soft-tissue fillers (either collagen or hyaluronic acid- Long-lasting, though aging and weight gain affect In/Outpatient
based) or fat. Fine lines around the mouth will also results. Outpatient.
be reduced.
Risks Average Cost
Length Of Surgery Numbness, infection, irregular scar formation, $4,000-$10,000
anesthesia-related complications.
cosmetic dentistry
Bleaching Bonding
Cosmetic Contouring Crowns
Implants Invisalign
Bleaching Risks $2,500.
Description Anesthesia
cosmetic dentestry

This professional tooth whitening procedure consists of Avoiding nail biting, chewing on ice or Local, conscious sedation or full sedation.
polishing away superficial stains, applying a bleaching INSIDE
pens (or anything else that’s rock hard), or
solution, then using a special lamp or laser to optimize using your teeth as tools will maximize the Recovery Time
results. A gel to use every day for up to several weeks longevity of your bonding.
may also be given to you for at-home use. Professional
tooth whitening can be significantly more effective than
the slew of over-the-counter products readily available Duration of Results
today. Cosmetic contouring 5-15 years or longer.

Length Of Procedure Description Risks

In office: 0.75 – 2 hours. At home: 0.5 – 1 hour per Small areas of the teeth are gently sanded or shaved
Nerve may be damaged, complications related to
day. away to help even out teeth, soften pointy canines,
smooth ragged edges or bulges, and even round
Number oF visits required square-angled teeth to create a more feminine smile Did You Know?
Usually one, but additional in-office treatments or in women. Crowns cover the entire tooth, whereas
longer at-home treatment may be required for stubborn veneers cover only the front of a tooth.
staining. Length Of Procedure
1 hour or longer. Implants
Average Cost
In office: $500-$1,500; at home follow-up: $200- Number oF visits required Description
$600. One, plus consultation. Titanium anchor posts implanted in the jawbone and
covered with a full crown or a removable prosthesis
Anesthesia Average Cost are a permanent, natural-looking, secure way of
None required. $25-$100 per tooth or up to $1000 for the entire restoring or replacing missing teeth.
Recovery Time Length Of Procedure
None. Anesthesia From one to several hours.
Duration of Results Number oF visits required
Can last for years, but often needs redoing due to Recovery Time Two or more.
many factors like diet, original tooth color, tobacco None.
use, and individual response to bleaching products.
Average Cost
Duration of Results
Risks $500-$2500 per tooth for the implant alone (crown
On average 5-8 years – if you’re careful. is additional).
Worn-down enamel or large pulps (nerve and blood
vessels of tooth) might make teeth too sensitive for
Risks Anesthesia
Before any bleaching (even at home), Crooked smile. Local, local with sedation, or general.
it’s imperative to have a thorough dental
examination to check for microcracks or Recovery Time
excessive translucency that can cause unat-
INSIDE Cosmetic contouring can be used to comple-
It takes anywhere from 8 weeks to 6 months for the
tractive results.
ment other cosmetic dentistry procedures
such as orthodontics, or can be used on its bone to grow around the implant anchor. Tissues
own. require several weeks to heal after implant insertion.

Bonding Duration of Results

Description Crowns 35 years or longer.
A color-matched resin compound is applied over a Description Risks
chipped, short, crooked, decayed or broken tooth. Crowns (also known as caps) can be used in place of Implant may fail, complications related to anesthesia.
veneers to make a crooked smile appear straighter,
Length Of Procedure or repair broken or damaged teeth. The tooth surface
30-60 minutes per tooth. is reduced before being covered with a crown Your dental implant may be successfully

Number oF visits required

made of porcelain, porcelain bonded to metal, or
another durable substance. Sometimes crowns used
fyi inserted in just one office visit, and if your
dentist uses the CEREC system, the crown
side-by-side with veneers in full-mouth restorative can be attached to the implant during the
One. same appointment.
Average Cost
Length Of Procedure
$500-$2,000, depending on area treated, or $200-
$300 per tooth. Depends on position in mouth and other factors. Invisalign
Anesthesia Number oF visits required Description
None, unless bonding is being done to cover a cavity. Two. Similar to braces, but this process is virtually undetect-
able while it straightens the smile via a series of 18
Recovery Time Average Cost thin, clear, removable plastic aligners worn for up to 24

Duration of Results
Five to eight years on average – if you’re careful.

page 84
Gum Contouring
Veneers cosmetic dentistry
Length Of Procedure Surgical gum con- Recovery Time

cosmetic dentestry
1-2 years from start to finish (on average). touring None.

Description Duration of Results

Number oF visits required
A fairly easy and painless way to enhance your teeth Permanent. The procedure is irreversible, and can
After initial fitting, check-up appointments every 8-10 last longer than 15 years with proper dental hygiene.
weeks. smile line by removing tissue where it should not be.
This can help your smile by making it appear more
even at the gum line. This is often performed prior to
Average Cost
veneers and is without bleeding or sutures. Increased sensitivity to heat and cold. (Rare)
Length Of Procedure INSIDE Since your natural teeth will eventually
Usually under an hour, but depends on each indi- tip darken underneath, you might want to con-
sider a slightly lighter shade of porcelain for
vidual case. your veneers.
Recovery Time Number oF visits required
None. One.

Duration of Results Average Cost

Same as traditional braces. $50-$350 per tooth.

Risks Anesthesia
None. Local.

Recovery Time

Each set of aligners is worn for two weeks, Just 3-5 days – and the best part is it’s pain-free!
and removed only for drinking, eating,
brushing and flossing. Duration of Results
Microabrasion Risks
Description None, but results are permanent so choose your
This safe, minimal treatment to correct discolored dentist wisely.
teeth is usually used when bleaching has proven
ineffective and stains are restricted to the enamel Don’t settle for cosmetic shaping of your
layer. The dentist applies a mild acid compound, then INSIDE
gumline if what you really need is a gum lift
gently scrubs out the stain with a textured polisher. to improve your smile. Gum lifts typically
require more extensive surgery though.
Length Of Procedure
10 minutes - 1 hour.

Number oF visits required

One to three.
Average Cost Veneers are strong, stain-resistant, wafer-thin and
$100-$285 per tooth. natural-looking, and can be used to correct your
whole smile or just one tooth. Typically made of
Anesthesia porcelain, they can improve the appearance of worn,
chipped, discolored and/or crooked teeth. The thick-
ness of your natural teeth is reduced before veneers
are applied for a more impeccable fit.
Recovery Time
None. Length Of Procedure
Varies by patient and practitioner.
Duration of Results
Depends on dental care routine and maintenance, Number oF visits required
tobacco use and diet.
Two plus initial consultation.
Risks Average Cost
Photo: Don Sercer

$1000-$2000 per tooth. The average patient gets
8-10 veneers.
Although microabrasion can get rid of many
stains, if the technique isn’t as effective as
expected, the dentist may mask your tooth
with a crown, porcelain laminate or direct Local.

page 85

page 87

eet our cover girl Leyla Milani. Our as- team to a championship medal. Of course like We tried to dig for information on her current
sociation with NBC’s sweetheart started as a mild all gorgeous legitimate athletes she came to Holly- projects but she holds her secrets well. We know
infatuation. Our intentions were innocent enough. wood and was thrust into our version of legitimate she is being recruited for hosting or starring in a
We just wanted to put her on the cover as one of athletics, the WWE Diva Search. She captivated variety of television shows and feature films.
the most sought after women in Hollywood. But to millions on her way to the finals. Luckily for us
know her is to love her and a simple cover turned Leyla didn’t win. Instead our ‘Lucky Leyla’ went We know various charities and big businesses are
into a multi-page editorial. Be warned, you will on to a grab her favorite number 13 for Deal or recruiting her for hosting major social events. This
love her too. It’s not your fault, she just has that No Deal. is not breaking news but rather a steady part of
effect on people. her life over the past few years. We wanted to get
Deal or No Deal was a hit from the first day. With something new and surprising from her upcoming
Leyla recently appeared on the nationally broad- 26 of the hottest girls on the planet it would be hard projects. She threw us a bone and talked briefly
cast Macy’s Celebrity Catwalk Challenge and to fail. Now in its fourth season, there have been about a few fashion products she is designing.
walked the runway for Christian Audigier. (That 260 episodes and Leyla has been in pretty much all Designing? Yup, under that fabulous head of hair
was our cue to grab this starlet for the magazine.) of them. During the last four years Leyla has been is a brain for business. She apparently has several
We didn’t really need an excuse, but sometimes it undeniably one the hottest girls on American tele- items under development and we should start to
is hard to talk to a pretty girl without a reason. For vision. But how does she rank among this bevy of see them later this year. Leyla is a business wom-
this we thank you Macy’s. Thank you very much. beauties? We think she is doing quite well. Ap- an. Beauty and brains? This girl just keeps getting
Of course we all know Leyla from NBC’s ultra- parently so does NBC. There was a television pro- better.
hot game show “Deal or No Deal”. She is brief- mo for the show featuring “Lucky Leyla” and her
case model number 13. But Leyla is not just there, number 13. This was the only promo spot for the If you have dared to read this far into the article
she is nearly everywhere. You may remember her show featuring just one model. At the NBC store we must offer our congratulations. You are now
as one of the hottest girls in WWE Diva history, or there are loads of products related to the show, but among the millions of people who share our love
was it from Maxim, Entertainment Tonight, En- there is only one item specific to a single briefcase for Leyla. By now you must be asking if she is
tourage, Fox News, Jay Leno, Ripe TV, Sleeper model. That item is the “Lucky 13” t-shirt for our single, has celebrity boyfriends, or could possibly
Cell or one of her feature films? Leyla. On Jay Leno the final briefcase was held be in a tabloid-worthy affair? Maybe she has a
by Leyla. The hints are there, but we don’t want secret husband stashed behind the scenes? We
When you first see Leyla the impression is un- to say any model is a favorite. We leave that to searched the tabloid archives and could not find
forgettable: this woman has some serious hair. Oprah Winfrey. On national television Oprah said; anything on Leyla. We called gossip writers and
It’s real. It’s her hair. We checked. How do you “I have a favorite. My favorite is Leyla!” even psychics to get the scoop on our cover girl.
describe it? Let’s just say “Lions are jealous of Our search results came up with nothing. All we
this girl.” Her hair has its own cult following. It Even though other people (like us) put Leyla on a could find on the web was a video clip where a
is styled exclusively by celebrity stylist Allen Ed- pedestal, she remains humble. She is completely contestant on Deal or No Deal asked her out on a
wards. Nobody else touches the goods. Rumor has non-competitive as she praises her fellow Deal or date but he was upstaged by Kermit the Frog! So
it that Lloyds of London is drafting insurance for No Deal models like Brooke, Megan, Claudia, Ur- all we know for sure is that she once agreed to go
her famous mane as we speak. This is a rumor Miss sula and Lisa with compliments and support. We on a date with a frog. She keeps an air of mystery
Milani will neither confirm nor deny. Hmmm… tried to get her to take a jab at one of the other about her. In Hollywood it is hard to keep a secret,
girls, but she would not play our game. She sticks but Leyla seems to keep them well. Maybe we
In a sea of blue-eyed blondes we find Leyla a gray- by her sisterhood of briefcase models. Humility have stumbled across the next Bond girl or better
eyed brunette. Did we say gray eyes? Yes. The hair and integrity are sooooo attractive. yet maybe the next secret agent? Instead of 007
is rare and the eyes are fine. That’s where she gets she could be 0013.
you. The hair lures you in from afar, but when Even with her uber-hottie status Leyla does not hit
you are close enough to see the sparkle in her eyes the clubs or Hollywood scene very often. She pre- Keep an eye on this girl. She is the star Hollywood
it’s too late. You’re hooked. You just want to do fers the work of a good author over the work of a needs right now. Don’t say we didn’t warn you
whatever she asks. Like I said earlier, we tried to good DJ. But when she does go out beware, she about her charm and how she will make you fall in
shoot her for just the cover but we couldn’t resist makes an impression. A quick Google search for love with her. It’s not your fault, she just has that
a multi-page editorial, she just has that effect on her red carpet photos left us breathless. Take a effect on people.
people. look. We dare you. Check the usual sites; wireim-
age, youtube etc. She is there. Red carpet inter-
Leyla comes to us from Toronto, Canada. She ac- views abound. Fan pages, tribute sites, and the
tually went to the same high-school as Deal or No expected Official MySpace and Facebook pages
Deal’s host Howie Mandel (same high-school but should not be overlooked. Leyla even has im-
page 88

13 Leyla fun facts:

1. Number 13 is actually her lucky number and was randomly given to her for the show.
2. Her favorite combo meal at McDonald’s is also #13.
3. She has naturally stick-straight hair despite her massive lioness-like mane.
4. She has a beauty mark on her right cheek which rarely gets seen due to all the TV makeup on D.O.N.D.
5. Her favorite color is yellow.
6. One of her feet is actually 1 whole size bigger than the other...shoe-shopping is not always fun!
7. She loves jack and casino war being her specialty.
8. Her favorite TV show is the Simpsons.
9. She loves Indian food.
10. Her favorite fruit is Mango. Her Pomeranian is also named ‘Mango’.
11. Even though she is Canadian, she can neither ski nor ice-skate.
12. She can play one song on the piano.
13. When asked if she has any regrets, she easily says that she has lost her baby album and all the photos in it!

page 89
C ourtney Jones was born in Mel-
bourne, Australia, September 12, 1986.
“Grew up in the Australian outback hunt-
ing and shooting with my dad and moved
around a lot as a kid, I went to 10 different

page 92
I was as also a child model featured
in commercials and print media. I al-
ways wanted to be an actress as long
as I can remember. When I turning
18, I was signed with elite model
management based out of Mel-
bourne, and since have been featured
in catalogues, magazines, and tv
work”. Prior to moving to the states,
Courtney studied at the national the-
atre Victoria as well as working full
time caring for intellectually disabled
individuals. In January 2009, Court-
ney continued to pursue her career
in acting by moving to Los Angeles
to study at the world renowned Lee
Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute
which she's currently enrolled. One

interesting tid bit about Courtney is
that she has the foulest mouth of any
girl you'll meet.

page 93
page 94
page 95
M S .
page 96
R u n
n e s
J o

e y


u r t
C o

page 97
A “Tip” to a HOT Summer!
By Edward Davis

Summer time is here, and so are all the

new hottest accessories! Which, ironically,
plays a big part seeing how in the
summertime, there are little to
no clothing involved…so
all the more room to

neutral colors
go with anything!

Grooming also plays a big part in being a well dressed

guy that sometimes goes unsaid. Manicures, pedicures, In an example by color are (Billy) in black, (Salem)
haircuts, and all that good stuff is a must. But still you in natural tan, (Rielly) in a nice brown (pick
have to capitalize. Get the best manicures and pedi- up the one in cadet blue while you’re at it),
cures; and as far as haircuts go, it’s vacation time, and (Mannes) designed in a variety of calm
so you do or you don’t. But vacation time doesn’t dark colors. Each hat has its own colored strap
mean let yourself go. Especially since all the best around the base, making it hard to choose, so
parties are during the summer, not to mention get them all! These hats are priced ranging from
vacation getaways. While relaxing at the hottest $49.50-$55.00 a hat. That’s what we call: a steal!
resorts, you must look your best and feel your With any of these hats, you’re sure to be the most
best. Very much so like your surroundings this talked about guy this summer. You can wear these hats
summer, wherever you may be. Hat designer Bailey on the beach or to any casual affair.
already knew that giving us a variety of perfectly crafted,
sophisticated straw hats to choose from this summer, each named to
fit its unique style.

To make sure that you are the total package, here are some ideas to assure And for anything in between, try a long sleeve shirt rolled to just below
you that your summer swag will be all the rage: the elbow, with a fun colored tie…one that won’t clash with your summer
For hot summer days, dress any of these hats with a graphic tee, shorts, and
sandals. And that my friends will give you a summer to talk about for years to
For those hot summer nights full of excitement, dress it with a pair of nice
linen pants, short sleeved shirt (collar optional), and a pair of chic loafers.

page 98
Cosmopolitan in the Metropolitan:
Freddy Buraye’s Dream Come True By: Sarah B. Menchel

I n Los Angeles, it’s all about who you know, where you live, what you’re wearing, and what you’re driving.
Or better yet, who is driving you. Are you rubbing elbows with A-List or C-List celebrities? Are you dressed in
Armani or Armani Exchange? Are you driving up to the club in your own Prius or with your own car and driver from
Cosmopolitan Limousine?
Cosmopolitan Limousine, a top name in transportation here in Los Angeles is headed by President and CEO, Freddy
Buraye, with whom I had the privilege of speaking with about his company and how he got his start, becoming the
guy to call when you need a lift in style.
Raised in the San Fernando Valley and becoming a jet setter at a young age, Freddy spent a lot of time in Las Vegas
with family and friends, falling in love with the rich and glamorous lifestyle affiliated with Sin City. He said he has
always had a passion for exotic vehicles, which only helped to lead him to a rewarding career.
Buraye established Cosmopolitan Limo in August of 2000 with one vehicle and has since expanded to 16 vehicles,
but owes his success largely in part to the one and only Mr. Playboy himself, Hugh Hefner. Hefner helped to propel
his career to astronomical heights by utilizing his services, putting his name on the map. Freddy started by driving
Mr. Hefner and his armada of Playmates around Hollywood, and is now making appearances on E! Network’s hit
reality TV show, The Girls Next Door as the Mansion's limo driver.
Driving the Father of Playboy and his Playmates around has also helped Buraye to expand his business to include
private security services. Buraye has proven his abilities to handle high profile clients in a discreet and professional
manner, and has since gained the business of other big clients, such as Vivid Entertainment and Sony.

Freddy’s impressive fleet of vehicles has come to include Lincolns, Rolls Royce and Bentleys, as well as limousines,
and he expands his arsenal when he has a large scale occasion such as a sporting event where as many as 100
limos are needed. In our struggling economy, Freddy, like many others, has had to downsize slightly, selling off
some of his cars. However, he remains optimistic, “I can always buy more cars,” he says. The key to staying afloat
right now is being able to adapt in a rapidly changing world.

As for the future, Freddy wants to expand nationally, as he has already offered his transportation services in New
York and Miami; he wishes to establish a more permanent presence there once the economy straightens itself out.
Buraye’s mission for Cosmopolitan Limo is simple – to take care of business.

Cosmopolitan Limousine offers top of the line services to an elite group of clients. Buraye has been immensely
successful thus far and will continue to do so well into the future. Cosmopolitan – the limousine leader for Los
Angeles Metropolitan. For more information, please visit

page 100

SS W I T H T E X A S !
ME by Jen
nifer H

101 Lakeway Drive, Austin, TX 78734. USA

phone: 1.512.261.6600

W ith flight prices cheaper than Vegas,

Runway Magazine found an amazing week-
pools with cabanas. Executive Chef Bryce
Murphree created a surprise of taste with ev-
maneuver and dig into places I didn’t know
existed. I personally have never experienced
end getaway far from the hustle and bustle ery bite of food utilizing his expertise in Eu- such fantastic pain. After the massage, I
of Los Angeles. You won't find any paparazzi ropean, Polynesian and southern gourmet floated over to the manicurist who set me up
hiding here but what you will find is good ole cooking. Each dish was an excitement of new in a massage chair with a view of the infin-
Texas hospitality infused with high end dining, and unique flavors infused together. Better ity pool & lake. With my new pretty hands
spa, pools, bungalows and a fitness center. than sex? Mr. Murphree, you’re pretty close! and feet, I couldn’t help but retreat back to my
Dolce’s Lakeway Resort & Spa is situated on comfy lounge chair on the balcony overlook-
The first night we had a room with a balcony
the shores of Lake Travis outside of Austin, ing the lake.
overlooking the Lake. As we settled into our
Texas and the atmosphere is crisp for a week-
surroundings, we immediately got into robes That evening we had a nice surprise when the
end escape in Texas.
and sat on the balcony sipping red wine and resort moved us into the presidential LBJ Suite
Whether you come to the resort for a roman- eating chocolate covered strawberries while which included a living room, dining area,
tic weekend, business conference or restful gazing at the stars. Living in L.A., stars are kitchen, 42-inch television, private balconies
getaway, Lakeway’s staff will excitedly ac- something we hadn’t seen in a while. and “I’ve died and gone to heaven”, king-sized
commodate almost every need. Can we get beds. Not to mention the oversized bathrooms,
The next day, refreshed and ready for the next
a giant star on the side of every other build- soaking tub and water closet. Life was hard!!
challenge we watched the sunrise from the
ing? Thank you!
view of the breakfast restaurant and sipped After spending the next day hanging out in
As our readers know, the staff of Runway Latte’s. We knew we had to build up our en- Austin, which is actually been called “Holly-
Magazine leads a very hard life. This week- ergy for a full day of services at the spa. wood’s third coast”, from television shows to
end was to be most challenging as we worked feature films, we retreated back to stay at one
San Saba Spa is just sick…in a good way. The
on scheduling gourmet meals, spa sessions, of Lakeway’s Resort condos. These places
spa offers a Texas sized menu of massages,
room upgrades and drinks in Austin. How are absolutely amazing with a view of the wa-
wraps, facials and salon services. I de-bun-
were we ever to make it through this week- terway and full access to the resort. With all
dled and slipped into a robe and poured some
end? of our effort put into enjoying the accommoda-
hot tea and lounged on the private balcony
tions, we didn’t make it to yachting or golfing.
After settling into our surroundings, we situated over the Lake. Talk about tranquil. I
I guess Lakeway will have to invite us back for
dragged ourselves to the acclaimed Travis was so relaxed I forgot that I was here for a
more torture.
Restaurant to make some very difficult de- massage.
cisions on what to eat. The restaurant has
Austin Magazine 2008 voted the masseuse Lakeway Resort & Spa, Runway Magazine
amazing views of the lake and three tiers of
Lisa Henderson, #1 and boy did she know to gives you a full RUNWAY!
page 100
Sexy Single in L.A. &
iving in Los Angeles as a single woman
can be a lot of fun. There are wonderful res-
taurants, exciting clubs, and so many other
things. It's really easy to play around with the
boys in the clubs. They're always ready to get

talented and I'm great in bed! (I thought I'd

throw that in.) Plus, I'm a really good mom.
I would make someone a great wife one day.
I've proven myself in the mother department.
Now can I add wife to my resume one day
I never had my man with his hand on my belly
feeling for the baby to kick. I vowed to never
have another baby without being married.

It was fortunate that I had my daughter when

the party going, or should I say “after party.” soon? I get asked to attend a lot of red carpet I did. She really put my life into perspective.
It's so easy to have booty calls, too. Do men events. I would love to have the man of my She grounded me. She made me grow up
not really ask women on dates anymore? dreams on the carpet with me. We could be only to find my inner child. Now I feel ready
Now I love to party, and I love booty calls, but like Brad and Angelina, or some other fabu- to take on the role of girlfriend, fiancée, and
I think I have mellowed a bit in my thirties. In lous couple. I want to be a part of the perfect wife. I'm in my prime, it's my time, and it’s my
my twenties I'd party all week plus Friday, Sat- couple. I know that I'm not perfect but I'm sin- destiny. Maybe I just need to sit back and let
urday and then I’d be awakened by friends on cere, honest, and up front. it happen. Let it happen? Let what happen. If
Sunday morning to go to an after-hours party. I like someone, I don’t want to play games. I
Those days are over; we all have to grow up. It's hard to find a good man in L.A. It seems want true love, because life is about having
that they are either married, gay, jobless, clue- real love and being happy.
Now I'm a single mom in my thirties living in less, or over here without a green card and
Los Angeles. Where once it was not cool to they want to pay you $10,000 to marry them. I So, is it too late for us thirty-something girls
have kids, now if you don't have at least one got three of those proposals this year! Maybe in L.A.? Did we miss the marriage boat, and
kid you're not in the "in" club. I play both moth- all the good men are taken and I'm shit out of should we have snagged a man when we
er and father to my daughter. I do want to find luck. Maybe I've waited to long to find my per- were in our twenties? Guys like younger girls
that special someone. That someone to call fect match. I just never found that one I really it seems. I'm hoping that's bullshit and we can
my own. Someone who's not looking for the felt it for. I've had guys that felt that way about find love at any age. It's all timing. I don't think
next best thing. Someone I'm really head over me but I didn’t feel it for them and it's all about I was ready before, so maybe my heart wasn't
heels for, and he for me. I know I said some- timing. Maybe my time is soon, or am I cursed open to receive love or even give love. I guess
one four times, but I mean just one, one re- to walk the earth single forever? Since I have only time will tell for all us single women in Los
ally good one. There are so many dating web a daughter you would think that I have been Angeles. Until then I plan to go out, date, and
sites now for everyone. Jews, Gays, bi-racial, married or had that special relationship. I nev- attend events with my friends while having a
Christians, kinky people, etc. There's even er really had that. I never really loved some- wonderful time being sexy and single in L.A.
a millionaire match. I wonder how many of one at the same time they really loved me.
those girls are there for love. I would be there
for love. It's just as easy to fall in love with a
rich man as it is a poor one. I want love, damn
it! I deserve it. I'm a good girl. I'm gorgeous,

page 100


Fatness or Fitness
Itís your choice.

By Sherry Goggin, Ms. Fitness America

A merica is getting fatter and it starts with

you. It’s time to Get Motivated, Get Educated
and Get Inspired. It’s your choice to choose
between getting fat or fatter or getting fit and
staying fit.

Did you know that 95% of people who lose

weight gain it all back and that diets don’t
work? This is completely a myth and if you
believe that than you haven’t been told the
truth and you are doing something wrong.
Weight loss strategies do work.

Here are a few tips to help.

- Measure your portions by using tablespoons,

measuring cups or a food scale to control your
- Estimate calories by using a calorie book or
look up food on the Internet.
- Write down everything you eat in a journal to
make you more aware of your diet. This is a
powerful behavioral self-management tool.
In a recent study, those who kept the most
frequent food records lost the most weight.

One of the fastest, easiest and most suc-

cessful ways to improve your health and fit-
ness is to work with a trainer. Having a per-
sonal trainer will allow you to make a lifestyle
change that you could not make on your own.
Personal training has proved so effective that
people use a personal trainer for all types of
fitness goals. I highly suggest going to www., Private Trainers Association and
find a trainer or get trained by the Pros.
Get started and take action by applying the
proper eating habits to your diet and learn all
the proper techniques to get quick and effi-
cient results.

Water – The World’s greatest weight-loss

drink. Take if from celebrity trainer, Ramona
Bragazna, as she tells her clients like Jes-
sica Alba and Haley Berry to keep hydrated
throughout their day to keep the metabolism
revved up and if you don’t like drinking plain
water she recommends one that taste great
like the new Vitamin Water 10 with only 10
calories per serving.

Sherry Goggin, Ms. Fitness America, reigns as The Most Photographed Fitness model in history

page 106 page 127

IMPORTANCE OF WATER When it comes to overall lifestyle start
Water covers nearly three quarters of the
Earth’s surface.
1) More Sleep and Less Stress
It is the most vital substance on this planet 2) Be a high performance achiever
and the SINGLE most important building 3) Be Positive and Surround Yourself With-
block to our existence. Successful, Positive People
The Human body is about 65-75% water.
5 Tips for Staying Fit while Traveling or
Water is responsible for every metabolic pro- on the run:
cess in our body!
1. Set aside a specific time to train – Put it in
your schedule
Did you know 75 to 90% of the population
is chronically dehydrated which leads to 2. Do some type of workout - Train at local
adverse health conditions? gym, hotel gym, or in the room. (Bring work-
out bands with you, do pushups and sit-ups)
Common symptoms includes:
Low Energy Migraines 3. Cardio - walk instead of drive or elevators
Digestive problems Constipation 4. Order Healthy Food if eating out - baked or
Obesity Allergies grilled meats, steam veggies, no salt, sauces
Type II Diabetes Hypertension or fried foods.
Lower back pain Depression and
Anxiety Attacks 5. Bring prepared food on the plane and try
Glaceau Vitamin Water 10 as suggested by
“Dry mouth is one of the very last indicators of Celebrity Trainer Ramona Braganza to stay
dehydration of the body.” hydrated with only 10 calories per serving and
Drinking water regularly has many health it taste great.
benefits including but not limited to: 5 Reasons NOT to skip Meals.
Increased Metabolism 1. Eating on time Keeps your metabolism
Reduced Water Retention active and your hunger pains gone
Flushing unwanted toxins out of the body
Body Temperature regulation 2. Your body will eat your muscle for energy
Joint Lubrication if not fed
Prevent constipation
Removal of carbon monoxide 3. Eating on time gives you Sustained En-
ergy Levels & helps you Feel better.
So Fat or Fit? 4. You will deplete your body of the most
When it comes to training, start thinking important nutrients if not fed and you will also
get dehydrated so try Glaceau Vitamin Water
1) Consistency - 10, only 10 calories, as suggested by Celeb-
2) Intensity rity Trainer Ramona Braganza
3) Quality Workouts
5. Eating on time helps you achieve your
When it comes to nutrition start thinking optimal weight - lose body fat & gain muscle

1) Hydration Nothing great in life comes easy and man-

2) Quality Nutritious Foods aging your weight is work also. So if you want
3) Eat for your health to lose fat, gain muscle, get lots of energy,
(NO Fad Diets) get in great shape, then you MUST EAT. Eat
small meals throughout the day every 2 ½ -
3 hours apart to feed your muscles and you
will never find yourself hungry and you will
achieve your goals faster.

Become more active and Take Action toward

upgrading your nutrition and fitness habits. It
starts with you and it is within your control.

Always consult a Doctor before starting any

nutrition or exercise program.

For more information, please go to www. and
Always stay hydrated and Try Vitamin Water
10 as Ramona Braganza recommends to her

Remember: “Your Health is your Wealth”. page 100

W hen I first encountered Vincent De
Paul at Smashbox Studios several years ago
during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, I was
De Paul was signed to Wilhemina Cre-
ative and eventually appeared in GQ, Vogue
(Spain), Cosmo, 8 covers of Men’s Health and
a bit suspicious of his ubër charm. This is, countless others. He has been featured in the
after all, a town where few people reveal their worldwide campaigns that include L’Oreal,
true nature for fear of damaging a career. Christian Dior, Oscar de la Renta, Fuji, and
Mickey Rourke lost years of a promising ca- Guy La Roche. No one had to teach De Paul
reer until he learned to suppress his bad boy how to apply makeup for shoots. After all, he
attitude and play nicey-nice. Irascible Sean knew how to make a corpse look good!
Penn probably gave himself an ulcer being De Paul’s first major appearance was
polite at the Oscars. in fellow Baltimorean John Waters’ classic
original Hairspray, playing one of the Corny
So I waited and watched the suave, dare Collins dancers. His ten-year acting career
I say debonair De Paul on red carpets, at par- includes Riding in Cars with Boys, West
ties, in performance, and during personal con- Wing, Frasier, Sex in the City, Six Feet Un-
versations – waiting for him to reveal something der (ironic, n’est ce pas?) and As The World
hidden, a darkness or a mean streak of some Turns. Most recently he appeared with Pe-
kind. But it turns out that the handsome model/ ter Bogdonovich in Humboldt County, and
actor is really just a warm, nice guy. Go figure! with his mentor, Oscar nominated actress
His constant upbeat demeanor is even more re- Sally Kirkland in the as-yet-unreleased Oak
markable when you consider his background. Hill. He attended the premier in February of
Salvatore Vincent De Paul Zannino grew up Memphis Rising: Elvis Returns, and De Paul
around dead people. recently wrapped Raven, in which he plays
He was the eighth of nine children born in vampire killer, Dragos. It seems he just can’t
Baltimore, Maryland 37 years ago to a mortuary avoid the dead…er…. the undead.
scientist father and socialite mother. His father Vincent De Paul also continues to model
owned several funeral homes in Baltimore and and divides his time between LA and Miami,
De Paul admits that an environment of death with frequent visits to his family in Baltimore.
and sadness might have instilled in him a de- When pressed about where he would love to
sire to be as happy as possible. The depressing live, the eternally optimistic Italian boy picks
realm was restricted to the mortuary viewing Sicily and speaks glowingly about the archi-
room, though. His parents and siblings have tecture and culture there. But for now, he’s
always been warm and supportive – no matter working diligently to propel his film career,
what his career goals have been. having completed twelve films in the last
De Paul was a cute boy with an attractive all year alone.
American look not unlike Beaver Cleaver. De The winsome and personable actor can
Paul got the luck of the draw, however, De Paul be spotted frequently at LA events. I’ve ob-
maturing into a great looking guy while The served him helping volunteers put up ban-
Beav, Jerry Mathers, morphed into a face that ners at a charity event even though he was

Vincent De Paul
is more Borgnine than Beaver. At age six, De invited talent. Directors have told me about
Paul got his first modeling gig for a Baltimore his willingness to pitch in and help on film
by Dianne Bates department store and with the encouragement sets. Whether chatting up Barbara Lazaroff
of his older model sister, Felicia, continued to at Spago’s Super Bowl Party or talking with
get more jobs as a child. But he didn’t consider the owner of the latest, hippest boutique at
modeling to be a career choice. He wanted to the launch party in WeHo, Vincent De Paul
follow in his father’s footsteps and become a can be counted on to have a smile on his
mortician. face. But what impresses me most is his
De Paul entered Johns Hopkins University ability to make anyone he meets feel impor-
and earned his degree in Epidemiology and tant and worthy. In a city of broken dreams
Biomedical Ethics and after graduation, moved and lost relationships, this rare trait is as
to Miami to work at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. good as gold.
Then, as with so many other actors, fate played Still, I keep searching for his dark side. It
it’s hand and changed his career path. has to be there somewhere.
While on sunny South Beach one day, De
Paul was approached by legendary fashion
designer Gianni Versace (wearing a Gianni Ver- Dianne Bates has contributed to many publications
sace swim suit, of course) who asked De Paul including the Los Angeles Times, LA Architect
if he’d ever done any modeling. De Paul an- Magazine, City and Shore Magazine and most re-
swered yes, but only as a child. That was good cently, Flaunt. She was one of the first journalists
to create her own website, BATES RATES NEWS
enough for Versace and it wasn’t long before
at where she reviews and
the aspiring mortician found himself on major comments on just about anything silly humans can
fashion runways in Milan and Paris modeling conjure up.
for the ill-fated designer.

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