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FYP Project: Evaluation of a Chemical Management Database

Questionnaire on chemical management database- June 2010

Name :
Date :
Location :

Objective: To find out more about the current lotus-note (CLS Consumables Inventory) chemical
database and how we can improve the database to make it more user friendly and helpful.

It will take you about 15 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Thank you for your support.

 You may choose more than one answer for questions with “*”

1. How do you record your laboratory/workshop chemical inventory?

(a) Soft Copy

(b) Hard Copy
(c) Both Soft and Hard Copy
(d) Online Database
(e) Others: _____________________________________________________________________

2. How often is the chemical inventory updated?

(a) Weekly
(b) Fortnightly
(c) Monthly
(d) Yearly
(e) Others: _____________________________________________________________________

3. What are some of the features in the current database that you find very useful?
(E.g. Price or state of substance)



4. Are there any procedures to follow before a specific chemical is approved for use?
(E.g. Submission of permits)





5. In what ways are the chemical stored (e.g. according to state, hazardous properties, date of
frequency of use). Are there any additional safety requirements for some special chemicals,
e.g. proper ventilation?



6. How are the chemicals disposed of generally? Do they have to be specially treated beforehand?



7. If there will be a new online chemical database, would you be interested in it?

(a) Yes
(b) No

8. *What would be your main concerns if the new online chemical database is implemented?
(a) Difficult to understand/ use the new database
(b) Chemical database may not provide useful information
(c) Time consuming- Updating takes a very long time
(d) User may key in wrong information.
(e) Others: ____________________________________________________________________
9. * Mark the choices below with a double tick (√√) if you feel that the specific information/feature
is absolutely essential and a tick (√) for those that you prefer to have.
( ) Search engine to search for the chemicals needed
( ) Online permit submission
( ) Live inventory amount
( ) SDS
( ) Chemical properties
( ) Physical properties
( ) Supplier contacts
Others: ____________________________________________________________________

10. Any other suggestion for us to add it into the new chemical database?




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