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Many people think that communicating is easy. It is after all

something we've done all our lives. There is some truth in this
simplistic view. Communicating is straightforward. What makes it
complex, difficult, and frustrating are the barriers we put in the way.
Many people think that communicating is easy. There are seven types
of communication barriers which includes physical barrier, perceptual
barrier, emotional barrier, cultural barrier, language barrier, gender
barrier and interpersonal barrier. In my life also I have faced a many
communication barriers where I have said an incident happened
which is unforgettable. I was asked my friend during my school days
to arrive for a dinner at Valluvar hotel for his birthday where the
restaurant had two branches in closer venues which is named as hotel
Valluvar and another named as Valluvar Annexure. Actually my
friend had arranged the dinner at Valluvar Annexure but I mistook as
Valluvar and I went for Valluvar for the dinner and I was waiting
there for a long time. Since during my school day I did not had mobile
i was not able to communicate with him. After long time my friend
had called to my home and asked whether I had started. Some how
my friend managed to come to Valluvar and we went for dinner. The
problem here was my friend must have told me the word annexure to
me or I must have asked to him where to come there was mistake on
both of them and the communication barrier has happened here. This
is one of most interesting communication barrier happened in my life.

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