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Hi, friends.

All the best for your placement in virtusa

Virtusa came as oncampus in our college on 10 june-2008
Selection process
The test was conducted by merit trac
It has 5 sections
3.attention to detail
5.learning ability
1.fill in the blancks with prepositions.(it is very easy.refer any
grammar book)
2.reading comprehension
Passage will be given and questions will be based on it.
Attempt this at the last.
The time u save after doing the rest of the part can be used in the
reading the passage well.
3. correction of sentence-
use the appropriate option to make the sentence
( if u know the correct usage of articles and it will be
2 questions were similar to the puzzle test in R.S Agrawal(verbal
and non verbal)
5 questions were asked on the cube
I don’t remember more in this section
Its more time manage the time.
Attention to detail
10 questions r very simple .
just by looking carefully at the options u get the answer

mathematical operations
refer to the mathematical operations in verbal resoning by R.S.Agrawal

if * stands for 0 and $ stands for 1 and the $ value gets twiced
it is moved to left
5 questions were asked upon this data.
Eg: the value of 625
Options were like $$$*** $$*$* and so on
C and data structures
(40 questions in 40 min)
This is very important .They see the minimum qualifing mark in this
So be careful
Mostly data structures were asked.

• Program was given and output was asked.

• And also the options contained the code for the
a node….)
And some c basic’s.
Learning ability
A passage will be given to read for 15 minutes and the papers will be
taken away
Then 10 questions will be asked based on it.
Main points

• Read the passage well

• See the figure numbers correctly
They ask question by just giving the figure no.
And also the calculations may also be asked.
The results were declared and I cleared the round
Technical interview
The techinal interviewer asked me to write few programs on c
And he almost asked all the topics like
Operation systems
Information security- authentication,authourisation
Data structures
Prepare well for all the topics
Its very simple.
Just be franck,honest.
The questions were very simple

Finally I got placed in virtusa

Hope u get some help with my experience.
Hope to see u soon in virtusa
All the best

Hi Friends madurai 2008

Written Test consist of 5 sections All having the sectional cutoff. The total no. of questions was
120. They will give the questions of each sections one-by-one and as the time expires they will
take back the questions of the earlier sections

1. Written Test

a. Section A : English (contains 25 questions time 20 mins.)

The first 5 questions were based on the Article. The next one is the comprehension about 5-6
questions. (The passage was on the water crisis because of cold drinks company) Then
another 5-6 questions are of sentence correction. 4 sentences were given and you need to
choose the correct sentence among the options. And at the last 8-9 questions were of fill in
the blanks (with the certain prepositions)

b. Section B : Reasoning (contains 25 questions time 30 mins.)

The first 5 questions were based on the set theory. Some conditions were given and based
upon those conditions you need to draw the venn diagram.. and depending upon that.. the
answers were given. The next 5 questions were of puzzle.. the questions were like There were
5 brothers name A, B, C, D, E. D is younger than B but elder than E. C is younger than the 3
brothers. Then find the youngest one.. Find the twins.
The next 5 questions decision making 2 puzzles and about 10 sections. It was like some
conditions were given for.. forming the puzzle situation.. and after that some conditions were
given.. based upon that the question will be solved. The last 5 questions were also puzzles.. it
was like If 0 is represented by * and 1 is represented by - then in certain language .. 4 is
written as -** and 3 is written -*- then..

c. Section C : Viewing Ability (20 questions time 20 min)

The first 7 questions were on.. the matching.. a set of strings are given and you need to view
all those strings and depending upon that you have to tell that..
(A. if all strings are same, B if I and III are same, C if I and II are same, C if none of them are
Then the another 5 questions were of sign replacement..
if * is indicated by +,- is indicated by *, / is indicated by - and + is indicated by * then
calculate 2+3/6*4+2
Then another 5 questions were of decision making..
two statements were given Statement 1 and Statement 2 and depending upon that.. a result
is given you have to tell (A if both statements are needed for the result, B if only Statement 1
is sufficient, C if only Statement 2 if needed...)

d. Section D : Technical Ability (40 questions time 40 min.)

The question were based on the C and Data Structures.
The questions of C are just ok.. ALL YOU NEED IS TO GET THROUGH.. THE TEST YOUR C
The Data Structure questions are bit tough.. now a days everybody is asking the questions
from the trees and Graphs.
I found about 7-9 questions directly from the graph.
For this all you need the core concepts.. and get through MARK ALLEN WIESS, R. S. SALARIA.

e.Section E : Reading Ability (10 questions time 15 mins.)

The first 5 mins. Were given for the passage reading.
Then after that they will take the passage from you then.. the questions depending upon that
passage was given.. And you need to solve those questions.
The passage was based something upon the.. Pentium and Williamatte processors and
something.. that you have studied in the time sharing..
Very easy.. lots of figures and formulas were there (Key Point: You wrote all the main points
in the Rough sheet provided by them attached in the answer sheet)
Key Points Take Care for these : They will give lots of instructions.. during the examination..
carefully listen the instruction.. I know it's a bit disturbing but its important. And they will also
provide you the Virtusa id.. which you will get when they will come up with the attendance
sheet. Take care for this (too much important). Don't talk after finishing of the exam until they
will take back your question papers.

2. Technical Interview
They will ask you the basic questions it was a very easy one.. be careful with your project.
They'll screw you up in your project. If your keypoints are Data Structures, DBMS and Java
then keep ready for any type of questions.

3. HR Interview
Just for the formality.

Paper : Virtusa written test Paper 2008

Company Name : VIRTUSA

Hi friends Virtusa written test was conducted by merit trac. It consists of totally 5 rounds.
Followed by technical and HR round. written test-2.30hrs

1. Round-Verbal section, This section is normal like fill in with correct words etc -25 questions
so you can easily manage it.
2.Round-Analytical section,this section consists of venn dig problems,data sufficieny,cube and
problems like 1=$ & 0=* what is 18/5?
3.Round-Mental ability This is also easier one.
4.C&Datastructures round-code is given output is asked be confident in basics
5.Reading ability topic on new technology is given u r asked to read it 15min and then they
will give some questions based on it. Thus written test is easier one you can crack it if u work

Written is followed by Technical and HR Panel members were very cool,be confident in basics
they need that only from you. Finally 15 was selected Iam glad to say that Iam also part of
virtusa. GOD GRACE+HARD WORK=SUCCESS YOU CAN TRY IT Mythily padhmanaban

No of Rounds : Group Discussion – GD

Paper: Virtusa Job Interview For Fresher (Written, Technical, HR)

Type: Fresher, Job Interview

VIRTUSA PAPER July 2008 to everyone.This is G.V.Rajesh Pursuing my final year BTech E.C.E
in sree vidyanikethan college,Tirupati. I had my interview recently i.e. on 19/07/2008. Totally
138 members had attened the written test, only 38 of them had selected for the technical
round. Out of which only 13 are selected and i am one of them. The process of interview is :

1.Written Test
2.Technical Interview
3.HR interview
The written test is organised and conducted by Merit Track People The written test consists of
1.English grammar
2.Analytical Reasoning
3.learning and thinking ability
4.C and DataStructures
5.Document Reading

1English Grammar: It consists of English grammar part,Correction of sentences,paragraph

reading eg:
1.He ran ____ the road. ans: across Be thorough with prepositions,correction of
sentences.The grammar part is very easy.No need to worry of it.

2.Analytical Reasoning: It includes puzzle test, apptitude and others better to follow Verbal
and Nonverbal by R.S.Agarwal this section is also very easy,pay attention to it in the exam its
enough The puzzle given to me is about venn diagram eg:There are 49 persons who had to
travel by train,bus,plane. 15 of them go by train and bus 12 of them go by all of the three.just
simply the venn diagram of three circles intersecting each other.

3.Learning and Thinking ability: It is very Logical and just concentrate very carefully.the
process will be like this eg: * stands for +, / stands for - ,+ stands for *,- stands for /
etc; others are also simple.

4. C and DataStructures : Mainly this is very typical section. I think this is the elemination
round.the total section deals with C with 20 questions, data structures with 20 questions and
programs are small, medium and long. Don't start with long programs.they are very
difficult.leave them and try the small one..... Just be thorough with Basics of C and Data
Structures you can attempt nearly 15 questions.

5.Document Reading : This section consisting of giving three pages of document of recent
technologies. I got the topic of about security about internet.just pick out the some of
interesting names and note it. after 10 min they take the papers and will give 10 questions
about the document.

6. Technical Interview : The questions mainly include about the c and datastructures.

1.Programs about linkedlist, sorting, trees.

2.About the computer networks i.e

On OSI reference model. I am in ECE student and was asked about my subjects alsoIt is very
quite cool,just know about the latest trends.

HR Interview : The HR interview has also been good.just be confident about yourself,your
goals. Always be confident and positive have lost Written test in Tcs, Infosys but i am very
lucky to be placed in Virtusa.

No of Rounds : Aptitude Test

Contributer Name : G V Rajesh



1.1 2 3 2 5 6 7 8 3 find the next term in the series

2.How can u place 4 coins in 2 lines so that each line should contain 3 coins

3.Find the odd word


Ans: Delta

Reason: As it has specific meaning (addition) and others don't have such meaning, just used
for representation purpose. (i think so)

4.There was an addition given as follows SATURN + URANUS = PLANETS the solution is not
encoding the entire problem but to find coding for 3 alphabets

5.There was a set of words given as follows SUN,MER,VEN,---,...........,SAT,---,NEP,PLU (I

don't remember exactly but, all are the names of planets in solar system with notation of each
planet using 3 letters) The question was to find out the appropriate words in the given blanks

6.How can u get 81 using the digits 2,3,25,50,75,100 only once using any of the arithmetic

Key Steps: 50+(100/75*3)+25+2

7. A man have some three types boxes viz Huge, Large, Small He took 11 of huge boxes and
put on a table. And at random he has taken some of them and placed 8 large boxes in each of
the boxes. And after that he has placed 8 small boxes in some large boxes at random. By the
end if he found 102 boxes empty, how many boxes are there on the table?

8.If u have a large number of Knights and a chess board. The problem is to find the way of
arranging the Knights on the board so that no Knight attacks the
other. (He has given mathematical relations that represents how a knight can move on the
chess board as we know it as 'L', i'm not giving such stuff)

9.You are given a bunch of threads each having differing length. No two threads have same
thickness and no thread has same thickness all its length. But it is certified that any thread
when lit burns itself in exactly 12 mins. The question is you are asked to find an elapsed time
of 9 minutes. How can u find it out and how
many threads do u want for this?

SECTION 2 (Writing)

The topic to Write was on "Connecting the rivers in India".


You can write the programs in this section using any programming language

1.There was a pyramid given as follows

7 8 9 10
11 12 13 ...

The three dots are given as a part of the specification. The above pyramid is to be printed
when input number 13 is given. Write a program to print the above pyramid.

2.Write a function which returns a sub string in the string 'Sigma' (character given) which
starts with 'Alpha' and ends with 'Theta'

3.You have a job in which you have to take time stamps and store them. So Write a data
structure that can minimize the storage requirements of Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute.

4.Write a program to find the four digit numbers, which are perfect squares, and all the digits
in that number are even.


1, (SATURN+URANUS=PLANETS) are called cryptorithms or alphabeticalcoding. Where an

alphabet is assigned a code so that the problem is to be solved using given summation. Write
a program to solve such questions, which prints the letter and its corresponding digit that
satisfies the given addition.

ANSWERS: 1. (3) 2. (1) 3. (2) 4. (4) 5. (4) 6. (2) 7. (4) 8. (1) 9. (1) 10. (3) 11.
(4) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (3) 16. (3) 17. (2) 18.(4) 19. (4) 20. (2) 21. (4)
22. (1) 23. (4) 24. (4) 25. (1)

Paper: Virtusa Job Interview For Fresher (Written, Technical, HR)

Type: Fresher, Job Interview

VIRTUSA PAPER July 2008 to everyone.This is G.V.Rajesh Pursuing my final year BTech E.C.E
in sree vidyanikethan college,Tirupati. I had my interview recently i.e. on 19/07/2008. Totally
138 members had attened the written test, only 38 of them had selected for the technical
round. Out of which only 13 are selected and i am one of them. The process of interview is :

1.Written Test
2.Technical Interview
3.HR interview

The written test is organised and conducted by Merit Track People The written test consists of
1.English grammar
2.Analytical Reasoning
3.learning and thinking ability
4.C and DataStructures
5.Document Reading

1English Grammar: It consists of English grammar part,Correction of sentences,paragraph

reading eg:
1.He ran ____ the road. ans: across Be thorough with prepositions,correction of
sentences.The grammar part is very easy.No need to worry of it.

2.Analytical Reasoning: It includes puzzle test, apptitude and others better to follow Verbal
and Nonverbal by R.S.Agarwal this section is also very easy,pay attention to it in the exam its
enough The puzzle given to me is about venn diagram eg:There are 49 persons who had to
travel by train,bus,plane. 15 of them go by train and bus 12 of them go by all of the three.just
simply the venn diagram of three circles intersecting each other.

3.Learning and Thinking ability: It is very Logical and just concentrate very carefully.the
process will be like this eg: * stands for +, / stands for - ,+ stands for *,- stands for /
etc; others are also simple.

4. C and DataStructures : Mainly this is very typical section. I think this is the elemination
round.the total section deals with C with 20 questions, data structures with 20 questions and
programs are small, medium and long. Don't start with long programs.they are very
difficult.leave them and try the small one..... Just be thorough with Basics of C and Data
Structures you can attempt nearly 15 questions.

5.Document Reading : This section consisting of giving three pages of document of recent
technologies. I got the topic of about security about internet.just pick out the some of
interesting names and note it. after 10 min they take the papers and will give 10 questions
about the document.

6. Technical Interview : The questions mainly include about the c and datastructures.
1.Programs about linkedlist, sorting, trees.
2.About the computer networks i.e

On OSI reference model. I am in ECE student and was asked about my subjects alsoIt is very
quite cool,just know about the latest trends.

HR Interview : The HR interview has also been good.just be confident about yourself,your
goals. Always be confident and positive have lost Written test in Tcs, Infosys but i am very
lucky to be placed in Virtusa.

No of Rounds : Aptitude Test

Contributer Name : G V Rajesh

Virtusa Named to 2010 FinTech 100 List by American Banker and IDC Financial Insights
Company recognized as top technology vendor serving the financial industry

WESTBOROUGH, Mass., Nov 03, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

Virtusa Corporation (NASDAQ: VRTU), a global IT services company that offers a broad spectrum of business
consulting and outsourcing services, today announced that it has been recognized by American Banker, Bank
Technology News and IDC Financial Insights on the 2010 FinTech 100 List. The list, currently in its 7th year, ranks
the most successful financial services technology vendors around the world based on their calendar year 2009
revenue from financial services. This marks the third time in four years that Virtusa has been honored in the

"The FinTech 100 List has established itself as a significant point of reference in measuring success within the
financial services industry, and we are extremely honored to be recognized on this year's list," said Kris
Canekeratne, chairman and CEO of Virtusa. "Financial institutions today are facing an increasing number of
challenges and pressures to which they must comply, and Virtusa has the domain expertise to help companies
solve these challenges and achieve measurable business results."

Virtusa partners with some of the world's largest banking and financial services companies, most of which are
Global 1,000 members. These companies, including retail, wholesale and investment banks, lending firms, card
services, securities traders, and brokerage firms have enlisted Virtusa for the company's extensive knowledge and
experience within the banking and financial services industry. Virtusa uses its platforming methodology and global
delivery model to help financial institutions around the world achieve their unique business objectives. The
company develops a wide range of IT solutions to help these organizations overcome industry challenges including
compliance and regulatory requirements, security initiatives, superior customer service and price pressures. For
more information on Virtusa's solutions for banking and financial services organizations, please

Companies named to the 2010 FinTech 100 List were officially announced on October 20, 2010 at a breakfast
ceremony at the Bank Administration Institute (BAI) Retail Delivery convention in Las Vegas. The full list of 2010
FinTech 100 honorees can be accessed on American Banker's website

About Virtusa

Virtusa provides end-to-end information technology (IT) services to Global 2000 companies. These services, which
include IT consulting, application maintenance, development, systems integration and managed services, leverage
a unique Platforming methodology that transforms clients' businesses through IT rationalization. Virtusa helps
customers accelerate business outcomes by consolidating, rationalizing and modernizing their core customer
facing processes into one or more core systems.

Virtusa delivers cost-effective solutions through a global delivery model, applying advanced methods such as Agile
and Accelerated Solution Design to ensure that its solutions meet the clients' requirements. As a result, its clients
simultaneously reduce their IT operations cost while increasing their ability to meet changing business needs.

Founded in 1996 and headquartered in Massachusetts, Virtusa has operations in North America, Europe and Asia.

For information on how Virtusa can help solve your business problems, write to or
Virtusa Named to Deloitte's 2010 Technology Fast 500(TM) List of Fastest Growing Companies in North
Virtusa Attributes Strong Revenue Growth to Continued Delivery of Business Results

WESTBOROUGH, Mass., Nov 02, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

Virtusa Corporation (NASDAQ: VRTU), a global IT services company that offers a broad spectrum of
business consulting and outsourcing services, today announced that it has been named to the Technology
Fast 500(TM), Deloitte's ranking of 500 of the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life
sciences and clean technology companies in North America. This marks Virtusa's inclusion on the list for
the third time in four years. Rankings are based on percentage of fiscal year revenue growth during the
period from 2005-2009.
"Virtusa's inclusion on Deloitte's 2010 Technology Fast 500(TM) represents the company's continued
ability to deliver efficiency, agility, and technological expertise to help customers achieve measurable
business results," said Kris Canekeratne, chairman and CEO at Virtusa. "In an environment where
businesses are facing increased challenges and pressures, Virtusa has remained committed to providing
customers with cost-effective IT solutions, which in turn has driven our own growth as a company."
"Virtusa and the other 2010 Technology Fast 500(TM) winners forged ahead in a challenging economic
environment to realize exceptional growth," said Phil Asmundson, vice chairman and Deloitte's U.S.
technology, media and telecommunications leader. "Deloitte commends Virtusa for this impressive
"Virtusa has proved itself to be one of the fastest growing tech companies in North America, and we are
proud to honor them as one of the 2010 Technology Fast 500(TM)," said Mark Jensen, managing partner,
venture capital services, Deloitte & Touche LLP.
Earlier this month Virtusa was recognized on the FinTech 100 List as a top technology vendor serving the
financial services industry. In September, Virtusa earned a spot on Everything Channel's Fast Growth 100
List of fastest growing integrators in the IT industry. The company was also recently recognized on the
Global Services 100 List for the third consecutive year.
For additional detail on the Technology Fast 500(TM) including selection and qualifying criteria,
As used in this document, "Deloitte" means Deloitte LLP. Please see for a
detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries.
Virtusa Named to Global Services 100 List for Third Consecutive Year
Company recognized for advanced global delivery model, breadth of service offerings and business

WESTBOROUGH, Mass., Aug 23, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

Virtusa Corporation (NASDAQ: VRTU), a global IT services company that offers a broad spectrum of
business consulting and outsourcing services, today announced that it has been named to the 2010 Global
Services 100 List (GS100) by Global Services in association with NeoAdvisory. The GS100, which has
featured Virtusa for the third consecutive year, in its 2010 list, honored service providers in the global ITO-
BPO industry that have demonstrated advanced global delivery models, offer a broad portfolio of services
or niche leadership, and have displayed clear business excellence and expertise. Virtusa was also
included in the category list for Top Specialty Product Engineering Vendors.
The Global Services 100 Study is a rigorous assessment that evaluates organizations across various
criteria including management excellence, customer maturity, global delivery maturity and breadth of
services portfolio. Virtusa was named a Global Services 100 leader based on these criteria and recognized
as a company that has withstood challenges within the global outsourcing market to go beyond cost
reduction to consistently accelerate business outcomes for its mature global customers.
"There is a recognition in large companies that outsourcing as a means to reduce costs has had its time;
these companies are increasingly looking at service providers being able to make their operations more
effective globally and even to transform key areas of their business," said Atul Vashistha, chairman of
NeoAdvisory. "The GS100 companies are the ones who are delivering on these fronts and are equipped to
demonstrate new forms of value in outsourcing to their clients."
Uniquely positioned to address these changing needs, Virtusa provides high value IT services to help
clients, including Global 2000 companies as well as leading software vendors, overcome industry
challenges and achieve their business goals. Using its enhanced global delivery model, Virtusa guarantees
clients high quality, less code and improvement of core processes, all of which enable clients to increase
productivity, improve customer service and reduce overall costs.
"CIOs increasingly face new demands and challenges relating to the changing IT landscape, which is
leading them to depend more and more on IT service providers that offer not only cost benefits, but also
deliver business value," said Kris Canekeratne, chairman and CEO at Virtusa. "We are honored to be
recognized for a third consecutive year on the Global Services 100 List for our enhanced global delivery
model, resiliency to industry challenges and leadership within the global outsourcing market."
The 5th Annual Global Services 100 Study was carried out by Global Services in conjunction with
globalization and sourcing advisory firm, NeoAdvisory. The companies formulated the Global Services 100
List to encompass the top 100 service providers that define global outsourcing. The list represents a
diverse group of companies from 18 different countries with revenues ranging from less than $100M to
over $1B.
The full 2010 Global Services 100 List can be accessed on Global Service's website

“ At Virtusa, our vision is to help our clients leverage the latest in information technology to drive
their businesses ahead, be successful and profitable. Today's CIOs and other technology leaders are
challenged to rapidly deliver high quality solutions and business results at less time and cost.
Virtusa helps IT deliver more in the short-term through continuous collaboration with the business,
leading to high quality software that meets their organization’s need for agility. Our customer
perspective, Client First and Right the First Time philosophy form the bedrock of all our

Virtusa works with the world’s leading enterprises, helping them evolve and expand their business
and significantly bolster competitive advantage. Virtusa brings determination, enthusiasm,
commitment, challenging and an innovative approach to every client engagement. We solve our
clients most critical and pressing problems and provide robust solutions. At Virtusa, we treat our
client’s business problems as our own. We'd like you to read some of our success stories which
explain how we have helped our clients succeed. At Virtusa, we also treat our client’s success as our
own. For each client we build a powered team from our global workforce, matching skills and specific
industry experience to address the specific issue and challenges of every engagement.
Are you swayed? To add to this, Forrester Research spent time with Virtusa to understand our key
differentiators of our approach and accomplishment. The results speak for themselves.
Virtusa partners with some of the world’s largest financial services, communications services and
media & information companies, as well as leading software companies, to deliver customized
solutions that address their most complex business challenges. Most of our clients are Global 1,000
members. Some of our clients include:

• Top 3 Banking & Financial Services: One of the world's largest banking financial services
giant, spanning 140 countries with approximately 15,000 offices worldwide, and holds over 190
million customer accounts

• Top 6 Investment & Asset Management Bank: A leading in banking & financial services firms
in the world, with operations in over 50 countries, and assets worth of $2 trillion

• Top 8 Consumer Bank: A leading global banking & financial services giant with focus on
consumer, corporate, and institutional banking, with a network of over 1,500 branches and outlets
and employs over 70,000 people

• Top 10 Investment Bank: One of the largest banks in the U.S. with diversified business units
ranging from consumer, corporate and institutional banking to financing, investment management,
insurance and brokerage

Our SAP Business Objects solutions help companies streamline operations by leveraging a global
workforce to reduce costs. Using SAP Business Objects solutions, we offer a broad portfolio of tools
and applications designed to help optimize business performance by connecting people, information,
and businesses across business networks. In addition, we also provide comprehensive business
intelligence solutions that can empower users to make effective, informed decisions based on data
and analysis. Using SAP BusinessObjects BI solutions, Virtusa enables analytics, dashboards,
visualization, information infrastructure, query, reporting, analysis, search and exploration.
Virtusa's partnership with SAP, leverages end-to-end services and our global delivery model across
the entire suite of Business Objects solutions to help our global customers attain higher levels of
operational efficiency, financial results and competitive advantage.
Virtusa’s Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence (DW/BI) practice offers end-to-end
services covering a broad array of DW/BI tools and technologies. We have successfully delivered
DW/BI solutions to clients across diverse industry verticals—telecom, financial services, information
technology, travel healthcare and logistics.
Virtusa has partnered with Oracle, an enterprise software company, to offer consulting, solution
implementation, and support, migration and custom services for leading BI implementations. Virtusa
maintains competence in a wide range of Oracle software products, including database, middleware
and applications, and implements them for our clients.
Virtusa has partnered with Oracle for development of industry solutions, consulting and
implementation of Oracle BPM suite 11g.
In the larger BPM Practice at Virtusa with more than 600 consultants, Virtusa has invested in building
an Oracle BPM CoE focusing on developing industry solutions, best practices for Oracle BPM 11g and
in-house training programs.
In close co-operation with Oracle PTA and Product Management groups, Virtusa has developed:
• Oracle BPM Test Drive: A 3-week packaged service offering to help clients accelerate
their Oracle BPM 11g decisions and also demonstrate the value before investing in hard assets

• Oracle BPM Implementation methodology: Radically improves time to market and

eliminates key risks around BPM implementation

• Oracle BPM CoE: A unique framework that helps Oracle BPM 11g clients in developing BPM
CoE’s through CoE assessment, roadmap, operating model and governance

Virtusa's Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence (DW/BI) practice provides a

range of services including consulting, data modeling, ETL development, data
migration, OLAP and report development, and maintenance. Virtusa has a dedicated
Center of Excellence for IBM DataStage, a market leading data integration tool and a
core component of IBM Infosphere (formerly Information Integration Server) product
As an IBM partner, we helped to develop, test and deliver more than 325 DataStage
product releases. Our experience includes product engineering, solution implementation
and customer upgrades - with over 150,000 days of effort over 6 years. Virtusa’s
DataStage Practice offers end-to-end data integration services encompassing
consulting, implementation, support and upgrades.
Content-driven collaboration technology can help achieve breakthrough business process
improvement. Recognizing this, Virtusa has built a SharePoint solution center with specialists in
business consulting, user experience and design and implementation, who understand the
platform, and who are skilled in building a broad range of applications on it
As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Virtusa has a dedicated Center of Excellence for
SharePoint services that can help improve organizational effectiveness by providing
comprehensive content management and enterprise search, accelerating shared business
processes, and facilitating information-sharing across boundaries for better business
insight. Virtusa’s SharePoint services cover the full lifecycle for our clients, including
—architecture, design, development, testing and migration of SharePoint-powered
collaboration applications.

Why Virtusa?

Virtusa is an industry leader with a solid track record of software solution delivery success, as
evidenced by our many success stories, highly referenceable and repeatable client base. We pride
ourselves in delivering benefits in productivity, profitability and shareholder value for our clients.
Platforming Approach

We approach all of our engagements with a platforming approach that is based on ten years of
experience building software products for leading enterprise software companies. By applying
platforming principles, we deliver extraordinary value to our clients with well-architected solutions
that reuse existing IT assets where possible, eliminate redundant code and data, and maximize code
reuse. Platforming enables our clients to lower their total cost of ownership and accelerate revenue
generation by increasing business agility, streamlining redundancies, and achieving economies of

Kris Canekeratne
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Thomas R. Holler
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Roger Keith Modder
President, Asia and Executive Vice President Global Services
Raj Rajgopal
Executive Vice President of Business Development and Client Services
Ranjan Kalia
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary
Virtusa's Advanced Technology Centers in India (Hyderabad and Chennai) and Sri Lanka
(Colombo) have received ISO 27001 certification(formerly known as BS7799-2:2005)

Virtusa recognized in IAOP’s 2010 Global Outsourcing 100® sub-list. International Association of
Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) names Virtusa a Best 10 leader for the Entertainment and Media
[Apr, 2010]
Virtusa won the Gold Award for HR Practices at the HRM Awards 2010 – Super 10 conducted by Sri
Lanka Association of Human Resource Professionals (HRP) and Hewitt Associates India. Additionally,
the company also received a special recognition award for its Performance Management Process.
[Jul, 2010]
Virtusa has been named in 2010 Global Services 100 (GS100). The exhaustive survey was conducted
by Global Services in association with NeoAdvisory, a globalization and sourcing advisory firm.
Companies were evaluated across various criteria including Management Excellence, Customer
Maturity, Global Delivery Maturity and Breadth of Services Portfolio.
[Aug, 2010]
Virtusa recognized by Everything Channel on the CRN Fast Growth 100 list for the third consecutive
[Sep, 2010]
Virtusa has been ranked among the Top 20 IT Best Employers in India, for the second consecutive
year, by Dataquest-IDC Annual Survey. The company was ranked number 15 in this year’s (2010)
survey, which includes two phases - HR and Employee Satisfaction surveys.
[Oct, 2010]
Virtusa Named to Deloitte’s 2010 Technology Fast 500™ List of Fastest Growing Companies in North
[Nov, 2010]
Virtusa ranked in 2010 FinTech 100. Recognized as Top Technology Vendor serving the Financial
[Nov, 2010]

Tushara Canekeratne
Advisor and Co-founder

Ms. Canekeratne is a co-founder of Virtusa and played a pivotal role in building its global operation
and operating culture. Tushara was instrumental in crafting Virtusa’s initial vision, developing a
world-class delivery execution engine, while leading global technical operations and securing and
nurturing client engagements. She assumed an advisory role in May 2006 and will continue to
advise on key corporate initiatives and client relationships. At Virtusa she served for ten years as
Executive Vice President of Global Technical Operations, with world-wide responsibility for delivery
of global services and operations.
In 1989, Tushara was a member of the founding team at INSCI Corporation, a document and archival
management company. As a key member of the management team, Tushara helped take the
company public in 1994. At INSCI, the product developed by Tushara was named ‘Product of the
Year’ in 1997 by the Association of Imaging and Information Management and Imaging Magazine. In
the early years she worked with leading Wall Street companies.
In May of 2006, she received the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year 2005 Award from the Women’s
Chamber of Commerce (WCIC) of Sri Lanka.
Born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Ms. Canekeratne holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and
Mathematics from Loughborough University, United Kingdom. She is a member of the Board of
Trustees of Fay School, Southborough, MA.

Platforming as a structured approach to software development organizes discrete software

components into related functions in a layered architecture of common services. This enables
development teams to write code once and utilize it multiple times.
Platforming introduces best practices from mature industries, such as automotive and
manufacturing, to increase efficiencies in the software industry by accelerating time-to-market and
reducing defect rates. For instance, an automotive manufacturer attains significant efficiencies and
economies of scale by building several product lines on top of a single shared platform and by
reusing 80% of the common assets across these product lines.
Our Platforming approach is embodied in a set of proprietary processes, tools, frameworks and
approach that stands in contrast to traditional enterprise application development methods, where
different applications remain separate and isolated from each other, replicating business logic,
technology frameworks and enterprise data.
Platforming addresses the persistent issues of egregious inefficiencies, cost over-runs and delay in
product releases that have been dogging software implementations. While searching for greater
efficiencies, software developers have successfully evolved solutions from monolithic, hardware-
dependent legacy systems to the present day three-tier and service oriented architecture. These
innovations facilitate a modular approach to software development and make Platforming
achievable in most IT environments, even those dominated by legacy code.
Why Platforming?

Virtusa’s Platforming approach addresses some of the toughest challenges faced by CIOs: use IT to
support greater business agility and develop innovative solutions, while reducing total cost of
ownership (TCO).
Platforming addresses some of the commonly faced CIO challenges:
• Adaptability and Speed-to-market -Virtusa’s Platforming takes IT efficiency to the next
level, well beyond traditional IT offshoring. Our Platforming approach enables enterprises to create
and consolidate technology assets into Organization Specific Platforms (OSPs) that are leveraged
across the enterprise to support decision making with common services and unified view of

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Platforming lowers TCO -Our Platforming approach reduces immediate and downstream costs of
software development and maintenance, thus lowering the total cost of ownership:
o Efficiencies gained from software reuse reduce cost of current and future

o IT consolidation decreases long-term deployment and maintenance costs

o IT resources are released from the inefficiency of reinventing common technology

services every time; maintaining redundant code over its useful life

o OSPs lower execution risk by providing more predictability and pervasive asset

• Accelerated Revenue Growth -The value proposition of Platforming goes well beyond
cost savings as it allows organizations to accelerate revenue generation through agile introduction
of new products and services.

Platforming Best Practices

Platforming is both a science and an art that Virtusa has specialized through creation of enterprise-
class custom software development products and platforms.
Our Platforming is built on the following approach:
• Conduct top-down analysis to understand clients unique business requirements

• Conduct parallel bottom-up analysis to explore existing assets, business logic, design
patterns and frameworks that can be leveraged

• Streamline/consolidate common and overlapping technology assets/process elements

• Create common, reusable, “made-to-order” Organization Specific Platforms (OSPs)

• Leverage platform’s asset base to build solutions across the business organization

Following is a representative list of Virtusa’s Platforming best practices:

• Leverage Existing Assets -We increase software development efficiencies by taking
advantage of existing Open Source frameworks, Service Oriented Architecture and Agile
methodologies. Our Platforming approach consolidates existing technology assets into common
platforms that are leveraged across business lines to build new, highly-configurable and reusable

• Stakeholder Analysis Is Critical -We conduct focused stakeholder workshops to identify

and capture client’s specific business requirements from process and technology perspectives
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• Identify Recurring Design Patterns -We unravel the underlying challenges in order to
reach an effective Platforming solution to avoid creation of one-off solutions, thereby reducing
effort, time and rework overheads

• Go Beyond Component Reuse -Our pervasive asset reuse strategy goes well beyond
component reuse, by capturing and consolidating technology assets and domain elements that are
unique to client’s business. It encompasses the commonly recurring patterns of business processes
and user behavior within the solution domain in a organized manner

• Avoid the Big Bang Approach -Platforming is not a single, turnkey event. As a continuous
journey towards technology optimization and increased efficiencies, our Platforming approach helps
clients evaluate where they are today, how to develop a strategic roadmap and the implementation
plan to move to next maturity level

Virtusa provides Consulting services to assist clients with their continually-changing IT
environments. We help clients to:
• Improve effectiveness and efficiency of IT application environments by adopting re-useable
software platforms

• Design platform-based solutions, based on business and technology problems

• Plan and implement IT initiatives

For the success of every client engagement, we leverage our global delivery model, proprietary
frameworks and tools, such as, Strategic Enterprise Information Roadmap framework (STEIR) and
Business Process Visualization (BPV) to keep pace with latest technology advances, business and
industry trends, and to accelerate delivery.
We use our Global Delivery Model for the success of every engagement. Our onsite teams work
directly with our clients to understand and analyze the current-state problems and design
specifically tailored conceptual solutions. Our offshore teams work seamlessly with our onsite teams
to design and expand the conceptual solution, research for better alternatives, perform detailed
analyses, develop prototypes and proof-of-concept. We believe that this approach reduces cost,
allows us to explore more strategies in the same amount of time and improves the overall quality of
our deliverables.
As organizations grow and expand, the portfolio of applications that support the business also grows
in size and complexity. This creates new problems for the business in terms of higher cost of
maintaining and managing complex, redundant software, reduced efficiency due to slio-ed
applications and lower overall business agility.
IT Application Portfolio Management
Virtusa’s IT portfolio management services are designed to help clients meet these challenges, and
transform their application portfolio, align to business and prepare to respond quickly to changes. IT
portfolio analysis is a structured approach for continually analyzing, assessing and evaluating IT
applications on which the business runs in order to identify actionable traits and characteristics.

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Our IT portfolio analysis offering provides a tool for assessing “as is” application state and
identifying scope for improvement, while also providing valuable insights, such as trends,
commonalities and successes worth replicating. We evaluate application assets and develop a plan
to align our client’s application portfolio with their business needs.
Key results from our portfolio analysis approach include:
• Locate top-ranked & bottom-ranked applications. Locate applications that offer higher
value, expending the most cost on, or getting most agility from. Use this to select applications to be
replaced, new applications to be invested or reusing them to service other applications

• Get quick, actionable information. Align IT assets to business imperatives to take

definite decisions and actions with a clear view to the resulting business benefits or outcomes

• Recognize tradeoffs & opportunities. Analyze where strength in one area may come
with weakness or high costs in another area. This will help to formulate strategies for development
or support, or different criteria to optimize performance

• Identify trends & groupings. Analyze where a strength or weakness in one area is
shared by multiple applications of a specific type or category, or correlates with a corresponding
strength or weakness in another area

• Make superior decisions. Use gathered information to support decisions and prioritize
plans and investments. Get a clearer picture of applications to answer questions relating to
effectiveness, agility, business dependency and associated maintenance costs

• Make informed, business-aligned decisions. Develop a business goals-driven approach

to upgrade, consolidation, improvement, sun-setting, further investment or other actions

• Create an ongoing optimization mechanism. Implement a methodology allowing

incremental adjustments and continuous feedback

• Have a balanced approach. Use both quantitative and qualitative factors, as well as
strategic and tactical perspectives, to maximize value and achieve a balance amongst multiple
priorities and criteria

IT sponsors are continually challenged to make better, more-informed decisions when allocating
program budgets. Virtusa’s Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Factory enables organizations to effectively
evaluate the merits of multiple information-based products, services and solutions in parallel. Our
PoC approach enables us to adopt a concept, clarify requirements, rapidly develop and deploy
working prototypes for customer feedback within 90-days cycle, while reusing the common
functionality. Our PoC strategy has enables to control clients R&D budgets, facilitate multiple
applications to be tested prior to investment, and increase revenues by enhancing overall user
experience. Other benefits include a fuller, defined scope and reduced change requests, by:
• Enabling business sponsors to use fully-functional prototypes to evaluate merits of new
products, services or solutions

• Iteratively validate requirements and produce a working prototype within a short period

• Leveraging offshore development teams to accelerate prototype creation, significantly

reducing production cost

Virtusa’s Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Approach

Virtusa’s Accelerated Solution Design (ASD) service provides research-driven, moderated
workshops to refine business requirements and derive outcomes that can be used as input to a proof
of concept or to improve business processes. A typical session is organized over three days and
engages stakeholders from business and technology. Virtusa’s Accelerated Solution Design services
offers more control over R&D budgets by helping organizations to rapidly prototype multiple IT
proposals in parallel, prior to making the investment decision. These approaches lower development
costs by validating requirements using functional prototypes, accelerate time-to-market by using
time-boxed approach to delivery and provide the resulting prototype, that enables to strengthen the
business case for IT investment.
Through IT strategy and roadmap services, we help our clients to align the IT roadmap to their
business priorities. It facilitates identification of current strengths and improvement areas in various
disciplines such as strategic alignment, governance, and IT maturity. The gap identification with
respect to the targeted maturity level based on this assessment leads to IT strategy definition and
roadmap recommendations. This approach helps develop a structured and well defined action plan.
The end deliverables are a clear assessment report and a well defined and actionable set of

Virtusa specializes in the software lifecycle and offers a unique perspective to IT architecture and
software platforms. We quickly understand our clients “as-is” state, envision their “to-be” state, and
envisage an optimal roadmap to get there. We embody our unique service in our proven Strategic
Enterprise IT Roadmap (STEIR) methodology.
STEIR is a structured service offering for assessing existing systems and IT assets, understanding
how business imperatives translate into IT requirements, and recommending the right IT platform,
solution architecture, transition strategy and approach to meet them (the “to-be” state). The
outcome is an enterprise IT roadmap that takes today’s collection of disparate systems, updates
them for today’s technology, and streamlines them into a clear software platform that anticipates
evolving business needs at accelerating pace.
Our IT strategy and roadmap services are designed to: create a roadmap to improve infrastructure,
provide an overview of your current IT system, identify weaknesses and opportunities, align IT
systems with business goals, define an implementation approach, create efficiencies and improve
bottom lines.
To ensure increased accountability, better agility and improved business results, Virtusa’s IT
architecture governance services, gained from our engagements with global market leaders,
leverages deep domain and business expertise. Depending on our customer organization's current
state of IT governance, we recommend and deliver the most appropriate Governance frameworks
that will facilitate IT alignment, meet business objectives, maximize benefits, while making
organizations successful, compliant and secure.
Our IT governance approach is an iterative approach to plan, design, implement, deploy, control,
and enhance operational processes of business operations that rely on information technology. Our
IT governance approach offers optimal value to the enterprise on a continued basis and provides a
comprehensive, repeatable, and predictable business process for the development, adoption, and
continual improvement that delivers real value to our clients. Our IT governance model helps
businesses to adopt effective IT governance strategies that will help them control, comply and align
IT with business priorities by providing right set of processes, concepts, activities, artifacts, roles,
and robust business process.
We offer a full spectrum of IT governance services that accelerate project, program, and portfolio
management transformations. Our IT governance services include:
• Assessment services - Evaluating current IT Governance framework, maturity assessment
and transformational roadmap creation

• Framework definition - Defining IT governance framework and processes, in line with client
requirements and industry frameworks

• Implementation services - Implementing IT Governance processes

• Program Management Office (PMO) - Planning, governance, set-up and process design

• Program governance services

• Change management services

Virtusa’s certified architects and consultants work directly with clients to deploy, configure, integrate
and optimize an effective architecture Governance solution that manages their portfolios, projects,
resources, finances and risks.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is the key technology which has profound impact in building
agile and flexible IT systems. SOA is a principle of creating software functions as reusable and
configurable services, to enable alignment of business processes and related IT assets to meet
change in business needs, leading to business agility, reduction in time and cost to IT.

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Virtusa’s Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) services transform the way information technology
supports and adapts to business need, by assembling business processes from loosely-coupled
application components. Our SOA services reconcile and unify IT systems and business processes, in
order to support a more flexible and agile business. Our SOA governance framework consistently
defines policy, manages lifecycle and provisions from a centrally accessible policy registry, enforcing
its execution across distributed Web services by providing the ability to both communicate and
apply those policy preferences on the client applications accessing the Web services.
Virtusa enables enterprises to develop and implement a governance model that will guide, monitor
and measure enterprise Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) adoption. Our SOA services helps
organizations establish a competency center to promote, guide and accelerate SOA adoption, by
providing strategic and technical support, including:
• Building a business case for new SOA programs

• Developing an SOA strategy and transition plans

• Establishing technology capability, mapping capabilities to the technology landscape and

defining the SOA 'future' state

• Defining and deploying an SOA governance model

• Defining SOA governance processes (reviews, exception management) to augment existing

IT and/or project governance

• Implementing a comprehensive SOA Governance model covering aspects, such as,

organization, leadership, people, processes, investment, polices, etc.

Key Differentiators

Our integrated end-to-end Consulting services:

• Results oriented. Enables business transformation and delivers sustainable results

• High quality. Delivers high quality and cutting-edge consulting services that are innovative
and in synch with industry best practice

• Collaboration. Ensures seamless coordination across strategy, impeccable technology

implementation and future-proof solutions

• Optimization. Combines deep domain expertise and strategy capabilities to cover the
entire range of technology capabilities—from developing an IT strategy to solutions for optimizing
the IT infrastructure and applications

• Agile development. Incorporates industry best practices and help clients across the value
chain with our benefits-driven, integrated approach that delivers sustainable results


In today’s aggressive and changing market conditions, CIOs are focused on addressing challenges—
outperforming competitors, fostering innovation, offering cost effective services and business
flexibility. Business Process Management (BPM) assumes a significant position. BPM services provide
a structured approach to creating, managing and continuously improving an organization’s
processes using a combination of tools including methods, policies, metrics, management practices
and software.
Virtusa has extensive BPM capabilities and with a portfolio of BPM services to provide consulting,
product development, implementation, support, upgrade, maintenance, quality assurance and
testing services to global clients across varied industry verticals. Our BPM methodology essentially
treats an organization’s business processes as assets that can be designed, reused and exploited.
Our BPM offerings are built on next-generation solutions, frameworks, accelerators and are delivered
using advanced methods and industry best practices. With deep project experience, a compelling
array of services, skills & product alliances, strong solution IPs, and optimized global delivery model,
Virtusa is ideally positioned to assist organizations undertake successful BPM projects.
Our BPM services allow organizations to:
• Improve process quality, leading to more efficient business operations and predictable

• Improve customer experience and satisfaction, leading to better customer retention

• Engender continuous process improvement, leading to better employee productivity

• Reduce cost, resulting in better profit realization and greater competitiveness

• Improve business agility, resulting in a greater ability to respond quickly to changing market
Why do you need a DW/BI Strategy?

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Intelligent information is the foundation for good decision making. In today’s hyper-competitive
world, successful organizations are using actionable information to make informed decisions to
create a sustainable and competitive advantage that helps them outperform rivals.
With data volumes growing day by day, CIOs are coming under increasing pressure to select the
right DW/BI solutions to meet their business needs. To maximize the value of information, CIO’s
need the capability to extract the right insight, at right time from large volumes of data, draw
reliable decisions, and take necessary actions for business success. Data Warehousing and Business
Intelligence (DW/BI) provides an ecosystem to transform raw data into actionable information thus
facilitating strategic, tactical and operational decision making.
Virtusa’s DW/BI practice directly addresses these challenges by offering a holistic business-result
oriented approach to meet the complete information management need of enterprises. Our unique
and proven DW/BI development methodology offers a scalable and iterative approach that is
focused on developing stakeholder consensus in identifying key business outcomes and developing
solutions to deliver to these issues.
Enterprise Content Management

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Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is an umbrella of tools and strategies that allow an
organization to create, manage, deliver, store and dispose content and documents related to
organization’s business needs. With an increasing adoption of digital content in today’s
organizations through new and innovative technologies and tools, challenges related to
management of digital content has also increased manifold. These challenges if handled properly
can give your organization a great competitive advantage in an increasingly crowded market place.
Though the volume and variety of digital content (documents, data, audio, video, records, metadata,
email, instant messages, blogs, wikis, etc.) alone can justify the investment on an ECM strategy, the
key to the success of an appropriate ECM solution implementation is the right alignment of ECM
capabilities with tangible business results. The four fundamental business drivers that make
profoundly impact the overall success of any organization’s ECM strategy include cost, collaboration,
compliance & continuity.
There is a global demand for high quality, innovative products and services with quick go-to-market
strategies and minimal investment. Despite the average allocation of 30-40% of IT budgets for
testing, organizations struggle to test software efficiently and effectively.
Virtusa’s testing services to help organizations deliver high value business solutions. Our domain
and industry-focused testing services ensure that our client's IT applications meet growing business
needs with high performance and availability. By partnering with Virtusa, our clients leverage our in-
depth experience in test methodologies, automation frameworks, tools and processes.
Our software testing services include: Functional Testing, Test Automation, Performance Testing,
Specialized Testing and Test Consultancy services.
Our extensive testing experience, deep industry knowledge, vendor partnerships and testing tool
expertise combine to help our clients accelerate their testing projects, set new standards for
software quality and reduces overall testing time and costs.










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