9.10.10 Discussion Charlie Chaplin The Kid

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Discussion Notes Fri.


Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid

1. Chaplin

Huge personality, one of most famous person in the world; “tramp” films;
directed, produced, and composed the music for his films – did everything

2. Silent Film Virtues

Form of art, careful structure to the shots

Without dialogue, forced to use eyes, hands (actors must really work) – more
respected, closer to stage performance

Audience more interactive

Pure image

3. Chaplin’s Virtues

a. Elliptical Gap (a fill-in/left a gap – make the audience think a little)

Charlie thinks the baby was thrown out with the trash – doesn’t “say” it
out loud

Charlie lifts up sewage grate fitting for baby

Charlie goes into the house, checks if boy/girl, names him John

Orphanage director brings translator, gets into fight with Charlie;

Charlie ask the translator what the Director said after barrage from

b. Comedy/Pathos Balance

Charlie survived (emotionally invested)/ other comedians forgotten

Pathos: John taken away, built up the father-son relationship – plays

directly on the emotions

Have to show, build up the relationship – so when they are separated,

it actually means something

c. Other Balances/Paradoxes of the Tramp

i. Good/Scoundrel: raising son to be criminal, nibbles his son’s toes,

doesn’t stop John’s fight
ii. Hero/Coward: saving his son from the orphan car; hitting the bully’s
brother with a brick

iii. Poverty/Comfort:

1. Transformative Powers – thinks like hi’s a lord/rich

2. Freedom in Poverty – puts guys hand back in pockets,

staying overnight at place

iv. Bum/Gentleman: likes women, children, and dogs; doesn’t get

along with policemen, any other men

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