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Ur project Dsnname : DLF

Creation of Data Source:

Source Code:

Connection con=null;

Mapping DataSource in OpenDatabaseConnectivity

1. StartControl PanelAdministrative ToolsData Sources

(ODBC)(Dialog box appears)

2. UserDSN or SystemDSN (Select anyone)

3. Click Add Button
4. Dialog box named Create New Data Source appears
5. Select Driver Name (Microsoft Access Driver [*.mdb] )

6. click finish.
7. Dialog box named ODBC Microsoft Access setup appears
8. Type “DATASOURCENAME” in Data Source Name Text Box.

9. Click Select Button.

10. Dialog box named Select Database appears.

11. Select Drives for C or D or E or F.

12. Select directory for the filename databasefilename.mdb.(find
database ms access file location)
13. File Name automatically appears in the text area.
14. Click OK button
15. Now DataSource source Mapping process was completed.

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