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Noble Intentions

Submitted by:
Prashant K Nath
MBA 09071
Things we might like to know
Bottled Water
 1.5 mn barrels of crude oil for the
 Fossil fuels for distribution
 Less than 25% recycled => landfills &
 Bottled water better than filtered tap
Non-Veg diet
 More green house gas than driving cars
 Contaminated runoff from slaughter
 Livestock contributes 18% percent of
Electric and Hybrid cars
 Nickel-metal hydride & Nickel-
Cadmium cell
 Severe environmental impact in New
Caledonia, Sudbury etc.
The Process
Nickel from origin => Refinery in Europe
=> China for Nickel foam => Japan for
manufacture => All over the world for
All that, just to put a single hybrid battery
into a car!!

Energy required to build and drive a

hybrid almost 50% more than that to build
and drive a Hummer.
Hybrids might result in more fuel
consumption than gas cars.

Hybrids save fuel and hence money but

because they do so, studies show people
are driving more.
What is good for Environment??
Conflicting Studies
Little things make the difference…
Thank You

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