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it is an irony to know that is takes 2 hours for someone to have guts to say hi

to the one you like. Days to admire, weeks to miss him, months to love. But with
just a blink of an eye to say goodbye. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
aNg iSaNg miNaMhAL pg nWaLa nDe dPaT iyAkAn dHiL kWaLaN mO aY mAs kWaLn nYA PrO
Wg KnG AaSa Kc NDe Lht nG uMaaLis o NaNgiiwAn ---bUmAbLik....... 12,11 Posted by L
"When you spend your life worrying about how other people feel, you lose track o
f how you feel." 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"You will find hope within despair. One who does not experience sorrow cannot ap
preciate joy." 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"in love, never put yourself on a situation, wer ur not sure wer u stands in a p
rson's lyf. never assume, nvr expect. . . so dat f dey chuz 2 drop u, u hav enuf
strngth 2 muv on. . " 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"YoU pRoMiSeD 2 TaKe CaRe Of Me, BuT yOu HuRt Me, YoU pRoMiSeD mE 2 bRiNg JoY...
bUt YoU bRoUgHt Me TeArS, yOu PrOmIsEd Me YoUr LoVe BuT yOu GaVe Me PaIn...ME? i
PrOmIsEd YoU nOtHiNg, BuT gAvE yOu EvErYtHiNg... DaMn..." 12,11 Posted by ||LANNI
cud i ask 4 ur arms wenevr i fil cold? cud i ask 4 ur smyl wenevr i fil sad? cud
i ask u 2 b der wenevr m alone? cud i ask 4 ur kis wenevr i mis ur luv? 12,11 Po
sted by Lannieh
i knew things would never be the same again... i hate it when i think of how you
would be leaving me, taking a big part of me with you, it hurts me so to think
that you just chose to forget all that we had... i can hear the real sound of a
breaking heart and now i believe that hearts do shatter... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
if i'll die tomorrow u know wat i will do?? i'd spent 23hrs wid u! u may think a
nd ask how about d last hour?? ill spent it looking for a guy who will love u th
e way i do! 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
I wish my eyes could speak what my heart feels for you, cause my lips can lie on
what is true. My eyes couldn't cause even if I close them I could still see you
. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"If 10 people care 4 u, 1 of dem is me". If 1 person cares 4 u, dat wud b me aga
in. If no 1 cares 4 u, dat means i'm not indis world anymore" 12,11 Posted by ||LH
If love can be avoided simply by closing our eyes, I wouldn't blink at all for I
don't want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you. 12,11 Posted
by Junmar
When I first met you, my heart says, "I like you." When the days gone by, my hea
rt says "I miss you." The moment I can't find you, my heart says, "I need you."
Now I know more about you, my heart says, "I LOVE YOU." 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"f ì cüd wsh nd mké ìt trü,däts 2 shårè å lìfé w/ü. f ì cüd spéåk 2 lét ù knw,däts 2 säy ì
12,11 Posted by Junmar
Love will fly if held too lightly. Love will die if held too tightly. Lightly or
tightly, How will I know if I'm still keeping you or I'm letting go.... 12,11 Po
sted by ||LANNIEH||
"How could I let go when my heart says hold on? How could I say goodbye when all
I want to say is hello? How could I forget when I can't stop thinking of you? H
ow can you fall out of love just when I am about to say I love you" 12,11 Posted b
y Junmar
If I were a bear, would you hug me? If I were a cookie, would you eat me? If I w
ere painting, would you stop and look at me? AND... If I were to say I love you,
would you say I love you too? (4 junmar :) ) 12,11 Posted by ||LANNIEH||
God, please give me... SERINITY to accept the things i can't change.. STRENGTH t
o change the things i can.. and WISDOM to know the difference. 12,11 Posted by e`
You are my best friend and my only true love. I'm sure that you were sent from h
eaven above. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. And our future is
beginning to look so bright. I think I'm falling in love with you... 12,11 Posted
by An2KerZ
never loose hope on the person u choose 2 give ur love2.... if he is alwez the r
eason y ur heart aches,who cares?he'd still be the reason y ur heart beats ,anyw
ez 12,11 Posted by MoOn|PrInCeSs
when u give ur heart 2 a person,there should be no doubts or sur
e of urself,becoz if not, u may end hurting the person more than ur self 12,11 Po
sted by MoOn|PrInCeSs
i'd rather have had one touch of hand, one breath of her hair, one kiss from her
lips, than living in eternity without 12,11 Posted by e`L
Dont over use ur heart trying to look for the ONE u think u deserve ..u should s
ave the best part of u for the person who deserves u,and deserve to be LOVED by
u 12,11 Posted by MoOn|PrInCeSs
y s it dat wen i want the sun, i can only fil its warm rays.wen i want the moon,
i can only marvel its pale illumination, wen i want u, i can only hav thots of
u? (4 attagirl^^18) 12,11 Posted by Guest10898
if the cat is away..the mouse is alone 12,11 Posted by _Sherlock_
When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers..... Remember
that in those spaces, you can see that special persons fingers locked with yours
FOREVER... 12,11 Posted by (yumpkin_gal)
A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who mean a lot to you, only to find
out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go... 12,1
1 Posted by yumpkin_gal
sabi nila,mahal daw kita kasi parati daw pangalan mo ang binabanggit ko....kasi
masaya daw ako pag anjan ka....sabi nila aminin ko na daw sayo...sabi ko: "tsaka
na lang pag mahal nya na din ako" :( 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
*if the words "i like you" isnt enough can i say "i love you?" or if "i miss you
" isnt enough can i say "i need you?" but wat if i say "u"being a friend isnt en
ough..can you just be mine? 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
*why is it that i cant 4get u?y is it dat i stil get hurt everytime u ignore me?
i guess its because u stil have a place in my heart that says,"i still love you
even if wer over" 12,11 Posted by _kayce_
*i saw sumthing in your eyes that is hard to ignore,a sudden feeling iv never fe
lt before, i saw love but i closed my door,cause im afraid to love you cz there'
s sum1 hu u love more. 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
*i tot we wer over, i thot we wer thru. i thot u 4got me so i tried to 4get you.
but i realized that thing i cant do cz everytime i think of u my heart saysi sti
ll love you.. 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
*"y r u crying?""cz d grl i love cn never love me back" "wat cn i do to make you
feel better" "nothing""y?" "i know u cnt help me" "y not?" "cz ur inluv wid sum
els ryt???" 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
*u nvr knew i liked u,i was to shy to tel.not knowing wat 2 say, nt knowing wat
i felt. u nvr knw i luvd u, u myt not know still. i may nvr say i love you, cz u
never will.. 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
of ol d days uv bn away, i cm 2 ms u mre 2day, ol i hv s a starles sky and hople
ss drims 2gt on by thou drs no rison 4u 2b nir, iknow its crzy bt i jst wsh u wr
hir!.. 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
--> always take advantage of d oportunity 2 show ur luv w/ oders,coz der may com
e a tym wen u hav so much luv 2 giv,but no 1 2 share it w/... awww 12,11 Posted b
y _kaycee_
--> i hu luved u & also cared,u hu acts lyk im not der,i hu catched u wen u fol,
u hu ignors my effort at al..i hu cared & was willing to wait,u luvng me,but now
its 2late... =( 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
--> i met him & he lykd me,i sed hello & he sed were frnds,i gave him a hug & he
huggd me back,i gave him my hand & he held it tyt,i sed i luv u, bt he sed i ca
nt..'i alredy belong 2 smeone else' ¤OUCH¤ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
--> "iv alredy told everybdy dat ive moved on and dat things r better of lyk thi
s that we'r just 1 thing i havnt told dem...IVE BIN LYING OL DIS TYM.
.. " 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
--> do u know dat d darkest hour is d hour b4 sunrise?so wen u feel u'r at ur da
rkest moment,remember:u may just be a moment away frm ur sunrise.. 12,11 Posted b
y _kaycee_
--> do u know dat d darkest hour is d hour b4 sunrise?so wen u feel u'r at ur da
rkest moment,remember:u may just be a moment away frm ur sunrise.. 12,11 Posted b
y _kaycee_
--> if at times you find me not minding you...don't think that i'm tired of you
or i'm bored with you... i'm just thinking of you and wondring what i've done to
deserve sum1 like you. 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
--> among your frends,i care 4u d most...among ur frends,i luv u d most... among
your frends,u hurt me d most..coz i know dat all i am 2u is: ..."among your fri
ends.." 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
--> "NVR AGEN" dats wat i sed 2 myself. i nvr wanted 2 fil dis kind of pain agen
jst wen i thot it was over, jst wen i thot it was thru..i found myself bak inlu
v wid u... 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
--> so hard 2 kip on waitin 4 luv dats tru, m wilin 2 risk evrytyn juz 2 stay cl
ose 2 u, f u cant giv dat carin', my hart wont fil blu coz il nvr stop blivn dat
sumday ul luv me 2... 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
*Paalam na, mshado ng mskt pra ipgptuloy pa, isang mlking katanghan, kng aasa pa
ako muna'y lalayo, ako muna'y iiwas ngunit hndng hndi ko makakalimutan na minsa
n, MNHAL kta ng lubsn. =( 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
*Bkt yaw mo ko ptwarin? ggwin ko na nga lahat pra sau... tps gngwa mo akng g*go?
mskit yun kc sbrng mhal kta.. ay sh*t.. oo nga pla.. may mhal kng iba.. 12,11 Po
sted by _kaycee_
buti pa ang isda-mahal, buti pa ang chemistry may lab, buti pa ang exam cnasagot
, Buti pa ang prob-iniicp, Buti pa ikaw-iniicp ko... eh ako kya, na-aalala mo? 12
,11 Posted by _kaycee_
you're the greatest friend i ever had. you're always there to help me when im do
wn;u always know hw to cheer me up and you know me so well. but then when you lo
ok into my eyes i cnt undrstnd why u cnt c the love i hav for u.. 12,11 Posted by
wt f i say m faln 4 u? wil u fal 4 me 2? wt f i say i luv u? wil u luv 12,11 Post
ed by Guest98376
---> it fils sad wen we want to express our filings to d person we luv but holdi
n back coz dey hae chosen anoder 1, den wen dey get hurt, we can only whsper.. "
tanga ka kc, d pa ako mnahal mo 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
The great end of education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to
train it to the use of its own powers, rather than fill it with the accumulation
of others. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
wen u find love, treasure 8, take care of 8, b true to 8 & make gud use of 8 bco
z LOVE COMES UNSEEN. U can only see 8 WEN 8s GONE... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
I cherish ur caring and sweet ways, that give so much happiness and brightens to
all kinds of days, an i guess that i knew from the first time we met, your some
body special i would never forget... 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
i really wana be close to you... close enough that in time i'll just hold your h
and and without sayin anything, you know i'm sayin something like: dito ka lang
ha kasi di ko ata kayang mawala ka... 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
i hate the way you talk to me, i hate it when you stare, i hate the way your alw
ays right, i hate it when you lie, i hate it when you make me laugh even worse w
hen you make me cry, i hate it when your not around and the fact that you don't
call, but mostly i hate theway i don't hate you not even close, not even a littl
e, not any at all... 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
Not many people know when love starts, more than friends but not quite lovers, t
his kind of relationship gradually passes as time goes by.... 12,11 Posted by _ka
You'll be my angel to rise me up high, be the answer when I wonder why! You'll b
e the love, i'd lost & had, be the person who makes me glad! Be the one who will
set things through, you'll always be the baby, I love & knew! 12,11 Posted by Jun
mayb d day wud cum dat i wud 4get hw u made me cry. hw u broke my hart wen u lie
d. wat i cud nvr 4get s d way u lukd wyl u slept n my arms - u luk so myn.. 12,11
Posted by _kaycee_
i hate the way you talk to me, i hate it when you stare, i hate the way your alw
ays right, i hate it when you lie, i hate it when you make me laugh even worse w
hen you make me cry, i hate it when your not around and the fact that you don't
call, but mostly i hate theway i don't hate you not even close, not even a littl
e, not any at all... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
u know what hurts me? its not when i dnt c u as often as id lyk.. its nt wen i s
tay late thinkin of u at nite.. its wen i kip on luving u.. knowing dat it isnt
ryt.. 12,11 Posted by J_LOW
Then death is but a slumber, Sweet rest when all is done, Awakened by the wonder
. Of Your returning Son. 12,11 Posted by e`L
"I would have taken care of you. I would have loved being in your arms. I would
have loved loving you back. All you had to do was ask and there would have been
something we could call "US"." 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"I don't know Why?¿? I'm so afraid to lose you when you're not even mine. I don't know Why?
you so, when u don't even care... I don't know Why?¿? to me you're the one, when to you I
'm only someone." 12,11 Posted by attagirl^^18
its painful 2c sum1 u wish wer urs wd sum1 else.. but ders nothing more painful
dan da sight of sum1 u wish wer urs.. crying 4 sum1 else.. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so t
hat when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful. 12,11
Posted by skechers`
"When you love someone, you sacrifice. Give everything you've got and don't thin
k twice, you risk it all no matter what. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all... take chanc
es as they come or you may never get a chance again... 12,11 Posted by Jon2x
A heart truly in love never loses hope but believe in the promise of love no mat
ter how long the time or how far the distance... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"Friendship without self-interest is one of the rare and beatiful things in life
" 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Please tell me now if you wait until I am sleeping Never will be death between u
s and I won't hear you then 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Make new friend but keep the old ones; one is silver and other's gold 12,11 Poste
d by L|ON_Heart
Women are wiser than Man... co'z they know less yet understand more...!!! -k8- 12
,11 Posted by `ShineOnMe`
When you were born... you were crying and everyone around you is smilling. Live
your life to the fullest, so that when you die... you may let the whole world se
e your smile... and everyone around you would cry. -k8- 12,11 Posted by `ShineOnMe
<If u LoVe sAm1, sEt hIm FrEE, if hE kAm$ bak h3's m3@an+ 2 b uRz, f h3 doesn't.
HaNap k@ na l2ng ng iB@!> 12,11 Posted by yhad
Words and Hearts should be handle with care, for words when spoken and hearts wh
en broken are the hardest thing to repair. -k8- 12,11 Posted by `ShineOnMe`
We never made any mistakes... but we do get lessons to be learned. -k8- 12,11 Pos
ted by `ShineOnMe`
When your team is winning, be ready to be tough, because winning can make you so
ft. On the other hand, when you team is losing, stick by them. Keep believing. 12
,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
y is it sumtimes were so tanga?! we love pipol so much... we care for dem too mu
ch... we gave dem almost lahat, but for all we know... iiwan din pala tayu in th
e end! =[ 12,11 Posted by `nasty_femme
m sori f i causd u pain.m sori f i made u wok away.m sori f i msundrstnd u,bt 1
thng u ignord 2c,i was cryng so hard begng 'pls dnt liv me...12,11 Posted by L|ON_
if I die & go 2 heven & GOD ask me wat's my last wish, I'll pause 4 a while 2 lu
k 4 u & wen I see u crying I wud say, "LORD give me a minute 2 hug my love..." 12
,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
its been quite awhile,i can say i mis ur stories,our lafters & i mis u,but wat i
rily rily mis is not u,& not us..but how we wer b4... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
The character of a person should be guarded at all times for it is a great deter
minant of one's future. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
<i cn say im fyn wen u dnt c me cry...i cn say i cud mov on....wen i cnt evn try
!!! i cn say im happy wen i juz wnt to die....but onething i cnt say i stil luv
u wen u sed gudbye....> 12,11 Posted by Inocente^^^20
< F u tel me u mis me,il beliv u,,,F u tel me u care,il smyl at u coz i knw its
tru...but F u tel me u luv me,i myt cry,,, coz FINALLY u told me sumthng ive bin
longing to hir!!!! 12,11 Posted by Inocente^^^20
The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams
come true. 12,11 Posted by hidden`identity
<no man is worth a womans tears!!! the only one who is worth her tears is the on
e who can never make her cry!!> 12,11 Posted by Inocente^^^20
<wen u sed gudbye..u told me its bec. u dnt wnt to hurt me sumday..but how i wis
h dat b4 u did... u tot dat mayb, JUZ MAYBE! i wud hav preferd 2 b hurt dan 2 LO
SE YOU!!! 12,11 Posted by Inocente^^^20
<can i juz c u evry morning wen i open my eyes? can i juz feel ur heart beatin'
besyd me evry nyt?? can we juz stay dis way together til d' end of my lyf?? can
i juz spend my lyf w/ u??? > 12,11 Posted by Inocente^^^20
< samone once askd me...f i rili do luv u??? i juz kept quiet...i closd my eyes.
..n wen i open my eyes...i smyld n sed "d lng mhal! MHAL NA MAHAL!!!!" > 12,11 Po
sted by Inocente^^^20
<everybody said im crazy for loving u... they also said im stupid for loving u!!
! but u know what i told dem??? pwede b!!!! la namang pkealamanan!! MAHAL KO 'TO
e!!!! 12,11 Posted by Inocente^^^20
Life is boring without temptations, but life is useless if you give in to it. 12,
11 Posted by |eRiCk|
Don't be contented of being good at your job, be the best and soon you'll be ind
ispensible...12,11 Posted by Junmar
The hardest part of being in love is when we begin to hang loosely on one end wi
thout knowing what exactly is happening on the other end. Not all vows are made
in heaven. There are many who break their promises of forever and leave their pa
rtners crying and hurting... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
life is like a box of chocolates. you'll never know what you'll gonna get.12,11 P
osted by ferrari21
"it is still best to wait for the one you want than settle for the one available
.. best to wait for the one you love than the one who is around... because life
is too short to be wasted on the wrong person... " 12,11 Posted by yumpkin_gal
"LOVE is long suffering and kind...does not behave indecently, does not look for
its own interest...does not keep account of the injury...but bears all things..
.hopes all things...endures all things" 12,11 Posted by yumpkin_gal
"Can you ever say that you LOVE the person because you badly misses him? Never c
onfuse such thing coz missing doesn't always mean you love, but it could mean th
at you're only use to living life with his presence. So if someone steps out fro
m your life don't weep nor get broken for you might be feeling the same thing, a
fter the disappointments that you've felt when he left, you will back on your fe
et again." 12,11 Posted by yumpkin_gal
"Hapines can't b found at d end of the road. It s truly xperienced along the way
. So, take not 4 granted each moment of ur lyf and find reason 2 b hapi each day
..." 12,11 Posted by yumpkin_gal
Love is about generosity. You might resent the person who takes and never gives,
but you won't say anything about it.12,11 Posted by `ShineOnMe`
Love is acceptance. When you love someone . . . you take them into your heart, a
nd that is surely why it hurts so much when we lose someone we love, because we
lose a part of ourselves. 12,11 Posted by An2KerZ
Love is acceptance. When you love someone... you take everything into your heart
... into your mind... into your soul... that even the ugliest and hardest thing
to accept in that person are being kept and cherished. 12,11 Posted by `ShineOnMe`
It is not what you have in your life... but who you have in your life that count
s. 12,11 Posted by smiley27
It is better to lose your pride to the one you love rather than lose that someon
e because of your useless pride. 12,11 Posted by smiley27
If equal affection cannot be... then let the loving one be me... 12,11 Posted by I
Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. count your life
with smiles and not the tears that roll. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
I never give up. I either get what I want or I change my mind. 12,11 Posted by Gor
The truth for me [is that] our friendship is the greatest thing I got going. I c
herish it. And to put honesty boundary on it... I don t want to. So free fall with
the truth and hope we both survive. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your atti
tude! 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
You can throw salt over your left shoulder. You can keep garlic on your window s
ill. You can plant lavender for luck. And you can fall in love whenever you can.
12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
You have to pick one person in your life and make it work. 12,11 Posted by Gorgeou
One should never be hard on oneself if the object of ones affection returns the
favor with rather less enthusiasm than one might have hoped for. 12,11 Posted by G
Is that a banana in your pocket? or you're just happy to see me? *lol* 12,11 Post
ed by GorgeousChick
Sexy boy, you're so fly. I might just give you a try. I'm gonna write your numbe
r in the palm of my hand. Oops I forgot, I got a man! 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChic
It's either the past or the present, pick one and live with it. 12,11 Posted by Go
Each day is like a dream boat. Go gently down the stream. Life is what you make
it. It's true. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
I hear laughter in the rain walking hand in hand with the one I love. How I love
the rainy days and the funny way, I feel inside. I LOVE OREOS! 12,11 Posted by Go
loving someone hus not ready to commit is like giving ur heart to me!!! 12,11 Pos
ted by pulubing_gwaping
dont give your heart to someone when your not dead yet!!! let the doctor do thei
r job...coz sometimes life is full of ...huh??!! ngak..tawag ako!!! brb 12,11 Pos
ted by pulubing_gwaping
isang matinding katangahan ang magmahal sa isang katulad kong pulubi...pero isan
g kabayanihan naman ang hangaan ang isang pulubing_gwaping tulad ko!!! 12,11 Post
ed by pulubing_gwaping
ive been trying to reach you but i guess ur avoiding seems ur not interes
ted to me anymore...but still,i kept this feeling inside me!!! punta muna ako sa
banyo...pwwuuuttt!!! 12,11 Posted by pulubing_gwaping
as my father always says, it's better to hack than to be hacked 12,11 Posted by Ty
when two people are in love , all they can think about is themselves. Maybe you'
ll ask why, co'z they keep gratifying each other just to satisfy their self-inte
rest 12,11 Posted by Ty|er`Durden
Bakit kung kailan natuto akong maghintay hindi ka dumating? Bakit kung kailan na
tuto akong magtiis doon ka sumuko? Bakit kung kailan natutunan kitang mahalin do
on ka lumayo? Bakit kung kailan mahal na kita saka ka nagmahal ng iba? 12,11 Post
ed by Jher17
tAngA kO dAw Ng p!nAkAwaLan k!ta, gAg0 daW ak0 mAs p!n!L! koNg L!mut!N kA, taNgN
a kO dAw pUmaYag aKonG magMahAL kA nG !bA... PUtANG!NA cLa! bak!t k0 pagp!p!L!ta
N sAr!L! k0 sA ta0nG d! nAmaN ak0 mAhaL dbA?! 12,11 Posted by Jher17
If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear p
ain or loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater 12,11 Posted by L|ON_H
A true man does not need to romance different woman every night but to the same
woman for the rest of his life. 12,11 Posted by `ShineOnMe`
If loving you is wrong... i'd never want to be right... 12,11 Posted by ILoveYouSa
I wish I may say I love you the way my lips wants to say it... I wish I may hold
you the way my arms wants to feel you... I wish I may love you the way my heart
wants to love you... but that would only mean ruining your life... I'd rather l
ove your soul in silence... 12,11 Posted by ILoveYouSam
What is life if not to make less difficult to one another? 12,11 Posted by smiley2
"A relationship is like a train. If one passes, then the next one will come. I'm
sure and if you get off the train, you'll realize that everything is the same."
[attagirl^^18] 12,11 Posted by attagirl^^18
I wud hav taken cre of u. I wud hav luvd bein n ur arms. I wud hav luvd luvin u
bak. ol u had2do was ask & der wud hav bin somthin we cud call "us" love u honey
daryl kow.. mwuaks 12,11 Posted by attagirl^^18
"Letting go of a person doesn't mean forgetting co'z if the love is true it coul
d remain in you even eternity comes." love u honey 12,11 Posted by attagirl^^18
I'm not sure What?¿? life would bring; I'm not sure if dreams would ever come true; I'm no
t sure What?¿? love could do; the only sure thing I know is that I'm glad I've met you. I
love you honey." 12,11 Posted by attagirl^^18
life is a gift to be enjoyed not a problem to be solve!!! just call me and youll
get both!!! wahehehe... 12,11 Posted by pulubing_gwaping
Victory is the beautiful, bright-colored flower. Transport is the stem without w
hich it could never have blossomed. 12,11 Posted by ||Scramy||
There are times when prayers is teh only gift we can give to the one we care for
, so I do always pray to God to take good care of YOU and KEEP U safe wherever y
ou are. 12,11 Posted by ||Scramy||
Trials dont come to make us fall, but rather to look for God for call. Trials do
nt serve as keys to hate but rather door to a greater faith. 12,11 Posted by hidde
Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the
world. So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain. 12,11 Pos
ted by hidden`identity
The two most misused words in the entire English vocabulary are LOVE and FRIENDS
HIP. A true friend would die for you, so when you start counting them on one han
d, you don't need many fingers. 12,11 Posted by ||ScramBot||
Love. What is Love? No one can define it, its something so great, only God could
design it. Yes, love is beyond, what man can define, for love is immortal, and
God's gift is divine." 12,11 Posted by ||ScramBot||
Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, the cornerstone--but not the comp
lete structure. It is much too pliable, too yielding. 12,11 Posted by ||ScramBot||
>u wil hear wid ur ear but u wil not undrstand. u wil luk wid ur eyes but u wil
not see.. now try 2 feel wid ur hart and u wil know how much u mean 2 me.. <kayc
ee> 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
>u may not see me d way i see u, u may not care 4 me d way i do, u may not fil a
nythng even if i fil so much 4 u,.. nd u may nver luv me evn if il always be hir
luving u... _kaycee_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
>f only i cud hold u ryt now nd let u know how hapi i am 2 hav u in my lyf.. xpe
ct me 2 nver let u go.. id rather loose anythng in my life dan 2 live w/o u.. _k
aycee_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
I hate it when you smile at me coz you make me miss you more.. i hate it when yo
u talk to me coz i always miss your voice.. i hate it when you look at me coz i
see the eyes of my love... i hate you because i love you.. <imajine> 12,11 Posted
by imajine
— Love is unconditional commitment to the imperfect person. To love somebody isn't
just a small feeling-a decision, a judgement, a promise. _kaycee_ 12,11 Posted b
y _kaycee_
— Because of you, I've laughed a little harder; I've cried a little lesser and smi
led a lot for no special reason. Because of you, my world is a happier place. _k
aycee_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
— In life, there's a very rare chance that you'll meet someone whom you love andwi
ll love you in return. So once you have that chance, don't ever let it go. _kayc
ee_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
— You should never put off saying I love you in any relationship as long as you me
an it. Otherwise, you might you spend the rest of your life regretting it. _kayc
ee_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
— Don't go for looks, it can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away.Go
for the one that makes you smile for only smiles make a dark day bright. _kayce
e_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
<its hard to trust and its sad to cry, its hard to love and later say goodbye bu
t its much harder to let go when u really want to say NO but this is lifes way o
f making our hearts grow... 12,11 Posted by Kale25
<its hard to trust and its sad to cry, its hard to love and later say goodbye bu
t its much harder to let go when u really want to say NO but this is lifes way o
f making our hearts grow...> 12,11 Posted by Kale25
<never loose hope on the person you choose to give your love to. If he would alw
ays be the reason why your heart aches, who cares? he'd still be the very reason
why your heart bits anyway!> 12,11 Posted by Kale25
u're diz li'l thing in diz big world dat can b d only one 2 hurt me so much.. th
ogh how dangerous u r i stil want 2 kip u next 2 me, coz u're diz li'l thing in
diz big world dat i can't liv w/o... 12,11 Posted by BaBy_RaIn
sabi nila, mahirap ka raw abutin... PAKI ko! mahal naman kita! Sabi nila, maghan
ap na raw ako ng iba... PAKI ko! mahal naman kita! Alam mo, mahal na mahal kita!
PAKI mo... may mahal ka namang iba! :( <imajine> 12,11 Posted by imajine
11,6iF equaL aFfEcTioN canNoT bE, LeT d grEaTer oNe bE mE (o^-^o) 12,11 Posted by Pi
last tym, my hart was broken, i swear i'd nvr love agen. i thought it was true b
ut then u wokd in2 my lyf, ur eyes met myn, i knew u wer worth lovin' so i sed,"
k fyn! one last tym..." 12,11 Posted by BaBy_RaIn
it hurts 2c u muv on wyl i cnt evn let go, it hurts 2c u hapi wyl a cnt evn smyl
, der's nothin' i cn say nor i cn do, i gueSs u'r hapi den i'm hapi 4u... 12,11 P
osted by BaBy_RaIn
11,1 Life is only travelled oNcE, today'S mOmeNT becumZ 2moroWs meMorY. EnJoY eve
Ry mOmenT guD oR bAd coZ d gifT oF LiFe is9,1LiFE11,1 itSeLf. 12,11 Posted by PiLyAh
love is a disease and d only cure is love itself 12,11 Posted by ferrari21
Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do t
hat. 12,11 Posted by MharZky
Romantic love is an illusion. Most of us discover this truth at the end of a lov
e affair or else when the sweet emotions of love lead us into marriage and then
turn down their flames 12,11 Posted by MharZky
KaW kC eH!, Di Mo Ko SiNuBuKaNg MaHaLiN. pAgKaSaMa KiTa KuNg SiNu-SiNo Pa HiNaHa
NaP mO, nAsAsAkTaN aKo PeRo PaRaNg aLa KaNg PaKiaLaM. pAnO nA nGaYoN? sABi Mo Ma
HaL mO nA aKo, SaYaNg BaKiT nGaYoN LaNg? KuNg KeLaN pAgOd Na AkO... hayyyy... 12,
11 Posted by pulubing_gwaping
Live your life to the fullest for you may not what tommorrow will bring forth...
12,11 Posted by KukuRiMao
love soft as an easy chair (!!stupid!!) love fresh as the morning air (!!stupid.
.love!!) that is shared bye two..(!!stupid!!)..that i have found in y
ou..(wag ka ng ano nangaano ka ehh..wlang pakialamanan..kanya kanya lang yan..) 1
2,11 Posted by fineone
Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do t
hat. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
its funny how we set qualifications for d ryt person to love while at the back o
f our minds we know that the person we truly love will always be an exception. 12
,11 Posted by gin_pom
11,1U cAn giVe w/O 0,4LoViNg11,1, buT u CannOT LoVe w/O 0,4giViNg11,1. (o^-^o) 12,11 Pos
ted by M|SHA
Bear in mind, if you are going to amount to anything, that your success does not
depend upon the brilliancy and the impetuosity with which you take hold, but up
on the ever lasting and sanctified buldoggedness with which you hang on after yo
u have taken hold. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
sometimes when u love someone very much u have to go thru every tear, every hear
tache, every pain.... coz in the end its not how u suffered, but how much u love
. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
i dnt knw y ur so spcial 2me?y i cre 4u ds mch?y i olwyz tink of u?y i luvd d ri
l u? bt 1thing 4 sure i knw dat my lyf wont b lyk dis w/o u... 12,11 Posted by qT^
If EvErYtHiNg wUd ChAnGe AnD EvErYtHiNg wUd FaDe,, StiLl I WuD NOT BREAK tHe PrO
mIsE I MaDe, If U 4GeT Me DeRs NoThInG I CaN Do... Bt 1 ThInG Is FoR SuRe,, i`ll
StIll bE Here LoViNg You... 12,11 Posted by wickedhyperfresh
The goal you set must be challenging. At the same time, it should be realistic a
nd attainable, not impossible to reach. It should be challenging enough to make
you stretch, but not so far that you break. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
sOmtimes iTs beTter 2 sAcrIfiCe, it sHoWs hOw u mUch u rEally LOVE a pErsOn u wA
ntED 2 bE wIth dAt wIthIn uR hEarT sHe iS veRy spEciAl aNd mAkEs u cOmpLeTe. 12,1
1 Posted by L|ON_Heart
The goal you set must be challenging. At the same time, it should be realistic a
nd attainable, not impossible to reach. It should be challenging enough to make
you stretch, but not so far that you break. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Aanhin pa ang damo, kung patay na ang adik.... "Posted by jon2x 12,11 Posted by Pu
The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and att
acks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in success
ful adjustment to changing stresses on the body. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
dnt look 4 luv or force luv 2 come in2 ur heart luv comes freely and chooses no1
, 1 day u myt wake up fallin' 2d 1 u least xpexcted 2 luv. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_He
i never was the type to give up, im not gonna start now, so what do you want? du
mp me, ignore me, hate me? in the end, when everything's said and done, either i
'll have u in my arms or i'll die trying..:( yan!!! 12,11 Posted by angel^17^^
One is not two... and two is not one! But you need One to make a two... but you
need two Ones to make a two.. getch niyo? 12,11 Posted by imajine
Love is the only game you lose when you refuse to play. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousCh
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an
unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enabl
e you to attain the success you seek. 12,11 Posted by J-u-N-m-A-r
< dont stop ur tears from falling im here to wipe them dry, m hir to stop the hu
rt wnever sum1 says gudbye... i may not b the person to make the hurt end, but i
d do anything to never see u hurt again!!!> 12,11 Posted by lady_inocente^^00^^
Free will and determinism are like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you i
s determinism. The way you play your hand is free will. 12,11 Posted by anaknizuma
If I die tonight, I d go with no regrets coz in your arms, I know I was blessed. A
nd if your eyes are the last things I ll see, then I know what the beauty of heave
n holds for me. 12,11 Posted by anaknizuma
8P8,14i8,1L8,14y8,1A8,14h8,1_8,14N8,1g8,14_8,1V8,14e8,1G8,14a8,1Z8,14z11,1It is far better
ive and forget, than to resent and remember. 12,11 Posted by PILYAH
15 8P8,14i8,1L8,14y8,1A8,14h8,1_8,14N8,1g8,14_8,1V8,14e8,1G8,14a8,1Z8,14z43,2Ironies of lov
hard to find, but easy to lose; makes you feel good, but hurts you so bad; open
your eyes, but makes you blind; fills up your heart then tears it apart. 12,11 P
osted by PILYAH
If missing someone could kill, then I would have been dead by now. If it shatter
s your soul, then mine s no longer here. If it breaks your spirits, mine s already b
roken. Guess it s all worth it, when all I m missing is you. 12,11 Posted by |Junmar|
Anybody can become angry - that is easy; but to be angry with the right person,
and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and i
n the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. 12,11 Pos
ted by |Junmar|
Sometimes I want to disappear to see if you ll ever look for me, if you ll worry abo
ut me, if you ll miss me. But God, I just can t! If that will happen, I know I ll miss
you more than you do. 12,11 Posted by |Junmar|
Sabi mo, mahal mo ko. Sabi mo rin seryoso ka. Nag-promise ka pa nga di ba? O, yu
n naman pala eh. Pero bakit hindi tayo? Ah, siguro, kasi nandyan siya? At mahal
mo pa rin siya, di ba? 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
Malungkot ka na naman. Bakit? Kasi walang may love sa yo? Hay naku, tampo ako sa yo.
Lagi mo na lang ako kinakalimutan. Ilang beses ko ba sasabihin? Ako, love kita.
12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
If you need a shoulder to cry on, call on me and I ll be there. But of course, I d
on t want to see you crying because every drop of your tears are wounds to my hear
t. 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
miss ko na mga oras na magksama tyo, yng mga kwen2han ntn at kulitan... gus2 uli
t ktang mkasama, pnu na yan?, kelangan pa b ktang ipagpaalam skanya kht na dati'
y akin ka?!?! 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
minsan badtrip magmhal... bgay ka ng bgay pero kulang pa dn...magpapa katanga k,
iiyak... ikaw ang iiwas pero kaw din msasaktan, hintay ka ng hntay pro kaw din
iiwan...:( 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
pkisbi na lng na mhal ko cya d na baling may mhal cya iba...pkisbing wag syang m
agalala d ako umaasa... lam kng ito'y malabo di ko na mbbago... ganun pa man pki
sabi na lng... 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
rmmber ng magwish u sa falling star?sabi mo..sna may lubus na mgmmhal sayo, 1 da
y after, sabi mu d kna naniniwlasa falling star..kung alam mu lng!! na kit
a bago ka nagwish!.. 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
magmahal?! oo marunong ako nun!un bng tipong tanga ka na! cge pa rin kc... mahal
mo syang tlga! pero sa bandang huli itatanong mo... tanga ba tlga ako? o mahal
lng kita?! 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
Sa buhay, di mahaLaga kung an0ng me0rn ka, kung an0ng narating m0. Ang mahaLaga,
may Diyos kang kasama at may fren kang mukhang artista!:) 12,11 Posted by anaknis
Sa buhay, di mahaLaga kung an0ng me0rn ka, kung an0ng narating m0. Ang mahaLaga,
may Diyos kang kasama at may fren kang mukhang artista!:) 12,11 Posted by anaknis
msakit man icpn, lam kng may iba ka n. ywko man tnggapn, lam kng mahal m tlaga s
ha.. kya ngyn nand2 ako nagiicp, mnsan umiiyak.. cguro dhil ikw prin tlaga! :( 12
,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
e2 ako malapt n sa taas.. tpos na sa pag iyak.. tpos na sa lhat.. bkt ngyn.. bkt
ngyng nsa dulo n ko - ska ka pa dmating? mahu2log n nman b ko na wlang sa2lo sk
n? :( 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
A guy and girl can be friends, but at one point or another, one of them will fal
l for the other. Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, or maybe just maybe
forever. Just what had happened to us coz I fell in love to you and you didn't
do anything coz I don't know if you also love me the way I love you." 12,11 Poste
d by anaknisolomon
grl: bkt ka umiiyak? boy: kc ung mhal ko kht klan, d ako mmhalin. grl: nong mggw
a ko? boy: wla. grl: bkt? boy: lam ko d mko ma22lungan. grl: bkt ndi? boy: MAY M
HAL KANG IBA DB? 12,11 Posted by anaknisolomon
i dont want 2 live another day if ur no longer der, 4 in this life only you can
inspire me 2 see the next sunrise, only u can motivate me 2 appreciate d colorso
f lyf that no one else can! 12,11 Posted by attagirl^^18
wish 1day i could b ur angel & hold u close, so close dat i'll b weak 2 let u go
& show how much ur worth. wish dat 1day i'll b given a chance 2 do What?¿? most angels do
- give up my life 4 U.. 12,11 Posted by attagirl^^18
worries me for your promises i cant find for all you wrote was made on the sand,
while mine was painted on the rock you promisw nothing even tym to comeback 12,1
1 Posted by attagirl^^18
"Once there was a joy i have met in my life.. Once I have felt being loved and b
e above all. Once I have cried coz the joy I've met could never be mine. For onc
e i have realized that the joy i have once met would be the greater cause of my
fall..once in my journey towards life." 12,11 Posted by attagirl^^18
If I cannot understand my Friend's silence. I will never understand his words. 12
,11 Posted by eh-none
"I cant choose who im gonna love, but i also cant just love who chooses to love
me...and you cant blame me for choosing to love you as much as i cant blame u fo
r not learning to love me!" 12,11 Posted by katzky
sa paglubog ng araw ay lilitaw ang buwan at sa paglubog ng buwan ay lilitaw ang
araw.ganyan ang pagmamahal ko sayo...lumubog man o lumitaw,alam mong darating at
sisilayan ka sa araw-araw!!!! bow... 12,11 Posted by pulubing_gwaping
life is a box of choclits... it a box and its up to you to put in the choclits 12
,11 Posted by got``milk
Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circu
mstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, gift
edness, or skill. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Love knows no reasons, love knows no defies all reasons, love has no
eyes. But love is not blind....LOVE sees, but it doesn't mind. 12,11 Posted by L|
If I count how many times you've crossed my mind in my entire life, I'd be lying
if I said it was too many cause you only crossed my mind once, why? You never l
eft ...* 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
*It's hard to live alone, its hard to choose someone to love, but the hardest pa
rt of falling is to admit that you have fallen in love with someone you didn't m
ean to love from the start...* _kaycee_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victor
y is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or h
ell. 12,11 Posted by }-
To Know what you know, and to know what you do not know is KNOWLEDGE. 12,11 Poste
d by }-
funny how we set qualifications for the right one, when we know all along that t
he one we'll love is always an exception... 12,11 Posted by hipon
OnE DaY You'LL Ask mE"WHaTs MoRe ImpOrtAnt To YoU,Me Or YouR LiFe?"I WiLL sAy "M
Y LIFE" and You'LL gO and LeaVe WiThout Even Knowing That You ArE My LiFe 12,11 P
osted by }-
i love you but i really have to let you go,i hope one day you will realize that
the person you really love is the person who set you free... 12,11 Posted by sweet
na FEEL mo na ba? yung kala mo forget mo na sya?wala na, tapos nang lahat, tapos
one day, nagkita kayo, ngumiti sayo, nasabi mo na lang "shit" MAHAL KO PA SYA..
.. 12,11 Posted by sweet_alecca
di naman ako umaasang mahalin mo ako, kei lang naman sa akin kung ayaw mo talaga
,pero sana wag mo naman ipamukha sa akin kung gaano mo sya kamahal kasiang sakit
e... ang sakit - sakit... :( 12,11 Posted by }-
You don't need a reason to help people. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
i was hurt when you left me, but i've learn to be strong. time healed the pain a
nd i've learn to move on.i've promise my self that i won't fall for you again.bu
t why is it that after all this time... im back loving you AGAIN??? 12,11 Posted
by sweet_alecca
mahirap umasa sa wala, mahirap magmahal ng taong may mahal ng iba, mahirap ipagt
anggol ang taong walang paki alam sa nararamdaman mo,at higit sa lahat mahirap m
asaktan ng walang K-A-R-A-P-A-T-A-N...... 12,11 Posted by sweet_alecca
If equal affection cannot be... Let the loving one be me... So wether you like i
t or not... I'll be loving you endlessly... 12,11 Posted by ILoveYouSam
I've learned that when you plan to get even with someone... You're only letting
that person continue to hurt you... 12,11 Posted by `ShineOnMe`
I've learned that being KIND is more important than being RIGHT 12,11 Posted by `S
when i met you im scared to hug you, and when i hug you im scared to kiss you, a
nd when im kiss you im scared to LOVE you, and now that I LOVE YOU, im scared to
lose you... 12,11 Posted by nadine_love
sOmEtimEs i wOndeR wHaT Life wOuLd have bEen iF we NeVEr mEt. iT wOuld hAve beEn
SimPLier, yEs.. EaSieR, maYbE.. bUt tHen i rEaLizeD tHat iT wOuLd hAve beEn Not
Hing. 12,11 Posted by ^nizha^^
if i fail to love you the way you wanted, are you going to hate me? if you asked
me to let you go, would you expect me to set you free? i couldn't love you the
way you want, but i can love you the way i can... 12,11 Posted by ^nizha^^
slowly i'm missing you but i still try to keep things where they should w
hen you feel that i don't care for you, just try to remember that all of my cari
ng grows inside where no one else can see 12,11 Posted by ^nizha^^
i maybe just a candle in your life, i may burn and melt after a while. but i jus
t wish that within that time my light and warmth touched your heart even for a s
ingle moment 12,11 Posted by ^nizha^^
courage is the fear of being thought a coward!!! 12,11 Posted by got``milk
got milk? i have... i love you phoenix! 12,11 Posted by got``milk
gossip cheapens the gossipper more thatn the one gossiped about... 12,11 Posted b
y got``milk
you need to always believe. everytime a tear falls down like rain. everthing tha
t burns inside may still remain. and it's true... my color is blue. and i know w
hat to do. i'll carry on, until the right on comes along...i'm gone! 12,11 Posted
by got``oreo
I used to breath you. I used to need you. I used to hand on every word that you
say. It used to please you to try to make me someone else and I thank you from m
y heart for your help because you made me find myself. 12,11 Posted by got``oreo
when something troubles you, dont look behind you... you will not find me there.
i dont wanna stay behind you and pat your back... ill be right beside you and h
old your hand and ill make sure that ill always be right beside you... 12,11 Post
ed by got``milk
we are not strangers could we have met somewhere else before. you're like a magn
et, you pull me right across the room. i can feel an unexplained connection. i c
an feel your undivided attention. but you're with someone else. 12,11 Posted by go
if you're afraid to love a person because of friendship, you have 2 choices, eit
her tell what you feel and let the love take place of forever or hide the feelin
g under a friendship full of pretensions. 12,11 Posted by imajine
love doesn't have to have a happy ending,'coz love doesn't have to end at all. 12
,11 Posted by imajine
i'm sorry if you can't love me the way you loved the one before me, so i'll let
you go to find him/her and hope someday you'll see that the one true love you're
looking for was the one who set you free... 12,11 Posted by imajine
aint it funny we're trying to catch the attention of the one we think we love, w
e hardly notice the one we're really looking for was just there. you don't notic
e them 'till they are in the arms of someone else... 12,11 Posted by imajine
THINK OF THIS: have you really cared for someone more than you expect? have you
ever tried to love him/her inspite of all the pain? will you keep on loving him/
her as he/she whispers someone else's name? will you??? 12,11 Posted by imajine
"how can i say goodbye to someone i never had? why do tears fall for someone who
was never mine? why is that i miss someone i was never with and i ask why i lov
e someone who's love was never mine?" 12,11 Posted by imajine
don't love a person like a flower, cause a flower dies in season. love them like
a river cause a river flows forever... 12,11 Posted by imajine
the most cruel thing a guy could do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he
doesn't intend to catch her fall! 12,11 Posted by imajine
"To cheat oneself out of love is the most terrible deception; it is an eternal l
oss for which there is no reparation, either in time or in eternity." 12,11 Poste
d by ordinarygUrL
"Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is wil
ling to see less." [julius gordon] - edLz ehhe 12,11 Posted by ordinarygUrL
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." 12,11 Posted
by ordinarygUrL
If there is love in your heart - then there will always be love all around you!
[edLz] 12,11 Posted by ordinarygUrL
'wherever you go,whatevr you do, i will be right here waiting for you..whatever
it takes, or how my heart breaks, i will be right here waiting for you! 12,11 Pos
ted by right`here`waiting
> > A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to yo
u when you have forgotten how it goes. < < [edLz] 12,11 Posted by }-ordinarygUrL
Evryone wants 2 b d sun dat lights up ur life.. but I'd rather b ur moon, so i c
an shine on u durng ur darkst hour wen ur sun isnt around. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
11,1SuCcEsS cAn'T bE bY chAncE, It'S bY cHoiCe!4,1 42,13=463=46P9=47I8=0L808=47Y3=46A3=464
Posted by n|c0LE
Love is the flutter in my chest when you're near,the dreamy look in my eyes when
I think of you. 12,11 Posted by ordinarygUrL
This survival of the fittest which I have here sought to express in mechanical t
erms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called "natural selection, or the preservatio
n of favoured races in the struggle for life. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet agai
n. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are f
riends. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"A leader must be constantly aware of the power of his words .... and his silenc
es." 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
pumayag akong mwala k dhil dun k msaya... pumayag akong masaktan dhil dun k msay
a... pumayag akong umiyak dhil dun k msaya... npilitan akong pumayag kc lam ko s
iba k sasaya.. 12,11 Posted by iskulafuephop
ANg Buhay ay parang Gulong Minsan ns ilalim Minsan ns Ibabaw...Pero need nating
aminin na kht alin sa dalwang yan... masarap kahit alin...!! 12,11 Posted by iskul
wen sum1 annoyz u, it tkes 42 muscles in ur face 2 frown bt it only tkes 4 muscl
es 2 xtend ur arm n slap d idiot on d face =p 12,11 Posted by iskulafuephop
i may not be present on your birthday, but this i promise you i will be there on
your wedding day, and im gonna sit right next to you while saying the words "YE
S I DO!" 12,11 Posted by hansam
No one falls in love by CHOICE, it is by CHANCE. No one stays in love by CHANCE,
it is by WORK. and no one falls out of love by CHANCE, it is by CHOICE. 12,11 Po
sted by hansam
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of tri
al and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired
and success achieved. 12,11 Posted by }---
"Death is the only inescapable, unavoidable, sure thing. We are sentenced to die
the day we're born." 12,11 Posted by }---
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of tri
al and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired
and success achieved. 12,11 Posted by SuN|PrInCe
"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing t
o attempt." 12,11 Posted by SuN|PrInCe
Love is like a broken mirror, it's better to leave it broken than hurt yourself
trying to fix it 12,11 Posted by [mooch]
Similarities between being in luv and broken hearted...can't eat, can't sleep, c
an do nuthin',can't think clearly,,etc.etc 12,11 Posted by [mooch]
It's hard to see the one you love walk away from you, but it's much painful to k
now that they'd only made you beleive they love you.. when they they never did! 1
2,11 Posted by [mooch]
why are tears still coming if im not supposed to care? why do i still feel this
pain if you're not longer there? why am i still waiting if i didnt know what's i
n store? it's so damn hard pretenting, i dont love you anymore! 12,11 Posted by [m
when you luv a person, say it there out loud.. or else the moment just passes u
by 12,11 Posted by [mooch]
whenever i think of you stars falls down from the sky, as i happen to look one n
ight there are no more stars left i wonder why....? 12,11 Posted by [mooch]
Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summar
y of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have
. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
i was willing to give u evrythng i had, i was willing 2 luv u completely, i was
willing to fight 4 u. but still i had to let you go... coz eventho i was willing
to do evrythng 4 u, YOU WERENT!!! 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
alam mo noong nagkita tayo at nakilala kita, umisip ako ng mga paraan kung pano
mapapalapit sa'yo. Hanggang magsimula na akong tumawag at hanggang naging TAYO!
Noong naging tayo, natakot akong baka magbago ka. Ngayong sobrang mahal kita...
mahal na mahal... natatakot naman akong mawala. 12,11 Posted by hekhekhek
minsan n ko nagmhal, mnsan n din nasaktan, mnsan nang naging tanga, dhil mnsan m
nhal kita.. ppygan ko p b maulit? bkt hindi? e minsan lang ako nging msaya, nang
mhalin ka.. 12,11 Posted by hekhekhek
how do you get over someone you never had? 12,11 Posted by [mooch]
pg la na ko, cguro di un kwalan sau, d un mkkapekto sau. pro gs2 ko lng mlaman m
o... lungkot ako.. bkt?kc la k gnwa, hnayaan mo lang ako mwala.. 12,11 Posted by h
nsktan k b nung mlaman mong may mhal syang iba? sna nga andun ako. nabulong ko s
na. "yan din un naramdaman ko.. nung sinabi mo na kau n pla.." 12,11 Posted by hek
if u cant get over it...get under it :P (yumpkin_gal) 12,11 Posted by yumpkin_gal
If your heart feels empty, tell me and I'll step inside gladly...But if one day
you'll be needing that space for someone else, dont worry coz I'll step out quic
kly and give up my space just to see you HAPPY... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
MinSan masaya k, mInsaN mjoke k, MinSaN nkk2wa k!!! pro mInSan corny k!!!! kla m
nkk2wa k,d m alam inis n inis n kmi syo!!!!!may 2pak k pla! 12,11 Posted by L|ON_
i may sound corny, i may sound everything bad, bt wont u pls. let ds hart tel ev
rything he wants, i'm dying i cudn't resist. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"It is not length of life, but depth of life." 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"if u hav a problem...fix it...if u cant...GET OVER IT!!! 12,11 Posted by yumpkin_
baby u're all taht i want, when u're lying here in my arms, finding it hard to b
elieve, we're in heaven, love is all that i need, and i found it there in your h
eart, it isnt so hard to see, we're in heaven 12,11 Posted by [mooch]
"Instead of telling GOD, i have a big problem?!?! why don't you say......Hey pro
blem! I have a BIG GOD!" 12,11 Posted by sOLiDSnAk3
You know it won't be long. You will meet someone. Someone's bound to find you. 12
,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
Nothing ever looks the same in the light. Nothing ever seems to quite turn out r
ight. When you realize that you have been loved, you will never be alone. 12,11 P
osted by GorgeousChick
Life is a one_way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads
back. Once you know you much simpler. Because then you know you must do the bes
t you can with what you have and what you are and what you have become. 12,11 Pos
ted by ynaroh
It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching the
goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die w
ith dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not disgrace no
t to reach the star, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. NOT FAI
LURE BUT LOW AIM IS SIN. 12,11 Posted by ynaroh
brefore you frank with another, ask yourself: why? Is it to diminish the other, t
o make yourself feel better at his expense? The ethical question is to ask: will
this foster the relationship? there is always a way to be honest without being
brutal...di bah? 12,11 Posted by ynaroh
Sabi nga nila..."Honesty is the best policy" pero kung minsan keeping your mouth
shut is even better... 12,11 Posted by ynaroh
The meaning of life cannot be told; it has to happen to a person... 12,11 Posted b
y ynaroh
"wat if 'i' luvs 'u'? / wil 'u' also luv 'i'? / wat if ders no 'u'? / how about
'i'? / wat if luv is gone / wil 'u' & 'i' survive? / maybe 'u'... but not 'i'...
12,11 Posted by _raizic_
Jealousy is all the fun you think the had. 12,11 Posted by ynaroh
It is not enough to conquer; one must know how to seduce. 12,11 Posted by ynaroh
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks...kaya smile naman jan...smil
e lang ah 12,11 Posted by ynaroh
minsan na akong nagmahal, minsan na ring di na muling mag mamaha
l 12,11 Posted by ynaroh
Don't blame me for falling in love with you I didn't ask for it and it was never
my intention. But if you start falling in love with me then blame me all you wa
nt coz I have been wishing for it since the day I met you.. _kaycee_ 12,11 Posted
by _kaycee_
ANG POGI POGI NI KA JUN!!!!!!!! ihihihihih.....pls dont delete.........di ba kat
? lolz 12,11 Posted by MooN|PrInCeSs
There is this guy who is so in love with this girl but never had the courage to
tell her. After years of noticing her he saw the girl's best friend.. guy: how i
s she? Best friend: she just got over you.. _kaycee_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
"He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" 12,11 P
osted by DxIxE
Wen u fil dat d world is againsts u and no friends r der to listen and comfort u
, listen closely to ur heart and ul hear " ah c kat,,, luv ako nun" .. always reme
mber that .. _kaycee_ 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
sbi nila swerte daw ako dhil lahat daw nasa akin na... pero d pa rin ako kuntent
o, d dahil mashado kong maluho.. sa totoo lng, d ko kailangan ng sobra, sa buhay
ko.. ikaw lng tama na... taena! ayabyu tlga! 12,11 Posted by ayabyu
when things are down, and your hope is gone... remember im here to cheer u up ri
ght on... through the bad times when winning is hard, i'll stop my own world jus
t to help u pull thru! that's just how much ayabyu! :) 12,11 Posted by ayabyu
i could stay awake just to hear u breathin, watch u smile while u were sleeping.
.. while ure far away and dreamin... i could spend mah life in ds sweey surrende
r, i could stay lost in this moment, forever...coz every moment spent with you,
is a moment i'll treasure.. :) kanta yan ha! lolz... ost ng armagedon, kainlab e
h! haaayy! 12,11 Posted by ayabyu
ngyon ay aaminin ko na.. na sna nga ay tayong dalwa bawat tanong mo'y iniwasan k
o akala ang pag-ibig mo'y d totoo, d ko alam kung ano ang ngyari, damdamin ko sa
yo'y d ko nasabi, saka ko lng naisip muntik na kitang minahal... d ko noon nakay
ang ipadama sayo,ang nararamdaman ng pusong ito,at hanngang ngyon ay naaalala pa
... lolz! kanta uli.. wala lng! 12,11 Posted by ayabyu
love knows no season, knows no time, it has a sole intention of bringing two peo
ple together to something called... bitterness.. screw love! lecheng pag-ibig ya
n! lolz! 12,11 Posted by ayabyu
A boss creates fear, a leader confidence. A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects
mistakes. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. A boss makes work drudgery,
a leader makes it interesting. A boss is interested in himself or herself, a le
ader is interested in the group. 12,11 Posted by hekhekhekhek
The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greates
t bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the c
lub won't be worth a dime. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart[]
To have someone to love is not a gift but a choice. To have someone to love you
back. That's a gift. Cherish and treasure it with all your heart!!! 12,11 Posted
by L|ON_Heart[]
Nature has placed mankind under the government of two sovereign masters, pain an
d pleasure they govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think: every eff
ort we can make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate and c
onfirm it 12,11 Posted by hidden`identity
A frend is a person who knows what you are saying, even if you're not talking. A
frend is someone who understands your feelings, even if you don't understand yo
ur own feelings. A frend is a person who will always forgive you, usually before
you even forgive yourself. 12,11 Posted by hidden`identity
i pressed your thigh and death smiled.....sentence upon sentence i bleed in the
soft fire and will get me well if you believe it, as i sacrifice my soul in sile
nce...<demonite> 12,11 Posted by demonite
I--n Silence, L--earn to feel, O--pen your heart, V--ow to be true, E--mpty you mind Y--iel
of emotions, U--tter the words of eggie 12,11 Posted by sOLiDSnAk3
I'll go down to take a sip from your cup, if you drink from my fountain of love,
coz 69 was a very good year, if you know what i mean my dear 12,11 Posted by Lava
Life is fair if you play it fair, love is not fair coz i know u never played it
fair...c u in heaven my LOVE 12,11 Posted by nObOdY_lUvS_m3
11,14 Babes, 7,5 mizushomach  12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Dear: Eggie, it`s been a week since u ask for my heart, and i guess i could not
deny the fact that i am really falling more deeply inlove with you as days pass
by...would u care to marry me? I LOVE YOU AND I MEAN IT!!! love lots, Millete <m
illete> 12,11 Posted by nObOdY_lUvS_m3
t0dAy I bEgIn 2 uNdErstAnd wHAt L0vE mUst bE, If it ExIstS... wHEn wE arE pArtEd
, wE EaCH fEEl tHE lAcK oF tHE otHEr hAlF oF 0urSElvEs. wE arE inC0mPlEtE lyK a
b00K iN 2 v0LumES oF wHIcH tHE FIrSt has bEEn l0St. tHaT is wHat I imAgInE L0vE
to bE: inC0mPlEtEnESS iN abSEnCE... 12,11 Posted by xAvEn_gIr|
Its true dat we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but its also true da
t we don't know what we've been missing until it arives... 12,11 Posted by xAvEn_g
ilang beses ko bang ssabhin kahit anung gawin mo, d ka mamahalin yan..d
ahil meron siyang mahal na iba..iiyakan mo lang siya at masasaktan ka lang..bat
ko alam? siyempre...minahal kita e 12,11 Posted by lonely`forever`
"Lets make a lovescene, take 1, take 2, lets not finish the lines, lets just act
. take 3, take 20 12,11 Posted by Lavaflow
<If my tears can make you happy, ill always cry.If hurting me can make you laugh
,ill let u hurt me. But if my happiness can hurt you, id rather be in tears coz
ill be happier 2 se you happy> 12,11 Posted by hAnAp-Ka-on-na-gIrL
lumakad ka sa daan na pinalakaran sa inyo ng ating AMA, wag kang lalakad sa Ang
Dating Daan sapagkat sa impyerno ang patutunguhan! 12,11 Posted by selboy
I know u ll never luv me d way I luv u,but I want u 2 knw dat at 1 point, 12,11 Pos
ted by babbeee
And I don't need u 2 be by my side & tell me evrythngs alright i just 12,11 Poste
d by babbeee
D greatest ironies in LyF: Having the right person at the wrong tym... 12,11 Post
ed by babbeee
I can t afford to lose you coz I love you so and if you d be gone in my life, I m sure
12,11 Posted by babbeee
My angel told me to prove my love for you. I shouldn t say it I should show it then
I 12,11 Posted by babbeee
I asked a friend what love is. He told me it s when you can t stop thinking of her a
nd when 12,11 Posted by babbeee
I cant believe i just gave up. i just let you drop out of my life. i tried to ma
ke you stay, 12,11 Posted by babbeee
I made the mistake of choosing not to be with you and now i have to live with th
e fact that you moved on and i broke my own heart. 12,11 Posted by babbeee
do u know wats luv 2 me? its u, u hu i wana tke care of, u hu strted 12,11 Posted
by babbeee
i DnT WnT u 2 LuV mE iF LuVn Me miNs u Hv 2 Lie. i DnT wnT u BsYd Me iF u ThNk u
R Jz oBLiGeD.. 12,11 Posted by babbeee
First, to be love, then to learn that body and spirit are one. 12,11 Posted by bab
You can't discover new oceans unless u have the sight of the shore, coz only tho
se who risk can tell how far they can go! 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyit[a]
I woke up from a dream crying. I was shot dead thru the heart. I cried not bcoz
I'm afraid to die but bcoz I can't bear the pain knowing ur inside that heart. 12
,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
We may have loved the wrong person, we may have cried for the wrong reason, but
no matter how things go wrong/. One thing is for sure mistakes help us find one
that is meant for us. 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
Isn't it tragic when you have so much love but nobody seems to want it, but don'
t think that way coz that love is too much, in fact you can still give it to tho
usands. 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
In life don't think how much pain you went thru, but the lessons it taught you.
Not how much you cried, but how you smiled. Not how much you were hurt, but how
you were loved. 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders
and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is
a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbere
d with your old nonsense. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart[ZzzzzzZZZZZzz]
Never underestimate the value of holding hands. Twas the first time you knew you
love and are loved by the person you are with now. And it was the prelude to th
e kiss. "Let lips do what hands do: they kiss." 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart[ZzzzzzZ
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders
and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is
a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbere
d with your old nonsense. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
The best date is someone who can take you anywhere without touching anything but
your heart 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Hold on, baby hold on we've got to go on now this feeling so strong hold on baby
hold on it's a burning desire comin' right down the wire 12,11 Posted by nObOdY_l
so much for luv so much for u, if u think i'll run after u fuck u! if u think i'
v been badly hit i can say only one thing bullshit! a martyr's lyf is not my rol
e after wat u've done to me asshole! 12,11 Posted by [gRaCiE]
If you can think it, You can live it. But only if you have NO FEAR! 12,11 Posted
by ^evil_emperor^
Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and t
riumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory. 12,11 Posted by J-u-N-m-A-r
I WiShEd a WiSh IwIsHeD 4 U, u CaMe In2 mY LiFe sO mY wIsH cAmE tRUe. i MeEt U a
S a StRaNgEr ThEn ToOk u As A fRiEnD...... uNtIlL wE gO 2 heAveN oUr LoVe WiLl N
eVeR eNd. 12,11 Posted by J-u-N-m-A-r
love is valuable and love is treasure. love is something to value 4 da rest of u
r lyf. love is also treasure in which u hav to find. i looked everywhere 4 it n
i found da ryt trunk. wen u find da treasure u will find a hart, a hart dat u wi
ll value. wen i opened the treasure trunk i found your hart in ther, n i valued
it n until til i now i still value it. luv u babes!!!!! 12,11 Posted by J-u-N-m-A-
der wil cum a tym dat ud giv up on me,wen dat tym cums along,i'l b hurt bt i'l a
cept 8 fulheartdly den say...8'S OK...ATLEAST U HAD LOVE ME... 12,11 Posted by J-u
+ruE frEnds r lyk Gold i+'s A +reasurE U Must ChErish. . . . .parang Ikaw ibigay
man ki+a maraming kukuha, ano ko HILO...maghanap cla kung gus+o nla ng ka+ulad
mo!!! 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
If YoU LoVe SuMe 1 MaKe SuRe DaT pErSoN WiLL lOvE u CoZ u WiLL B hEaRt BrOkeN iF
He/ShE sAys Im sOrRy BuT uR nOt Da OnE i LoVe. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
There's no compassion if there's no suffering... 12,11 Posted by feels_like_4agirl
Health is the greatest of all possessions; a pale cobbler is better than a sick
king. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Nver expct luve 2 b at it's best coz if u do u'll never appreciate it's existenc
e. Remember dat der s 1 tru lov 4 u to hav n hold , it's not d 1 u xpek but it's
d 1 u deserve! . 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
luvin sum1 is too risky.. u give the most wonderful things, yet u still get hurt
.. u try to stand for it yet u still fall,but the who says luv and life is fair,
it isn't... IT NEVER WAS... miss u sis IMSoIntoYou! 12,11 Posted by mARy`
Man and woman can never be friends because eventually... everything will lead to
sex. 12,11 Posted by InsanelyPretty
YOU KNOW UR pNoY cOz You're not afraid of black people; in fact, you wish you we
re black. 12,11 Posted by |-_4p|Ai_-|
No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him
; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that de
termines the greatness of ultimate distinction. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Happiness does not carry a price tag. It cannot be bought, sold, or bargained fo
r. Happiness is earned by those whose actions, attitude, and attributes are pure
and selfless. In other words, the quality of the consciousness and activities o
f individuals determines the richness of life... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
When spiritual love prevails, neither internal nor external animosity, hatred, a
nger, or jealousy are possible. Negative feelings are transformed into positive
feelings with the coolness of love. In spiritual love there is harmony, since lo
ve removes controlling or codependent tendencies and ensures kindness, caring, a
nd amicable understanding. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Looking at that future of fears and hopes, one cannot eternally remain in the he
sitant posture of Hamlet, vacillating between 'to be' and 'not to be.' The futur
e of justice and peace must be conquered by work, by patience, by vigorous enthu
siasm, by constant energy, but over and above all by strengthening the moral fib
re and force of mankind which this Assembly embodies." 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"uMiYaK kA? dAhiL sA kAnYa Na NaMaN? mAhAl Mo SyA DiBa? PeRo MaY mAhAl SyAnG iBa
... SaKiT nO? pErO sAnA iSaNg ArAw, MaLaMaN mO nA d LaNg |kAw AnG nAsAsAkTaN. d
Mo LaNg NaPaPaNc|n! NaNd2 LaNg k0 nAgMaMaHaL sAy0.." 12,11 Posted by jHeRwIN
"you can talk to me about powder kegs, and how im sittin gon one ryt c
an talk to me about candles, and the whole things burning from the outside in...
but dont tell me about true love...coz i dont think you really know..." 12,11 Pos
ted by jHeRwIN
"tAngA kO dAw Ng p!nAkAwaLan k!ta, gAg0 daW ak0 mAs p!n!L! koNg L!mut!N kA, taNg
Na kO dAw pUmaYag aKonG magMahAL kA nG !bA... PUtANG!NA cLa! bak!t k0 pagp!p!L!t
aN sAr!L! k0 sA ta0nG d! nAmaN ak0 mAhaL dbA?!" 12,11 Posted by jHeRwIN
Masakit magmahal, lalo kung iiwan ka lang... pero lamo mas masakit dun? kapg ini
wan ka sabay sabi... "Ay sorry, kala ko kz mahal kita eh" 12,11 Posted by jHeRwIN
"We are not powerless specks of dust drifting around in the wind, blown by rando
m destiny. We are, each of us, like beautiful snowflakes - unique, and born for
a specific reason and purpose." 12,11 Posted by WagMoKoWHOIS
It's best to wait for the one you want than settle for the one available, best t
o wait for the one you love than the one who's around, best to wait for the righ
t one because life is too short to be wasted on the wrong person,phoenix!!! 12,11
Posted by issey_miyaki
sabi mo nung nakakita tayo ng wishing star .....sana may mag mahal sayo......tap
os sabi mo hindi ka na naniniwala sa wishing star kasi walang nagmamahal sayo...
.......................nasaktan ako.......................d mo alam matagal na k
itang mahal............... 12,11 Posted by kyla16
"sabi mo nung nakakita tayo ng wishing star .....sana may mag mahal sayo......ta
pos sabi mo hindi ka na naniniwala sa wishing star kasi walang nagmamahal sayo..
........................nasaktan ako.......................d mo alam matagal na
kitang mahal..............." 12,11 Posted by kyla16
Its hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel
like im seeing it all at once and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloo
n that's about to burst. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
Marriage has less beauty but more safety than the single life. It's full of sorr
ows and full of joys. It lies under more burdens, but is supported by all the st
rengths of love and those burdens are delightful. Sometimes the people we meet c
hange us forever. In the end, all you can do is commit to the people you love, h
ope for a little luck and some good weather. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
A lot of people loved me. A lot of people hated me. But I'm only sure or one thi
ng... they will never forget me! 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
A lot of people loved me. A lot of people hated me. But I'm only sure of one thi
ng... they will never forget me! 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
Whoever said that "plenty of fish in the sea" thing was wrong. Sometimes there's
only one fish. Trust me. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
I think I just need to believe that it works. Love, couplehood, partnerships. Th
e idea that when two people come together, they stay together. I have to take th
at to bed with me every night, even if I'm going to bed alone. 12,11 Posted by Gor
the summers almost over...winter is in a slumber....autumn is far away....fall w
ill never come....THE WAITING IS OVER ENIX!!! 12,11 Posted by demonite
Men are constantly trying to undress women. Why don't just men say so, get it ov
er and done with!? 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
There are some people who meet that somebody that they can never stop loving, no
matter how hard they try. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, or even bel
ieve it, but trust me, there are some loves that don't go away. And maybe that m
akes them crazy, but we should all be lucky enough to end up with somebody who h
as a little of that insanity. Someone who never lets go. Someone who cherishes y
ou forever. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
The world is no longer a romantic place. Some of its people still are, however,
and therein lies the promise. Don't let the world win. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChi
Sometimes when you hold out for everything, you wind up with nothing. 12,11 Poste
d by GorgeousChick
Men are suppose to pounce on women when they're interested. Yeah! They pounce on
wrong women. And when it's the right woman, they turn into bumbling little chic
kens. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
They can conquer who believe they can. He has not learned the first lesson is li
fe who does not every day surmount a fear. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Last nite im thinking of u... wishing ur here beside me.. but i must accept the
truth that ur nt belong to me... Eventhough, i just like u to knw that i'll alwe
z here 4 u... miss u so much... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
If you can't love me, please don't met me know coz I'll just have to let you go.
If we're not meant to be, then I'll met you walk away coz maybe someday, you'll
come back and decide to stay. 12,11 Posted by nadine_love
san kang lupalop nanggaling ke tagal ko ng naghihintay sayo,buong buhay ko ikaw
lang ang aking hinahanap... 12,11 Posted by bystander`guy
Do unto others........ before they do unto you!!!! hehehehehe....... 12,11 Posted
by heart15
<"I sat and asked my angel, "Will i love him?" will I give him my heart?" My ang
el just kept quiet, so I asked again. Then he said, "I died and I chose to be yo
ur guide. Couldn't you love me instead?"> 12,11 Posted by Katherine_06
"I sat and asked my angel, "Will i love him?" will I give him my heart?" My ange
l just kept quiet, so I asked again. Then he said, "I died and I chose to be you
r guide. Couldn't you love me instead?" 12,11 Posted by Katherine_06
Let love rule thy heart, logic rule thy mind and faith rule thy soul." 12,11 Post
ed by Katherine_06
Join kayo ng #OPHideout Ang nde mag join Mongoloid.. wehehehe joke lang. Kita kits
tayo dun ah 12,11 Posted by IsaAkongMongoloid
miss ko na yung lambingan natin.. miss ko na rin yung mga kakulitan mo.. gusto u
lit kitang makasama.. pero pano yan? kailangan pa bah kitang ipagpaalam sa kanya
kahit na dati ay akin kah??? 12,11 Posted by mai^^^
I remember all the things you taught me. I learned how to laugh and I learned ho
w to cry. Well, I learned how to love. Even learned how to lie. You'd think I co
uld learn how to tell you goodbye because you don't bring me flowers anymore. 12,
11 Posted by GorgeousChick
If Tomorrow Never Comes, If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk o
ut the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. 12,1
1 Posted by DadiJuNMar
If Tomorrow Never Comes, If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice l
ifted up in praise, I would video tape each action and word, so I could play the
m back day after day. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMar
If Tomorrow Never Comes, If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an ext
ra minute or two to stop and say "I love you," instead of assuming, you would kn
ow I do. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMar
If Tomorrow Never Comes, If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to s
hare your day, well I'm sure you'll have so many more, so I can let just this on
e slip away. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMar
If Tomorrow Never Comes, So hold your loved ones close today, whisper in their ear
, Tell them how much you love them and that you'll always hold them dear, Take t
ime to say "I'm sorry," "please forgive me," "thank you" or "it's okay". And if
tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNM
y ^sMILey^
Be understanding always for a relationship to work and grow. Instead of letting
frustations and arguments irritate you, try to understand your partner onjective
ly. Analyze what makes them the way they are. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMar
bakit ka pa aasa n mamahalin k nya? e iniwan k na nga nya tsaka khit anong sabih
in mo na mahal mo talaga cya isa lang ang isasagot nya sau "SORRY, TALAGA MERON
NA AKONG IBA":`( 12,11 Posted by sweet_ice17
you never loved me enough to fight for me and choose u know how much i l
ove you?...enough to sacrifice my own happiness for you to be happy...ive finall
y found d courage to let you owe it to me to be happy... 12,11 Posted by
so i lay my head back down and i lift my hands and pray to be only your i pray t
o be only yours i know now ur my only hope... 12,11 Posted by jUn|oR_TiSaY[ur_my_o
someday we'll know if love can move a mountain someday we'll know why the sky is
blue someday we'll know why i wasn't meant for you... 12,11 Posted by jUn|oR_TiSa
i may not be a glamour girl to be the girl of ur dreams, i may not have that per
fect teeth and don't have firm breast to attract the eye of the judges, but i ha
ve one thing to assure you, that i am not the perfect match to the man who never
put an eye to the beauty of imperfection--- purplebeauty 12,11 Posted by purplebe
To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know,
that is true knowledge. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives and remembering what one receiv
es. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
You don't need strength to let go of something. What you really need is understa
nding. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
I think marriage is a spiritual commitment. It can be enormously satisfying... e
xploring these dangerous territories, like commitment and trust, is very powerfu
l 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly
or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging. 12,11 Po
sted by IsaAkongMongoloid
Hav u had the audacity to doubt my veracity and insinuate that i prevaricate.Som
ething 2 think of if you love someone!!!Keep smiling! 12,11 Posted by IsaAkongMong
*Do u stil remember wen u askd me if i love u and i said Im sorry but i dont? u
askd me if i miss u and i said im sorry but i dont? do u still remember wen u cr
ied and all i can say was im sorry and den u left without saying anything... "No
w im d one hu's crying and feeli so sorry for my self* 12,11 Posted by `3pz
*they said it is better to have love and lost than not to have loved at all... i
say it is even better to have been lost and loved than not have been lost at al
l...* 12,11 Posted by `3pz
i love u during monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday..
but most especially at night *^_^* 12,11 Posted by `3pz
weN i firSt thiNk bouT tHe memOriEs i haD wiD yOu i waS so hapPY & thougHt wE cu
D be toGether 4evEr but weN you leFt me alOne i Was so sad...I waiteD 4 you to c
ome back to Me n You Did camE back onLy to Found out that u Never ReallY luV me
siNce the beggInnIng of TimE we met..It hurt for me to know that U never return
my Feeling ..i waited for you n long for you..but all that was just a waste of t
iMe..i Just Want you To know that I can 12,11 Posted by ^sodiNa^
wHen yOu aNd i mEt..the aNgeLs whisPeRed.."perFeCt!~*" 12,11 Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQ
i wiSh i CouLd sPeLL aLL the tHouGhts iN wOrds, sO u cuD sEe how mAny of tHem aR
e of u..hOw cUd u mEaN sO mUch tO mE..i wIsh i cOuLd teLL u, aBout d SpEciaL way
i tHoUght oF you, bRiNgs happiNess tO eaCh & eVeryDay..bUt siNce i cAN't eXpRes
s mYseLf tHe way i'D LiKe tO dO, i'LL sUm up aLL my tHoUghts iN 3 wOrdS.."i LoVe
You!" 12,11 Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
He said, "I miss you." I said, "I miss you too." I said, "Thank you." He asked,
"For what?" I said, "For giving me back my life." He said, "No... thank you... '
coz you started mine." 12,11 Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
For all the special, little things you do, to show you care, for plans that we a
re making and for mem'ries that we share, for making life so wonderful as only y
ou can do, this comes to say that everyda, I'M MORE INLOVE WITH YOU... 12,11 Post
ed by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
"iF i wOuLd die and if rEiNcarNatiOn is trUe, i'D stiLL be LoOkiN' fOr yOu cUz N
o seCoNd Life cOuLd sOmeHow repLacE yOu. i'LL searCh hEavEn aNd heLL fOr mE tO f
iNd yOu, aNd wHen i dO, i'LL gLadLy say tHe saMe wOrdS..i LoVe yOu!!" 12,11 Poste
d by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
i would hold the hand of the one who could take me places, and kiss the lips of
the one who could sing so sweet, and i would fly on the wings of the bird, i kne
w would take me highest breathe in breathe out, you keep me up alive, you are th
e fire that burns inside of me, you are my passion for life..... 12,11 Posted by D
Love is not about "it's your fault", but "i'm sorry" ..not "where were you?", bu
t "i'm right here"..not "how could you?", but "i understand"...not "i wish you w
ere", but "i'm thankful you are" 12,11 Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
It's amazing how our love grows each day with the simplest things we say or do,
never needing much words or wealth that often times complicate the true measure
of joy, knowing deep in our hearts what matters most flows endlessly... 12,11 Pos
ted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
I LOVE YOU! not OnlY foR wUt you aRe But foR what i aM weN iM wid You! gRrRrr!!.
lolz 12,11 Posted by _ShYlaFLamE_
I know what we have right now is still new, and that not enough time has passed
for us to really understand what's been happening between us, but eventhough nei
ther of us can predict where things will lead, I thought I'd let you know I real
ly feel happy about what's happening right now... 12,11 Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
If i could find the right words to say, you know I'd say them all, If i could th
ink of the perfect thing to do, you know I'd do it, all I know is LOVING YOU IS
If there's a weighing scale that's used to measure one's heart..then you'll find
out that your space is the heaviest one! 12,11 Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
Falling in Love with you was a great idea, sure glad you made me do it...! 12,11
Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
YOu mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but you mean everything to me! 12,11
Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
Take me as i am, not becuz i look like one of them. Love me becuz you care about
me 12,11 Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
take me as i am, not becuz i look like one of them. love me becuz you care bout
me not becuz i can fulfill your fantasies. Be ther for me becuz you cared about
me not becuz i can get you out of your misery...ayan sis Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai..lolz.
.hahahah! 12,11 Posted by _ShYlaFLamE_
Take me as I am, not bcuz I look like one of them. Love me bcuz you care about m
e, not bcuz I can fulfill your fantasies. Be there for me bcuz you cared about m
e, not bcuz I can get you out of your misery... 12,11 Posted by Da1oVaKiNdQTpNai
There are a few things sadder in this life than watching someone walk away after
they have left you. Watching the distance between your bodies expand until ther
e's nothing but empty space and silence. 12,11 Posted by GorgeousChick
1my hate inside is fading this shit's gone way too far...all this time i've been
waiting....i cannot give anymore.....LUFET ........... .......KORn RULZ.........
........... 12,11 Posted by huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
You can call me selfish..but all i want is your can call me hopeless..
coz im hopelessly can call me unperfect..but who's perfect. Tell me 1
2,11 Posted by Fr3nChK|ss
you laugh because i'm different.. i laugh because you're all the same :D 12,11 Po
sted by [mooch]
That's what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we los
e and how we've changed because of it and what we take away from it that we neve
r had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning. 12,1
1 Posted by ||Scramb0t||
i dont hate you for not loving me the way i want you to, i dont hate seeing u wi
th the person you choose to love. But when ur tryin' to make me feel so special
while im fallin so much more to you.... 12,11 Posted by ||Scramb0t||
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listen
ing ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have
the potential to turn a life around." 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Love is magic, pure and sweet, for it alone makes life complete-- Love turns all
the commonplace to matchless beauty, joy, and grace, And when there's something
hearts would say, Love, like magic, shows the way. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through, N
o matter how your heart is grieving if you keep on believing the dream that you
wish will come true" 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson after
ward." 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
i cryd so much for a love lost and the love i never had, i suffered pain worse t
han dying, but feelings change and there' s a lesson that everybody learns in ty
m, sumtyms u just have to move on... :( 12,11 Posted by m[a]r[i]a
i miss u so much that it comes to a point that im dying... coz i cnt see you, i
cnt feel u, i cnt speak with you or touch you, but im happy coz the more im hurt
missing you, the longer i fight to live becoz of u! iloveusomuccchhhh!! :) 12,11
Posted by m[a]r[i]a
silence is not the absnce of sound, its the presence of what sound cnt express,i
choose to be in silence for in silence i can say ILOVEU more than you could ima
gine...:) 12,11 Posted by m[a]r[i]a
masakit mgmahal pag binigay mo lahat, khit alam mong wlang darating na kapalit,
pero mas masakit pag pinaasa ka nya na amhal ka nya tapos ssbihin sayo na.. "ayo
ko na, sori.." 12,11 Posted by m[a]r[i]a
"U mAy NoT B aWaRe BuT iT's TrUe, I nVr SaY i LuV u BuT i Do" 12,11 Posted by L|ON
When you love, there's no such thing as loving a little, but loving all the way.
Love may not ask you give up your life, but it will require lots of sacrifices.
12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"There is no such thing as failure because having determintaion means winning!" 1
2,11 Posted by ^^completely_incomplete^^
"A kiss blowen is a kiss wasted, the kind of kiss is a kiss tasted!" 12,11 Posted
by ^^completely_incomplete^^
!addquote We are what we think; as we desire so do we become! By our thoughts, d
esires, and habits, we either ascend to the full divine dignity of our nature, o
r we descend to suffer and learn. 12,11 Posted by hidden`identity
"There is no remedy for love but to love more" 12,11 Posted by ^^completely_incomp
"age doesnt matter!" 12,11 Posted by ^^completely_incomplete^^
To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence...... 12,11 Posted
by L|ON_Heart
He hu controls d past, commands d future, he hu commands to futute conquers d pa
st te 12,11 Posted by nickkey_bluez
"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then
you must forget the rules and play from your heart." 12,11 Posted by ^^completely
"What is the use of beauty if the brain is empty?" 12,11 Posted by ^^completely_in
"The only thing constant in this world is change" 12,11 Posted by ^^completely_inc
"He he loves discipline loves knowledge but he who hates correction is stupid!" 1
2,11 Posted by ^^completely_incomplete^^
i have a heart.. a heart so true, but now its gone from me to you, so take care
of it just like i do... coz i have none, and you have two 12,11 Posted by kutitap
i always thought that love can wash away the hurt, no matter how painful it is.
i never thought that hurt can take away the love, no matter how great it is.... 1
2,11 Posted by cyber-girl
One factor of REAL LOVE is it often occurs in a context in w/c the feeling of lo
ve is lacking, when we act lovingly DESPITE the fact that we don't feel loving. 1
2,11 Posted by ramnuj
I wonder if you know how special you are to me, sometimes i don't know how to le
t you know, but if ever I could control my destiny and choose the people who'll
be part of my life forever... GUSTO KO KAW YUN... c") 12,11 Posted by ramnuj
Don't fall too hard not knowing where you stand.Coz it will hurt real ad when th
ings don't go the way you want them to!!! 12,11 Posted by eillem
When you Love Someone dont gave all.... cause when u gave it all... its so very
hard to be hurted, When you stop loving he Loves and gave you more now GULO NOH!
! 12,11 Posted by |jHeYMie|
cherish me 4 i may not be around 4ever...hold me 4 i may be gone sooner...but de
n if f8 took me awy frm u, keep in mind dat u'll always in my heart 4ever. 12,11
Posted by |NaM0e|
it hurts 2 c d 1 u luv walk away, but wat really hurts d most is wen u believe d
at dey luv u but dey really nvr did 12,11 Posted by |NaM0e|
the worst way to miss someone is to sit beside him nad know that he'll never be
yours... 12,11 Posted by |NaM0e|
You'll know that you miss someone very much when everytym you think of that pers
on, you're heart breaks into pieces and just a quick "HI" from that person can b
ring the broken pieces back... 12,11 Posted by PAMIE^_^
here comes the bride all dress in white, errrk, i'm feeling so happy. 12,11 Poste
d by evennumbers
<Love17Pie> <Chris``> yun tulog na yung usa>>kulang lang yan sa pukpok sa ulo! 12
,11 Posted by Chris``
If you love me and u can't afford to lose me then hug me tight and tell me u lov
e me to because I want to live my life knowing I am loved by the person I truly
love 12,11 Posted by ^^completely_incomplete^^
The best time to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or
bust. 12,11 Posted by skechers`
the only way 2 discover the limits of the possible s 2 go byond them n2 the impo
ssible. 12,11 Posted by skechers`
Mahaba na pinagsamahan ntn dhil dun napamahal ka na skn...matagal na un! kya d`
ko na natago ang aking nadarama....nkta kta malungkot,nag-iisa,,,sasabihin ko na
sna e....kya lng sbi mo "lam mo mis ko na sya"...... 12,11 Posted by skechers`
If I tell you I love you, you'll think I'm lying. But I'd rather tell you I love
you and let you think I'm lying than say I don't love you and know for sure I'm
lying 12,11 Posted by hidden`identity
what if one day i suddenly hold your hand and say that im fallin in love with yo
u? will you answer me that you also do??? hope you do coz it will break me apart
if you dont... 12,11 Posted by ^SpIdEr_mAn^
Sometimes, the love we are looking for is right in front of us - too close for t
he eyes to see. So, close your eyes and let your heart see for itself 12,11 Poste
d by DadiJuNMaR
If I die never having loved, then I die never having lived 12,11 Posted by DadiJuN
The greatest flower scent in my garden is your heart. 12,11 Posted by HeadAche2the
Loving someone is easy, making someone love u is hard. Now I keep wonderin' how
did u make it so easy for me to love u ? 12,11 Posted by ^^completely_incomplete^^
What is more important to you the love you share, the memories you have or the l
over? Give love a chance to swallow you up. Don't just think it will happen in a
instant, it will suprise you before you know it, but it will be the most reward
ing experience you will ever have." 12,11 Posted by Lady_Zara
Now it is my turn to go out and find someone that will love me the way i loved y
ou, but ten times more true to the heart 12,11 Posted by HeadAche2theMax
You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person who you cannot
live without 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Without your love, I am empty, Without your love, I am nobody, This is just the
hold your love has on me. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
u ought to love sum1 by his identity, not ur reality..and let him open up to u s
o u would know him better..kissing sum1 gives an instant impression...but it doe
s not mean its knowing each other..u will settle-out ur differences..
and hopefully..u would understand each other's feelings ..and affections 12,11 Po
sted by z00mxplaygurl
<u ought to love sum1 by his identity, not ur reality..and let him open up to u
so u would know him better..kissing sum1 gives an instant impression...but it do
es not mean its knowing each other..u will settle-out ur differences.
.and hopefully..u would understand each other's feelings ..and affections> 12,11
Posted by z00mxplaygurl
<Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be?> 12,11 P
osted by z00mxplaygurl
<No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry. 1
2,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
<No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry. 1
2,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broke
n but a circle goes on forever 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
d by z00mxplaygurl
When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you*When i first talked to you I wa
s afraid to like you*When i first liked you i was afarid to love you*Now that I
love you I m afraid to lose you 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
Last night I looked up at the stars 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
last night i looked at the stars and matched them w/ the reasons y i love u..i w
as doing great but then i ran out of stars 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
ReMeMbEr mY nAmE * ReMeMbEr My FaCe * CuZ tHeRe AiNt nO oThA hOnEy ThAt CaN tAkE
mY pLaCe 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Tu
rned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you kissed me good nigh
t 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
If yOu ReAlLy LoVe SoMeThInG sEt iT fReE, iF iT cOmEs BaCk iT's YoUrS, iF iT dOe
Sn'T iT wAs NeVeR MeAnT tO Be 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
A MiLLi0n WoRDs Would Not Bring You Back, I Kn0w, BecauseI've Tried. Neither Wou
ld A Million TeaRs. I Know, BeCause I've Cried 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
Everyday That Goez By It Seemz Like I Discover Somethíng New about You To Love It'
z Incredíble To Me How One Per§on Can Make Such A *BIG* Dífference In My Lífe You Touch
Me In A Way No One Else Ever Haz And Gíve Me So Many Reasonz To Love You 12,11 Post
ed by z00mxplaygurl
NoThiN iS mOrE pAiNfuL Then ReALiZiN He MenT eVeRyThiN 2 u,& u MenT nOtHiN 2 HiM
12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
do u believe in love at first site? or should i walk by again? 12,11 Posted by z00
I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, 12,11 Posted by z00mx
i always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh...but i never knew l
ooking back on the laughs would make me cry 12,11 Posted by z00mxplaygurl
"Hold a true friend w/ u'r both hands, don't let go co'z true friend comes one i
n a lifetime for when they go, they may go forever" 12,11 Posted by ^^completely_i
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. 12,11 Po
sted by ^^completely_incomplete^^
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." 12,11 P
osted by ^^completely_incomplete^^
if someday you'll ask me to choose between my life and you, i'll choose my life
then you'd turn around and walk away not knowing that you are my life... 12,11 Po
sted by kutitap
what if nobody cares for u, nobody is here 2 help u, nobody loves u, nobody is co
ncerned 4 u,.............................................i'm telling u this........ name is...........nobody 12,11 Posted by swoooooosh
Frendz r LikE balLoOns OncE u LeT dEm gO U cAn NevEr bring dEm BacK. DaTs Y I'll
tIe u tYt iN mY HeARt sO DaT U'll B w/ Me 4 D rest Of mY lYf 12,11 Posted by nickk
i luv u without knowing how i luv u without knowing y i luv even though knowing
2 u im only jst a frend... tangga ko talaga :( 12,11 Posted by genelee
heart and soul should b bind 2gether 2 make true luv... 12,11 Posted by genelee
you think ill cry? you think ill breakdown? damn ur wrong! i know ol ur games b4
il just played along. if you think im stupid,yup ur right,i fell 4 a player wit
h his game i cudnt fight!! -mystiques- 12,11 Posted by mystiques
what if "i" loves "u"? will "u" also love "i"? what if ders no "u"? how about "i
"? wat if LOVE is gone? will "u" and "i" survive??? maybe "u" but not "i"!!!! -m
ystiques- 12,11 Posted by mystiques
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with a person, you want
the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Some people have to close their eyes to dream, with you I only have to open min
e." 12,11 Posted by genelee
dati kala ko pag nasakin na ang taong mahal ko masaya na ako. pero bakit nung na
sakin na sia d pa rin ako masaya? d lang pala ung tao ang kelangan ko kindi... p
ati pagmamahal nya!! ): -mystiques- 12,11 Posted by mystiques
Love is when you feel like getting lost in her heart forever! 12,11 Posted by gene
Remember that the truest love, is one where your love for each other is greater
than your need for each other. 12,11 Posted by genelee
my friend have asked me why i still love you and i've answered with a quiet smil
e not because i don't have an answer but because she would never understand. 12,1
1 Posted by cooLguy_21
its selfish 2 think dat u hav 2 mke urslf hapi thou u know ur hurting sum1.. i a
lways thnk dat i was rong wen ol i did was 2 set u free.. stil selfish me? 12,11
Posted by cooLguy_21
iT hurts so much to know that i have fallen 4 someone who would just leave me ha
ngin... why??? coz i've closed my eyes from the reality that he never really lov
ed me... he just CARED 12,11 Posted by Cereal|Killer
i know smday our love for each odr wud b gone,i knw somewhere in tym we'll go w/
our seper8 lives, guess wer rily notmeant 4 each oder, but i hope smhow we'll s
tay frends4ever..=) 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
+ruE frEnds r lyk Gold i+'s A +reasurE U Must ChErish. . . . .parang Ikaw ibigay
man ki+a maraming kukuha, ano ko HILO...maghanap cla kung gus+o nla ng ka+ulad
mo!!! 12,11 Posted by Cereal|Killer
"everyone says you only fall in love once, but they are wrong every time I see y
our smile i fall in love all over again." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
don't tell me no more lies, pretendin dt ur satisfied. i knw ur luv's nt true so
quit tryin 2 play me lyk a fool. u knw dt ur wrong, ur here 4 1 minute n d next
thng, ur gone. m nt blind, i cn see. so y dnt u admit u dnt luv me? =( 12,11 Pos
ted by cooLguy_21
"'I love you', are three words with infinite meanings, but only one feeling." 12,
11 Posted by genelee
piece by piece, shred by shred sooner or l8r, uL b outta my head my head wont hu
rt, my hart wont ache i wont hv a soul filled wit h8 eventhough ur gone wit sum1
new iL olwyz hv d memories of me bein wit u... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I lo
ve you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars." 12,11 Posted by genelee
DoNt Be AfRaid tO LoVe cOz It'S tHe NiCeSt fEeLiNg BuT hOw AbOuT iF U lOvE wItH
aLl uR hEaRt tHen U wIlL jUsT bE hUrT, dO U tHiNk It's EaSy To MoVe oN?? o C'mon
. . . iT's EaSy tO SaY bUt iT's hArD tO dO. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"The hardest part about moving forward is not looking back!" 12,11 Posted by genel
Would you go for someone who loves you but for you he's only a friend or would y
ou rather go for someone you love but for him you're only a friend? 12,11 Posted
by ]dream[_`stalker`_
"Kisses were created by God, for when words are not neccessary." 12,11 Posted by g
"Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget." 12,11
Posted by genelee
I said hello... but you didn't mind. I offered my shoulder... but you took me fo
r granted. I said I love you... but you didn't hear. So I said goodbye... you sa
id wait... 12,11 Posted by ]dream[_`stalker`_
Don't be afraid to say I LOVE You to the one you love, for it might be too late
to say it once feel like saying it, he's already found the comfort of hearing it
from someone else. 12,11 Posted by ]dream[_`stalker`_
i miss U w3n i go 2 sl33p at nit3 but i'll miss u mor3 w3n i wak3 up 12,11 Posted
by genelee
I fEl4u n IkNow dat its not ryt... dts y i Tryd 2 b OvR u TrYd nt 2 cry, TryD no
t 2 luv you.. but no mater wat i do evrytym ur nir... I AlwaYz say... "NAKU BAHA
LA NA!< MAHAL KITA EH!!!!=) 12,11 Posted by Wiuah16
I fEl4u n IkNow dat its not ryt... dts y i Tryd 2 b OvR u TrYd nt 2 cry, TryD no
t 2 luv you.. but no mater wat i do evrytym ur nir... I AlwaYz say... "NAKU BAHA
LA NA!< MAHAL KITA EH!!!!=) 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Love is just a feeling until it is shared with someone who loves you. Then it i
s your life." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Is it fair to expect a child to recognize their true love when they come face t
o face with them? That would be wisdom indeed." 12,11 Posted by genelee
The best part of loving is not wishing that the person loves you as much as you
do, but in feeling that you love the person more than you thought you could. 12,1
1 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Letting go has never been easy but holding on can be as difficult, for strength
is measured not by holding on but by letting go." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"A special friend is a blessing that you should treasure with all your heart... 1
2,11 Posted by genelee
When it rains, look for the rainbow." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Self sacrifice is the greatest expression of love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"gve ur smile 2 every1. but gve ur hart 2 onli1" 12,11 Posted by AnTiPatIka^
If the eye is a window to the soul then the heart is the doorway to love. 12,11 P
osted by genelee
u sed pls dnt cry, i sed its olryt.. u sed pls dnt liv me, i sed wen did i? u se
d il go nw, i ask wr wd u go? u sed m luving sme1, i ask hu? u sed - its not u..
12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
There's always a reason why we have to move on when we wanted to say goodbye to
the feelings we wanted to stay forever, for love will have to set its wings free
and find the place where it belongs. 12,11 Posted by ]dream[_`stalker`_
My angel told me to prove my love foryou, i shouldn't say it, i should show it.
then i told her "i already did" she asked me how? and i answered with tear " i l
et her go". 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't
count the miles, it's measured by the heart." 12,11 Posted by genelee
By the time i'll say my vow to you, ill promise nothing but forever. If forever
will not come then i'll just spend my whole life with you coz that whole life is
worth more than forever if i'll spend it with you. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"A failing love is like desperately hanging on to something precious, not wantin
g to give up but your hands feel the pain. And when you finally let go, you're f
ree from any pain but your hands are empty." 12,11 Posted by genelee
Nvr sy ur d1 4 me wn ur nt dnt sy d ur a frnd wn i nd 1 cz u nvr r u sed u wnt m
e 2 b hapi bt uve only mde me sad so go away n tke ur lys uve only put tirs n my
eys.... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Some say it is a sin to love, I never did ask why, But if I sin in loving you,
I'll sin until I die!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love... An emotion So strong that you would give up everything... To just feel
it once... To know that you are part of something special... To know that you ca
n feel what Love really is... To know... To feel... To love." 12,11 Posted by gene
"In your absence my heart grows stronger. In your presence I fall in love again.
" 12,11 Posted by genelee
I dont knw y im so afraid 2 lose u wen ur nt even myn. i dnt knw y i luv u so, w
en u dont even care... i dont knw y 2 me ur d 1, wen 2 u im only sum1. 12,11 Post
ed by cooLguy_21
No matter how ugly you think you are, that special someone that loves you believ
es you are the most beautiful and irrisistable thing on earth and nothing can ev
er change that. 12,11 Posted by genelee
I may not be able to talk to you but im still listening...I may not be able to b
e with you but im still here...I may not be able to hold you now, but still Im s
ure.....I will always care for you. 12,11 Posted by ^HUDAS^
Love and electricity are one in the same, my dear.... if you do not feel the jol
t in your soul every time a kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, a touch is felt
, then your not really in love at all...." 12,11 Posted by genelee
If I love you this much, and I'm not the one for you, then the one for you will
be everything I am..and everything I'm not. 12,11 Posted by genelee
Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't c
ount the miles, it's measured by the heart. 12,11 Posted by genelee
A failing love is like desperately hanging on to something precious, not wanting
to give up but your hands feel the pain. And when you finally let go, you're fr
ee from any pain but your hands are empty. 12,11 Posted by genelee
masakit...di dahiL di mo ko mahaL ngunit dahiL di mo ko sinubukang mahaLin...mas
akit, di dahil mahaL mo cya kundi dahiL kahit tau nLang ang tao sa mundo, KAIBIG
AN LANG TLGA AKO SAU) 12,11 Posted by P[A]MIE^_^
i Love u so much, if ever i decided 2 b gone 4 a wyl its not bcoz i Love u Less
or i found sum1 new i jaz want 2 prepare myself wen ur the 1 hu will b gone frm
me =( 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
as long as there is time, as long as there is love, as long there is you, and as
long as I have a breath to speak your name... I will love you, because I love y
ou more than anything in all the world... luv u hun.. 12,11 Posted by `nnelg
th3 b3gining of luv is 2 l3t thos3 w3 luv p3rf3ctly th3ms3lv3s, & not twist th3m
with our own imag3 oth3rwis3, w3 only luv our own r3fl3ction of ours3lv3s that
w3 find in th3m... 12,11 Posted by genelee
...maybe god wants us 2 meet few wrong peolpe b4 meeting the right 1, so that wh
en we finally do meet the right person we will know how 2 b greatful 4 that gift
... 12,11 Posted by genelee
...luv s wen u take away d passion, d romance & u find out dat u still care 4 da
t person... 12,11 Posted by genelee
...a sad thing abt lyf s dat sometimes u meet some1 who means alot 2 u, only 2 f
ind out at d end dat it was nver meant 2 b, & u jst have 2 let go... 12,11 Posted
by genelee
...der r moments n our lyf wen u really miss some1 so much, dat u wnt 2 pick the
m up fr ur dreams & hug them 4 real! hope u have dream 4 dat some1... 12,11 Poste
d by genelee
... luv start wid a smile, develop wid a kiss, & ends wid a tears.... :( 12,11 Po
sted by genelee
...luv comes 2 those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, 2 tho
se who still blieve even though they've been betrayed, 2 those who still need lu
v even though they've been hurt b4... 12,11 Posted by genelee
...8 hurts 2 luv some1 & not 2 b luv n return, but wat s most painful s 2 luv so
me1 & nver find d courage 2 let d person know how u feel... 12,11 Posted by genele
...nver say gudbye wen u still want 2 try, nver give up wen u feel u can take 8,
nver say u dont luv d person anymore wen u dont really want 2 let go... 12,11 Po
sted by genelee
Ø Love no matter how hard you find it, you won't see it. No matter how hard you try
, you won't get it. But when you're about to give up, it comes. 12,11 Posted by co
oLguy_21 some1 all ur luv s never an assurance dat they will luv u back, dont e
xpect luv in return, just w8 4 8 2 grow n their hearts, but f 8 doesnt b content
dat 8 grow n urs... 12,11 Posted by genelee
...8 takes a minute 2 have a crush on some1, an hour 2 like some1, a day 2 luv s
ome1, but 8 takes a lyftym 2 4get some1.... 12,11 Posted by genelee
Yes it is painful to say goodbye but it is more painful to just leave without sa
ying goodbye because you'll never know if it is really goodbye. 12,11 Posted by co
...dont go 4 looks, 8 can deceive; dont go 4 wealth - even dat fades. go 4 some1
who makes u smile, bcz only a smile can make a dark days seem bright. hope u fi
nd dat person!!! 12,11 Posted by genelee
Ø There was a time when I thought that a lifetime was to long but when I met you a
nd I knew then that a lifetime was to short to tell you just how much I apprecia
te your friendship and love. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Ø Letting go does not mean to stop loving, to stop caring. To let go means there's
someone beyond. To let go means accepting the reality. To let go means loving o
r more coz you only want the best. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Letting go does not mean to stop loving, to stop caring. To let go means there's
someone beyond. To let go means accepting the reality. To let go means loving o
r more coz you only want the best. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Letting go does not mean to stop loving, to stop caring. To let go means there's
someone beyond. To let go means accepting the reality. To let go means loving o
r more coz you only want the best. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
LUV s patient, luv s kind. 8 doesnot envy, 8 does not boast, 8 s not proud. 8 s
not rude, 8 s not self seeking, 8 s not easily angered, 8 keeps no records of wr
ong. luv doesnot delight n evil but rejoices with the truth. 8 always protect, a
lways trust, always hopes, always preserves.. (1 corinthians 13:4-7) 12,11 Posted
by genelee
i luv d sun 4 d day, d moon 4 d night & u FOREVER... (thank u for making me so s
pecial) 12,11 Posted by genelee
luving some1 s like caring a garden; luv 8 2 much or 2 little & 8 dies; but luv
8 right & 8 will live FOREVER... 12,11 Posted by genelee
im giving u a piece of my heart not bcoz u dsrv it, but i gez it oLredi beLongs
2u. it myt nt b enuf, it myt b 2 small, but dz lil` piece of my heart cud probab
Ly b my aLL! iLove u baby! =) 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
a part of u has grown n me, so u see 8's u & me FOREVER & nver apart, maybe in d
istance but nver n heart.... 12,11 Posted by genelee
wat f some1 u nver met, some1 u never saw, some1 u never knew, was d only 1 4 u.
.. 12,11 Posted by genelee
my luv 4 u s like a tym, f u give 8 just 1 moment, 8 will last FOREVER... 12,11 P
osted by genelee
luv s easy 2 feel, so hard 2 explain; easy 2 get, so hard 2 let go; easy 2 spell
, so hard 2 define; yet every1 s still taking d risk... 12,11 Posted by genelee
d best way to luv anything s to realized that 8 might b lost... 12,11 Posted by ge
Luv s an everlasting power of emotion that one person has 4 the other. and no ma
tter what that person says that power s forever... 12,11 Posted by genelee
d whole damm world dsnt knw i exist. d whole damm world dsnt care about me. d wh
ole damm world dsnt c dat iv fallen n Luv wid it. & knw wat ur my whole damm wor
ld =( 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
sum1 once asked me, hev u evr fallen nLuv? #den I answered of course many times d
en dey gve me another question, `did it hurt? I tot of u & told dem "yes very muc
h". 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
sum1 once asked me, hev u evr fallen nLuv? den I answered of course many times de
n dey gve me another question, `did it hurt? I tot of u & told dem "yes very muc
h". 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
how can I spell s_ccess wid "U" or c_te? Or h_mbLe? Or tr_st, famo_s, bea_tifuL
& how can I use the word iLove_, imis_? Haay! B_hay, wat will I do wid out "U"?
=) 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
no on3 3lse can do what you'v3;no on3 3ls3 can 3ev3r tak3 your plac3, no on3 3ls
3 is as sw33t as you ar3.Youe th3 r3ason why th3r3's a smil3 on my fac3 12,11 Pos
ted by Love17Pie
no on3 3lse can do what you'v3 done;no on3 3ls3 can 3ev3r tak3 your plac3, no on
3 3ls3 is as sw33t as you ar3.Youe th3 r3ason why th3r3's a smil3 on my fac3 12,1
1 Posted by Love17Pie
I said I didn't cry much when u went away.. I told u I can move on and I will be
ok.. I said I was happy when u found some1 new.. the sad thing is that u believ
ed me though I didn't want u 2.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
d greatst mistakes we make r the risks we ddnt take. if u tink sumting wil make
u hapi,go 4 it! so dat u wnt liv ur lyf askin "wat if?" & tellin urself "if only
" 12,11 Posted by My_Baby
d greatst mistakes we make r the risks we ddnt take. if u tink sumting wil make
u hapi,go 4 it! so dat u wnt liv ur lyf askin "wat if?" & tellin urself "if only
" 12,11 Posted by My_Baby
Have i told you today that I LOVE YOU? Do you know you encompass my soul?With ev
ery step I take,Down this path i call"FATE",I realize, with your love,I can reac
h any goal! 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
"Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget." 12,11
Posted by |_____________|
I love the way you care for me I find it hard to believe that someone as wonderf
ul as yuo can possibly love the way you do 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
wud you smile at me when i smiled at u, wud u say hello if i greeted u, wud u ta
lk 2 me if i talked 2 u and wud you add the word "TOO" if i saiD I LOVE YOU?? 12,
11 Posted by ^SAD_uh^
sabi ko noon, buti nalang di ko sinabi sa iyo na mahal din kita1 at least lumayo
ka man, i still have my pride with me! pero mali pala ako, sana pala inamin ko
na sayo ang tunay kong nararamdaman. baka sakali hanggang ngayon mahal mo pa ako
at nandito ka sa piling ko! 12,11 Posted by NakaupongPwet
"If you like someone, tell him, because you might found out that they like you t
oo." 12,11 Posted by LimeTwinkLe
"The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt." 12,11 Posted by L
The first time my heart was broken I thought I was threw; I swore I'd never love
again and believe me this was true, but when you walked into my life the second
your eyes met mine, I knew you were worth loving, just like before, just like t
he first time." 12,11 Posted by LimeTwinkLe
"I'll surrender my world to you if that is the only way I could become a part of
yours." 12,11 Posted by LimeTwinkLe
"Loving someone doesn't mean you have to be with that someone, because sometimes
Fate plays a fool on us and we are not meant to be together. But still, there i
s love between us." 12,11 Posted by LimeTwinkLe
"Saying I love you isn't hard; saying I love you and meaning it is." 12,11 Posted
by LimeTwinkLe
"When loving someone never regret what you do. Only regret what you didn't do." 1
2,11 Posted by LimeTwinkLe
if falling for you is not right, let me be wrong for the rest of my life... if l
oving you can bring you pain to me, let it be...for no matter how painfull it is
, my love for you will always cure it... 12,11 Posted by `nnelg
sOmTyMs In LiFe, U aSk & seEk 4 Sum1 u Can HavE & KeEp, bUt dErS nOtHiNg MuCh U
CaN rEaLy Do BuT 2 wAiT fOr tHe PeRsOn wHoSe QuEsT iN LiFe iS nOtHiNg eLsE bUt t
O LoVe You tOo.... 12,11 Posted by `nnelg
"when i 1st saw you i was afraid to meet. When i met you i was afraid to hold yo
u. When I held u, i was afraid to kiss you. When i kissed you i was afraid to lo
ve you. Now that I loved you, i'm afraid to loose you!" 12,11 Posted by ^^complete
it's nothing short of a miracle that with so many billions of earthlings, we get
to meet someone special.. =) 12,11 Posted by Cereal|Killer
¨*:—.PeOpLe ArE gUnA tALk BoUt u SpEcIaLlY wHeN tHeY eNvY u N tHe LiFe U LiVe...lEt
ThEm..U aFfEcTeD tHeIr LiVeS...tHeY dIdNt AfFeCt UrS...—:* 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
Give a mouse a cookie, he'll want a glass of milk 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
i want to kill the sexiest person alive, but then i realized.... its a suicide c
rime... *^_^* 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
—*xºunTiL dA oCeaN dOEseN't toUCh dA sANDº x x º i WiLL forEver BE an *NsYnC FaNº xøº°´°ºø
y Lat|fah
You know your in love when the hardest thing to say is goodbye 12,11 Posted by Lat
2,11 Posted by Lat|fah
When you finally find the perfect guy you think to yourself, why isn't he taken?
12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
º°x—:He HoLdS Me WheN i StArT 2 cRy ø´¨`»MaKeS Me SmiLe WiTh JuS HiS eYeZ ShAreZ My HoPes D
Ms FeArs«´¨`ø ø´¨`»WiPes AwAy ALL My TeArs i LoVe hiM wiToUt rEgReT«´¨`ø i JuS hAvEn't FoUn
Posted by Lat|fah
Every girl wants one guy to meet all her needs, while every guy wants all the gi
rls to meet his one need. 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
I can only please one person per day, today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't
look good either. 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
Dont call me GODDESS, dont call me PRINCESS, Just call me the most beautiful Que
en u've ever seen!!! *^_^* 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
Love is like falling down... in the end you're left hurt, scarred, and with a me
mory of it forever<3 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
..WhEn A gUrL LoVeZ a GuY.. ..ThE SwEeTeSt ThiNg iN ThE wOrLd.. ..iS 2 HeAr HiM
AdMiT ThAt He TrEaSuReZ hEr.. 12,11 Posted by Lat|fah
I dropped a tear in the ocean- when I find it is the day I'll stop loving you 12,
11 Posted by Lat|fah
Im sweet like suger, soft like suade, but unlike nintendo i never get played 12,1
1 Posted by Lat|fah
*~*Be MorE CsoncerneD AbouT YouR CharacteR ThaN YouR ReputationN BecausE YouR Ch
aracteR Is WhO YoU ArE AnD YoU ReputaioN Is WhaT OtherS ThinK Of YoU!!*~* 12,11 P
osted by Lat|fah
I'm §uGaR & §piCe & EvErYtHiNg N¡Ce... b4 yOu Me§§ w/ Me... yOu ße§t ThiNk twiCe 12,11 Post
y Lat|fah
Lust Is When You Love What You See. Love Is When You Lust For What's Inside 12,11
Posted by Lat|fah
i often wonder y things ddnt work out 4 d both of us...patience? meron...tym mar teka was it ever "d both of us" o... ako l
ng?:( 12,11 Posted by danna9
.i feLL iN L0ve whEn i sAw y0u...aNd y0u sMiLed bEcAuSe y0u knEw. 12,11 Posted by
i spik w/ my eyes wide shut..smell w/o breathing air..feeling w/o evr touching..
& loving u w/o u ever knowing it..... 12,11 Posted by pallas`ath3na
>.< tHe piECeS 0f mY br0kEn hEaRt aRe s0 smaLL thEy c0uLd pAsS thR0uGh thE eYe 0
f a nEeDLe >.< 12,11 Posted by aBerCr0mBiE^
If a bird fell in love with a fish, where would they live?, who gets the wings a
nd who loses the fins??, its an irony but thats how cruel yet poetic love can be
12,11 Posted by a_cuteflirt_4sale
"Why do we wait until it is too late? Why do we let someone else have what we we
re too scared to reach out and take?" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"A match can light up a fire, a star can light up the sky, but you are the only
one that can light up my heart." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Most people want to be the sun that brightens up your life, but I'd rather be t
he moon that shines down on you in your darkest hours." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor
"The hardest part about moving forward is not looking back!" 12,11 Posted by for3v
"'I love you', are three words with infinite meanings, but only one feeling." 12,
11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Kisses were created by God, for when words are not neccessary." 12,11 Posted by f
"Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I lo
ve you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
the scariest thing about falling in love is getting hurt.The scariest ting about
getting hurt is not being able to love again.The scariest thing about not lovin
g again is being able alone forever 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
"Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget." 12,11
Posted by for3v3rmor3
i hate dah way i think of you of you, i hate the way i mizz you. i hate the way
i need you, even the way i like you,but most of all, i hate the way i love you,
knowing you'll never love me the way i do!! 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
f loving u is wrong i dont wanna b right f being right means living w/o u i just
wanna b wrong 4 d rest of my life.... 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
u know i have very big problem.. i 4got ur name.. can i juz kol u "MINE"? and in
case u 4get my name 2,u can tel ur frendz dat im "YOURS"...will U?! 12,11 Posted
by MissIng__you__
The rose that you gave me has faded, and wilted away. But, the love tucked in de
ep inside remains in my heart forever. 12,11 Posted by genelee
I think maybe forever is what you make of it. Tomorrow may be the end of your fo
rever. I think we should be more careful how we use it. 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor
See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses sti
ll linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you wil
l forever be a part of me. 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
Will I wait a lonely lifetime? If you want me to, I will.................\ 12,11
Posted by for3v3rmor3
A ring is round, it turns forever and that's how long we'll be together! 12,11 Po
sted by for3v3rmor3
I will love you all my life and when I die I will still love you through eternit
y and beyond. 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Time will prove my love to you and cement my place in your heart forever. For t
ime will give me the credibility and the believability that I need to convince y
ou to want to spend the rest of your life with me. That I am worthy of such a co
mmitment from you." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
Saying goodbye makes you realize how much you care, how much you love, how much
you will miss, and how much loss you had, knowing that the person will not be yo
urs. 12,11 Posted by PinKBerry
"If your are meant to be together forever, you will survive any obstacle or trou
ble that comes to you." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
Everyday I walk towards you, hoping that I'd somehow get to be with you, for at
least a moment...but its hard for me to catch up with you if you're also trying
to catch up with someone else. 12,11 Posted by PinKBerry
I don't know how you do it but you make me want to live forever! 12,11 Posted by f
"If I die before you then my love will linger forever around you. And when you c
hange your mind, and wish to be with me, I will greet you at heaven's gates with
the same love and the same loving arms we knew in life." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rm
"Your heart and mine are forever one!" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
@It's a long road when you face the world alone, when no one reaches out a hand
for you to hold.You can find love if you search within your soul and the emptine
ss you felt will disappear@ 12,11 Posted by love17pie
"Forever is not today, not tomorrow or a century that will come, but a lifetime.
" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
You know it's love when forever is not long enough. 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"One night, the moon said to me, 'If he makes you cry..why don't you leave him?'
I looked at the moon and said, 'Moon, would you ever leave you sky?'" 12,11 Post
ed by for3v3rmor3
Passion is not having sex, it is making love forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
!!what if im gone??...will you miss me?...and care to search till you find me?..
i wish you will...coz i will, if i lost You....!! 12,11 Posted by love17pie
Forever is not a word...rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes
them there. 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
To some people, forever just wasn't long enough. 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"If you love me as I love you, nothing but death can part us two." 12,11 Posted b
y for3v3rmor3
"They say time heals and makes us forget but what we shared will never be erased
." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
If you love someone,never let go,dont believe that letting go means u love best:
instead,figth for love....i love you!! 12,11 Posted by love17pie
"An eternity is forever, and forever with you would be a dream come true." 12,11
Posted by for3v3rmor3
"The world is to end one day for you and me, but our love will be there forever.
" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time: effaces all me
mory of a beginning, all fear of an end." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Baby, I know we are miles and miles away from one another, but I always believe
d that as long as our souls are connected to each other, the flame of our love w
ill burn forever. Only souls can resist death, our physical connection is meanin
gless." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I may not be the one perfect girl in your life, But i will never be out of your
life. It means 'Forever'." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name
on a piece of paper, but it got thrown away. I wrote your name in the sky, but t
he wind blew it away. So, I wrote your name in my heart and that's where it will
stay." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
**Oftentimes we say gudbye 2 d one we love without wanting 2, but dat doesn't me
an we stop loving dem.Sometimes gudbye is the painful way of way saying "I LOVE
YOU" 12,11 Posted by love17pie
"When you love to like you realize you like to love. When you like to love, it t
urns into forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I will love you forever and a day, and if forever takes a lifetime, then I prom
ise to be there at the end to greet you with open arms. Then we will finally hav
e all the dreams we have ever dreamt about, become a reality." 12,11 Posted by for
"When the day of ressurection comes only my heart will keep on pounding, repeati
ng relentlessely your name, my sweetest angel, my one and only love!" 12,11 Poste
d by for3v3rmor3
"If you're asking if I need you, the answer is forever. If you're asking if I wi
ll leave you, the answer is never. If you're asking what I value, the answer is
you. If you asking if I love you, the answer is I DO." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Marriage is like a golden ring in a chain, whose beginning is a glance and whos
e ending is in eternity." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
tell me to leave & i will stay even longer...tell me to let you go & i'll hold y
ou tighter..tell me to hate you & i'll will love you much better say this moment
is for now & will make it forever.. 12,11 Posted by love17pie
"True love endures, if it does not, then it was never true." 12,11 Posted by for3v
"You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever." 12,11 Posted b
y for3v3rmor3
If kisses were stars I'd give you the sky, 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
If kisses were stars I'd give you the sky, If touches were tears I would cry, I
love was water I'd give you the sea, And be with you for all eternity 12,11 Poste
d by for3v3rmor3
"Love is forever, and if it doesn't last forever it isn't love." 12,11 Posted by f
"Forget just so you may remember again." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Gotta let you know that I love you, gotta let you know that I care, gotta let y
ou know that for you, i'll always be there." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Real love is forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Do you know that it would take you forever to realize the extent of my love for
you." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I love you until the day after forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Time doesn't matter love is forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"When you have someone so wonderful, you never want to loose them. You do anythi
ng in your heart to hold them forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Words cannot express how much I love you. You are my love, now and forever!" 12,
11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"A promise made is a promise forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Don't ever hold my hand if you are going to let it go. Don't ever say, 'I love
you,' if you are going to leave me alone." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is like a love story without an ending." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"To love is to live forever! To be loved is to live a never ending dream!" 12,11
Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Maybe one day, my prince will come and love me forever. Until that day, I stand
here and wait, loving him for all time." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Adam and Eve made it, Charles and Diana did try it, Romeo and Juliet died for i
t, You and I are going to live forever with it." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I've loved you forever in life times before." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Just because something won't last forever doesn't mean it can't last a lifetime
." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Once you see into someone's soul, you're attached forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v
"Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love makes us all a little weaker, but in the end we all turn out a little stro
nger." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"A tear falls forever inside a broken heart." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I love you and you love me. That's all we'll ever need." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rm
"Your kisses, your heavenly touch will keep me from letting go of your loss. I w
ill always remember your gentle words. Love lasts forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3
"I will always love you and when I love you I start to realize that you were mea
nt for me." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"They that love beyond the world cannot be seperated by it. Death cannot kill wh
at never dies." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love that is true lasts forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence." 12,11 Po
sted by for3v3rmor3
"A true and great love can bear the pain and the longtitude of waiting even if i
t takes forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"If I could be with you forever, my life would be complete." 12,11 Posted by for3v
"When I look into your eyes I see forever." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"We have a crazy love that will last for a lifetime." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love means making the other happy, even from a distance." 12,11 Posted by for3v3r
"Love is knowing you are the bud from which his happiness blossoms." 12,11 Posted
by for3v3rmor3
"Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure, there your
heart; where your heart, there your happiness." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Happiness is the only thing on earth that cannot be paid by any diamonds, gold
or money." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I smiled to many people for more than a billion times; but when I first saw you
, my heart took over and smiled for the first time." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
If only im an angel, il protect you, if il only an angel ,il lend my wings, if o
nly im angel il wacth u but what can i do? ikaw ang angel ko eh!! 12,11 Posted by
"Your presence in my life brings wonderful smiles and loving thoughts within my
heart." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued is always beyond our grasp, but
if you sit down quietly may alight upon you." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another." 12,11 Posted by f
"Kiss slowly, love deeply, forgive quickly. Life is too short for you to be diss
appointed any longer." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Happiness is the best revenge!!!" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
LOVE is ewan!...Love ewan pa rin......LoVe grabe na yan! 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
"Just when I thought that love could never be a part of me, that's when you came
along and showed me happiness!" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"You are like spring, everytime I'm around you or think of you, you bring out ne
w life in me!" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Happiness is not found at the end of the road, it is experienced along the way.
So take not for granted each moment of your life and you will find a reason to
be happy each day." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Happiness is not putting on a smile when your heart is sad. Real happiness is t
o smile when your heart is open for it." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"You are my shinning star. I know you will never fade. You will be my light to h
elp me read my map of happiness!" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
the best way to predict the future is to create it... 12,11 Posted by `nnelg
"wHeN tWo PeOpLe ReaLLy LoVe eaCh oThEr, BuT tHeY jUsT CaN't GeT iT ToGeThEr, 12,
11 Posted by mr`brainless
wHeN Do YoU GeT tO tHe PoiNt wHeN eNoUgH iS eNoUgH? NeVeR." 12,11 Posted by mr`bra
bakit ang tagal mong dumating...dumating k kng kelan may mhal n akong iba...ayan
2loy nasasaktan k...kala mo kasi di rin kita mahal e pero mahal na mahal tlga k
ita :( 12,11 Posted by autumn_snow
bakit ka nagalit nung nlaman mong may sinagot akong iba...bkt nanligaw k b? nagi
ng tayo b? hindi nmn a... pero alm mo bang inaasam-asam ko rin n sana ay sa akin
k n lng at ako'y sa'yo... 12,11 Posted by autumn_snow
ang saya-saya ko kc naging kaibigan kita...pero bkt nalungkot ako sa bandang hul
i...nung panahong nahulog ako...kc cguro d mo ako cnalo...kla ko p man din kaibi
gan kta...sasaluhin mo ako kung kinakailangan...pero bkt hindi mo ginawa??!! :( 1
2,11 Posted by autumn_snow
"The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying att
ention to before." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you like someone, tell him, because you might found out that they like you t
oo." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Never question if you are in love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need
to ask." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"You fail to see the one who loves you standing right in front as does she fail
to see you love her in turn. Don't wait to tell her, because it might be to late
then." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"It is better to go for someone who loves you, rather than someone who you love.
" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt." 12,11 Posted by g
"What is more important to you the love you share, the memories you have or the
lover? Give love a chance to swallow you up. Don't just think it will happen in
a instant, it will suprise you before you know it, but it will be the most rewar
ding experience you will ever have." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If I love you this much, and I'm not the one for you, then the one for you will
be everything I am; and everything I'm not." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love needs no map, for it can find it's way blindfolded." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"You need trust to love, but first you need to love in order to trust." 12,11 Pos
ted by genelee
The first time my heart was broken I thought I was threw; I swore I'd never love
again and believe me this was true, but when you walked into my life the second
your eyes met mine, I knew you were worth loving, just like before, just like t
he first time. 12,11 Posted by genelee
"This kind of certainty comes, but once in a lifetime." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"But still sometimes, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing, I dream of a l
ove that even time will lie down and be still for." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Guys always seem to wonder what it takes to get a girl. Like, what do they have
to do to make a girl notice them? Guys have to realize that they have to be swe
et, caring, gentle, honest and still have that sweet little thing about them tha
t drives any girl crazy: and that's reaching her heart. No matter how much you t
ry, if you don't reach her heart, it won't ever be worth-while." 12,11 Posted by g
"Let love come slowly. Don't constantly keep putting on the red light. Drive on
yellow!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love not looked for is love that shall be found." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Who shall say that the maiden so pretty and fair shall always have the greater
man; and the ogre who walks to the beat of thundering clouds will never find her
prince?" 12,11 Posted by genelee
When it rains, look for the rainbow. 12,11 Posted by genelee
"You and her that's what you want. You and me that's what I dream." 12,11 Posted
by genelee
"I'll surrender my world to you if that is the only way I could become a part of
yours." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Be true to love, and love will be true to you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you love someone you have to look before you leap." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"We attract love by the emotions we display; we retain love by the emotions we p
ossess." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need
someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Never turn your head from love and later wonder why you have such a stiff neck.
" 12,11 Posted by genelee
a candle may melt and it's fire may die down, but my love 4 u would stay a flame
here in my heart! 12,11 Posted by hayonne_inlove
"Love is hard to find, but once you find it you won't regret it." 12,11 Posted by
"I may not be your first, but to be your last would be perfect!" 12,11 Posted by g
"If I don't know what true love is, how will I ever find it?" 12,11 Posted by gene
"If you're not the one for me, and I still think you're perfect, think of how am
azing it will be to find the one who is." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Don't let false love fool you, but don't let real love pass you by." 12,11 Poste
d by genelee
"Love happens whether you want it to or not. Don't try to control it." 12,11 Post
ed by genelee
"You have no idea what you do to me, and even if you did you'd probably still do
it anyway!!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I should tell you how I really feel, but I'm afraid of what you might say..." 12
,11 Posted by genelee
"You'll never know love untill you surrender to it." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Don't use your eyes to look for love for it's your heart that knows it. Let you
rself make mistakes and do learn from this. It is from this that you will accumu
late your knowledge as to whether the person met is the one or not." 12,11 Posted
by genelee
"Love is just a word until someone you meet gives it a proper meaning." 12,11 Pos
ted by genelee
"How have you be friends with someone when everytime you see them you want them
even more?!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Falling in love is easy, staying in love requires work." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Life and love are like hide and seek. People spend their whole lives looking fo
r love, but when they finally forget to look for it, they find it." 12,11 Posted
by genelee
"I want someone to love me as much as I love them." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidan
t, but never quite somebody's everything." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you want me to fall for you, you have to give me something worth tripping ov
er." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love purely and be happy it came in your way. If it hurts you then be glad beca
use you've been touched by Love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If ever you remember me, I'll be thankful. If ever yours lips meets mine, I'll
be grateful. If ever we fall in love, I'll be happy. If ever we fall apart, I'll
be sorry." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When it comes down to it, there are only 3 questions to ask yourself: when, whe
re and how. The who and why are beyond your control." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I wish for you on a falling star, wondering where you are." 12,11 Posted by genel
"The space between what's wrong and right is where you'll find me hiding, waitin
g for you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I started wishing upon a star then I found you and wished no more." 12,11 Posted
by genelee
"I can only wonder how touching you would make me feel." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but the middle is what r
eally counts!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"The easy part of life is finding someone to love. The hard part is finding some
one to love you back." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When you love someone. You want her to be proud of you. You want her to think t
hat 12,11 Posted by genelee
I alwayas think about you 'Coz I cant live without you. But now the time has com
e, For you and I to say goodbye!! 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
I always think about you 'Coz I cant live without you. But now the time has come
, For you and I to say goodbye!! 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
how do u find it so easy to 4get d pst 2 close each n evry dor w/o so much as a
last glance art thou so 4getful to erase a lyftym of hapines n pain, u wer supos
ed 2 w stand d tst of tym yet wen i needed u d most u let go w drop of a dime. i
'm not angry i jst nid 2 know now can u so powerful n yet o weak now can u bring
our souls 2gdr n den jst leave. dear 4getful love w tears in my eyes i cry out
to u;pls rmbr me 4 i know it's true i oncec 12,11 Posted by hayonne_inlove
i want to know the reason why, Why you have to say goobye.Nothing could be harde
r to me, When you told me you need to be free 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
if d sunrise turn 2 sunset, if ol d people turn to puppet , if u died and lay in
d casket, trina will say SA-KET! 12,11 Posted by hayonne_inlove
if white clouds turn to black, if all d colors fade up, if all d people treats y
ou bad, i'm always here 2 chear u up. 12,11 Posted by hayonne_inlove
Cnt u c d luk in my eyes dt sy I lyk u? cnt u c d smyl on my fce wnevr we tok? C
nt u c im hpy wnevr m wd u? nd y cnt u c dt im fallin in luv wd u?! 12,11 Posted
by ^McGrath^
likes d weather dat always changes, likes our blood flows thru our veins and lik
es me who always stay d same 12,11 Posted by hayonne_inlove
A Friend is one of the nicest thing you can have, and one of the best things you
can be... Friendship isn't a big thing its a MILLION little things. (",) 12,11 P
osted by `honeybaby
I love ones, I love twice, I love thrice, ang GAGO ko talaga I never learned 12,1
1 Posted by sorceress11
Wen my pen fell, u got t 4 me. Wen my buks fell, u helpd me carry dem. Wen my te
ars fell, u wiped dem 4 me, but if I fall 4 u, will u catch me? 12,11 Posted by ^M
se fosse um anjo para te guardar mas so um ser humano para te amar. eu amo_te! 12
,11 Posted by hayonne_inlove
is there anything i can do to make you stay ,Rigth before you go away? I want yo
u to realize, that my love will last!! 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
I wish u wer hir wid me, so u cud see drctly hw mch u min 2 me.. il hold u tyt s
o near, so u cn hear wat im tryn 2 whspr dat.. "ur d only rison y im hre" 12,11 P
osted by ^McGrath^
anjo; eu juro que te amo e por você todos meus planos e venerar a minha cina, anjo
entende meu querer! 12,11 Posted by hayonne_inlove
i kip isip wat nice mensahe i can bgay u, but i cudn't isip ng any. Hope a simpl
e "INGAT LAGI" galing from my puso wud let u ngiti & let u alam dat i alaala u! 1
2,11 Posted by `honeybaby
You aRe ToDaY, WHeRe YouR THouGHTS HaVe BRouGHT You; You WiLL Be ToMMoRoW WHeRe
YouR THouGHTS TaKe You. 12,11 Posted by IsaAkongMongoloid
Our heart is smaller than tha world, but harder to explore. Because it's full of
mysteries and questions to be answered 12,11 Posted by sorceress11
Free will and determinism are like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you i
s determinism. The way you play your hand is free will. 12,11 Posted by IsaAkongMo
all i need is you by my side.Theres no reason to run & hide.Give me a chance to
talk to you, And it makes me realize that i love you 12,11 Posted by lovePie
Someday you will find someone better than me, Someone who will make you feel lov
ed and when that time comes, just don't forget what I gave you is the BEST that
I got and what I was to you is the BEST that I am......... 12,11 Posted by sorcere
If u only know how much i care 4 u, u wont nid any1 else,if u only knw hw much i
mis u,u wnt c any1 else.& if u only knw hw mch i luv u, u wnt ignore me 4 sum1
else.... 12,11 Posted by `honeybaby
Love not out of need, but out of abundance of the Heart. Don't look for someone
who will fill your Heart, but look for a heart that you can fill. (",) 12,11 Post
ed by sorceress11
i called out to the man i once loved, to d man whose kiss i managed to memorize.
to d man w golden touch n piercing eyes, i call out to him 2day in hopes dat he
will come. 4 i've waited patiently 4 him to find his way to me. i call now 4 d
man who wlks in n out of my dreams. the man who is strong but whose touch is as
tender as summer breeze. the man that shows no fear,and dat loves unconditionall
y. so far n yet so near "come to me my luv 12,11 Posted by hayonne_3na
tH3 w0rst tHing a gUy cAn d0 s 2 l3t a gIrl fAll n lUv w3n h3 d03sn't nt3nd3d 2
cAtch h3r fAll. 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
s0m3tHing v3ry mAgIcAl tAk3s plAc3 n our r3lAti0nshIp; oUr h3Arts fi3ll3d wItH t
H3 wArm gl0w 0F 4giv3n3ss And nspir3d by a n3w s3ns3 0f p0w3r 2 r3aliz3 oUr h0p3
s And oUr dr3Ams.. 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
d h3Art kn0ws w3n d s3arch s ov3r.... 12,11 Posted by genelee
f, 0Ut 0f tym, i c0uld pick 1 m0m3nt & k33p it shining, AlwAys n3w, 0f All d dAy
s i hav3 liv3d, i'd pick d m0m3nts i m3t u... 12,11 Posted by genelee
f u've truly found luv, then give 8 a wings 2 fly, & f 8 choses 2 stay, then 8 w
as meant 2 be... 12,11 Posted by genelee
lUv s unexpectable, u don't know wen it will come.... 12,11 Posted by genelee
how can u luv an0th3r f u don't luv urself.... 12,11 Posted by genelee
u can never find luv through the eyes or ears, so u must trust d only thing that
will never fade until u die, ur heart... 12,11 Posted by genelee
luving some1 doesnt mean u have 2 b with that some1, bcz sometimes FATE plays a
fool on us & we r not meant 2 b 2gether. but still there s luv between us... 12,1
1 Posted by genelee
I fear that someday time would keep us apart and you might forget me, but before
it happens, I hope that you have felt...even for a single chance....that i have
cared for you the best way I know........... :( 12,11 Posted by ^SAD_uh^
falling n luv s wen he lays n ur arms and wake up n ur dreams 12,11 Posted by gene
LIFE: 4get yesterday, live 2day, & worry abt 2morrow. then luv will come all on
8's own... 12,11 Posted by genelee
It hurts when we risk our heart and it ends up getting broken. But what hurts ev
en more is when we still hold on when we already know that we're waiting for not
hing.... :( 12,11 Posted by ^SAD_uh^
d smell of a woman should stay with u. d smell of a man should come 2 u as u go
with him & leave u with only a memory & not a headache... 12,11 Posted by genelee
What's the worst question someone could ever ask you? "Akala ko ba kayo?" & then
you'd look down & say ..."akala ko rin eh!" 12,11 Posted by di`ako`papasok
If you must go, go very far, do not stay near enough. Go so far that I shall nev
er hear your voice rig through the silence, day or night. But be sure you want t
o leave before you really go..... 12,11 Posted by ^SAD_uh^
u know 8's luv, wen whoever she s, she's gud enough 12,11 Posted by genelee
peace will come wen d luv of power s the replace with d power of love... 12,11 Po
sted by genelee
saying i luv u sn't hard; saying i luv u & meaning 8 s... 12,11 Posted by genelee
look n2 my eyes 7 hear wat im not saying, 4 my eyes speak louder than my voice e
ver will.... 12,11 Posted by genelee
"In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every word
, every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will
be." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"When you're in love with someone it inspires you and gives you hope. You have f
aith that even if you can't be with them on earth, that if God wills, you will b
e with them one day in heaven." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"It's not just a physical attraction, I love him for every single thing he is. E
very word he says, every step he takes. This is something that will never die. I
have tried to stay reasonable with this, but I just can't anymore. I just can't
." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my ar
ms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that
I love, and I can't let you go." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"No one realizes the beauty of love, until you're caught in it." 12,11 Posted by f
"When you love someone all your saved up wishes start coming true." 12,11 Posted
by for3v3rmor3
"Love is not finding d ryt person, but creating d ryt relationshp. its not how m
uch u luv in d beginning but how much u luv til d end." 12,11 Posted by SeDuceR`
"You know you truly love someone when everyday you meet is like the first time y
ou fall in love." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"You know you're in love when at those times you're apart, you find yourself gaz
ing at the sky in the direction she lives and feeling some peace in knowing that
you live under the same sky." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"I never believed in love at first sight until you!" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"When in love, sometimes it's worse to win a fight than to lose." 12,11 Posted by
"Love is a fire that reigns in the heart." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is like a river, never ending as it flows, but gets greater with time!" 12,
11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by
surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmo
"Love is a journey not a destination." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is a precious gift that you receive, and you need to give it with caution!
" 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"When love comes so strong there is no right or wrong. Your love is your love." 1
2,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is too strong a word to say it too early, but it has too beautiful a meani
ng to say it too late." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly ; What is essential is invis
ible to the naked eye !!! " 12,11 Posted by harazz
"Love is in your heart not to stay, but to be shared." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is like salted water; the more you drink the more your thirst increases." 1
2,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is like the air we breathe. It may not always be seen, but it is always fe
lt, used and needed." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Love is not a feeling it's a sensation." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When you have nothing left but love, then for the first time you become aware t
hat love is enough." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is not love if it is conditional." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is a box waiting to be opened by the right recipient." 12,11 Posted by genel
"Love is when you find yourself spending every wish on him." 12,11 Posted by genel
"Love is not to be purchased and affection has no price." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is my religion!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is like a flower, give it some time, patience and lots of tender loving ca
re; and watch it bloom into something wonderful before your eyes." 12,11 Posted b
y genelee
"Oh, love is real enough; you will find it someday, but it has one archenemy and
that is life." 12,11 Posted by genelee
!!Love is misterious!! 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
"Love is like war: easy to begin, but hard to stop." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is knowing you are the bud from which his happiness blossoms." 12,11 Posted
by genelee
"Love is like the weather, sometimes it forces you to withdraw even when you don
't want to stay inside. While other times it is the best of times and you keep y
ourself inside." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is the passion that we feel inside of our hearts that we can't hide. We pr
etend to hide it, but it burns us more and more until the pain grows and grows a
nd it never ends." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is looking at him and knowing that even if you can't be with him, you feel
happy because he is happy with someone else." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If love is music in its purest form, then you are the notes on the page and the
melody in my heart." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"The first sigh of love is the last of wisdom." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is something silent, but it can be louder than anything when it talks." 12,
11 Posted by genelee
"Love is strong, but once it's broken it can never be fixed." 12,11 Posted by gene
"Love is when the things you detest, you become in love with. And, when your vie
ws are wrong the one who you love will hear you out and understand you." 12,11 Po
sted by genelee
"Love is not sweet talks and flowers, but love is forgiving and compromising." 12
,11 Posted by genelee
"Go ahead and say it: I love you. You can say it a thousand times. But, true lov
e doesn't need to be told." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you once said "I will love you more than anyone until the day I die," and th
at person leaves you; how will you say "I love you more than anyone" again, or s
hould you say that?" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you have to say you love me, it's because I need to know. If you want to say
you love me, it's because you want me to know. But, saying that you love me is
simply because you do. I love you, too!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"A relationship is like a train. If one passes, then the next one will come. I'm
sure and if you get off the train, you'll realize that everything is the same."
12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you had one phone call to make before you died, who would you call, what wou
ld you say, and why are you WAITING?!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If some things are better left unsaid, then maybe they too are better left undo
ne." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Saying I love you is important, but not enough. Remember, love is a verb, an ac
tion word. Sometimes, passive because it happens to us, but also active, because
we choose to do it." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I said that I would be all right, I said I would be fine, but once again I lied
to you, and it's killing me inside." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Don't tell me you love me; show me that you do." 12,11 Posted by for3v3rmor3
"Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know some
one else and expect them to know you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you love someone, make sure you tell them--sometimes you only get one chance
." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is just a four letter word with so many meanings behind it." 12,11 Posted b
y genelee
"Love is true when it comes from the heart, not from the mouth." 12,11 Posted by g
i'm so inlove w u i'll be 4ever blue n dat u give me no reasons y u making me wo
rk so hard. dat u give me no sorrow i here u callin oh baby plz give a little re
spect 2 me...... 12,11 Posted by hayonne_3na
"Sometimes the one thing you are looking for; is the one thing you can't see." 12
,11 Posted by genelee
"Sometimes the heart sees what the eyes can't." 12,11 Posted by genelee
Sa langit wala ang beer... dat's why we drink it here!!! 12,11 Posted by RawRage
"The larger the island of knowledge, the larger the shoreline of wonder." 12,11 P
osted by ^^completely_incomplete^^
the hardest thing about fallin in luv, is when u still feel inside ur heart that
you still luv the person, but u've runout of enoug reasons to fight for what yo
u feel and what you believe in! . 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems
to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were so
mehow absent before the change. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
so often i catch myself tinkin of d special tyms i spent wid u.. mybe im lil lon
ely but bein far from u gives me a beautiful chnce 2 realize how much i mis u! L
ove u baby! =) 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Why do we wait until it is too late? Why do we let someone else have what we we
re too scared to reach out and take?" 12,11 Posted by [[haNNAh]]
"If you like someone, tell him, because you might found out that they like you t
oo." 12,11 Posted by [[haNNAh]]
"I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wi
sh I knew your wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed
the same dreams you do, and together we could make them come true. I wish I kne
w what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in the whole wor
ld. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was som
ewhere in your heart." 12,11 Posted by spiritangel
"One day you'll love me, the way I loved you. One day you'll think of me the way
I thought of you. One day you'll cry for me, the way I cried for you. One day y
ou'll want me, but I won't want you." 12,11 Posted by spiritangel
"You fail to see the one who loves you standing right in front as does she fail
to see you love her in turn. Don't wait to tell her, because it might be to late
then." 12,11 Posted by spiritangel
"Maybe the reason why I haven't found who I've been searching for is because I k
now that I've already found him. It's just up to him to say whether I am who he
has been waiting for.." 12,11 Posted by spiritangel
"If your love does not work with that person, it just means that someone else lo
ves you more." 12,11 Posted by spiritangel
"Somebody out there has the keys to your just haven't found the righ
t set yet." 12,11 Posted by spiritangel
mtgal na kitang mahal alam yan ng iba,ngnit bkt ikw hanggang ngyn hndi pa, nkita
ktang masaya at nakatwa, lalaptan na sna kita kyalng, tang ina! KSMA MO SYA!! 12
,11 Posted by untouchable_anne
"It is better to go for someone who loves you, rather than someone who you love.
" 12,11 Posted by spiritangel
sad ka, joke ako, tawa ka, 2wa ako. my prob ka, joke ako, tawa ka, 2wa ako. naga
lit ka, joke pa rin ako, tawa ka, 2wa ako. sabi ko mahal kita, kala mo joke, 2ma
wa ka, naiyak ako. :( 12,11 Posted by untouchable_anne
"How have you be friends with someone when everytime you see them you want them
even more?!" 12,11 Posted by [[haNNah]]
"I Dont want to say I miss You, thou deep inside I do because im afraid you migh
t see thru and know how much fear I have of losing someone like you." 12,11 Poste
d by [Q]u|T
"Love is here to stay,feeling your warmth always makes a brighter day waited for
so long for that special moment when you'll be with me,you should know I'll car
e for you with this lovving arms to hold you when you touch my hand" 12,11 Posted
by [Q]u|T
"Love has its ways,If you love someone grab it and hold it tight don't let it go
for love that is true is hard to find in a person like you." 12,11 Posted by [Q]u
i ThiNk i'Ve aLrEaDy LoSt YoU i tHiNk uR aLreAdy GoNe i tHiNk i'M fiNaLLy ScArEd
nOw yOu ThiNk i'M wEaK, i ThiNk yOuR wRoNg 12,11 Posted by spiritangel
I cry everynite wishing u were mine, but when i talk to you, you make everything
fine, You broke my heart and thats a true crime, All I wanted was for you to ma
ke time!! 12,11 Posted by [[haNNah]]
Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal -randolph 12,11 Posted by randolph
Holiness is bitter, evil is sweet 12,11 Posted by randolph
I didn't come to play, I came to win 12,11 Posted by rands
Eternal Life is worth dying for 12,11 Posted by rands
0,13Beiley1,8 ìf ù tìnk ìn my mìnd ù dònt hàvè à plàcè, lòk ìn my èyès ànd ùll sèè ùr fàcè.
U0,12 byteboy 12,11 Posted by byteboy
a friend is sum1 hu knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you whe
n you have forgotten the words 12,11 Posted by witch_goddess
if i know what love is because of you! 12,11 Posted by witch_goddess
0,13Beiley1,8can i say i love you today? If not, can i ask you again tomorrow? and
the day after tomorrow? and the day after that? coz i'll be loving you every si
ngle day of my life0,12byteboy 12,11 Posted by byteboy
"I dream of you when I'm asleep, you even appear when I'm awake daydreaming. The
re is no escaping you. I just wish it was true." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Why do I love you? Because you are and always have been my dream." 12,11 Posted
by genelee
"Without love there are no dreams." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"All that I am, all that I see, all that I dream and do are brighter, more beaut
iful and meaningful, because of my feelings for you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I can't escape the thought of you. Even in my dreams you are there. It's not fa
ir how your gone, and how you're moving on so fast, while I am still living in t
he past." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be,
because you only have one life to live and one chance to do all the things you w
ant to do." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every word
, every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will
be." 12,11 Posted by genelee
YOU--->>the reason of my existence<<----byteboy 12,11 Posted by byteboy
"When you're in love with someone it inspires you and gives you hope. You have f
aith that even if you can't be with them on earth, that if God wills, you will b
e with them one day in heaven." 12,11 Posted by genelee
0,12 byteboy,1,8 Fooled around and fell in love... I'm head over heels for you...0,
13Beiley 12,11 Posted by byteboy
"It's not just a physical attraction, I love him for every single thing he is. E
very word he says, every step he takes. This is something that will never die. I
have tried to stay reasonable with this, but I just can't anymore. I just can't
." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my ar
ms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that
I love, and I can't let you go." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"No one realizes the beauty of love, until you're caught in it." 12,11 Posted by g
"When you love someone all your saved up wishes start coming true." 12,11 Posted
by genelee
there s no such thing as STRANGER, only those people we haven't met yet 12,11 Pos
ted by genelee
f luving u was wrong i dont wanna b right, f being right means living w/o u, i j
ust wanna b wrong 4 d rest of my lyf... 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is sad without the person you truly love,find it in your heart learn how w
ill you love that peerson for it is in our heart to love 12,11 Posted by [Q]u|T
"I thought I loved him, but he had to break my heart for me to know what true lo
ve really is." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Death can not stop true love, it can only delay it for a little while." 12,11 Po
sted by genelee
"You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities
you possess." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love can make you do things that you never thought possible!" 12,11 Posted by gen
"The best thing about loving and being hurt is that you get to know what true lo
ve really is. For as gold is tested in fire, and so will love be perfected in pa
in." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love, an emotion so strong that you would give up everything. To just feel it o
nce, to know that you are part of something special. To know that you can feel w
hat love really is; to know, to feel, to love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"LOve is not hard to find ,it is not the end,try to search your heart for the on
e that will love you,try to find the one that will love you and cherish you for
eternity 12,11 Posted by [Q]u|T
if i cud pick one moment out of tym and kip it always shining new, of all the da
ys dat i have lived, id pick d moment i have known you. 12,11 Posted by cathy0824
"its hard to love someone who loves someone else, you have to ignore the pain an
d swallow your pride just to be a fool but its all worth it, coz sumotimes frien
dship last longer than friends 12,11 Posted by cathy0824
"i nvr rily thot of lykng u.. but as tym pasd by, i start longing 4 u.. 4 sumtym
s or so i bgan 2 mis u.. l8r on, i realized im strting 2 fall 4 u" 12,11 Posted b
y cathy0824
0,13Being in love is a wonderful feeling, but being loved and appreciated in retu
rn can be the most wonderful experience that can happen in our life . . .0,12 byt
eboy 12,11 Posted by byteboy
i hate the wya you think of me,i hate the way miss you,i hate the way i like you
.But most of all i hate the way i love you,knowing you never love me the way i d
o. 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
1,8 f, 0Ut 0f tym, i c0uld pick 1 m0m3nt & k33p it shining, AlwAys n3w, 0f All d
dAys i hav3 liv3d, i'd pick d m0m3nts i m3t u... 12,11 Posted by byteboy
0,13 "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart."(Beiley)1,8IluvYO
U0,12byteboy 12,11 Posted by byteboy
1,8"All thoughts, all passions, all delights Whatever stirs this mortal frame All
are but ministers of Love And feed his sacred flame."0,13Beiley(luvYOU)0,12bytebo
y 12,11 Posted by byteboy
When i say I love you,I mean i love you as you are..I have no expectation,no sel
fish motives, and no desires other than to let you know I Love you.. 12,11 Posted
by Love17Pie
12,8A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. 12,11 Posted by byt
this day is the last day ill be wishing for you... the last time i shall cry and
the last moment i shall hurt myself... tommorow if i ever see you, ill just whi
sper..., "Tama Na, Masyado Na Kitang Minahal" 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
i dont know why i keep on loving you when its clear that you dont feel the same
way for me. the problem with me is that as much as i cant force you to love me,
i cant force myself to stop loving you.... 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
bakit ang manhid manhid mo d mo b alam n mahal kita mahal n kita.... bat ka paka
tanga s kanya and2 naman ko d mo b nakikita mahal kita :( 12,11 Posted by |silly_m
He who loves discipline loves knowledge but he who hates correction is stupid! P
roeverbs 12:1 12,11 Posted by untouchable_anne
its hard 2 kip ur feelings 2 d 1 u love lalo na kung friend mo sya but it hurts
more if ur friend Loves u 2, bt juz cnt xpres it kc kala nya "friends lang kayo.
.." 12,11 Posted by aMMaiNe20
nagmahal knb pero inakala mong mali kaya itinago mo na lang..nasaktan knb dahil
alam mong mahal mo siya pero d mo maipakita..nasubukan m na bang magSISI dahil d
apat SAYO sya kung ipinakita mo lang sana..:() 12,11 Posted by [[haNNah]]
The scariest thing about falling in love is getting hurt,the scariest thing abou
t getting hurt is not being able to love agin,the scariest thing about not lovin
g again is being alone forever 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
u might think dat i'm insane, n u might think it's just a game, but how come you
never thought that i'm in pain? lovin u is like chewing a grain, cause d love i
deserve fr u i had never gain... yet my love 4 u wud naver change:)***mwah***I
LOVE YOU MORE! 12,11 Posted by ashinah^_^3nx
a feather fell on my feet, i kept it, dat day i was thinkin of my angel, my ange
l hum i love, do u know hu she is? well, luk at ur wings, maybe its not complete
... 12,11 Posted by Kristine_17
love is always patient and is never jealous. it does not is
never rude or does not take offense.... 12,11 Posted by untouchabl
love is like the cant see it but you can feel it..... 12,11 Posted by u
everything we do in life echoes in eternity 12,11 Posted by untouchable_anne
There is within each and everyone of us the ability to love somebody with all of
our heart. And although our hearts may get broken, It is only through heartache
and pain that we learn how much love we really can possess. 12,11 Posted by Krist
luv has its own tym, season nd its own reason.. u can't ask it to stay... u can
only embrace it as it comes nd b glad 4 a moment in ur lyfe it was urs.. 12,11 Po
sted by ^kWiNi^
Frndshp s nt hw lng uve been 2gether.. it isnt how much uve given/recived... nor
how may times uve helped each other.. but how may much u value 1 another 12,11 P
osted by ^kWiNi^
If your heart gets broken by the one you truly love, don't let go of the love in
your heart but let go of the person. You'll never know, someone might be worthy
of that love... 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
There's always a reason why we have to move on when we wanted to say goodbye to
the feelings we wanted to stay forever, for love would have to set its wings and
find the place where it belongs... [Saiz^] 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
If only i cld hold u now & let u know how hapi i am 2 have u in my life, expect
me not 2 let go.. id rather lose u in the end than live a thousand life w/o u!! 1
2,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Hav u had the audacity to doubt my veracity and insinuate that i prevaricate.Som
ething 2 think of if you love someone!!!Keep smiling! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
sabi ko suko na ko d na kita mahal.... sb ko mali2mutn din
i ko dn kta kailngan. ko msy n ko d ko kya e mhal tl
g kta.... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
If u've beeb hurt by d' person u love, dnt hurt him 2, prove 2 him he's wrong 2
let u go.Eventually, he'll b hurt realizing what a fool he's 2 let 12,11 Posted b
y cooLguy_21
Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight, till tommorrow, and for all of my life! And t
here's nowhere in the world I'd rather be, than here in my room dreaming about y
ou and me! 12,11 Posted by genelee
Someday, i wish 2 b rmembered as ur BESTFRIEND, but i rather choose 2 b rmembere
d as ur TRUE FRIEND,coz not all best are true, but all true are better than best
.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
stupid i know i am,its true,stupid to fall for some1 who doesnt love me
upid i am,dont know wat to do...stupi.stupid.stupid..thats wat iam to few but it
s sad to know i'm stupid coz of you!!! 12,11 Posted by [hanna_banana]
HaV u eVer l0veD oNlY 2 lEt g0? hAv U eVeR hAteD s0m1 n yEt u l0vEd hiM s0? haV
u miSSed s0m1 So baD iT MadE u cRy? HAv U evEr beeN LeFt aLL al0nE wIth0uT kNowI
ng y? 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
If you ask me how much i care 4 u, i wont say anything, il juztake your hand and
fil the gaps betwin ur finger and hold until all ur douts are gone. 12,11 Posted
by ^drew19^
if i get takot wud u hawak me??if i gawa something mali wud u make it right?if i
build an apoy wud u bantay the flame?if i sabe i"i miss u" wud u ramdam d same?
?? 12,11 Posted by [hanna_banana]
der R days wEn u mYt fiL dat i dNt rEmMbr u.i dNt coL,nt eVn txt u.wAt u dNt kNw
s myBe oL dAt tym iV biN wnting 2 kip n toUch....yoKo lng phLaTa dAt i riLy mis
yOu!:) 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
I WiShEd a WiSh IwIsHeD 4 U, u CaMe In2 mY LiFe sO mY wIsH cAmE tRUe. i MeEt U a
S a StRaNgEr ThEn ToOk u As A fRiEnD...... uNtIlL wE gO 2 heAveN oUr LoVe WiLl N
eVeR eNd. *MwAh* 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
der wil cum a tym dat ud giv up on me,wen dat tym cums along,i'l b hurt bt i'l a
cept 8 fulheartdly den say...8'S OK...ATLEAST U HAD LOVE ME... 12,11 Posted by coo
I gave you a hug...u hugged me back. I gave u a kiss...u kissed me back. I gave
u my heart...but u gave it back. Now, if i tell you i love you will you love me
back? 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
sabe nila mahirap k raw abutin,paki ko mahal kita...sabe nila wag n daw kitang p
ansinin,paki ko mahal kita....mahal n mahal kita,alam mo b un!!!PAKIALAM MO E MA
Y MAHAL K NMANG IBA...OUCH 12,11 Posted by [hanna_banana]
Maybe you'll soon forget me but its okey coz i may not be your ideal person but
at least you'll remember me as someone who tried to be perfect for you! 12,11 Pos
ted by cooLguy_21
d day i met u, i lykd u. d tym we prted, i misd u. d mmnt we wer aprt, i nided.
so nw m sure, I LUV U... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
A prayer for d romantically disfranchized dillusional or merely hopeful:if he's
the one lord pls let everthing fall into place...but if he isnt the one,pwede bn
g sha n lng!!! 12,11 Posted by [hanna_banana]
sad but tru: why r words "i love you" so easily pronouncd yet so hard 2 say? it'
s becoz it's hard 2 admit 2 urself dat d person u luv myt not feel d same way as
u do........ 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
True hapiness does not come from getting 4 ourselves butrather in giving ourselv
es 2 other. 12,11 Posted by ^drew19^
You long to give yourself to someone and be loved soul deep. But someday, someho
w, you'll experience the most thrilling reel beyond your imagination. Just wait
but never expect. Love will find you in the most magical way. 12,11 Posted by cooL
if i ask u to love me back dat wont be rite,if i ask u to luv me now dat wont be
fair,if i ask u to stay dats to i'll jaz ask u to belive when i say i
luv u!!! 12,11 Posted by [hanna_banana]
"When we started baby we were friends, but that's not how this fairy tale is gon
na end, see I was thinking and it clicked one day, that no one else has ever mad
e me feel this way." 12,11 Posted by genelee
LOve is stupid, if someone you lOvE stupid you.. Anak ng Teteng na Inlove pa ako
..Stupid nga talaga.. Miss na kita!!!! Kailan babalik feelings mo.. Pag wala na
siya.. (") 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Masakit maging kaibigan ng taong mahal mo... hindi mo alam kung saan ka lulugar.
.. di ka dapat umasa o d kaya mainis sa kanya... bkt??? anong karapatan mo...? K
AIBIGAN ka lang di ba... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you." 12,11 Po
sted by genelee
if i die tonight and the reason remains unknown... tell d whole world that i die
of a broken heart... not because you loved me a little but because i loved you
too much!!!:( 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"I do not know how much I love you, but I do know how much more I wish to." 12,11
Posted by genelee
"Each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So, if you looked up at t
he sky and found it dark with no stars, it is all your fault. You made me miss y
ou too much!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I should tell you how I really feel, but I'm afraid of what you might say..." 12
,11 Posted by genelee
"if ever the day comes that we can be together... I'll just smile and say things
have turn out right coz in the end ur love remain." 12,11 Posted by ^drew19^
"I lyk U.. I mis U.. I think of U..and I love U!! I've done every possible way 4
U 2 know.I know U feel the same way as I do..d only difference is dat... U neve
r had shown me.." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Wag kang mangako. Huwag mo akong pangakuan ng kahit ano. Hihintayin ku
ng di ka na makakabalik dahil di na siya aalis...Lagi mo lang tatandaan na mahal
kita...mahal na mahal. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"thank you.....tanong mo bakit? d dahil tinanggap mo ako, o pnakita mo sa aking
importante ako, salamat kasi, hinayaan mo akong... makilala ka!! un lang napasay
a mo na kao ng sobra..." 12,11 Posted by ylang_maganda
i never tot of knowing u but i happened.never tot of liking u but i did rili do.
never tot of missing u but i always do.never tot of loving u but i did!!! 12,11 P
osted by enchanting-witch
Y does it olweys hav 2b me d 1 hus luving & hurting? Y does it olweys hav 2b me
d 1 hus left bhind crying? Y does it olweys hav 2b u & her 2geder? Y cant it be
u & me forever? 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Inisip ko andaya mo, kasi nangako ka di mo ako iiwan, pero minsan iniisip ko kun
g ano mas madaya Yung iwan mo ako? O yung pinilit kitang managako? 12,11 Posted by
ders alot of pipol askin me,bket k b sobrang imporante saken???i juz smiled..u k
now y!wel y wud i tel dem..bka agawin k nila saken..ayoko nga,selfish n kung sel
fish!!! 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
Nagmahal ako sabi nila tama na! Naghanap ako ng iba sabi nila parehas lang sila!
Tinuring kitang espesyal sabi nila tigas daw ng ulo ko! Sabi ko di bale MAHAL K
ITA! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
i was willing to give u evrythng i had, i was willing 2 luv u completely, i was
willing to fight 4 u. but still i had to let you go... coz eventho i was willing
to do evrythng 4 u, YOU WERENT!!! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
2day er is sumthing i wish i cud do i wish i could tell u how i feel about u but
words are so little+wud never quite start 2show d affection i hav 4 u in my hea
rt 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee,
the more I have for both are infinite." 12,11 Posted by genelee
dis s d last day il b wishin 4u.. d last tym i shal cry & d last moment i shal h
urt myself.. tomorrrow if i c u, il jz wispr.. "tama na, masyado na kitang minah
al.." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"I can forgive you for everything, except for not understanding that I was in lo
ve with you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
minsan n ko nagmhal, mnsan n din nasaktan, mnsan nang naging tanga, dhil mnsan m
nhal kita.. ppygan ko p b maulit? bkt hindi? e minsan lang ako nging msaya, nang
mhalin ka.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"If I had the whole world to write on to express how much I love you, it wouldn'
t all fit." 12,11 Posted by genelee
one night i saw a star dat cud grant watever i wud wish for...i asked heartfully
if i can have u...but it told me i can't,coz some1 had already widhes for u!!!a
ng saklap... 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
nsktan k b nung mlaman mong may mhal syang iba? sna nga andun ako. nabulong ko s
na. "yan din un naramdaman ko.. nung sinabi mo na kau n pla.." 12,11 Posted by coo
"It's not being in love that makes me happy. It's being in love with you that ma
kes me happy." 12,11 Posted by genelee
Love is painful risk to take, but the risk must be taken no matter how scary and
painful it is, for only then will you experience the fullness of humanity and t
hat is love! 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
"Love is not 50/50, it is not give and take. In love each partner gives 100% and
takes nothing in return." 12,11 Posted by genelee
i wsh u wer hir wid me,sO u cud see drctly hw much u min 2 me..iL hold u tyt n h
ug u near, sO u cn hear wat im tryn 2 whspr dat..'ur d only rison y im hir'.. iL
ove u baby! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"I thought I loved him, but he had to break my heart for me to know what true lo
ve really is." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is when you don't have to be with another person to touch their heart!" 12,
11 Posted by genelee
how can i hold on to something dat is beyond my reach?its like chasing the wind
& holding the water in the palm of kmy hands...& yet this seems more possible th
an holding u in my arms!!! 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
"Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them." 12,11 Posted by genelee
I was der 4 u bcoz i luv u. I leave u coz i luv u, I leave u 2 set u free 4 I kn
w u wer not hapy wid my company 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities
you possess." 12,11 Posted by genelee
is it gonna be like this wanting u & u wanting her.How unfair life
is...i'll jaz cry my tears though no one will dry it but still i'll luv u...and
still u wont notice... 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
"To the world you may only be one person, but to one person you may be the world
." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love can make you do things that you never thought possible!" 12,11 Posted by gen
"The best thing about loving and being hurt is that you get to know what true lo
ve really is. For as gold is tested in fire, and so will love be perfected in pa
in." 12,11 Posted by genelee
kunwari masaya ako..kunwari okei ako...kunwari wala akong problema...kunwari nas
a langit ako..okei lng ba kung isipin kong kunwari mahal mo ako???KUNWARI LANG N
MAN E... 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
"Love, an emotion so strong that you would give up everything. To just feel it o
nce, to know that you are part of something special. To know that you can feel w
hat love really is; to know, to feel, to love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"No matter how ugly you think you are, that special someone that loves you belie
ves you are the most beautiful and irresistable thing on earth and nothing can e
ver change that." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love and electricity are one in the same, my dear. If you do not feel the jolt
in your soul every time a kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, a touch is felt,
then your not really in love at all." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"To love someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with y
our heart and to trust one another. One important thing is to let each other go
if you can't do this." 12,11 Posted by genelee
minsan naitanong ko sa sarili ko..."iniisip mo kaya ako? aba!ewan ko..wala akong
idea..pero okei lng un...sanay nman akong lageng binabalewala... 12,11 Posted by
"If you have the courage to love, you have the courage to suffer." 12,11 Posted b
y genelee
"True love is just like rain; it touches us all." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"This kind of certainty comes, but once in a lifetime." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it is cooled off. It takes you by
suprise at first, but it keeps you warm for a long time." 12,11 Posted by genelee
life is like a gamble,sometimes u win,sometimes u lose..but no matter wat ur car
ds in lifew whether clubs,spades or diamond,always never play wit
hout a heart.... 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
"True love is a wonder that has no end or beginning." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one eq
uals nothing." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Dans l'amour vrai c'est l'ame qui embrasse le corps." Translation: In true love
it is the soul that embraces the body. 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If I don't know what true love is, how will I ever find it?" 12,11 Posted by gene
"I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you! 12,11
Posted by genelee
when i was a kid, i cudn't wait to grow old ang fall inlove...and now that i hav
e, i realized dat wounded knee are easier to heal than broken heart!!! 12,11 Post
ed by enchanting-witch
wen u decide to love allow it 2 grow, wen u promise 2 love refuse 2 let it die..
. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
when i need a frend,anjan ka! wen im lonely,anjan ka! wen im afraid,anjan ka! wh
en i need help,anjan ka! ABA! kelan ka ba pupunta d2,lagi ka n lang anjan!!! 12,1
1 Posted by enchanting-witch
lst tym my hart was broken i swor id never luv agn. i tot it was tru bt dn u wok
d n2 my lyf.. ur eyes met myn.. i knew u wer worth lovn.. so i sed.. "k fyn.. 1
last tym.." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
d word "bcoz" isnt d ryt word dt shud cm after "I LUV U"..instdsay "i luv u INSP
TE F"..coz luv s nt ol bout CMPTBLTY..its bout accptng 1s dfrnce yt luvn her mor
.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
u just mke my hart skip a bit evrtym i cud fil ur wrm touch,u hld me as f u dnt
1n let go f me,i fil ur luv i jst dnt 1n end d tym m spending wd u! bsta ILOVEYO
U!!! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
love is an invitation for pain...:c 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Its better to lose ur pride to someone you love rather than lose ur love with u
r useless pride" 12,11 Posted by ylang_ganda
U hurted me once, uhurted me twice but all i did was 2 shutmy eyes from the real
ity whicheveryone can see that I love u,more thab u love me 12,11 Posted by cooLgu
People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes i
t's important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that so
meone really is!" 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
in a relationship, d 2 of u r involvd. its not dat 1 prson wud alwys xpriens pai
n or wud scrifice ol d tym bt it must b d 2 of u hu wud face it wid courage n lo
ve. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
ilang beses ko bang ssabhin kahit anung gawin mo, d ka mamahalin yan..d
ahil meron siyang mahal na iba..iiyakan mo lang siya at masasaktan ka lang..bat
ko alam? siyempre...minahal kita e 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
They say when love knocks at your door, open it. But do u know that sometimes lo
ve enters thru the back door and before you begin to notice it, it's on its way
out... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
No one can ever promise you they will never hurt you, because at one time or ano
ther it will happen. The real promise is if the time you spent together will be
worth the pain in the end. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
LOVE is a risk. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Whether it's right or
wrong, misery or joy, love don't have any space for mistakes--only lessons. 12,1
1 Posted by cooLguy_21
*** mich_bubles has quit IRC (Quit: care is the main ingredient that keeps true
relationships alive despite separation,distance and sustains love s
ince i cant see u,let my care be with u!! I LOVE U SO MUCH baby!!) 12,11 Posted b
y enchanting-witch
The sweetest thing is falling in love, the best part is finding your ideal 1, th
e happiest moment is being loved back. The most heartbreaking thing is when you
realized you're only loves as a friend. 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
I hope I haven't known you, then I won't have fallen for you & don't have to str
uggle w/ my feelings coz I know its impossible. Please tell me what to do, shoul
d I just keep my distance and try to forget you? 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
You were there, but not really, you where mine, but not really, I never really h
ad you so I never really lost you, I suppose I'll forever be some 1 wishfully th
inking.. I had you, but not really.. 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
A day of not viewing you Is loneliness for me... A week of not seeing you Makes
me feel empty... A month of not talking to you Is a period od extintion for me. 1
2,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
some ppl love not really wishing to end up together..some ppl leave bot really w
illingto go .. i love not expecting to be loved back, i leave not coz i know i'l
l be folloed.. i love coz i love.. i leave coz i let go.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_
You were there, but not really, you where mine, but not really, I never really h
ad you so I never really lost you, I suppose I'll forever be some 1 wishfully th
inking.. I had you, but not really.. 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
"everyone says you only fall in love once, but they are wrong everytime i see yo
ur smile i fall in love all over again." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
It feels sad when we want to express our feelings to the person we love but hold
back coz they have chosen another.. then when they get hurt.. We can only whisp
er.. "tang ina ka kasi hindi pa ako ang minahal mo." 12,11 Posted by enchanting-wi
sayn "ilyku"dsnt mean sayn "ilovu"it only means aprciatn.sayn "ilovu"dsnt mean "
ujstlyk" means im wiling 2sucrifis iknw 1menin dat evry1 knws."i
care4u" 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Have you ever tried closing your heart because your afraid of falling in love ag
ain and get hurt? But you realized your life is empty and so you decided to open
it.. when you finally did.. ouch again. 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
Sa buhay di mahalaga kng mahal ka ng mahal mo...bsta im4tante mahal mo sya at ma
saya ka kapag nakikita mo sya..!kahit na may kasama sya na di ikaw kundi IBA! 12,
11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Lucky are the stars, they twinkle at night.. so is the sun, it shines so bright.
Lucky are the angels, they fly so high. But I'm the luckiest of all coz you're
in my life - the star, the sun, and the angel of my life.. 12,11 Posted by enchant
if u r afraid 2 luv a person bcoz of frnshp, u hav 2 choices, either say wat u f
eel n let d luv tke place, or 4ever hav d luv under a frnshp ful f pretendngs.. 1
2,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
OU!!! TAKE CARE... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
i wil 4get d tymz u walked by 4get d tymz u made me cry. iL 4get d tymz u sed my
name n rmembr now im nt d same iL 4get d tymz u held my hand 4get d sweet thing
z if i can. iL 4get d tymz n not pretend n rmembr now im juz ur frnd 12,11 Posted
by cooLguy_21
m convincin myself iL find sum1 new i wont b alone & i wont b wit u ur w8n 4 me
2 crawl back 2 ur syd bt no, bt dz tym, m keepin my pride so gudbye 4eva, iL b o
n my way it may tke a wyl bt iL b ok... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
when you said goodbye, u told me its bcoz u dont want 2 hurt me sumday but how i
wish dat b4 u did, u thought dat maybe, just maybe, i would hav preferd 2 b hur
t than 2 lose you... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
If loving you is a stupid thing then i rather be stupid forever just to be with
you till the end. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Time is too slow for those who wait, 12,11 Posted by myasshurtswhenichat
Its hard to live alone. Its hard to choose some 1 you could love, but the hardes
t part of living is to admit that you have fallen in love w/ some 1 you didn't m
ean to love from the start.. 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
Was it the words you said that made me feel this way? Maybe it was the touch of
you're hand & the smile on you're face.. is this love that I'm feeling inside? &
keeping me up at night? I think I love you 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
When you feel that nobody loves you.. that nobody cares.. when all you can do is
cry and walk away because everyone is against you..... Then you are the WEAKEST
LINK! GOODBYE! 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
DON'T B AFRAID 2 FALL IN LUV AGAIN... co'z in d end, u will suddenly realyzd....
CARE ALWAYS!!! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Why do we close our eyes when we dream? When we cry? When we imagine? When we ki
ss? Thats because the most wonderful things in life are unseen.. but felt by the
heart. 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
don't be surprised if one day i'll avoid u nd be gone. it's nt because uve dne s
mthing wrong nd i h8 u. bt becauseim afraid 2 luv nd be hurt agen by sumbody hu
cnt luv me..... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Sometimes we picture ourselves as tiny insignificant stars chasing a beautiful m
oon, but little do we know that we are being followed.. and love.. by a patient
cloud. 12,11 Posted by enchanting-witch
Never take for granted the person who truly cares about you. Remember feelings,
just like people, grows tired too when it's neither appreciated nor returned no
matter how you thought the love is! 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
¢ Forgive my mind for it can't forget how life began the day we met. Forgive my so
ul for it sees that we're really meant to be. Forgive this emotions I have. Forg
ive my heart, it loves you still. SORRY!!! 12,11 Posted by r6^
Forgive my mind for it can't forget how life began the day we met. Forgive my so
ul for it sees that we're really meant to be. Forgive this emotions I have. Forg
ive my heart, it loves you still. SORRY!!! 12,11 Posted by r6^
Let go of the one who makes you cry, let go of the one breaks your heart, let go
of the one who causes you much pain, but never let go of the one makes you feel
special and happy 12,11 Posted by r6^
It hurts when we risk our hearts and it ends up getting broken. However, what hu
rts more is when still hold on when we already know that we're waiting for nothi
ng 12,11 Posted by r6^
¢ Love didn't promise forever. It's better to love one day at a time and strong th
ose days together. Love is not wondering how long it will last, but how beautifu
l you can make it grow 12,11 Posted by r6^
Don't look at me and say goodbye, don't whisper words to make me cry, just walk
away if you have to go! You will break my heart, but I promise I won't even let
you know. 12,11 Posted by r6^
Sometimes you don't realize how much you care for someone until he stops caring
for you. Value everyone close to you, because someday it's going to be too late.
[wuo] 12,11 Posted by r6^
QT: I told you, "I care for you," you smile and said, "I don't." I told you, "I
like you," you smiled and said, "I don't." I told you, "I love you," you smiled
and said, "and I don't." I told you I wasn't kidding; you smiled and said, "I wa
s!" [wuo ] 12,11 Posted by r6^
wen wil i find d ril luv iv waited 4 wen wil i ever fall inluv agen wen wil ever
end up cryng??? god let me knw... hope soon 12,11 Posted by |silly_me|
love is bulag 12,11 Posted by untouchable_anne
On the course of love, people must teach each other to be brave - brave enough t
o hold on when things go wrong and brave enough to let go when they realize that
things are not meant to be after all. 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
Sometimes, I get hurt so much that I want to run away... run away as far I could
... but you know what scares me? It's when I look back and see that you are not
there for me anymore... 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." 12,11 Posted by Cerea
"A mighty pain to love it is, and 'tis a pain that pain to miss; but of all the
pains, the greatest pain is to love, but love in vain." 12,11 Posted by Cereal|Kil
"dey hv asked me y i stil LOVE U & ive answered w/ a smile, not bcoz i don't hv
an answer but bcoz dey wud never understand me! 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"mdlas kong icpin san ko b ilulugar srili ko syo? o kung may lugar p b ko? kpg b
btaw n ako, dumarating k ans pnprmdm n mron png pgasas,ngaun....drting k p b? kc
bbtaw n ko.." 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"mdlas kong icpin san ko b ilulugar srili ko syo? o kung may lugar p b ko? kpg b
btaw n ako, dumarating k ans pnprmdm n mron png pgasas,ngaun....drting k p b? kc
bbtaw n ko.." 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
I may not be innocent to know what lone is, I may not show it to you but I felt
that you knew. I may not love you the way it should be, but I'm always willing t
o love you the way I understand it. 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
I may not be innocent to know what love is, I may not show it to you but I felt
that you knew. I may not love you the way it should be, but I'm always willing t
o love you the way I understand it. 12,11 Posted by Saiz^
"i dont care how many lips uve kissed, how many shoulders uve embraced, how many
tyms uve sed I LOVE U, & i don't care if im not ur 1st but i want 2 b ur LAST L
OVE!!!" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
sum1 asked me if i really love u, i just keep quite, closed my eyes,i sniled, op
ened my eyes & simply walked away & den i whispered "MAHAL N MAHAL".... 12,11 Pos
ted by sexyaie^^^
i duno y i kip on loving you despyt d fact dat i know il get hurt agen juz lyk b
4... i never learn... coz i dont want 2... not now... not wyl m stil strong enuf
2 fall 4 u over and over agen. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
"When two people love each other,but they just can't seem to get things right, h
ow do you know when enough is enough?" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When you re soaring through the air, I ll be your solid ground. Take every chance y
ou dare, I ll still be there when you come back down." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"There is one pain I often feel, which you will never know. It's caused by the a
bsence of you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Remember that the truest love, is one where your love for each other is greater
than your need for each other." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I lo
ve you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars." 12,11 Posted by genelee
No matter how hard things seem, true love will aide you through it. 12,11 Posted
by genelee
Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly 12,11 Posted by ValkyriePilo
"When during sad times an angel should come to you, open your eyes and see who t
hat angel is, for that is your one true love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Never underestimate the power because love can do miracles which you never thou
ght possible." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love comes to those who wait for it, trust it and don't question it when it doe
s finally come." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Baby, I know we are miles and miles away from one another, but I always believe
d that as long as our souls are connected to each other, the flame of our love w
ill burn forever. Only souls can resist death, our physical connection is meanin
gless." (i luv u forever) 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with
a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." -Albe
rt Einstein 12,11 Posted by ValkyriePilot001
"If you are willing to trust in a person when all others tell you to go against
it, if you are willing to risk getting your heart broken because you believe in
that other person, Then that is true love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Time has no meaning when your in love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your ho
use, you can never tell. 12,11 Posted by ValkyriePilot001
Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continuall
y 12,11 Posted by ValkyriePilot001
"You have found true love the day you realize that you want to wake up beside yo
ur boyfriend/girlfriend, every morning, even though you have your differences." 1
2,11 Posted by genelee
"True love knows no boundaries. It is the people involved who create them." 12,11
Posted by genelee
"One in love fears no storm he fears only the death of love." 12,11 Posted by gene
mahal pa rin kita pero iba na ang mahal mo... hinintay kita pero iniwan mo ako..
. sabi mo mahal na mahal mo ako, pero bakit di mo siya maiwanan? "tama bang sabi
hin sa akin na kung tayo, tayo talaga...." " Its not your fate that controls you
r life, its your decisions" 12,11 Posted by spythere
I never thought love could be so magnificent until I saw the sincere look in you
r eyes, telling me that this time...I would never shed another tear." 12,11 Poste
d by genelee
"To truely love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it surviv
es, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and fo
rever we will love if we survive." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"True love is what I feel for you, for you have my soul, heart and passion, thos
e can only be felt again when I desire you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"As food is needed for the body, them same way love is needed for the soul. Food
strengthens the body while love strengths the soul. A person is incomplete with
out love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Don't just love him, but show him." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When you wake up in the morning, kiss your loved one on the forehead and wish t
hem a good day." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"What's meant to be will always find a way." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Dedicate your life to God, though choose carefully who you dedicate your love t
o." 12,11 Posted by genelee
When U love some1 U let them go, thinking that if they love U they'll come back.
What U fail 2 C is that they may never come back 4 d very rizn that U let them
go... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"People need love the most when they deserve it the least." 12,11 Posted by genele
"Some say love is life, but love without hope and faith is an agonizing death." 1
2,11 Posted by genelee
"Know that what you fear is what you find. And, what I feared the most is what I
found yesterday (the day we broke up)." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"To live is like to love, all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for
it." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When you love, there's no such thing as loving a little, but loving all the way
. Love may not ask you to give up your life, but it will require lots of sacrifi
ces." 12,11 Posted by genelee
wen u leav,rmmbr d plce wer u left me cz i wl stil b der w8n f u go bak &
m not der,it doesnt min dat i dnt luv u anymre..i jz luv u dt mch so i lft 2 se
rch 4u.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
do u stl rmmbr my 1st iluvu?rmmbr hw it felt?dd it mke u hapi?bt d mor iluvu i s
ay,it gets boring til it doesnt mater wat if i say ds is my last iluvu? 12,
11 Posted by cooLguy_21
i saw & met d prfct grl,she was knd,smrt,qt & bst of ol,she lavs me 2 bt i ddnt
tel her i lav her coz d only rison y i lav her is bcOz she rminded mi of U... 12,
11 Posted by cooLguy_21
bkt gnOn?non sbi mO mghntAy akO kC merOn png 'kyO'...aku nmn nghnty nga..nung wl
a na kau ngumti ka at akLa k mrOn ng 'tayO',un pla my iba at bgOng 'kyO' na... :
c 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
I may never say your mine right now but in my dreams you are , you held me close
in your arms, kiss me as i lie awake in my bed and say "forever you're mine". 12
,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut deep as you allow them to go.The ch
allenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them 12,11 Posted by c
sometimes words are hard to find looking 4 dat perfect line to let you know ur a
lways on my mind, this is luv and ive learned enough to know, i will never let g
o, i will always love you.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"All the world's riches would never be enough to trade my love for him, because
he is and always will be priceless." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"A day in the heaven is a year on earth. A second of waiting for my love to retu
rn is a lifetime of torture." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I never knew what love was until I met you, then when distance pulled us apart,
I found out what true love is." 12,11 Posted by genelee
I told you your special, I told you I care, I told you I love you, you told me,
"I'll always be there." I asked why, you said, "kasi I love you." I asked if it'
s true, you said, "of course! Diba friend kita?" 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about but few have seen." 12,11 P
osted by genelee
Everytime you cry for d person uluv i often tel u "mahal mo nga sya tlga" not kn
owing dat wyl ur cryin i also cry secretly sayin " d ba pwedeng ako nlng mahalin
mo" 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"True love only comes once in a lifetime, so take it as it goes and enjoy every
bit of it." 12,11 Posted by genelee
SOMETYMS I ASK MYSELF, WHY IM STILL LUV U ??? despite d fact dat u hav SOMEONE..
. maybe becoz, "YOU'RE MY LIFE"... no matter wat.... IM STILL HERE, LOVING YOU..
MISS YOU SO MUCH !!! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
I could fill a thousand pages telling you how I felt and you still would not und
erstand, so now I leave without a sound, except of my heart shattering as it hit
s the ground. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"True love is worth waiting for even if it takes a lifetime. Then in return a li
fetime of love will be waiting for you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care...I'm not supposed to liv
e my life wishing you were there...I'm not supposed to wonder where you are and
what u do I'm sorry, I just cant help it,i love you still" 12,11 Posted by cooLguy
4 all my Heartache and sacrifice i do 4 u, why u cant luv me back? i need u:< 12,
11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"It is a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart." 12,11 Post
ed by genelee
they belived that if u lov some1 show it, but do u think some1 like u deserve 4
showing my luv??? coz when i say i luv u i MEAN it..... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
we only have one heart but there are many places in it where in we can kep every
person we meet, somebody who we can never have but will never be forgotten. 12,1
1 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Love starts from the heart, not the eye." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"There may be many flowers in a man's life, but there is only one rose." 12,11 Po
sted by genelee
"Death cannot stop true love, all it can do is delay it for a while." 12,11 Poste
d by genelee
U walked in2 my life thru an open door... then u left, closing dat door and open
ing another. Now im wondring how many more doors i need to go through till i ope
n the one that leads me back to u? 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"The higher you climb on love's ladder; the harder you fall." 12,11 Posted by gene
"Love for a loss can make you die, but love for a life will grant you immortalit
y." 12,11 Posted by genelee
i hav come 2 realize dat destiny can hurt a person as much as it can bless him n
i find myself wondring y out of all the people i could hav lved, i had to fall
4 sumone destined 2b taken away from me? 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
u r d reason y even at d sadest part of my life,I SMILE, y even at my confusion,
I UNDERSTAND, y even in betrayal, I TRUST, y even in fear of pain, I LOVE. 12,11
Posted by cooLguy_21
"Your first love is not always your truest love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"To love someone is nothing. To be loved by someone is something. To love and be
loved by someone is everything." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Men who do not forgive women their little faults will never enjoy their great v
irtues." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live y
our life so that when you die, you're smiling and everyone around you is crying.
" 12,11 Posted by genelee
mising sumbdy gves a terible pain in d hart & no mater how u kip it, it shows in
d eyes, no mater ho wu hide it, u can hir it thru d voice, sshh.. do u hir it?
i miss u! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Love me for a second, and I will make that second last a lifetime!" 12,11 Posted
by genelee
"I was finally getting over you, believing we were through....I even had crushes
other than you.... I was walking with my head high, thinking I wasn't going to
fall, then you had to look at me, and smile, and ruin it all." 12,11 Posted by coo
"Everyone must go through a storm to get to a rainbow." 12,11 Posted by genelee
It's true we don't know what we've got until its gone, but we don't know what we
've been missing until it arrives." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Everytime I see you, every time I hear you my stomach rolls around and around,
like butterflies. And, I found out he feels the same way. Then, it must be TRUE
LOVE" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"One day you'll love me as I have loved you. One day you'll think of me as I tho
ught of you. One day you'll cry for me as I cried for you. One day you'll want m
e and I won't want you." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"The greatest love is that of God. To love otherwise is mere imperfection." 12,11
Posted by genelee
"The heart knows when the search is over." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says: 'I need
you because I love you.'" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love has no limits and no regrets." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Love is true when it comes from the heart, not from the mouth." 12,11 Posted by g
"Listen to your heart, for it knows the truth." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Choosing a love, and then, being strong enough to live up to your commitment of
love is the essence of love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"if there's one thing to hold, it would be your hand. if there's one thing to ki
ss, it would be your lips, if there's on thing to steal, it would be your heart.
if there's one thing to win, it would be your love" 12,11 Posted by hello_143
"True love is a high and holy principle, altogether different in character from
that love which is awakened by impulse and which suddenly dies when severely tes
ted." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"True love is not without pain, like that of thorns in your side. Yet love is li
ke the rose in full bloom, beautiful and full of life." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"In every heart there is a room....a sanctuary safe and strong to heal the wound
s from lovers past until a new ones comes along." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face, but those
that fall from your heart and cover your soul." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"Sbi mo luv nya ko... Sbi mo d nya ko ssktan... sbi mo, para tlga kmi sa isa't i
sa... e kung sbhin ko kya sau na ikaw ang mahal ko at hindi cia... MAY MSBI KA P
A KAYA? 12,11 Posted by Bungisngis_queen
BE FOREVER. I can't tell you goodbye... :( 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
never welcome som1 u cnt entertain; nver open ur door f u want 2 close ur heart;
never accept luv f u cnt giv urself n return; never start a relatioship u knw u
wanna end... 12,11 Posted by Bungisngis_queen
U nVr kNoW i LyKd U,i WaS 2 sHy To TeLl..NoT kNoWiNg WaT t0 sAy,NoT kNoWiNg WaS
i FeLt.U nVr KnEw I lUvD u,U mYt NoT kNw StL.i MaY nVr SaY i LuV u,CoZ u NvR wIl
L..=( 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
dntASKmeIFiNIDu,UknwDanswer..DNTaskMEifImis, UknwWHATilSAY.dntASKmeIFiWANNAbeW/,
uKNWiDO!! dntASKmeIFiLUVuASKurselfIFuLUVmeTOO!! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
in every second in my life,i feel empty bcoz its 2 hard 2 comunicate 2 u..but of
course behind of that reason im still here waiting 4 u... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy
BeLiEve Me WhEn I saY "I MiSsEd You" Coz It'S True. WhEn I Say "I CarE" CoZ It'S
WhAt I WaNt u 2 FEeL...EsPeciAly Wen I Say "I LovE You"... Coz BaBy .... I REaL
lY DO!!! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
may mga taong gago may mga taong tanga, pg nagmahal k ng taong ayw sa u gago ka
, pg d mo alm n my ngmamahal sa u tanga ka, alm ko gaga ako sna nmn d ka tanga 12
,11 Posted by [micheLLe]
"u have come into my life through the door. i'm afraid it will never again be op
ened for many have slammed it in the way out. Feel free to stay but if the time
comes that you would leave, please close it gently..." 12,11 Posted by psykix^f16
"you say you can't stand to see me hurt... so, do you close your eyes everytime
you break my heart?..." 12,11 Posted by psykix^f16
"itz not that i can't live without you... itz juz that i don't want to try...." 1
2,11 Posted by psykix^f16
trusting someone is always a risk, so we should be careful, luckyly the person w
ho saved me twice is still the person who saved me for the third time, to you si
s i know you'll always be someone who's worth the risk... love u beiley 12,11 Pos
ted by alemap
its not being together (or the luck of it) but its knowing that i have a friend
somewhere there.... you'll always be my angel.. 12,11 Posted by alemap
its not being together (or the lack of it) but its knowing that i have a friend
somewhere there.... you'll always be my angel.. 12,11 Posted by alemap
The saddest love is to love someone, to know that you still both love each other
, but the circumstances don't let you have them.... 12,11 Posted by mArIe_dE_mEdEc
You will never forget your first love. That's what makes it so special. You love
so hard, so deeply, and so intensely because you don t know any different. It's t
he best until it is over. Then you hurt like you've never been hurt before. Even
tually you love again, but you love differently. You will love more carefully, m
ore cautiously. Just know that there is so much more love waiting for you, but t
here will always only be one first. 12,11 Posted by i_hate_you
if u wer bsyd me i wud stare at ur face luk in2 ur eyes, hold ur hand vry tyt, n
kis u & as ill luk at ur face, i wud wish 2 god "SNA IKAW N NGA" 12,11 Posted by
I hope u know how special u are to me, sumtyms i don't know hw to tel u, but if
ever i cud control my destiny & choose d pipol who'll be a part of my life 4ever
..."GUSTO KO KAW YUN" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
I really miss u but i can't b w/ u, i wanna see u but i can't find u, i want to
hold u but i can't get der....MY GOD PAANO B KITA MALALAMBING....e ang layo mo!!
! 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
i'd rather have you in my life as a friend, than not have you in my life at all 1
2,11 Posted by I_l0v3_you
We are so afraid to love because we are so afraid of giving ourselves to someone
we might lose. 12,11 Posted by I_l0v3_you
"As food is needed for the body, them same way love is needed for the soul. Food
strengthens the body while love strengths the soul. A person is incomplete with
out love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"I would give up everything for one moment with you; for one moment is better th
an a life time of never knowing you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"For awhile I thought I would never love or hate anyone, but I have come to real
ize I have loved and hated the same person." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved." 12,11 Posted by genel
"You can only judge love if you have been in it yourself." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If the world ended today, would you be at peace with the amount of love you sha
red?" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Take a look at what you have. Think of all you did to get it. Remember it only
takes one second to lose." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you enjoy your life to its fullest, love will come and keep you company." 12,
11 Posted by genelee
"One must learn to love oneself before one can learn to love others." 12,11 Poste
d by genelee
"The love we have is God's gift to us, what we do with it is our gift to God." 12
,11 Posted by genelee
"Make it perfect, you never know when the last time will be." 12,11 Posted by gene
"Once you love, you cannot take it back, cannot undo it. What you felt may have
changed, shifted slightly, yet still remains love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
Sa buhay ko... meron na akong "minahal"..."minamahal" "mamahalin" pa... ala
m mo kung saan ka sa 3 yan!?, IKAW ANG BUHAY KO!, :) 12,11 Posted by mS_wHAt_sO_Ev
sa buhay meron akong minahal..may cguro may mamahalin pa..lam mo k
ung san ka dun? ikaw ung buhay ko! 12,11 Posted by sweet_
and i cannot speak..i lost my speechless and redundant coz I Love You'
s not enough..Im lost for words.. 12,11 Posted by im_a_freakin_geek
mahal na mahal kita ethan...kung alam mo lng kung gano...ikaw ang buhay ko...ika
w ang lahat sa akin...mahal na mahal kita! 12,11 Posted by sweet_
"You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close yo
ur heart to the things you don't want to feel." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return." 1
2,11 Posted by genelee
"Take away love and the earth is a tomb." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Breaking up is just like having the worst nightmare after having the best dream
." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"You will never know love unless you surrender to it." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"i remember u once wished on the star that someone wud love u as u are. till now
ur praying for dat wish 2 come true. i guess i haven't notice that im d one lov
ing you." 12,11 Posted by lsteve
"Never let love get the best of you, but you should always try to get the best o
f love." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Isn't it ironic how we ignore the ones that adore us, and yet we adore that one
s that ignore us!?" 12,11 Posted by genelee
"the greatest ironies of life: having the right person at the wrong tym, loving
the wrong person when the tym is right & finding out u love someone right after
that person walked out of ur life" 12,11 Posted by lsteve
"In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two." 12,11
Posted by genelee
"Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, somtimes you can't always see the pain
someone feels." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"It's strange, but true, I never loved the men I liked, and I never liked the me
n I loved." 12,11 Posted by genelee
Cleanse Your Mind Free Your SouL 12,11 Posted by Guardian_X
I changed d way i dress, d way i walk; i changed my attitudes, & d way i talk...
.. bakit mo pa ko pinag-bago...... iiwan mo lng pala ako!!! 12,11 Posted by heart1
Greatest joy in life lies not in da feeling of finding LOVE along ur journey yet
lies wen u learn to sacrifice urself for LOVE'S sake... 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^
minsan BaDtriP magmahal...bigay k ng bigay pero kulang pa din...magpapakatanga k
, iiyak...ikaw ang iiwas pero kaw din msasaktan, hintay k ng hintay pero kaw din
iiwan... :( 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
u know y its hard to be in love agen after a broken heart? coz u no longer know
hw 2 make d nxt 1 special cz u made d ader 1 so special u gve him ur heart think
in he'll be ur last... 12,11 Posted by PinKBerry
"in my life, i have met many colorful persons that i thought would make me happy
but then again i wonder why those colorful persons painted my world black =( " 1
2,11 Posted by Prikondalish
"if i were to engraved your name on a tree, i'll put a circle around it not a he
art coz a heart can be broken while a circle has no ends" 12,11 Posted by Prikonda
"if i were to engrave your name on a tree, i'll put a circle around it not a hea
rt coz a heart can be broken while a circle has no ends" 12,11 Posted by Prikondal
if you want me to stay, I will.. if you want me to go.. well, okay.. but if one
day you see me slowly fading, it's not because I don't care anymore. it would be
for one reason.. you pushed me away... 12,11 Posted by ^colein^
"some tasks can be left undone,some words can be left unsaid, some feelings can
be left unexpressed, but someone like u can never be left unremembered...i love
you baby ko" 12,11 Posted by Prikondalish
"when changes come to us, we tend to let go of a few things. but evenif i've got
so many changes in my life now, no change can ever make me let go you " 12,11 Po
sted by Prikondalish
" forrest gump once said: life is like a box of chocolate, you'll never know wha
t your gonna get.. well i didnt know but when u came into my life, i was certain
i got the best pience in the box.. :) " 12,11 Posted by Prikondalish
"some joys are better expressed in silence, as a smile holds more meaning than l
aughter. i was asked if i enjoyed meeting u in my life... i just smile :) " 12,11
Posted by Prikondalish
I LoVe YoU 4eVeR.. mY LoVe iS tHe SiZe oF UR vAj wHeN i eNtEr iT n i GeTcHa pReG
nAnT dA bAbY WiLL cOmE OuT iT WiLL bE bIgGeR. tHaT mEaNs I WiLL LoVe YoU mOrE (=
(:o) 12,11 Posted by ^dR3w^
I LoVe YoU 4eVeR.. mY LoVe iS LiKe UR vAj iF UR a ViRgiN mY LoVe 4U WiLL nEvEr b
E LoSt cOz U So TiGhT hEnCe mY LoVe 4U iZ tYgHt. (=( :oP 12,11 Posted by ^dR3w^
what if "i" loves "u"? will "u" also love "i"? what if theres no "u"? how about
"i"? what if "love" is gone? will "u" & "i" survive? maybe "u" but not "i".. 12,1
1 Posted by [`sENtimENtaL_fooL]
bakit ka pa nagiwan ng alaala? kung lilisan ka din pala! ngayon ako ay nahihirap
an.. ano ba ang nagawa kong kasalanan? mali ba ang mahalin ka? o kaya ay dahil s
awa kana?! 12,11 Posted by `22`f`qc
tama sbi nila.. hindi natin alam kung hanggang saan ang pagmamahalan.. pero panu
nangyari yon sa ating dalawa?! sinabi mo naman na mahal mo ako.. hindi ko nga l
ang naitanong kung... HANGGANG KAILAN! 12,11 Posted by `22`f`qc
have u ever thought the guy of ur dreams only flirted wit u and when u were onli
ne wit him it seemed as if he felt the same for you but than another day u find
he flirts wit ur good friends the same way he did with u and treats them the sam
e way when hes alone wit u as when hes alone wit them... 12,11 Posted by katzky
ok lng sakin na d kta nakkita kc nsa puso nmn kta e! kya evryday, kausap ko hart
ko! nagttwanan kme,ngkkwn2han, minsan ngkkulitan..helo? obvious b? nbbliw na ko
pg wla k.. 12,11 Posted by quitin
last nyt i had a dream about u.but wen i woke up, i was huggin my pillow, but wa
t i really want is dat 1 day i'd dream of my pillow then i wake up huggin YOU! 12
,11 Posted by quitin
i hate dfiling but i luv d action i hate d words bt i luv d lukssss i hate u but
i nid youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... as if!!! 12,11 Posted by |silly_me|
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 12,11
Posted by anne|still|asleep
"The only thing constant in this world is change" - 12,11 Posted by untouchable_an
"What you do now echoes to eternity" 12,11 Posted by untouchable_anne
isn't it sad wen u hv so much pain in ur heart & da only person u wnt 2 talk 2 &
make u stop crying is exactly the same person hu made u cry? :( 12,11 Posted by s
u r d reason y even at d saddest part of my life I SMILED, y even at my confusio
n I UNDERSTAND, y even in betrayal I TRUST, y even in fear of pain I LOVE... 12,1
1 Posted by sexyaie^^^
LOVE is so easy to feel, but so hard to explain, so easy to get but so hard to l
et go, so easy to spell but so hard to define yet everyone takes the risk to LOV
E and be LOVED... 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
Love is like a reservoir you will never drain it dry, it is more like a natural
spring. The furthur it flows the deeper and clearer it becomes 12,11 Posted by JDS
I can say i'm fine when you don't see me cry, I can say i could move on when i c
an't evn try. I can say i'm happy when i juzt wanna die but one thing i can't sa
y.. I still LOVE YOU when i let you go! 12,11 Posted by baby_khay
it's a nice feeling when someone you love loves you in return.. so when you know
the one you love has special feelings towards you, never let them go because it
is rare to find two hearts that beat as one =) 12,11 Posted by baby_khay
once in my lyf i sacrificed my happiness for sum1 else, once in my lyf i've put
asyde my pride, once in my lyf i luv sum1 mor dan i luv myself, bcoz once in my
lyf i found you.....Baby Ko !!! 12,11 Posted by My_Baby
why people say that letting go means you really love someone could be a mystery.
. . maybe its just a way of comforting someone. . . pero kung totoo man yun. .
. eh di sana noon palang iniwan na kita?! 12,11 Posted by {kaye}
1t is better to park meat in lady, rather than to meet lady in park 12,11 Posted
by Sadbl0ke
when you're too scared to look ahead or too hurt to look behind, look beside you
.. i'll be right there... so take my hand and don't let go... takot din ako, per
o di kita iiwan 12,11 Posted by {kaye}
sbe nla iwan mo na,sbe ko ayoko.sbe nila tma na dw,sabe ko ayos lng ako. tnong n
la kung kaya ko p daw?!?! napaiyak ako nung sbe ko,"Mhal ko, Kya kakayanin coh..
. 12,11 Posted by {kaye}
0,13i luv u but u make me cry, u hurt me and make me feel stupid but why do i stil
l hold on?... coz i know ill be crying harder, get hurt even more and feel dumbe
r than ever.. if i let you go... 12,11 Posted by quitin
0,13tAk|ng cHaNcEs |n LOv|ng smE1 impErfEct mAkEs eVry rELat|onSh|p A lOt hArdEr b
Ut 8s dA rEaSoN & A LeSsOn wHy wE LOvE smE1 tO mA|nTA|n Da spArk Of A rELat|onSh
|p.. 12,11 Posted by quitin
0,13i luv u but u make me cry, u hurt me and make me feel stupid but why do i stil
l hold on?... coz i know ill be crying harder, get hurt even more and feel dumbe
r than ever.. if i let you go... 12,11 Posted by quitin
masakit isiping mahal kita pero mahal mo sha. . . pero mas nasasaktan ako pag na
kikita kong ginagago ka nya, at wala akong ibang magawa kundi sabihing "kung aki
n ka lang, di kita gaganyanin. . . " =( 12,11 Posted by {kaye}
2love is nothing 2b love is something, 2love and b love is everythng . i am noth
in ur something so let me be ur everything 12,11 Posted by lady^13
kiss is a gamble, sex i a game, men do d action ladies got da blame. 1 nYt of pa
SsIon, 9 months of pain, dey say ur pretty, they say your fine, but 9 mOnths lat
er they'll say "iT's not mine" 12,11 Posted by lady^13
"when i saw u, i met u, when i met u, i liked u, when i liked u, i loved u, when
i loved u, i lost u, when i lost u, i cried, when i cried, i died, when i died
u realized that u love me deep inside" 12,11 Posted by ylang_ganda
"RELATIONSHIP,not how long uv been together,not how much uv given or received, n
ot how many times uv helped each other..its how you "VALUE" one another" 12,11 Po
sted by ylang_ganda
"One day you'll ask me-"Which is more important to me,YOU or my LIFE?" i"ll say
my life... you'll go and leave me without even knowing that YOU are my life.." 12
,11 Posted by ylang_ganda
"its hard to keep your feelings to the one you love lalo na kung friend mo siya,
but it hurts even more if your friends feels the same way pero she cant express
it, kala nya kasi Friends lang talaga..." 12,11 Posted by ylang_ganda
"I care for you,but i cant show it,I mis you but u dont know it, Im hurting insi
de but you cant feel it, Your inlove with someone else and i cant accept it... c
oz im fallin for you and i cant help it..:(" 12,11 Posted by ylang_ganda
"I promise not to love someone coz im not ready yet, and then you came into my l
ife and all has changed...I left my promise coz i cant help the fact that im fal
ling inlove with you..." 12,11 Posted by ylang_ganda
a woman without a man is lonely, a man without a woman is hopeless... 12,11 Poste
d by untouchable_anne
mY LoVe 4U iSh ReAL cOz aMmAh mAkE iT rEaL cOz UR wOrTh eVeRy PiEcE oF mAh ReALi
Ty 12,11 Posted by fL|p_cHyNaMaN
8,4if ur heart feels empty,juz tell me & ill gladly step inside.But if one day ul
l be needing that space for someone else,dont worry for ill step out & give up m
y space juz to see you happy... 12,11 Posted by pRiNcEsS`RiNoA
7,12Minsan daw nakakpagod magmahal...minsan masaya,tapos may oras na iiyak ka! sa
bi nila-NAKAKASAWA! pero ang totoo..."HINDI AKO NAGSASAWA SAYO!" why? Kelan ba n
agsawa ang taong nagmamahal ng totoo... 12,11 Posted by pRiNcEsS`RiNoA
I don't know y I'm stil here wen you're not evn there..I don't know y still care
wen you don't evn share..I don't know y still love you wen your not even mine..
12,11 Posted by jenniferlovehewitt
<"The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom"> 12,11 Posted by ^^MayKizz^^
"sometimes we must be hurt in order to grow, fail in order to know,lose in order
to gain,and sometimes we have to be BROKEN, so we can be WHOLE again" 12,11 Post
ed by prikondalish
"Sabi nila MAHAL daw kita kc pangalan mo rad lagi ko binabanggit, lagi daw akong
masaya pag andyan k, sabi nila aminin ko na raw pero sabi ko....saka n lng pag
MAHAL nya na rin ako... :(" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"Di ba masakit pag-iniwan ka? di ba masakit pag-niloko ka? di ba masakit pag-pin
aasa ka pero mas masakit pag-pinaniwala MAHAL ka nya kahit na may mahal
syang iba :(" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
0,13findin1 sum1 lyk u was hard...but u knw wut? it was worth in case i los
e u 1 of dis days,i'd wilingly go thru d hardship jst 2 find u agen... 12,11 Post
ed by quitin
0,13findin1 sum1 lyk u was hard...but u knw wut? it was worth in case i lose
u 1 of dis days,i'd wilingly go thru d hardship jst 2 find u agen... 12,11 Poste
d by quitin
"many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will make a
footprints in your heart." 12,11 Posted by prikondalish
"Kunwari, masaya ako...kunwari, ok ako...kunwari, wala ako problema...kunwari na
sa langit ako...OK lng ba na inisipin ko kunwari MAHAL mo ako?....kunwari lng nm
n e!!! :(" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"Isang araw mwwla k rin sa isip ko, meron din papalit syo di ko lng alam kung si
no. Pero ipagdasal mo nmn oh!...............wag sana nya saktan ang puso ko.....
tulad ng ginawa mo! :)" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
I had rather be a toad, adn live upon the vapour of dungeon, than keep a corner
in the thing i love for other uses 12,11 Posted by cocokwikwak
The first thing to learn in intercourse with others is non-interference with the
ir own peculiar ways of being happy, provided those ways do not assume to interf
ere by violence with ours!!! 12,11 Posted by [babaeng[maldita]
12No matter how full a reservoir of maxims one may possess, and no matter how goo
d one's sentiments may be, if one has not taken advantage of every concrete oppo
rtunity to act, one's character may retain entirely unaffected for the better 12,
11 Posted by [babaeng[maldita]
12,13Take note, theologians, that in your desire to make matters of faith out of
propositions relating to the fixity of sun and earth you run the risk of eventua
lly having to condemn as heretics those who would declare the earth to stand sti
ll and the sun to change position -- eventually, I say, at such a time as it mig
ht be proved that the earth moves and the sun stands still. 12,11 Posted by [babae
"I hate the way i don't hate you" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"its better to live without insperation than 2 have and may cause destraction" 12
,11 Posted by cool_girl14
minsan na22 akong magmahal..minsan na22 akong umasa...minsan na22 akong masaktan
..kasi minsan minahal kita ng sobra.. 12,11 Posted by ^_yuna_^
Life is like a poker game, if you dont win, you lose!!! 12,11 Posted by phangil
it hurts to see you go and give up on me that easily even if you know i'm willing
to give everthing you ever wanted. what's sadder is knowing the painful reality
that you can't fight for me cuz you don't love me enough.. it's so sad to be in
love with someone who can't stay with you forever and eventhough you know he wil
l leave, you can't stop loving him.. that you would try your best to make him st
ay.. 12,11 Posted by em_17
sabi mo noon lagi kang nandiyan para sa akin, pag kailangan kita d mo ako pababa hirapat ginhawalagi kitang kasama...pero bakit ganoon? d mo ko sinalo
ng mahulog ako sayo! 12,11 Posted by honeysweet
minsan nkita kita..nkangit hbang pinagmamasdan mo sya. mnsan ako ang naghihinaya
ng dhil pinagmumuka k nyang tanga..ako ang nasasaktan lalo na pag naiisip ko na
sana..ewan ko.. "BAKIT D AKO SYA?" 12,11 Posted by jan03[ala`d2]
kelangan ka pa bang umiyak pra mlman mong nasaktan ka? kelangan p bang sbihing k
elangan kta pra mlaman mo ung 220? at higit s lahat kelangan p bang iwasan k pra
mlamn mong mhal kita? 12,11 Posted by jan03[ala`d2]
mhirap kpag iniwn mo ang taong mnahal mo ng 220...nung cnabi mo s kanyang ayaw m
o na, akala mo ppgilan k nya, pro ngkamali ka, niyakap ka lng nya at cnabing: "y
an din ang ssbihin ko, naunahan mo lng ako" 12,11 Posted by jan03[ala`d2]
msakit magmhal pg binigay mo lhat khit lam mo wlang darating na mas
maskit magmhal pg pinaasa k nya n mhal k nia tpos ssbihin sayo na ..."sori, yoko
na" 12,11 Posted by jan03[ala`d2]
i was afraid this time would comei wasnt prepared to face this kind of hurtin fr
om withini have learned to live my life beside youmaybe ill just dream of you to
nightand if into my dream you come and touch me once againill just keep on dream
ing till my heartaches end 12,11 Posted by _^^Candy^Mag^^_
thank u.... tnong mo cguro bkt?? d dhil tngap mo ko o pnkita mo sking mportntE a
ko, sLmT Kc, hinyaaN mo kong,,, mKilaLa k! u Lng... nPsAyA mo n kO nG SobRa... 12
,11 Posted by _^^Candy^Mag^^_
And all things - ye shall ask in prayer - believing - ye shall receive. 12,11 Pos
ted by gReAt_WhItE
clown, thanks for trying to bring out the best in me... but now that u left me i
m in a place "wer i can run as fast as i can in the middle of nowhere in the mid
dle of my frustrated fears and i swear you're just like a pill instead of making
me better keep makin' me ill" 12,11 Posted by alemap
"Kunwari masaya ko...kunwari ok ako...kunwari wala akong problema..kunwari nasa
langit ako...OK lng ba na isipin ko kunwari MAHAL mo ako? kunwari lng nmn e.." 12
,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"Sa buhay ko meron akong minahal...merong siguro may mamahalin pa
......Alam mo kung san ka don? Ikaw ung....buhay ko...." 12,11 Posted by ^blitz_bo
"to love is forever, to 4give is another...but to die is better than to love ano
ther...." 12,11 Posted by ^blitz_boy^
"ive always know that i hav to fight for what i really fee. I fought, got hurt n
d stil tried to giv it a chance. But now i dont know if i can stil believe that.
..."kasi tao lang ako napapagod din..."" 12,11 Posted by ylang_ganda
(Nêvêr Sây u Lôvê Mê îF Yôû Rêâlly Dôn't Cârê, Nêvêr Hôld My Hând îF Yôû Gôîng Tô Brêâk My
Fôrêvêr Câûsê Fôrêvêr Mâkês Mê Cry!) 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"reality bites: U excitedly send mushy quotes to the one you love only for them
to send it to the one they really love, then they end up bein together......and
you, still waitin for the reply -(." 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"there maybe things we don't want to happen but have to accept...things that we
don't want to know but have to learn...and people whom we can't live without but
have to let go...I LUV U STILL... " 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"d HaRdEsT TinG iN lyF iS weN u KnoW inSyd uR hArt u StiLL lAb d pErSn bUt u Run
OuT of EnaF rIsoN 2 fyt 4 wAt u FeeL & waT u Believe in..... :(" 12,11 Posted by
"wen u leave,rmmbr d plce wer u left me cz i wl stil b der w8n f u go bak
& m not der,it doesnt min dat i dnt luv u anymre..i jz luv u dt mch so i lft 2
serch 4u.." 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"bkt gnOn?non sbi mO mghntAy akO kC merOn png 'kyO'...aku nmn nghnty nga..nung w
la na kau ngumti ka at akLa k mrOn ng 'tayO',un pla my iba at bgOng 'kyO' na...
:c" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
Everytime you cry for d person uluv i often tel u "mahal mo nga sya tlga" not kn
owing dat wyl ur cryin i also cry secretly sayin " d ba pwedeng ako nlng mahalin
mo" 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ig
nore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Lov
e me and I may be forced to love you. i love u love17pie" 12,11 Posted by enrique-
"Can miles truly separate you from friends....If you want to be with someone you
love, aren't you already there?" 12,11 Posted by enrique-i
"Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those
who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a
poet. 4,8i love u love17pie" 12,11 Posted by enrique-i
"To love another person is to see the face of God." 12,11 Posted by enrique-i
"The best way to know God is to love many things." 12,11 Posted by enrique-i
"But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things." 12,11
Posted by enrique-i
"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own." 12,1
1 Posted by enrique-i
"I don't want to live. I want to love first, and live incidentally. " 12,11 Poste
d by enrique-i
"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I l
ove you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making
of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.i love u pie" 12,11 Post
ed by enrique-i
"I love you smile at me, I love the way your hands reach out and hold me near...
.I believe this is heaven to no one else but me." 12,11 Posted by enrique-i
"First First time I looked into your eyh heaven in your eyes Everything I did befo
re you wasn't worth my while It should've been you all the time I'll do anything
and every thing to please you You know how much I need you You're always, alway
s on my mind" 12,11 Posted by enrique-i
4,8"You're more than wonderful, more than amazing, The irreplaceable love of my l
ife You're so incredible, here in these arms tonight The irreplaceable love of m
y life 8,4i love u love17pie" 12,11 Posted by enrique-i
<Ang pag-ibig ay parang muta... nagmumula sa maraming luha... > 12,11 Posted by Sh
<May dalawang tao sa mundo, ang TANGA at GAGO. Gago ka kung ang tanong mahal mo
ay may ibang mahal, Tanga kung hindi mo alam na may nagmamahal sa yo. Pwede kang
maging GAGO, pero sana hindi ka TANGA..." 12,11 Posted by Shek
<masakit lamang ang sugat kung ito'y ginugunita...> 12,11 Posted by Shek
WeN i DiE u'L MiZ Me... u'L ReALyZ HoW MuCh i MiN 2 u, mY ?LaFtEr, JoKeS, SwiTnE
s... u'L ReALyZ HoW MuCh i LuV & CaRe 4 U... TANG-INA Do i HaV 2 DiE 1sT b4 u Re
ALyZ iT??? 12,11 Posted by [[vJHeart]]
dnt tel me 2go... its nt my tym 2 leave, ders stil so mch 2 sahre nd its u i nid
... i dnt knw y u cnt c wat im tryn 2 do... bt pls dnt tel me 2 leave, im not do
ne loving u... 12,11 Posted by [[vJHeart]]
thnk u... ask u cguro y??? d dhiL tngap mo ko O pnakita mo sking mportnte ako, s
lamt kc, hinyaan mo kong... makilala ka!! uN lng... napasaya mo na ko ng SobRa..
. 12,11 Posted by [[vJHeart]]
y s it smtyms we dnt realyz dt we r so stpd, we luv sum1 so much, we care 4 dem
2 much, we gve olmst evrythin, bt 2 oL we knw "iiwan dn tau sa huli" :-( 12,11 Po
sted by [[vJHeart]]
No one can stop the flow of time, but a moment in time captured in the frame of
the heart will never fade away... 12,11 Posted by ValkyriePilot001
GOD will "not" judge US for what WE start, but for what we had finished!! 12,11 P
osted by Junrey
i was afraid dis tym would come, i wasn't prepared to face dis kind of hurting f
rm. w/in i have learned 2 live my life beside u, maybe i'll just dream of you to
night n if not into my dream u come n touch me once agen i'll just kip on dreami
n' TILL MY HEARTACHES END... 12,11 Posted by [[vJHeart]]
y s it smtyms we dnt realyz dt we r so stpd, we luv sum1 so mch, we care 4 dem 2
mch, we gve olmst evrythn, bt 4 ol we knw "iiwan din tayo sa huli" :-( 12,11 Pos
ted by [[vJHeart]]
i clos my eyes ur dr, smilng n giving ur gudbye 2 me, n me ol i give u is my tir
s, i comltely undrstnd noe na wla ka na sken, dis wil be d lst tots of u... gbye
12,11 Posted by [[vJHeart]]
I hpe i hd a courge 2 say i luv u so i wont suffer ds mch. Bt ol i cn do is 2 pr
etnd n it kills me... D mor i pretnd dt we cn b mor dan frenz... 12,11 Posted by [
I LOVE YOU, Though we haven't talk dat lately, u needed tym 4 ur life but u know
dat i'll be here 4 u, juz give me a call if u r still in doubt, i'm willing 2 d
ie 4 u again... 12,11 Posted by [[vJHEart^Sad]]
i clos my eyes ur dr, smilng n giving ur gudbye 2 me, n me ol i give u is my tir
s, i comltely undrstnd noe na wla ka na sken, dis wil be d lst tots of u... gbye
12,11 Posted by [[vJHeart]]
I hpe i hd a courge 2 say i luv u so i wont suffer ds mch. Bt ol i cn do is 2 pr
etnd n it kills me... D mor i pretnd dt we cn b mor dan frenz... 12,11 Posted by [
I LOVE YOU, Though we haven't talk dat lately, u needed tym 4 ur life but u know
dat i'll be here 4 u, juz give me a call if u r still in doubt, i'm willing 2 d
ie 4 u again... 12,11 Posted by [[vJHEart^Sad]]
FriÈnDs 13,1 cherish 1,13 the 13,1 special 1,13 times 13,1 they 1,13 share 13,1 when 1,13
they're 13,1 together. 14,15 ** 11,12 Look 12,11 out 11,12 for 12,11 one 11,12 another.
12,11 Posted by TEMPESTs_BOO
I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one tou
ch of her hand, than eternity without it. One. 12,11 Posted by Cless17
Sometime you'll kiss someone and know that that's the person you're supposed to
kiss for the rest of your life. 12,11 Posted by Cless17
"i love you without knowing how, why, or even from where." 12,11 Posted by Cless17
Yôu WaNt tô £eaVe Me alôNë !? Yoû Want tô ¦eaVe mê îoneîy ?! Yôu WaNt tô çra§h My Hëart OK.
! If Days Pûnishëd Yôu fôr mY PAIN.. If Yôu lôs Yôur ~§miLe. If Yôur Fëar§ çôverëd Yoûr Fa
1 Posted by jas^^
A real friend is not who's always around when everything is almost perfect, but
its the firts who did deep into the ground when your down just to pull you up &
say everything is gonna be alright... 12,11 Posted by ||Scramb0t||
If you want to be love... you must be worthloving. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
Sometimes, no matter how secure you are in someone's arms and no matter hpw tigh
tly you hold on to this person's hand, you'll find yourself falling dangerously
in love w/ someone else. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
a word of love gives spice to life,a word from a friend gives happiness to the h
eart, and the word of God gives color,light and meaning to our lives. 12,11 Poste
d by L|ON_Heart
mdaLaS kNg icpN, sAn kbA iLu2gR sRiLi ko, o kNg my LugR pb? kpg b2tAw nko, dmRtN
g k at pnpRmDm n mR0n pNg tyo... ngyN... dRAtNg kpA b, oR aALiS nKo???? 12,11 Pos
ted by dARk_aNGeL16
mNSAn iNi2cp ko kNg pwEDe lNg sNang wag na nGAng mgmHAl, pRa wg nkoNg mSktAN p,
kyA lNg pweDe b uN??? eH mKitA lNg ktAng nkaNgiti, hNdA nKong mSAktAn uLit.... 12
,11 Posted by dARk_aNGeL16
wEN u tRuLy lUv sUm1, u dNt Luk 4 fAuLtS, u dNt lUk 4 aNswRs, u dNt lUk 4 mStakE
s... iNStEd, u fyt 4D mStAkEs, u acCpt fAuLts n u ovErLoOk exCuSes... 12,11 Poste
d by dARk_aNGeL16
i was such a fool to let u go & dis I&U ought 2 know..if only i cud bring back y
esterday,"i love u" i love u "i love you" that's all i wanna say! 12,11 Posted by
Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued is always beyond our grasp, bu
t if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyit
"If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed hi
m up. What he needs is education to turn him around." 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
When you're in love, you never really know whether your elationcomes from the qu
alities of the one you love, or if it attributes them to him, whether the light
which surrounds him like a halo comes from you, from him, or from the meeting of
your sparks. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
if by the changes of life you will leave me and have found someone who's love an
d care is more than i can give you, i am not unkind, i will let you free to your
desire. but if on your way that someone will lead to a stormy path, just turn y
our back and i'll be there for you.. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
i cant blame u f 1 day ul wok out of my lyf bt xpct me 2 giv up evrythn jst 2 ki
p u in syt bt f i fol,jst giv me a chns 2 say 'ggwn co lht wag k lng umalis!' 12,
11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
lht ng tao ngba2go,lht ng tao ngma2hal ng iba.. lht tyo mssktan..i2wnan at ka2li pg dmting skn arw na un..pi2ltin k prn maala2 ung arw na mnhal mko.. 1
2,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
There's always a reason why we have to move on when we wanted to say goodbye to
the feelings we wanted to stay forever, for love will have to set its wings free
and find the place where it belongs. 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
sb d ka nanghhnayang n nwla cia sau,o ngsisisi n inwan kn2,sa 22o lng ndi ako na
ni2wala,dhl nka2log kng lumuluha sa tabi ko,hbng pblong kng cnsb,"ako kya iiykan
mo?" 12,11 Posted by ZzzzZZz
You can't discover new oceans unless u have the sight of the shore, coz only tho
se who risk can tell how far they can go' 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
I woke up from a dream crying. I was shot dead thru the heart. I cried not bcoz
I'm afraid to die but bcoz I can't bear the pain knowing your inside that heart 1
2,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
have i told you today that i love you?do you know you encompass my soul??with ev
ery step i take,down this path i call "FATE" i realize with your love,ican reach
any goal 12,11 Posted by Love17Pie
"Marami akong di maintindihan, cnbi mo mahal mo ako, bat mo ako cnaktan? pinaasa
? bnlewala? kung gano kita kmhal gnun mo din ako cnaktan, bat gnun? Mahal b kita
kc ganyan ka? o ganyan k kc Mahal kita? 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
I love you smile at me, I love the way your hands reach out and hold me near....
I believe this is heaven to no one else but me. i love u michelle serrantes 12,11
Posted by enrique-i
To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffe
rs from notloving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to
suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, b
ut suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be happy, one must love or love to
suffer or suffer from too much happiness. 12,11 Posted by enrique-i
I Love You Because I Care About You, And I Would Do Anything For You, Or Do I Lo
ve You Because I Don't Know How Not To Love You! 12,11 Posted by mistisa
What is without a name,That bring me back to the same old memory?The name of lov
e cannot be applied It common for people to love.My heart is made for you,Even m
y soul is for you. Any thing else that i should give you?? 12,11 Posted by mistisa
Baby your the reason why im hapi every day 12,11 Posted by Pie2dahworld
wen u wer running after the person u luv, u wer too busy 2 notice me running aft
er u. don't mind me, but when u stumble and fall.. pls. take my hand and let me
be d one to help u get up. 12,11 Posted by chito
diz s d last day il b wishin 4 u... d last time il be crying 4 u... d last momen
t il hurt myself. 2m if i c u, il jz whspr, "TAMA NA, CYADO NA KITANG MINAHAL". 1
2,11 Posted by AuBrEy`MiLeS
i mis d tyms w/u, d tyms wev spnt 2gdr, d memrs iv kept 4 rison or watevr bt nw
uv gone 2 far uv bn so UNFAIR! n nw i knock in ur hart askin "AM I STILL DER?" 12
,11 Posted by AuBrEy`MiLeS
if u're askin if i need u, da answer is 4ever....if u're askin if i'll leave u,
da answer is never..if u're askin wat i value, da answer is u...and if u're aski
n if i LOVE U da answer is I DO 12,11 Posted by _cHRISSy_
its all start with a simple chat, with simple conversation and turn out in to a
lovely relationship... sumtimes things happen in a way we dont like, and when th
is time comes acceptance plays a vital role to move on... tnx Baby.. 12,11 Posted
by AuBrEy`MiLeS
pag wala ka na, di na ko iiyak. pag wala ka na, di na ko matatakot. pag wala ka
na, di na ko magmumukhang tanga. lam mo kung bakit? kasi pag wala ka na, wala na
rin ako... 12,11 Posted by chito
sa buhay ko, meron akong minahal, merong minamahal, at siguro may mamahalin pa.
alam mo kung san ka dun? ikaw yung... buhay ko. 12,11 Posted by chito
sabi mo, "di ko kayang mawala ka.." sarap pakinggan, sarap isiping may nagmamaha
l sa'yo, yung may taong nagbibigay sa'yo ng halaga. pero ang masakit dun, sa iba
mo cnabi... narinig ko lang. 12,11 Posted by chito
wen u luv someone, u give all d luv u can offer. remember, it is better to be th
e one who is being fooled than to be the one who is fooling someone. at least in
the end, you know that you're true wen u say "i love you". 12,11 Posted by chito
HEART I Love You Because I Care About You, And I Would Do Anything For You, Or D
o I Love You Because I Don't Know How Not To Love You! 12,11 Posted by HoNbAbEs
u excitedly send d one u love mushy quotes to say what u truly feel, only 4 dem
to send it 2 d one they really luv, then they end up happy 2gether.... and you..
.. still waiting for the reply.. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR2LoGz
I love u but im not asking anything in return. i never ask u to care for me, to
think of me, to miss me or even to love me, but i can't remember. did i ask u to
hurt me???? 12,11 Posted by LoveIsJustForThe2OfUs
Friends say I'm stupid for lovinf someone who would never notice me. they say im
a fool and ill end up to be is broken hearted. I think they're wrong coz if the
y ever know what i see in you. they'd be crazy lovin you too!!! 12,11 Posted by Lo
Relationships born out of desperation, seldom last longer than relationships fas
hioned out of despair. 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
"Pag sinabi ko matatanggap mo ba? Pag sumagot ka makakaya ko kaya? Pag bibig ko'
y umusal na maririnig mo ba? Pag tumugon ka ako kaya'y OK pa? Minsan hinihiling
ko sa KANYA Pahiram ng isang umaga Ngunit tanong ko'y Saan darating ang umaga?..
.......... 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
Nasakatan ka ba ng iwan kita? Nasaktan ka ba ng mawala ako? Nasaktan ka ba ng sa
bihin kong sya na ang mahal ko? Nakakapagod na din kasi maghintay. ........Pero,
maniniwala ka ba kung sasabihin ko sayo na kaya ko siyang iwan para sayo? 12,11
Posted by sexyaie^^^
Sabi nila kapag mahal mo,lahat ibibigay mo,lahat gagawin mo pero paano na lang k
ung hilingin niya na maghiwalay kayo? ibibigay mo ba? kahit mahal mo pa siya? 12,
11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
if your heart gets broken by the person you love, let go of the person but not t
he love in your heart... someday, somehow, you'll meet someone worthy of that lo
ve.. 12,11 Posted by aNgel_heLl
How can I tell my secret If my secret is you.... How can I express my feelings I
f I have feelings for you... How can I free my guilty conscience If it involves
you.... How can I live my life If my life is you.... How can I convey my ideas I
f my hypothalamus dictates it's you How can I utter these three words Will it me
an to you?" I LOVE YOU! 12,11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the strength to
change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. (JM) 12,11 Posted
by Guest30023
If u feel that ur relationship is nut compete jst always put an open line to it
and allow pride to be swalloed 12,11 Posted by dane_boy
u eased d pain when i faked d wound..u calmed me down when i faked d mood..u wer
instantly der when i faked d call..BUT y didnt u catch me??? i didnt fake d fal
l... 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
isang araw nakita mo ako kausap sya, hawak ang kamay at kayakap sya, kala mo tin
alikuran kita at pnagpalit sa kanya... ang di mo alam pagtalikod mo, umiiyak sya
, kase nagpaalam ako at pinili ka... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"iM sOrRy iF u CaN't LoVe Me ThE wAy u LoVe ThE oThEr OnE bEfOrE mE sO i LeT u G
o To FiNd HeR aNd HoPe SoMeDaY u'LL sEe ThAt ThE oNe u'Ve BeEn LoOkiN' FoR wAs T
hE oNe WhO SeT u FreE..." 12,11 Posted by ^^AnGe|iC_Sup|aDa^^
To see you when I wake up, is a gift I didn't think could be real. To know that
you feel the same, as I do, is a Three-fold utopian dream. You do something to m
e that I can't explain... So would I be out of line if I said I miss you??? ---l
ea 12,11 Posted by Sketch^_^
ang tagal kong tinago na mahal ko sya dahil alam ko iba ang mahal nya.. nakita k
o syang masya..sasabihin ko na.."mahal kita"... bigla nyang sinabi..."uy kame na
!" 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
nang lumayo ka kala ko tapos na,iiyakan lang kita ng minsan di na mauulet pa per
o ng makita ko kayu magkasam..p0+a..umiyak na na naman ako, hanggang salita lang
pala ako dahil mahal pa rin kita... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
sabe ko sa sarili ko, kapag nasaktan pa ako ng dahil sayo, tama na.. kakalimutan
na kita.. pero bigla tayo ulet nagkita, nginitian mo pa ako...badtrip naman eh!
kaw pa rin talga mahal ko kahit nasaktan mo na ako... 12,11 Posted by orimar
From birth to age 18, a girl needs good parents, from 18 to 35 she needs good lo
oks, from 35 to 55 she needs a good personality, and from 55 on she needs cash 12
,11 Posted by orimar
Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see a
nything wrong with each other 12,11 Posted by orimar
If you talk about yourself, he'll think you're boring. If you talk about others,
he'll think you're a gossip. If you talk about him, he'll think you're a brilli
ant conversationalist 12,11 Posted by orimar
When a man steals your wife there is no better revenge than to let him keep her 1
2,11 Posted by orimar
someone askd me y i hold on to u..i smiled..wat made me fall for u..i stayed sil
ent..dey asked me y of all pipol i chose u..i answrd..'in d world of lies he's d
only truth i know'.. 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
iv always tot dat i hv 2 go fight for 11,1 W10,1hat4,1?12,1¿7,1?  i rili feel..iv fought an
got hurt, stil i tryd to gv it a try but now i dnt know if i stil bliv in dat..
kc tao lng ako...napapagod din :( 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
maybe d day wud come dat i wud forget how u made me u broke my heart wh
en u lied..wat i cud nvr forget is d way u looked while u slept in my arms...u l
ooked so mine.. 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
Nanaginip ako kagabi, naluha nga ako, kc sabi sa panaginip ko nde mo daw ako mah
al. Tapos nagising ako at natawa, kc naalala ko...khit pla sa 22ong buhay nde mo
nmn tlga ako MINAHAL...!!! 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
May mga taong G*A*G*O, may mga taong T*A*N*G*A. Pagnag-mahal ka ng taong ayaw sa
u, "G*A*G*O" ka! Pagnde mo alam na may nagmamahal sau T*A*N*G*A ka! 12,11 Posted
by ||ScramB0t||
Ano ba e2!...kaw na nmn ang isip ko!...kya ang hirap maka2log sa gabi eh, nde ki
ta makalimutan! pero naka2log din ako...alam kung pano???...kc cnabi ko sa saril
i ko "T*A*N*G*A"! may mahal na yun...2log ka na!!! 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
0,1`sumtyms luvs not fair, d more u sacrifice, d more u get hurt and wen u feel u
v given ur best, it's still not enuf, till such tym cums when u have no choice b
ut to give up n let go..`` 12,11 Posted by zyte
Bakit pagmahal mo isang tao lahat bibigay mo, lahat gagawin mo, lahat isasakripi
syo mo, lahat hahamakin mo....tapos...FRIEND lng...!!! 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t|
Dati kala ko pag-nasa akin na ang taong mahal ko, masaya na ko!...pero bkit nung
nasa akin na cya di pa rin ako masaya...nde lang pla ang TAO ang kelangan ko...
kundi...PAGMAMAHAL niya!!!! 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
Minsan Badtrip magmahal...iwasan mo kaw din ang masasaktan...sundin mo puso mo,
ikaw din ang iiyak...bigay mo lahat kulang pa ren,magpaka-t*nga ka, gagaguhin ka
pa...minsan hintay ka ng hintay nde mo alam INIWAN ka na pla. 12,11 Posted by ||S
Madalas kong tanungin, saan ko ba ilulugar ang sarili ko syo? O kung may lugar p
a ba ako? Kapag bibitaw na ako, dumarating ka at pinaparamdam na may pag-asa pa.
.ngaun ba darating ka pa ba? kc bibitaw na ako... 12,11 Posted by Miss_SaNtA
sabi nila maswerte daw ako dahl lahat daw nasa akin na.. pero di pa ako kumpleto
, di dahil masyado akong maluho, sa totoo lang, di ko na kaylangan ng iba.. sa b
uhay ko, ikaw lang.. tama na... 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
sbi nila, palitan na dw kta. sbi ko "ayoko." sbi nila, nagpa2kagago lng dw ako s
a'yo. sbi ko, "hndi, ok lang." tanong nila "kaya mo pa ba?" 2mulo luha ko sbay s
bing, "kakayanin ko. mahal ko eh" 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
d greatest ironies of lyf: hving d ryt prson @ d wrong tym,loving d wrong person
@ d ryt tym & finding out u lovesum1 so much...ryt after dat prson walk out of
ur lyf. :| 12,11 Posted by ^Charlize^
Masakit maging kaibigan ng taong mahal mo. HIndi mo alam kung saan ka lulugar. D
i ka dapat umasa o di kaya mainis sa kanya. Bakit? Anong karapatan mo? Kaibigan
ka lang di ba?... 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
ang tagal kong tinago na mahal ko sya dahil alam ko iba ang mahal nya.. nakita k
o syang masya..sasabihin ko na.."mahal kita"... bigla nyang sinabi..."uy kame na
!" 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
isang araw nakita mo ako kausap sya, hawak ang kamay at kayakap sya, kala mo tin
alikuran kita at pnagpalit sa kanya... ang di mo alam pagtalikod mo, umiiyak sya
, kase nagpaalam ako at pinili ka... 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
it hurts 2 stay away from sum1 4 a reason u cant xplain but it wud hurt even mor
f 1 day, u cross paths again and it was TOO LATE wen u realiza u love him too..
. 12,11 Posted by ^Charlize^
How to define LOVE: fall but do not stumble, be constant but not too persistent,
share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, hurt but never kee
p the pain. 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
The Greatest irony of LOVE is letting go when you need to hold on and holding on
when you need to ley go. 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
it's hard 2 live alone it's harder 2 choose sum1 u cud love but d hardest part o
f loving is to admit dat u've fallen in love with sum1 u ddnt mean 2 love... 12,1
1 Posted by ^Charlize^
pag sobrang lapit mo sa 1 kaibigan natutuhan mo ng mahalin noh?! wag kang lalapi
t sa 'kin,huh! baka kc mahalin kta tapos...KAIBIGAN p rin pla tingin mo s 'kin..
. :( 12,11 Posted by ^Charlize^
wen d person u love chooses somebody over u,dnt shed a tear! jst tel dat person,
"shit,it's ur loss not mine!" sabay luhod..."parang awa mo na wag mo kong iwan!!
!" 12,11 Posted by ^Charlize^
Loving someone who doesn't love you s like reaching for a star, u know y0u'll ne
ver reach it but u jus have 2 keep on trying cuz someday it might fall 12,11 Post
ed by [DarkstaR]
You're the star that I love so much but I can never reach, even though impossibl
e, I'm a fool who just won't quit cuz maybe someday you my star, might decide 2
fall 4 me. 12,11 Posted by [DarkstaR]
2W14hy2?14¿2? do I love you so much when I know I can't make you mine? 2W14hy2?14¿2? do I f
ng that when I see you wave at me you say "hi" when I know what y0u really mean
is goodbye? 12,11 Posted by [DarkstaR]
toughest part of loving you isn't seeing y0u love someone else. It's in knowing
that when everyone goes and we're the only 2 people left, y0u still won't take t
he chance to try and love me 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
perhaps d most saddest bt most lovable tng dat cud hapen 2u s wen ur tokin to ur
ex b4 his wedding n he/she tells u... "dis cud have been us..." 12,11 Posted by g
I remember once y0u wished upon a star that some0ne w0uld l0ve y0u as y0u are, t
ill now you're still praying for that wish to c0me true, I guess y0u haven't not
iced that I'm the one l0ving y0u 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
It hurts so much to know that I have fallen for someone who would just leave me
hanging...why? Cuz I've closed my eyes for the reality that y0u never really lov
ed me.. you just cared 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
The 3 ironies of life: loving the right person at the wrong time, being with the
wrong person when the time is right and realizing that the person is right when
he already has somebody else. 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
I love you but I'm not asking anything in return I never asked y0u 2 care 4 me,
think of me, miss me or even love me but what I cant remember is did I ever ask
y0u 2 hurt me 12,11 Posted by maryrhose
Somehow I thought that when I fall in love badly it would be the one meant to la
st but now I've come to realize that the one thing I wanted to last is just a dr
eam I was never meant to have in the first place 12,11 Posted by [DarkstaR]
i may not be present on ur bday but 1 thing i promise u, i'll be der on ur weddi
ng day, sitting beside u while saying the words: yes father, i do. 12,11 Posted b
y ||ScramB0t||
"The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to
other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority
to any creature that cannot." 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open one's mouth and re
move all doubt. ' 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0t||
da more i go down..da happier he gets 12,11 Posted by KriStILiZiuZ
If loving u is a sin I rather choose to become a sinner. 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0
naranasan mo na bang umiyak... dahil iniwan ka ng iyong mahal? ako oo. kung ikaw
ay iniwan... ng iyong minamahal, nandito lang ako... luluha kasama mo.ü 12,11 Post
ed by ||ScramB0t||
diba masarap ang magmahal? lalo na kung mahal ka rin nya? pero ano ang mas masar
ap? ang minahal mo sya o ang... pinilit mong mahalin ka nya?ü 12,11 Posted by ||Scra
masakit sa kalooban ang lokohin ka... ang paasahin ka... ang pagtaksilan ka... p
ero mas masakit sa kalooban ang... gamitin ka lang nya...ü 12,11 Posted by ||ScramB0
f u cud b a part of my body, il let u b my hart 4 i wnt u 2 b d 1 hu beats n 2 b
d center of all my emotions n b d last 1 2 stop wen im gone.... 12,11 Posted by |
I can hide the pain that I feel and make others believe I can m0ve on but I can
never deny the truth 2 myself that the person wh0 has failed t0 l0ve me and hurt
me is still the person I'll always ch00se 2 l0ve. 12,11 Posted by [DarkstaR]
If I w0uld die tom0rr0w, y0u know what I'll do? I'll spend 23 h0urs with y0u, y0
u may think and wonder how ab0ut the last 1 h0ur, I'll spend that time l00king 4
a person wh0 can l0ve y0u the way I do 12,11 Posted by [DarkstaR]
I had a dream last night, you were my last love one left, I tried to hide you bu
t they came and took you away, I tried to wake myself to stop the pain, I never
did. But I want you to know I died...fighting! 12,11 Posted by [DarkstaR]
being with u makes me belong 2a magical place where u and i are happy together,
but sumtyms being with u really hurts... coz u belong in d same magical place bu
t not with me! =( 12,11 Posted by angel_08
late at night i cry dis tears away.. wondrin wt i can do or wt 2say... coz it se
ems 2me dat w/o me u can still get thru, but i tel u dis... u may not nid me...
but i stil nid u.. 12,11 Posted by angel_08
mybe d day wud cum dt i wud 4get hw u made me cry, hw u broke my heart wen u lyd
... wt i cud never 4get is d way u lukd wyl u slept in my arms... u lukd so myn.
. =( 12,11 Posted by angel_08
i wish i cud turn back time, en stop it not on d day we met, but on d day we ril
i got along. y? hehe.. nuthn rili.. jus mis wut it feels lyk 2b in heaven.. =) 12
,11 Posted by angel_08
wut if u wer givn a chance 2chus between ur past en ur present luv hu wud u chus
? ur past hu made u hapi but hurted u, or present hu doesn't make u hapi but luv
u so! 12,11 Posted by angel_08
i had a drim and it was about u! i smiled and recall d memries we had. den i not
ice a tear fel from my eyes... u know y? coz in my dream u kisd me en said gudby
. ='( 12,11 Posted by angel_08
sumday, sum1 myt cum into ur lyf en luv u in d way uv alwys wnted, if ur sumday
was yestrday, LEARN; if ur sumday is 2morow, HOPE; en if ur sumday is 2day, CHER
ISH. 12,11 Posted by angel_08
wen u luv u thought u wud never get tired, u thought it wud nvr end, u thought u
wud cry wen luv says gudby, bt funny it seems dat aftr awhle u wil tel urself i
m fine. 12,11 Posted by angel_08
it takes guts to break up wd sum1 en say gudby. howevr it takes mor courage to s
tay in d relationship en tel d prson... 'hold on tyt coz we're goin 2make it no
mater what..' 12,11 Posted by angel_08
d_spark sa utak nyo tagapaghatid,grupong alipin_ni_edmon ngyon nyo lang maririni
g,at kung sa RAP game gusto mong mag ingles sa rap industry kamin ang taga alis,
ngyn alam nyo na di kyo uubra hangang maaga pa kyo'y magmaniobra na baguhan pala
ng featuring na AGAD i'm sure ang ingit nyo ngyn ay sumasagad' 12,11 Posted by jer
if u madda fuckin' MISS me, u'll madda fuckin' MEET me, i would take the chances
rather than never see you again!!!!! got it!! to all the madda fuckin' rappers
out there much love, much respect!!thuglove12-->mark_d_spark' 12,11 Posted by mark
sBi k "kAmUsTa K?" TuManGo K lAnG..SbI k, "AnO nNgYrI?" D m Ko MaInTnDhN.. SbI K
, "MaGiNgAt K!" D m k NrInIg.. pNo KuNg SbHiN kOnG MAHAL KiTa,.. KuMiBo K p KyA.
.? 12,11 Posted by An2kErZ
pnilit kong maging sha,gnWa ko lht sayo k2lad ng gnwa nya,mnhal kta hgit pa sa n
aibgay nya,tnnong kta kng KULANG PA BA? cngot m kong.."tama na,hnd k nMn sha.."
=( 12,11 Posted by An2kErZ
oo,hanggang ngyon ngse2los ako..kht sbhn mng mgkybgan lang kau at ako na ang mah
al mo,lam m kng bkt?..tkot lng ako,kC jan dn tau ngcmula sa "mgkybgan lng kme.."
12,11 Posted by An2kErZ
"A LoVe wEll giVen And gIvEn FrEeLy wiLL nOt HoLd tHe pRomIsE oF rEciProCity" 12,
11 Posted by sexyaie^^^
<of all the things i've lost, i miss my brain the most...> 12,11 Posted by smiling
not all things can be seen, not all things are worth saying, not all things can
be said and done, not all things are all, not all of you is mine...yet i just wa
nt you to know that you are for me and you are free to me:azes 12,11 Posted by zet
all tears can be seen, yet look with in me, the sadest part of a person is in hi
s/her heart....azes 12,11 Posted by zetth
It is not important that you re not perfect and that you re special someone isn t perf
ect either. What is important is that you are perfect for Each Other. 12,11 Poste
d by L|ON_Heart
....we can never say how far we would go and how long we would stay together, al
l i know is that even if we would be miles apart, you would remain special to me
, "forever".... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
never loose hope on the person u choose 2 give ur love2.... if he is alwez the r
eason y ur heart aches,who cares?he'd still be the reason y ur heart beats ,anyw
ez 12,11 Posted by SUPLADANGsuplada
why is it that i cant 4get u?y is it dat i stil get hurt everytime u ignore me?
i guess its because u stil have a place in my heart that says,"i still love you
even if wer over" 12,11 Posted by SUPLADANGsuplada
Dig a grave dig it deep... Put a marble from head to feet... And in the top of m
y grave put a white dove... To symbolize that I die for LOVE 12,11 Posted by Dave`R
We climb and climb and up the top wed fly... And if the world go on below us we
are lost in time... And I dont know really what means... All I know is that you
love me... IN MY DREAMS 12,11 Posted by Slap[S]uckS
It HuRt sO mUcH 2 kNow dAt i HuV faLLeN 4 sUmOnE hU wUd jAz lEavE mE hAnGiN... W
hY?? CuZ iVe cLozE mah EyEz 4 d' ReAlitY tHaT U nEvEr rEaLLy LoVe mE... U jAz Ca
ReD!¡! 12,11 Posted by mArYRhOsE
Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark
day seem bright. 12,11 Posted by ^_nic2_blue_^
*6~If u love someone never let him go unless it is just hurting u more and when u
do let go, he'll always have a spot in your heart for him. 12,11 Posted by ^_nic2_
this is the last time that i'll wish for you,the last time that i'll cry for you
,and the last time that i'll hurt myself...coz tomorrow if i'll see you i'll jus
t say..."MASYADO NA KITANG MINAHAL..." 12,11 Posted by _girl_
a² + b² = c² (the pythagorean theory!!!) class what we have learned today????? 12,11 Po
sted by Hentai_Boi
i'd rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else, i'd rathe
r be beside you in a storm, than safe and warm by myself...i'd rather have hard
times together than to have it easy apart...i'd rather have the one who holds my
heart.... 12,11 Posted by _girl_
loving sum1 may mean pain & sacrifice. but f i m 2 love u, id rader embrace pain
& sacrifice dan not 2 love u @ all... 12,11 Posted by `nen19
help me! figure out the difference between right and wrong - weak and strong , d
ay and night where i belong. help me! make my right decisions , know which way t
o turn - these lessons learned just what my purpose is here! 12,11 Posted by Nick_
ponder on wat ppol say if u love sumone set him free if he comes back you are me
ant to be if he doesnt cum back it was never meant to be but wat if he comes bac
k....... and sumbody has u? 12,11 Posted by Jascha````
nvr was it abt u hurtin me, making me cry or leaving me & my wounded heart. It's
always been about u, being my one great luv, and me...not letting go... =( 12,11
Posted by simple_VII
True L0ve cann0t be f0und where iT d0es n0T Truly exisT, n0T can iT be hidden wh
ere iT Truly d0es...L0ve is magic. The m0re we hide iT, The m0re iT sh0ws; the m
0re y0u suppress iT, The m0re iT gr0ws. ... :)))))) 12,11 Posted by simple_VII
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly...what is essential is invisi
ble to the eye 12,11 Posted by ghio
nsktan k b nung mlaman mong may mhal syang iba? sna nga andun ako. nabulong ko s
na. "yan din un naramdaman ko.. nung sinabi mo na kau n pla..") 12,11 Posted by si
ng makita mo na may kasama ako nagalit ka agad ni hindi mo tinanong kung ano ko
sya.....yan ngayon ikaw ang nagsisisi..... ng malaman mong pinsan ko sya!!!!! 12,
11 Posted by qt_bys17
i can hear my heart cry as i think of you and i try to smile so you wouldn't kno
w i miss you. but no matter how hard i try, i can still feel the pain coz i know
without you things won't be the same. 12,11 Posted by simple_VII
it's not who you are to the world but who you are to me. It's not what you can g
ive but it's what you already have. It's not how many times i said I LOVE YOU, i
ts how much i really do.. 12,11 Posted by SUPLADANGsuplada
To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To love and to be loved is everyth
ing. I am nothing. You are something. Please let me be your everything... 12,11 P
osted by SUPLADANGsuplada
never rush in love, for love never runs out. Let love be the one to knock on you
r door. By the time you feel it, you know it's real.. 12,11 Posted by SUPLADANGsup
if your heart gets broken by the one you truly love...don't let go of the love i
n your heart but let go of the person... you will never know, someone might be w
orthy of that love... 12,11 Posted by SUPLADANGsuplada
Love is not all about "its your fault" but "I'm sorry" not "where are you" but "
I'm right here" not "How could you?" but "I understand" not "I wish you were" bu
t "Thankful you are". 12,11 Posted by SUPLADANGsuplada
Bakit ang tao pag luv mo iiwan ka.. pag naman iniwan mo mamahalin ka.. pag luv m
o shang talga may luv namang iba... bakit ganun? ang gulo noh?! 12,11 Posted by ak
Kaya Kong Tuyuin Ang Iyong Mga Luha Sa Bawat Sakit Na Iyong Mararamdaman Ngunit
Kailan Mo Kaya Mapupuna Ang Aking Luha? Pareho Lang Tayong Nasasaktan Ikaw Sa Kan
ya At Ako Sayo 12,11 Posted by cLaeZy
"To get rich never your risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the
wealth of wealth." 12,11 Posted by Junmar-
Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men's blood and will not be rea
lized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble and l
ogical plan never dies, but long after we are gone will be a living thing. 12,11
Posted by Junmar-
Funny how we always have these standards for prospective boyfriends and girlfrie
nds,but we found out in the end that the one we eventually love are those except
ions to those standards 12,11 Posted by Junmar-
ilang araw n d tyo nguusap.. ilng arw n d tyo ngkikita.. ilng arw n d kna ngpapa
ramdam,, lam m bng d k na matiis yn?! bt ikw ntiis m ko?. eh tanga pla ako!,, an
o nga ba ako syo...! aftr 2 nyt,as it ol ends,wl we end up juz as frends? 12,11 P
osted by Junmar-
Kahit Masakit, Pinilit Kitang Kalimutan... Kahit Masakit, Pinilit Kong Wag Umiya
k... Kahit Masakit, Pinilit Kong Wag Magtiis... Pero Kahit Anong Gawin Ko, Kaw P
arin Ang Mahal Ko Eh... Kahit Masakit!" 12,11 Posted by cLaeZy
Once In My Life, I Sacrificed My Happiness For Someone Else. Once In My Life, I
Put Aside My Pride. Once In My Life, I Had Loved Someone More Than Myself Coz On
ce In My Life Minahal Kita 12,11 Posted by cLaeZy
MaDaLas KNg MaRiniG Na MAsayAhin K DW Na Tao, MabAiT At PALABIRO. TNanOng PA NgA
NLa Ko KUng "pALabiRo B TaLaga YAnz?" D KO Lng MaSabi "eh PatI PuSo KO NgA BinIr
O NyAnz Eh!" 12,11 Posted by EiHyndGeL
WhCh IS HRder To Do?!? HoPiN DAt D1 U TruLy LuV CAn Luv U OR TRyiN 2 Luv SUm1 Hu
Truly LuVs U?!? Both Hard RYT? Bt D HrdSt CUd B IS WEn U FoL Fo D ONe HU LuvS U
JuZ WEn D1 U Luv IS FiNLy FOLiN Fo U 12,11 Posted by EiHyndGeL
"You will never forget your first love. That's what makes it so special. You lov
e so hard, so deeply, and so intensely because you don t know any different. It's
the best until it is over. Then you hurt like you've never been hurt before. Eve
ntually you love again, but you love differently. You will love more carefully,
more cautiously. Just know that there is so much more love waiting for you, but
there will always only be one first." 12,11 Posted by [R]a[Y]n[E]_86
wen i was a litle kid, i cudnt w8 to grow old n fall in luv. now dat ihve fallen
in luv, i realized dat wounded kness r easier to heal dan broken harts 12,11 Pos
ted by _^CrYsTaL21^_
lm mo mhal kta gulat k noh! mtgl n un! manhid m kc e.. ay, nde pla.. abala k lng
s kanya .. 0k lng i nderstand! frnd mo nmn ako...........lm mo un, FRND MO LNG
AKO!:( 12,11 Posted by _^CrYsTaL21^_
The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love. 12
,11 Posted by genelee
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the strength to
change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. 12,11 Posted by ge
Don't let the darkness of the past cover the brightness of the future. 12,11 Post
ed by genelee
Love is the greatest feeling you will ever have, yet it is also one of the great
est sorrows. There is so much suffering, but then there are times when the cryin
g, pain, and heartache is worth it. Those moments are perfect, they are right. T
hose moments make all the suffering worth while. It's those moments we should li
ve for." 12,11 Posted by genelee
Spend every second of every day together as a moment that could never be replace
d. 12,11 Posted by genelee
The greatest courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing HEART. 12,11 Poste
d by genelee
The best and the most beautiful thing in this world can not be seen or even touc
h because it lingers in our hearts -tuttz 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
Saying I love you isn't hard; saying I love you and meaning it is. 12,11 Posted b
y genelee
I'v learned that things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget th
e past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the
memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up it means accepting that some things
weren't meant to be. 12,11 Posted by genelee
The only thing in this world that always stays the same is change itself. 12,11 P
osted by genelee
"I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love yo
u." (Erich Fromm) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
The hardest part about moving forward is not looking back! 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with a little rain!" (Dolly Parton)
12,11 Posted by maverick_1
"I don't make you feel special, I just remind you that you are special." (David
F. Sims) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
Look into my eyes and hear what I'm not saying, for my eyes speak louder than my
voice ever will. 12,11 Posted by genelee
"For those who love... time is eternity..." (Henry Van Dyke) 12,11 Posted by maver
"Each morning as I awaken your the reason I smile, Your the reason I love."(Jerr
y Burton) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
"Doubt that the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be
a liar; But never doubt I love." ("Hamlet") 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
Advice is only asked to be given when you know the true just dont wa
nt to believe it." 12,11 Posted by genelee
Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know, Some
times our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears. 12,11 Pos
ted by genelee
Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but the middle is what re
ally counts! 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Didn't you know that people hide love like a flower too precious to be picked?"
(Wu Ti) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
Sometimes our trusting hand that guides us through life won't always be there, a
nd that's the time when you really grow up and face life for the first time. But
that hand will always be close by. 12,11 Posted by genelee
Over time things change and things disappear, but your love and your devotion st
ays embedded, like stone, in my heart for my eternal days. 12,11 Posted by genelee
Everything in life is temporary, because everything changes. That's why it takes
great courage to love, knowing it might end anytime but having the faith it wil
l last forever. 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gi
ves you courage." (Lao Tzo) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play, than in a year of conve
rsation. 12,11 Posted by genelee
"love must have wings to fly away from love ang to fly back again..." (tuttz) 12,
11 Posted by maverick_1
A single word relieves us of worries and fears. That word is love. 12,11 Posted b
y genelee
"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." (Plato) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
I love you, these three words could change our lives forever, but for you, I wil
l take that chance. 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Anyone can look at others eyes, but Lovers can see into each others' souls thro
ugh the eyes." (Larry Latta) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your ey
es saying you'll never leave me, the touch of your hand says you will catch me w
henever I fall. You say it best when you say nothing at all. 12,11 Posted by genel
"A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point. That's basic sp
elling that every woman ought to know."(Mistinguett) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
"It is with true love as it is with ghosts; everyone talks about it, but few hav
e seen it." (La Rochefoucauld) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
"A mighty pain to love it is, and 'tis a pain that pain to miss; but of all the
pains, the greatest pain is to love, but love in vain."(Abraham Crowley) 12,11 Po
sted by maverick_1
"Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never."(Charles Caleb C
olton) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love."(Stendhal
) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
"To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best."(William M.
Thackeray) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
"Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is w
illing to see less."(Will Moss) 12,11 Posted by maverick_1
"Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds."(Shakespeare) 12,11 Poste
d by maverick_1
There are TULIPS in my garden, there are TULIPS in the park. But there is nothin
g more beautiful than our TWO LIPS meeting in the dark!!!!! 12,11 Posted by Magino
The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass & flowers 2. If rain makes all th
ings beautiful, y doesn't it rain on you? 12,11 Posted by MaginoongSuplado
Love is when you enjoy every minute you share with the one you love 12,11 Posted
by albert8
Hey friend remember dat w/o s2pidity there can be no wisdom & w/o ugliness there
can be no beauty... so the world needs YOU after all! 12,11 Posted by MaginoongSu
Sabi nila... mahal daw kita kasi parati daw pangalan mo ang binabanggit ko... ka
si masaya daw ako pag anjan ka.... sabi nila aminin ko na daw sayo... sabi ko: "
Tsaka na lang pag mahal nya na din ako" 12,11 Posted by SUPLADANGsuplada
sabi mo mahal nya ko....sabi mo di nya ko iiwan.....sabi mo di nya ko pababayaan
....sabi mo pa, kami talaga ang para sa isa't pano nman kung sabihin ko
ng ikaw ang mahal ko at hindi sya, makaimik ka pa kaya? 12,11 Posted by SUPLADANGs
I hate to smile just tp pretend I'm not hurt. I hate to giggle to show you I'll
be okay. I hate to laugh if after I cry. I still love you and you've said goodby
e. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
never say goodbye if you still want to try, never give up if you still feel you
can go on. never say you dont love a person anymore if you cant let go. 12,11 Pos
ted by L|ON_Heart
how would you know if he really loves you: its when you scream, he's calm. when
you slap him, he kisses you. when you cry, he hugs you. when you tell him you ha
te him, he tells you he loves you 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
sometimes you think you are already over the person, but once you see him smile,
you suddenly realize youre just pretending to be over him just to ease the pain
of knowing he'll never ever be yours. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
we often picture ourselves as tiny, insignificant stars chasing a beautiful moon
. but little do we know that were being followed and loved by a patient cloud. 12
,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds your presence that'
s life worthwhile. so when you're lonely and alone, remember this is true: somew
here there's someone who's thinking of you. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
dati kala ko pag nasa akin na ang taong mahal ko, masaya na ako, pero bakit nung
naging sa akin sya, di pa rin ako masaya, di lang pala un tao nag kailangan ko
kundi pati pagmamahal niya... 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogue_26
mahirap makipag laban sa bagay na aalam mong talo ka,wala kang magawa kundi haya
an na lang at tumahimick hanggang sa ilayo na sa iyo ang taong pinakamamahal mo.
.. tsaka mo lang maiisip "sana pinaglaban ko siya"... 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogu
"No man is fit to command another that cannot command himself." 12,11 Posted by L|
masakit...di dahiL di mo ko mahaL ngunit dahiL di mo ko sinubukang mahaLin...mas
akit, di dahil mahaL mo cya kundi dahiL kahit tau nLang ang tao sa mundo, KAIBIG
AN LANG TLGA AKO SAU! 12,11 Posted by albert8
8,1wHo WoUlD EvaH ThNk We CuLd FiNd eAcH oThEr's WaY, u CaMe in2 mAh LyF n I ReaL
Ly DuNnO what 2 SaY, U mAdE mE rEaLiZe ThErEz So MuCh To sEe, So i'D LyK 2 ThAnK
u 4 bEiN pArT of mE... 12,11 Posted by mArYRhOsE
9,1HoW cAn I keEp U iF sUmBodY oWns U? hOw CaN i gO uR WaY iF suMbOdy'z BlocKin i
T? HoW cAn I LoVe u iF sUmBoDy'z HoLdIn u? hOw CaN i Be SpeCiAL iF sUmBodY eLsE
is SpeCiaL 2 YoU... 12,11 Posted by mArYRhOsE
8,1DeR` wAs 1 TyM I FeLL iN LovE WiTh sUmOnE vErY SpEcIaL, AnD I ToLd mAhSeLf I'm
nEvAh gOnNa GiVe uP oN ThAt pErZoN, BuT 1 DaY I DiD... whY? CoZ I nEvAh kNeW Ho
W mUcH LoVe caN hUrT.... 12,11 Posted by mArYRhOsE
mahal kita mahal, mo sya, sya naman di ka kayang mahalan tulad ng pagmamahal ko
sa iyo... ikaw kasi gago... siya naman manhid... parang ikaw at ako... ikaw yung
manhid at ako ay nagpapakagago sa iyo... 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogue_26
The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying atte
ntion to before. 12,11 Posted by genelee
It is better to go for someone who loves you, rather than someone who you love. 1
2,11 Posted by genelee
The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt. 12,11 Posted by gen
What is more important to you the love you share, the memories you have or the l
over? Give love a chance to swallow you up. Don't just think it will happen in a
instant, it will suprise you before you know it, but it will be the most reward
ing experience you will ever have!!! 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Look, I guarantee that we'll have tough times. And i guarantee that at some poi
nt, one or both of us will want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee t
hat if i dont ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Becaus
e i know in my heart, you're the only one for me." 12,11 Posted by `nen19
"the farthest distance in the world isnt the distance between life and death; no
r is it the distance from heaven to hell; its the fact that im pretending here i
nfront of you and you don't know i love you..." 12,11 Posted by `nen19
"Oo tama nga cila tanga raw ako! kc minahal kta! pro maccc kya nila ako kung ang
cnasabi nilang nging katangahan ko ay ang tanging naging kaligayahan ko...:(" 12
,11 Posted by vheybie_012
"im not prepared wen u came n2 my life.. im not even aware wat wil it bring. but
u know whAT? i dont regret anything coz now i know dat ure my everything..." 12,
11 Posted by vheybie_012
May Pagkakataon Ka Ng Mahalin Ang Isang 2lad Ko.......Pero Minahal Mo Parin Ang
Taong Hindi Ka Mahal...Ang Buhay Mo Ay Biglang Nasira At Hanggang Sa Ngayon Ikaw
Ay Nagsisi..!!! 12,11 Posted by qt_bys17
wat f u dnt bliv in luv?...wat f umet d person hus meant 2 teach u how?...& wat
f u fol 4 him?...yet.....HE WASNT MEANT 2 TEACH U :( 12,11 Posted by ^SoberGal^
wat f u dnt bliv in luv?...wat f u met d person hus meant 2 teach u how?...& wat
f u fol 4 him?...yet.....HE WASNT MEANT 2 TEACH U :( 12,11 Posted by ^SoberGal^
luv...pag-ibig...same old words...bkit nga b tyo nssaktan pg ngmmhal tyo?!...ttn
ga-tnga kc tyo eh...ngmmhal lng tyo, dun p s taong d tyo kyang mhalin :( 12,11 Po
sted by ^SoberGal^
1,8Candidates for Philippines is led by Fernando Poe, Jr. for President; Lucio Tan
for Vice President; an actress named Ina Raymundo for Senator; and Nino Mullach
for Congressman. So Vote for POE, TAN, INA, NINO !! 12,11 Posted by Hentai_Boi
I miss you so much that it comes to a point that I'm dying coz I can't see you,
feel you, speak to you or touch you. But I'm happy coz the more I'm hurt missing
you, the longer I fight to live because of you! 12,11 Posted by [cloud[9]]
f i cud ask god 1 thng it wud be"r u dstined 4me?" f he says yes,den i wud cntnu
e 2 luv u evn mre!bt f he say no,stL i wud cntnue 2 luv u,til i mke hm c dt luvn
g u at my bst s enaf 2 say wer ment 2b.. 12,11 Posted by [cloud[9]]
It's ok if you can't love me, or even think of me, i'm not asking you to... it's
really ok if you can't because... what i told you is, "I Love You", not "Love M
e Too". 12,11 Posted by ValkyriePilot001
"The best thing in life is being free of obligation...otherwise you lose your ab
ility to gamble." 12,11 Posted by Setzer
"Some just can't wait to die!" 12,11 Posted by Auron
"There is no good, there is no bad. Just perspective and opinion." 12,11 Posted b
y Squall
In life we strive for many dreams and desires but the greatest goal to achieve i
n life, is to feel healthily uncondional love 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
Awakened by your touch, my dreams interrupted. You softly kiss my lips, my dream
s live on. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
love is like a wind, you can never see, but can feel, love is like a detour, cho
osing the correct way to fall inlove... Love is like a door which waits you til
the right time to open it for you and for love to come out... 12,11 Posted by Adva
Love takes time, it needs history of giving and receiving, laughing and crying. 1
2,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
Rich, beautiful/handsome, life is so grand --- doesn't make any sense as long as
there's someone loving you.. What if u are rich? But with no friends and have a
broken family? Poor one you are. =) 12,11 Posted by Advance^kid
Love has no control and neither does one's mind when they are in love. 12,11 Post
ed by DadiJuNMaR
You don't really have to hold hands. You don't really have to see each other to
make one feel what's inside, but you just have to be true to let love see what's
with you. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
When u truly care for some1, you don't look for faults, you don't look for mista
kes, instead you fight for the mistakes, you expect the faults and you overlook
the excuses. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
I dropped a tear in the ocean, when they find it, that's when I'll stop loving y
ou. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can't help but falling in love with you. 1
2,11 Posted by ElvisPresley
You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to
hold my pillow tights. It's you that I'm thinking when I lay down at night. And
you are the reason I can't sleep without saying goodnight. 12,11 Posted by DadiJu
Sometimes you have to let go of something to see if it's really worth holding on
to. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
You have to lived until you have found someone to die for. 12,11 Posted by DadiJuN
I know that its not right to love you for loving you would mean a relationship t
orn into two, but what can I do my heart is with you that drives me to you and k
eep on missing you. 12,11 Posted by crjack_17
I was there for you because I love you, I leave you because I love you so much,
So I set you free because I know you were not happy with my company. 12,11 Posted
by crjack_17
naramdaman mo na bang magmahal ng todo? ako oo.. gago kc ako eh mahal ko kahit s
inaktan ako binigay ko lahat kahit na pinagmukhang tanga.. ganyan ako kagago bas
ta sa yo.. 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
life is not a garbage to throw away all pains.instead pick it up, all the garbag
e for one of them is the strength to face the reaL MEANING OF LIFE..dont hesista
te to face the challenge for in it, theres a treasures of success.. 12,11 Posted
by crjack_17
minsan nasabi mo b s sarili mo n tanga ka? N wala kang silbi? n makitid utak mo?
n baliw k?hay.. di b nasabi mo yan nung hindi ka mahal ng mahal mo? hirap talag
a ng kaibigan lang noh? 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
magalit k kaya pag sinabi kong mahal kita.. n kailangan kita.. wag sana.. ang ka
salanan ko lang naman sobrang minahal kita kahit s sarili ko wala akong itinira.
... 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
There are TULIPS in my garden, there are TULIPS in the park. But there is nothin
g more beautiful than our TWO LIPS meeting in the dark!!!!! 12,11 Posted by crjack
minsan nasabi mo b s sarili mo n tanga ka? N wala kang silbi? n makitid utak mo?
n baliw k?hay.. di b nasabi mo yan nung hindi ka mahal ng mahal mo? hirap talag
a ng kaibigan lang noh? 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
isn't it sad that you have so much pain in your heart and the only person you wa
nt to talk to and can make you stop crying is exactly the same person who made y
ou cry 12,11 Posted by m|RK
bat lagi kita inaantay darating ka b? bat lagi akong nag aalala s yo ganun k din
b? bat sa dami dami n mamahalin ko.. ikaw pang meron ng iba.. 12,11 Posted by kit
The scariest thing about falling in love is getting hurt. The scariest thing abo
ut getting hurt is not being able to love again. The scariest thing about not lo
ving again is being alone forever. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
isn't it sad that you have so much pain in your heart and the only person you wa
nt to talk to and can make you stop crying is exactly the same person who made y
ou cry 12,11 Posted by m|RK
Its not easy to forget someone who made you smile, made your heart skip a beat,
who made you do things you never thought you'll do, broke your heart, made you c
ry and left you without saying goodbye. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
If you love someone but he does'nt love you don't think that your life is over.T
here is someone there for you its just a matter of finding out who. 12,11 Posted
by m|RK
In Love? Think things over if you're really sure about how you feel for him. Don
t fall too hard not knowing where u stand, coz it will hurt real bad when things
dont go the way you want them to be. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
Friends are puzzle pieces..if one goes away, that special piece can never be rep
laced...and the puzzle will never be whole again. Hope your a piece I can keep f
orever. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who ll love you most with all yo
ur fault, imperfection and who you ll love back just as much. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
In life, there s a very rare chance that you ll meet the person you love and loves y
ou in return. So once you have it, don t ever let go. Chance it might not come you
r way again. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
Love knows no reasons,love knows no lies,love defies all reasons, love has no ey
es. But love is not blind.Love sees, but it doesn't mind. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
Loving someone as much as it hurts at times, means giving him the freedom to fin
d his own way whether it leads him towards or away from you. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
You can't make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to the person to realize your worth. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
It's better to meet the person who will love you later than meet someone now who
promises to love you but sooner or later leave you forever. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
Time can always heal the pain, bring the sun, dry the rain. Time can change the
tide if you want them to. So why can't time make me stop loving you? 12,11 Posted
by m|RK
Love is a felling you can't control. It's something that weakens your body and s
oul. Its hard to express, it's hard to explain but when love leaves, it leaves u
s in pain. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
Desire is when you ache to see him and touch him, when he causes your body to bu
rn and tremble. Desire does not demand love before it can ensnare you, but desir
e with love creates a powerful bond. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
Everything in life is temporary because everything changes. That's why it takes
great courage to love knowing it might end anytime, but having faith it will las
t forever. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
The beginning of love is to let those we love be just themselves, and not twist
with our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find
in them. 12,11 Posted by m|RK
whiCH is HardEr t0 d0?h0pE tHat tHe 0nE U l0vE cAn L0vE U? 0R tRY|n t0 l0vE s0mE
0nE wh0 l0vEs u? b0tH hArd r|gHt? bUt tHe hArdEst is wHEn U fAll f0r tHe 0nE wH0
L0vEs U jUst WheN tHe 0nE U L0ve is f|nAlly fAllin` f0r U. 12,11 Posted by collin
sabi nila mahirap k raw abutin paki ko sabi nila wag n daw kitang isipin paki ko
mahal kita mahal n mahal kita lam mo b un paki mo?.. eh may mahal k namang iba.
.. 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
sabi ko suko n ko sabi ko di na kita mahal sabi ko malilimutan din kita sabi ko
masaya na ko sabi ko yun.. pero di ko kaya e mahal talaga kita... 12,11 Posted by
masakit maging kaibigan ng taong mahal mo, hindi mo alam kung san ka lulugar uma
sa o mainis sa kanya bakit 'nong karapatan mo? KAIBIGAN k lang di b? 12,11 Posted
by kitty_girl tend to be in dispair when your loved one can never love you bac
k.but dont worry.....please dont cry much.......just close your eyes and whisper
......."mahal mo rin ako!!pakipot ka lang!" 12,11 Posted by colline``
naramdaman mo n bang mgmahal ng isang taong may mahal ng iba? o magbigay ng payo
sa taong ito para sa iba? Di b ang sakit nun? ok lng syo dahil mahal n mahal mo
sya... 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
when the one you love chooses somebody over you...dont shed tears!!tell that per
son...."gago!its not my lost! sayo yun no!"...sabay luhod..."parang awa mo na wa
g mo ko iwan please..=)" 12,11 Posted by colline``
i remember the days when ud say "iloveyoubaby".. i remember the days when u said
"ilneverletyougo"... but most of all il never forget the day you said "baby, so
rry di kita kayang ipaglaban..." =c 12,11 Posted by isTambay-
mabait ka daw! Sabi ko "Oo naman!", cute ka daw! Sabi ko "talaga!", PALABIRO ka
daw! Napakamot lang ako sa ulo at sabay ngiti, "putcha, pati nga puso ko biniro
nyan eh...!" 12,11 Posted by isTambay-
kahit nasaktan ang 1 tao pinipili p rin nyang magmahal. Bakit? dahil ang puso pw
ede mong sugatan pero hindi mo kayang turuan patuloy itong titibok.. patuloy ito
ng magmamahal... 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
Isang araw, nandyan ka lang sa tabi ko... halos araw-araw ikaw kausap ko... sabi
ko na,matutupad din pangarap ko.. pero ng nararamdamn ko ng mahal mo ko, sabi m
o "uy, tenx huh? Napagselos din natin mahal ko!" 12,11 Posted by isTambay-
15,1I don't know why I suddenly can't take you for granted, why I'm suddenly eage
r to see you, why I suddenly miss you when still I'm not certain with my feeling
s for you. Maybe because... I Love you now! 12,11 Posted by DadiJuNMaR
sabi nila maswerte daw ako dahil lahat nasakin n pero di p ko kuntento.. dahil m
asyado akong maluh. sa totoo lang di ko kailangan ng sobra sa buhay ko kaw lang
tama na.. 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
mahirap umasa kasi mahirap mag antay mahirap magmahal kasi mahirap masaktan mahi
rap umalis kahit ayaw mo p pero mas mahirap mag antay at magmahal s wala. NAKAKA
DALA!!! 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
And I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do. Are you somewhere feeling l
onely, or is someone loving you. Tell me how to win your heart, because I don't
have a clue. But just let me start by saying I LOVE YOU. hehehe. 12,11 Posted by L
they say true love is worth fighting for... but if it's true love, then why shou
ld we have to fight for it? 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
0,4Why do we say, " I aM iN LOvE w|tH yOu," instead Of, " I aM iN LOvE fOr yOu?"
tHe AnSwEr iS, " WeLL, jUst bEcAUsE!".... 12,11 Posted by xAnDrA
The essential saddness is to go through life without loving. But it would be alm
ost equally sad to leave this world wihout ever telling those you loved that you
love them. 12,11 Posted by AngeloStrike
I know I made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life, but the worst one was thinkin
g the person who hurt me the most wouldn't hurt me again. 12,11 Posted by AngeloSt
Letting go of someone dear to you is hard but holding on to someone who doesn't
even fell the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you're weak. It only m
eans that you're strong enough to let go. 12,11 Posted by AngeloStrike
A guy and a girl can be "Just Friends" but one point or another, one of them wil
l fall for the other, maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late
or maybe just maybe forever... 12,11 Posted by AngeloStrike
Ask me why I keep on loving you when its clear that you don't feel the same way
for me... The problem sith me is that as much as I can't force you to love me...
I can't force myself to stop loving you!!! 12,11 Posted by J-u-N-m-A-r
"I will love you all my life and when I die I will still love you through eterni
ty and beyond." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Time will prove my love to you and cement my place in your heart forever. For t
ime will give me the credibility and the believability that I need to convince y
ou to want to spend the rest of your life with me. That I am worthy of such a co
mmitment from you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If your are meant to be together forever, you will survive any obstacle or trou
ble that comes to you." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If I die before you then my love will linger forever around you. And when you c
hange your mind, and wish to be with me, I will greet you at heaven's gates with
the same love and the same loving arms we knew in life." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"One night, the moon said to me, 'If he makes you cry..why don't you leave him?'
I looked at the moon and said, 'Moon, would you ever leave your sky?'" 12,11 Pos
ted by genelee
"My love for you is like time, if you give it just one moment, it will last fore
ver." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Forever is not a word...rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes
them there." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you love me as I love you, nothing but death can part us two." 12,11 Posted b
y genelee
"They say time heals and makes us forget but what we shared will never be erased
." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"An eternity is forever, and forever with you would be a dream come true." 12,11
Posted by genelee
"Seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and I'm yours forever." 12
,11 Posted by genelee
Two people may fall for each other but sometimes one gets up and walks away whil
e the other is still on the ground. 12,11 Posted by |DyuGunMaGar|
[UnlimitedIRC] para sa mataba, sa payat, sa matangkad, sa pandak, sa uhaw, sa ba
yan, sa orig, sa nag-iisa, sa tropa, sa mag-asawa, sa magkalaguyo, sa i luv u, s
a i luv u not, sa luv letter, sa labandera, sa naglalampungan, at higit sa lahat
sa mga cnungaling na chatters tulad ko "mismo" 12,11 Posted by [UnlimitedIRC]
of ol d days uv bn away, i cm 2 ms u mre 2day, ol i hv s a starles sky and hople
ss drims 2gt on by thou drs no rison 4u 2b nir, iknow its crzy bt i jst wsh u wr
hir!.. 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
y do ppol sy, lvng 2 mch mkes u stupid..? its bcoz ul olways b rng.. evn f ur ry
t.. wik evn f ur strong.. u giv w/o rcvng u cry.. gt gurt but stil u sy ur happy
.. 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
n luv nvr put urslf n a c2ation wer u r nt sur wer u stnd n a prson's lyf. nvr a
ssume, nvr xpct so dat f dey chus 2 drop u, u hv enaf strength 2 move on 12,11 Po
sted by _kaycee_
sumtyms d only tng dat cn mve a prson's lyf frm d hrshnes of ds wrld 2 d realms
of pradyz s a cmple chnce.. a chnce 2 c him/her thru.. a chnce 2 knw him/her bte
r.. i ges all it tkes 2 knw anytng s jz a chnce 2 allow urslf 2 do anytng dat ly
f ofers u 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
sumtyms n luv, u hve 2 sacrifyc , get hrt, tke ol d pains & sufferings & @ d end
.. dnt tink hw painful uv gvn thru but rader focus on the love u hv gvn 4 dat sp
cl prson 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
m filn blue & i nid u 2 help me thru.. cudnt rich 4 u wer 2 far lyk a dstant shi
ning star.. i lukd 4 ur hart 2 stay nsyd i wnt 2 lay.. i nid u 2 protct me w/ ur
lovng embrace coz faith s wat i hv jz 2 c ur face.. tngs may nt b d same, tngs
may ddnt last, bt tym wont erase d memris of d past 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
bket b gnon? prepreho cla..lhat iniwan ako..lahat cnaktan ako.. pro bket gnon? g
s2 k prn mgmhal.. lam m kung bkit? kc lam ko drating ka! 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
We should not hold love in our hands, for we may never 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
nsaktan ka ng nkita mng ksama ko cia, nsaktn ka ng nkta mng msaya ko sa piling n
ya, nsaktn ka ng malman mng mahal ko cia wish ko lng ndi ka na masa2ktan kc ndi mo
lng alam ikw tlga mahal ko at ndi cia!!! 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
Lahat na ginawa ko para lang malapit sayo.Pero bakit hanggang ngayon la pa reng
nagbabago.Lam na ng lahat na ako sayo ay mayguzto.Ngunit bakit parang nagkamali
ang puso ko.Masasaktan lang ba uli ako? 12,11 Posted by _kaycee_
=im Not Sure With Wat U Rily Feel About Me, All I Know Is That Somehow I Care. B
ut Loving You Hurts Me So Bad That I Have To Let Go Of All The Things I Cud No L
onger Hold. Ur Still In Love With Her, And U, Being Happy Is All I Want U To Be.
.. I Still Luv U, And Wud Still Be Loving U... But I Want 2 Say Goodbye Now...WE
N I STIL CAN... 12,11 Posted by cLaeZy
Lam mo ba my mga TAONG BOBO, cla ung mga TAONG nagmamahal pero di naman cla maha
l... Meron din nmn mga TAONG TANGA, cla nmn ung taong minamahal pero di nmn nila
alam... Alam ko Ako BOBO pero wag ka nmn sanang TANGA... ki||az Rulez 12,11 Post
ed by borlays
I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live
my life, wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or wh
at you do, I'm sorry I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you 12,11 Post
ed by wOrSt_wItCh
limutin mo akoy ikaw ang bahala ngunit ang limutin kay di ko magagawa........ 12,
11 Posted by AkoyLalakeng_Maynak
Ako man ay pangit sa iyong paningin ngunit gintong alaala sa iyoy hatid 12,11 Pos
ted by AkoyLalakeng_Maynak
It hurts when we risk our heart and it ends up getting broken. But what hurts ev
en more is when we still hold on when we already know that we're waiting for not
hing.... :( 12,11 Posted by martin_00
never welcome som1 u cnt entertain; nver open ur door f u want 2 close ur heart;
12,11 Posted by martin_00
---"One who shows too much pride is the one hurt and left aside." 12,11 Posted by
if ever u find sum1 better,funnier or nicer than me,go ahead di kita pipigilan..
.pero pag iniwan ka ng magaling mong kaibigan tingin ka sa likod mo,andun pa rin
ung iniwan mo 12,11 Posted by cLueLeSs_cHic
It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, a day
to love someone but a lifetime to forget someone 12,11 Posted by IcE_cAndLE-
---"LAm mo wen U start faLing NluV N FiL bEiNg luV k$ma N uNg pOsibliTy N msktN.
.pNo m mLLman kNg gNo ksRAp mgMhAL kNg d m nRnsAn kNg pnO msKtAn"" 12,11 Posted b
y ^_nic2_blue_^
When we love someone, there's always a time when we have to let go, not because
the person we love started hating us but they'd be happier if we let them go. 12,
11 Posted by IcE_cAndLE-
---wen d persn u luv chuses smbdy ovr u,dnt shed a tear!juz tel dat person ,"tan
gina,its ur loss not mine!" sabay luhod.."parang awa mo na wag mo na kng iwan!!"
12,11 Posted by ^_nic2_blue_^
We know that we really miss someone when the pieces of our broken heart can be h
ealed by just a "hello" from that person. 12,11 Posted by IcE_cAndLE-
There is no remedy for love but to love more. 12,11 Posted by IcE_cAndLE-
maskit iwn ang minamahal e pano nmn kung iwn k ng mhl mo?kung iicpn prho lng msk may sa2kit p b kng.. iwn k nya dhil s iba kht lamnya n d m mk2ya? 12,11 P
osted by Like_i_love_u
mskit pg ung taong mhl mo iniwn ka..mskit pg nkita mo my ksma cyng iba.. pero ma
s msakit pg.. tnanggal ung utong mo at pntakan ng kalamansi? 12,11 Posted by Like_
If I love and fail,I will love again and if againl I fail still I will love caus
e I'd rather choose my love to fail than to fail to love 12,11 Posted by EvilStar
Love, in distnction from friendship is killed, or rather extinguished, the momen
t it is displayed in public 12,11 Posted by pandesal
8,1i'd rather huv badtimes w/u than gud tyms w/ sumone else id rther b bside u in
a storm, than safe & wrm by myself, id rther huv hardtimes 2gder than 2 make it
easy apart, id rather huv d 1 hu holds my heart 12,11 Posted by [DarkstaR]
love does nt count on how many times you argue or break. it is matter of forgivi
ng the one you REALLY LOVE 12,11 Posted by BABYKO16
I dont believe in magic but I do believe in you and when you say you believe in
me, there's so much magic I can do... 12,11 Posted by EvilStar
frends can be lovers BUT lovers cant be frends, coz... they can be lovers again 1
2,11 Posted by BABYKO16
better 2 live in tent w/ someone you love; than live in a mansion by urself! 12,1
1 Posted by RichART1
A woman that waits for things 2 turn up has her eyes fixed on her shoes 12,11 Pos
ted by RichART1
You dont know what you've got until you've missed it; & you don't know what you'
ve missed if you've never had. 12,11 Posted by RichART1
Good-bye's make you think. They make you realize what you've had and what you've
lost, and what you've taken for granted. Sometimes there is no next time, to ti
me outs, no second chances, sometimes it's now or never... 12,11 Posted by ||Scram
Find ARMS that will HOLD you at your WEAKEST, EYES that will see you at UGLIEST,
a HEART that will LOVE you at your WORST, once you have found it, you found TRU
E LOVE. 12,11 Posted by ||Scrammy||
Hopeless romantics are only hopeless in the eyes of those who don't believe in r
omance 12,11 Posted by ||Scrammy||
I know its wrong for me to fall in love with you but I can't get through it and
if choosing right means letting you go then let me be wrong forever. 12,11 Posted
by ||Scrammy||
dis nyt, i wish u myt take a luk at d stars abve u... 1 of dem shal slowly fade
en stil u myt nvr know... "sa milyong bituing nkkta mo, ano nga nman sau kung mw
ala ako?" 12,11 Posted by angel_08
'ol il evr nid s 1 msg 2 knw if im stil cared 4... if m stil tot of... if im sti
l 3sured.. if im stil wanted.. dats ol il evr nid 2know.. f ur stil worth waitin
4...' 12,11 Posted by angel_08
Sabi nga nila pag mahal mo ang isang tao, gagawin,ibibigay mo lahat. paano pag h
iniling nya na mag hiwalay kyo ibibigay mo ba? kahit masakit ito para syo? 12,11
Posted by niceguy17
sm1 askd me if i f*ckin luv u. i js raisd my middle finger, shouted 'bulsh*t!' w
id ol my myt en wokd away den i whispered "pucha SOBRA!" 12,11 Posted by angel_08
dont wnt 2leave, bt we both know smtyms its beter 2go. smhw i know we'll meet ag
en. nt sure quite wer en i dont know jus wen. ur in my heart, so until den.. wan
a smyl, wana cry, saying gudby. 12,11 Posted by angel_08
may mga taong gago...may mga taong tanga...pagnagmahal ka ng ayaw syo...gago ka!
...pag di mo alam na may nagmamahal sayo...tanga ka!...alam ko gago ako sana lng
di ka tanga... 12,11 Posted by dAyZs
I love thee regardless of her past, whoever she was at present and whoever she w
ill be in the future!!! 12,11 Posted by albert8
"i should've hated you for what you did to me, but im glad to have met you coz u
taught me ho to love beyond the limits of loving!" -danecool 12,11 Posted by NatH
Kung katangahan ang ibigin ka, puwes hayaan mo na lang akong maging tanga...hehe
he!! 12,11 Posted by albert8
wen fuckin world lets u down, wen d damn person u trust leaves you behind,wen no
assholes sims 2 understan u,remember, ders 1 gud bitch u can turn 2.... yukari 1
2,11 Posted by angel_16
"so let the pain remain forever in my heart, for every throb it brings is one mo
re moment spent with you. i let the pain bring on the rain, if that's the only w
ay, if there's no other way to be with you again...." 12,11 Posted by NatHaniEl|Ky
i care for you but you dont give a damn, i miss u pero shet la ka paki alam, i l
ike pero pak alam mo ba? i lab u pero tangna! ang manhid mo talaga!!!!! 12,11 Pos
ted by HaZeL16
I like to be a bird.Because bird can go everywhere.... 12,11 Posted by Advance^kid
if i were a tear in ur eyes id b very lucky coz 'l fall down on ur cheeks and di
e on ur lips...but if u were a tear on my eyes 'l try not 2 cry 4'm afraid of lo
zing u. 12,11 Posted by my_december
alam mo, para walang mangangagaw sa kalabs mo... humanap ka ng panget na kalabs
mo... para wala ng hahabol sa kanya.... edi walang sagabal.... 12,11 Posted by Adv
love is like a wind, you can never see, but can feel.... 12,11 Posted by Advance^k
kung magbibigay ka ng gift sa isa mong kalovemate mong maarte.... make sure hind
i ito napaka tsangge tsangge!!! kase kung oo man... (nangyari nasakin) lalapit s
a'yo na akala mo magtethank you, tapos yun nama'm pala sabay sampal at sabing, "
oy... magbibigay ka na nga lang, sira pa!!!" 12,11 Posted by Advance^kid
if i tel u i lab u, u'l think im lying. but i'd rather tel u i lab u and let uth
ink im lyin dan say i dont lab u and a sure im lying. 12,11 Posted by my_december
Do you know who he is? He is too advance for his age.... Will u believe an eleve
n years old kid is chatting here in mIRC ? He even knows some adults' private co
nversations like sex... and he knows some good tips about courting a lady... so
any men having problem there could contact him... Will you believe all of these?
He is the advanced.The different among all kids.He is..... the Advance^kid the
one 12,11 Posted by Advance^kid
every1 nids sum1 2b wd bt oftn, dey try 2 chus d bst.. i may not b d best among
dem, but i promise not to leave u,.. aalis lang ako pgcnbi mong..."yukari, di na
kta kailangan.." 12,11 Posted by yukari_sweetsixteen
If I love and fail I will love again and if again I fail still I will love cause
I'd rather choose my love to fail than to fail to love 12,11 Posted by IceDust
once in my life i met an ANGEL, sum 1 so kind, sweet and perfect...once in my li
fe i met a pure soul, sum1 so honest, so incredible, coz once in my life i met u
........ 12,11 Posted by yukari_sweetsixteen
qt:minsan may nagtanong pano raw kpag wala ka na? ...npaisip ako, naluha at nata
kot bigla, tapos sabi nila "wag mo na lang sagutin sa mata mo pa lang kitang kit
a na eh.. di mo talaga kaya." 12,11 Posted by cLeyr_012
Perhaps they were right in putting love into books... Perhaps it could not live
anywhere else... -William Faulkner (1897-1962) Light in August 12,11 Posted by Cap
4LOVE is 4Letting 4Other's 4Visions 4Exist. 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
To demand of love that it be without jealousy is to ask of light that it cast no
shadows. -Oscar Hammling (1890-?) Laconics 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
My heart is a lonely hunter that hunts in a lonely hill. -William Sharp (1856?-1
905) The Lonely Hunter 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
An honest man is the noblest work of God. -Alexandre Pope (1688-1744) Essay on M
an 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
Alas! The love of women!it is known to be a lovely and a s fearful thing. -Lord
Byron (1795-1881) Don Juan 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
If you would be loved, love. -Hecato (c. 550-476 B.C.) Fragments 12,11 Posted by C
He is not a lover who does not love forever. -Euripides (480-406 B.C.) Troades 12
,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
Every thing happens for a reason... 12,11 Posted by rosegreen
I will wear my heart out on my sleeve for daws to peck at. -Shakespeare (1564-16
16) Othello, I, i, 64 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
When love and skill work together expect a masterpiece. -John Ruskin (1819-1900)
12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the
time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. -Abraham Lincoln (1
809-1865) 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
kunwari masaya ako ...kunwari ok ako... kunwari wla akong problema...kunwari nas
a heaven ako...ok lng bng isipin kong kunwari mhal mo din ako?... dont wori! kun
wari lng nman eh! sna TOTOO! 12,11 Posted by dAyZs
sbi mo "di ko kayang mawala ka"...sarap pakinggan...isiping may nagmamahal syo..
.ung may taong nagbibigay sau ng halaga...pero ang masakit IBA mo cnabi
...NARINIG ko lng... 12,11 Posted by dAyZs
may mga taong gago, may mga taong tanga...pagnagmahal ka ng taong ayaw sa iyo...
GAGO ka!... pag di mo alam na may nagmamahal sayo... TANGA ka!...alam ko gago ak
o... sana lng di ka tanga... 12,11 Posted by dAyZs
You shouldn't problem a problem. For if you problem a problem, the problem will
problem you. 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
"While you give her flower, you gave me thorns. While all she did was laugh, all
i did was mourn. While you cry for her, i cry for you.. Coz while you were lovi
ng her.. I WAS LOVING YOU." 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
"I love you but I'm not asking anything in return. I never asked you to care for
me, to think of me or even to love me back.. But I can't remember.. Did I ever
ask you to hurt me?" 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
< love is not how many things you done, or how many good things is in the one yo
u love, but accepting all the things in the one you love 12,11 Posted by jstamahom
< Love is not won by a single caress or broken by a single failure, it is a life
time venture in which we keep on growing and discovering. 12,11 Posted by ^_m|ck3_
Love takes time to heal.Take that time and get back on the "horse".But don't eve
r make the same mistake of "riding" the same one that threw you the first time. 1
2,11 Posted by ^_H[e]rmiOnE_^
nothing venture nothing gain 12,11 Posted by alyssa_20
a moment pain for a lifetime pleasure 12,11 Posted by alyssa_20
heartmeltin': death scares d hel out of me.i dn't wnt 2 die knowin dat ul cry ov
er me. But if death mins watchin over u, bein wid u.. imyt as wel take my life j
st 4 U... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
bakit kita mahal? it just hit me!!! pero ang sakit kasi ni minsan di ko nasubuka
ng mahalin mo ako! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
lam m mhal kta..gulat k no! mtagal n un mnhid k lng kc.. ay, d pla! abala k lng
s knya..ok lng, i undrstnd friend m ko e! FRIEND m LANG AKO! 12,11 Posted by cooLg
Hey friend remember dat w/o s2pidity there can be no wisdom & w/o ugliness there
can be no beauty... so the world needs YOU after all! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
If love can be avoided simply by closing my eyes...I wouldn't blink at all for i
don't want to let second pass having fallen out of love with you... 12,11 Posted
by cooLguy_21
The more I am with you, the more I feel our love grow. But when I am away from y
ou, I grow to love you even more. I am stronger because of you, blessed to be wi
th you, and lost without you. You are my every dream come true. 12,11 Posted by co
wen u accused me of nt lovin u, a silnt tir fel frm my eyes... d pain was too mc
h i cnt help bt cry.. coz if only u lukd hard 2 c. luvn u ment evrythin 2 me... 1
2,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
san wag kang magagalit kung hindi kta nttxt kndi kta naiicip o naaalala kc d ko
talaga magawa kc dba ang mga inaalala lang...e ung mga nakakalimutan d nman kita
nlimutan e.... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
lam mo naicp k kung bkit p ko naghhbol sau samantalang hindi mo naman ako pnpanc hindi mo nga alam na nasa tabi mo ako...cgro ganun lang talaga ako...gan
un kagago sayo.... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
I miss you so much that it comes to a point that I'm dying coz I can't see you,
feel you, speak to you or touch you. But I'm happy coz the more I'm hurt missing
you, the longer I fight to live because of you! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
pnilit kong maging sha,gnWa ko lht sayo k2lad ng gnwa nya,mnhal kta hgit pa sa n
aibgay nya,tnnong kta kng KULANG PA BA? cngot m kong.."tama na,hnd k nMn sha.."
=( 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
u wr cryn 4a a grL hus so dumb n askd u hu she is. u hesit8d but i urged u 2 n m
y surprse wen u 2ld me it was i, i smyld n sed.."nong iniiyak-iyak mo dyan?eh ma
hal dn nmn kta noh!" 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
bat ganon? kahit nung masakit naman,tiniis ku,kahit nung mahirap, tinago ko,kahi
t nung kaslanan mo, pinatawad ko. sobra sobra pagmamahal ko sayo pero bakit ganu
n? iniwan mo parin ako.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
inisip ko ang daya mo.. kase nangako ka, di mo ko iiwan.. pero minsan iniisip ko
kung ano mas madaya... yung iniwan mo ko?... o nung pinilit kitang mangako? 12,1
1 Posted by Fotel18
once i had a heart i called mine but when u came it shifted to u from i
want to ask a favor from you, pls. take care of it coz u hav 2 and i have none..
. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
cgur0 pg wLa k na, sasaya n ko, cguro pg wLa k na, d na ko iiyak, cguro pg wLa k
na, aayos n mundo ko, dhL cgur0 pg wLa k na.. .. wLa n rn ak0! 12,11 Posted by co
sabi nla, "iwanan mo n",...sabi ko, "yoko!"....sabi nla, "ok p?"....sabi ko , "a
yos lng"...den 1 day ask nla ko,...."kaya mo pa?".....napaluha ako habang cnsabi
...."mahal ko e, kaya kakayanin ko....." 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
i wana hold you but ur 2 far frm me...i wana kiss u but hw cn i...wana fil ur em
brace but i knw theres sum1 deserves it most...i knw ur nt mine but cn i hav u e
ven 4 a wyl.... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
Dont say those things if its another you seek, dont lead me on, my heart is weak
.. your sweet lines may make me smile, maybe linger in my heart for a while. But
please stop if your hearts not for me... move on and be happy. 12,11 Posted by co
if you only knew the effect you have on me, your mere glance is more than enough
4 a day...i hope you don't notice, i hope you don't mind, i hope you don't see.
.. 'coz i can't let you know that you're the weakness in me!!.. 12,11 Posted by co
i dnt want 2 lav u so much but i knw i cant,i wnt 2 stop thnking bout u,but i kn
w i cnt,i dnt wnt 2 let go,but i knw i shud,lav is 4 us 2 kip,but will it? 12,11
Posted by cooLguy_21
f i cud ask god 1 thng it wud be"r u dstined 4me?" f he says yes,den i wud cntnu
e 2 luv u evn mre!bt f he say no,stL i wud cntnue 2 luv u,til i mke hm c dt luvn
g u at my bst s enaf 2 say wer ment 2b.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
smtyms u ignore d 1 hu luvs u cz u knw she'l stay bt ur wrng cz smday,d 1 hu luv
s u myt find sm1 hud apprc8 her luv w/c she ddnt fel from u.. 12,11 Posted by cooL
It is not who you are to the world but who you are to me. It's not what you can
do but what you already have. It's not how many times I say "I love you" it's ho
w much I really do... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
A boy loved this girl but the girl didn't mind. One day the boy got sick and was
about to die. Then the girl asked, "Why are you leaving me?" then the boy answe
red, "so I can be your angel and love you forever 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
last tym my heart was broken.I swore i'd never love again...I thought it was tru
e but then you walked into my're eyes met mine,I know you're worth l I said,"Fine!one last tym......" 12,11 Posted by raizhelle
i was smilin' cuz i saw agirl and a boy holdin' hands...without knowing my tears
fell..whew!juz rmemberd that boy ws also holdin my hands before... ='< 12,11 Pos
ted by qt_mei
Join kayo sa #cute_lahat .... ang channel na nagmumurahan ....kita kits tyo ther
e ..khit park nyo lng nick nyo pede na un ... pde manood ng murahan 12,11 Posted
by Am|sHu`
mInSaN nAiSiP kO bAsUrA LnG aKo Sa InBoX mO, pRo K lNg.. ErAsE mO n LnG! gUs2 Ko
LnG mLaMaN mO kHiT bSuRa LnG aKo F u NiD mE d2 LnG aKo... NAKAKALAT.....!!! 12,1
1 Posted by kh|t[a]
Devils are not allowed to have sex! why? Because if they do, they will reach Hea
ven! Now I know why you're still a virgin 12,11 Posted by kh|t
Love without reason, last longest 12,11 Posted by Kutong`Lupa
mahirap mahalin ung taong mahal din ng kaibigan mo, pero handa mo ba syang isakr
ipisyo para sa kaibigan mo, kahit alam mong mahal ka rin nya? dba ang hirap non!
12,11 Posted by cathy0824
Let not your heart be troubled. -New Testament: John, xiv, I 12,11 Posted by Capta
DaTi MaY NagMahAl SaKin Manhid DAw AKo..waLAnG PaKiRAmDAm...D ko Raw Kasi Nakita
...D ko Raw NaRamDaman Pero KUNg MaNHid Ako Bkit MAHAL Kita???! D m B Alam?D m b
NkITa?bkit? MAnHid K RiN B? 12,11 Posted by raizhelle
The most important thing in a relationship is not what you get but what you give
... In any case, the giving of love is an education in itself. -Eleanor Roosevel
t (1884-1950) 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
You must be fir to give before you can be fit to receive. -James Stephens (1882-
1950) 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt. -Clarence Darrow (1
857-1938) 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
be careful 2 whom you give your heart bec when u give your heart 2 someone, ur n
ot only giving dat person th right 2 luv u but aslo d power 2 hurt you. 12,11 Pos
ted by cathy0824
be careful 2 whom you give your heart bec when u give your heart 2 someone, ur n
ot only giving dat person th right 2 luv u but aslo d power 2 hurt you. 12,11 Pos
ted by cathy0824
When I am angry I can write, pray, and preach well, for then my whole temperamen
t is quickened, my understanding sharpened, and all mundane vexations and tempta
tions depart. -Martin Luther (1483-1546) Table-Talk 12,11 Posted by Captain_Baker
f your heart gets broken by the one you truly love... don't let go of the love i
n your heart but let go of the person. you'll never know, someone might be worth
y of that love. 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
Can u explain love? if u can i'll call u stupid ok? why? bakit nakakapagisip ba
ang puso stupid! 12,11 Posted by SiLvEr_BLuEy
bakit may mga taong tanga? yung minamahal mo na pero di ka pinpansin... may mga
tao ding gago na nagmamahal nang di naman sya minamahal, hehehe bagay nga tayo,
isa kang tanga isa akong gago 12,11 Posted by SiLvEr_BLuEy
minsan tumingala ako sa langit, pansin ko kulang ng isang bituin, pag tingin ko
sa lupa, ay! nasa tabi ko pala! ang langit ng buhay ko! 12,11 Posted by SiLvEr_BLu
mahal kita, mahal mo sya, seryoso ako sayo, seryoso ka rin sa kanya, ngayon iniw
an ka nya umiiyak ka, ang masama pa nito sa balikat ko pa, pasalamat ka mahal na
mahal kita 12,11 Posted by SiLvEr_BLuEy
I always thought you feel the same way I do, I was very happy but When I turn ba
ck, I saw you with someone else, Then I asked you, "Bakit mo ko pinaasa?" you sa
id, "D kita pinaasa, mahal kita! Magkaibigan tayo dba?" 12,11 Posted by lovely_pre
sabi mo di mo ko iiwan, sabi ko ako rin, sabi mo di mo ko pababayaan, sabi ko ak
o rin naman, sabi mo mahal mo ko, dapat may sasabihin pa ko, kaya lang sabi mo "
that's what frends are for" 12,11 Posted by SiLvEr_BLuEy
Sometimes, no matter how secure you are in someone's arms, and no matter how tig
htly you hold on to this person's hand, you'll find yourself falling -- dangerou
sly fast -- in love with someone else. 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
1000 words wouldn't bring you back... I know because I tried... neither would 10
00 tears, I know because I cried... you left me with a broken heart and happy me
mories... but I never wanted memories... I only wanted you... 12,11 Posted by love
Kamusta ka na? Balita ko wala na kayo? Balita ko malungkot at masamang-masama an
g loob mo? Ang sakit diba? Pero buti nga sa yo! E di naramdaman mo rin ang naramda
man ko ng ako ang iniwan mo ko 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
Loving someone who dont love you back is like reaching for a star, you know you'
ll never reach but you just have to keep on trying because someday it might fall
. 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
one nyt the moon saw me crying in my bed, he asked me 'why don't you leave that
person who made you cry?" i looked at him in teray eyes and said "moon, would yo
u ever leave your sky?" 12,11 Posted by cLueLeSs_cHic
I thank God for not giving me everything just the most important person that mea
ns everything to me ! Thank u God 4 giving me Maria Celeste Rose Ledezma 12,11 Po
sted by crazy^tamagochi
Dati wala ka lang sa Buhay ko pero ngaun ikaw na ang lahat ! Bakit ganon pag wal
a na ang isang tao dun mo pa lang malalaman kung gaano cya kahalaga sayo !!! San
a dati pa lang sinabi ko na sayo na mahal na mahal kita !!! 12,11 Posted by Jordan
Oftentimes we tend to say goodbye to the one we love without wanting to, but it
doesnt mean we stop loving them...Sometimes goodbye is another way of saying ILO
VEYOU... 12,11 Posted by woman^in^love
Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: 12,11 Posted by ^
Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time effaces all memo
ry of a beginning, all fear of an end 12,11 Posted by ^Dark^Blue^
A kiss is something you cannot 12,11 Posted by ^Dark^Blue^
sabihin mo kung paano makakalimutan ang isang katulad mo gayong laging ikaw ang
nasa isip ko, kahit sino pa man ang aking ibigin alam ko na ikaw pa rin ang haha
napin 12,11 Posted by SupErGuY``
<sabihin mo kung paano makakalimutan ang isang katulad mo gayong laging ikaw ang
nasa isip ko, kahit sino pa man ang aking ibigin alam ko na ikaw pa rin ang hah
anapin> 12,11 Posted by SupErGuY``
<i had a dream and it was about u i smiled and recalled all the memories we have
then, i noticed a tear fell from my eye youn know why? coz in my dream u kissed
me and said goodbye.....> 12,11 Posted by Jecht
-This is the last time i'll be wishing for you, the last time i shall think abou
t you and the last moment i shall hurt myself 2mrow if i see u i'll just whisper
....tama na masyado na kitang minahal....- 12,11 Posted by Jecht
-Once you have luv, you will always luv, for whats in ur mind may escape....But
whats in ur heart will remain 4ever....- 12,11 Posted by Jecht
-May mga taong gago at may mga taong tanga... Pag nag mahal ka ng taong ayaw say
o gago ka.... Pag hindi mo alam may nag mamahal sayo, tanga ka!.....ako alam ko
gago ako,...sana di ka TANGA!!!!!- 12,11 Posted by Jecht
Sometimes its hard to find the words to tell you how much you mean to me.... a l
ot of times i don't say anything at all .... but i hope someday u'll understand.
.. having u is wat i live for........ 12,11 Posted by Jecht
-Dont go cryin like a baby if someone breaks ur heart wat do u expect dis SHIT h
appens- 12,11 Posted by Jecht
you have to let go wen ur hurting 2 much...u have to give up wen luv isn't enuf.
..u have to move on wen things aren't like b4...coz for sure ders sum1 out der w
ho'll love you even more... 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogue_26
"I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my ar
ms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that
I love, and I can't let you go." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When it rains it reminds me of you. Although 2000 miles away is so far I still
always walk outside in the rain and kiss it just for you. It never fails me. The
rain will always come and I'll always love you. Next time you see a storm on th
e horizon please don't fear it's just heaven doing me the favor of taking you my
kiss. Walk outside and kiss the rain whenever you need me." 12,11 Posted by genel
habang nsa iyo ang taong mahal mo.. alagaan mo cia! wg mong hayaang dumating ung
arw at pgcchan mo n iniwan k nia.. at cnb syo "kw kc eh!! pinabayaan mo ko..." 1
2,11 Posted by angel_08
der wer tyms i tryd to 4get you,but sad 2 say i can't,because the more i try 2,t
he more it made me love you...tell me how can i make you love me the way i love
you... 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogue_26
Maybe i'll let go, maybe its best this way.... mayber its good that i forget abo
ut you, but i cant......... no matter how hard i pretend am fine, i still cry ev
erynight ..... luvin u isn't a mistake.....hidding 12,11 Posted by Jecht
"Time may take us apart, that's true, but I will always be there for you. You're
in my heart, you'll be in my dreams, no matter the miles between." 12,11 Posted
by genelee
4get d tyms he wokd by, 4get d tyms he made u cry, 4get d tyms he spoke ur neym,
rmmbr ur filings arent d same, 4get d tyms he held ur hand, 4get d swit tings i
f u can, 4get those tyms en dont pretend, rmmbr nw he's just a frnd. 12,11 Posted
by angel_08
sum1 mentioned ur name.. askd if i knew u. i thot of d tyms we had, lafter, tear
s, jokes, en den nothing, i answered "once.. i thought i did.." 12,11 Posted by an
sabi nila mahal daw kita,kc pangalan mo prti kong binabangit,parati daw akong ma
saya pag nandyan ka,sbi nila aminin ko daw sa iyo,pero sabi ko naman "SAKA NA LA
NG PAG MAHAL NIYA NA DIN AKO...." 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogue_26
we came 2geder undrneath d stars above. wut started awt as liking soon turned in
2 luv. i sensed a certain sumting dat in my heart felt true. i knew i waited ol
my lyf to fall in love with u. 12,11 Posted by angel_08
While i was staring at ur pic they said that im so stupid waitin for you, crazy
for you, lovin you silly for believing that you will love me too..... U know wat
i told them?...... la naman pakelamnan mahal ko to eh 12,11 Posted by Jecht
I've been lookin for love but love ran away from me...... I've been lookin for m
y soul but my soul i couldn't see.....Then i saw you and found all three....... 1
2,11 Posted by Jecht
he looked me deeply in the eyes. he lied and said 'i won't make u cry' and when
i thought it was 2 good 2b true, he blew me off en found sum1 new. 12,11 Posted b
y angel_08
i wsh i could c through ur eyes so i would knw wat u lke 2 c. i wsh i knw ur wsh
es, so i could give u everything u wnt. i wsh i dreamd d sme dreams u do, & 2get
hr we could mke them cme true. i wsh i knw wat mkes u happy, so i could mke u d
happiest prson n d whle world. & lstly, i wsh i were a cell on ur blood, so i wo
uld b sure i was sumwer n ur HEART!!! 12,11 Posted by genelee
When am away from you, am still with you... wen my eyes are closed, i could stil
l see you... when am awake i still dream of you... when i feel i have everything
, i still need you and no matter what I'll ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!!! Joanne Jill Cast
illo........... 12,11 Posted by Jecht
wen u r low wid nower 2 go rmmbr dis, wen u open ur eyes, ur heart, ur spirit, u
rslf, der u fnd d strangr called HOPE!!Q 12,11 Posted by genelee
i drim of finding my 1 tru luv, bt wer on earth can he b? he's nt in my lyf. he'
s juz in my drims, nt real 4me 2c. i wnt 2hold him in my arms en show him ol my
luv en nvr hurt him, juz protect him like a dove. bt wer on earth r u, my luv da
t i cant c? i dnt wnt u in my drims, i wnt u hir wid me... 12,11 Posted by angel_0
i wish i cud hold u up en hug u tyt en mke ol d pain go away.. iv watchd u ache
en heard ur tears, bt ol d grief stil stayed. so i wndr y God hasnt taken it frm
u, evn tho he heard ol ur cries. den i realized dat he wntd u 2grow slowly bt p
reciously in his syt. 12,11 Posted by angel_08
1 day u'll luv me, d way i luv u. 1 day u'll thnk of me, d way i thought of u. 1
day u'll cry 4 me, d way i cried 4 u.1 day u'll want me, but i wn't wnt u!!! 12,
11 Posted by genelee
if there would be one thing i can never afford to set free..that would be you!..
because you made my life so complete dat you not being a part of it can kill me
...u wont let me die will you??? 12,11 Posted by Uocui15
"Maybe the reason why I haven't found who I've been searching for is because I k
now that I've already found him. It's just up to him to say whether I am who he
has been waiting for.." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If your love does not work with that person, it just means that someone else lo
ves you more." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know, Som
etimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears." 12,11 P
osted by genelee
sumbdy out der has d keys 2 ur heart... u jst havn't found d ryt set yet... 12,11
Posted by genelee
y cant i make u like me? y cant i make u fil d way i fil? y cannot fil ol d pain
i fil? y cant i tel u wats my hart telin me? dt i'm fallen inluv w/ you!!!! 12,1
1 Posted by Uocui15
isn't it unfair? u told me u u'd always be there, u told me you'd love me foreve
r. but now, there u are, having it your way, leaving me alone, but here i am lov
ing you.. i just can't let u go. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
I know we cant be more dan frnds. nothin more and l;ess, bt everytym i see u, ev
en the mere thought of u makes me wonder wat myt have been?wat cud have been,wat
can hapen?if u jst tried to love me too??? 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"I would rather risk my heart to the possibility of pain, than to never feel lov
e again. To live without love is merely existing. There is no greater pain than
that." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them
, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow whe
re they lead." 12,11 Posted by genelee
it hurts 2 let go of sum1 for a reason u cant explain.but it wud hurt even more
if 1 day, u cross paths again and u eralize ure still inlove wid that person.wis
hing u hadn't give up.. 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
8,1Nag-umpisa ang lahat s biruan, hanggang sa nlaman ko n nde n pla biro ang akin
g nararamdaman, gus2 kong sbihin syo, ngunit PANIWALAAN MO KYA AKO? 12,11 Posted
by Junmar
it's hard not to love u. its hard not to care for you. its hard to live without
you, but i have to try coz it's also hard to bear the pain of knowing you dont f
eel the same... 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"I would rather do something and find out that it was the wrong thing, than neve
r know if it was the right thing." 12,11 Posted by genelee
8,12The greatest ironies of life: -having the right person at the wrong tym -lovi
ng the wrong person when the tym is right and.. -finding out u love sum1 so much
right after that person walked out of ur life 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
8,12Bakit ganon?? kahit anong sakit naman,, tiniis ko! kahit anong hirap, tinatag
o, kahit anong kasalanan mo, pinatawad ko... kahit sobra sobra pagmamahal ko sa
yo, nakit ganon?? iniwan mo pa rin ako??? 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
8,12 If you failed to prepare, you are preparing to fail 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
8,12i LoVe yOu aNd Im WiLLiNg tO fIgHt fOr yOu, bUt iF sOmEoNe LoVeS yOu bEtTeR t
HaN i dO, i'd gIvE uP tHe fIgHt bEcAuSe jUsT sEEiNg yOu hAppY i kNoW i'Ve aLrEaD
y wOn!!! =) 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
8,12if ever ill die 2morow, promise me dat u wont 4get the things i did for u, ev
enthough its not big enough to be appreciated. but i want u to know that every s
ingle thing i did.. all because, I'VE LOVED YOU ENOUGH! 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
"In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every word
, every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will
be." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"When you're in love with someone it inspires you and gives you hope. You have f
aith that even if you can't be with them on earth, that if God wills, you will b
e with them one day in heaven." 12,11 Posted by genelee
im in love with you!..... joke!!.... pero ang joke daw half meant so more the tr
uth.... sana.... biriun mo rin ako kahit minsan lang.... na mahal mo rin ako 12,1
1 Posted by Cherisse
8 ,12i hav luved u b4, i luved u now n i wil luv u til d y dnt u do d sme
tin? s it bcoz of her? coz u luved her b4, u luved her now n u wil luved her til
4evr? =( 12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
im in love with you!..... joke!!.... pero ang joke daw half meant so more the tr
uth.... sana.... biruin mo rin ako kahit minsan lang.... na mahal mo rin ako 12,1
1 Posted by Cherisse
sad: if u wer hir beside me, i would stare at ur face, look into ur eyes, and ho
ld ur hand very tight.. and as i look at ur face, i would wish to god.. "sana ak
in ka nlang.." 12,11 Posted by bLu_BuBbLeS
eto ako mlpit na sa taas.. tapos na sa pg iyak..tpos na sa lahat.. bkit ngaun..
ngaung nsa dulo na ko ska kpa dumating!? mhuhulog na nmn ba ako ng wlang sasalo
sakin? 12,11 Posted by bLu_BuBbLeS
8,12There are two things to aim at in life: First, to get what you want; and afte
r that to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. 12,11 Posted b
y cooLguy_21
8,12i cant blame u f 1 day ul wok out of my lyf bt xpct me 2 giv up evrythn jst 2
kip u in syt bt f i fol,jst giv me a chns 2 say 'ggwn co lht wag k lng umalis!'
12,11 Posted by cooLguy_21
ayaw kong matupad lahat ng pangarap mo! ayaw kong makuha mo lahat ng gusto mo..
lam mo kung bakit? eh kung nasyo na lahat.. kailanganin mo pa kaya pagma2hal ko?
di na dba? un lang kaya kong ibigay.. 12,11 Posted by bLu_BuBbLeS
i dont know why i still love you...even if you dont really love me,i dont know w
hy i still care for you...even if you dont even care for me,i dont know what to
do...i wish you could love me too coz inside my heart i know its only you...i lo
ve u 12,11 Posted by patrick_garcia
dati may nagmahal skin manhid daw ako..walang pakiramdam d ko raw kc nakita...d
ko naramdaman...pero kung manhid ako bakit mahal kita?d mo ba alm? d mo ba nakit
a? 12,11 Posted by raizhelle
cnabi ko sa sarili ko lilimutin na kita...gnawa ko....mahirap,pinilit ko...masak
it!ano gagawin ko umiyak?magtago?saan?maliit lang mundo ko...umiikot lang sau...
. 12,11 Posted by raizhelle
To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart, and to sing it to
them when they have forgotten. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
. there are things you love to hear but you would never hear it from the person
whom you would like to hear it from, but don't be deaf to hear it from the perso
n who says it with his heart. 12,11 Posted by ^Dark^blue^
wen inlove be prepare to be hurt, u must sacrifice ol the things thet will ever
happen!, so u will be having a very nice, good and gud love life 12,11 Posted by K
wen finding ur loveones, fine someone dat opposite with ur attitude. 'bcoz lover
dat have d same attitude is boring! 12,11 Posted by [kiDD^]
i made a painting , but it was left in black and white , until i found u, now it
's complete and full of color... I call this painting "my love for Maria Celeste
Rose" 12,11 Posted by ^dark^blue^
they ask my letters to make it words, and they take my vowels a-e-i-o but i won'
t let them take *U* out of me 12,11 Posted by fujima_19
i may not to expressive to tell you how much I care , how much I value the real
you , how much I wanted to simply have you , but one thing I know for sure is th
at..... I MISS YOU !!! 12,11 Posted by fujima_19
Our heart is full of LOVE. Love of frndship, joy n emotion. U r d 1 who dwells i
t out frm me & I thank you for bringing out d best in me. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter about love. But rahter
makes me realize that if I wanted so much to be with the wrong person how great
it will be when the right one comes along. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Minsan lang magmahal ang puso kong TANGA! ang hayop na'to naagawan pa...kung nap
adama ko lang agad sana eh di akin ka na! ako nga cguro isang tanga... "tang-ina
ng pag-ibig yan nauso pa!" 12,11 Posted by cLueLeSs_cHic
wen first tym i saw you, i was afraid to talk to you, wen i talk to you, i'm afr
aid 2 love you, now that i love you i'm afraid to lose you ... pero ano ikatatak
ot ko kung wala ka na d bah?? 12,11 Posted by Am|sHu`
happiness can't b found at d end of d is truly xperienced along d way. s
o take not 4 granted each mment of ur life and find reasons to be happy each day
... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
nadama mo na ba yung kala mo limot mo na sya? tapos na ang lahat...tapos isang a
raw nagkita kayo...ngumiti sayo...nasabi mo na lang.... tangina mahal ko pa sya 1
2,11 Posted by Jhay-Z
if i get scared would you hold me tight? if i say something wrong would you make
it right? if i build a fire would you guard the flame? if i say I LOVE YOU woul
d you feel the same? 12,11 Posted by Jhay-Z
I think of all the pain that I have gone through in the past and of how much I h
ave cried since the day I began my search. I just wanted you to know that I find
my strength in clinging onto my vision of the beautiful life ahead of me --- th
e life I shall spend with you. In my mind and in my heart I know that you are wo
rth all that pain and sacrifice. After all, the tears have become a part of my l
ife and I believe that they are 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
"When God puts tears in your eyes, Hes putting heaven in your heart" 12,11 Posted
by Junmar
nung iniwan kta sbi ko kya ko 2, nung nagmhal ka ng iba sbi ko pki ko, nung nwal
a ka na nlman ko na mhal pla kta, sbi ng puso ko, "ayan! masydo ka ksi mapride!"
12,11 Posted by sweetgirl_12
"in my life, i have met so many people.. those whom i shared my laughter and smi
les, those whom i shared my tears even for a while, pero naisip ko iba pa rin an
g may... HONEY, i love you so much.." 12,11 Posted by sweetliza
"di ko alam kung kailan mo ko kayang mahalin.. bka di ko mahintay.. bka di ko ma
abutan.. pero sa panahong mahal kita.. isa lng lagi ang tnong ko.. mahirap ba tl
ga akong mahalin??" 12,11 Posted by `edward
sa buhay ko meron akong minahal.. merong minamahal.. at cgro.. may mamahalin pa.
. lam mo kung san ka dun? kaw ung.. buhay ko.. 12,11 Posted by `edward
>sum1 askd me "cnong mhalmo?" i don't reply.... sbi ko lng, "natakot aco dhil bk
a d nia coh mhal" den i saw u... sbi ko, "cia un, cia prin at cia lng" 12,11 Post
ed by sweetgirl_12
if an angel iz sum1 hu touches my life and has a heart botH joyful n wise then e
ventho u dont hav wings ure still my angel in disguise...=) 12,11 Posted by ayabyu
Sometimes we take for granted those we love Thinking they will always be around.
But time will come when they will give up And you have no chance but to let go!
12,11 Posted by bbgambini
sori kung d ka naging masaya sa akin...kung d ko nabigay un pagmamahal na nabiga
y ng iba...kung di ko naabot un expectations mo,lahat ng ito pinagsisisihan ko..
.maliban sa isang bagay...ang mahalin ka ng higit pa sa buhay ko!!! 12,11 Posted
by crystal_rogue_26
bakit sa dami ng tao... ikaw pa ang napili kong mahalin... alam ko naman na wala
lang ako sayo... mahirap maintindihan pero may magagawa ka ba? mahal na kita e.
. tama na un.. masaya na ko dun... 12,11 Posted by cHeEkeE
"When we were together you keep on saying that youll die for me.....Now that we
broke up i guess its time for you to keep your words...GO DIE!!! pakerz! 12,11 Po
sted by juvy[gerlalu]
"Love is like a butterfly, it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes
." 12,11 Posted by `nen19
If dreams weren't dreams & dreams came true,i wudn't b here id b wid u,Distance
is 1 thing dat keeps us apart,But ull always remain in my heart! 12,11 Posted by L
Ull always be mine 4 now & 4ever.Ull always be mine 4 u r my treasure.Ull always
be mine please tell me its true.Please be mine 4ever ill always luv u! 12,11 Pos
ted by L|ON_Heart
it hurts to see the one you love walk away from you, but what really hurts the m
ost is when they let you believe that they loved you but in reality, they never
really did........... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
bkt pg may gs2 tyo kelngan iwnan ntn un iba pra lng mkuha un? pro pg anjan na, s
ka m lng mllman.. n ung taong inwn mo ay mnsan n rng..inwan ang lahat2 sa buhay
pra lng sayo.. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
mhrp pla mgmhal ng 2 tao,nkakalito!isa bhgi ngyn ng buhy mo,isa bhgi ng nkraan..
ang pgkakaiba lng,ung ngyon yaw m saktn..ung nkraan gs2 m balikan! 12,11 Posted b
y L|ON_Heart
mnsan gusto kng sbihin syo na sobra mo kong nsaktan,pnaasa,pnaiyak,pnagmukhang t
anga.. kya lang ntatakot ako na bka sabihin mo, "bkt mo ko cnisisi? cnabi ko ba
syong mahalin mo ko?" 12,11 Posted by chito
takot akong mawal ko d ko alam kung bakit di sa hindi ako mabubuhay nag wala ka
kundi takot akong dumating ang araw na mahla pala kit kahit wala ka na 12,11 Post
ed by HIDEKI
mahal nya ko pro d ko sya mhal kc kaw ang mahal ko.. pro mhal mo sya kht d k nya
mhal kc may mhal syang iba.. mhal nya ko,mhal kta,mhal mo sya... db pwedeng mha
l mo ko,mhal kta, tpos bhla n cla? 12,11 Posted by gwenrie
may mga taong gago.... may mga taOng tanga... pagnag mahal ka nang taong ayaw sa
yo gago k.. pag hindi m alam n may nagmamahal sayo tana k 12,11 Posted by L_3-M_02
dont stop ur tears from falling com im here.. 2 wyp dem dry.. coz im here.. 2 ma
ke sure everything will be alright 12,11 Posted by L_3-M_02
let d world fall n2 pcs 2mrw. let d planets colyd & stars come tumblng down.. i
dnt nid anothr day.. now dt my drim has come tru... lucky me, Ive got you... ;) 1
2,11 Posted by gwenrie
bukas bka mklimot n tyo..pwdeng magkanya2 n..maaring un n ang ktpusan... pro bgo
mngyari ang lht ng 2, gus2 kong sbhin sau... "salamat, binuo mo buhay ko.." c",
) 12,11 Posted by gwenrie
kylan nga kta nkita? knina ata un.. ksama mo nga sha eh.... tnawag nga kta diba?
kaya lng npatango ako kse sinbi mo... "dba tpos na tau, ano pa kelangan mo?" 12,
11 Posted by h^u^n^n^y_15
mnsan badtrip mgmhal.. iwasan mo, ikaw din msasaktan.. sundin mo, ikaw din iiyak
, bigay mo lhat kulang prin... mgpkatanga kna gagaguhin kpa... minsan hintay ka
nga hntay.... dmo alam, iniwan k na pla... 12,11 Posted by h^u^n^n^y_15
ang pag-ibig hindi binibili, hindi ninanakaw, hindi inaangkin at hindi rin pinip
ilit ibigay sa taong hindi marunong mag-mahal... kundi ang pag- ibig ay pinaghih
irapan ng isang taong marunong magmahal... 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
hindi hbang buhay ksma m ko,drating ung araw na iiwan kta..drating ung pnahon na
m222nan mo kong klimutan,, masakit pro kelangan tanggpin..bkt?? kc kya mo nman
kht ala ako dba?? 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
If im an ant,pupnta ko sa arms mo,...kakagatin kta as hard as ic ud,ciempre papa
tayin mo ko,den as my poor soul rises 2 heaven,il whisper 2 ure ears: "Im so gla
d that i died in ure arms" 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
ive always tot u have to fight 4 wat u really feel. i got hurt but still gave it
a chance. now i dnt know if i still believe that kc TAO LANG AKO! NAGMAMAHAL PE
RO NAPAPAGOD DIN... 12,11 Posted by LuvzKita
NaSaKTaN Ka Ba NG iWaN KiTa? NaSaKTaN Ka Ba NG MaWaLa aKo? NaSaKTaN Ka Ba NG SaB
iHiN KoNG SYa Na aNG MaHaL Ko? NaKaKaPaGoD Na DiN KaSi MaGHiNTaY... PeRo MaNiNiW
aLa Ka Ba KuNG SaSaBiHiN Ko SaYo Na KaYa Ko SiYaNG iWaN PaRa SaYo? 12,11 Posted b
y chito
i may b a "bad influence" 2u, i may b an "addict" frend or a "chain smoker" bud.
bt wen d tym cums dt u'l nid sum1 2 lean on.. khit lasing ako di kita iiwan! 12,
11 Posted by chito
8,1If u niD Sum1 4 oNe dAy, gEt a daTe.7 If u niD juZ 4 a wiK, geT a fLinG.6 FoR a
monTh, geT a suiToR.4 FoR a yEaR, geT a LoveR...13Foh d resT oF yaH LifE, cUm n Ge
T ME12,8¶13:Þ 12,11 Posted by M|sHa
15 8,4i4,8L8,4o4,8v8,4e4,8Y8,4o4,8u 08,06 WoRdz & heaRt sHouLd bE haNdLed w/ caRe foR worD
z whEn spOken & heaRtz whEn brOken arE d haRdesT tHinG tO rePaiR 8,4i4,8L8,4o4,8v8,4e4
,8Y8,4o4,8u 12,11 Posted by M|sHa
tkot ako mwla ka... di ko alam kung bkit, nde sa ako mabubhay ng wala ka kundi,
tkot ako dumating ung araw... na mhal p rin kta khit wala ka na.. 12,11 Posted by
pnilit kong mging siya, gnawa ko lhat syo ka2lad ng ginawa nya, minahal kta higi
t pa sa naibigay nya, tinanong kita kung KULANG PA BA? sinagot mo kong..."tama n
a, hndi KA mman SYA eh..." 12,11 Posted by h^u^n^n^y_15
Ask ko si God, sabi ko "Bakit mo siya kinuha sa kin? binigay ko naman lahat?" Sa
bi niya "Di ka kasi nagtira para sa'yo" sabi ko, "Ganito po kasi ako magmahal."
sabi niya, "Kaya pala lahat kinalimutan mo pati ako" 12,11 Posted by h^u^n^n^y_15
Ask ko si God, sabi ko "Bakit mo siya kinuha sa kin? binigay ko naman lahat?" Sa
bi niya "Di ka kasi nagtira para sa'yo" sabi ko, "Ganito po kasi ako magmahal."
sabi niya, "Kaya pala lahat kinalimutan mo pati ako" 12,11 Posted by h^u^n^n^y_15
Sabi ko "mahal na mahal kita" Sabi mo "sus, alam ko yun" Sabi ko "ako ba mahal m
o?" Sabi mo "oo naman, higit pa sa buhay ko" Napaluha ako sa tuwa tapos sabi mo "o
wag na iyak bestfriend ha?" 12,11 Posted by h^u^n^n^y_15
Muntik ko nang ipagtapat sayo ang nararamdaman ko nung magkasama tayo...muntik k
o na sabihin na mahal kita...pero nung sasabihin ko na...napatigil ako dahil big
la mong sinabi...."lam mo mahal ko pa siya". 12,11 Posted by h^u^n^n^y_15
Kung mahal mo raw, ipaglaban mo. totoo ba yon? paano kung hindi ka niya mahal? a
nong ipaglalaban mo? isang pag-ibig na ikaw lang ang nakakadama? mahirap yata yo
n ah!!! kaya mo ba? pero pag mahal mo talaga, kakayanin mo di ba? 12,11 Posted by
Sabi mo mahal mo ko...sabi mo di mo ko iiwan..sabi mo hihintayin mo ko. Saglit l
ang akong nawala iba na kasama mo. andaya talaga...dahil ba sa mahal mo lang ako
pag wala siya? 12,11 Posted by h^u^n^n^y_15
minsan pinipilt turuan ang puso...bawal ito, bawal yan. tama ito, tama yan. kaso
naisip ko may sariling isip ang puso at may sariling puso ang isip at yan ang h
ahawak at magpapagalaw sa buhay mo...tama man o mali...bawal man o hindi. 12,11 P
osted by chito
marami akng hindi maintindihan. sabi mo mahal mo ko, pro bkt mo ko cnaktan? kung
gaano kta kamahal ganon mo din ako cnaktan! mahal ba kita dhil ganyan ka? o gan
yan ka dahil mahal kita..? 12,11 Posted by chito
lam ko kung paano umiyak, kc umiyak na ako syo. lam ko kung paano masaktan, kc c
naktan mo na ako. lam ko kung pano umasa, dahil pinaasa mo na ako. pero alam mo
kung ano ang hindi ko pa alam? ndi ko alam pkiramdam ng minamahal, kc kahit kail
an hindi mo ako minahal.. 12,11 Posted by chito
takot na kong magtiwala kc inaabuso kabaitan ko, takot na kong umasa kc masasakt
an lang ako, takot na akong magmahal kc iniiwan din ako sa huli, 2lad ng ginawa
mo 12,11 Posted by ori[kumakain]
ngaung gabi... wala lang... hayaan mo lang na gumabi, pag inantok ka matulog ka
na 12,11 Posted by ori[kumakain]
how i want 2drive u away, 2piss u off, 2not tok 2u agen, 2stay mad aftr u meSd u
p my lyf...juz dnt tel me othrwise bcOz yes, u cud mke me fol 4u ol ovr agen... 1
2,11 Posted by babydada
i olways tot dat u hafta fyt 4wat u rili fil. i fot & got hurt..stil i tryd 2giv
it a chans..but now, i dunO if id stil bliv in dat..Kasi tao lang ako, nppapago
d din... 12,11 Posted by babydada
Muntik ko nang ipagtapat sayo ang nararamdaman ko nung magkasama tayo...muntik k
o na sabihin na mahal kita...pero nung sasabihin ko na...napatigil ako dahil big
la mong sinabi...."lam mo mahal ko pa siya". 12,11 Posted by qt_bys17
Kung mahal mo raw, ipaglaban mo. totoo ba yon? paano kung hindi ka niya mahal? a
nong ipaglalaban mo? isang pag-ibig na ikaw lang ang nakakadama? mahirap yata yo
n ah!!! kaya mo ba? pero pag mahal mo talaga, kakayanin mo di ba? 12,11 Posted by
In the second life i'd want to be ur tear,so that i can be born on ur eyes,live
on ur cheeks and dies on ur lips 12,11 Posted by bloodym3re_
Im always thankful 4 ppl hu stay evn f i shw dem d real me, coz i cnt b sum1 ode
rs prsume or xpec me 2b. it's nice 2 know u rmain wyl i can jas b me! 12,11 Poste
d by jhajha_10
cnabi ko sa sarili ko lilimutin na kta,pero d ko mgawa ano ggwin ko magtago, saa
n?maliit lng mundo ko umiikot lng syo.... 12,11 Posted by bloodym3re_
i may not tell u everyday how much i appreciate u, but everyday i fall in luv wi
d u a little bit more.... 12,11 Posted by bloodym3re_
id take all d blame not becoz i did it, but becoz i care id take all d pain, not
becoz i deserve it but becoz i dnt want u2 fil d same... all dis not becoz i wa
nt to but becoz i luv u so!!!!! 12,11 Posted by ^^kulasa
wen youre inlove, never put yourself wer ur not sure wer u stand in a person's l
ife. never ASSUME, never EXPECT so dat iy they choose to drop you, u have enough
strength to move on... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
im sori if i caused u pain. im sori if i made u walk away. im sori if i misunder
stand u, bt 1thing u ignord 2c.. i was cryin so hard begging 'pls don't leave me
..' 12,11 Posted by angel_08
i luv u bt im not expctng anythng in return, i nvr ask u 2 care 4 me, 2 miss me
or 2 evn love me. bt i cnt rmember... did i evr ask u 2 hurt me?!?! 12,11 Posted
by h^u^n^n^y_15
wud u be my angel 2 luv and 2 hold?? wud u b my rose 2 cherish more than gold???
i love u so much i wish u were myn but all i can do is wait until that tym 12,11
Posted by krizia^
Someday, somehow, what you've always wished for will come true.. it may not be o
f d exact package, but it will always be what God thinks is good for you... 12,11
Posted by afflefine
sometimes i feel bad, sad and even mad... but when i realize na may isang IKAW s
a buhay ko, wala lang... i just smile and say "grabe! ang sarap mabuhay! 12,11 Po
sted by Cathy_Jee
mhrp mgmhl ng 2 tao..nkkali2! 1 bhgi ngaun ng buhay m..1 bhgi ng nkaraan m.. pgk
a2iba lng..ung ngaun ayw mo sktn..ung nkaraan gs2 mo blikan.. 12,11 Posted by [tan
kagabi, usap kami ni Lord... sabi ko sa kanya, bakit and sakit sakit eh nagmahal
lang naman ako? niyakap Niya ako ng mahigpit at napatulo na lang luha ko nung s
inabi Niya... "anak, sobra kasi eh..." 12,11 Posted by Cathy_Jee
i fell in love with a boy and he fell in love with me.. so i ask myself one ques
tion... "why arent we together?" 12,11 Posted by Cathy_Jee
sum1 once asked me, "hav u ever fallen in luv?" and then, i answerd, "ofcors.. m
any tyms" then dey gave me anoder qstion, "did it hurt?" i thought of you and to
ld them... "yes..very much 12,11 Posted by Cathy_Jee
im not afraid to lose i just dont want to be there when it happens... but still
i do love you no matter what so don't you ever forget that... 12,11 Posted by r`o`
Minsan childish ako...minsan serious..minsan sobrang sweet...minsan sensitive ..
minsan manhid...pero kahit praning ako, ni minsan d ka nawala sa puso ko....CoZ
I lOvE yOu! 12,11 Posted by Cathy_Jee
im not afraid to lose i just dont want to be there when it happens... but still
i do love you no matter what so don't you ever forget that... 12,11 Posted by r`o`
I'm sorry if I've walked out again. I'm sorry if I've left you hanging again. It
's just that I'm so scared that if I don't walk away and leave, I'll be loving y
ou too much for nothing. 12,11 Posted by Cathy_Jee
This night will be the last night I'll be wishing for you, the last night I shal
l cry, and the last time I shall hurt myself. Someday if I see you, I'll just wh
isper "I loved you too much...that's enough" 12,11 Posted by Cathy_Jee
s mga bgay n ngawa ko s buhay ko cguro 99% dun mali..cguro tnga lng tlga
ry tao lng..lm mo kng sang parte ka dun?wala! kc kw ung ngiisang tama! 12,11 Post
ed by tRiKtUrnER_
sbi nla msrp mgmhal..e bt ako nssktan? bt ako nhhirpn at umiiyak? ksma b un kpg
.. mnhal kita? 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
sna pg nkita m ung taong mhal m wg kng mgppkatanga! wg kng mgppkamartir! wg kng
mgpakagago! yokong mktng nhhirpn ka! tgnn m nngyri sken nung mnahal kta... 12,11
Posted by [tanya]
pg sbrang lpit m sa kaibgan,dba mnsn n222nn m syng mhln? kya nga,wg k masyado ml
pit skin ah?! bka kc mhalin kta ei..tpos pra sau..kaibgan prin ako... 12,11 Poste
d by [tanya]
Because of you, my life has change thank you for the love and the joy you bring.
Because of you, i feel no shame 'till the world... just because of you......ina
antok na talaga akoww weh GudNyt Steph... 12,11 Posted by ^^D^u^d^e^^
nung bata ako sabi ng nanay ko, kung mahal mo ang 1 tao dapat ma22 mang magsakri
pisyo, ngaun lam ko na ibig sabihin nun, mahal kita ngunit lam ko mas mahal mo c
ia, kaya cge malaya ka na...... 12,11 Posted by babae_ako
dati kala ko pg nsaken n ang ta0ng mhaL ko,msaya nako..pero bkit nung nasaken n
sha d parin ako msaya..d lang pla ung tao ang kelangan ko kundi pti ung pgmmhal
nia.. =( 12,11 Posted by `bAd`G|rL`4L|Fe
m jst wnderin f evr we wud break dis rltionshp,wat wud hapen?mayb we'l cry..myb
we'l h8 ich oder..myb we'l not tok 2 ich ader! but its ol jst myb coz i wont let
it hapen.. =) 12,11 Posted by maricor_jamila[away]
Sabi nila "iwan mo na" sabi ko "ayoko". sabi nila "ok kpa?".. sabi ko"ayos lang"
.. isang araw tanong nila "kya mo pa?" napaluha ako hbang sinabi ko "mahal ko eh
, kakayanin ko" 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
wat if sam1 knocked at your door ..u opened was ur frend,u asked ur fren
d" okey ka alng?basang basa ka sa ulan ha"and then ur phone rang and said "huy a
lam mo ba patay na un best frend mo" u were shocked.and then ur best frend hugs
and said"ill always be with u" and vanished throug ur tears... 12,11 Posted by {Sh
13aLL that i have, are Gifts from God, kaya nga lagi akong nagpapasalamat :) 12,11
Posted by }-ordinarygURL
8there were two paths, i took the one less travelled by :) 12,11 Posted by }-ordina
saying i love u is a big and major decision in lyf. These words should b kept in
ur hart til ur ready 2 fyt 4 ur feelings & stand 4 dis words 4ever. <Baby-Demon
yita> 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
d last tym my hart brok i swore id nvr luv again...i thot it was true bt den u w
alkd n2 my lyf ur eyes met myn...i knw u wer worth lovin so i said..."1 last tym
" <Baby-Demonyita> 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
der is no such things as luv at 1st syt. Bec u nid 2 knw d person well 2 say dat
u luv him/her. Luv is nt abt wat d eyes can see its more of wat d heart feels.
<Baby-Demonyita> 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
Sumtyms even wen 2 ppol sim ryt 4 each oder, deir lyvs jst tke on dif. Paths bco
z 1 of dem gves up and d oder lets go w/o even fything 4d chance 2 find hapines
n each oder! <_vauLt_> 12,11 Posted by _vauLt_
It's painful to see someone you wish were 12,11 Posted by _vauLt_
mahirap mkipaglaban sa bgay na alam mng talo ka..wla kang mgagawa kundi hyaan nl
ang...tumahimik hnggang ilayo sayo ang taong pnkamamahal mo...don mo maiicip na
"sna pnaglaban ko cya..." 12,11 Posted by _vauLt_
How would you know if your in love??? Will it speak in a language no man could u
nderstand... or is it sumthing you feel in the air moving around you entangling
every inch of your body??? I don't know I've fallen in love... but I have fallen
out of love... 12,11 Posted by juvy
Sabi mo "di ko kayang mawala ka..." sarap pakingan, isiping may nagmamahal sayo,
ung may taong nagbibigay sayo ng halaga... pero ang masakit dun... sa iba mo si
nabi...narinig ko lang.. 12,11 Posted by _vauLt_
Lam m bng mhalaga k sa buhay ko? Lam m bng d kumpleto buhay ko pg la ka sa tbi k
o? Bkit ko ba cnsabi syo 2? No nga b pki mo? Tnong ko lng pg ako kya nwala kwala
n b ko syo?.. 12,11 Posted by _vauLt_
"Never expect love to be always at its best, coz if you do, you'll never appreci
ate its existence....remember that there will always be one great and true love
for you to have and to may not be the one you expect....but its the on
e you deserve..". 12,11 Posted by _vauLt_
mhal nia ko pero dko sha mahal kc kw ang mhal mhal mo sha khit dka nia m
hal kc my mhal shang iba.. mhal nia ko, mhal kita, mhal mo sha..dba pwedng mhal
moko,mhal kita tpos bhala n cla? 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
yokong mgtanong kc yokong mlaman..yokong mlaman kc yokong bt pako aa
yaw kng ikaw ang ngsabing "yoko sau".. pwes! yoko dn sau! s2pid! 12,11 Posted by [
I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate Elegance, a church filled with flowers and f
riends. I asked him what kind of a wedding he wished for, He said..... One that
will make you my wife. 12,11 Posted by ges_me
i'm holding on to the thought that you're not mine... i'm gonna look you in the
eye, smile and say `you're not mine`... then i'd walk away, turn around at the l
ast second and say `but i wish you were.. 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" It hurts telling myself I miss him. I feel great pain knowing I can neve
r have him. In my heart, I hope he'd stay and never go away. I love him and I al
ways will but inside I cry saying I WISH HE KNEW. 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" I care for you and I know you know. That's why I can't understand why yo
u have to hurt me the way you do. I'd like to ask you to explain but I know you
don't want to, so I'll just be forever guessing what I mean to you. 12,11 Posted
by ges_me
" It hurts to love in vain; hurts even more that the one we love is loving
someone else but what hurts most is finding out that the reason he's loving some
one else is cause you never gave him the chance to love you. 12,11 Posted by ges_m
" I miss you not because you're gone but because things between us aren't
the way they used to be. I'm sorry not because I hurt you but because I have fal
len for you when I'm not supposed to. 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" I wish you didn't ignore me when I showed you how special you are to me.
I wish you listened when I told you how much I care. I wish you never let me go
just when I was starting to fall for you. 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" I remembered when you asked me to let you go, you were slowly fading awa
y. And I asked "wasn't my love good enough?" then you turned around and said "no
, it was too much." 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" I hope I never met you so I wouldn't have fallen for you and I wouldn't
have to struggle with my feeling 'cause I know it's impossible. Please tell me w
hat to do should I just keep distance and try to forget you? 12,11 Posted by ges_me
"Ang hindi marunong tumingin sa pinanggalingan.....BULAG"!!! 12,11 Posted by Tracy
" "why do I want u back? why can't I hate u? why can't I let go of your me
mories? why do I find it hard 2 4get u? so many why's but the most unanswered wh
y is why do I still love you when you said goodbye?" 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" tonight as I sleep I cry, why do I have 2 let go of someone special like
u?, I love u so much, you're my world, then why?..i know! it's the only way of
making u happy, happy with someone and not with me.. 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" I'm convincing myself I'll find someone new I won't be alone & I won't b
e with you you're waiting 4 me 2 crawl back 2 your side but no, but this time, I
'm keeping my pride so goodbye 4ever, I'll be on my way it may take a while but
I'll b ok... 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" Don't tell me more lies, pretending that you're satisfied. I know you're
love is not true so quit trying 2 play me like a fool. U know that you're wrong
, you're here for 1 minute and the next thing, you're gone. I'm not blind, I can
see. So why don't u admit u don't love me? =( 12,11 Posted by ges_me
"Old people don't need companionship. They need to be isolated and studied so th
at it can be determined what nutrients they have that might be extracted for our
personal use." 12,11 Posted by pizza`boy
" I'm sorry if I caused u pain. I'm sorry if I made u walk away. I'm sorry
if I misunderstand u, but one thing u ignored 2 see, I was crying so hard beggi
ng pls. Don't leave me..' =( 12,11 Posted by ges_me
" I was busy talking to you.. Telling you how much I love you. When someon
e told me "are you crazy? You're talking to someone asleep!" I said," I know, bu
t this is the only time he'll listen to me" 12,11 Posted by ges_me
It's hard to let go of someone who has touched your life, but it hurts more to l
et go of someone who was never yours yet changed your life the most <Baby-Demony
ita> 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
hve you fall in love on someone and risk all wat u hve? i hve tried several time
s,i think im so stupd!! why? bcoz wen i already risk all wat i hav, he sets me f
ree for a rison dat he lovs sombody else!! beter and stronger than me!!! 12,11 Po
sted by Baby-Demonyita
u r my hart n my soul my inspiration..jz lyk d old lov songs go.. u r 1 of d few
tings worth remmbrin` and since 8s ol tru.. hw cud any1 mean more 2me.. dan y("
)u... 12,11 Posted by `bAd`G|rL`4L|Fe
ill be ur cryng b lov suicide..ill be btter wen im older.. il b d gr
8est fan of ur layf.. =) 12,11 Posted by `bAd`G|rL`4L|Fe
" You know that if you miss someone very much, every time you think of tha
t person, your heart breaks to pieces, and just a quick "hello" from that person
, can bring the broken pieces back together. 12,11 Posted by _juzme_
" It's not wrong to still love someone you've loved before, but if the lov
e you feel brings tears to someone else, be fair 'coz you might never know that
the one you've hurt is the one who could love you even more. 12,11 Posted by _juzm
" It's hard to hold on to something that you know would never be yours in
any way you think of. You just have to learn to let go and face the fact that wh
ile good things never last, some don't even start. 12,11 Posted by _juzme_
" Don't turn your back from love when it's already in front of you, don't
drive it away from you cause if you do, someday you'll think again, why you let
love fly away when it was once a door next to you. 12,11 Posted by _juzme_
" Love is not about "it's your fault" but "I'm sorry". Not "where are you"
but "I'm right here". Not "how could you" but "I understand". Not "I wish you w
ere" but "I'm thankful you are". 12,11 Posted by _juzme_
people say love is the best gift anyone could give and heart was crush
ed and i asked myself..."isnt it tragic when i've got so much love to give, yet
no one seems to want it!!" 12,11 Posted by _juzme_
You know why its hard 2 be in love again after a broken heart?its bcoz you no lo
nger know how to make the next special coz you made d first one so special, you
give him your heart thinking he'll be your last 12,11 Posted by _juzme_
sum1 asked me if i really love u, i just keep quite, closed my eyes,i smiled, op
ened my eyes & simply walked away & den i whispered "MAHAL N MAHAL".... 12,11 Pos
ted by ``WishUWerHir``
do u believe in LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? or do i have to pass by again? 12,11 Posted
by meri^
kailangan ko pa bang umiyak para malaman mong nasaktan m0 ko? kailangan ko pa ba
ng sabihing kailangan kita para malaman m0ng un ang 22o? higit sa lahat..kailang
an k0 pa bang iwasan ka para malaman m0ng MAHAL pa rin kita. .-->kaylangan pa bn
g i memorize yan? 12,11 Posted by juvy
nun mwla ka, tanong ko.. "Lord, bkt mo pa xa bngay kun babawiin mo lang din", cn
got Niya "maging masaya ka na lang na khit sandali naging sa iyo siya.. nakalaan
ksi sya sa iba..") 12,11 Posted by Baby-Demonyita
If DEATH needs 1 more soul and ask me to choose who will it be, you or me?i'll a
sk him to give us 1 more minute then i'll hug you as tight as i could and tel DE
ATH "lets go i'm ready." 12,11 Posted by krizia^
think twice before leaving your space in sumoeone's heart coz its painful that i
n the end you'll realize how you miss filling that space and decide to go back o
nly to know that someone had taken your place 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
we can never say how our friendship would go and how long we'd stay 2gether... a
ll i know is that even if we'd miles apart, ud remain as the sweetest piece of p
uzzle completing my life...... 12,11 Posted by juvy
sana di nalang kita nakilala,masaya naman ako eh,kahit nung wala ka pa... di 2la
d ngayon,pinapahirapan mo lang ako... lam kong di mo snsdyang mahalin siya... ak
o din naman eh... di ko sinasadyang mahalin kah... =( 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogu
Nagpaalam ka sabi mo mahal mo siya, galing ni God no?alam nya kung san magiging
masaya ung mga tao, kung kanino cla pwdeng magmahal at mhalin ng totoo, kung san
ung langit d2 sa mundo..kya pla nilagay nya ko sa mlapit sau.. ngparaya ako khi
t masakit kc mhal kita, pero kung sasaktan ka lang nya, balik ka ha, hihntayin k
ta........... 12,11 Posted by hihello
Pumayag akong mawala ka,dahil dun ka masaya,pumayag akong masaktan,dahil dun ka
masaya,pumayag akong umiyak,dahil dun ka masaya... Napilitan akong pumayag kasi
alam ko na sa iba ka sasaya......:c 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogue_26
I tried to take the pain away by finding someone in you. But then I came to real
ize no one compares to you and even if I look around and pretend not to cry, I'l
l always go back to the day you finally said goodbye 12,11 Posted by juvy
bat ka ganyan? kahit anong pilit kong umiwas pilit ka naman napapalapit sakin! n
atatakot tuloy ako balang araw mainlab ako sau tsaka mo naman sasabihin na may m
ahal kang iba.. wag kang ganyan! masakit e .. kung alam mo lng ? ? 12,11 Posted b
y juvy-
11Be CaRefUl 2 whoM U gIve ur heart coz When U gIve Ur HeaRt 2 Sum1, Ur n0t oNly
gIvIng that perS0n D ryt 2 LUV u but d POWER 2 HURT U. 12,11 Posted by vavezzz```
Nang iniwan kita, kala ko sasaya ka...kala ko sa piling nya liligaya ka. Kala mo
ba ginawa ko 'to dahil gusto ko? Di mo lang alam ginawa ko 'to dahil mahal kita
higit pa sa buhay ko. 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
5It's better 2 lose ur 8PRIDE 2 sum1 U 8LOVE than 2 lose ur 8LOVE b'coz of ur 8PRIDE 12,11
Posted by vavezzz```
"If love is great, and there are no greater things, then what I feel for you mus
t be the greatest." 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
Sabi mo mahal mo ko, naniwala ako. Sabi mo hanggang katapusan tayo, umasa naman
ako. Sabi mo di mo ako sasaktan, at nagtiwala ako sayo. Pero bakit ganito, iniwa
n mo ako at niloko. Pero okay lang, may magagawa pa ba ako? Siguro lang talagang
di ako para sayo. 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
Isipin mo na lang, parehas tayong umiyak, parehas tayong nasaktan, at parehas ta
yong nahirapan. Pero bakit ganon? Sa huli, sino lang yung natira? Ako lang di ba
? 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
We can never just walk up to a guy & say: Love me the way I want to be Loved....
We have to wait for him, 2 do it in his own way... at his own time... thats the
saddest part of being a Girl. 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
Bakit ganito ang nararamdaman ko, sabi ko okay lang, kahit wala ka, kaya ko. Sab
i ko tigilan mo na ko dahil kaya kong wala ka. Sabi ko walang kwenta sa kin ang
nangyari sa tin...pero bakit ang sakit sakit ng nararamdaman ng puso kong nangun
gulila dahil sayo...bakit mahal pa rin kita? 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
Love is a sensation that leads to temptation, that increases the population, of
the new generation!!! 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
INABAYAAN MO AKO."8 12,11 Posted by vavezzz```
If u ever find someone better, funnier, or nicer than me, go ahead, di kita pipi
gilan, pero pag iniwan ka ng magaling na yon... tingin ka lang sa likod mo, andu
n ako nang-aasar sayo.... Better than me pala ha!!! U*L*U*L!!!!!! 12,11 Posted by
Wag kang mawalan ng pag-asa sa taong pinili mong mahalin, kung sya man ang palag
ing dahilan kung bakit palagi kang nasasaktan..... Paki nila noh??? Baket??? Sya
rin naman ang dahilan kung baket ka nagmamahal diba??? diba???? diba??? 12,11 Po
sted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
7LOVING U IS SO HARD. So what????? LEAVING U IS SO MUCH HARDER.7 12,11 Posted by vav
Sabi ko noon di na ko masasaktan, sabi ko kakalimutan na kita, sabi ko di na kit
a mamahalin pa, na kaya kong gawin lahat yon. Kaso, bigla mo na lang
hal kita, mahal mo pa rin ba ako? 12,11 Posted by zhaki
Kahit gaano kasakit? Ok lang mahal kita eh. Mas minahal kita nung sinaktan mo ko
. Ang labo ko rin no? Martir ako eh...tanga pa. Pero alam mo, marunong din akong
masaktan. 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
When you think your alone and no one to count on....look back i'm still there ha
nging on! 12,11 Posted by albert8
i never knew such a love could be inside one.. i never knew till i looked n your
eyes, i was incomplete til the day you walked into my life. i never knew what m
y life was for but now that you're here i know for sure... times3 bebe...! 12,11
Posted by sweetfelice
When I saw you... I was afraid to talk to you. When I talked to you... I was afr
aid to hold you. When I hold you... I was afraid to love you. Now that I love yo
u..., I'm afraid to lose you. 12,11 Posted by sweetfelice
all the things in life are meant to last..things change & ppol do too.. u can nv
r hide on sumting learn 2 live and let go.... "wag lang tau" 12,11 Poste
d by [tanya]
sBi ko sA anGeL ko "mGpa2aLm nKo sAu.. wla nKo paKiaLm sAu.. na dnA kita lov! 12,
11 Posted by [tanya]
sBi ko sA anGeL ko "mGpa2aLm nKo sAu.. wla nKo paKiaLm sAu.. na dnA kita lov! Sb
i nG anGel ko "kelan kPa n22 magcNungaLing?!" 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
wen i frst saw u,i alredi knew.. der ws smtin insyd of u.. something i thot dat
i wud nver find... "anGel of mine"... 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
I always tell myself that finding the right man, he should be like this & like t
hat, there are sets of qualifications, but why is it when it comes to you, there
's always exemption! :( 12,11 Posted by cesz
Hindi ko alam kung bakit ako ganito. Hindi ko alam kung ano ginawa mo. Hindi ko
alam kung bakit ikaw and pinili ko. Pero ito lang ang alam kong totoo, ikaw lang
ang minahal ko ng ganito. 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
i tRiEd EvErYtHinG JuZ fOr yOu tO SeE hOw I fEeL aBoUt YoU BuT yOu NeVeR nOtIcE.
I dId eVeRyThInG jUz fOr YoU tO lOvE mE bAcK, bUt YoU nEvEr DiD...i haTe YoU, b
Ut nOt As MuCh As i HaTe MySeLf fOr LoVinG yOu 12,11 Posted by qt_bys17
Masakit maging kaibigan ng taong mahal mo. Hindi mo alam kung saan ka lulugar di
ka dapat umasa o di kaya mainis sa kanya....bakit... anong karapatan mo? KAIBIG
AN ka lang di ba? 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
I'd rthr die in d age of dnger dan 2 see my luv in d handz of other... 12,11 Post
ed by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
masakit sa kalooban ang lokohin ka, ang paasahin ka, ang pagtaksilan kam pero ma
s masakit sa kalooban ang... gamitin ka lang nya? 12,11 Posted by manilyn
Sabi nila gago ako, sabi nila bobo ako, sabi nila ang tanga ko. Lahat na sinabi
nila, bakit mahal pa rin daw kita? Sabi ko, akala ko may pag-asa e wala pala! 12,
11 Posted by |`anne`|
sabi ko noon, buti na lang di ko sinabi na mahal din kita at least lumayo ka man
, i still have my pride with me! pero mali pala ako, sana pala inamin ko na sayo
ang tunay kong nararamdaman. baka sakali hangang ngayon mahal mo pa ako at nand
ito ka pa sa piling ko. 12,11 Posted by manilyn
I wonder why I felt this way over u . I haven't seen u but yet I feel something!!!
I donno what it is but I think I'm falling falling inlove with u!!! 12,11 Posted
by `7`2\5`9\8`0\8`3\8`1`5\9`
It's not hard to fall for someone who's been there for you isn't it??? E how com
e u didn't fall for me??? 12,11 Posted by `7`2\5`9\8`0\8`3\8`1`5\9`
i care for u, but u dnt give a damn...i mis u, bt shit la kang pakialam...i lyk
u, bt fuck alam mo ba?!...i love u, tangina nmn kc ang manhin mo kaya d mo alam!
12,11 Posted by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
| wAnt U | nEeD U | mIss U | care 4 U but most specially | LoVE U from the bottom of
my so called HEarT 12,11 Posted by `7`2\5`9\8`0\8`3\8`1`5\9`
Itz not wrong 2 luv some1 but if d luv u gip brngz tearz 2 some1, be fair! u mig
ht nvr know dat d one u hurt iz d one hu cud luv u MORE.......! 12,11 Posted by _b
U tHiNk iM sTrOnG dOnT u? wELL tHoUgH i sEEm 2 bE tOuGh, iM aFrAiD oF oNe thiNg.
... iTz rEaLiziNg dAt i'LL lOsT d pErSoN hU i gAtHeR sTrEnGhT fRom... sO plZ dNt
go... IM NOT DAT STRONG.... 12,11 Posted by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
| wAnt U | nEeD U | mIss U | care 4 U but most specially | LoVE U from the bottom of
my so called HEarT 12,11 Posted by `7`2\5`9\8`0\8`3\8`1`5\9`
lam mo g4go ka! kasi di mo ko miss, d mo me naaalala, la lang me sayo! pero mas
g4go ako! kasi mahal na mahal ko ang isang g4gong tulad mo! 12,11 Posted by _bL[u]
Mnahal kita, pnilit kong ibigay lahat sau, maski sa sarili ko ngdamot ako, nguni
t bakit ganon, iniwan mo prin ako, at sa pag-alis mo,cnabi mo "bkt, hinngi ko ba
lahat ng to? 12,11 Posted by `7`2\5`9\8`0\8`3\8`1`5\9`
love is sumting special..a treasure i want 2 fnd.. to others love is blind.. bt
4 me 8s not true coz wen i fell in love.. i saw you... 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
man asked God "why did u make women so beautiful?" God said: SO U CAN LOVE HER..
. man asked God "why did u make her sometyms stupid?" God said: SO SHE CAN LOVE
YOU.. 4wtf.. pak d pakers.. skru d players.. hekhek 12,11 Posted by xXx`aNgeL^xXx
let go the hand of the one you love... but dont let go of God's hand, for He may
be holding your one true love on the other hand... to let you hold each other "f
orever". 12,11 Posted by DoLPHiN386
"if two people really meant for each other... fate itself will bring them back t
ogether... to share a life called "forever". 12,11 Posted by DoLPHiN386
"whats the DIFFERENCE between SCHOOL & LIFE??"... in SCHOOL we are taught a LESS
ON then given a TEST,... while in LIFE... we are given a TEST that teaches us a
LESSON!... 12,11 Posted by DoLPHiN386
U might find it very easy to fall inlove with someone... while the hard thing is
to let someone love you back... but thats the challenge of loving... fighting w
ithout knowing to win! 12,11 Posted by DoLPHiN_EamSKi
"[never expect love to be always at its best.. coz if you do... you'll never app
reciate its existence... remember there always be a one true love for you to hol
d... it may not be the one you expect... but its the one you deserve!..]" 12,11 P
osted by DoLPHiN_EamSKi
if I die & go 2 heven & GOD ask me wat's my last wish, I'll pause 4 a while 2 lu
k 4 u & wen I see u crying I wud say, Lord kunin nyo rin sya... Tropa kame niyan
eh!!! 12,11 Posted by ^^aLyEaNaH^^
wag naman kayong manipa ng mga taong mahilig sa quotes... after all that is what
ur channel is for diba???? 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
Lahat ng tao nagbabago, lahat ng tao nagmamahal ng iba...lahat tayo masasaktan,
iiwanan at kakalimutan...pero pag dumating sa kin ang araw na yon...pipilitin ko
pa rin maalala yung araw na minahal mo ko. 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
7"A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt y
ourself trying to fix it."7 12,11 Posted by vavezzz```
7D greatest ironies of lyf: hving d ryt prson @ d wrong tym,loving d wrong person
@ d ryt tym & finding out u lovesum1 so much...ryt after dat prson walk out of
ur lyf.7 12,11 Posted by vavezzz```
I miss d way u "talk" to me or the way you say "hoi! musta na?" 12,11 Posted by ^^
I miss d way u "talk" to me or the way you say "hoi! musta na?" The way you wave
& say "ingat ka!", But the thing I miss the most is when you say "ok lang yan,
nandito naman ako eh!".... 12,11 Posted by ^^aLyEaNaH^^
"i miss u so much dat it comes to a point dat im dying 'coz i can't c u, feel u,
speak 2 u ot touch u... but im happy 'coz d more im hurt missing u, d longer i
fyt 2 live because of U" 12,11 Posted by honey^gurl
7LOVE is not about finding d RYT PERS0N BUT creating d RYT REL8TIONSHIP. It's not
how much love u have in d begging BUT how much love u build 'til d end.7 12,11 Po
sted by vavezzz```
7Be CarefU| 2 whoM U giv uR hEaRT coz' wen U giv Ur HeaRT 2 sum1, U'rE n0t 0nlY g
|v|ng dat pErs0n d ryt 2 LUV u BUT als0 d POWER 2 hUrT u.7 12,11 Posted by vavezzz`
Take my hand n lid d way; tel me ol u wnt 2 say. whispr softly n my ears, ol tho
se thngs i wnt 2 hear. Kiss my lips n touck my skn, bring out passions dip w/in
pull me close n hold me nir, tke away my pain n fear. 12,11 Posted by ^^aLyEaNaH^^
Goodbyes Don't Last Forever... They're Just Temporary, Cuz, I Know, One Of These
Days.. Our Paths Will Cross Again... I Dunno How Long I'll Have To Wait... But
I Know, Someday, I ll Be Able To See You Once Again... 12,11 Posted by `7`2\5`9\8`0\
Goodbyes Don't Last Forever... They're Just Temporary, Cuz, I Know, One Of These
Days.. Our Paths Will Cross Again... I Dunno How Long I'll Have To Wait... But
I Know, Someday, I ll Be Able To See You Once Again... 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ
Pag ako namatay... Malungkot ako... Lalo na, pag di ako nakapag paalam sayo... P
ero, wag ka mag-alala... Babalikan kita, Di para takutin.. Para... Yakapin ka at
sabihing, "Tol, una nako, ingat ka lage ha. 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
minsan ang pagkakaibigan parang hawak na buhangin,dmo mapapancin nauubos din pla
. sa dami nga naman ng buhangin sa paligid mo, mapapansin mo kya kung mawawala a
ko sa pagkakahawak mo???!!? 12,11 Posted by jhajha
mula ng makilala ka... aking ryan! di ako mapalagay! sa kakaisip ko sayo... lagi
na lang ikaw ang ala-ala ko.... pagkat ang nais ko sana'y kapiling ka sa tuwina
.... 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
this is dedicated to TracYmac.... I love u Boy... Kung alam mo lang.... ang puso
ko, ay nagdadamdam... hanggang kailan ba... ako ay mapapansin..... (hikbi, hikb
i..) 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
"You said 'I Care For You', I said 'I Care For You Too", You said 'I Miss You',
I said 'I Miss You too', You said ' I Love You', I said 'I Love You Too'... You
said 'Thank You', I said 'What For?'.. You said 'For Giving Back My Life'... I s
aid ' I Thank You More.. Coz U Started Mine..'" 12,11 Posted by ``missss``
Dumaan na ba sa buhay mo ang pangyayaring "Ang mahal mo ay nagmahal ng iba na hi
ndi mo nalalaman... Hanggang sa isang araw ay matuklasan mo na may mahal na syan
g iba..... Masakit na pangyayari, nakakadalang magmahal......" 12,11 Posted by ``W
gus2 kita mkita kso bka sbhin mo "wag na" gus2 kita mkausap, bka lng sbhin mo "s
ka na" gus2 ko sbhin mhal tlaga kita bka isagot mo "ako hindi na" 12,11 Posted by
gusto kita makita,kaso baka sabhin mo wag na... gusto kita makausap,baka sabhin
mo saka na...gusto ko sabihin mahal talaga kita kaso baka ang isagot mo,"ako hin
di na" =( 12,11 Posted by crystal_rogue_26
When i find the true person that sees what I am, all heart from head to toe, the
n I know that girl si for me. 12,11 Posted by L|ON_Heart
"Y do u have 2 make me fall wen ur not goin' 2 catch me? It hurts wen u ddn't ca
tch me wen i fell, bt it hurts even more 2 c u catch sum1 else wyl i was falling
..." 12,11 Posted by honey^gurl
sometimes i hate wen pipol fall in love maybe becoz i dont want dem 2 get hurt l
ike meh but den i recall d tyme wen i was inlove the i say to myself........haaa
y.........its wort it....... 12,11 Posted by sheindi
at the touch of love every man becomes a poet 12,11 Posted by sheindi
u calld me up & tOk abOut d persOn u Luv & how perfet she is,der wAs sileNce, i
was tryin 2 sTop my tirs frm brEakin aS i uttErd d most dfficult rEpLy iv eVr mA
de..."MASYA KO FOR YOU" 12,11 Posted by juvy
U easd d pain wen i faked d wound, u calmd me down wen i faked d mood, u wer inst
antly der wen i faked d call, but why baby? why didnt u catch me? i dint fake d
fall... 12,11 Posted by jon2x
wen i tell u i love u!!! it doesnt mean you have 2 stay, it just mean i wish u w
ould never leave me, bec. i can't live with out you! and you know wht? coz i rea
lly! really!!! LOVE YOU BABY!!! 12,11 Posted by anne1222
diba masarap ang magmahal? lalo na kung mahal ka rin nya? pero ano ang mas masar
ap? ang minahal mo sya o ang... pinilit mong mahalin ka nya? 12,11 Posted by Baby-
It hurts to love in vain; hurts even more that the one we love is loving someone
else but what hurts most is finding out that the reason he s loving someone else i
s cause you never gave him the chance to love you 12,11 Posted by qt_bys17
U never know I Liked U, I Was 2 shy To Tell.. Not knowing What t0 say, Not knowi
ng What I Felt. U never Knew I loved u, U might Not know Still. I May never Say
I Love u, CoZ u Never will 12,11 Posted by qt_bys17
i walk away not bcoz i don't love you anymore..its just that my love for you is
too deep, too strong that i'm afraid that there will come a time that one day i'
ll cry coz my love wasn't enough to make you mine... 12,11 Posted by ```apple
slowly i'm loosin' you still i manage to smile coz i know life is not about who
you loose but its what you find. i found you, now that you found her it's your t
urn to be happy i had mine... 12,11 Posted by ```apple
sya ay isa bading... pero gwapo sa aking paningin... minsan sabi ko sa kanya...
sana naging lalaki ka na lang... sagot nya naman... "ikaw den!" 12,11 Posted by kA
Sabi nila 'iwanan mo na'. Sabi ko 'ayoko'. Sabi nila 'okay pa?'. Sabi ko 'ayos l
ang'. Then tinanong nila ko isang araw 'kaya mo pa ba?'. Napaluha ako habang sin
asabi, 'mahal ko eh, kaya kakayanin ko'. 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
Alam mo miss na kita, kaso siya naman miss mo! Lam mo mahal kita, kaso siya rin
mahal mo! Siya na lang lagi! Kahit nasasaktan ka niya okay lang kasi mahal mo si
ya! Ang tanga mo no, parang ako! 12,11 Posted by |`anne`|
i love u but u sed it will be better f we'll stay as frends i cried but it didnt
help coz u love someone and coz of her u 4got that u hve afrend hu loves u more
than u know 12,11 Posted by krizia^
7LOVE is lika a war, EASY to begin but HARD to END.7 12,11 Posted by vavezzz```
The hardest part of loving you, Is watching you love someone else.7 12,11 Posted b
y vavezzz```
7M0neY d0esn't mAke a Per$0N RicH. Wat maKe$ a Per$0n ricHer 0r P00reR r D k|nd 0
f Pe0pLe theY cA|| FRENZ7 12,11 Posted by vavezzz```
8FATE may br|ng U$ 2geder, T|ME m|gHt dR|ft U$ apart... BUT n0 matter wat haPPen$
, | am gLad that 1ce |n MY l|fe'$ JOurney..... | kNew $um1 lyk YOU8 12,11 Posted b
y vavezzz```
"Loving is a risk you have to take. If at first you love the wrong one, learn fr
om your experience. Someday, the right one will come along." 12,11 Posted by honey
-= i'D RaTHeR Be BLuNT WiTH HoNeSTY THaN NiCe WiTH LieS -= =- Lyfsux` -=
=- 12,11 Posted by Lyfsux`
I was hurt and heartbroken, you came into my life and helped me through all the
pain, he had put me through. And yet, now I find myself back at the beginning of
where I had been. So tell me, how do I get over you? 12,11 Posted by tRiNaH
People say, if you love someone, let them go, if they come back, they will be yo
urs, if they never come, they were never yours to be with...You let me go and no
w I'm back to you, so why are you with another girl? 12,11 Posted by tRiNaH
mnsan dw, kkpgod magmahal: mnsan masya tpos my oras n iiyak k! sbi nla mgsa2wa d
n ako. sbi ko d 22o un!lamo bkt? "kelan b ngswa ang taong ngmmhal ng 22o"...... 1
2,11 Posted by gouki_19
Mnahal kita, pnilit kong ibigay lahat sau, maski sa sarili ko ngdamot ako, nguni
t bakit ganon, iniwan mo prin ako, at sa pag-alis mo,cnabi mo "bkt, hinngi ko ba
lahat ng to? 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
WeN My ly'f A mEs, WeN My wRLds BiN turNeD DoWn, WeN My HeaRt'S BiN CrUShd& iM W
eArN a FrOwN, WeN i BrEaK DoWn & CrY, WeN iM TeRiBlY BlU..i Cm4rT MySeLf SayIng
At LeAsT "I HAVE YOU" 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
mamimiss kta...ang sakit marinig syo mismo na ayaw muna pero kailangn kng tangap
n.sna maging happy ka sa lhat ng bagay.nandito parin me kht ayaw muna sa saken d
ahil kaibigan mo parin ako kht itakwil mo ako. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
hve you fall in love on someone and risk all wat u hve? i hve tried several time
s,i think im so stupd!! why? bcoz wen i already risk all wat i hav, he sets me f
ree for a rison dat he lovs sombody else!! beter and stronger than me!!! 12,11 Po
sted by gouki_19
if d words "gusto kita" isn't enuf, can i say "mahal kita" instead? if "i miss u
" isn't enuf, can i say "kailangan kita" instead? but if i say "being yours" isn
't enuf, pwde ba akin ka lang?... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
"LOVE" comes in mysterious ways...I was make to believe that "a person nid not l
uk 4 sum1 2 love, for d ryt person wil come at d ryt tym, at d ryt place that u
nid not luk 4 him coz destiny will make u close to him when d tym comes. 12,11 Po
sted by gouki_19
Y does it hurt wen i saw u w/ your friend naman tayo. Y am I fill
ing betrayed by u wen I see u flirting w/ her ... eh hindi naman tayo... Y am I
hurting wen we were 2geder and ur introducing me as your best friend or either u
r lil sister even f we r not...cguro nga Love na kita,pero anong magagawa ko kun
g d mo ako gusto! 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
Someone once asked me "why do you always insist on taking the hard road?" and I
replied "why do you assume I see two roads"? In the end, the size of a person's
accomplishment can best be measured by the size of their heart. 12,11 Posted by go
i never knew such a love could be inside one.. i never knew till i looked n your
eyes, i was incomplete til the day you walked into my life. i never knew what m
y life was for but now that you're here i know for sure... 12,11 Posted by gouki_1
bKt ganON???nOon saB mo maGHintaY aKo kC meRON paNg "kAu". AkO nmN nagHnTay ngA.
.. NuNG wLa na KAu ngUMiti kA aT akALa kO mERon nG "tAyO", uN pLa maY iBa nA aT
bAgoNG "kAU"....:( 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
TeL Me WeN WiL oUr EyeS mIt WeN cAn I tOuCh U WeN wiL D strOng yEarniNg eNd .. a
Nd WeN WilL I hOLd U agAiN ... aYmIsYubeRiMaTs 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
You are my best friend and my only true love. I'm sure that you were sent from h
eaven above. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. And our future is
beginning to look so bright. I think I'm falling in love with you... 12,11 Posted
by gouki_19
You loved then you failed, you loved and got rejected, you loved but you lost! W
ith all these failures you still can't stop yourself from loving... because our
lives depend on it. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
pumayag akong mwala k dhil dun k msaya... pumayag akong masaktan dhil dun k msay
a... pumayag akong umiyak dhil dun k msaya... npilitan akong pumayag kc lam ko s
a kanya ka sasaya.. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
"BeiNg d33pLY LOv3d By SoMeOn3 Giv3s YoU StReNghT,wHiL3 LOvInG sOm3oN3 D33plY gi
Ves YoU CoUrAge" 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
Everyday That Goez By It Seemz Like I Discover Somethíng New about You To Love It'
z Incredíble To Me How One Per§on Can Make Such A *BIG* Dífference In My Lífe You Touch
Me In A Way No One Else Ever Haz And Gíve Me So Many Reasonz To Love You 12,11 Post
ed by gouki_19
D greatest ironies of LyF: Having the right person at the wrong tym...Loving the
wrong person wen the tym is ryt...and finding out U Luv sum1 Only after U let t
he person walk out of Ur Lyf...' 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
kelangan ko pa ba umiyak pra malaman mong nasaktan mo ko? kelangan ko pa ba sabi
hin kelangan kita para malam mong yun ang 22o? at kelangan ko pa bang iwasan ka
para malaman mong mahal kita?? 12,11 Posted by i-miss-u-
Some1 ask me if i really love you, I just keep quite , cloesd my eyes, I smiled,
opened my eyes and simply walked away, den i wishpered..Mahal na Mahal.. 12,11 P
osted by i-miss-u-
Lam ko makulit ako...lagi na alng "hi, musta ?"..laging "ingatz ka ha!" laging "
iMisU"..pero sensiya na talaga ha?! sabihin nalang nating "MAHAL TALAGA KITA". 12
,11 Posted by i-miss-u-
Minsan ask kita,bakit mo siya mahal?? sabi mo,kc matagal n pinagsamahan namin..n
ainis ako kc ManHID ka..Di mo man lang naisip na kung matagal kayung nagsama , m
as matagal kitang hinintay.. 12,11 Posted by i-miss-u-
sabi mo humiling k ng mgmmhal sau,sb mo nkta mo ncya,tpos ngttnong k kng bkit k
nsktan.. lam mo kng bkit? "kc ako ang pndala,pero dmo kow nkta"... =( 12,11 Poste
d by [barbie_girl]
U ask me "Bakit ala kang BF?" I was silenced coz deep im my heart I want u 2 be
m BF..but i know it cant be coz u loves someone else 12,11 Posted by i-miss-u-
kung lahat ng tao s mundo kgaya mo,yoko ng tumira sa earth,llpat nkow ng planet.
.kc kng lhat ng nilalang ay kapareho mow.. mhirap yatang mahalin ang buong mundo
12,11 Posted by [barbie_girl]
di ako pa Eppekto doon..kasi lam ko namang Mahal mo ako...siguro nga inggit lang
sila kasi Ako mahal mo at ikaw Mahal ko 12,11 Posted by mag-sama-sama-kayo-Ewan
lam mow ba,pra kang angel,bngay ng Diyos skin,ngpapasaya sa buhay kow, pero isan
g araw nahicp ako at may bglang bumulong skin, "ANGELS FLY BUT TEHY DONT FALL"..
. 12,11 Posted by barbie_girl
lam mow ba,pra kang angel,bngay ng Diyos skin,ngpapasaya sa buhay kow, pero isan
g araw nahicp ako at may bglang bumulong skin, "ANGELS FLY BUT THEY DONT FALL"..
. 12,11 Posted by barbie_girl
nanaginip ako kgbi,d mo n daw akow mahal..npaiyak akow dhil d2, pero, pagkagisin
g kow,bgla akong natwa.. naisip kow.. khit nmn pla s totoong buhay.. di mo nmn a
ko mahal dba? 12,11 Posted by barbie_girl
cguro nga d s lahat ng oras asa tau s mga pangrap ntin.. mssktan lng tau kc d lh
at ng pangarap nagkakatotoo, d lhat ntutupad.. tulad ko, pinangarap kta pero han
ggang pangarap ka lang pala! 12,11 Posted by barbie_girl
me and elmo have fyt.cookie monster say sori but elmo stil mad..elmoe left and m
e feel sad.. now cookie dont know what to do.. coz if only elmo knew, me give up
all my cookies if elmo asked me to.. 12,11 Posted by barbie_girl
i lab u not onli 4 wat u ar,but 4 wat i em wen em wid u. if u hab hurt by d pers
on u lab,dont hurt him tu,insted pruv 2 him dat he was sori 2 let u go,eventuall
y,he'll be hurt realizing wat a ful he was 2 let sam1 lyk u slip from his grip 12
,11 Posted by juvy
I was here you were there guess we never could agree while the sun shines on you
I need some love to rain on me still I sit all alone 12,11 Posted by tRiNaH
god Created You to be my "LOVE". He pick you up among rest... Because he knows.
I love You Best, See.totoo yan di ako sinungaling.. Ikaw lang eh.. Iba love mo e
h.Sana wag kang mauntog.. 12,11 Posted by yUNaNg^PaNgIt
nung gusto ko, ayaw mo, sabi mo tama na.natanggap k0 na,nakaya ko na.ngayon may
nagmamahal na saking iba, sasabihin mo sakin nasasaktan ka. ano gusto mong gawin
ko!!!?? iwanan sya at balikan ka??? 12,11 Posted by yUNaNg^PaNgIt
sometimes... love is so cruel... when u found out the one u want to love thats w
hen he's no longer free... but when u realized that there are more options to ch
oose... thats when u feel that u are no longer capable of loving them... why can
t they meet half-way?? 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
maybe its wrong to love you... maybe its wrong to keep u in my heart... maybe it
s not right for me to think of u... that's why from now out of ur life!!!
bye!!! 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
Sana pag nakita mo na yung taong mahal mo, huwag kang magpakatanga, wag kang mag
pakamartir, wag kang magpakagago...ayokong makitang nahihirapan ka...tignan mo n
angyari sa akin nung minahal kita.... 12,11 Posted by anne1222
Why do birds? Suddenly appear?? Everytime.. you are near... Just like me.. they
long to be... Oh??? bat nakanta kayo???? 12,11 Posted by kAyLaNgMaGaNdA
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a r
esounding gong or a clanging cymbal.... Love is patient & kind. It does not envy
,boast,proud. It is not rude,self-seeking,not easily angered,keeps no record of
wrongs..... (bible) 12,11 Posted by S0urCe^C0de
"Do you love me because i am beautiful or am i beautiful because you love me?" 12
,11 Posted by ecstasy_core18
"Hearts can only love 4 a while.Feet could only walk some miles.Clothes wont be
forever in style BUT Friendship will never be stolen by time." 12,11 Posted by ecs
"One day you'll ask me "What would you prefer?Me or your Life?" I'll say my life
and you'll walk away without knowing you are my life." 12,11 Posted by ecstasy_co
"One day you'll ask me "Whay would you prefer?Me or your life?" I'll say my life
and youll walk away without knowing i am your life." 12,11 Posted by ecstasy_core
Sana pag nakita mo na yung taong mahal mo, huwag kang magpakatanga, wag kang mag
pakamartir, wag kang magpakagago...ayokong makitang nahihirapan ka...tignan mo n
angyari sa akin nung minahal kita.... 12,11 Posted by anne1222
"Kung ang buhay man ay dapat maging masaya't may halaga, bakit wala ka? 12,11 Pos
ted by ecstasy_core18
"i dont wana hear dat song again, on d nyt dat we 1st met. i dont wana hear u wh
sperin thngs id rather 4get, i dont wana luk in2 ur eyes coz ill know wat happen
s nxt...we'll b making luv & den.......ill fall all over agen....." 12,11 Posted
by orange```
u told me u want me... u told me u care for me... u told me u miss me... u told
me u need me... u told me u love me... but u lied... 12,11 Posted by i`love`u`
Mahal kita, sabi mo mahal mo rin ako..kaya eto ako, umaasa na maging tayo..pero
nung dumating siya..nagbago ka na...ang sabi mo pa nga, siya na ang mahal mo...t
anong ko lang sa''no na ako?! 12,11 Posted by juvy[aFk]
guyz can live without LOVE but not without SEX, and gurls can live without SEX b
ut not without LOVE guyz give love to get SEX, but gurlz (SAD BUT TRUE) give sex
to get LOVE 12,11 Posted by juvy[aFk]
one night d moon said 2 me: "if he makes u cry, why dont you leave him?" i looke
d at the moon and said: "moon, wud u ever leave ur sky??" 12,11 Posted by ][sd6][
Iv committed a Lot of mistakes in my Life,im not a perfect person but im trying
2 be 1...but ders 1 thing im sure i did ryt, dats wen i foLLow my heart & made y
ou a part of my Life...u know how much u mean 2 me,u ol i have datz y I LOVE U 12
,11 Posted by anne1222
Love your enemies. It really pisses them off! 12,11 Posted by _allette_
cnabi k s srili ko li2mutin n kta pinilit ko.. mskit gnwa ko.. mahirap ano ggwin
k? 2makbo? mgtago?saaan? maliit lng mundo ko umiikot lng syo! 12,11 Posted by kit
mskit mging kaibigan ng taong mahal mo nde mo lam kng san ka lu2gar umasa o di k
ya mainis s kanya.. bakit 'nong karapatan mo? KAIBIGAN k lng di b? 12,11 Posted b
y kitty_girl
bukas pag wla nko.. wla ng mangu2lit syo.. wla ng mang iistorbo.. wla ng mgpapap
ansin.. pero.. bukas pg wla n ko.. maalaala mo p kaya ako... 12,11 Posted by kitty
sumtyms luv is so unfair d more u sacrifice d mor ur hurt & wen u fil uv gven ur
best stil seems nt enaf til such tym u had no choice bt 2 give up.. I LOVE YOU
SQUALL 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
if i was a fly i would fly to u now... But im not so i nid to stay home & cry. 12
,11 Posted by kitty_girl
nvr try 2 impress sum1 2 mke him fal inluv w/ u becoz wen u do ull hve 2 kip dat
standard 4 d rest of ur lyf.. JUST BE YOU... 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
how cud u be so insensitive when im so down & blue? y did u hurt me if all i cud
do is 2 luv u.. I LOVE YOU VIC.... 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
minsan tinanong kta "IIYAK K B KUNG MAMAMATAY AKO?" sbi mo oo naicip ko 2loy sna
mamatay nko pra khit papano nman mapatunayan ko n kung mawawala ako hhnapin mok
o at iiyakan... I LOVE YOU VIC.. 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
u may think dat i forgot u. u may think dat i dont care u may think dat i dont t
hink u ur wrong. Werever u r ur always w/ me in my heart.. I LOVE YOU VIC.. 12,11
Posted by kitty_girl
mnsan lyo ng tingin mo.. cno bang hinahanap m? ung tao bng ngmamahal syo? Yan an
g hirap syo eh anlayo lagi ng tingin m.. ang tagal k n dito. hindi b pwedeng di2
k naman tumingin?... 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
my mga taong tanga my taong gago gago k pg ngmhal k ng taong ayaw s yo tanga k p
g di mo lam n my ngmamahal s yo ako lam ko gago k at sana di k tanga.. 12,11 Post
ed by kitty_girl
i miss d way we hang out,i miss d way we laf, d tirs wen we cry, d way we fool a
round, d crazy things dat we do... above all dis... i just miss being wid you...
:( 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
m holding on 2 d tot dat ur nt myn. m gonna luk u in d eye,smyl n say,"ur not my
n" den id wok away, turn arnd at d last tym n say;"bt i wish u were":( 12,11 Post
ed by gouki_19
Life is an Echo:wat you send out you get back,wat u give ,u recieve.when u bring
out the best in others ,u bring out the best in your self.Thanks 12,11 Posted by
"No matter how ugly you think you are, that special someone that loves you belie
ves you are the most beautiful and irresistable thing on earth and nothing can e
ver change that." 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
samtyms i wish dat i nver saw u, dat i nvr met u, dat i nver knew u, its not bco
z i dnt lyk u nider bcoz i h8 u but bcoz i felt fear bcoz one day i myt LUZ you.
. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
Don t Overuse ur heart trying 2 look 4 d one u think u deserve, u shud save d best
part of u 4 d person who deserves u and deserve 2 b loved by u! 12,11 Posted by g
True lovers start by being friends for with friendship comes acceptance, with ac
ceptance comes trust, with trust comes respect and along the way love develops..
....... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
TreAsurE thE People CloSe tO yoUr HearT f0r 0nE dAy y0u mAy ReALizE y0u l0sT a d
IaM0nd bEcAuSe U wERe bUsY c0llEcTInG sT0neS... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
Trials r not the reason to give up, but a challenge to improve urself. Defficien
cies are not an excuse 2 back out but an inspiration & lesson to LEARN & TO MOVE
4WARD... so, better 2 4get the past & FACE THE REALITY... 12,11 Posted by gouki_1
I ProMised NoT 2 LuV SomEoNe Coz I'm NoT Dat reAdy YeT,DEn u CaMe In2 MyLyF AnD
Ol Has ChAngEd, NoW I lEft My ProMiSed unTru Coz I Can"t HelP THE Fact That Im S
o In LoVe With YOU!!!! 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
i hate d way u tok 2 me,i h8 it wen u stare, i h8 u so much it makes me sick! i
h8 d way ur always ryt, i h8 it wen u lie, i h8 it wen u make me laugh even wors
e wen u make me cry, i h8 it wen ur not around n d fact dat u dont kol but mostl
y i h8 d way i dont h8 u not even close, not even a little bit not any at all.. 1
2,11 Posted by gouki_19
do not fear your enemies. The worst they can do is kill you. Do not fear your fr
iends. At worst, they may betray you. Fear those who do not care; they neither k
ill nor betray, but betrayal and murder exists becoz of their silent consent. 12,
11 Posted by gouki_19
I tried 2 listen.... But u never spoke, I waited... But u never came, I stunbled
... But u never help me up, I cried..... But u never calm me down, I DIED, then
i realized... U never DID LOVE ME... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
"Perfect Love is Hard to find;but Finding the Arm that will Hold you in your Wea
kiest;and a Heart that will Love you at your Worst is finding True Love"... 12,11
Posted by angel_chynna
kLaN kyA darAtiNg uLit yUnG aRAw na tAyOy mAGkAsaMa mUli?nA tAyOy mAgiGiNg mAsay
a At mAmAhAlin Pa rIn aNg iSat isA?mAghIhiNtaY pArin akO...Pro kELen nGa kAya?..
..aH siGUro pAg nAkAlimUtaN mO nA sIyA... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
BE FOREVER. I can't tell you goodbye... :( 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
WORK like u dnt need the money, DANCE like nobody's waching, and LOVE like it's
never going to be hurt... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
"Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face, but thos
e that fall from your heart and cover your soul." 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
"NEVER give up if you still want to try, NEVER wipe your tears if you still want
to cry, NEVER settle for the answer if you still want to know, NEVER say you do
n't like if you can't let him go." 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
Love is nothing less than what you want. If you want it to be the best and you h
ave is tough times, keep in mind and be strong... For every good love there are
those times, yet us young ones do not know this. So keep in mind, the best love
is the love when you can go through anything. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
i hav come 2 realize dat destiny can hurt a person as much as it can bless him n
i find myself wondring y out of all the people i could hav lved, i had to fall
4 sumone destined 2b taken away from me? 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
U walked in2 my life thru an open door... then u left, closing dat door and open
ing another. Now im wondring how many more doors i need to go through till i ope
n the one that leads me back to u? 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
"Love is Not Enough To Make Someone Your's, You Need Someone Who's Gonna Be Ther
e For You All The Time, Someone Who Colud See You Thru, Someone Who Would Never
Say GOODBYE..." 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
HAPPINESS is in knowing that we have love even if we failed and it is in knowing
that even if we failed we can find love again. ANd when we do, it wil be beter
dat wat we used to hav coz it is something dat we will share with someone who wi
ll wipe away our tears and LOVE us forever. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
You always told me to forget about you. but how can i forget u? you're always on
my mind, despite of what i was doing. I always told u "I Love You", but then yo
u alwasy say "I just wanna be friend". i thought love grows from friendship. now
i just hope, you would give some space for me in your heart. I Love You Forever
12,11 Posted by gouki_19
The greatest gift one can receive is the unconditional love of another..if you h
ave it, cherish it..if you don't, seek it... All wisdom is already within us; al
l love is already within us, all joy. Yet they are hidden within us until the he
art opens. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
Everytime you cry for d person uluv i often tel u "mahal mo nga sya tlga" not kn
owing dat wyl ur cryin i also cry secretly sayin " d ba pwedeng ako nlng mahalin
mo" 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
"It takes a lot of understanding, time, and trust to gain a close friendship wit
h someone. As I approach a time of my life of complete uncertainty, my friends a
re my most important asset." 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
I remember the first time you said those special words. To me, it was a statemen
t, a promise. A vow to keep and cherish for always. It means as much to me that
our love is still going strong. And that I am always more than ready to repeat t
hose Words once more..."I LOVE YOU" 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut deep as you allow them to go.The ch
allenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them. 12,11 Posted by
dnt close ur d0or wen u feel Alone... dnt close y0our hEart wen you don't want t
o l0ve.. and dnt ever close your hands wen you need a friend coz i'll be holding
you til the END. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
bkt gnOn?non sbi mO mghntAy akO kC merOn png 'kyO'...aku nmn nghnty nga..nung wl
a na kau ngumti ka at akLa k mrOn ng 'tayO',un pla my iba at bgOng 'kyO' na... 12
,11 Posted by gouki_19
If you have reasons for loving someone then you are using your mind, but if you
love someone for no reason....then you are using your heart. 12,11 Posted by gouki
d HaRdEsT TinG iN lyF iS weN u KnoW inSyd uR hArt u StiLL lAb d pErSn bUt u Run
OuT of EnaF rIsoN 2 fyt 4 wAt u FeeL & waT u BelIeve in..... 12,11 Posted by gouki
Nagmahal ako sabi nila tama na! Naghanap ako ng iba sabi nila parehas lang sila!
Tinuring kitang espesyal sabi nila tigas daw ng ulo ko! Sabi ko di bale MAHAL K
ITA! 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
" Im Afraid 2 promise much... i may not be d person u nid & i may not know wen s
umthing on ur mind,but guess wat? i promiz 2be hir 4u until wen u nid me!!! 12,11
Posted by angel_chynna
der culd never be sum1 who take d place i hav saved for u in my heart b-coz even
if tym wud bring me sum1 new my heart wud refuse 2 let go d sweetiest darling i
found in YOU.... 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
b-coz of you i've laughed a little harder,cried a litte less,smiled a lot for no
special reason at all. b-coz of u,i've learned 2 appreciate life more...thanx 4
coming in2 my lyf... 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
 Kunwari masaya ako, kunwari ok ako, kunwari wala akong problema, kunwari nasa lan
git ako... Ok lang ba na isipin ko na kunwari MAHAL mo rin ako?... KUNWARI lang
naman eh... 12,11 Posted by jon2x
10 Bakit ka ganyan?... Minahal kita pero mahal mo sya... Mhal mo sya pero ginago k
a nya... Sana pala ginago narin kita... Baka sakaling mahalin mo rin ako... 12,11
Posted by jon2x
Ano ba 'to? ikaw na naman iniisip ko. Kaya ang hirap makatulog sa gabi eh, di ki
ta makalimutan. Pero nakatulog din ako, alam mo kung paano? Sinabi ko sa sarili
ko "Tanga, may mahal na yon...tulog ka na 12,11 Posted by tRiNaH
Sabi nila mahirap ka daw abutin, paki ko, mahal kita! Sabi nila wag na daw kitan
g pagpantasyahan, paki ko, mahal kita! Mahal na mahal kita, alam mo ba yon? Paki
mo, e may mahal ka namang iba! 12,11 Posted by tRiNaH
minsan, kapag mahal mo, kahit magkamali, tahimik ka lang - kahit sobrang sakit n
a.. kailan ko kya masasabi sayo na mahal kita at sinaktan mo ako? :( 12,11 Posted
by tRiNaH
everytime i see you, i say "i've moved on" everytime i looked at you i always sa
y"yah we're just friends!"but everytime you looked at me & smile,i end up saying
"shit..ang hirap magpretend!" 12,11 Posted by tRiNaH
I don't regret the amount of love I have given you. I don't even remember how mu
ch it is. All I know is that I have love you to the fullest with no limits, no d
oubt and no fear....luv u rowel! miss u mahal!!*. 12,11 Posted by _ashanti_
LOVE is not about "It's all your fault" but I'm sorry" not "Where are you?" but
"I'm right here" not "How could you?" but "I understand" not "I wish you were" b
ut "I'm thankful you are"... 12,11 Posted by EvEr_GoRgEoUs
its selfish 2 think dat u hav 2 mke urslf hapi thou u know ur hurting sum1.. i a
lways thnk dat i was rong wen ol i did was 2 set u free.. stil selfish me? 12,11
Posted by gouki_19
lst tym my hart was broken i swor id never luv agn. i tot it was tru bt dn u wok
d n2 my lyf.. ur eyes met myn.. i knew u wer worth lovn.. so i sed.. "k fyn.. 1
last tym.." 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
What mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
wn i sd go i wsnt pshn u awy bt stng u fri.wn i sd enuf i hvnt gvnup i jz nd a b
reak.wn i sd gdby i ddnt min farmel bt wt cud i do?u wr gne b4 i cd say cumbak..
12,11 Posted by gouki_19
Mahaba na pinagsamahan ntn dhil dun napamahal ka na skn...matagal na un! kya d`
ko na natago ang aking nadarama....nkta kta malungkot,nag-iisa,,,sasabihin ko na
sna e....kya lng sbi mo "lam mo mis ko na sya"...... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
mnsn bdtrip mgmhal..iwsan m, kaw dn msa2ktan,sundn mo kw dn iiyak,bgay m lhat ku
lang prin..mgpakatanga kna,, ga2guhin kpa..mnsan hntay k ng hntay,.d mo alam ini
wan kna pla... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
There are two things to aim at in life: First, to get what you want; and after t
hat to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. 12,11 Posted by go
When you're in love, you never really know whether your elationcomes from the qu
alities of the one you love, or if it attributes them to him, whether the light
which surrounds him like a halo comes from you, from him, or from the meeting of
your sparks. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields i
nto your lover's arms can only come later whenyou're sure they won't laught if y
ou trip. 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
lht ng tao ngba2go,lht ng tao ngma2hal ng iba.. lht tyo mssktan..i2wnan at ka2li pg dmting skn arw na un..pi2ltin k prn maala2 ung arw na mnhal mko.. 1
2,11 Posted by gouki_19
Why wait until tomorrow to tell someone you care far beyond the dawn tomorrow yo
u may not find them there Let others know you love them So there's never have a
doubt the best time is now my friend to try and work things out! 12,11 Posted by g
when u dont hear from me for a very long time,it doesnt mean that ive forgotten
all about you. Im just waiting for you to miss me! Problem is.. I'm the one miss
ing you! 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
I'd rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else I'd rather
be beside you in a storm, than safe and warm by myself I'd rather have hard tim
es together, than to have it easy apart I'd rather have the one who holds my hea
rt... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
"Pag sinabi ko matatanggap mo ba? Pag sumagot ka makakaya ko kaya? Pag bibig ko'
y umusal na maririnig mo ba? Pag tumugon ka ako kaya'y OK pa? Minsan hinihiling
ko sa KANYA Pahiram ng isang umaga Ngunit tanong ko'y Saan darating ang umaga?..
.......... 12,11 Posted by gouki_19
It's not enough to have a dream, Unless you're willing to pursue it. It's not en
ough to know what's right, Unless you're strong enough to do it. It's not enough
to learn the truth, Unless you also learn to live it. It's not enough to reach
for love, Unless you care enough to give it... 12,11 Posted by _allette_
wen u decide use ur heart not your mind 4 if d mind's decision failsu regret but
if u use ur heart u will just smile...and say ...."NICE TRY"tsori tao lng e!!!!
! 12,11 Posted by spoon_tankbishop
I'd rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else 12,11 Poste
d by spoon_tankbishop
nilapitan kita pero lumayo ka saken.. tinawag kita pero d moko pinansin... kakau
sapin sna kita pero prang andami mong ggwin.. cguro dko n tlga mssabi sau kung g
aano kita..... DI BALE NLANG!!! 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday... was it worth it? Worrying d
oes not relieve tomorrow of its sorrows but empties today of its strength... sta
y happy!!! 12,11 Posted by hipon
Sofie Eats People 12,11 Posted by DiGiTaLeX
ganyan ka nman ei.. kala m ba kaw lng nhihirapan..?? kala mo d ako apektado?? ku
ng alam mo lang!! kung dama mo lng.. parehas lng taung.. CUTE... hirap dba??... 1
2,11 Posted by []ahNNe[]
If I have to think, I'll think of you. If i have to care, I'll care for you. If
I hav to love, I'll love you. But If I have to lose someone, I hope it wouldn't
be you 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
the HrDest ThNg iN LyF iS WhEn U KnOw InSiDe Ur HeArT U StIlL LuV Da PeRsOn ..Bu
T U'Ve RuN OuT oF ReAsOnS 2 FiGhT 4 WhAt U FeEL & WhAt U BeLiEvE In 12,11 Posted
by PsYchO[S|D]
In the gateway of my HEART I put a sign, No Trespassing but love came laughing b
y and said I enter everywhere 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
Girl: if you feel I m falling for someone new, it s not because I love him. It s becau
se you re not there to catch me fall Guy: when you think I wasn t there to catch you,
it s because you never gave me a CHANCE. 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
If LOVE is so wonderful, why doesn t everyone love? If love hurts, why do we still
fall in love? 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
Great minds contain ideas, solutions n reasons; scientific minds contain formula
s, theories n figures; my mind contains only You. :) 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
oo hnggng ngaun nagseselos akow.. khit sbhin mong magkaibgan lng kau at ako n an
g mahal mow, lam mow kng bkit... tkot lng ako, kc jan din tau nagcmula.. sa pagi
ging magkaibgan...... 12,11 Posted by barbie``gurL
pinilit kong mging sha..gnwa kow lhat sau tulad ng gnwa nya, mnhal kta ng higit
pa s naibigay nya.. tinanong kta kung kulang pa ba.. cngot mow akow, "tama na...
HINDI KA NMN CYA..".. 12,11 Posted by barbie``gurL
walanghiya cya,ginago nya ko..hayop cya,gnwa nya kong tanga.. mamatay n cya s gn
wa nyang panloloko skin... pero tang ina kow. bkit minahal kow cya ng sobra sobr
a 12,11 Posted by barbie``gurL
love exists in different places.. it ascends everything... no matter what the ci
rcumstances are... 12,11 Posted by bLueY_gReY
panu kita mmhalin kung ang mhal moy XA.. panu kita aalagaan kung ang hanap moy X
A.. panu ko ssbihing mhal kita kung ala knang iniintindi kundi XA??panu kita mmh
alin kung.. kau n pla!?? wwwaaaahhhh!!!! 12,11 Posted by kacey_
i hate you for ignoring my existence, for not loving me the way I wish you would
. But most of all, I hate you for making me say "I Hate You". But in reality, I
was only loving you more. 12,11 Posted by P^DiDDy
to live is to risk dying, to love is to risk rejection,to hope is to risk failur
e but risk must be taken bec the greatest hazard in life is risking of nothing! 1
2,11 Posted by rEiNnE
madalas, ngha2nap ako ng quotes, na icsend sau..ung tipong ki2ligin yoko
rin minsan,,kc alm ko..pag rcvd mo nun..4ward mo agad sa kanya.... 12,11 Posted
by [tanya]
minsan iniicp ko kung pede wag n mgmhal... pra lang d msktan... pero puede b un?
e mkita lang kita, hnda na akong msktan ulit.... 12,11 Posted by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
lam mo gag0 ka! kc do mo ako namimiss.. d mo ako naaalala, la lang ako sau... pe
ro mas gag0 ako! kasi mahal na mahal ko ang isang gag0ng 2lad mo! 12,11 Posted by
nung makita mo ako na may kasamang lalake, nagalit ka! d k namansin at di mo man
lang nagtanong....pero alam mo ba na sinabi ko sa lalake na yon na layuan na ako
dahil mahal kita? 12,11 Posted by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
i luv u but u dnt giv a damn.. i mis u but sh!t la ka pakialam.. i like u but fa
k pancn mo b?.. i luv u tang!na nman kc ang manhid mo kaya di mo alam....!! 12,11
Posted by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
no one will ever know how much i truly loved u, though i've made a lot of mistak
es in my life, i wud never evr be that stupid to do something that might make me
loose you 12,11 Posted by KaylangMaganda
i know i've made a lot of mistakes in my lyf, i've hurt a lot of pipol, played w
ith their feelings and deceived them, and now that you left me and broke my hear
t in two, it is now that i found out the real meaning of Karma! masakit kase min
ahal kita, bakit ikaw pa? 12,11 Posted by KaylangMaganda
hindi ako martir, kung sya gusto mo, ok fine, go ahead, im not gonna waste my ti
me crying over you, pero pag ikaw lang sinaktan at niloko nyan, wag ka ng manghi
hinayang at magpapacute saken, pinili mo na sya at pinakawalan na kita, from the
n on pa lang sinabi ko na sa sarili kong, ayoko na! tapos na! 12,11 Posted by Kayl
Its when u shed tears & still care for him, Its when he ignores u, & u still lon
g for him, Its when he begins to love another, still you smile and say: "Ok lang
!! Liit Naman Bord Nya Eh!" (",) 12,11 Posted by KaylangMaganda
Its when u shed tears & still care for him, Its when he ignores u, & u still lon
g for him, Its when he begins to love another, still you smile and say: "Ok lang
!! Liit Naman Bird Nya Eh!" (",) 12,11 Posted by KaylangMaganda
misn iniisp ko kung may hlga p ako sau... d k n kc ngtetxt.. o twag mnlang.. cgu
ro nga may nhanap ka nang iba... pero wag kng mgalala, nand2 lang ako pra sau 12,
11 Posted by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
evri nw and den, we find a spcial fren hu nvr lets us down.. hu undrstnds it ol
reaches out ich time u fol.... UR d BEST frend dat i'v found..! =) 12,11 Posted b
y _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
i knw dat u cn't stay.. but a part of u wil nvr evr go away... ur harrt wil stay
...! =) 12,11 Posted by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
i'll mke a wish 4 u, and hpe it wil come tru.. dat life may juz be kind.. 2 such
a gentle mind.. and if u lus ur way.. think bak on ystrday.. remmbr me dis way!
! 12,11 Posted by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
alam mo b ung ksabhan n pg nkgat mo dila mo, may nkaalala sau? wel, im sori 2 sa
y dat u wil be biting ur tounge 4evr kc i wil be thinkn of u....4life 12,11 Poste
d by _bL[u]3^aN[g]3L_
may seem like I aint missin you at all. But if you could just see whats in my he
art, you'd see that i'll always be the same old person hu cares for you so much!
:) 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
I wont asl 4 promises, so wont have to lie. We both played that game b4... 1st y
ou say "I LOVE YOU" then you say "GOODBYE" 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
sabi mo humiling ka ng magmamahal sayo... sabi mo nakita mo na sya...tapos nagta
tanong ka kung bakit nasaktan ka... alam mo ba kung bakit? ksi, ako ang pinadala
... pero d moko nakita. 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
A person asked me once... "what if i'm gone, will you look 4 me?" I smiled and s
aid no... he asked me "why not?" then I said "why should I? si Ghett0bum ka ba?
:) 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
frendz are like devils... dey teach u 2 do things and they lure u to temptation.
.. but no matter how naughty dey are, dey are still angels hu loves you... THANK
S!!!..... my lil devil! 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
f u jus know how much i care 4 u, f u jus realized how much i love you, f only u
loved me bak.. and treated me right.. if.. NAH! i cant live with if's 4ever.. u
aint mine! that's d end of it! 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
i guess 2 have u will never be, and i have 2 accept it even if it hurts me. but
theres 1 thing i'll ask from u and hope u'l grant it too... will u let me love u
till i get over you? 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
For one human being to love another that is perhaps the most difficult of our ta
sks; the ultimate, the last test and proof; the work for which all other work is
but preparation. 12,11 Posted by angel_144
sabi nila ol is fair in love? bakit ikaw pag nagsabi sya ng "i love u" sagot mo
"i love u 2!" bkit pag ako na nagsabi ng "i love u" ngumingiti ka lang? now tell
me... fair ba yun? 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to
be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low. 12,11 Posted b
y angel_144
Ang tao minsan lang magsabi ng mahal kita at minsan pag-sinabi nila 2, huli na a
ng lahat o kaya wala ng pag-mamahal, kaya ngayon, sasabihin ko na MAHAL KITA.. h
uli na ba? 12,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
i cud never find another i cud compare 2 u.. i may not love agen but not d way i
have loved u... u mayonly b a part of my past but u know wat? everytym i c u, i
whisper "minahal ko yan..." 12,11 Posted by Ghett0bum
bKt ganON???nOon saB mo maGHintaY aKo kC meRON paNg "kAu". AkO nmN nagHnTay ngA.
.. NuNG wLa na KAu ngUMiti kA aT akALa kO mERon nG "tAyO", uN pLa maY iBa nA aT
bAgoNG "kAU"....:( 12,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
mahirap magknwaring d kta mahal,mahirap din magkunwaring kaya kng la ka na skin
pro mas mahirap magknwarin d n kita mahal habang sa puso ko'y ikaw parin 12,11 Po
sted by _HeaRt_
mhirp umasa sa wla, mhirap mgmhal s ta0ng my mhal ng iba, nhirap ipgtanggol ang
ta0ng wlng pkialm s, nrRAMdman mo @ hgt s lht mhrap msktan ng wla kng krapatan!!
!.... 12,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
It's really painful to see someone you wish were yours happy with someone else.
But there is nothing more painful than the sight of someone you wish were your c
rying for someone else. 12,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
Sometimes we can't have everything we want in life at time we end up losing the
first we love in ways we never imagine we have to accept things and learn 2 live
with pain for the rest of r life! 12,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
Ang tao kahit masktan pi2ltin parin niyang magmahal. bakit?Ang puso puwede mong
sugatn pero hndi mo pwedng 2ruan.pa2loy i2ng ti2bok, p2loy na magmahal. 12,11 Pos
ted by kissley
Love is the history of woman's life; it is an episode in man"s. 12,11 Posted by an
masakit pg ung taong kkila2 m 1 ngbago na, wla k na magawa para bghn p sya, pro
ms mskit pag pnutol ung utong mo pas nilagyan ng kalamansi! Tang ina, skit nun!!
12,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
kala ko pag iniwan kita hahanapin mo ko,kala ko pag lumayo ako mamimis mo ko, ka
la ko pag d ako nag paramadam, tatawagan mo ko un pala , iba na hinahanap mo HOY
! pano na ko??.. :'( 12,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." --Marechal Ferdinand
Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre. 12,11 Posted by andy_dpog
magulo talaga ang mundo pag gusto mo; ayaw sayo; pag gusto ka; ayaw mo; pero ang
masakit; gusto mo; gusto ka; pero.... d pwedeng magin kayo...=c 12,11 Posted by ^
kung love mo ko dapat hind k nag pa apekto sa mga maling akala... Heto ako nasa2
ktan dahil sa akala mo iiwan kita pag naging tayo pero tignan mo ngayon kung sin
o ang nang iiwan... 12,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
wat if one day id knocked at your door and its raining outside ,u,d open the doo
r and u'd gave me a towel and said "o basang basa ka ha" ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! the phone rang its your best frend,your best frend said huy alam mo ba patay n
a un kaibigan mo! id vanished into your tears. 12,11 Posted by {cords}
minsan na 22 okohng magmhal... minsan na22 akong msaktan..minsan na22 akong umus
a, dhil mnsan minhal kita ng sobra-sobra,.. ang minsan kaya ay maulit pa?? Sana 1
2,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
bakit kita mahal? it just hit me!!! pero ang sakit kasi ni minsan di ko nasubuka
ng mahalin mo ako! 12,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
minsan na akong ngmahal, minsan na ring nasaktan.kaya ko pa kaya ulit mgmahal?ba
kit hindi, eh ng dahil sa pagma2hal ang dami kong natu22nan. 12,11 Posted by kissl
gs2 mo b mlaman kng ano ka sa knya? sory ha, di ko alam e! pro lam ko kng no ka
skin, kau ung tipong "WLA LANG" ung tipong .... wla lang.. parang pg na "WLA" ka
sa buhay ko, ikakamatay k "LANG" 12,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
Sbe nila 22o dw na nagkakatotoo ang wish sa falling star, cguro... d ko natry..
pro kgbe may nkita ko isa, d ko pinansin, kc lam ko nanjan kna, ano pang ha2napi
n ko.. WALA na dba?!!! 12,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
Y say HI! F u min IMISSYOU. Y say LET'S GO OUT! F u min I WANT 2 B w/U! Y say ST
AY! F u can say B w/ME! Den Y say I CARE wen ur hart says ILOVEYOU! 12,11 Posted
by _HeaRt_
maaring dumating ang iwanan mo ako kaya ngayun palang sinasabi ko na sayo "kung
talagang mahal mo ko bigyan mo akko nang karapatang maging malaya habang nasa pi
ling mo":( 12,11 Posted by {cords}
Ders a Lyt in Ur ice, but its 2 bryt 2 c d pain in my hart wer u used 2 b. I gue
ss I was rong 2 blive u were w8ing 4 me, coz ders a lyt in ur ice but not 4 me! 1
2,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
lam m mhal kta..gulat k no! mtagal n un mnhid k lng kc.. ay, d pla! abala k lng
s knya..ok lng, i undrstnd friend m ko e! FRIEND m LANG AKO! 12,11 Posted by ^tara
Love is a great beautifier. 12,11 Posted by {cords}
pnilit kong maging sha,gnWa ko lht sayo k2lad ng gnwa nya,mnhal kta hgit pa sa n
aibgay nya,tnnong kta kng KULANG PA BA? cngot m kong.."tama na,hnd k nMn sha.." 1
2,11 Posted by ^nobodys_guRL^
oo,hanggang ngyon ngse2los ako..kht sbhn mng mgkybgan lang kau at ako na ang mah
al mo,lam m kng bkt?..tkot lng ako,kC jan dn tau ngcmula sa "mgkybgan lng kme.."
12,11 Posted by ^nobodys_guRL^
u wr cryn 4a a grL hus so dumb n askd u hu she is. u hesit8d but i urged u 2 n m
y surprse wen u 2ld me it was i, i smyld n sed.."nong iniiyak-iyak mo dyan?eh ma
hal dn nmn kta noh!" 12,11 Posted by ^nobodys_guRL^
bat ganon? kahit nung masakit naman,tiniis ku,kahit nung mahirap, tinago ko,kahi
t nung kaslanan mo, pinatawad ko. sobra sobra pagmamahal ko sayo pero bakit ganu
n? iniwan mo parin ako.. 12,11 Posted by ^nobodys_guRL^
"I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my ar
ms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that
I love, and I can't let you go." 12,11 Posted by andy_dpogi
inisip ko ang daya mo.. kase nangako ka, di mo ko iiwan.. pero minsan iniisip ko
kung ano mas madaya... yung iniwan mo ko?... o nung pinilit kitang mangako? 12,1
1 Posted by ^nobodys_guRL^
isipin mo nalang, parehas tayong umiyak, parehas tayong nasaktan at parehas tayo
ng nahirapan, pero bakit ganun?.. sa huli, sino lang yung natira? AKO LANG DIBA 1
2,11 Posted by ^nobodys_guRL^
"I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my ar
ms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that
I love, and I can't let you go." 12,11 Posted by andy_dpogi
sa buhay ko, meron akong minahal, merong minamahal at siguro may mamahalin pa...
alam mo kung san ka dun? ikaw yung binabalikbalikan. 12,11 Posted by ^nobodys_guR
"You know you truly love someone when everyday you meet is like the first time y
ou fall in love." 12,11 Posted by andy_dpogi
pag wala na ko, siguro di yun kawalan sayo. di yun makakaapekto sayo. pero gutso
kung malaman mo na lungkot ako... bakit? kase wala ka ginawa... hinayaan m,o la
ng ako mawala... 12,11 Posted by ^nobodys_guRL^
The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. 12,11 Posted by angel_144
Love is a mutual self-giving which ends in self-recovery. 12,11 Posted by angel_14
It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the af
fection in a kiss that sanctifies it. 12,11 Posted by angel_144
Is not a kiss the very autograph of love? 12,11 Posted by angel_144
The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. I
t changes the relationship of two people much more stronglythan even the final s
urrender; because this kiss already has within it that surrender. 12,11 Posted by
Love can be found unexpectedly in time and at an unexpected place with the unexp
ected person 12,11 Posted by angel_144
I guarantee there will be tough times. I guarantee there will be one day when on
e or both of us would want to get out but I also guarantee that if I do not ask
you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life..because I know in my hea
rt you're thee only one for me... 12,11 Posted by |d|ot
"Tell me what i got to be, tell me what you wanna do coz i can't live my life th
e way u want me to, u know you can't hold on living like we do do i have to cry
for you" love you gian 12,11 Posted by [ScAnDaLiCiOuS_gUrL]
"Tell me what i got to be, tell me what you wanna do coz i can't live my life th
e way u want me to, u know you can't hold on living like we do do i have to cry
for you" love you gian 12,11 Posted by [ScAnDaLiCiOuS_gUrL]
Minsan s bhay ng 1 tao msrp mgmhal,pro pginwan k ng taong mhal m, 2 lng ang mssb
i mo, "mnsan lang mgmhal ang pusong tanga!, bkit sa PUTANG INA pa." 12,11 Posted
by _HeaRt_
Life is what you make of it, so please stop blaming others for all the troubles
that you're having!!! 12,11 Posted by {cords}
d ba alam mo naman na mahal kita? d ba alam mo na kailangan kita? d ba alam mong
mamamatay ako kapag iniwan mo ako at alam mo rin na hindi kita ipag papalit kah
it kanino??? eh alam mo naman pala eh! pero bakit mo parin ako pinagpalit sa IBA
!!! 12,11 Posted by {cords}
kung tingin mo sakin kalabaw, tingin ko sayo tubog, pwede bang makalublob? nang
batuhin mo ko ng sulyap mo't titig, nadulas ako sa lagkit ng iyong pagibig. 12,11
Posted by {cords}
if u need me andi2 ako if u ask me tel me andito ako if u cry wid andi2 p rin ak
o pg merong gulo dyan ka di2 n lang ako 12,11 Posted by {cords}
maskit iwn ang mnmhal e pano naman kung iwan k ng mhal mo? kung iicpn prho lang
mskit pro my s2kt p b kung iwan k nya dhil s iba... khit alam nya na di mo makak
aya 12,11 Posted by _HeaRT_
kahit nsa2ktan ang 1 tao... pnpilit pa rin nya magmahal... bakit? dhil ang puso
pwde mong sugatan pro d mo kayang 2ruan p2loyttbok, p2loy na magmamahal... 12,11
Posted by _HeaRT_
dati ayoko niloloko ako, ayoko din ng pnaglalaruan ung damdamin ko, at lalo ayok
o rin cnsktan puso ko..pero nang dumating ka s buhay ko lahat ng "aYoko" nayikma
n ko s piling mu!.. 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
"There is only one thing that lasts longer than time, and that is true love." 12,
11 Posted by genelee
"The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying att
ention to before." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"If you like someone, tell him, because you might found out that they like you t
oo." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"Never question if you are in love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need
to ask." 12,11 Posted by genelee
"You fail to see the one who loves you standing right in front as does she fail
to see you love her in turn. Don't wait to tell her, because it might be to late
then." 12,11 Posted by genelee
It is better to go for someone who loves you, rather than someone who you love. 1
2,11 Posted by genelee
The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt. 12,11 Posted by gen
What is more important to you the love you share, the memories you have or the l
over? Give love a chance to swallow you up. Don't just think it will happen in a
instant, it will suprise you before you know it, but it will be the most reward
ing experience you will ever have. 12,11 Posted by genelee
You need trust to love, but first you need to love in order to trust. 12,11 Poste
d by genelee
The first time my heart was broken I thought I was through; I swore I'd never lo
ve again and believe me this was true, but when you walked into my life the seco
nd your eyes met mine, I knew you were worth loving, just like before, just like
the first time. 12,11 Posted by genelee
Guys always seem to wonder what it takes to get a girl. Like, what do they have
to do to make a girl notice them? Guys have to realize that they have to be swee
t, caring, gentle, honest and still have that sweet little thing about them that
drives any girl crazy: and that's reaching her heart. No matter how much you tr
y, if you don't reach her heart, it won't ever be worth-while. 12,11 Posted by gen
"Let love come slowly. Don't constantly keep putting on the red light. Drive on
yellow!" 12,11 Posted by genelee
Love not looked for is love that shall be found. 12,11 Posted by genelee
Nalungkot ka, nag-joke ako. Tumawa ka, tumawa ako, may problema ka, joke ulit ak
o, tawa ka, tawa ako. Nagalit ka joke pa rin ako, tawa ka, tawa ako. Sinabi kong
mahal kita, kala mo joke, tumawa ka, naiyak ako 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
Alam mo yung mahal mo, mahal ka din. Pero na sayo sya wala sa 'kin. Lahat na gin
awa ko para ako na lang ang mahalin pero balewala kasi ikaw pa din. Hindi ko ala
m kung ano na ang dapat gawin kasi yung mahal ko, mahal mo, at mahal ka din 12,11
Posted by FooLiSh`FaRT
when u give ur heart 2 a person,there should be no doubts or sur
e of urself,becoz if not, u may end hurting the person more than ur self 12,11 Po
sted by FooLiSh`FaRT
Dont over use ur heart trying to look for the ONE u think u deserve ..u should s
ave the best part of u for the person who deserves u,and deserve to be LOVED by
u 12,11 Posted by FooLiSh`FaRT
bKt ganON???nOon saB mo maGHintaY aKo kC meRON paNg "kAu". AkO nmN nagHnTay ngA.
.. NuNG wLa na KAu ngUMiti kA aT akALa kO mERon nG "tAyO", uN pLa maY iBa nA aT
bAgoNG "kAU"....:( 12,11 Posted by ^taray_queen^
I wish my eyes could speak what my heart feels for you, cause my lips can lie on
what is true. My eyes couldn't cause even if I close them I could still see you
. 12,11 Posted by FooLiSh`FaRT
it painful to love someone who could never be yours, its more painful to love so
meone who's busy loving someone else but the most painful thing is to love someo
ne who's so numb to feel the love you're giving 12,11 Posted by slayer_buffy
a heartbreak isn't always as loud as a bomb explodin.. smtimes it can be as quie
t as a feather, and the most painful thing is.. NO ONE EVER FEELS IT!! 12,11 Post
ed by slayer_buffy
4,1S.A.R.S = sExy aNd rEaLLy sWeEt :) *original copyrighted by : edLz2003 12,11 Po
sted by LOLA_LANES
SoMetimeS DeSTiny sEems So CrUeL, sO UnFaIR sO MaNy PaiNs & TeArs ThaT We BLamE
DesTinY... YeT It'S DesTiny ThaT LeaDs Us To SomeOne WhO WiLL CuRe ThE PaIn" ...
. 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
SoMetimeS DeSTiny sEems So CrUeL, sO UnFaIR sO MaNy PaiNs & TeArs ThaT We BLamE
DesTinY... YeT It'S DesTiny ThaT LeaDs Us To SomeOne WhO WiLL CuRe ThE PaIn" ...
. 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
My eyes is eager to see you, my hands wants to feel you, my mind thinks only abo
ut you, & believe or not my heart seeks only you! 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
LOVE comes to those who still hope eventhough they ve been disappointed. To those
who still believe eventhough they ve been betrayed. To those who need to love even
though they ve been hurt before. 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
1st time my heart was broken, I swore i would never love again. I thought I coul
d, but then you walked into my life, your way met mine, and I knew yu were worth
loving. So I said.. "Okay fine, one last time." 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
You're like my asthma, you take my breath away. You're like dandruff; I can't ge
t you out of my head. You're like my car, you drive me crazy. You're like my pos
tizo, I can't smile without you. 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
S.A.R.S = SexY aNd rEaLLy sWeET : copyrighted edLz2003 12,11 Posted by }-ordinaryg
May SARS ako.. "SEVERE ADDICTION on ROMANCE and SEX"... 12,11 Posted by A|phaPsion
i geZ i oLredi doNe my beZt 2 XpRess my loV 4u but StiL u reMain siLent, iF dats
d caSe iL aCCept it dat i cNt teAch uR hart to loV me, beSyds.. "paGod nRin kc
aKo mgmahal".. 12,11 Posted by ms_rrj
naka2lito ang mundo..kng cnu mhal mo xang ayaw sau..wg sanang msyang itong dmdam
in ko pra sau.. pero d ako habang buhay mghhntay sau noh! MAG-ISA KA!! mdami p j
an..pwede b!?? 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
sabi nila masarap magmahal eh! bakit ako nasasaktan??? ako nahihirapan at umiiya
k kasama ba yon kapag nagmahal ka??? mali bang mahalin kita??? 12,11 Posted by ang
panu kita mmhalin kung ang mahal moy xa? panu kita aalagaan kung ang hanap moy x
a? panu ko ssbihing mhal kita kung la kanang iniintindi kundi xa? panu kita mmha
lin kung... KAU N PALA??! 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
it's better to die at the side of the river than to see my lover at the hand of
the other... 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
lam ko drating ang panahong malilimutan m n ko, cnu b nmn ako dba? isang pampagu
lo sa masayng buhay mo.. pero tandaan m dkita makakalimutan.. kaw ung pampasaya
sa magulong buhay ko... 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
hhyaan kitang mapunta s iba, dhl gs2 mo.. hhyaan kita n ipagpalit m ko, dhl gs2
mo.. hahayaan kita n magmahal ng iba... wag ko lang malalaman n nasaktan ka.. da
hil hinayaan kita.. 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
mskt iwan ang mnmhal. E pano naman kung iiwan k ng mhal mo? kung iicpn prho lang
maskit pro my sasakit pa ba kung... iwan ka nya dhil sa iba... khit alam nya n
di mo makakaya? 12,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
it hurst 2 let go of sum1 4 a rison u cnt xplain, but it wud hurt evn more if 1
day ur paths cross agen and realize ur still inlove with that person wishing u h
adnt givin up... 12,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
f i had nly 1 hour 2 live n i cud b w/ u, id spnd d whle tym in ur arms...i wudn
t evn tel u dat i was jst hug u n say "pyakap ha? mtgal kng mwa2la eh"
12,11 Posted by zkyrysh14
i saw you sitting one day at umiiyak.. i sat beside you and asked "baket?".. you
didnt answer.. yayakapin sana kita but you walked away... i cried and realized.
. puntod ko pala inuupuan natin.. =( 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
dati kla ko pag nasakin na... ang taong mahal ko... msya na ko.. pro bkit nung n
skin na sya d prin ako msya, d lang pla ung tao ang klngan ko kundi pati pagmama
hal nya.... 12,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
I'll walk into you even if the world walked out on you 12,11 Posted by Effeny
id rader go blnd dan 2 see u wlk away frm me. id rader go deaf dan 2 hir u say u
hate me. id giv up ol things juz 2 b w/ u coz wat does "everything" min if i dn
t hve u? 12,11 Posted by zkyrysh14
gs2 k lagi kita ksma, gus2 k lagi anjan ka... gus2 k lagi kausap k... gus2 k ng
sana tayo na... pro sa lahat ng 2 pnkagus2 ko masaya ka.. kya cge na.. puntaan m
o na sya... 12,11 Posted by _HeaRt_
sabi nila kpg mhal mu.. lahat ibibigay mu..lhat ggwin mu.. pero panu n lng kung
hihilingin nia n maghiwalay kau?? ibbgay m b? kahit na... MAHAL M P SHA?.. 12,11
Posted by [tanya]
no mater how hrd i laugh im stil not hapy. no materhw hrd i cry d sadnes insyd g
rows. d mor people love me d mor i feel empty. i juz nid 1 prson 2 be der 4 me..
.wil u? 12,11 Posted by zkyrysh14
alam kong hindi mo na ako mahal! okay lang ako! kunware wala akong problema kunw
are nasa langit ako... okay lang ba kung isipin kong kunware mahal mo rin ako???
KUNWARE LANG NMN EH!!! 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
"Would you go for someone who loves you but for you he's only a friend or would
you rather go for someone you love but for him your only a friend?" 12,11 Posted
by maldito19
sana akin ka para hindi ka iiyak... sana akin ka para hindi ka na aasa... 12,11 P
osted by angel_chynna
"it hurts so much when the only person who can stop you from crying, is the very
person who made you cry! tsk, tsk, tsk!" 12,11 Posted by maldito19
bat bgla kta na mis? e1 ko... d k alm... l me clue... lgi nman gn2 eh... d nppgl
an, d naiiwasan... pro kht na anong mngyri may namimis k rin? d nga lng ako. 12,1
1 Posted by zkyrysh14
To the world you r juz 1 person, but to me you the world 12,11 Posted by Effeny
sana akin ka para hindi ka iiyak... sana akin ka para hindi ka na aasa...pero sa
na ako...ako na lang mahalin mo ng sobra-sobra 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
dba masakit pg inagawan ka?.. dba masakit pg pinaasa ka?.. pero dba ms masakit p
ag umiiwas sha khit ramdam na ramdam mo.. na mhal nio pa ang isat-isa??... 12,11
Posted by ms_rrj
"Lam mo naghhnap p ko ng quotes n pwd isend sau pra un tipong bnabasa m n ki2lig
in k p! n22wa ko dun kala ko dhl gs2 m n ko un pla kya k n2wa dhl se2nd m s knya
LHT UN!! =(" 12,11 Posted by maldito19
may mga taong "tanga" at "gago" pagnagmahal ka nang ayaw sa iyo "gago ka" pag hi
ndi mo ala na may nagmamahal syo "tanga ka" alam mo bang sana bago ka magmahal h
indi ka "tanga"... 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
loving you used 2 be my greatest fear.. n i was ryt,it hurts!! bt tnx anywei u t
hot me wat lov rili is and now i know .. its not you!! dem! 12,11 Posted by [tanya
masakit ang makita mong iba ang mahal ng taong mahal mo.. pero mas masakit ang m
agkunwaring masaya ka para sa kanila habang iniisip mo na "sana ako na lang siya
"... 12,11 Posted by maldito19
"Lovin you" was my biggest mistake "letting go" was the next,"Thinking that you
might still love me is the "mistake" im doin right now"... 12,11 Posted by angel_c
Thank you... Tanong mo cguro kung Bakit? di dahil tinanggap mo ko, o pinakita mo
saking importante ako, Salamat! kasi... hinayaan mo kong makilala ka. iyun lang
... napasaya mo na ako sobra... 12,11 Posted by Connection_reset_by_beer
dnt knw f im a prt of u, m nt sure f u care 4 me 2, i cnt evn tel hw much i mean
2 u, bt i wnt u 2 knw dat i almst died juz as d tot of losin u.\ 12,11 Posted by
'We" d women are queens and princesses of this world!So no fucking man can make
us cry!So don't get urself a tear girl...coz together we'll make d boys cry!!!Go
girl! 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be? 12,11 Pos
ted by The-Sums
Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true, everytime I hear yo
ur voice I fall in love all over again 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
WHAT IF: mahal mo na ang taong matagal nang nagmamahal sau na di mo alam na maha
l ka niya na naasar na sau't may mahal ng iba? 12,11 Posted by slayer_buffy
E BELIEVE IT 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you*When i first talked to you I wa
s afraid to like you*When i first liked you i was afarid to love you*Now that I
love you I m afraid to lose you 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Tu
rned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you kissed me good nigh
t 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, liv
e down your cheek and die on your lips 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
If you love me like you told me please be careful with my heart you can take it;
just don't break it or my world will fall apart 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
ReMeMbEr mY nAmE * ReMeMbEr My FaCe * CuZ tHeRe AiNt nO oThA hOnEy ThAt CaN tAkE
mY pLaCe 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, 12,11 Posted by The-S
Some day u'll cry for me like i cried for you ¤ Some day u'll miss me like i misse
d you ¤ Some day u'll need me like i needed you ¤ Some day u'll love me, but i wont
luv you! 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
Love makes life so confusing but without love would you want to live?" 12,11 Post
ed by The-Sums
If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever.. If Your askin if I'll Leave U t
he answer is Never..If Yur askin what I value the Answer is U.. if Yur askin if
I love U the answer is I do 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
*4GeT THe TiMeS u WaLKeD By* 4GeT THe TiMeS u MaDe Me CRy* 4GeT THe TiMe u HeLD
My HaND *4GeT THe SWeeT THiNGS iF i CaN*I cAn No LoNgEr PrEtEnD*I GoTTa ReMeMBeR
NoW uR JuST My FRieND.* 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
How can you be friends with someone if everytime you look at them, it makes you
want them even more? 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
A star fell from the sky, and I knew I cought it... then when I fell for you whe
re were you to catch me? 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
Last night I hugged my pillow and dreamt of you..I wish that someday I'd dream b
out my pillow and I'd be hugging you. 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
To all my friends i luv u so..u give me all the strenght to grow ...a true frien
dship will never die unless it is all a lie 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
you know how people say that if you wish for something enough it will come true.
.. well i've been wishing for you every night and you still arent here. 12,11 Pos
ted by The-Sums
Be careful of what you say, friendship can end in one minute because of a stupid
word 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
You told me luv wasn't a game, so why did you play me fool! 12,11 Posted by The-Su
dang girl, you got an onion damn good it makes me want to cry! 12,1
1 Posted by The-Sums
If u luv someone don't be afraid to tell them becuz it just might happen 12,11 Po
sted by The-Sums
I was blind before but i opened my eyes and realized your words are just a bunch
of lies. 12,11 Posted by The-Sums
Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow; we must fail in order to know. Some
times our vision clear only after our eyes are washed away with tears. 12,11 Post
ed by The-Sums
There are a lot of fish in the sea...but some of them are sharks 12,11 Posted by T
"what matters most is one's personality and not looks or wealth" iyan,iyan ang m
otto ng mga pangit...hmmm...buti na lng sa atin,eh! "TIME IS GOLD" (hehehehe) 12,
11 Posted by angel_chynna
Minsan kay sarap umiyak,lalo na pag naalala mo ang nakaraan..pero para saan ba a
ng pag-iyak sa sakit? o dahil hindi mo kayang ibalik ang kahapong may minahal ka
ng sobra-sobra... 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
"It would take a thousand workers to build a castle and a million soldiers to pr
otect it's country but it would only take 1 "angel_chynna" to make "JM" happy...
(hehehe peace tyo)!!! JOKE'S 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
Minsan pinipilit turuan ang puso "bawal ito" "bawal yan" "tama yan" "mali ito" k
so naisip ko may sariling isip ang puso "Iyan ang magpapagalaw sa buhay mo tama
man o mali bawal man o hindi... 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
"Every second i remeber you." Every minute,I miss you." "Every hour,I care for y
ou ." "It's all because malapit na ang b-day natin... Gift ko ha!!! "HAPPY MONTH
SARRY" 12,11 Posted by angel_chynna
" U Myt Be Mettin Fellas Mor Astig Dan Me,Mor Bangis And Mor Lupet Dan Me..But 1
thng I Cn Asure U Sis,Il Stil B Ur Frnd Wn Dey All Walk Out..."BEAT DAT PARE" 12,
11 Posted by angel_chynna
mnsan ang pagkakaibigan prang pghawak ng buhangin, di mo napapancn nauubos na pl
a.. s dami nga naman ng buhangin s paligid mo.. mapapansin m p kya kung mwala ak
o sa pagkakahawak mo?.. 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
I knew things would never be the same again... i hate it when i think of how you
would be leaving me, taking a big part of me with you, it hurts me so to think
that you just chose to forget all that we had... i can hear the real sound of a
breaking heart and now i believe that hearts do shatter... 12,11 Posted by fallen_
I wish my eyes could speak what my heart feels for you, cause my lips can lie on
what is true. My eyes couldn't cause even if I close them I could still see you
. 12,11 Posted by fallen_for_you
We are a symptom of your christian america, the biggest satan of all... this is
the world in which we glow and will grow to hate you... GOD!!! 12,11 Posted by cra
I'm not asking 2 b the most special person in ur lyf. I'm not asking 4 ur ful at
tention.. I'm not askng you 2 care 4 me dat much.. becoz knowng dat you remember
me, sumtyms is enough.... 12,11 Posted by nEed^bF
If u luv me very much &ur afraid 2 lose me den hug me tyt and tel me u luv me co
z i wanna liv my life knwing im luvd by d person i truly luv ... 12,11 Posted by |
kakalungkot kc, MNSAN lng tau mgkita, SAGLIT lng mgkausap.. pero naisip ko din a
t least may MINSAN.. kahit panu may SAGLIT.. ok n saken yun.. kesa nmn sa wala!.
.. 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
If im an ant, pupunta ako sa arms mo , kakagatin kita as hard as i cud. Cyempre
papatayin mo ako. Then as my poor soul rises 2 heaven, I'll whisper 2 ur ears "
I'm so glad i died in your arms".. 12,11 Posted by nEed^bF
<if derz sum1 huz goin2liv me, "pede wg kw?" if ders sm1 hul hurt me, "pede wg k
w?" bt f dres smi hul b w/me 4evr, kng ok lng sau.. "pede kw nlng..." 12,11 Poste
d by kukai09
der r only few things n life dat I ask 4, but most of them I nvr really get 2 ha
ve, but dis time I reallt hope my wish come true I wish I will nvr lose u!!! love
you so much!!! 12,11 Posted by _heart_
nagkamali ka na rin ba sa isang tao na akala mo kaibigan mo lang? na pag nakuha
ng iba wala lang sayu, pero nung nawala na, nasabi mo na lang, tanga ko! mahal k
o pala cia! bleh buti nga! 12,11 Posted by hazel16
Dear GOD, I would like to live 900 years like the guy in the Bible. 12,11 Posted
by Cream|Puff
bt ang tao pag minahl mo,iiwan ka! kapag iniwan mo,mamahalin ka! pagminahal mo,
cia lang talaga, pro cia naman may ibang mahal,, sakit noh?! "Taena kcng pagibig
yan nauso pa!!" 12,11 Posted by anne1222
"wen d tym coms dat ting s goin wrong, and ud ask me "iiwan m b ko" i juz stare
at ur eyes and say..."kya kng gwin pro kht kylan di ko ggwin.." 12,11 Posted by ^_
"f ders sum1 hus goin 2 leave me pwede wg kaw, f ders sum1 hu wil hurt me pwde w
g kw,..but f ders sum1 hu wil be wid me 4ever pwede kng ok lng sau...pwde ikaw n
lng" 12,11 Posted by ^_francine_^
im hapi but deep down im alryt but in reality im losin my mind...tried
not to talk to u...tried not to show word, one look, one smile from u.
..and i know...again...i'd fall 12,11 Posted by Angel`s_Holocaust
mnsan naisip ko ano bko sa buhay mo? den naalala ko..andun ako nung nasaktan ka.
.. andon ako pra damayan ka.. pero bakit nung nghanap ka ng mamahali di nko naki
ta?... "ANDON AKO AH...!!!" 12,11 Posted by _nadine_
i cud never chus wat is best for u. neither cud i say wat u shud do. but remembe
r dt wen d bst things r going wrong, i sall be there to always make u strong! 12,
11 Posted by _nadine_
"up to wer can u prove that u really love someone? wud u cry for him? giv up eve
rything? fyt for him? evn die? but wat if he askd u... "do u rily love me?.... i
s so, CAN U SET ME FREE?" 12,11 Posted by _nadine_
masakit dw umibig, palagi ka raw iiyak, palagi ka raw aasa at maghihintay sa wal
a.. sbi ko naman ganun lang tlga yun.. dahil kung dka masasaktan. indi mo malala
mang ngmamahal kna pla! 12,11 Posted by [ms_rrj]
i could regret nt makn d most out of d tym we hd 2geder, i could sigh at d oppor
tunities we missed. i could but i wont... coz d tym dt we had, shrt as it was is
one of d best time in my life 12,11 Posted by angel_trixie
dont search for love.. let love search for you, thats why its called falling inl
ove b'cuz u dont force yourself to fall inlove.. you just FALL 12,11 Posted by ^^J
I love you so much it hurts me inside. I see you with her & I want to die. You s
ay I'll always belong to you & you to me, then why are you with her & not here w
here you SHOULD be? If, as you say, we shall forever stay, I guess I'll sit & wa
ste my life away...waiting for another day.~ 12,11 Posted by |-jENny-|
This tym its over, I'm kiping my heart, Im gonna b strong and not fall apart..It
'll get better, I'll no longer cry.In a couple of weeks, i wont want 2 die, ill
be able 2 sleep, it wont hurt so bad..and it wont feel so deep 12,11 Posted by |-j
I keep holding on. Some say I'm stupid. Some say I'm crazy. But, they can never
know what it was like. They can never know how it felt. I keep loving you. Most
people call me pathetic. Most people call me insane. But, they can never know wh
at I'm going through. They will never see what I see. They will never feel the w
ay I feel. So, I'll just keep holding on.~> 12,11 Posted by |-jENny-|
when you love someone you give everything without thingking twice, youdeny the t
ruth, u believe in lies, you cry over things that hurt you! but you still sau "I
M OK" even if it hurts... 12,11 Posted by |-jENny-|
if with my tears i could buy for you an indulgence from all pain, if by my weepi
ng now i could do all your weeping for you - then i would cry until my eyes were
washed away 12,11 Posted by princess_karryl
kung sana alam mo na mahal kita ngayon.. kung sana nasasabi ko sayo lahat ng nar
aramdaman ko.. pero alam ko hindi pede kasi para ano pa?? d mo nmn ako mahal dba
? 12,11 Posted by BaByBLuSh
you have to let go wen ur hurting 2 mch, u have to gv up wen luv isnt enuf.. u h
ve 2 mve on wen things arnt lyk b4..cuz 4 sre thers someone hul luv u more!! 12,1
1 Posted by BaByBLuSh
1 nyt i was busy talking 2 u, telling u how much i luv you, wen someonetold me,"
are you crazy? ur talking to sum1 asleep?!? " i said:"i know but did is the onl
y time she'l listen to me"=( 12,11 Posted by krizia^
i remember how i wanted so much to be olweiz with u, to talk 2u, laugh wid u, do
things wid u.. u wer soooooo nyc! did it ever cross ur mind na baka mahal kita?
if it did, baka tama ka! 12,11 Posted by simply`bored
when you tickle yourself, you can laugh whenever you like. 12,11 Posted by kulasis
Roses are red, violets are blue, when i flush the toilet, i remember you! 12,11 P
osted by Cupido2000
When you love somebody learn to let him go.... If he comes back he is yours but
if he doesnt he never was....... 12,11 Posted by apprentice
iF iT WaSnT FoR BoiZ .. Id QuiT scHooL 12,11 Posted by juvy
Paano mo malalaman kung saan ang pinakamasarap na mansanas kung hindi mo titikma
n lahat 12,11 Posted by [kairi]
talagang ganyan daw pag nagmahal.. naghihintay k ng matagal.. dahil sa una kala
mo sya na.. sa una kala mo totoo.. un pala cmula p lang nung una.. pinagtitripan
k lang pala 12,11 Posted by |-natalie-|
mahirap maging kaibigan ang mahal mo, ndi mo alam kung san ka lulugar, ndi k dpa
r mainis or magalit sa kanya..bakit? ano karapatan mo? "KAIBIGAN LNG DB?" 12,11 P
osted by |-jEnNy-|
i tot i cn go on w/out ya... i tot i can jz easily forget ya... but i was wrong.
... so damn rong! i want ya back... i miz ya... everyting abwt ya... doz crazy t
okz... moments... w/ ya is uncomparerable... 12,11 Posted by juvy
Pnilit kng magng xa,gnwa ko lht sau k2lad ng gnwa nya,mnahal kta hgt p s naibgay
nya,tnanong kta KULANG P B?cnagot mo ko"tama n,ndi ka nmn xa" 12,11 Posted by m_a
I'm not sure with what I am to you and what we are right now. But what really ma
tters is you're so damn special to me and I live my life only for you. All I'm a
fter is for you to know, you don't have to feel the same. 12,11 Posted by m_and_m
y am I so s2pd 2fol 4a prson dt I knw wl nt catch me?y am I so dumb 2 lsten 2u k
nowin dt ur alwyslyin 2me?y am I makin myself a martyr cryin 4u?ol d whyl UR LAF
IN SAYIN"HAHA ANG TANGA2 NMN NYA!!" 12,11 Posted by m_and_m
tama na! 2migil ka na pwede ba!! ganyan ka naman ei! puros ka pangako!.. dko nam
an nrrmdaman n tlgang mahal moko, anu gs2 mu gawin ko? umasa sau??... NGEK! mag
isa mu!!! 12,11 Posted by [tanya]
Sometimes we get confused with which to follow, HEART or MIND, they say the hear
t is poor with making decisions but the heart do have reasons that even the mind
can't dare to explain 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
panu ko ssbahn na mahal kita? kung pag aari kna ng iba? masakt man pero kelangan
tiicn na kht mahal kita..dna pede kc kanya kna dba?? 12,11 Posted by []ahNNe[]
nasubukan m nba mgmahal? lgi ka inspired dba? pero..dmo alm niloloko ka na pla!
kung aku sau,mg icip ka.. kht d gwapo bsta mhal ka! kes nmn ung gwapo nga.. dami
namang iba!! 12,11 Posted by []ahNNe[]
oo! mhal kita! anu naman? mahal mo nga ko pero mahal m din xa..panu yun? isa s d
alawa? d pede! pili kang isa... xa ba? cge! bagay naman kaung 2 ei.. lam m baket
?? parehas kaung t-a-n-g-a! 12,11 Posted by []ahNNe[]
1parang your just in love with the idea of being in love...(lanes) 12,11 Posted by
wen im gome ul mis me ul realyz hw much min 2 u my lafter, jokes, switnes ul rea
lyz hw mch i luv u & care 4 u but y? do i hve 2 go 1at b4 u realyz it 12,11 Poste
d by kitty_girl
im in luv w/ u! joke.. pro ang joke daw half meant.. mor so d truth.. sna biruin
mo dn ako kht minsan lng.. n mnhal mo din ako.. corny b? LUV U KYRI!!! 12,11 Pos
ted by kitty_girl
sum lesson r learned through pain sumtyms our visions clears onli after r eyes r
washed w/ tears sumtyms we hve 2 be hurt 2 be stronger 4 lyf 12,11 Posted by kitt
sum lesson r learned through pain sumtyms our visions clears onli after r eyes r
washed w/ tears sumtyms we hve 2 be hurt 2 be stronger 4 lyf & 4 luv 12,11 Poste
d by kitty_girl
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ngin mo... Alam ko 32mb lang ako sa memory mo... pero tandaan mo Pag Delete ka n
ya, Restore kita sa Hard Drive ko 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
I would rather have eyes that can not see.... Ears that can not hear.... Lips th
at can not speak... Than to have a heart that can not love... ^_^ 12,11 Posted by
i may not be able to talk to you.. but still i'm listening.. I may not be able t
o be with you..but still I'm here.. I may not be able to hold you .. but still i
'm sure.. I will always care.. 12,11 Posted by flygirl^^
you are in my thoughts and always in my heart.. and when im missin you the very
most i can only hope for is that youre der somewhere, somehow missing me too!! 12
,11 Posted by [tanya]
Y dO u haVe to maKe me faLL weN uR nOt gOinG to caTch Me?? iT huRts wN u DDnt ca
Tch Me wn i fELL.. buT it huRts eVenmoR 2 C yOu caTcH Sum1 eLse wYL i wAs FoLLin
G... 12,11 Posted by []ahNNe[]
hbng nsyo ang taong mahal m alagaan m,wg mong hayaan dumating ang isang ara na b
ka pagcchan mo pag la na x... at cnbi nya syo to"kw kc e,pinabayaan mo ko..." 12,
11 Posted by fLirt_27
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, 12,11 Posted by JZ24M
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out.. even to the e
dge of doom. 12,11 Posted by JZ24M
i knew dat ds moment wud come in time dat ihave 2 let go and watch u fly i know
ur c0ming bak so why am i dying inside?? are u searchin4words that u cnt find,tr
yin 2 hide ur emotions but eyes dont lie.. guess theres no easy way 2 say gubye.
.. 12,11 Posted by JerSzEy__
sum lesson r learned through pain sumtyms our vision clears onli after r eyes r
washed w/ tears sumtyms we hve 2 be hurt 2 be stronger 4 lyf & 4 luv.... 12,11 Po
sted by kitty_girl
wen the day comes dat u stop niding me, i wil giv u ur space & leave u alone but
i wil nver stop being hir for u, as som1 hu u nver knew u had in ur life.. 12,11
Posted by ``suzanne
dis is d las day il be wishing 4u.. d last time i shal cry and d last moment i s
hal hurt myself.. 2moro f i see u, il jus whspher.. "tama na msyado na ktang mnh
al.." 12,11 Posted by ``suzanne
wen u too scared to look ahed & ure too hurt to lok bhind, luk bside u.. il b ry
t der.. tke my hand & dnt let go.. takot din ako pro d nang-iiwan.. Promise =) 12
,11 Posted by ``suzanne
love me and cherish me while im still here, coz it will never be the same again
when im gone... 12,11 Posted by nawi
Kissing is my hobby, fuc*ing iz ma game, kissing iz fun, fuc*ing iz pain, after
9 months a baby without name 12,11 Posted by GuY_4_u
wag mong sayangin ang oras pra ipagtapat sa isang tao na mahal mo cya lalo n kun
g alam mong mhal k rin nya dhil bka dmating ang araw n cgrado sya.... m
eron ng iba :( 12,11 Posted by ^ann
dont turn ur back to ur love wen its already in front of u., becoz if u did ,sum
day u wil regret y u let luv fly wen its already infront of u,,, ;p 12,11 Posted
by ^ann
minsan ang kaibigan prang hwak na buhangin, d mo napapancin nauubos na pla... sa
dami nga nmn ng buhangi.. sa paligid mo, mapapancin mo kya kung.. mwwala ako sa
pgkkhawak mo?! 12,11 Posted by ^ann
minsan ang kaibigan prang hwak na buhangin, d mo napapancin nauubos na pla... sa
dami nga nmn ng buhangin.. sa paligid mo, mapapancin mo kya kung.. mwwala ako s
a pgkkhawak mo?! 12,11 Posted by ^ann
umiiyak ang aking pusong nagdurusa yan ay ayokong may makakita..kahit anong saki
t ang aking naranasan yan ay ayokong kanyang malaman..mga araw na nagdaan kaylan
man hindi malilimutan kay tamis na araw ng pagmamahalan ang akala koy walang han
gganan.. 12,11 Posted by fineone
mhirap pa lng magmahal ng dalawa.. un isa bhagi n nGYon nG bUhaY mO aT un isa ay
bhagi ng NkaRAan mo, ung nGayon ayAw mong saKtan.. un NKaraan gusto mung balika
n.. :) 12,11 Posted by ^ann
mhirap pa lng magmahal ng dalawa.. un isa bhagi n nGYon nG bUhaY mO aT un isa ay
bhagi ng NkaRAan mo, ung nGayon ayAw mong saKtan.. un NKaraan gusto mung balika
n.. :) 12,11 Posted by ^ann
maniwala k kya kung sbhin ko.. MAHAL KITA? seryoso ko kht mukhang d totoo.. alam
ko mali..kse pra syo, kaibigan lng tayo.. e ano mggwa ko tuluyan nako nahulog s
ayo?! 12,11 Posted by ^ann
mas gusto ko pang mamatay sa material na bagay...kesa sa patayin mo kong sinasakt
an ng mga salitang d maganda..lalo na kung sa relasyon natin...d ko matatanggap
yon kung yun ang ikamamatay ko kc sobrang sakit dadalhin ko yon hanggang kamatay
an 12,11 Posted by nhong``
sabi mo mahal mo ko...sabi mo di mo ko iiwan...sabi mo pakakasalan mo ko...bat ga
nun habang tumatagal nainlove ka na sa bigla mong sinabing mas mahal ko
pala sya!!! syet ang sakit!!! 12,11 Posted by nhong
Sabi nila mahirap ka daw abutin, paki ko, mahal kita! Sabi nila wag na daw kitan
g pagpantasyahan, paki ko, mahal kita! Mahal na mahal kita, alam mo ba yon? Paki
mo, e may mahal ka namang iba! 12,11 Posted by [T]-BaCk`GuY
SARS= Severe Absence of romance and Sex!!! 12,11 Posted by pat_rick
Don't ask me if I need you, you know the answer. Don't ask me if I miss you, you
know what I'll reply. Don't ask me if I wanna be with you, you know I do. Don't
ask me if I love you, ask yourself if you love me too? 12,11 Posted by veronica`a
Dont mess with my man I'ma be the one to break it to ya Got my girls, got my man
, so find your own and leave mine alone Don't mess with my man, I'ma be the one
to break it to ya Here's a little advice for you, find your own man!!! Girl I'm
warning you, if you want my man You should just keep your hands to yourself, now
-now!!! 12,11 Posted by veronica`angela``
All you ladies pop your pussy like this Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss
Lick it good suck this pussy, just like you should Right now, Lick it good suck
this pussy just like you should My Neck, my back Lick my pussy and my crack!!! 12
,11 Posted by veronica`angela``
Madalas kong iSiPin kung san ko ba ilulugar sarili ko sayo o kung may lugar pa ba
kapag bibitaw na ko, darating ka at pinaparamdam mo na nanjan ka pa. O ngyn, dar
ating ka pa ba? O bibitaw na ko ? 12,11 Posted by sweetbaby`gurl
All men have sex in their minds. It's a universal truth. But to tell you frankly
girls, it's not really our fault. God made us with high testosterone levels and
our genes command us to act this way. It's a man's nature to be "ma-el" kaya wa
g niyo kaming sisisihin. 12,11 Posted by juvy
My friends ask me why i hold on unto you? I jz closed my eyes and say "in the wo
rld of lies, she's d only truth i know..." 12,11 Posted by Rave3173
it`s hard to let go of someone who has touched your life,but it hurts more to le
t go if someone who was never yours yet changed your most life the most 12,11 Pos
ted by Plue
if ever ill be given a chance..2 start my lyf ol or agen..iwud rathr accpt it.y?
cz hu knws in dat 2nd strt 12,11 Posted by Plue
im not askin you to stay 4 d rest of my life.stay as long as youlike.No WHYS.No
HOWS.No Buts.No Promises.just "STAYS"...its more dan enough... 12,11 Posted by Plu
the greatest challange in your life is to find someone who knows your flaws and
weaknesses but still willing 2 embrace you w/ so much LoVe W/O DOUBT!:) 12,11 Pos
ted by Plue
LOVE is the only flower that grows without the aid of any seasons 12,11 Posted by
LOVE is the only flower that blooms without the aid of any seasons 12,11 Posted b
y gouki_19
Alam kng Temporary File lng ako sa isip mo.Alam ko Cookies lng ako S paningin m.
Alm ko 32mb lng ako sa memory tandaan mo Pag Delete ka nya, Restore kita
sa Hard Drive ko 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
none 12,11 Posted by zam_mia
Loving someone is like reaching for a star.........u never know when to have it
but always wished that someday it might fall... 12,11 Posted by AnGeLm|sT
One day, I asked God, "bakit po ang sakit sakit? Nagmahal naman po ako di ba?" S
abi naman nya... "Anak.... Sobra kasi eh..." 12,11 Posted by AnGeLm|sT
"LOVE" comes in mysterious ways...I was make to believe that "a person nid not l
uk 4 sum1 2 love, for d ryt person wil come at d ryt tym, at d ryt place that u
nid not luk 4 him coz destiny will make u close to him when d tym comes. By: Jmi
ke 12,11 Posted by voya
"never regret the choices u made. always be satisfied wid wat u hav now. lyf isn
t perfect. its a blend of joy and sorrow. its juz a mater of how u deal with it!
" 12,11 Posted by jmike
Luv is not bout finding da right person, but creating da right's
not how much luv u have in da bgining,but how mch luv u build til d end 12,11 Po
sted by jmike
"Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy.... Anger...tears...
.laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. that's when you tr
uly love another." 12,11 Posted by jmike
"We look forward to the time when the power to love of will replace the love of
power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace." 12,11 Posted by jmike
"Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and
those who have tried, for only then can appreciate the importance of people who
have touched their loves. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends w
ith a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you c
an't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches." 1
2,11 Posted by jmike
bkit pg ngtamp0 ako, tampo ka dn? bkit pg nagyoyosi ako, ngyoyosi k din? bkit pg
2mawa ako, tatawa k dn?,,, kung ganon pla un, e bkit pg sbi kong: "mahal kita!"
kaw sbi mo: "yosi tyo uli! 12,11 Posted by juvy
with these eyes, u're evrythng 2 me...w/o ur luv i'll wind up down upon my knees
...w/ these eyes iv learnd from my mistakes.....that a sad song doesn't care hus
heart it breaks....:( 12,11 Posted by orange```
To have lost my man hurts me deeply, but to have lost him to my best friend torm
ents my very being and my soul 12,11 Posted by cupid_08
He who told you he loves you, he said you were the best but when you were not lo
oking he was screwing all the rest, now your heart is broken, shattered like a g
lass, as you raise your middle finger, you say "BABY KIZ MY AZZ!" 12,11 Posted by
Minsan lang magmahal ang pusong tanga pero ang pinagtataka ko lang.. bat sa puta
ngina pa! :Þ 12,11 Posted by cupid_08
1 araw nakita mo ko kausap sya,magkahawak kamay at magkayakap pa. akala mo tinal
ikuran kita at pinagpalit sa kanya. ang di mo lam pagtalikod mo, umiyak s ya kasi
nagpaalam na ako at pinili ka.. 12,11 Posted by cupid_08
The sweetest thing a guy ever did for his girl was to sit with his friends, look
at her from a far and tell them "look at my angel have you ever seen anyone so
beautiful like her?! Damn pare, she s my life" 12,11 Posted by cupid_08
A friend saw me in a park and asked if we are still together, with a sad look in
my eyes, I said no . Then he asked me but you still love him don t you?! I Closed my e
yes, took a deep breath and started walking away while whispering "sobra.. sobra
.." ((for cupid_08..lols!)) 12,11 Posted by cupid_08
minsan iniicp ko kung pede wag n mgmhal... pra lang d msktan... pero puede b un?
e mkita lang kita, hnda na akong msktan ulit.... 12,11 Posted by zhmilez33
F i ask u 2 stay wil u stay, F i kis u now will u kis me back, hope its not 2 la
te 4 as 2 realized wats da mining of lav, let's fnd way b 4 we nd dis lav! can w
e talk b 4 we say gud bye 12,11 Posted by malay_ko
may kaibigan ako,,, may mahal sya di naman sya mahal,,, di nya alam mahal ko nam
an sya... hay naku kung alam lang nya,, umaasa pa sya sa iba,,, iniisip ko tuloy
tanga nya! o sapul ka ba??? kaw yun tanga!! 12,11 Posted by malay_ko
Stupid i know i am it's true, stupid 2 fall for someone who could never love me
too... Stupid i am, there's nothing i can do. It's sad to know i am stupid becau
se of you!!! :( 12,11 Posted by jhajha
How do i say goodbye to sum1 i never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was
never mine? Why is that i miss someone i was never with? And i ask why i love so
meone who's love was never mine! 12,11 Posted by jhajha
Mahirap umasa sa wala... mahirap magmahal sa taong may mahal pang iba... mahirap
ipagtanggol ang taong walang pakialam sa nararamdaman mo at higit sa lahat... m
ahirap masaktan ng wala kang karapatan! :( 12,11 Posted by jhajha
Hir i am standing next to you... loving you the best way i can do... giving you
everything that i could... eventhough in the other side, i stand close crying, c
oz i got no clue on wat i am to you!!! 12,11 Posted by jhajha
A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yo
urself trying to fix it 12,11 Posted by ``yAsMiEn
Don't ever give up if you still want to try, don't ever wipe your tears if you s
till want to cry. Don't ever settle for an answer if you still want to know. Don
't ever say you don't love him if you can't let him go. 12,11 Posted by ``yAsMiEn
A failing love is like desperately hanging on to something precious; not wanting
to give up, but your hands feel the pain. And, when you finally let go, you're
free from any pain, but your hands are empty. 12,11 Posted by ``yAsMiEn
Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't
even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only
means that you are strong enough to let go! 12,11 Posted by ``yAsMiEn
wen d tym cmes u talk to me i sat to myself 'i muv on' wen u stare at me 'oh wer
jst frends' but wen u smyl at me "pucha! hirap magpretend 12,11 Posted by LevoNnE
Wen i think abt the tyms we've spent together, i smile, for i know deep inside,
those wer the best tyms... the very few that i would gladly want 2 look back for
the rest of my life!!! 12,11 Posted by jhajha
Ano ba to! kaw nanaman nasa isip ko! kaya ang hirap makatulog sa gabi e, nde kit
a makalimutan! pero nakakatulog rin ako, lam mo kung pano? sinasabi ko sa sarili
ko... "Makikita pa rin kita sa panagginip ko" 12,11 Posted by Sw33hart
Isang araw parang mahal mo ako. Isang araw di mo ako pinapansin at parang wala l
ang ako sayo. Isang araw sabi mo mahal mo ako pero isang araw sinabi mo rin, Oi,
loko lang yun ha, baka seryosohin mo! 12,11 Posted by Sw33hart
Everytime you cry for the one you love, I often think... "Mahal mo nga sya talag
a" Not knowing while your crying, I also cry secretly saying.. " Hindi ba pweden
g ako nalang mahalin mo?" 12,11 Posted by Sw33hart
When you love someone, you'll do crazy things you can't explain. you'll deny the
truth and believe in lies, when you love someone, you sacrifice, give everythin
g you've got and don't think twice, you risk it all no matter what. That's how l
ove drives you crazy. 12,11 Posted by [GRaNDGoBiLaM]
Magmahal? Yoko na yata. Minsan na akong nagmahal, at sa minsan na yon, niloko pa
ako...minahal ko sya, pero bakit ganon? Di ko matanggap, dalawa pala kaming mah
al nya. Masakit, alam mo kung bakit? Kasi mas mahal nya yung isa. 12,11 Posted by
I aM wHat i AM anD i Do WHat I dO...iF yOu For ReAl TheN You KnOW tHe DeaL..i Do
oR dIe AnD I nEveR Ran NEveR WiLl.. mE nd My GaNg, We rOLL ThRU tHe ThIn AnD Wh
En ShIt GoT tHiCk We StIll MaNAge TO sTicK.. G! 12,11 Posted by cR1p-R1d4h
When somebody cracks your heart, there is someone who will hold it so it won t bre
ak into parts. When somebody let you fall someone will catch you so don t be afrai
d, someone is waiting for you. 12,11 Posted by juvy
It is oftentimes hard to forget someone we love because deep inside us, it s the l
ast thing that we would want to do. It s easy to say it s all over but it s always dif
ficult to let go. 12,11 Posted by juvy
Sometimes we jst smyl to cver up the pain, somtyms we ntend to laf 2 cvr up da h
urt bt wedr u smyl or laf u can nvr hide wat u rily fil insyd. 12,11 Posted by juv
sabi nila manhid ka daw..... kasi ndi mo feel na mahal kita.... d lang ako kumib
o...pero nalungkot din ako.. habang cnasabi ko...ndi un manhid....ndi lang talag
a nya ako mahal.... 12,11 Posted by [-just-some-chick-]
gago ka ba? iiwanan mo ako tapos babalik balik ka ngayon. anong kala mo sa akin
tanga? papauto ulit sayo? eh sira ulo ka pala eh. pero mas sira ulo ko sayo, hal
ika nga dito, tagal ko ng hinintay pagbalik mo eh. 12,11 Posted by [-just-some-chi
minsan lang ako magmahal at masaktan..ngunit ngayong dumating ka sa buhay ko...s
obra sobrang kamalasan naman ang dumating!!! pero kahit na malasin man ako haban
g buhay basta't kasama kita...magtitiis ako dahil marami ka namang pera!!! 12,11
Posted by kiero
i lay n bed last nyt lukn at d stars,d clear sky & d endles horizon & dt momnt o
f tranquility,i tot 2myslf, "swerte ko..s laki ng mundo nagkakilala tau!" 12,11 P
osted by freakgurl0221
d farthest distance in this world isn't d distance between north and south, nor
it is the distance between life and is the fact that i'm standing rig
ht infront of you and you don't know that I LOVE YOU 12,11 Posted by Jhay-Z
i almost wish i never had my computer. The person i feel the deepest most burnin
g LoVe, can't even see me... 12,11 Posted by [-just-some-chick-]
nsktan k b nung mlaman mong may mhal syang iba? sna nga andun ako. nabulong ko s
na. "yan din un naramdaman ko.. nung sinabi mo na kau n pla.." 12,11 Posted by [-j
the greatest challenge in your life is to find someone who knows your flaws and
weaknesses but still willing 2 embrace you w/ so much love w/o DOUBT! 12,11 Poste
d by Dark_Bring_29_fie
0,6 LOVE has it's own time,season& reason.u cant ask it to stay.u can only embrace
it when it comes & be glad for a your life... it was yours ...6,13 -=
babywish=- 12,11 Posted by babywish
There r things w/c r hard 2 undrstand but den they hav 2 b learned. There r thin
gs w/c u do not want 2 happen but den, they hav 2 b accepted. There r people dat
u cannot live w/o but then u hav 2 let go! 12,11 Posted by veronica`angela[sick]
0,6 -=it's hard to hold on to something that you know would never be yours in any
way you think of . . you just have to learn to let go & face the fact dat while
good things never last...SOME DONT EVEN START... =- 12,11 Posted by babywish
LiFe iS reaLLy stuPid aNd fuCked uP! eVeRydaY u waKe uP wiD tha saMe sHit, saMe
fuCked uP LiFe.Then, 1daY i met yah..i sMiLed aNd toLd mYseLf : "Life aint dat f
uLL of shit after all" 12,11 Posted by juvy
" it hurts so much, to know that your falling for someone who doesnt love you, c
oz i've closed my eyes from the reality that he didnt love me, he just cared!!!!
! " 12,11 Posted by Dao`Ming`Zoo
"U have come into mylife thru the door I'm afraid it will never be open again, f
or many have slammed it in he way out... feel free to stay...but if the time com
es that you would leave... please close it gently." 12,11 Posted by peaches23
" No loving relationship is free of hurts. Bind up the wounds of love with FORGI
VENESS." 12,11 Posted by peaches23
" Sometimes when we have been wronged, bruised, angered or betrayed, it is diffi
cult to forgive. It is easier said than done. But too much anger and resentment
makes it hard for us to move on. All that pain we refuse to let go will bury us
in place we shouldn't get stuck in. After the hurt and anger should come healing
, and healing can only take place if we allow ourselves to forgive." 12,11 Posted
by peaches23
nilapitan kita pro lumayo ka skn.tnwg kta pro d moko pnansin.kakausapn sna kta p
ro parang andami mng ggwin. cguro dko na tlga mssabi sau kung gaano kta ka...d b
ale na lng! 12,11 Posted by KULITS_99
I nver wanted 2 go... I never wanted 2 leave... All I wanted is 2 b wid u. Bt wa
t cn I do f u wnted 2 b wid sum1... sum1 hu isn't me?... 12,11 Posted by gh0st_ag3
when looking at faults, use a mirror, not a telescope... 12,11 Posted by _dianne_
it`s hard to let go of someone who has touched your life,but it hurts more to le
t o of someone who was never yours yet change you life the most. 12,11 Posted by K
no sooner met but they looked, no sooner looked but they loved, no sooner loved
but they sighed, no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason, no soon
er knew the reason but they sought the remedy. 12,11 Posted by janmi
dti kla ko pag nskin n ang taong mhal ko msya n ko pro bkit nung nskin n sya d p
rin ako msya? d lng pla yung TAO ang kailangan ko kundi pti yung PAGMAMAHAL NYA
12,11 Posted by nicole17
don't be blind f som1 cares 4 u! don't b deaf f som1 tells u "i luv u" don't b m
ute f u love him 2 coz it might b too late 4 both of u! 12,11 Posted by nicole17
11,5kumatok ka sa puso ko sabi ko "tuloy ka" di nagtagal umalis ka at kinuha mo pa
ang susi, tanong ko lang "babalik ka pa ba??? kase di na mabuksan ng iba eh" 12,
11 Posted by nhong
4,5 off m juz a typical bitch fucker living in dis morphorific damn world, dealing
w those red fucker headed ass. juz wishin, waitin n hoping dat smeday, smewhere
, smehow.. ill gonna meet muh morphorific someone hu wil fuckin love me for wat
fuckin i am... dis is cHiLl .. GEDEMETZ ! 12,11 Posted by juvy
i wish i cud be in the same bed wd u.. you'll be in my arms, lyng in my chest, i
'll be kissng ur chick up to the back of ur neck, fit my fingers bet. ur fingers
nd whspr "can i keep u 4ever".. c",) 12,11 Posted by MyStEryOSa`17f
F i count how many tyms uve crossed my mind in my entire lyf, i'd be lying if i
sed, it was 2 many.. coz u only crossed my mind once.. and u never left it... 12,
11 Posted by MyStEryOSa`17f
13,1 Em juz a typical bitch fucker living in dis morphorific damn world, dealing w
those red fucker headed ass. juz wishin, waitin n hoping dat smeday, smewhere,
smehow.. ill gonna meet muh morphorific someone hu wil fuckin love me for wat fu
ckin i am... dis is cHiLl .. GEDEMETZ ! 12,11 Posted by juvy
U may nt nid me now, maybe nt 2moro, maybe nt ever. Bt if ever, even 4 a milisec
ond, u fil alone... Rmember, in dat fleeting moment til 4ever, ill be here! 12,11
Posted by Hop3|3sS_pAthet|c
" I LOVE.... hanggang dyan na lang muna... hanap pa kasi ko ng masasabihan ko nu
n eh.. Hmmnnn... pwede YOU na lang? I... LOVE... Next time na lang, kung mahal m
o na rin me 12,11 Posted by peaches23
bukas maaari mo kong ivanan saktan palitan kalimutan pro d kita gagayahin iiyak
lang ako kc panghabangbuhay kong ta2ndaan n mnsn kitang naging KAIBIGA 12,11 Post
ed by fie
bukas maaari mo kong ivanan saktan palitan kalimutan pro d kita gagayahin iiyak
lang ako kc panghabangbuhay kong ta2ndaan n mnsn kitang naging KAIBIGAN 12,11 Pos
ted by fie
11,1I wish I knew the way that leads to Heaven. I always think Heaven is being lo
ved and wanted, but sometimes those ways send me to hell. The only one I miss is
the only one I have been waiting for. I do hope that she holds the key of the H
eaven's gate - as she has hold the key to my heart for more than one year. Do we
need a key to enter the angels' garden and God's Mansion? ... and if I should d
ie in my sleep let my soul come to you and s 12,11 Posted by ||suplado||
11,1I wish I knw D way Dat leads 2 Heaven. I always think Heaven is being luvd &
wanted, but soumtyms those ways send me 2 hell. D only 1 I miss is D only 1 I ha
ve been waiting 4. I do hope Dat she holds D key of D Heaven's gate - as she has
hold D key 2 my heart 4 more than 1yr. Do we need a key 2 enter D angels' garde
n & God's Mansion? ... & if I should die in my sleep let my soul come 2 u & say
gudbye. 12,11 Posted by ||suplado||
11,1I wish I knw D way Dat leads 2 Heaven. I alwys think Heaven is being luvd & w
nted, but sumtyms dose ways send me 2 hell. D only 1 I miss is D only 1 I hve be
en waiting 4. I do hpe Dat she holds D key of D Heaven's gate - as she has hold
D key 2 my hart 4 mre than 1yr. Do we need a key 2 enter D angels' garden & God'
s Mansion? & if I should die in my sleep let my soul cme 2 u & say gudbye. 12,11
Posted by ||suplado||
Paano mo malalaman kung mahal ka niya? Simple lang....tumalon ka tapos sigaw mon
g mahal mo siya, pero kung di ka niya sasaluhin, wag 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
Paano mo malalaman kung mahal ka niya? Simple lang....tumalon ka tapos sigaw mon
g mahal mo siya, pero kung di ka niya sasaluhin, wag kang mag-alala, ano ba'ng s
ilbi ko? di ba tagasalo pag wala siya? 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
Iniwan kita di dahil ayoko na sayo. tinalikuran kita di dahil galit ako sayo, lu
mayo ako di dahil ayaw na kitang makita, umalis lang ako kasi ayaw ko nang umiya
k habang nakikita kang piling niya. 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
I love you... though your love was not me, I told myself not to cry coz I saw yo
u happy, I love you and I never asked you to love me too. I love you coz I reall
y do, and even if you can't love me to, I'm still here...damn in love with you. 1
2,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
Minsan ang layo ng tingin mo. Sino ba'ng hinahanap mo? yun tao bang magmamahal s
ayo? yan ang hirap sayo eh! ang layo lagi ng tingin mo, ang tagal ko na dito...d
i ba pwedeng sa kin ka naman tumingin? 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
I can't blame you if one day you'll walk out of my life but expect me to give up
everything just to keep you in sight but if i fall, give me a chance 12,11 Poste
d by |prettymiaka|
I can't blame you if one day you'll walk out of my life but expect me to give up
everything just to keep you in sight but if i fall, give me a chance to say, "G
agawin ko lahat, wag ka lang umalis" 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
Minsan bad trip magmahal. Iwasan mo, ikaw din ang masasaktan. Sundan mo, kaw din
ang iiyak. Bigay mo lahat, kulang pa rin. Nagpakatanga ka, gagaguhin ka pa. Min
san hintay ka ng hintay, di mo alam iniwan ka na pala... 12,11 Posted by |prettymi
-isn t it stupid when we want to express our feelings to the person we love and ha
ve loved us be4, but we re holding back coz we know we can t have them now, then when
they re gone we say: Sayang kung alam lang nya 12,11 Posted by ^aNg_LuPeT^
Sabi mo mahal mo 'ko. Sabi mo rin seryoso ka. Nag- promise ka pa nga di ba? O, u
n naman pala e. pero bakit di tayo? Ah siguro kasi andyan sya?! At mas mahal mo s
ya, di ba? 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
Bakit ganon di pala lahat ng akala mo totoo no? dahil akala ko di kita kailangan
, akala ko di kita mamahalin pero mali pala ako at nung inaakala kong minamahal
mo din ako ni minsan di pala nagkatotoo. 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
Pag in-love, masaya pag lagi syang nandito. Pero pag biglaan kang iniwan, agos a
ng luha sa mugtong mata, masasabi mo na lang sa kayakap na kaibigan, "Kahit maha
l ko sya, tangina na nya!" 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
nabangga mo ko at nadapa ako, minahal kita pero pinaluha mo ko, ginawa mo yon da
hil mahal mo pa pala sya, sa pagmamadali mo, di mo man lang narinig ang sinabi k
o, " sandali lang, mahal pa kita". 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
Masakit magmahal lalo na kung iiwan ka lang nya pero alam mo? May mas masakit pa
dun pag iniwan ka nya sabay sabi "Sorry, akala ko kasi mahal kita eh " 12,11 Posted b
y LeiMingShi
Sabi ko nang umalis ka "Kaya ko to". Sabi ko nung may iba ka ng mahal, "Pakialam
ko". Sabi ko nang nakita ko kayong magaksama "Basta masaya ka". Sabi naman ng pu
so ko "Kaw kasi ma-pride. Dapat pinaglaban mo" 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
Sabi ko "mahal na mahal kita" Sabi mo "sus, alam ko yun" Sabi ko "ako ba mahal mo
?" Sabi mo "oo naman, higit pa sa buhay ko" Napaluha ako sa tuwa tapos sabi mo "o
wag na iyak bestfriend ha?" 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
4bakit ganon? noon sabi mo maghintay ako kasi meron pang 'kayo'...ako naman naghin
tay nga..nung wala na kayo ngumiti ka at akaLa ko meron ng 'tayo',yun pala may i
ba at bagong 'kayo' na... :c 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
Girl: if you feel I m falling for someone new, it s not because I love him. It s becau
se you re not there to catch me fall Guy: when you think I wasn t there to catch you,
it s because you never gave me a CHANCE 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
So I'm moving on, I'll never forget, As you lay there and watched me. Accepting
the end I knew you were scared, You were strong I was trying. I gave you my hand
, I said it's okay letting go time to leave here. And I'll carry on The best tha
t I can without you here beside me. 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
6I can hurt myself just for you, I can forget myself just for you, that's how much
I love you and care for you. I just wonder how much more love and 12,11 Posted b
y |prettymiaka|
6ilang araw na di tayo naguusap.. ilang araw na di tayo nagkikita.. ilang araw na
di kana nagpaparamdam,, alam mo bang di ko na matiis yon?! bakit ikaw natiis mo
ko?. eh tanga pala ako!,, ano nga ba ako syo...! 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
6bakit pag may gusto tayo kailangan iwanan natin yun iba para lang makuha yun? per
o pag nandyan na, saka mo lang malalaman.. na yung taong iniwan mo ay minsan na
ring..iniwan ang lahat lahat sa buhay para lang sayo.. 12,11 Posted by |prettymiak
6I asked you "are you happy without me?" You told me "not actually happy but much
better without you" my tears slowly fell when you said 12,11 Posted by |prettymiak
3Kailan mo malalaman na mahal kita? Pag wala na ko? Pag wala ka ng matakbuhan? sig
uro...Pero sana malaman mo na..Hirap na ko e..Pagod na kong iparamdam sa yo 12,11
Posted by |prettymiaka|
3Kailan mo malalaman na mahal kita? Pag wala na ko? Pag wala ka ng matakbuhan? sig
uro...Pero sana malaman mo na..Hirap na ko e..Pagod na kong iparamdam sa yo na m
ahal kita.. manhid ka b tlga? 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
just let me dwell on this pain for a while. after all, it would always remind me
that i'm a mere human, capable of getting hurt...i may fall and faulter.... i m
ay not learn to move on that easily... but the world would be empty without me 12
,11 Posted by Dao`Ming`Zoo
3Eto na yung huling araw na papangarapin kita.. Huling pagkakataon na iiyak ako..
At huling sandali na papayagan kong saktan ang sarili ko.. Bukas pag nakita kita
,ibubulong ko.. "tama na,masyado na kitang minahal..." 12,11 Posted by |prettymiak
7I know I shouldn t care or wonder how you are, but I can t hide the pain inside my br
oken heart. I m fighting back emotions I ve never fought before, cause I m not suppose
d to love you anymore. 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
He wants you for a possession, something to look at like a painting or an ivory b
ox. Something to own and to display. He doesn't want you to be real, or to think
or to live. He doesn't love you, but I love you. 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
2"bakit umiiyak ka nanaman?" "e kasi...""mahal mo pa din noh?" "oo eh...""kahit ni
loko ka na? Kahit pinaasa ka lang?" "uuhhmm... Oo... Oy, bakit ikaw naman ang um
iiyak?" "kasi, hindi ko talaga siya mapantayan." 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
He doesn't know what a woman is. He wants you for a possession, something to look
at like a painting or an ivory box. Something to own and to display. He doesn't
want you to be real, or to think or to live. He doesn't love you, but I love yo
u. 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
bkt ba lagi akong gani2?kaw nlng lagi naiisip ko...lahat na gnawa ko pra limutin
ka...pero dnya ko lng pla sarili koh...d ko pla kayang limutin ang taong MAHAL
na MAHAL ko!!! 12,11 Posted by crazymynd
a lot of people ask me y i still love u? sabe ko wala lang mahal ko eh...kahit g
inagago gago na ko...e2 2loy pa din ako..pero di ko naisip na 22o nga bang mahal
mo ako? o talagang ginagago mo lang ako? :c 12,11 Posted by leigh^-^anne
one night I dreamed i was a vampire, and i was supposed to bite you, but i can't
, instead i faced the sun and let myself die, when i woke up, i realized i did t
hat for a simple thing, "i can't hurt you". 12,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
When you go leaving me, I honestly say that I cry a lot. In love, it always happ
ens, those who love will cry for you. I'll leave my everything...just give me a
place in your heart. I'll live all my life there, I just love you and 12,11 Poste
d by |prettymiaka|
alam ko darating ang panahong malilimutan mo na ko... sino ba naman ako diba?!?
isang pampagulo sa masayang buhay mo, pero tandaan mo...di kita makakalimutan da
hil ikaw yung pampasaya sa magulong buhay ko!... 12,11 Posted by leigh^-^anne
When you go leaving me, I honestly say that I cry a lot. In love, it always happ
ens, those who love will cry for you. I'll leave my everything...just give me a
place in your heart. I'll live all my life there, I just love you and love you 12
,11 Posted by |prettymiaka|
when i see my BABY flirting wid someone else . . . I wont break or cry. . . inst
ead, il stand up straight . . . stomach in, chest out, flip my hair sabay sigaw.
. . "TANG INA . . . MAS MAGANDA NAMAN AKO JAN ANUH!?!" 12,11 Posted by leigh^-^an
bukas baka makalimot na tayo!. . . pwedeng magkanya kanya na tayo!. . . maaring
yun na ang katapusan . . . kaya bago mangyari ang lahat ng 2 . . . gusto kong sa
bihin . . . "salamat. . . binuo mo ang buhay ko!. . . 12,11 Posted by leigh^-^anne
We, Women are the queens and princess of dis world . . . and No fUcking Shit man
can make us cry! . . . so dont get yourself a tear girl . . . coz together. . .
WE'LL MAKE BOYS CRY!..Ü 12,11 Posted by leigh^-^anne
Morning comes too early, night times falls too late. Sometimes all i want to do i
s wait, the shadows i've been hiding in is fled from me today. I know it's easie
r to walk away, than look in the eye. But i will raise a shelter to the sky, and
here beneath this star tonyt i lie... She will slowly yeald the light, as I AWA
KEN from he longest night! 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
sBi nLa iwAn na kTa...sBi kO "ayOko" sBi nLa...."tAma nA" sAbi kO..."ayOs lng aK
o" tAnOng nLa...kAya mO pBa?" npAiyak akO nUng sBi kO..."mhAl kO e"...KAKAYANIN
KO! 12,11 Posted by d3fiant_eye_04
pag mahal mo isang tao... wag magdalawang isip na ipadama ito, dahil malay mo ga
nun din nararamdaman nya... sige ka... ikaw rin baka mawala pa sha... at di mo m
aranasan maging masaya... -012 12,11 Posted by cLeyr_012
I always lose control when your by my side. You have become the light of my life
. I always enjoy the time I spend with you. Because nothing makes me feel the wa
y you do. I think I'm falling in love with you... 12,11 Posted by Dao_Ming_Sisi
You are my best friend and my only true love. I'm sure that you were sent from h
eaven above. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. And our future is
beginning to look so bright. I think I'm falling in love with you... 12,11 Posted
by Dao_Ming_Sisi
Tonight you'll look oh so fine, But It will all be in my mind. Tonight you won't
even know, That I still love you so... 12,11 Posted by Dao_Ming_Sisi
9 bEiN HaPi DsNt MeAn EvRyThNz PrFcT.iT onLy MeAnS uV dCdEd 2c LyF bYnD iTs iMpRfC
TnS sO dNt SaY uR hApI cOz EvRyThZ aLryT.Be HaPi cOz EvRyThN 4SUCKS9 BUt UrE dOIn Je
Z fYn! 12,11 Posted by |-fL|p_GaNdA-|
I always thought that you feel the same way I do, I was very happy but when I tu
rned back, I saw you with someone else, Then I asked you, "Bakit mo ako pinaasa?
" You said "Di kita pinaasa, mahal kita! Magkaibigan tayo di ba?" 12,11 Posted by
db masakit kpag iniwan k? db masakit kpag niloko ka? db msakit kpag pinaasa ka s
a wala? pro mas masakit at mas mahapdi kung la kng kaalam-alam at bigla n lng ma
y langgam n kakagat sa PEPE mo .. awtch ! 12,11 Posted by juvy
Generosity is : Giving away what u want and value the most" Keep smiling..its fr
ee 12,11 Posted by Cyberking
10,6Magmahal? Yoko na yata. Minsan na akong nagmahal, at sa minsan na yon, niloko
pa ako...minahal ko sya, pero bakit ganon? Di ko matanggap, dalawa pala kaming
mahal nya. Masakit, alam mo kung bakit? Kasi mas mahal nya yung isa. 12,11 Posted
by PsYchO[S|D]
7,1Alam kong Temporary File lang ako sa isip mo... Alam ko Cookies lang ako sa pa
ningin mo... Alam ko 32mb lang ako sa memory mo... pero tandaan mo Pag Delete ka
nya, Restore kita sa Hard Drive ko 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead.. Just look beside y
ou and I'll be there.... saying... Asus! Tama na Emote! Painom ka na lang!!! =) 1
2,11 Posted by KaylangMaganda
pagnamahal ka di lahat ng bagay pwede mo ibgay...dhil sa bandang huli bka mag cc
ka...kng cno ung minamahal mo ngayon sa huli sya rin ang iiwan at ccra
gat ka na lng 12,11 Posted by hershey_kisses
wen d persn u luv chuses smbdy ovr u,dnt shed a tear!juz tel dat person ,"tangin
a,its ur loss not mine!" sabay luhod.."parang awa mo na wag mo na kng iwan!!" 12,
11 Posted by hershey_kisses
I rily mis you but i can't be with you. i wanna see u but i can't get der... MY
GOD! pano ba kita.. mlalambing?! e ang layo mo! Miss you... 12,11 Posted by hershe
thru prayers..God hears more than u say, He answers more than you ask, He gives
u more than u desire..All He needs is..........YOUR TIME! 12,11 Posted by hershey_
good things will come to those who will wait 12,11 Posted by gearguide19
there is a purpose in life'events, to teach you not to cry hard and to laugh mor
e 12,11 Posted by gearguide19
nobody teaches a fish to swim, a bird to fly, and a tree to grow. and nobody tea
ches me to remember you. i just do! ^____^V 12,11 Posted by gearguide19
minsan isip bata ko, minsan seryoso, minsan sweet...pero kahit PRANING ako, ni m
insan di ka nawawala sa isip at puso ko 12,11 Posted by gearguide19
"The most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that they can grow s
eperately without growing apart." 12,11 Posted by foxylove
"When the world gets dark, friends are the batteries in your flashlight." 12,11 P
osted by foxylove
"Friendship is not how long you've been together. It isn't how much you've given
or recieved; nor how many times you've helped each other, but it's how you valu
e one another." 12,11 Posted by foxylove
"You can't type what a lesbian is. We're anything and everything. The one thing
in common is that we make love to other women. So give up trying to limit us....
..." 12,11 Posted by Lyfsux`
"People are made to be loved and things are made to be used. That's why there's
so much chaos in the world ... people are being used and things are being loved.
" 12,11 Posted by Lyfsux`
i NevEr InTenDed 2 bE tHe MoSt ImPoRtAnT pErSoN iN yOuR liFe. dAtS jUsT 2 mUcH 2
aSk. bUt I dO hoPe tYm wUd Cum dAt I'd crOs uR mInD, & u'D sMiLe, tHnKiNg dAt I
tOuChEd uR LyF n A sPeCiAL wAy... 12,11 Posted by Lyfsux`
Ð hå®Ðê§t þå®t ðf £ðvïñg § Whêñ ü ©åñ vïêW Ð þꮧðñ ü £ðvê ßüt ñðt ßê åߣê 2 hð£Ð hï§ håñЧ
<umtmes wrds r hard 2fnd lukng 4 dat prfect line 2 let u knw ur always on my min
d, dis is luv n ive learned enough 2 knw i wil nver let go i will always love u 1
2,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,13umtmes wrds r hard 2fnd lukng 4 dat prfect line 2 let u knw ur always on my m
ind, dis is luv n ive learned enough 2 knw i wil nver let go i will always love
u 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,4I may never say your mine right now but in my dreams you are , you held me clo
se in your arms, kiss me as i lie awake in my bed and say "forever you're mine" 1
2,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
"after dark all cats are leopards" 12,11 Posted by babiecrossrads
0,1LOVE.. PAG-IBIG.. same old words.. Bakit nga ba tayo nasasaktan pag nagmamahaL
tayo.. tatanga-tanga kasi tyo eh.. ngmamahaL Lng tayo.. dun pa sa taong di tayo
kayang mahaLin. 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,2mahaL na mahaL co siya.. kaya napagicpicp co na mkipagbaLikan sa knya.. nang n
asabi co na ang lahat-lahat.. siya'y lumapit sa kin at niyakap ako ng mhigpit...
at sinabing.. "sorry.. ayoko na." 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,4mhirap kpag iniwan mo ang taong minahal mo ng 22o...nung cnabi mo sa kanyang a
yaw mo na, akala mo pipigilan ka nya pro nagkamali ka, niyakap ka lang nya at cn
abing: yan din ang sasabihin ko, naunahan mo lng ako 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,5nung sweet ka sakin, kala ko mahal mo na ako...nung lagi kang asa tabi ko, kal
a ko mhal mo na ako...nung magusap tyo at nagpasalamat ako syo...may sasabhin pa
dpat ako kya lng sbe mo..."that's 4W12hat4?12¿4? friends are for!" 12,11 Posted by _Sup|ad
0,5nung sweet ka sakin, kala ko mahal mo na ako...nung lagi kang asa tabi ko, kal
a ko mhal mo na ako...nung magusap tyo at nagpasalamat ako syo...may sasabhin pa
dpat ako kya lng sbe mo..."that's what friends are for!" 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA
0,5if u need me andi2 ako if u ask me tel me andito ako if u cry wid andi2 p rin
ako pg merong gulo dyan ka di2 n lang ako 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,7ang ganda ng langit sa gabi noh!?... Ang daming bituin. kaya nga lang minsan n
akakapagod tumingala... buti na lang nandyan ka... isang tingin ko lang... langi
t na.. 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,9if you love and it some more, if it still some more.
.. 'til it hurts no more. 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,11bakit kaya pag mahal mo ang isang tao, nagkakagusto sha sa iba? ikaw na nga n
agsasakripisyo, ikaw pa ang binabalewala. bakit ganun? ang masakit pa.. mahal mo
na nga ang nawala kaibgan mo pa ang minahal nya! 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,12der wer mny tyms dt i wnt 2 b mad, tyms dt i wnt 2 gv u up & tyms dt i wnt 2
cry. but no matr how mny tyms wud dat be, i alwys end up sayin.. "haai..mhal na
mhal tlga kta.." 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,13Kala mo`kahit uso ang letting go, i wont let go of u. Kahit uso ang gvn up, i
wont give up on you. kung baduy ang pagiging true friend.. baduy na ko. mawala
na ako sa uso basta hindi ako mawala sayo 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,4Kung talagang important cya sa'yo, ilalaban mo yan...Kahit na kung ano-ano pa
ang sabihin ng mga tao sa paligid mo... Bakit cla makikialam? Cla ba ang masasak
tan, kung sakali? 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,15Pag may umaway sayo, gagawin ko ang lahat para ipagtangol ka.. kahit sino pa
o ano pa sha! pero baka nagising na lang ako na nasa harap kita at sinabi mo na
"bakit mo ginawa un? ano ba kita?!" 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
0,16sbi nla ok lng n mgmhal??? sbi ko nman depende s mmhalin... kung ikaw ba nama
n yung taong mmhalin syempre hindi lng ok!!! ok na ok!!! love you 12,11 Posted by
0,13 sabi nila: kung nagmamahal ka - lahat ibibigay moh!...oras, atensyon, pagod,
pagkalinga, pagmamahal, lahat-lahat!!! 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
1,2-sbe ko nung umalis ka, "kaya ko to." Sbe ko nung magmahal ka ng iba, "pkelam
ko?" sbe ko nung naging kayo, "bsta, masaya ko." Sbe nmn sken ng puso ko "kaw xe
mapride, dpat pinaglaban mo " 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
3,4mahal kita, OO! yun ang totoo.. at kahit wala ka sa tabi ko ikaw pa rin ang la
man ng puso ko. sabi mo noon mahal mo ko pero kung tatanungin kaya kita ngayon,
anong sasabihin mo? ako pa rin ang mahal mo o ang taong nakasama mo nung WALA ak
o? 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
4,1~I hate to smile just to pretend I'm not hurt. I hate to giggle to show you I'
ll be okay. I hate to laugh if after I cry. I still love you and you've said goo
dbye.~ 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
6,5Ull always be mine 4 now & 4ever.Ull always be mine 4 u r my treasure.Ull alwa
ys be mine please tell me its true.Please be mine 4ever ill always luv u 12,11 Po
sted by _Sup|adA_
7,5may taong minsan ang daraan sa buhay natin. minsan lang makikilala, makakasama
, mamahalin..pero kadalasan pala ang minsan pwedeng maging habangbuhay sa ating
alaala. sayang pala ang minsan pag tuluyang nawala na.. 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
9,6if u love some1,makukuntento kna lng bng nkkta m n lng sya.. kuntento 4Õ12kíê 4Ð12ókíê n
s knya n mhal mo sya.. e di kung ganon, tama lng plang mapunta sya sa iba, saya
ng nga lng nghintay pa sya,kc ikaw mhal nya.. kuntento ka na pala 12,11 Posted by
0,3patawad kaibigan kng la2yo ako... lam kng taliwas i2 s pinangako sna
maintindhan mo n dti wlng kaso kng sya ang mahal mo, pero ngayon sana malaman mo
n bwat sglit... nama2tay ako... 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
3,4I know we're not close...still ur sum1 hu matters to me the most.. i know it m
ay seem that i'm not always there... but i wish u cud see deep inside me just ho
w much i care.. 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
6,5God's so wise Cz He never created FRIENDS with price tags... coz if He did...
I wouldn't have been able to afford u... pro kung sakali man, syempre, PAG-IIPUN
AN KITA... 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
13,1kung pwede lang kita sakalin sa yakap.. bugbugin ng halik.. tadyakan ng pagla
lambing.. murahin ng I LOVE YOU gagawin ko.. kaso.. FRIENDS tayo at ayoko mamata
y ka sa PAGMAMAHAL ko...... 12,11 Posted by _Sup|adA_
Hindi kita nakikita pero OK LANG.Hindi kita nakakausap pero OK LANG PA R
IN.Masaya ako kahit wala ka sa tabi ko,PERO....gusto kong malaman mo na tuwing w
ala ka...Kulang ang buhay ko kahit OK ako 12,11 Posted by xiao_qiao
aLAM mO bA .. mAhAl kItA ? kAsO mAhAl mO cIa .. sObRa sObRa dBa ? cGe .. hInTaY
nA lAnG aKo .. bAkA sAkAliNG uMaPaW .. pArA kAhIt uNg sObRa aKiN nA lAnG .. ='c 1
2,11 Posted by LynMar
dont try to hold on to someone who's squirming away---zaHra_lee 12,11 Posted by sa
yOuR nOt rEaLLy mInE sO i cAn't cALL yOU hOnEy , wEr nOt rEaLLy tOgEtHeR sO i cA
nT cALL yOU bAbY .. i dOnT kNoW hOw tO pUt iT aLL tOgEtHeR .. bUt i kNoW yOu'LL
aLwAyS bE mY sWeeTeSt wHaTeVeR ... 12,11 Posted by LynMar
when there is reason, tonight im awake, when there's no answer, arrived the sile
ntman. If there is balance, tonight his awake, but if they have to suffer, their
lies the silent man! 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi[sad]
mskit pg ginago kah, msakit pg ininsulto kah.. ms mskit pg cnbi saung 'lov nmn k
ita ei..kya lng ms luv ko sha'.. gnago kna.. ininsulto kpa!.. shit dba?? 12,11 Po
sted by gurlash[]-
i tryd 2 b d same 4u.. i tryd 2 care d way i care 4u befor..i tryd my best 2 lov
u agen, but i cant! mybe becoz im so tired of making u realize dat i lov yu.. 12
,11 Posted by gurlash[]-
sumday sum1 will take care of u!! sumday sum1 will kiss and hug u d way i do,, s
umday sum1 will say he loves u 2!! but u know wat?? dat sumday sumhow dat very p
erson will NOT LOVE U d way I DO!!! 12,11 Posted by girlthing_16
 People in prayer for me, everyone there for me. Sometimes I feel I should face t
his alone My soul exposed It calms me to know that I won't. 12,11 Posted by LeiMin
Tanga daw ako ng pinakawalan kita. Gago daw ako mas pinili kong lumisan ka. Tang
ina ko daw pumayag akong maagaw ka ng iba. Ulol sila di ko kayang pagsiksikan sa
rili ko sa taong may mahal ng iba. zaHra_lee 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
If the person you love has hurt you don't hurt him too prove to him that he was
wrong to let you go eventually, he'll be hurt realizing what a fool he was to let
someone like you slip from his grip -zaHra_lee 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
never said goodbye if you want still to try never give up if you still feel you
can go on never say you don't love a person anymore if you can't let go. love co
mes to those who still hope although they've been disappointed, to those who sti
ll believe, although they've been betrayed, to those who still need to love, alt
hough they've been hurt before and to those who have courage and faith to build
trust again 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
I'm not sure what life would bring, I'm not sure if dreams will ever come true,
I'm not sure what love can do, but the only sure thing I know is that I am glad
I have got someone like you. ---zaHra_lee 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
never lose hope on the person u chose to give ur love to, if he would always be
the reason y ur heart aches.. hu cares? he'd still be the very reason y ur heart
beats anyway...?! 12,11 Posted by blush_020
u r born 2 be my baby, and baby i wad made 2 be ur man. 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
"This feeling inside me, Finally found my love, I've finally broke free. No long
er torn in two, I'd take my own life before losing you" 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
i dont know y i get jealous wenever ur wd sumone hu cud make ur heart smyl.. its
not dat im being selfish or anything, maybe im just scared that ull be so happy
ull forget about me! 12,11 Posted by blush_020
minsan nko nagmahal..mnsan n din nsaktan.. mnsan ng nging tanga.. mnsan minahal
kta.. ppyagan ko p b maulit? bkt hindi? e mnsan lang ako nging msaya, ng mhlin k
ta! 12,11 Posted by blush_020
* [ZyLe] has quit IRC (Quit: tangina!!ang saya saya noh!?!?sya sige! oist ron!!pu
nta ka dito sta lu!dito lang kami sa brickroad...pagusapan natin ung cel!!ung sa
nangbabara jan....salamat sa words of wisdom ah!!sarap mo talagang kaybigan!!i
dunno what ill do without u!!tsk tsk tsk!!) 12,11 Posted by Lei[NoOneAtAll]
And if u ever get lost in life's highway, and dont know where to go, there just o
ne thing that i want u to know, I am here 4 u, always here 4 u, when u needed so
meone to hold u, and a shoulderz 2 cry on. I am here for u! 12,11 Posted by LeiMin
Baby you better look both ways before you cross my heart. I'm tellin' you it's yo
ur little games that are tearin' us apart, Baby you never find the words I need
to hear you say, And I don't know how much longer I can stay. So don't take our
love for granted 'cause you might wind up with No One At all 12,11 Posted by Lei[N
Tell me why things ain't like they used to be before, I don't know why you hurt m
e but I still come back for more. Baby I don't know how much more my heart can t
ake, And I don't know how much longer I can stay 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
"to see things in the seed,that is gemius." 12,11 Posted by babiecrossrads
Caught in a web, removed from the world. Hanging on by a thread, spinning the lie
s devised in my head! 12,11 Posted by LeiMingShi
People continue to love in spite of the pain tears and heartbreak maybe because pa
in made them braver and the heartbreak made them wiser -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,
11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
If the person you love has hurt you don't hurt him too prove to him that he was
wrong to let you go eventually, he'll be hurt realizing what a fool he was to let
someone like you slip from his grip -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^si
When you truly care for someone you don't look for mistakes you don't look for fau
lts and you don't look for answers instead you fight for the mistakes accept the f
aults and overlook excuses -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
If someone betrays you, hurts you or breaks your heart forgive them for they have
helped you learn about trust and the importance of being careful to whom you gi
ve your heart -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
It hurts to wish and it hurts to hope.. it hurts to love and it kills to let go b
ut these are the things that can make you strong for the things that hurts makes
your heart grow -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
Never be too confident about someone's love for things change when love is not ta
ken care of it could change greatly till one day you'll wake up only to find your
self all alone -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
Isn't it stupid when we want to express our feelings to the one we love but we'r
e holding back 'coz we know that we will never have them forever??? And when the
y're gone we say "KUNG ALAM LANG NIYA " -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^s
A friend is all I can see in you a friend is all I can feel for you a friend is wh
at I'm trying to be when in my heart I know your more than just a friend to me -an
n- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
Can't you see the look in my eyes that say I LIKE YOU??? Can't you see the smile
in my face whenever we talk??? Can't you see that im happy whenever im with you
??? And why can't you see that im FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!! -ann- [|||^sixtee
n^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
Don't be too good I will miss you don't be too caring I might like you don't be to
o sweet I might fall its hard for me to love you WHEN U WON'T LOVE ME AFTER ALL!!!
-ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
Find arms that will hold you at your weakest eyes that will see you at your uglie
st a heart that will love you at your worst once you found it YOU FOUND TRUE LOVE!!
! -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
Forgive my mind for it can't forget how life began the day we met.. forgive my s
oul for it sees that we are really meant to be forgive this feeling I just can't
kill forgive my heart IT LOVES YOU STILL!!! -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by
I hate to smile just to pretend im not hurt I hate to giggle to show you I'll be
ok I hate to laugh even after I cry I still love you but you've said GOODBye!!! -a
nn- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
If you like me say so . But if you don't STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DO!!! -ann- [|||^sixt
een^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
Most of the time the right words comes from the wrong mouth it's almost always ei
ther you like someone who doesn't love you or dislike someone who truly loves you
-ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
They say true love is worth fighting for but if it is true love then why should w
e have to fight for it??? -ann- [|||^sixteen^|||] 12,11 Posted by |||^sixteen^|||
if evrythng u've bin driming of sims 2b sliping awy,its nt enuf 4me 2 jst tel u
2 hld on cz, no mter hw tuf d wrld my always stay,il always care,il alw
ys b hir 12,11 Posted by wEezer
minsn my mga bgay n nkklimutn at pilit kinlilimutn...nbblewala at pilit binblewa
lw...sna lang...hindi "ako"..dhil khit keln hidi mgiging "ikw" 12,11 Posted by wEe
Naalala mo dati, di ba umiyak ako sabi mo, "tama na nandito naman ako hindi kita
iiwan." Ngayon umiiyak nanaman ako sabi mo, "tama na malilimutan mo din ako." 12
,11 Posted by a-n-n-e-20
i wonder if you know how special you are to me. sometimes i dont know how to let
you know, but if ever i could control my destiny and choose the people who will
be part of my life forever, gusto ko kasama ka dun. 12,11 Posted by a-n-n-e-20
love can melt the pain no matter how painful it is.. but pain can also melt the
love, no matter how great that love is.. 12,11 Posted by eraps
11,1 The sweetest thing a guy could ever say about a girl is when he sits with hi
s friends and says "look at my baby, has anyone seen such a beauty like her?! da
mn pare, she's my life!" 12,11 Posted by leigh54321
true love is wenhe doesnt hurt u evn wen u hurt him..he is silent even wen ur sc
reaming.. he will think clearly evn wen he's confused.. and.. will not let go we
n u release him!!!!!!!!! 12,11 Posted by blush_20
it hurts wen we risks r hearts and end up getting broken! but what hurts even mo
re is when we still hold on even though we know were waiting for nothing!! 12,11
Posted by blush_20
nEvEr say GudByE wEn u StiL wNt 2 TrY nVer GiVe uP wEn u FiL lYk u Can'T tAkE it
. NveR sAy u Dnt LoVe Sum1 anyMorE wEn U Can'T LeT gO!!!-i luv u mark!!! 12,11 Po
sted by kat_^
it hurts wen we risks r hearts and end up getting broken! but what hurts even mo
re is when we still hold on even though we know were waiting for nothing!! 12,11
Posted by blush_20
it hurts wen we risks r hearts and end up getting broken! but what hurts even mo
re is when we still hold on even though we know were waiting for nothing!! 12,11
Posted by blush_20
MinSan mAy naGtaNonG sa 'kIn paNo DaW kNg naWaLa ka... napa icp ako... na LuHa..
. nTaKoT aKo BigLa! tPos Sbi nLa... "waG mO nA SgUtiN s mATA m pA lNg HaLaTa Na"
12,11 Posted by kat_^
sabi mo mahal mo ko, naniwala naman ako. sabi mo di mo ko iiwan ang sabi ko, "oo
,aasahan ko yan ah!" pero bakit paglipas ng panahon, nakita kita at narinig pa a
ng mga sinabi mo sa kin sinasabi mo rin sa iba! 12,11 Posted by ^EYE^HATE^GOD
sometimes when you cry akala mo no one sees your tears. when you worry, no one s
ees your pain. when you're happy, no one sees your smile. ganyan ka naman eh! di
mo rin nakikita na nandito lang ako 12,11 Posted by ^EYE^HATE^GOD
Tumingin ako sa mga mata mo at nakita ko ang mga luha habang iniiyak mo ang saket
na nararamdaman mo. Nilapitan kita at sinabi, tahan na at tinanong mo ko, hindi ba
puedeng mahalin niya ren ako? at sinabe ko lang, yan nga ren dapat itatanong ko sa
yo, eh 12,11 Posted by ^EYE^HATE^GOD
pano mo malalaman na mahal ka nia? cimple. 2malon ka tpos cgaw mo mahal mo cia p
ero f ever d k nia s2luhin, wg ka mag-alala, no b nman silbi ko? db ako tgsalo p
g la cia? 12,11 Posted by culet_isoy
Minsan, hiniling ko na sana manhed rin ako kagaya mo at madalas nagtataka ako ku
ng baket nagpapakagago pa ren ako. Sabe ko tuloy sayo, Nasasaktan na nman ako . Sbe
mo, Mahal mo lng talaga kasi siya Lam mo lang sinagot ko? Hinde iba pa kasi minahal m
o 12,11 Posted by ^EYE^HATE^GOD
Hindi na ko nasanay! Magmamahal lng ako yung pang may mahal nang iba bat pa kasi
ikaw yung minahal ko, eh? Masakit pa dun, kaibigan kita. Pero wala naman akong m
agagawa, eh. Sino ba naman ako para pigilan ka? At lam ko rin namang may pag-asa
sa kanea pano kc, ikaw ang mahal nea 12,11 Posted by ^EYE^HATE^GOD
mahaL na mahaL co siya.. kaya napagicpicp co na mkipagbaLikan sa knya.. nang nas
abi co na ang lahat-lahat.. siya'y lumapit sa kin at niyakap ako ng mhigpit... a
t sinabing.. "sorry.. ayoko na." 12,11 Posted by PrAkTiSaDo
I'm NoBody! NoBoDy'S PeRfEcT.. ThErEfOrE I'm PeRfEcT!!!! 12,11 Posted by PrAkTiSaD
*Minsan, hiniling ko na sana manhed rin ako kagaya mo at madalas nagtataka ako k
ung baket nagpapakagago pa ren ako. Sabe ko tuloy sayo, Nasasaktan na nman ako . Sbe
mo, Mahal mo lng talaga kasi siya Lam mo lang sinagot ko? Hinde iba pa kasi minahal
mo 12,11 Posted by PrAkTiSaDo
>>>masakit sakin na mas mahal mo siya.. kaya heto ako, hanggang ngayon, iniisip
pa ren ang sandaling hinayaan kita.. ano bang nagawa ko na hindi tama? TANGINA!
hindi ko pa pla nasabi sayo na mahal kita..<<< 12,11 Posted by PrAkTiSaDo
nde pa nga nagsisimla ang laban, sumuko ka na agad...kala mo iba mahal nya...kya
tinagomolng...pano kng mahal ka pla nya?...hinihintay lng nyang sabhin mong mah
al mo rin sha... 12,11 Posted by PrAkTiSaDo
cnu b mhl mo? ay..cia b? kala q kc kht ppno mhl mo dn aq. pero cge, ayos lng. bs
ta aq, mahal na mahal na mahal kta. 12,11 Posted by PrAkTiSaDo
nung una cb mo sakn mhal mo ko..tps isng arw mei nkta kng iba..cb mu sakn,"sori,
kla ko mhl kta." ngiti lng ako, pro nsbi ko nlng "tangina mo nmn,ngyon pang mhal
n kta!" 12,11 Posted by PrAkTiSaDo
GoD sEnT me An AnGeL fRoM tHe HeAvEnS aBoVe...SeNt mE aN aNgeL to HeaL mAh bRoKe
N hEaRt fRoM bEiN iN LuV... cOz aLL i Do iS cRy... GoD sEnT mE aN aNgeL To WiPe
tHe TeArS fRoM mAh eYes.... ---==*MaLLiQ8358*==--- 12,11 Posted by |-fL|p_GaNdA-|
ßêíN Håþí ÐºêSn± MêäN êVêRý±HíNg´§ þêRféDZ. í± ºn£ý MêåN§ ýºû´Vê ÐêÇíÐêР² sEê £ýF ßꥺNd í
8,12---==¤§|-f£íþ_GånÐå-|§¤==---0 ±Hê ÐíFFíçû£±¥ íS nº± íN ÐýíNg FºR £ºV긠ßú± íN FíNdíÑg å
If I Someone's gonna miss you and say I LOVE YOU that's me 12,11 Posted by Vampire
maybe one day we will let go of each other.. you might have someone that could r
eplace me...but if that someone hurts you and leaves you behind..ill tap your sh
oulder and say.."lika nga babawiin na kita" 12,11 Posted by rEiNnE
maybe one day we will let go of each other.. you might have someone that could r
eplace me...but if that someone hurts you and leaves you behind..ill tap your sh
oulder and say.."lika nga babawiin na kita" 12,11 Posted by rEiNnE
D last tym my hart ws broken i swor id nevr lov agen.i thot it ws tru but den u
walkd n2 my lyf..ur eyes met my.i knw u wer worth i sed "ok 1 last tym
." 12,11 Posted by d3athbyst3re0
if a bird fell n love wit a fish, wer wud dei liv? who gives d gills & who loose
s d wings? its an irony. Dats hw cruel but poetic love can be..Ü 12,11 Posted by d3a
i felt smday tym wud kip us apart & u myt 4get me,but wen it happens..i hope dat
u have felt even for a single chance that i have cared for you the BEST way I k
now...............[whaaaaa,sniff,sniff] 12,11 Posted by rEiNnE
MAGMAHAL?! oo, marunong ako nyan....yung tipong mukha ng tanga...cge pa rin,kc ma
hal mo syang talaga e! pero sa bandang huli itatanong mo...TANGA B TALAGA AKO...
o MAHAL lang talaga kita!! 12,11 Posted by nhong``
I ve always thought that I have to fight for what I really feel. I fought, got hur
t and still, I tried to give it a chance. But now, I don t know if I still believe
that alwys. bt now,i dnt knw if I still blv dat.. tao lng ako.. nappgod din.. 12
,11 Posted by |jowi|
lahat ng tao nagba2go, lahat ng tao nag ma2hal ng iba, lahat tau masa2ktan, i2wa
n, at kali2mutan!!! pero pag dumating sakin araw na yun pi2litin ko parin n maal
a2 yung araw na mnahal mo ako!!! 12,11 Posted by girlthing_16
inisip ang daya mo, kase nangakoka d mo ako i2wan!!! , pero minsan ini2sip ko ku
ng cno ang mas madaya yung iniwan mo ako o yung pinilit ktang mangako!!! 12,11 Po
sted by girlthing_16
it came over me in a rush, wen i realized dat i love u so mch, dat sumtyms i cry
but i cnt tel u y... y i fil wut i fil ---zaHra_lee 12,11 Posted by saralee7250
one day u'll ask me, "which is more important 2 you, ME or your LIFE?" I'll say,
"my LIFE", and u'll go away and leave me alone w/o knowing dat YOU are my LIFE!
!! 12,11 Posted by girlthing_16
sab mo mahal mo ako... sabi mo d mo ko i2wan...sab mo hi2ntayin mo ko. Saglit ln
g akong nawala iba na kasama mo... andaya tlga... dahil b s mahal mo lng ako pag
wala siya??? 12,11 Posted by girlthing_16
i dun have no quote thnx for get lost and find a quote 12,11 Po
sted by Skorpionrajah
when i see you smile, i wonder why.. i fil dat i'm in the sky. is it your smile
dat brightens my day? is it your presence that passes my way?!? you kip on float
ing in my mind, wherever i go its u i find! if only god will make u mine, MY HEA
RT IS YOURS & YOURS IS MINE 12,11 Posted by ^mAriEl^
"mnsan ngtatanng tyo,, bkit my mga taong bgla na lng dumadatng sa bhay natn..? u
n ang natanng ko nng mkilala kta.. alam ko my dhilan..kng anuman un,, msaya ko d
hil anjan ka!" haaayyy... 12,11 Posted by ^mAriEl^
"True love never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime
but lust just pushes away."(Alicia Barnhart) 12,11 Posted by ^mAriEl^
when ur lonely just look at the spaces between your fingers remember that in tho
se spaces you can see my fingers locked w/ yours saying "Im here for you 12,11 Po
sted by little_faerie
[Loves] "For better or worse, love never dies" (Edis Crncevic) 12,11 Posted by ^mA
[Loves] "There is no disguise which can hide love for long where it exists, or s
imulate it where it does not."(La Rochefoucauld) 12,11 Posted by ^mAriEl^
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
counts" Winston Churchill 12,11 Posted by ^mAriEl^
*because when you were nineteen didn't YOU ever want to create something beautif
ul and pure just so that one day you could set it on fire and then watch the cit
y light up as it burned? Didn't you want to do that every day of your life? 12,11
Posted by ^mAriEl^
What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye? What w
ould you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?What woul
d you do, if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how y
ou felt? What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't
have them?Some people live, and some people die 12,11 Posted by xiao_qiao
pag magulo mundo mo, pag iniwan ka ng mahal mo at walang nakikinig sau.. sana la
pitan mo ko at d ako magdadalawang isip na sabihing "TaRa, saSamahan kiTa.. iWaN
nTen aNg mUndo... 12,11 Posted by xiao_qiao
bakit mahirap kalimutan ang isang "ex"?! mhrap pro kylangan dba? pero ano ang ma
ganda, kalimutan mo n cia kc nkaraan ka nia o kinakalimutan ka n nia khit kau pa
...<kox> 12,11 Posted by xiao_qiao
You said gudbye, you sed u cnt stey, umiyak ako, pero sbi mo wag kong gawin yun
pra seo..Nakita kita, ure rili far away from me, tinawag kita, lumingon ka at sb
i mo "wag kang mag alala..Minahal nmn din kita".. 12,11 Posted by xiao_qiao
And I asked myself how do i love but nobody loves me so love yourself before you
loved by others 12,11 Posted by Kung_Lei
And I asked the good lord why and sigh he told me to live and die and eventhough
your long gone and your essence remains pure and i see you at the crossroad 12,1
1 Posted by Kung_Lei
when u r weeker just remember that no one is perfect so glock rock on 12,11 Poste
d by Kung_Lei
bat ganun? mga tao manhid.. di nla getx ang nara2mdaman na may nagm2hal sknla..
khit obvious a nga lhat ng tao alm na.. kainis noh??? bkit guilty ka noh?
tlga! dpat ka mguilty kce manhid ka!!! 12,11 Posted by krizia^
ayoko ng mag ilusyon bka masaktan lng ako.. ayoko ng mangarap tpos hndi magka222
o, ayoko ng umasa tpos magba2go lng... ma2halin nlng kita ng hindi mo alm......=
( 12,11 Posted by krizia^
And I Asked The Good Lord Why And Sigh He Told Me To Live And Die 12,11 Posted by
True love never dies as we see in our eyes, only when we let go that we can trul
y say goodbye... 12,11 Posted by cool_angel19
kgb ask ko c lord kung may taong manhid,sb nya wla ciang gnwang ganun,2malikod a
ko at ngpatungo,bigla nyang sinb,"manhid nga ba sya o di mo lng mtnggp na kaibga
n ka lng sa knya?" 12,11 Posted by gangstagurl
a lot of people hav asked me y i value our friendshp, i jz answrd bck wid a smyl
.. nt bcoz i dnt hav an answr bt bcoz watever it is,they will nver UNDERSTAND! 12
,11 Posted by roselyn
minsan ang pagkakaibgan prang hawak n buhangin, dmo mapa2ncn nauubos dn pla. s d
ami nga nman ng buhangin s paligid m, mpancn m p kya ako kung mwla n ako s pagka
kahawak m? 12,11 Posted by roselyn
mskit pag gnago k... mskit pg ininsulto k... ms mskit pg cnbi sau "mhal nman kta
e, kya lng...mas mhal ko xa" ...gnago k n, ininsulto k p, shit db?! 12,11 Posted
by roselyn
hndi kta nkkta pro okei lng, hnd naka2usap pro okei prin, msya ako kht hnd kta n
kkta pro gusto kong mlaman m n tuwing wla k, kulang ang buhay ko kahit okei ako.
.. :( 12,11 Posted by roselyn
Ask ko si God, sabi ko "Bakit mo siya kinuha sa kin?bngay ko naman lahat?" sabi
nya "d ka kasi nagtira para sayo" sabi ko, "ganito po kasi ako magmahal." sabi n
ya kaya pala lahat kinalimutan mo pati ako" 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
kung dapat akong umiyak sa isang tulad mo... gagawin ko! hindi ako manghihinayan
g sa mga luhang mawawala dahil higit pa sa pag iyak ang gagawin ko pag nawala ka
sa buhay ko!!!!! 12,11 Posted by roselyn
if you're afraid to love a person because of have two choices..
. either say what you feel and let love takes place or forever have love under a
friendship full of pretendings?>..... 12,11 Posted by roselyn
nasaktan ka ba ng malaman mong my mahal na akong iba?..pasensya na ha? ayoko n k
cng umasa... npagod n dn akong maghintay.. pro makakatulong ba kung sasabihin ko
ng kya ko syang iwan pra sau? 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
be my friend forever, i say, pls dont ever go away... dey say friends come and g
o, but this s wat i want u to know... u myt stay and go away but il be ur friend
til my dying day!!!:) 12,11 Posted by roselyn
MnSaN ask kta bkit mo sya mahal? sbi mo kac matagal na pinagsamahan namin.Nainis
ako sau kc MANHID ka! Di mo man lang inicp n kng mtagal kayo nagsam, mas mtagal
ktang hinintay 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
wat if narealize mo hndi pla sya?... wat if narealize mng ako pla talaga ... pro
wat if nung tym na un my mahal na akong iba?... nd narealize kong di pla tl;ga
tayo para sa isat-isa 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
nasaktan ako ng iwan mko... nsaktan ako dahil bnalewala m ang ndarama ko pra sau
... anong mron xa na dmo sakin nkta? bkt s dami ng tao s mundo, ipinagpalit mo k
o... tapos s bestfrnd ko p?! 12,11 Posted by roselyn
1day ul want me as i have wanted u. 1day ul think of me as i have thought of u.
1day ul cry for me as i have cried 4 u. 1day ul love me as i have loved u bt on
that day, i swear ILL BE DAMN OVER YOU! 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
sabi babalik k... sabi m hintayin kita... gnwa ko, umasa s lhat ng pangako m... 1
2,11 Posted by roselyn
sabi m babalik k... sabi m hintayin kita... gnwa ko, umasa s lhat ng pangako m..
. pro ano tong nabalitaan ko? bumalik k n daw pro pag aari k n nya? :'( 12,11 Pos
ted by roselyn
"bKit kaw pa ang minahal ko, bkit mdming iba ikaw pa napili ko,bkit mahal pa kit
a khit ginago mo na ako? Alam mo bng ikaw lng ang minahal ko ng ganito khit wla
na tyo.. manhid ka!" 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
mahal kita, mahal mo sya.sya naman di ka kyang mhalin k2lad ng pagm2hal ko sau..
tanga ka at sya naman manhid... prang tyong nga lang ako ung tanga at ika
w naman ung manhid 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
MiNaHaL KtA, pnilit kong ibgay lahat sau, maski sa sarili ko nagdamot ako, nguni
ut bkit ganon, iniwan mo pa rin ako at sa pag-alis mo, cnabi mo "bkt, hiningi ko
ba lahat nag to?" 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
lam ko maraming bese kang nasaktan!pro swertr ka pa rin dhl dme ngmamahal sau! e
h ako? hehe! pro ni minsan dko naranasan na mahalin ako ka2lad ng gngwa ko sau! 1
2,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
Hndi mo Ko iNiiCp! i KnOw iT... asa pa ako! JuZ want u to know khit nsan ka, khi
t ano ginagawa mo, khit cno pang katxt mo.... my isang tao d2 laging nagiicp say
o! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
masakit masaktan at alam mo un, pro bkit ganon? hbng 2mtgal happg iniicp kta, lh
at ng-iiba, ayos lang humanap ka ng iba.. wg mo lng sasabihin na.. mas mahal mo
sya! 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
mahal nya ako, mahal kita at sya naman ang mahal mo kahit alam mong di ka nya pw
edeng mahalin. minsan naicp ko pde kaya mahal kita mahal moko at bahala na cla! 1
2,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
pag mahal mo isang tao ggwin mo lahat lumigaya lang sya.khit ano ang iutos nya m
ahirap man o madali,susunod ka. eh pano kung sbhin nya na iwan mo sya... gagawin
mo ba? 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
pag mahal mo isang tao ggwin mo lahat lumigaya lang sya.khit ano ang iutos nya m
ahirap man o madali,susunod ka. eh pano kung sbhin nya na iwan mo sya... gagawin
mo ba? 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
ilang beses ko ba ssbhin syo na khit anong gawin mO di ko mmhalin ayn, dahil mer
on syang mahal na iba. Iiyakan mo lng sya at masasaktan ka lng. bakit ko alm????
syempre minahal kita eh... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
nang iwan moko, nsaktan ako ng sobra.. umiyak ng grabe..pero hbang 2matagal unti
-unti kong nkikita khit masakittanggapin, mas maganda pla ang buhay ko kapag wal
a ka sa piling ko... 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
u sed gudbye, u sed u cnt stay, umiyak ako pro sabi mo wag kong gawin un para sa
u... nkita kita ur really far from me, tinawag kita lumingon ka at sabi mo, "wag
kang mag-alala, minahal naman kita" 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
i knw its over between us, but how come i cnt foreget u?how come i get huurt wen
i see u w/ some1 else? perhaps u still have a space in my heart dat says, "love
pa rin kita baby kahit wala na tayo" 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
i knw its over between us, but how come i cnt forget u?how come i get hurt wen i
see u w/ some1 else? perhaps u still have a space in my heart dat says, "love p
a rin kita baby kahit wala na tayo" 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
kahapon nakita moko wlang kasama..tnanong moko: "asan ung mahal mo?" sabi ko: "w
ala na sha!" bkit naman: "bnigay ko na sha sa taong mahal nya talaga."eh kaw bat
ka and2??" eh kasi ang tgal ko ng hinintay na ibgay mo sha sa kanya eh!" 12,11 P
osted by huNNyGurL
pno king 1 araw pagkatapos kitang iwan, hahabulin mo ba ako? uubusin mo ba oras
mo pra lng mkita ako? iiyakan mo ba ako dhl mahal moko?di cguro... kc nung iniwa
n na kita sabi mo na lang, "ingat ka ha?" 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
pno kung 1 araw pagkatapos kitang iwan, hahabulin mo ba ako? uubusin mo ba oras
mo pra lng mkita ako? iiyakan mo ba ako dhl mahal moko?di cguro... kc nung iniwa
n na kita sabi mo na lang, "ingat ka ha?" 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
sbi mo miss mo kO, bkiT ang Thimik mo? sbi mo iNiiCp mO akO bKiT paRang HndI? sB
i mo kailangan mo ako, bKiT di ko maRamdaman, puRo sbi, puro bKiT, mani2wla pa k
aya akong maHal mo nga ako??? 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
i know u dont think of me anymore, that u dont want me no more. thats ok with me
just dont tell me that i never loved you. coz till nmow, i still feel the same 1
2,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
ayokong mag ilusyon, masasaktan lng naman ako ayokong mangarap d naman magkaka22
o ayokong umasa kung magbabago ka lang mamahalin na lang kita... nang di mo alam
12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
<thank you for being you and for helping me to understand some of the good thing
s to be found in life> 12,11 Posted by lady_vangie
<It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not
according to what he has.> 12,11 Posted by lady_vangie
<strength does not come without struggle.Relief does not come without pain, cry
and grieve, but remember God is out in the rain with you, offering an umbrella.>
12,11 Posted by lady_vangie
<To be happy is to be pure, there is no happiness possible, except for pure hear
ts> 12,11 Posted by lady_vangie
<'I DO' means facing reality, reality demands hard work, hard work is eased by c
ommunication, communication leads to love, LOVE creates unity> 12,11 Posted by lad
always take care of the person/people u love.. u never know when they will be go
ne... 12,11 Posted by angeljha
because of u my life has change, thank u for the love and the joy u bring. becau
se of you, i feel no shame, ill tell the world, ITS BECAUSE OF YOU......... 12,11
Posted by huNNyGurL
why is it minsan we dont realize that we are so tanga?! we mahal pipol so much,
we give them almost lahat.. but for all we know, iiwan din tayo in the end! 12,11
Posted by huNNyGurL
i fell in love with u, t'was like a dream come true and my love for u will nver
go. was such a special night u lay right by my side ang i told u things i nvr ev
r told and now that i have u babe i promise ill never leave coz u are the only o
ne that makes my love and life complete 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
sometimes its better to sacrifice, it shows how much u reALLy love a person u wn
ted 2 be with dat within ur heart he is very special ang makes u complete 12,11 P
osted by huNNyGurL
paulit-ulit ang buhay pag-ibig. makikilala ko, mahuhulog ako, magmamahal ako, ma
mahalin ako iiwan ako iiyak ako.. kung mahal mo na ako, bwede hanggang dun n lan
g wag mo na ako iiwan..? 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
im drifting in time, no reason i find u always come to my soul. Somehow u belive
there'd always be a season for us to behold. Im drifting in time, no reason no
rhyme you always come to my soul. I've learned to believe, SO THANK U for the SLO
W BURN u brought to my heart, and u are the one YES U R THE ONE! 12,11 Posted by Blu
im drifting in time, no reason i find u always come to my soul. Somehow u belive
there'd always be a season for us to behold. Im drifting in time, no reason no r
hyme you always come to my soul. I've learned to believe, SO THANK U for the SLO
W BURN u brought to my heart, and u are the one YES U R THE ONE! 12,11 Posted by B
SAD: still remember the time we're together, we were laughing together and becoz
of so much fun, u did't hear wat i said. sabi mo "ANO?" sabi ko "WALA!" i wasn'
t able to tell u agen that I LOVE YOU, d ka naman kaso nakikinig! 12,11 Posted by
minsan ang sarap mag-isip.. isipin na mahal kita at mahal mo rin ako... na bagay
tayo... na sana tayo na pero minsan meron talagang magsasabi... "GUMISING KA NG
A!" ... may mahal syang iba... ouch! 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
4,0%0,4%4,4 5,4%4,5%5,5 1,5%5,1%1,1 0,1Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength whi
ng someone deeply gives you courage 5,1%1,5%5,5 4,5%5,4%4,4 0,4%4,0% 15/0,15/15,14/14,1/ 12
by Mr_nOOR
|Loves| //// "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving some
one deeply gives you courage." \\\\ 12,11 Posted by Mr_nOOR
13Prom|ses aren't made easily, they r made 4 kEep|ng. I will LUV U 4ever in my hE
art..... &... that's what I prom|se U. 12,11 Posted by takzvave
How would you know if he really loves you? It's when you scream he's calm. When
you slap him, he kisses you. When you cry, he hugs you. When you tell him you ha
te him, he tells you he loves you! 12,11 Posted by mikeeeee
If you love me, please let me know coz it hurts to love when you have to go. Tak
e care of me, don't go away coz if you love me, you will stay. I love you and do
n't you know why? You've got me when you said hi. 12,11 Posted by mikeeeee
i saw an old lady walking down the street,i was shocked wen i heard her say "iv
bin inlove with the same man 4 almost 54 yrs",bt den i heard her whisper "i wish
he knew"...:'( 12,11 Posted by chona
dont be afraid to say i love u 2 d 1 u love, 4 it might be 2 late 2 say it once
u feel like saying it, he's already found the comfort of hearing it from someone
else........... 12,11 Posted by L3m_02
never regret the time you've been hurt by someone but thank him instead for hurt
ing you for that heplped you realized that you're inlove 12,11 Posted by feime_4u
my mga bgay s mundo n hindi mainitindihan my mga bagay n hindi mapigilanpro khit
ano png mangyari gus2 kng tandaan m..nandi2 lang ako lalo n kung para s yo.....
.... :) 12,11 Posted by kitty_girl
importante b yung word n mhal e1 k lng pero pra s kin mas importante u lam m b k
ung bakit? kc how can i say Mahal kita kung wla k diba......... 12,11 Posted by ki
i used to believe i'd find happiness by wishing on stars that happens to fall my
way , then i met u nd learned that real stars dn't fall nd fade.they stay! 12,11
Posted by trish-
Bkit kaya nasasaktan ako pagcnasabi nila na mayroon ka nang iba? bkit kaya hinah
anap pa rin kita kahit wla kana? bkit hanggang ngaun mahal pa rin kita?........S
tupid :-( 12,11 Posted by trish-
if u giv ur heart 2 a person there should be no doubts or hesitations be sure of
yourself bcoz if not u may end up hurting d person mor than urself... 12,11 Post
ed by LynMar
A friend asked me to say 10 words to describe what I feel about you but I couldn t
think of 10 words cause there are only 4 words appropriate for you dream c
ome true! 12,11 Posted by trish-
As I look the heaven last night, I searched for stars, stayed for a while and wa
it for such to appear, waited long till one came out. I smiled cause I know that
far beyond that star, you smiled back. 12,11 Posted by trish-
aT tImEs wHeN i cAn'T tAkE iT aNyMoRe, i aSk mYsElF, "hOw mUcH wOrSe cAn mYliFe
gEt?" tHeN i sToP, gLaNcE aT yOu aNd sAy, "mUcH wOrSe .. iF yOu wErEn'T hErE.. "
12,11 Posted by trish-
iT gEtS tOuGh wHeN i wAnnA sEE yOu yEt yOuR sO fAr .. tHeRE aRe tImEs wHeN i wAn
nA tAlK tO yOu bUt yOu kNoW iT's nOt eAsY .. nOw i dOnT aCtUaLLY kNoW iF yOuR oK
.. aLL i kNoW iS tHaT i mIsS yOu mOrE tHaN wOrDs cAn sAy 12,11 Posted by trish-
...alam mo ba... mahal kita? kaso mahal mo siya. sobra sobra diba? sige hintay n
a lang ako baka sakaling umapaw... para kahit yung sobra akin na lang!!! :( 12,11
Posted by trish-
yOu kNoW wHaT ? i tHaNk yOu ! yOu kNoW wHy ? cOz yOuR tHe bEsT ! yOu kNoW hOw ?
wItH yOuR oWn sImPlE wAyS , yOuR mAkIn' mE fEEl sPeCiAl ! yOu kNoW wHeN ? sInCe
tHe dAY wE bEcAmE fRiEnDs ! Ü 12,11 Posted by LynMar
i laid in best last night lukin' at the stars...d clear sky & d endless horizon
& dat moment of tranquility... i tot 2 myself...swerte ko,sa laki ng universe...
nakilala kita. 12,11 Posted by a-n-n-e-20
evry lyf in this world is writen by God's own dear hands. dats y im thankful coz
as He wrote my life he included u as a part of it. 12,11 Posted by a-n-n-e-20
iniwan kita di dahil ayoko na sayo, lumayo ako di dahil ayow na kitang makita. u
malis lang ako dhil ayoko nang umiyak hbang nkakikita kang masaya... sa piling n
ya :( 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
miss ko na mga oras na magkasama tayo, ung mga kwentihan natin at kulitan... gus
2 ulit kityang mkasama, pno ba yan? kelangan pa ba kitang ipagpaalam sa kanya ka
hit na dati'y akin ka? 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
bawat isa sa atin ay may nakalaang pangarap, buhay at landas na tatahakin. at an
g bawat isa ay may taong nakalaan upang siya'y mahalin at arugain subalit ano an
g iyong gagawin kung ikaw ang para sa akin at ikaw nama'y may iba ng minimithing
pakaiibigin?? 12,11 Posted by bRAv3`HeaRT
it hurts to see the one you love walk away from you, but what really hurts the m
ost is when they let you believe that they loved you but in reality, they never
really did........... 12,11 Posted by DR`LOv3
i thought i was done loving you and i moved on. i treated u as if i nver felt pa
in. thought i was over u bt suddenly it stuck me. ive been lying to myself ol di
s time. i was there------------- silently loving you! 12,11 Posted by huNNYGurL
hindi kita nkikita pero ok lang hindi nakakausap pero ok pa rin, masaya ako kahi
t wala ka sa tabi ko... pero gusto kong malaman mo na tuwing wala ka kulang ang
buhay ko, kahit ok ako! 12,11 Posted by _franz_
"Ung iba naiingget, kc walang nagmamahal sa knila...ung iba naman tatanga tanga.
..minmahal n nga ng todo, binabalewala pa...swerte ka sana...kaya lang, tatanga
tanga ka..." 12,11 Posted by mfAyE
"kala mo masaya ako pag kasama ko cla...kala mo nakalimutan na kita....d mo lng
alam na halos mamatay ako pag ksama ko cla at iniicp kong sana ikaw nlng cla....
" 12,11 Posted by mfAyE
"cnabi mo MAHAL MO KO, tnanong mko kng pwede tayo na...napilitan ako at nasabing
" MAHAL DIN KITA!", bigla kang natawa at cnbi mong.."NANIWALA KA NAMAN?" 12,11 P
osted by mfAyE
Everlasting love given to Some people with the Same feelings And real heart!!!! 1
2,11 Posted by cool_angel19
pag di ka kinakausap... tanungin mo sarili mo.. baka may nakalimutan ka.... nag
toothbrush ka ba? 12,11 Posted by tup3ng
We aRe tHe qUeEnS aNd tHe pRiNceSseS oF tHe wOrLd!! nO mOtHeR fUcKiNg mAn cAn mA
kE uS cRy!!sO dOnT gEt uR sElF a tEaR gIrL cOz tOgEtHeR wE'lL mAkE bOyS cRy!!SOR
RY KA,nEvEr mOnG mAtItIkmAn aNg eXpEnsIvE fLaWlEsS bOdY kO!!!! 12,11 Posted by juv
mahirap makipaglaban sa bagay n alam mong talo ka... wla kang magawa kundi tumah
imik...hanggang lumayo na sau ang taong pinakamamahal mo...don ko naicp, "SANA P
INAGLBAN KO SYA" 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
kanina may naghahanap syo at gusto kang patayin, ayaw kong mapahamak ka kaya di
kita tinuro kaya heto ako nagaagaw buhay ksi binaril nya ako sa puso ng malamang
...sun kita tinago 12,11 Posted by leigh_anne
kanina may naghahanap syo at gusto kang patayin, ayaw kong mapahamak ka kaya di
kita tinuro kaya heto ako nagaagaw buhay ksi binaril nya ako sa puso ng malamang
...dun kita tinago 12,11 Posted by leigh_anne
if someday ul find ur self alone bcoz sum1 gave u pain, anf if such pain wouldnt
be easy 2 4get, juz rmmbr dat im olweiz hr 4 u..coz "me" wl olweiz be "me" afte
r ol.. :) 12,11 Posted by ^LiL_bLuE16^
pag magulo ang mundo mo, pag iniwan ka ng mahal walang nkinig sau.. sna l
apitan mo ako, at d ako magddlwang isip na sbihing..halika.. iwan ntn ang mundo.
. 12,11 Posted by ^LiL_bLuE16^
wg mo syangin ang oras n ipagtpt s 1tao n mhal mo sya... llo n kung alm mong mha
l k rin nya..dhil bka dumting ang arw n sure k n.. pro sya.."may iba n" =( 12,11
Posted by nicole17
In luv nvr put ur self in a situation wer ur not sure wer u stand never assume nev
er expect so dat f dey deside 2 drop u, u have enough strength 2 move on 12,11 Poste
d by nicole17
kagabi tinanong ko si Lord kng my taong manhid!?! sbi nya wala dw syang gnawang
ganu... 2malikod ako at napatungo, bgla nyang cnabi "MANHID NGA BA SYA O DI MO L
mula nang mahalin kita,nranasan kng maselos, masaktan at lumuha pero kahit ganon
, wla akng pngccchan kc ng mahalin kta nranasan kng maging MASAYA 12,11 Posted by
ang admiration kapag nawala, mahirap nang makakita. Ang feeling kapag nawala, ma
hirap ng bumalik. Ang trust kapag nasira, may baby kana yari kapa!! 12,11 Posted
by [[jubeh]]
"If you need a helping hand, ill give you mine. If you want someone to be with,
ill guide you through and if by chance you have been busy and forget about me. I
d still be the same and will be here for you" 12,11 Posted by pat_rick
4When i was walking alone i wished that i can reach the end of the road but when
you walk with me i wished the road never ends coz id rather be lost with you tha
nx reach the end with out you! 12,11 Posted by pat_rick
sbi nla ang hirap mo daw mahalin kc ang dming may gus2 sau, ang daming may crush
sau, ang dami mong manliligaw,sbe nila babalewalain mo lng daw ako, sbi ko skni
la,, e gus2 ko sha e.. pake nio??!! 12,11 Posted by ^LiL_bLuE16^
9,6How could I let go when my heart says hold on? How could I say goodbye when al
l I want to say is hello? How could I forget when I can't stop thinking of you?
How can you fall out of love just when I am about to say I love you" 12,11 12,11 P
osted by Mica
So what is to become of us,Will it never be the same?I guess I'll never know now
And you'll become an old flame. 12,11 Posted by Mica
i ws n a store 1tym, mny ppol ws fyting ovr d xpensive thngsn u wr der 2 bt no1
wntd u bcoz u wer 4 free den i lafd cz gey gnt know dt the best thing in lyf r 4
free.. 12,11 Posted by huNNyGURL
even how hard i try to avoid u, hw hard i tryd to tell myself dat im over u. in
the end of the day,when i want someone to give me comfort, my heart shout and u
know what is it? its ur NAME 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
bkit gnun? minahal nmn kita ah... pero bkit gnyan ka??? pinilit kong intindihin
ang klagayan mo, sbi mo bz ka... saan???? sa mga bgay na importnte syo?? ako ba
di importnte syo?? di mo na ako mbi2gyan ng tym khit konti?? ah siguro pg di ka
na bz... ok go on.. ayoko na.. pagod na ako.. 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
4Masakit pag ginago ka...Masakit pag ininsulto ka...12Mas masakit pag sinabi sayong "13Luv
naman kita eh! Kaya lang ...mas love ko siya"...4Ginago ka na, 12ininsulto ka pa... 13ShiT
di ba?! 12,11 Posted by cLueLeSs_cHic
Sad yung pag gising mo sa umaga, sya yung naiisip mo..naiisip at hinahanap mo..h
inahanap dahil wla sya sa tabi mo..wala sya dahil di sya di magiging sa
yo.... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Bakit kung kelan mahal na kita, bigla kang nawala? Bakit kung kelan mahal na kit
a, nilayuan mo ako? Bakit kung kelan mahal na kita, ipinakilala mo sha sa akin?
Kung kelan mahal na kita, saka mo sinabing: "masarap ka palang kaibigan.." 12,11
Ilang beses ko na sinabi sa sarili ko na hinding-hindi na kita mamahalin,ngunit
tuwing nakikita kita laging sinasabi ng puso ko" hanggang ngayon mahal pa din kt
a. Di yun magbabago!" 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
One dAt lOvE aND fRienDshIp mEy... lovE askEd "whY dO yOu ExIsT if aLrEadY ExIst
?" frienDshIp RepLiEd " to puT smILe whErE yoU lEavE tEaRs..." 12,11 Posted by gOd
mas mahirap ang umasa na isang araw mamahalin ka rin ng mahal mo dahil sa bawat
pagkakataon na nalalaman mong may mahal syang iba at hindi ikaw.di ba sagad hang
gang buto ang sakit? 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
sabi nla t*nga ako,sabi nila bobo ako, lahat na sinabi nila,pero bakit mahal pa
rin kita? Sabi ko...kala ko kse may pag-asa,wala pala!nasaktan tuloy ako 12,11 Po
sa lahat ng nangyari,bakit ikaw pa rin yung mahal ko? Kahit saan ako magpunta, i
kaw pa rin nakikita ko. kahit ano gawin ko,ikaw pa rin nasa isipan ko..ewan ko b
a! Basta mahal kta!! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Kailangan ko pa ba ng umiyak para malaman mong nasaktan mo ko? kailangan ko pa ba ng
sabihing kailangan kita para malaman mo ang totoo at kailangan ko pa bang umiwas
para malaman mong mahal kta? 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
I ve always thought that i have 2 fight 4 what i really feel,,, I ve fought & got hu
rt, still i tried 2 give it a chance.. But now i don t know if i still believe in
that kse tao lang ako... Napapagod din!! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
<magulo tlgh ang mundo pg gs2 m yw sau, pg- ayw m gs2 k, pero ang mskit gs2 m, g
s2 k pero d pwedeng mging kau..... 12,11 Posted by supldang
< takot ako mwla k, d ko alm kung bkt, d s hindi ako mabu2hay ng wla k, kund tko
t ako n dumting ung arw n mhl p rin kta khit wla k n.... 12,11 Posted by supldang
Alam ko hindi mo sinabi na maghintay ako.. In fact, u even told me 2 forget u..
I promise, I m trying but i really can t... Di ko alam kung bakit ako ganito.. Nagpa
pakat**** at nagpapakag*g*ng maghintay at magmahal sa isang taong nde ako kayang
mahalin... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
< mnsan mas ok p n mgkibgan n lng,kau kaysa mhlin m cya, ang kaibgan kc d ng iiw
an, 2lad mo kpg mnhal b kta.... cgurdo b akong d m ko iiwann..... 12,11 Posted by
The problem with loving too much is not the fact that the one you love doesn't g
ive a damn or doesn't love you as much but it is the question that will forever
hurt you everytime you ask: "saan ba ako nagkulang?" 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
<<hnyaan kta n mpunta s iba, dhil gs2 m,, hnyaan kta n ipgplit ako dhil gs2 m, h
a2yaan kta n mgmhal ng ina, wg k lng mllman n nsktan k dhil hnayaan kta... 12,11
Posted by cute_craser01
<<hnyaan kta n mpunta s iba, dhil gs2 m,, hnyaan kta n ipgplit ako dhil gs2 m, h
a2yaan kta n mgmhal ng ina, wg k lng mllman n nsktan k dhil hnayaan kta... 12,11
Posted by cute_craser01
Sabi mo andyan ka lang..Pero bakit wala ka? Sabi mo di mo ko iiwan..Pero asan ka
? Sabi mo mahal mo ko..Pero bakit d ko maramdaman? Yun pala sinabi mo lang lahat
yun...Para d ako masaktan 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
noon sabi mo, hindi kita iiwan. Magkasama tayo kahit na anong laban ipagtatangol,
poprotektahan naniwala namana ko nasiyahan yun pala hindi na natin kailangan ng la
ban . Dumating lang siya alam ko na kung sinong talunan 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
<mnsan khit my nkta k n mali thmik k lng, khit sbrang skit n, thmik k p rn,kelan
k kya mssb sau n mhl kt at cnsaktan m ko.. 12,11 Posted by cute_craser01
Minsan, pag mahal mo, kahit may nakikita ka ng mali, tahimik ka lang. Kahit sobr
ang sakit na, tahimik ka pa rin kailan ko kaya masasabi sa yo na mahal kita at si
nasaktan mo 'ko? 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Pag in-love, masaya pag lagi syang nandito. Pero pag biglaan kang iniwan, agos a
ng luha sa mugtong mata, masasabi mo na lang sa kayakap na kaibigan, "Kahit maha
l ko sya, tangina na nya!" 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Kahit anong tindi ng dasal ko,isa lang akong sirang nangangarap sa yo.alam ko di
mo ko mahal at di ka magiging akin. Isa kang pangarap na di ko maaabot,dahil la
hat ng pinapangarap mo kahit kelan di magiging ako 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
msma ba mgmhal???? kasi ako mahal ko sya pero di ko di ko alm kung mahal nya nga
ako... sana nmn mahal nya ako.. kz mahala na mhla ko sya khit na mgmukha akong
tanga... mahal ko eh kya wla ako mgawa!! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Sabi mo mahal mo ko... Tinawanan lang kita... Sabi mo totoo yun, nde ako makapan
iwala... Tumakbo kang luhaan, at ako'y natauhan... Maniniwala ka kaya, kung sabi
hin kong mahal din kita? 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
tma bng iyakan ko ang taong mahal ko? minsan iniicp ko bkit nga ba ako naiyak eh
lalaki lang un di ba? ang dmi pang iba... kso mahal ko sya kya ako gni2.. di ko
mgwang klimutan sya khit na wla akong halaga sa knya.. huhuhu!!! 12,11 Posted by
pinilit kong kalimutan ka shil si ko mgwng magmahal ng iba! bkit bigla ka ngblik
? para sbhing mahal mo pa ako? ano tingin mo sa akin tanga? gus2 mo lng mkwla sa
knya kya ka ngppcute sa akin ngayon! sori natauhan na ako! d ka bagay sa seryos
ong 2lad ko! i h8 u... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Gusto ko ipagtapat nararamdaman ko.. Sabi mo, "sige ok lang yun!" natakot ako ba
ka mailang sya.. Sabi mo, "hindi yun! Malay mo, mahal ka rin nya!" o cge na nga,
sabihin ko na... "mahal kita.." sabi mo, "hoy wag ka ganiyan! Friends tayo di b
a?" 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Ito na siguro ang pinakahihintay kong araw...masasabi ko na yung bagay na gusto
kong mangyari..matagal din akong naghintay..mahirap, pero nakaya ko! w
akas...... hindi na rin kita mahal! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
mahilig ako mkipgeyebol.. hapi ako kc mgmi akong nki2la.. p
ero naicp ko... sa chat nga pla lokohan lng ang lahat noh?.. ang kso ako ngploko
... mahal ko na eh khit pra sa knya lokohan lng to! tnga ko noh?! di bale na mah
l ko eh! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
masakit magmahal kapag binigay mo lahat......kahit alam mong walang darating na
kapalit!...pero mas masakit magmahal kapag...PINAASA KA NYA na mahal ka nya... t
pos sasabihin sayo na... "YOKO NA!SORI HA"... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
minsan ba naisip mo bakit yung inlove sayo madalas d mo gusto? yung mahal mo,bak
it friend lang tingin sayo? eh.. pano kung mali ka?......pano kung mahal ka rin
pala nya kaya lang........ganon din iniisip nya sayo... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
* lamo, may np2nayan ako. tma pla cla, d pla dpat ako agad ngtwla... akala ko kc
mhl mko gya ng sb mo pero ngkmali pla ako. kya lng wla n akong mggwa... mnhl n
kc kta kht n iniwan mo lng ako. basta ang alam ko hnggng ngaun,, mhl n mhl p rn
kta... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
di ako naghanap pero dumating ka, di sinasadya pero minahal kita, di ko rin alam
na mapapaligaya mo ko! kaya sana o.k lang sayo kahit,,,,isa lang mabigay ko say
o! ung mahalin ka ng higit pa sa buhay ko!!! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
wat if u dont believe in LOVE?wat if u met dat person whos just ment 2 teach u h
ow? and what if u fall 4 him... yet... he was just meant to teach? OUCH!!!! 12,11
Posted by huNNyGurL
nung nghanap ka ng kausap and2 ako! nung nghanap ka ng mkakasama, and2 rin ako.n
ung ngailangan ka and2 ulit ako pero nung nghanap ka ng mamahalin, bkit di ako n
g hinanap mo? 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
some ppol w8 a lyftym for a moment like this.some ppol search forever for that o
ne special kiss. oh i cnt blieve it happening to me. some ppol w8 a lifetym for
a moment like this 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
iniwan kita di dahil yoko na syo, tinalikuran kita di dahil galit ako.. lumayo a
ko di dahil ayaw na kita makita.. umalis ako kasi ayaw kong..... umiyak habang n
akikita ko masaya ka sa pilipng nya! :( 12,11 Posted by _nadine_
ang mga lalake hilig mangiwan, dalas mangako, dalas manloko.. papadama na specia
l ka! pero d namn ikaw ung mahal nila. pag umiyak ka magsosory, para san pa?? eh
nasakyan ka na! 12,11 Posted by _nadine_
ang mga lalake hilig mangiwan, dalas mangako, dalas manloko.. papadama na specia
l ka! pero d namn ikaw ung mahal nila. pag umiyak ka magsosory, para san pa?? eh
nasaktan ka na! 12,11 Posted by _nadine_
id rather go blind than to see u walk awy form me, id rather go deaf than to hea
r you say u hate me. id giv up ol things just to be with you, coz wat does "ever
ything" mean if i dont have you!!! 12,11 Posted by _nadine_
Lets search for a reality better than the memories.... 12,11 Posted by cool_angel1
may nagtanong sa akin kung sino daw ang mas mahalaga sa buhay ko? ikaw? o ang mg
a pangarap ko? sabi ko... syempre ikaw! ikaw lang naman ang pinangarap ko eh... 1
2,11 Posted by _JM_
Mnsan sa buhay klangan pumili kng ano,cno,san @ pano ka li2gaya nde lht ng pinil
i mo ay TAMA mnsan...kng ano ung gnive-up mo UN pla ang mgpapaligaya sau... 12,11
Posted by cool_angel19
mdlas kong icpn, san ko b ilu2gar srili ko sau? O, kng may lugar pb ko? Kpg bbta
w nko,dmrating ka't pnaparamdam mo na meron pang pag-asa. Ngaun, drting k p b? K
c bbtaw na ko... 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
pag my taong ngmahal sau ayaw mong aminin n nahu2log kn s knya.natu2wa k pag ngt
txt cya pero ayw mong phalata..pno nlang kung umiwas cya? d mo rin ba aaminin n
nasa2ktan ka? 12,11 Posted by nickkey_bluez
kung mahahawakan kita gagawin ko.kung mahahalikan kita gagawin ko.kung mayayakap
kita gagawin kokung pwede kitang mahalin gagawin ko, hindi sa di ko kayang gawi
n ang mga ito, kaya lang may karapatan ba naman ako?!?! =( 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
sbe nila ndi mo dw mlalamn kng gano khalga un 1 tao hngat ndi cia nw2la sau,,,,
cguro nga ndi mo na mla2mn kng ano ang halaga ko sau dhil khet keln ndi eko mwa2
la sau... 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
bakit kaya minsan minamahal natin yung taong bawal mahalin? nakakainis di ba? ba
kit sila pa? ang dami naman dyan...bakit kaya...ikaw pa? 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
i mAy acT lIkE i dOnt cArE anYmore, iT maY sIm Lyk i AinT misIng U aT OL. but iF
u cUd jUst c waTs n mY hArT, uL c dAT iL OlwEIz bE dAt smE mERYL hu cAreS 4 u s
O much!! 12,11 Posted by gOdImsExy
masakit pag ung taong mhal mo iniwan k. masakit pg nkita mo my ksma xang iba.per
o dba mas masakit pg nkita mo n msaya xa?msya xa dhil wla kn... 12,11 Posted by ni
msakit mgmhal lalo n kung iniwan k nya. Pero lam mo, may ms msakit p don... Kpag
iniwan k nya sbay sbi... Sori kala ko ksi mhal kta. 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
di ako perfect n frend... umiinom,ngyo2si,ngmumura! in short, gaga ako...but wen
d tym coms dat u'll need som1 to lean on, pucha khit my kahalikan ako d kita ii
wan... 12,11 Posted by nickkey_bluez
bakit my mga taong ayaw s arelasyon natin? ako d ko alam. siguro masaya lang sil
a ng my nagkakasiraan. siguro sila yung mga taong walang magawa sa buhay. pero a
anhin pa ba natin sila kung tayong dalawa na ang magkasama! 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
sabi nila d raw tayo ang magkakatuluyan. sabi nila d rin tayo bagay. sabi nila m
as mabuting d naging tayo. sabi nila maraming pang mas nababagay sa atin. Eh ano
naman!!! D naman sila ang may hawak sa buhay natin kungdi tayong dalawa lang. K
aya walang sila sa mundong ito dahil tayong dalawa lang ang ating mundo! 12,11 Po
sted by [Mhar]
just wonderin,wen is d ryt tym 4me 2day iluvyou? & if i tel u dis wat wud u do?
wud u accpt it & say iluvyou2? or wud u feel stupid and say ...Problema mo? 12,11
Posted by nickkey_bluez
bkt pg my gs2 tyo klngan iwnn ntn ung iba pra lng makuha un? pro pa anjan na,ska
mo mlalaman.. na ung taong iniwan mo.. ay minsan na ring iniwan ang lahat lahat
lahat sa buhay para lang sayo.. 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
habang nasayo ang taong mahal mo, alagaan mo. hwag mng hayaang dumating ang 1 ar
aw na baka pag sisihan mo... pag la na sya at sinabi nya sayo to... ikaw kc....
pinabayaan mo ako.. 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
"Bakit ganon? Di pala lahat ng akala mo totoo no? Dahil akala ko di kita kailang
an, akala ko di kita mamahalin pero mali pala ako at nung inaakala kong minamaha
l mo din ako, ni minsan di pala nagkatotoo." 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
bukas bka makalimot n tau...pedeng magknya2 n tau, maaaring un n ag ktpusan kya
bgo mgyariang lhat ng 2 gus2 ko sabhing salamat... binuo mo buhay ko... 12,11 Pos
ted by nickkey_bluez
kelngn k p b ang umyak pra mlamn mng nasktn m k? klngan k p bng sabhn klngn kta
pra mlman mgn un ang 22o? at hgt s lht, kelngn k p bng iwsn k pra mlamn mng mhal
kta? 12,11 Posted by [Mhar]
Don't need marijuana, don't need cocaine, your presence is enough to drive me al
l insane, can't stay away dunno what to say 'because I just can't get thru my ho
peless addiction to you 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
No matter how you try to forget someone who meant that much to you, you just cou
ldn't. Even though u try so hard to convince yourself that you have your memorie
s betray you. it just seems so unfair that you can't get away.... 12,11 Posted by
Kung iisipin masakit magmahal, kaya ayoko na magmahal pa, para masaktan lamang,
kaya lang.. Pwede ba iyun? Makita lang kita nakangiti.. e handa na kong masaktan
ulit eh. 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
Everytime you cry for the one you love, I often think... "Mahal mo nga sya talag
a" Not knowing while your crying, I also cry secretly saying.. " Hindi ba pweden
g ako nalang mahalin mo?" 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
Diba sinabi ko sayo noon pa na gusto kita? Pinaramdam ko rin sayo na kelangan ki
ta diba? Isang araw tinabihan pa kita at sinabing, "alam mo, mahal kita" pero sa
bi mo naman... "kaw talaga nagpapatawa ka ba?!" 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Minsan, hirap din pala magpahalaga sa isang tao.. yun tipong lagi ka andyan para
sa kanya, kasama sa gitna ng gyera, karamay sa problema.. Tapos 1 araw, magigis
ing ka na lang iniwan ka rin pala!!! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Minsan ang daling sabihing mahal mo sya pero ang totoo, mas mahal mo yung isa! p
ero bakit mo pinipilit na mahalin yung isa? Simple lang! Syempre, para makalimut
an mo yung mahal mong talaga! Tama ba? 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
dati ang saya saya natin dati di matapos yung mga kwentuhan dati sobrang dami na
ting alam sa isa't-isa pero dati lng pala yon!!!! ngayon.......iba na ang lahat.
....... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Alam mo miss na kita, kaso siya naman miss mo! lam mo mahal kita, kaso siya rin
mahal mo! Siya na lang lagi! Kahit nasasaktan ka niya okay lang kasi mahal mo si
ya! Ang tanga mo no, parang ako! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Sana pag nakita mo na yung taong mahal mo, huwag kang magpakatanga, wag kang mag
pakamartir, wag kang magpakagago...ayokong makitang nahihirapan ka...tignan mo n
angyari sa akin nung minahal kita.... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Ask ko si God, sabi ko "Bakit mo siya kinuha sa kin? binigay ko naman lahat?" Sa
bi niya "Di ka kasi nagtira para sa'yo" sabi ko, "Ganito po kasi ako magmahal."
sabi niya, "Kaya pala lahat kinalimutan mo pati ako" 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Sabi mo mahal mo ko, naniwala ako. Sabi mo hanggang katapusan tayo, umasa naman
ako. Sabi mo di mo ako sasaktan, at nagtiwala ako sayo. pero bakit ganito, iniwa
n mo ako at niloko. pero okay lang, may magagawa pa ba ako? siguro lang talagang
di ako para sayo. 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
I can't blame you if one day you'll walk out of my life but expect me to give up
everything just to keep you in sight but if i fall, give me a chance to say, "G
agawin ko lahat, wag ka lang umalis" 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Bakit ganon di pala lahat ng akala mo totoo no? dahil akala ko di kita kailangan
, akala ko di kita mamahalin pero mali pala ako at nung inaakala kong minamahal
mo din ako ni minsan di pala nagkatotoo. 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Hindi ko alam kung bakit ako ganito. Hindi ko alam kung ano ginawa mo. Hindi ko
alam kung bakit ikaw and pinili ko. Pero ito lang ang alam kong totoo, ikaw lang
ang minahal ko ng ganito. 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
kahit gaano kasakit? ok lang mahal kita eh. mas minahal kita nung sinaktan mo ko
. ang labo ko rin no? martir ako eh...tanga pa. pero alam mo, marunong din akong
masaktan. 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Alam mo, gago sya. Di nya ko naiintindihan, di nya ko mahal at di nya ko pinahal
agahan. Pero mas gago ako. Alam mo kung bakit? Kasi minahal ko ang isang gago. 12
,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
bkt gn0n?ndi pla lht ng akla m0 22o n0?dhl akla k d kta kylngn, akla k d kta mmh
ln pro mli pla ko.At nung inaakla kng mNmhl m mnsn..D pla nagk22o... :c 12
,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Pag mahal mo, gagawin mo lahat... kahit masakit... kahit hindi mo na kaya... per
o bakit nagiging masakit? kasi patuloy ka pa ring umaasa na mamahalin ka niya ka
hit alam mong... imposible... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
lam m b n mhl prin qta? lam m b na ngyn pngdrasal kng twgn mo ko? lam mo ba na a
ng bigat ng pakiramdam ko kakaisip sa'yo? syempre hinde diba? kasi wala ka naman
ibang alam kundi saktan ako... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
bkt gn2 buhay q? mhl kta pro, hnd mo nmn aq mhl... d mo na nga aq mhl, puro skit
pa nara2mdmn q dhl mron ka nang iba... ba't gnon? ito ba papel q sa mndo? mgmhl
at msktn? pro kht na... ti2icn q... lamo bkit aq ngpa2ktnga? kc sa kbila ng lht
, mhl prin qta... mhl tlg qta eh... 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Na-feel mo na ba yung akala mo nakalimutan mo na siya? wala na tapos na sa inyo
ang lahat... tapos isang araw, nagkita kayo, ngumiti siya sayo, nasabi mo na lan
g: "tangina, mahal ko pa pala 'tong gagong 'to..." 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
d k0 gNs2, nHÜLÖg Ln k0 sEÖ..d k0 pNgLän,kC kLä k mHäL m0 rN k0..d k0 äKläiN,mSsktN k0 nG g
k0 nPnSN,mKä n pLä äKnG tNgA..pRö wLä n kNg mGgWä,mHäL n kTä.. 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
lht na gnwa ko pra mlpt seo.. pro bkt hngng ngyn, wla prin ngb2go? alm na nan lh
t na seo akoy mei gusto.. ngunit bkt prn ngkmli n2mn ang puso ko?! msa2ktn b uli
ako?! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
"di ko na nga sha ittxt! last na2.." bkt namn? "e hopeless dn namn e.. d namn ni
a ko mhal.." ah alam ko ung filing. "huh? pano?" d mo rin ako mahal dba..? 12,11
sabi nila mang-gagamit ka daw, sabi nila hindi mo naman daw ako mahal, sabi nila
nag-titiis ka lang daw sa akin.. sabi ko sa kanila, handa naman ako iwan mo ako
e makita lang kitang masaya.. 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
kala ko mahal mo ko? Kala ko ako lng? Kalo ko di mo ko sasaktan? Tang*na!! kala
ko lng yun!! Tanga ko noh?! Kala ko kc di mo ko iiwan e, cnungaling k pla! 12,11
nakakalito ang mundo, kung sinong mahal mo siyang ayaw sayo, wag sanang masayang
itong damdamin kong laan sayo.. pero d ako habang buhay maghihintay para sayo n
oh! mag-isa ka.. madami jan,, pede ba! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
that look that touch all this time i still long 4 u i miss u so much... but ther
e r somethings hidden beyond the walls of doubt that can never b unfolded 4 it w
ill cause us pain jst beliv that d pipol u love, loves u 2 i know this is 2 much
2 ask but it will help u move on. iloveu 12,11 Posted by sade-1
lam mo tanga ka...d moko nrereplayan, d moko namimiss, and u take me for granted
...pero, mas tanga ako... lam mo kung bkt? kc kht na ganyan ka mahal pa rin kita
12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
i sHdNt cOUnt On u sO mUcH bT iTs Hard Nt 2, nO MaTtEr wEr I MyT Go n Dis WoRLd
dEr wiL ALwyS b Tyms WeN d OnLy PLacE i Wnt 2 Be is DeR.... RyT bsIdE U! 12,11 Po
sted by huNNyGurL
mula ng mhalin kta nrnsan kong mgselos, msktan, at lmuha pro kahit ganun wla ako
ng pngccchan kc ng mhalin kta nrnsan kong mging msaya 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
if ever u nid me, i cn alwys b sum1 jst 4 u... i cn be a bd person to secure ur
enemies off.. i cn b a slave 2 wipe away ur tirs or simply just be "me" 2 stay w
id u forever :) 12,11 Posted by azelle17
I always lose control when your by my side. You have become the light of my life
. I always enjoy the time I spend with you. Because nothing makes me feel the wa
y you do. I think I'm falling in love with you... 12,11 Posted by pat_rick
You are my best friend and my only true love. I'm sure that you were sent from h
eaven above. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. And our future is
beginning to look so bright. I think I'm falling in love with you... 12,11 Posted
by pat_rick
Tonight you'll look oh so fine, But It will all be in my mind. Tonight you won't
even know, That I still love you so... 12,11 Posted by pat_rick
I can admire your beauty, To which I must stare. Your chin, your mouth, your nos
e and eyes, All add to a face so fair... 12,11 Posted by pat_rick
I hope that you can accept, How much I really care. A person who loves you more,
You can find nowhere... 12,11 Posted by pat_rick
thank u for the happiness and loneliness that only u can bring. thank u for the
words u said that made me glad and made me realize that u are true and a friend
hu wil aklwys b der til d end cnat we make the memries happen once again 12,11 Po
sted by huNNyGurL
Soon these tears will all be dryin' Soon these eyes will see the sun Might take
time But I'll see it When I'm back on my feet again 12,11 Posted by sade-1
dnt search for love 4,let love search 4 u,dats y it is called 4FALLIN IN LOVE 1cau
se u dnt actually force yourself 2 love, you just fall!!!!!! 12,11 Posted by melai
U thnk I'll cry? u thnk I'll break down? damn ur wrong! I knew ol ur games b4 I
juz played along. F u think I'm s2pid, yup! ur ryt. I fell 4 a playr w/ his game
I cudn't fyt 12,11 Posted by xiao_qiao
sabi mo humiling k ng mgmmhal sau,sb mo nkta mo ncya,tpos ngttnong k kng bkit k
nsktan.. lam mo kng bkit? "kc ako ang pndala,pero dmo ko nkta"... =( 12,11 Posted
by h^u^n^n^y_15
"Don't come close if later you'll pass by; don't touch me if later you'll see me
cry; don't love me if later you'll just leave me and won't stay -monte_cristo" 1
2,11 Posted by monte_cristo
wen u need some1 and no one is der, juz gaze up in d sky... u may not see me der
... but remember, we are just under d same sky... i could not b too far 12,11 Pos
ted by khulit
mahal kita, alam mo ba? cguro hindi, cguro mali... pero khit na... mahal talaga
kita eh.... 12,11 Posted by khulit
u saw me smile, u saw me care for you, u saw me left, u were hurt... but u never
saw my cry.. u never knew i love u -monte_cristo" 12,11 Posted by monte_cristo
"i told u to love me, i told you to stay,i told you to kiss me, i told you care
from me... but i forgot to tell u not to hurt me, bec u juz did :(" 12,11 Posted
by monte_cristo
aNg mgA La2ke hiLig mAgpaaSa... daLaS maNgako, daLaS maNLoko.. pAda2mA nA spEcia
L kA... pRo di nAmaN ikAw uNg MAHAL nyA... pAgumIyAk k mAgso2ri... pRa saN pA???
eH naSaktaN kA nA!!! 12,11 Posted by laaerni
masakit mawalan ng minamahal ngunit mas masakit kung hindi mo ipinaramdam ang iy
ong pagmamamahak 12,11 Posted by khulit
masarap umibig ngunit alam mo bang pinakamasakit minsan ang umibig 12,11 Posted b
y khulit
oo,hanggang ngyon ngse2los ako..kht sbhn mng mgkybgan lang kau at ako na ang mah
al mo,lam m kng bkt?..tkot lng ako,kC jan dn tau ngcmula sa "mgkybgan lng kme.."
12,11 Posted by czeihne
bKt ganON???nOon saB mo maGHintaY aKo kC meRON paNg "kAu". AkO nmN nagHnTay ngA.
.. NuNG wLa na KAu ngUMiti kA aT akALa kO mERon nG "tAyO", uN pLa maY iBa nA aT
bAgoNG "kAU"....:( 12,11 Posted by czeihne
i cud never find another i cud compare 2 u.. i may love agen but not d way i hav
e loved u... u may only b a part of my past but u know wat? everytym i c u, i wh
isper "minahal ko yan..." 12,11 Posted by khulit
1. gs2 mo b mlaman kng ano ka sa knya? sory ha, di ko alam e! pro lam ko kn
g no ka skin, kaw ung tipong "WLA LANG" ung tipong .... wla lang.. parang pg na
"WLA" ka sa buhay ko, ikakamatay Õkíê Ðókíê "LANG" 12,11 Posted by czeihne
gs2 mo b mlaman kng ano ka sa knya? sory ha, di ko alam e! pro lam ko kng no ka
skin, kaw ung tipong "WLA LANG" ung tipong .... wla lang.. parang pg na "WLA" ka
sa buhay ko, ikakamatay k0 "LANG" 12,11 Posted by czeihne
Maybe D day wud come dat I wud 4gt how u made me cry, Hw ud break my hart wen u
lie. Bt wt I cud nver 4get s d way u lukd wyl u slept in my look
so mine...... 12,11 Posted by czeihne
sabi nila... "wen u love some1 u must learn 2 let dem go" sabi ko naman... "wen
u love some1 fyt 4 him" kc... true love comes only once and if u dont hold on ti
ght... u may never have it anymore 12,11 Posted by khulit
Inisip ko andaya mo, kasi nangako ka di mo ako iiwan, pero minsan iniisip ko kun
g ano mas madaya Yung iwan mo ak0? O yung pinilit kitang managako? 12,11 Posted by
Wen I lost u, I was the 1 who luv u most, but btwn us u lost more, 4 someday I c
an luv some1 the way that I luv u, but u will never B luv again the way I did...
12,11 Posted by czeihne
I wana touch ur face wyl saying dis "i knw dat ur not mine...but my heart says d
at im urs... i cnt even hold u dis tym and tel u how much i love u honey....but
u knw i rily do love much...hoping ryt tym wil cam 4 us 2 be i
can say agen dis wrds 2u... i luv u hon..." 12,11 Posted by czeihne
Masakit maging kaibigan ng taong mahal mo... hindi mo alam kung saan ka lulugar.
.. di ka dapat umasa o d kaya mainis sa kanya... bkt??? anong karapatan mo...? K
AIBIGAN klang di ba... 12,11 Posted by czeihne
1araw nkta m ko kausap sya,mgkhwak kamaya at mgkyakap pa. akla mo tnalikran kta
at pingpalit sa kanya.ang di mo lam pgtalikod mo,umiyak sya kc nagpaalam ako at
pinili kita.. 12,11 Posted by czeihne
Mnsan gs2 kong tumakbo..malayong mlayo syo..bka skali..makalimutan kta kya lang
sa pgkakbo k..dala k prin puso k, na wlang ibang laman kndi ala-ala mo.. 12,11 Po
sted by eMjhaY_16F^
Hnd mdaling mghintay, hndi rn birong mgmahal.. mnsan kla mo sha na!mnsan kala mo
, ok na.. pro mmamalayan mo nlng dumaan lng pla sha s buhay mo pra paluhain at "
saktan ka..!" =c 12,11 Posted by eMjhaY_16F^
expose me to hate so it not be a stranger; yet fill my cup with love to turn str
angers into friends O.M 12,11 Posted by sade-1
nun naghahanap ako! sbi ni God... "e2 cya". kya iningatn kta..bnigay mn
hal ng sobra..tpos bglang nwla k skn.. kla k bngy k nya... pnhirm lng pla.. 12,11
Posted by AngelOfLove
sum1 askd me: "ndi m b sya nmi2s?" sbi ko: "mis na mis!" sbi nya: "no blak mo?"
sbi ko: "edi mghintay" sbi nya: "mhal mo ba?" i smyld.. and sed: "kya ko nga hnh
ntay e.." 12,11 Posted by b0o_20
"The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would almost
equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you l
ove them." 12,11 Posted by Ye_Sha
don't save me in ur mind 4 d mind 4gets, save me in ur HEART coz it REMEMBERS 4e
ver 12,11 Posted by AngelOfLove
i may nt be d perfect friend ur lukin 4.. not even d best among dem all.. but u
can count on me as a friend hu wil stay w/ u 4ever!!! 12,11 Posted by AngelOfLove
Hw wud u kn0w f he rily lovEs u? It's wEn u screAm he's caLm.wEn u sLap him,he k
isSes u.wEn u cry,he hUgs u. Wen u teL hm u hate him,he tEls u HE LOVES U., 12,11
Posted by Ye_Sha
U said 2 me dat u hav found more better than me.. She is more cute, sexy, charmi
ng, intelligent than me tpos nung iniwan k nya bumalik k sakin, BETTER PLA HA!!!
! 12,11 Posted by AngelOfLove
mnSan akla m0 kAibgan Lng Sya.. mnSan akLa m0 andyn Sya bLng tgpay0 Lng.. mnSan
akLa m0 aLa Lng Sya.. pRo naicp m rn b kht mnSan n mAhAL k pLa nya...? =( 12,11 P
osted by _trinity_
Umiiyak ka na naman? Siya na naman ba? Sinaktan ka ulit? Wag ka na umiyak 12,11 P
osted by [hanap_bf]
Akala ko noon ang mga kaibigan ay hindi pwedeng mahalin..... mali pala.... dahil
ang mga kaibigan pala ang hidi kayang magmahal...:c luv u, caloy! 12,11 Posted b
y dark_hail
I know that i'm only wasting my time in making sad quotes such as this..... and
i also know that im also wasting my time in loving you..... such as these....luv
u, caloy! 12,11 Posted by dark_hail
lam mo tanga ka...di mo ko nirereplayan,di mo ko namimiss,and you take me for gr
anted...pero, mas tanga ako...lam mo kung bakit? kasi kahit na ganyan ka mahal p
a rin kita!!! 12,11 Posted by dark_hail
noon, ang saya-saya natin,araw-araw tayong magkausap.noon, close na close tayo k
ala ko wala ng katapusan isang araw, cnabi mo,"may gus2 akong ipagtapat sau',uma
sa akong sa wakes magiging tayo....pero laking gulat ko nang sabihin mong..."MAH
y dark_hail
ilang beses ko bang sasabhin kahit ano'ng gawin mo, di ka mamahalin nya
n..dahil meron siyang mahal na iba..iiyakan mo lang siya at masasaktan ka lang..
bakit ko alam? siyempre...minahal kita e!!! 12,11 Posted by dark_hail
gago ka ba? iiwanan mo ako tapos babalik balik ka ngayon. anong kala mo sa akin
tanga? papauto ulit sayo? eh sira ulo ka pala eh. pero mas sira ulo ko sayo, hal
ika nga dito, tagal ko ng hinintay pagbalik mo eh . 12,11 Posted by dark_hail
It is better to be good than to be bad. Yes, there is such a thing as divine jus
tice, which though slow and delayed at times, will surely come. frJ.O 12,11 Poste
d by twist-1
sna ako n lng minhal mo... sna ako n lng iniicip mo...sna ako nlng nami2s mo...
sna khit isa sa "sana" ko magka22o... kht alam ko na... hnggang "sana" nlng ako
:( 12,11 Posted by jHo_wHaNnAh
ang icp at puso mdlas dw magkasalungat, ang icp puro dpt, ang puso puro gs2, dmo
2loy lm kng ano mgpapasaya sau, mhl kita sb ng puso ko, kht sb ng icp ko na bwa
l 12,11 Posted by Flip_hunni3
d porke close kau mhalaga k s knya, d porket hnhanap k nya nmimis k nya, d porke
msya cia sau mhal k nya... gngwa nya lng un pra dka mgmukhng tanga KAKAMAHAL SA
KNYA! 12,11 Posted by jHo_wHaNnAh
So easy for others to say, that I should let you go They don't know how strong m
y love is But I sure can't let go M.B 12,11 Posted by twist-1
i was at d ship thnkin of u, wen i lukd dwn, i dropd a tear n2 d ocean, i mde a
swear dat untl sum1 finds it, dats d only tym il stop carn 4 u.. 12,11 Posted by j
its hard letting go of sum1 hu bcame an imprtnt prt of ur lyf... bt f u fil dt u
v gven up evrythn, let him go... mas mdali cgurong bumitaw kesa maghintay 12,11 P
osted by jHo_wHaNnAh
ur so wonderful my wife ^kat_rin^! im so in love with you... i want to spend the
rest of my life with you... ur my girl, my woman, my wife... mahal na mahal po
kita! i'll be loving you forever... - ^spawn^^ 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
forgive me... i've never known thiz feelin, i live without it all my life you br
ought for the firzt time, iz there anyway that i can let you know how my life ch
ange,.. anyway at all to let you know the zweetnezt u've given me. therez zooo m
uch to zay, zo nuch that i cant find a wordz except for thiz....... I love you ^
spawn^^!!!! 12,11 Posted by ^kat_rin^
"u love him with all ur heart, u loved him with all your cares, u loved him thro
ugh and through... now that you are mine... Is there anything left for me?" 12,11
Posted by monte_cristo
Though love may break, it never dies It changes shape, through changing eyes Wha
t I denied, I now can see You always were the light inside of me. B.M 12,11 Poste
d by sade-1
The night is long the night is cold With nothing to believe in Just hold on 'cau
se life goes on the new day is waiting Just let go and let it begin M.B 12,11 Pos
ted by sade-1
Love strives n grows in hurtin' f u dont get hurt ul never learnd 2love but luv
doesnt hurt all d time, the hurting there is just to test you n to be your mento
r 12,11 Posted by alloi
it hurts 2love som1 n not to be luv n return, but its mor painful to love som1 w
/o finding d courge t5o let d person how does you feel =c 12,11 Posted by alloi
it hurts 2love som1 n not to be luv n return, but its mor painful to love som1 w
/o finding d courge t5o let d person how does you feel =c 12,11 Posted by joanoooo
love is not destroyed by a single failure and not won by just sinhgle caress tru
e love excist wen two people trusted each other and face all sacrifices along th
eir vows 12,11 Posted by alloi
Looking into your eyes I know I'm right If there's anything worth my love it's w
orth a fight We only get one chance But nothing ties our hands You're what I wan
t Listen to me... K.L 12,11 Posted by sade-1
"u talk to me like u don't know me, u talked to me like im sum1 else, you talked
to me like u don't love me; coz u know all along that i love u still" 12,11 Post
ed by monte_cristo
"just go away and leave, just go ahead and go, go ahead and love him, go ahead a
nd be happy but don't you dare leave and never come back coz surely you'll take
my heart away with you. msg to karen from pol" 12,11 Posted by monte_cristo
Not as all other frends are Is that to my soul is dear And yet my frend's heart
is ever near Blessing you are: God made u so Though u may never have the chance
to know I love thee with a love as still 12,11 Posted by still-1
i always thought dat loving u is sumthing dat i will never regret... but i guess
i was wrong.. its not dat i was wrong 2 love u bt i was wrong 2 fol 4 u 2 much
not knowing wer 2 stand when i fol. 12,11 Posted by tine_17^crash
derz no tellin' wen or how everythin' had started... derz no tellin' wen or how
everythin' will end... im juz glad dat in between d bgning nd end,i had u 2 shar
e my life wid... =) 12,11 Posted by tine_17^crash
sumtyms.... i missin' u! i swear i do... but my pride gets in d way sayin' "y no
t let dem mis me??" but dis time i wont let my pride get in d way, im gona tel u
dat i miss u so much! 12,11 Posted by tine_17^crash
even if im away,even if im busy,even if i have problems of my own... i'd stil b
der 4 u... u know y?? coz' wen i told u dat i care..i mean it.. i'd care 4
w til u want me 2... 12,11 Posted by tine_17^crash
i admit dat u came so suden in my life...never thot we'd b dis close,but ur not
juz a part of my life now,ur 1 of d most special part of it and ders no way id l
et u slip away.... 12,11 Posted by tine_17^crash
minahal kita ng sobra masisisi mo b ako?? nsaktan ako ng higit sa akala mo masis
isi mo b ako?? nagdusa ako't nghirap sisisihin mo p rin b ako?? ngayong ngmahal
n ako ng iba ako p rin b sisisihin mo?? 12,11 Posted by tine_17^crash
i tried 2 luv u as much as i could,stil u didn't its time 4 me 2
move on,it seems ur goin' anyway,juz remember,b4 i say gudbye,wen i said i luv
u,it wasn't a lie... 12,11 Posted by tine_17^crash
One of the worst questions a person ever asked me: akala ko baakala ko ba kayo ng
dalawa? then I looked down and said, akala ko rin e mali pala ko 12,11 Posted by h^u^
The best way to say 'I Love You' is to hold his hand and give it to the one he l
oves. 12,11 Posted by ^^^Ye_Sha^^^
"there is no disguise which i can hide love fo long where it exists, or simulate
it where it does not" 12,11 Posted by thumbelina
Sorry if I've hurt you, Sorry for the time we've lost. If you could just forgive
me. I'd bow down before you. So that you could see I'm real. So that you could h
ear these words 12,11 Posted by FatalDescent
I'm drifting in time. No reason I find You always come to my soul. Somehow you be
lieve There'd always be a season for us to behold. I'm driting in Time No reason
no rhyme, You always come to my soul. I've learned to believe, So thank you For
the Slow Burn you've brought to my heart 12,11 Posted by FatalDescent
I feel my future tied to my past, why don't we go and leave this world behind. W
atch me as I wander aimless through this mystery. Counting all the times, You fa
llen to the cold. You were always there for me. Always said a prayer for me 12,11
Posted by FatalDescent
I feel my future tied to my past, why don't we go and leave this world behind. Wa
tch me as I wander aimless through this mystery. Counting all the times, You fal
len to the cold. You were always there for me. Always said a prayer for me 12,11
Posted by FatalDescent
pa'no ba kung mawala ako? iiyak ka ba? malulungkot ka ba? sana oo dahil kapag na
wala ka 'di ko na alam ang gagawin ko sa buhay ko. 12,11 Posted by ^^^Ye_Sha^^^
sabi mo mahal mo ako... naniwala naman ako... sabi mo d mo kaya pag wala ako...
naniwala na naman ako... pero nung cnabi kong mahal din kita at d ko rin kaya pa
g wala ka... naluha ako sa sagot mo... sabi mo, "marunong ka rin palang mag-joke
..." 12,11 Posted by khulit
noon, d ko kaya ang mag-isa... sabi mo "mahina ka pala, eh"... noon, madali akon
g maniwala sa aking kapwa, sabi mo "tanga ka pala, eh"... noon, madali akong mag
mahal ng aking kapwa, sabi mo, "buang ka pala, eh"... eh t*rantad* ka pala eh...
ikaw lang ang pinaniniwalaan ko noon, ikaw lang ang minamahal ko noon, at ikaw
lang ang dahilan kung bakit d ko kaya ang mag-isa..... 12,11 Posted by khulit
Minahal mo sya, binigay mo lahat. masaya kayo dat. umalis sya, nilimot mo sya.Na
gmahal ka ng iba, at paglipas ng panahon akala mo tapos na... sya pa rin pala by
kheycee 12,11 Posted by little_faerie
Dati kala ko pag nasa akin na ang taong mahal ko masaya na ako, pero bakit nung
na sa akin na sya di pa rin ako masaya. Di lang pala yung tao ang kailangan ko k
undi pati pagmamahal nya. by kheycee 12,11 Posted by little_faerie
marunong kbang mag-alaga?.. mag alaga ng kahit na ano!?! cGuRO oo.. kZ maBait ka
naman... pero tong papaalaga ko sau maaalagaan mO kaya???... 2nG puSo ku,alaGaa
n nMan pRa dna maSaktan... 12,11 Posted by ahnne06
sabi nila masakit daw malaman pg may pangalawa mahal mu.. pEro handa ka paRing i
pglaban sha waG lang maagaw ng iba; pero pano Pg naLaman mo na iKaw paLa unG pan
galawa?? ipaglalaban mo paba sha????? 12,11 Posted by ahnne06
i saw sumbody on top of a building..mgpa2kamatay daw!i askd y? my crush daw sha
sau! aba!!! tinulak coh nga! sbe coh "gago!! sken na yan noh! cge pakamatay ka n
a!" 12,11 Posted by [KuTiNg]
when ur lonely just look at the spaces between your fingers remember that in tho
se spaces you can see my fingers locked w/ yours saying "Im here for you 12,11 Po
sted by little_faerie
Love is like a lump of gold, Hard to get, and hard to hold. Of all the girls I'v
e ever met, You're the one I can't forget. I do believe that God above, Created
you for me to love. He chose you from all the rest, Because he knew I would love
you best. ILOVEYOU! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
u told me u mis me but u dnt. u told me u care 4 me but u dnt. u told me im spec
ial but im not. Then u told me the truth dt u dnt luv me, i jz smilde and said "
i knw". :( -jovy 12,11 Posted by ^MiRaNa^
I was hurt wen u left me, but i've learned to b strong.tym held d pain and i've
learned to move o. i've prmis myself dat il just b ur frnd..but y s it dat after
ol dis tym im back lovin u again. :( -jovy 12,11 Posted by ^MiRaNa^
IT HURTS so much to knw that i hve fallen 4 sum1 hu wud juz liv me hangin in d a
ir...Y?.. coz u never really love me... u just CRED...:( 12,11 Posted by ^MiRaNa^
ts hard 2 fol n luv agen wen u r stil attached 2 ur past.. u must learn 2 let go
nd open ur hart 2 sum1 else.. its not easy 2 do but sumtyms, u juz hav 2..) 12,1
1 Posted by babae-ako
i olwz thot dat u haFta fyt 4 wat u riLy fiL..i foth and got hurt, stil i tryd 2
giv it a chanz.. but now i dnt knw if i'd stil bliv in dat..kse tao lng ako, np
apagod din... 12,11 Posted by d3athbyst3re0
You think you know me so well? You say you can read my mind and predict my moods
? Then why didn't you realize I was falling for you? 12,11 Posted by d3athbyst3re0
Love is like a lump of gold, Hard to get, and hard to hold. Of all the girls I'v
e ever met, You're the one I can't forget. I do believe that God above, Created
you for me to love. He chose you from all the rest, Because he knew I would love
you best. iloveyou ^kat_rin^ ! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
4 My Dear Wife,On Diz Uzual Day;I Ryt U Diz Poem,In My Own Zpcial Way.I Wntd 2 T
el U,In Wrdz Of My Own;Ur Da Mzt Prciouz Przn,Dat ive Evr Knwn.Ur D Mzt Carng Pr
zn,Dat ive Evr Met;Derz No 1 Lyk U,N Dat-I Cn Bet.Wat Attrctz Me Da Mzt,z Ur Zwi
t N Kind Tach;Ur A Gift Zent Frm Heven,N I Luv U So Mch.Zo Hld Me Az Cloze,Az U
Pzibly Cn;Coz Nw N 4evr,I Am Ur Man. ILOVEYOU ^kat_rin^ ! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
As I stand here today with the world as my witness, I pledge to you my undying a
nd everlasting love. I will stand beside you as your partner, I will stand befor
e you as your protector, And I will stand behind you as your solace. Please spen
d and end your life with me. Mahal na Mahal kita katrin! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
All the love that history knows, is said to be in every rose. Yet all that could
be found in two, is less than what I feel for you. ioveyou ^kat_rin^ ! 12,11 Pos
ted by ^spawn^^
I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in th
e sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever
it will stay. QLY baby kat! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
The spaces between our fingers were created so that another person's fingers cou
ld fill them in. Hope you'll find your dream hand to hold you forever. 12,11 Post
ed by scaffolding
Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day af
ter tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I'll be loving you every single day of
my life. 12,11 Posted by scaffolding
You greeted me hi, I didn't reply. You gave me a sweet smile, I responded with a
sigh. You showed me your love, you received a shrug. But when you bid goodbye I
began to cry. 12,11 Posted by scaffolding
I hate when you smile at me because you make me crazy about you. I hate when you
talk to me because you make me run out of words. I hate you when I see you beca
use you make me love you more. 12,11 Posted by scaffolding
"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns h
ave roses." (ZIGGY) 12,11 Posted by babiecrossrads
"We might remind ourselves that criticism is as inevitable as breathing, and tha
t we should be none the worse for articulating what passes in our minds when we
read a book and feel an emotion about it, for criticizing our own 12,11 Posted by
When I stand up for myself and my beliefs,they call me a bitch.When I stand up f
or those I love,they call me a bitch.When I speak my mind,think my own thoughts
or do things my own way,they call me a bitch.Being a bitch means I won't comprom
ise what's in my heart.It means I live my life MY way.It eans I won't allow anyo
ne to step on me.When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it,I am d
efined as a bit 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
sometimes we have to give up something which we can't afford to lose. but how ca
n you afford to lose if that something you have to gve up is the only thing ur r
isking it all? 12,11 Posted by a-n-n-e-20
the sweetest thing a guy ever did for his girl was to sit with his friends, look
at her from afar and proudly tell them, "look at my baby , have you ever seen a
nyone so beautiful ? damn pare, she's my life . . . " 12,11 Posted by lovely_prett
kagabi, usap kami ni Lord, sabi ko sa kanya, "bakit po ang sakit sakit ? nagmaha
l naman ako , dba ?" niyakap nya ko nang mahigpit tapos naiyak ako nung sinabi n
yang ... "anak, sobra kasi eh ... " 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
bakit yung iba ang bilis kong palitan ?... bakita sila di ko iniyakan ?... bakit
pag iba wala akong pakialam ?... pero bakit pag ikaw na ... ang hirap mong kali
mutan ... 12,11 Posted by lovely_pretty_me
bakit ang iba mrmi pang hinahanap? un bang meron nanga dpa rin kuntento.. ggwin
lahat makuha lng!pero pra sakin mwala na lahat.. wag lang ung TRU LOV ku ;; wag
lang ikaw.. 12,11 Posted by ahnne06
i remembered one time.. someone asked me "San Freind mo?"... hanap kta pro di ki
ta mkita, kla ko u left me na... tapos bigla kita naramdaman "andito k pla sa pu
so ko" 12,11 Posted by Wo-Ai-Ni
bkit pg my gusto tayo, kailangan iwanan natin ung iba pra lang makuha un? pro pa
g andyan na, saka mo lng malalaman, na ung taong iniwan mo... ay minsan na ring
iniwan ang lahat sa buhay para lang sayo 12,11 Posted by Wo-Ai-Ni
pagtatanggol kita sa kahit kanino... hinding hindi kta iiwan pag nag iisa ka...
mamahalin kita hanggang makakaya ko... sayang... sana akin ka na lng 12,11 Posted
by Wo-Ai-Ni
ang mga lalake mahilig mangbabae, madalis mangako madalas manloko... padadama na
special ka, pero di naman kaw ung mhal nya. pag umiyak ka, magsosori. para san
pa?... eh nasaktan ka na :~( 12,11 Posted by Wo-Ai-Ni
Sabi mo gusto mo ako..tinanong mo kung gusto kita,,ngumiti lang ako at tumalikod
..kasabay ng pagpatak ng luha ko, nabulog ko sa sarili.."Mahal na Mahal na kita.
.pero hindi ko siya kayang iwanan" 12,11 Posted by Pink_AngeL`
This night is the last night I'll be wishing for you the first time I shall hurt m
yself next time I see you, I'll just whisper, "tangna, masyado na kitang mahal, ta
ma na." 12,11 Posted by Diyosa_ng_Kagandahan
Sabi mo gusto mo ako..tinanong mo kung gusto kita,,ngumiti lang ako at tumalikod
..kasabay ng pagpatak ng luha ko, nabulong ko sa sarili.."Mahal na Mahal na kita
..pero hindi ko siya kayang iwanan" 12,11 Posted by Pink_AngeL`
When you love someone, you dont have to set conditions on whether you have to do
this or that to prove the feelings...just do whatever your heart says.. 12,11 Po
sted by JoAnNe_06
minahal mo sya pero niloko ka nya, minahal kita pero niloko mo ko, tuloy naisip
ko.. sana pala niloko na lang kta, baka sakaling minahal mo pa ako.. 12,11 Posted
by otep^
sya ang mahal mo, alam ko yun.. kaibgan mo lang ako, alam ko din yun.. and2 ako
lagi pra syo, alam mo yun. mahal kita, alam mo ba yon? hnggang kailan ako maghih
intay? di ko alam yon, ikaw ba alam mo? 12,11 Posted by otep^
minsan naisip ko, ano ba ko sa buhay mo? then naalala ko, andun ako nung nasakta
n ka, andun ako lagi para damayan ka.. pero bakit nung naghahanap ka ng magmamah
al sayo di mo ko nakita? andun nman ako ah.. 12,11 Posted by otep^
if there could be one thing i could never afford to set free, that would be you.
it's cause you've made my life so complete that you being a part of it could ki
ll me.. you won't let me die.. Would you? 12,11 Posted by Demonic_Beauty
sabi nila halata daw na mahal kita, kita daw sa mukha ko kapag kachat kita. ang
saya ko raw kapag kausap ka sabi nila aminin ko na raw sayo. sabi ko, "saka na p
ag mahal mo na ko." 12,11 Posted by Demonic_Beauty
mahirap makipaglaban sa bagay na alam mong talo ka wala kang magawa kung hindi h
ayaan nalang.. tumahimik hanggang ilayo nya sayo ang taong pinakamamahal mo dun
mo maisip..sana pinaglaban mo sya. 12,11 Posted by cryztall
inisip ko andaya mo... xe nangako ka, inde mo ko iiwan... pero minsan, iniisip k
o kung alin mas madaya...yung iwan mo ko?! ...o yung ...pilitin kitang mangako? 1
2,11 Posted by cryztall
dati, tuwang-tuwa ako pag inaasar kita, tuwang-tuwa ako pag naiinis ka, tapos sa
bi mo lalayo ka muna dahil ayaw mo kong makita! sabi ko wag.. dahil mahal na kit
a, at sinabi mong "nang aasar ka na nman ba?" 12,11 Posted by aBy^ann
pag wala na k, makakalimutan mo na ung boses ko, ung tawa ko, ung ngiti ko, ung
pangalan ko, pero lam mo khit ganon, masaya na ko, kc lam ko na minsan may isang
makulit na "aBy" sa buhay mo. 12,11 Posted by aBy^ann
pg may problema ka,wlang nkakaalam.Pg msya k,wlang nkakapansin. Pro try mo UMUTO
T..lhat nktingin sau, TITIGAN KA PA! 12,11 Posted by Kyut_mE^^
kpag ako nmatay... wg kng iiyak ha... kc, pg umiyak k ibig sbhin nun mhal m ko..
. kta wag kng iiyak kc mskit icpin k kylangan ko pang mmatay pra mlaman ko n mha
l m pla ako... 12,11 Posted by ^^ice_queen^^
"sna dn lng kta nkilla! msaya nmn ako noon e,khit nung wla k p! d 2lad ngaun...
pnaphirapan m lnga ko lam kng d m cnsadyang mkilla ako... ako rin nmn e d ko cns
adyang mhalin k." 12,11 Posted by ^^ice_queen^^
"It's taken me my entire life to realize that I deserve someone to share my life
, someone to love and grow old with. I'm not settling for less. Which apparently
is all you can offer." 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
if dying is da only way 2 b ur angel den id rather die so i cn hold ur hand each
tym ur in pain 4 u 2 feel my presence and 2 knw how mch i care 12,11 Posted by ^^
i may not know what the end of the road looks like, but i know that if and when
i get there, you will surely also be there... 12,11 Posted by |tchyworm
"You've walled yourself away behind solid defenses because you're determined nev
er to get hurt again". 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
"Hurting is a part of life experience, a part of loving. You're missing out on s
o much joy, hiding behind your walls". 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
" People who love each other work through their disagreements and miscommunicati
ons. They don't simply quit or run away when things are going poorly". 12,11 Post
ed by littlegurl
"if i wanted to be a thing, i wanted to be your tears, born in your eyes live on
your chick and die on your lips" 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
Love is when you visit your parents and actually hug your father, because your g
irl has opened the sensitive side in you 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
No sooner met but they looked, no sooner looked than they loved than they sighed
, no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason, no sooner knew the rea
son but they sought the remedy 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
"I'm hearing the things na noon ko pa pinapangarap marinig. Puwede ko na ring i
give-up lahat ng bagay basta kasama kita". 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
Dati kala ko pag nasa akin na ang taong mahal ko masaya na ako, pero bakit nung
na sa akin na sya di pa rin ako masaya. Di lang pala yung tao ang kailangan ko k
undi pati pagmamahal nya. by kheycee 12,11 Posted by little_faerie
It's really hard to talk to you when I want to, so hard to be with you when I lo
ng for you and so damn hard not to miss you when I already do. 12,11 Posted by Dem
a heartbreaks lasts as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
the challange is not how to survive from heartbreaks but to learn from them. 12,
11 Posted by taray_chick
kgbi usap kmi ni Lord, ask ko sa kanya: "bkt gnon,nssktn ako? ngmmhl nmn ako dba
?" tpos niyakap nya ko, tumula luha ko.. bgla nyang cnabi, "anak, SOBRA kc.." 12,
11 Posted by fLirty^Lipz
Loving you was not the biggest mistake i have done.. It is the biggest risk i ev
er took.. because despite and inspite of the things and people i lost, i still h
ave the guts to tell the world.. "I did it all for you!" 12,11 Posted by fLirty^Li
"it hurts me to see u go and give up on me that easily even if u know i'm willin
g to give everything u ever wanted wat sadder is knowing the painful reality tha
t u cant fight for me coz u dont love me enough.." 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Mhal q xa pro nhlog aq syo!di q xa maiwn pro yaw ktng mwla!bngay nya skin ang lh
t pro kw ang lht skn!iniwan mo q sa knya pro di mo lam na iniwan q na xa dhil sy
o 12,11 Posted by nikeshi_niomi
no one falls in love by choice, it is by chance... no one stays in love by chanc
e, it is by work... and no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice *^_^
* 12,11 Posted by ketz_va
those who gaze too much upon the past, who think too much about what might have
been, are running something of what same risk as the driver who keeps his eyes u
pon the rear-view mirror and is attentive to the road ahead 12,11 Posted by lady_d
i was der 4 u bcoz i luv u,i leave u bcoz i luv u so much , so i set u free bcoz
i know u wer not hapi with my company :( 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
It's hard to hold on to something which i know would never be mine in any way i
think of it... i just have to learn to let go and face the fact that while some
good things never last, some don't even start... 12,11 Posted by khulit
A boy, frustrated with all the rules he had to follow, asked his father, "Dad, h
ow soon will I be old enough to do as I please?" The father answered immediately
, "I don't know. Nobody has lived that long yet." 12,11 Posted by khulit
my name is for first name is last name is YOU...and my middle name
is LOVE... I LOVE YOU ... :) 12,11 Posted by lil_anne
bat ganon? kahit nung masakit naman,tiniis ku,kahit nung mahirap, tinago ko,kahi
t nung kaslanan mo, pinatawad ko. sobra sobra pagmamahal ko sayo pero bakit ganu
n? iniwan mo parin ako.. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
isipin mo nalang, parehas tayong umiyak, parehas tayong nasaktan at parehas tayo
ng nahirapan, pero bakit ganun?.. sa huli, sino lang yung natira? AKO LANG DIBA?
! 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
MiNsAn BaDtRiP MgMaHaL..iWaSaN mO, KaW DiN YuN mSSkTaN...sUnDaN mO, KaW DiN iiYa
K.. BiGaY mO LaHaT, KuLaNg pRiN... nGpktNga kN, g2GuHin kP... MiNsAn &tAy k nAnG
&tAy, di mO aLaM...iNiWaN kN pLa. :-( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
minahal kita noon pero pinabayaan mo... minahal kita ngayon pero binalewala mo..
. ngayon minahal mo ako... pinakawalan ko... bakit? ngayon mo pa ako minahal...
ngayong...... may mahal na akong iba...ü 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
sabi nila kung mahal mo daw ang isang tao, pakawalan mo... sabi naman ng iba kun
g mahal mo ang isang tao, mahalin mo ng lubos... pero diba mas mahal mo ang isan
g tao kung... pasayahin mo sya sa piling ng taong mahal nya...ü 12,11 Posted by _gwe
Nagmahal Kana b? Pero tinago mo kc MALI? Nasaktan kana rin b? Ung tipong unti un
ti kng PINAPATAY dahil may gus2 syang IBA! Pero ang mas masakit.... alam mo KAIB
IGAN ka lang para sa kanya!!! 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
bKt NaNg nAtUtO kOnG MgHnTaY, D kA dUmAtInG. BkT NaNg NaTuTo KoNg MaGtIiS, DuN K
a sUmUkO. BkT NaNg NaTuTuNaN kTaNg mAhAlin, DuN Ka LuMaYo. Bkt KuNg KeLaN MaHaL
Na KiTa sKa kA NaGmHaL nG iBa??? 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
sb d ka nanghhnayang n nwla cia sau,o ngsisisi n inwan kn2,sa 22o lng ndi ako na
ni2wala,dhl nka2log kng lumuluha sa tabi ko,hbng pblong kng cnsb,"ako kya iiykan
mo?" 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
U DREAMT OF SOMEONE ELSE.. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
I thought love can i relized that it can't,coz if it does!then how co
me you left?If only i knew that u r going to leave I should have shown you what
i really feel,right then OUT LOUD!at thet moment.Now the moment had passed and u
r nowhere to be found.TAKE GOOD CARE of urself ans THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting
me feel what LOVE is for the first time. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Its a wonderful feeling being with u kc having u around bring much joy kaya neve
r kita makalimutan.i just miss being with u.i wish someday we can be together on
ce more..MAHAL KC kits and i cant deny it..i cant say I LOVE U kc baka d m pansi
nin..manhid ka alam m b un ha! galit n ko sau tampo nako..wala kang paki sa feel
ings ko...basta MAHAL NA MAHAL KITA..bahala na.. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
iiyakn n nman kta ngaun,,,at pra san? lam ko nmang kht anung pgluha ko wlng hala
ga sau..mskt icpn at mskt dhil mhal na mhal kta, kaya ko 2ng tiisin...
:( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
F i hav mstaken of findin U,its ok. F a hav mstaken of chusin U, it dsnt mater a
t ol. Bt f i hav mstaken of folin so deep ovr U,i wud nvr stp comitin mstaken ju
z 2 hav U... Der r tym i 1nt 2b mad,der r tyms i 1nt 2giv u up,der r tyms i 1nt
2cry bt no mater hw many tyms i tink abt dat,always end up sayin,Damn, I LOVE U
SO MUCH.... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
the hardest thing about fallin in luv, is when u still feel inside ur heart that
you still luv the person, but u've runout of enoug reasons to fight for what yo
u feel and what you believe in! 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
sabi mo mahal mo ako,naniwala ako.sabi mo hanggang katapusan tayo,umasa naman ak
o. sabi mo di mo ako sasaktan,at nagtiwala ako sayo sayo! pero bakit ganito, ini
wan mo ako at niloko! pero okay lang, may magagawa pa ba ako? cguro lang talagan
g diako para sayo 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
bakit ganito ang nararamdaman ko:( sabi ko ok lang kahit wala ka kaya ko.... sab
i ko tigilan mo na ko dahil kaya kong wala ka.... sabi ko walang kwenta sa akin
nangyari sa atin....... pero bakit ang sakit sakit ng nararamdaman ng puso kong
nangungulila ng dahil syo;( bakit Mahal parin kita? 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
sabi ko noon, buti nalang di ko sinabi sa iyo na mahal din kita1 at least lumayo
ka man, i still have my pride with me! pero mali pala ako, sana pala inamin ko
na sayo ang tunay kong nararamdaman. baka sakali hanggang ngayon mahal mo pa ako
at nandito ka sa piling ko! shet talaga ... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
sabi ko suko na ko d na kita mahal.... sb ko mali2mutn din
i ko dn kta kailngan. ko msy n ko d ko kya e mhal tl
g kta.... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
LoOk u CaN Have 10 Brothers, You Can Have 100 Friends, You Can have 1000 Lovers.
. But Be Sure u Have Only 1 Crazy Person Who is Ready To D|e 4 u ;D 12,11 Posted
by astr
I wonder if you know how special you are to me, sometimes i don't know how to le
t you know, but if ever I could control my destiny and choose the people who'll
be part of my life forever... GUSTO KO KAW YUN... c") 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
HaV u eVer l0veD oNlY 2 lEt g0? hAv U eVeR hAteD s0m1 n yEt u l0vEd hiM s0? haV
u miSSed s0m1 So baD iT MadE u cRy? HAv U evEr beeN LeFt aLL al0nE wIth0uT kNowI
ng y? :( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
I Can See The Sea WithOuT Water.. I Can See The Sky WithouT Sun.. But ;) I Can't
See My LiFe WithOuT You ! 12,11 Posted by astr
Masakit maging kaibigan ng taong mahal mo... hindi mo alam kung saan ka lulugar.
.. di ka dapat umasa o d kaya mainis sa kanya... bkt??? anong karapatan mo...? K
AIBIGAN ka lang di ba... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
"y do u want me 2 be, wat u wnt me 2 wat u wnt me 2 do...or even say wat
u wnt me 2 say?!? mayb im nt d ryt prson ur longin for...or even d prson 2 sati
sfy ur wnts but 1 thng is 4 sure..i love you so much..but i hav 2 let u go..(-.-
) 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
He breaks, me down, he builds, me up He fills, my cup, I like, it rough We fuss,
we brawl, we riot, we fall He comes, in late, but he's, ok He do, I do, he know
s, the rules 12,11 Posted by astr
Wag kang mangako. Huwag mo akong pangakuan ng kahit ano. Hihintayin ku
ng di ka na makakabalik dahil di na siya aalis...Lagi mo lang tatandaan na mahal
kita...mahal na mahal. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Y does it olweys hav 2b me d 1 hus luving & hurting? Y does it olweys hav 2b me
d 1 hus left bhind crying? Y does it olweys hav 2b u & her 2geder? Y cant it be
u & me forever? 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Every time I see your face and I hear your voice, It stirs up feelings inside th
at I've never felt before. Was it the words you said that made me feel this way?
Maybe it was the touch of your hand and the smile on your face...I think I'm fa
lling in love with you... 12,11 Posted by astr
pg la na ko, cguro di un kwalan sau, d un mkkapekto sau. pro gs2 ko lng mlaman m
o... lungkot ako.. bkt?kc la k gnwa, hnayaan mo lang ako mwala.. 12,11 Posted by _
He didnt WanT To DanCe wiTh ThE DeViL, or WalK thru ThE FiRe..BuT ShE KepT SaYin
G, "DancE WitH me, plz BaBy WanT you DancE with Me..YoU KnoW YoU CaNt ReSiSt HeR
so WhY Try.....GiVe In....ReLeaSe YouR SouL anD FeeL ThE PoWeR....CaN YoU HanDl
e It?. 12,11 Posted by astr
pumayag akong mwala k dhil dun k msaya... pumayag akong masaktan dhil dun k msay
a... pumayag akong umiyak dhil dun k msaya... npilitan akong pumayag kc lam ko s
iba k sasaya.. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
One day you'll love me as much as I love you... One day you'll cry for me the wa
y I cry for you... One day you'll need me just like I need you & one day you'll
want me and I won't want you! 12,11 Posted by astr
ng di ko aminin na mahal kita akala ko naisahan kita. pero mali pala ako, dahil
ng magpasya kang layuan ako, dala dala mo ang puso ko!! 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
di naman ako umaasang mahalin mo ako, kei lang naman sa akin kung ayaw mo talaga
,pero sana wag mo naman ipamukha sa akin kung gaano mo sya kamahal kasiang sakit
e... ang sakit - sakit... :( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
i fel 4u & i knw dat its not ryt. dats y i tied 2b ovr u, tried not 2 cre, tried
not luv u.. but no matter wat i do, evrytym i'm w/ u, i say "shit! bhla na! mhl
kita eh! 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Sabi mo, mahal mo ko. Sabi mo rin seryoso ka. Nag-promise ka pa nga di ba? O, yu
n naman pala eh. Pero bakit hindi tayo? Ah, siguro, kasi nandyan siya? At mahal
mo pa rin siya, di ba? 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
"sometimes when u love someone very much u have to go thru every tear, every hea
rtache, every pain.... coz in the end its not how u suffered, but how much u lov
e..." 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
MINAHAL?cno ikw?cno ngmhal?ako?!pwd b!ang sakt ng gnwa mo tpos iicpn m n mnhal k
ta?kht kelan d kta mnahal,tanga lng tlg ako,kc hangng ngyon mhl kta.. 12,11 Poste
d by _gwen_
d by _gwen_
ilang beses ko bang ssabhin kahit anung gawin mo, d ka mamahalin yan..d
ahil meron siyang mahal na iba..iiyakan mo lang siya at masasaktan ka lang..bat
ko alam? siyempre...minahal kita e 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
OU!!! TAKE CARE... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Am I fool to love? Am I blind to see? Everytime you look and smile my way I thou
ght it was for me. Though I know you're looking at someone else, I never looked
away coz I'm waiting for the day you'd come and look my way... 12,11 Posted by _gw
Never askd 4 dis feeling, never tot I wud fall, never askd for any rainbows or s
tars at all. wasnt looking 4 any inspiration, but my emotions wer in control...f
ound out but too late, i already did fall. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
SOMETYMS I ASK MYSELF, WHY IM STILL LUV U ??? despite d fact dat u hav SOMEONE..
. maybe becoz, "YOU'RE MY LIFE"... no matter wat.... IM STILL HERE, LOVING YOU..
MISS YOU SO MUCH !!! 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care...I'm not supposed to liv
e my life wishing you were there...I'm not supposed to wonder where you are and
what u do I'm sorry, I just cant help it,i love you still" 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
y r u cryng? coz d one i luv can nvr luv me back... wat cn i do 2 mke u feel btr
? nthng. why? i knw u can't help. why nt? coz ur in luv with sum1 els ryt? 12,11
Posted by _gwen_
d more i tried 2 4get u, d more i missing U... ano nga bang meron ka bat di kaya
kayang limutin ng puso kong naloloka syo... i hate my self 4 still waiting 4 u.
.....:< 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
U walked in2 my life thru an open door... then u left, closing dat door and open
ing another. Now im wondring how many more doors i need to go through till i ope
n the one that leads me back to u? 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M WAITING 4 U... even if, i dont have any assurance that you'
ll BE BACK HERE BY MY SIDE & fulfill your PROMISE TO ME... but no matter what...
I'M STILL HERE WAITING !!! MISS YOU VERY MUCH... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
kLaN kyA darAtiNg uLit yUnG aRAw na tAyOy mAGkAsaMa mUli?nA tAyOy mAgiGiNg mAsay
a At mAmAhAlin Pa rIn aNg iSat isA?mAghIhiNtaY pArin akO...Pro kELen nGa kAya?..
..aH siGUro pAg nAkAlimUtaN mO nA sIyA...... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
i let u go bcoz uve wnt it.i let u go bcoz u wnt to be free.i let u go bcoz dats
wat uve lyk w/o knwng u hrt sum1 & id let u go bcoz at frst rison iluvu!! 12,11
Posted by _gwen_
U nVr kNoW i LyKd U,i WaS 2 sHy To TeLl..NoT kNoWiNg WaT t0 sAy,NoT kNoWiNg WaS
i FeLt.U nVr KnEw I lUvD u,U mYt NoT kNw StL.i MaY nVr SaY i LuV u,CoZ u NvR wIl
L..=( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
I tried 2 listen.... But u never spoke, I waited... But u never came, I stunbled
... But u never help me up, I cried..... But u never calm me down, I DIED, then
i realized... U never DID LOVE ME... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
i hate d way u tok 2 me,i h8 it wen u stare, i h8 u so much it makes me sick! i
h8 d way ur always ryt, i h8 it wen u lie, i h8 it wen u make me laugh even wors
e wen u make me cry, i h8 it wen ur not around n d fact dat u dont kol but mostl
y i h8 d way i dont h8 u not even close, not even a little bit not any at all...
12,11 Posted by _gwen_
I ProMised NoT 2 LuV SomEoNe Coz I'm NoT Dat reAdy YeT,DEn u CaMe In2 MyLyF AnD
Ol Has ChAngEd, NoW I lEft My ProMiSed unTru Coz I Can"t HelP THE Fact That Im S
o In LoVe With YOU!!!! 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Inside it hurts telling you I miss you. Inside I feel great pain knowing I can n
ever have you. Inside, I hope you would saty and never move away. Inside, I love
you and I always will. But inside, I cry, saying "I wish you knew." 12,11 Posted
by _gwen_
hay naku!!nakakainis naman o y is it kasi that you came into my lyf and den leav
e me without any rison?!?y is it that you let me love you khit nmn may mhal ka n
g iba?!bakit kasi ayaw mo kong mhalin,bkt may mhal ka na bang iba? 12,11 Posted b
y _gwen_
"y s it ec 2 fol n luv & yet hard 2 b luvd bak? y shud i fil such f destiny perm
its me not? y do i hav 2 fol f its u i can't hav? y s der u & me but never bin u
s?" 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
if you alone i'll be ur shadow,if you want to cry i'll be your shoulder,if you w
ant to hug,i'll be your pillow,id you need to be happy,i'll ve you smile,but any
time you need a friend i'll just be here. 12,11 Posted by BeYbEHishie`IzDrunkBiatx
Naging tau nong wla na kau.. Sbi mo minahal mo sya pro mas minahal mo ko... Masa
ya pa nga tau d ba!!! Ngayon bumabalik sya iniwan mo ko... Ngayon pa! Na d ko na
kayang mawala ka... 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
sad:( its so hard to say im fine without you. but deep inside im hurting and i h
ave to pretend im ok, smile and hold back the tears coz from what i see you're d
oing fine without me.. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
samtyms i wish dat i nver saw u, dat i nvr met u, dat i nver knew u, its not bco
z i dnt lyk u nider bcoz i h8 u but bcoz i felt fear bcoz one day i myt LUZ you.
.=( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
m holding on 2 d tot dat ur nt myn. m gonna luk u in d eye,smyl n say,"ur not my
n" den id wok away, turn arnd at d last tym n say;"bt i wish u were":( 12,11 Post
ed by _gwen_
am i jst a prtnder hu prtnds dat u luv me 2? am i jst a drimer hu drims 4 dis lo
ve 2 strt? or r u jst a plyr dat kips plyng w/ my hart??!! :'c 12,11 Posted by _gw
Kung mahal mo raw, ipaglaban mo. totoo ba yon? paano kung hindi ka niya mahal? a
nong ipaglalaban mo? isang pag-ibig na ikaw lang ang nakakadama? mahirap yata yo
n ah!!! kaya mo ba? pero pag mahal mo talaga, kakayanin mo di ba? 12,11 Posted by
I fEl4u n IkNow dat its not ryt... dts y i Tryd 2 b OvR u TrYd nt 2 cry, TryD no
t 2 luv you.. but no mater wat i do evrytym ur nir... I AlwaYz say... "NAKU BAHA
LA NA!< MAHAL KITA EH!!!!=) 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
knoe that time can neer change that love i have for you.Expect to make it deeper
still with everything we do. In all my dreams of coming years,you play the grea
test part,For i knoe that time will never change the love within my heart. 12,11
Posted by BeYbEHishie`IzDrunkBiatxh
"y do i wnt u bak? y cnt i h8t u? y cnt i let go of ur memris? y do i fnd it hrd
2 4get u? so many y's bt d most unanswrd why is y do i stil luv u wen u sed gud
bye?" 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
i love ya and i love ya from da bottom ov ma heart...u r mine and im urs...and r
ealy im jus urs...honey///my lizzie. 12,11 Posted by astr
I said I didn t cry much when u went away.. I told u I can move on and I will be o
k.. I said I was happy when u found some1 new.. the sad thing is that u believed
me though I didn t want u 2.. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
There was 1 time.. I fell in love w/ sm1 very special, & I told myself that I ne
ver gonna give up on that sum1.. but 1 day, I did.. y?.. coz I never knew how mu
ch love can hurt. 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Pnhlgahn kta, niliko mo ko! inalagaan kta, pnabayaan mo ko! minahal kta, sinakta
n mo ko! pinakawalan kta, iniwan mo nga ako! :-( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
Naicp ko ang daya tlaga.. and2 ko umiiyak hbang sia'y masaya, may ibang ksama..
suerte ng taong 2 iniiyakan ko.. pero pnagta2ka ko, khit msakit,nri2 prin ako-na
ghi2ntay syo! 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
nUng mkTa kTa,sBi k iKw n nGa.nUng uNa kTng mKauSp,sBi k ikw ngA.nuNg mgNg mgKai
Bgn tAu,sBi k sNa ikW n nGa,pEro bKt ng mKta m ciA cNbi m s kN n "SIYA NA NGA?":
( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
pano ko sa2bhin na mahal kta, kng pagaari kna ng iba? msakt man pro klangan kng
tiisin na khit mahal kta, d na pwede kse.. knya kna! :( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
msakit man icpn, lam kng may iba ka n. ywko man tnggapn, lam kng mahal m tlaga s
ha.. kya ngyn nand2 ako nagiicp, mnsan umiiyak.. cguro dhil ikw prin tlaga! :( 12
,11 Posted by _gwen_
e2 ako malapt n sa taas.. tpos na sa pag iyak.. tpos na sa lhat.. bkt ngyn.. bkt
ngyng nsa dulo n ko - ska ka pa dmating? mahu2log n nman b ko na wlang sa2lo sk
n? :( 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
It really hurts to love someone who doesn't give you the time of day, but what w
ill hurt more is when you realize that someone that you don't give the time of d
ay, loved you and gave up coz you loved someone else 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
sbi nila hlta nmn dw n mhal kta.. kita s muka ko pg andyan k, ang sya2 ko dw pg
ksma kta. sbi nla aminin ko n dw sau.. sbi ko.. ska na pg mhl n rin nya ko.. 12,11
Posted by _gwen_
And I Say I Grew I Die But Ma Hommies Wont Lie Fuck I Shook And Stole Some Cash
Untold And Unfold 12,11 Posted by Kung_Lei
don't be surprised if one day, I'll avoid you & I'll be gone. it's not because y
ou've done something wrong & I hate you... its because I'm afraid to love & be h
urt again by somebody who cant love me in return 12,11 Posted by OgIe^MonStER
6i had a drim & it was about u. i smiled & recalled d mem'ries we had. den i noti
cd a tir fell frm my eye. u know y? bcuz in my drim, u kiSd & sed gudbye... 12,11
Posted by nica_04
pg may taong ngmmhal sau ayw mng aminin n nhu2log ka na sa knya natu2wa ka pag a
njan sya pro ayw mong phalata pano nlng kng umiwas na syad mo rin ba aaminin na
masa2ktan ka? 12,11 Posted by krizia^
As The Rain Slowly Goes Away And I Waited For Those Better Days And As The Rain
Slowly Goes Away Am I Askin For A Better Day 12,11 Posted by Kung_Lei
mhal mo xa lm q mhal kitalm no? bhay mo xa sbe ko bhay kita sb q mhal mu sya mha
l kta buhay mo xa bhay kita akin 22o ikw cgurado ka ba? 12,11 Posted by krizia^
Nowadays Everybody Wanna Talk And There's Somethin To Say But Nothin Comes Out W
hen They Move Their Lips They Are Bunch Of Guibberrish Where The Muthafuckas At
And Forget About Me 12,11 Posted by Kung_Lei
mhal mo xa lm q mhal kitalm no? bhay mo xa sbe ko bhay kita sb q mhal mu sya mha
l kta buhay mo xa bhay kita akin 22o ikw cgurado ka ba? 12,11 Posted by ^death_16^
it is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have honors but not des
erve them 12,11 Posted by nica_04
i lockd myself in a cold, empty rum wer no1 cud see me cry. den i heard sum whis
per, "its ok." i saw u & u wiped my tirs away. i dont know how u got in, but i g
ez u hav d key 2 my hart... 12,11 Posted by nica_04
ano ba to? kaw na nman iniicp ko. kya ang hirap mkatulog sa gabi eh, di kta mkli
mutan. pero nkatulog din ako, lam mo kng pano? cnabi ko sa srili ko "tanga, me m
ahal na yon...tulog ka na." 12,11 Posted by nica_04
kung sana alam mo na mahal kita ngayon.. kung sana nasasabi ko sayo lahat ng nar
aramdaman ko.. pero alam ko hindi pede kasi para ano pa?? d mo nmn ako mahal dba
? 12,11 Posted by _gwen_
i guarantee that there will be tough times.. i guarantee that at one point, one,
or both of us, would want to get out.. but i also guarantee that if i dont ask y
ou to be mine, i'd regret it for the rest of my life.. cause i know in my heart,
that you're the only one for me (luv u mahal) 12,11 Posted by right`here`waiting
ang tumatakbo ng matulin kapag nadapa TUSINO!!!! 12,11 Posted by alexander_batumba
"Love that we can not have is the one that last the longest, hurts the deepest a
nd feels the strongest" 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
It hurts when we risk our heart and ends up getting broken but what hurts even m
ore is when we still hold on when we already know that we are waiting for nothin
g... 12,11 Posted by bEb0t`
lam mo mahal kita eh. ano naman pala sayo? la lang di ba? kahit na magmukha na a
kong tanga. ginawa na lahat at iniyakan ka pa. la ring kwenta. hindi naman ako s
iya, di ba? - 12,11 Posted by bEb0t`
nya, "D K KC NGTIRA PRA SAU." sbi ko, "GNTO KC AKO MGMAHAL", sbi nya,"KYA PALA l
AHAT KINALIMUTAN MO PATI AKO." 12,11 Posted by bEb0t`
dnt aSk me 2 pRMSe u dt i cUdnt giV my hrt 2 sUM1 eLSe,4 prmSes r mEnt 2B brkn b
SydS ivE nLy gt 1 hrt n iVe aLreDy gVn it 2u,sO hw cn i pOcBLy gv it 2 adEr? 12,1
1 Posted by bEb0t`
in our journey through life, God never promised easy travels... only safe arriva
ls... Let Him guide us to the right route... 12,11 Posted by nica_04
12"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the e
ntire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand." 12,11 Posted by nica_04
"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the en
tire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand." 12,11 Posted by nica_04
5im filn blue & i nid u 2 help me thru.. i strechd out my hands but i cudnt reach
u.. i lukd 4 ur hart 2 stay,& nsyd i wnt 2 lay.. i nid u 2 protct me w/ ur lovn
g embrace coz faith s wat i hv jz 2 c ur face.. thngs may nt b d same, thngs may
not last, bt tym wont erase d memoris of d past.. 12,11 Posted by nica_04
12i wish 1 day i cud b ur angel & lift u up wen u foL. i wish i cud hold u close,
so close dat iL b weak 2 let go. i wish dat 1 day iL b given a chanz 2 do wat m
ost angels do... giv up my lyf 4 u... 12,11 Posted by nica_04
im filn blue & i nid u 2 help me thru.. i strechd out my hands but i cudnt reach
u.. i lukd 4 ur hart 2 stay,& nsyd i wnt 2 lay.. i nid u 2 protct me w/ ur lovn
g embrace coz faith s wat i hv jz 2 c ur face.. thngs may nt b d same, thngs may
not last, bt tym wont erase d memoris of d past.. 12,11 Posted by nica_04
i wish 1 day i cud b ur angel & lift u up wen u foL. i wish i cud hold u close,
so close dat iL b weak 2 let go. i wish dat 1 day iL b given a chanz 2 do wat mo
st angels do... giv up my lyf 4 u... 12,11 Posted by nica_04
Love is like a lump of gold, Hard to get, and hard to hold. Of all the girls I'v
e ever met, You're the one I can't forget. I do believe that God above, Created
you for me to love. He chose you from all the rest, Because he knew I would love
you best. iloveyou ^kat_rin^ ! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
4 My Dear Wife,On Diz Uzual Day;I Ryt U Diz Poem,In My Own Zpcial Way.I Wntd 2 T
el U,In Wrdz Of My Own;Ur Da Mzt Prciouz Przn,Dat ive Evr Knwn.Ur D Mzt Carng Pr
zn,Dat ive Evr Met;Derz No 1 Lyk U,N Dat-I Cn Bet.Wat Attrctz Me Da Mzt,z Ur Zwi
t N Kind Tach;Ur A Gift Zent Frm Heven,N I Luv U So Mch.Zo Hld Me Az Cloze,Az U
Pzibly Cn;Coz Nw N 4evr,I Am Ur Man. ILOVEYOU ^kat_rin^ ! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
As I stand here today with the world as my witness, I pledge to you my undying a
nd everlasting love. I will stand beside you as your partner, I will stand befor
e you as your protector, And I will stand behind you as your solace. Please spen
d and end your life with me. Mahal na Mahal kita katrin! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
All the love that history knows, is said to be in every rose. Yet all that could
be found in two, is less than what I feel for you. ioveyou ^kat_rin^ ! 12,11 Pos
ted by ^spawn^^
I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in th
e sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever
it will stay. QLY baby kat! 12,11 Posted by ^spawn^^
does luving someone means having her... spending time.... and later loossee... h
er 12,11 Posted by hhott
bakit ganun?sabi mo sakin noon..dyan lang ako,dont leave you,not jus hin
di nga kita iniwan. bakit ngayon, umiiyak nako, huwag kalang umalis, pero gnawa
mo parin.. - wala lang. 12,11 Posted by |mooch|wawa-pagod-iyak-yoko-na
pakshit pg ngkgs2 ka sa taong akla mo special ka, pro special ka kc kaibgn ka, t
ps 1 araw nrmndamn mo n lng may iba pla syang gusto.. la ka mgwa... KAIBIGAN ka
LANG.. :( 12,11 Posted by angeljha
may mga bagay-bagy n sadyng kailngn tanggpn... hdni mo pwdng pgplitan... hndi mo
rn pwdeng ideny... pro kng bgla k nyng tanungn kya mo kya aminn??? 12,11 Posted
by angeljha
Racers that can control their car like their hands and feet give off auras. 12,11
Posted by Cream|Puff
i hate those who think so little on their own worth.. 12,11 Posted by Cream|Puff
Love Is Giving Until It Hurts And I Talked To Myself Never Fall In Love Too Much
. 12,11 Posted by Kung_Lei
once der was angel, she wnts to change evrything into sumthing special... kita k
o sha tingi sau.. sbi ko "wag na yan, special na yan eh" 12,11 Posted by fantsy_an
"nUTiN gOeS By LuCk n' CmpoStiOn. It allows F nO TrIx. Da' best U Cn WrYt Wil B
dA' best U ArE." 12,11 Posted by JuGgErNaUt1
"dDn'T U nOe dAt PpL HiDe LvE LyK A fLoWeR 2 PrEcIoUs 2 b pIcKeD?" 12,11 Posted b
y JuGgErNaUt1
"LvE S bUt dA dScOvRy oF ArSlVes n udErS, nD Da DeLiGhT N dA rCoGnItIoN." 12,11 P
osted by JuGgErNaUt1
"nEoNe Cn LuK aT uDeRs EyeS, bT LvErS cN C nTo EacH UdErS' sOuLs through Da eYEs
." 12,11 Posted by JuGgErNaUt1
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. 12
,11 Posted by fallen_petals
PaNo KnG SobRanG iNLoVe Ka sa 1taO tPOs !aRAw buMaLik yUn uNa Mong MinaHaL, cNo
ppiLiiN mo? uNg Dti na gus2 mnG bLikaN o uNg NgaUn Na Ayaw Mong SaKtaN??????????
? 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
be fair 2 urself, dnt cry 4 sum1 hu doesnt dserV ur Tears... ders no use in Hold
inG oN 2 sum1 hu has been hurting you.. dnt love too much! LEARN TO KIP A LITTLE
FOR URSELF! 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
damn! im missing u so much yet u dont even care. u donno how much ur hurting my
inner soul. maybe for u it was nothing but for me, its everything i am. i was lo
ving u my best, y cant u see? 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
i hate to bring it up guys, but im having a hard tym forgetting the one i learne
d to love, sumbody pls give me a piece of advice 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
i alwayz der 4 u, yet u neva cared, da one who made u smile each time u cried bu
t yet it doens't even matter 2 u all i am is nuffin 2 u 12,11 Posted by fLiP_16
just bcoz im a WOMan dsnt mean i canT rule the WorLd, smoke like a chimNey and S
taNd On My OwN OpiNiOn. BeIng A wOmaN May mean NOtHinG 2u but just waNNa Let u K
now........ I AM A WOMAN... and it means evrYthiNg 2mE 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
andali mo akong napaniwalang mahal mo nga ako. andali mong nakuha twala ko.andal
i mong naphulog ang loob ko sau. ang tanga ko naman. andali kng nhulog sa ptibon
g mo 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
andali mo akong napaniwalang mahal mo nga ako. andali mong nakuha twala ko.andal
i mong naphulog ang loob ko sau. ang tanga ko naman. andali kng nhulog sa ptibon
g mo 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
minsan iniicp ko ano ba talaga ang purpose mo sa buhay ko. i was living my life
peacefully den u came along. i introduced u to my world. wen i finally fell for
u, u told me u cant stay. u told me u cant stay coz u found a better place to st
ay 12,11 Posted by huNNyGurL
wn we met,it jst so hapnd dt i was dr d same moment ucame.smtyms i ask myself,wt
f u came 2nd aftr i left?! i ges d ans wud js b "hnd sana aq gn2 kasaya ngaun!"
12,11 Posted by _xo_xo_
never say die even if it kills you! 12,11 Posted by Warly
Hu wud evr thnk we wud fnd each odrs way? U came n2 mt lyf & I rily knw wat 2 sa
y..u mde me realyz drs so mch id lyk 2thank u 4being a part of me.. 12,1
1 Posted by bEb0t`
i was wiling 2 give u everything i had...i was willing 2 luv u completely, i was
willing 2 fyt 4 u but still i had 2 let u go...coz eventhough i was willing to
do anything 4 u...u werent... 12,11 Posted by bEb0t`
Hoping for the best just hoping nothing happens A thousand clever lines unread o
n clever napkins I will never ask if you don't ever tell me I know you well enou
gh to know you'll never love me... 12,11 Posted by {-}earl{-}
You are my fuckin friend and I hope you know that's fucking true. No matter what
the fuck happens I will stand the fuck by you. I will be there for you whenever
the fuck you need me. To lend you a fuckin hand to do a fuckin good deed. So ju
st fuckin call on me whenever the fuck you need me, my fuckin friend. Fuck... I
will fuckin always be fuckin there even to the fuckin end. 12,11 Posted by juVyaWt
"Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continual
ly have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensiti
vity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the
saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain." 12,11 Post
ed by CaNdy`RoSe
"A relationship is like a rose, How long it lasts, no one knows; Love can erase
an awful past, Love can be yours, you'll see at last; To feel that love, it make
s you sigh, To have it leave, you'd rather die; You hope you've found that speci
al rose, 'Cause you love and care for the one you chose." 12,11 Posted by CaNdy`Ro
HindI MaDaLiNG MaGhInTaY..HiNdI rIn BiRoNg MaGmAhAl..mInSaN AkAlA Mo SyA n..MiNs
An AkAlA Mo Ok N..PeRo mAmAlAyAn mO N LnG...DuMaAn LnG PaLa sYa "PrA SaKtAn Ka".
. 12,11 Posted by SuPlAdItAnG_DeMoNYItA
mhirap p lng magmahl ng 2 tao nka2lito..isa bhagi ng buhay no ngayun..isa bhagi
ng nkaraan mo.. ang hirap lng dun..ung ngayun ayaw mo sktan..yung nakaraan gusto
mong balikan.... 12,11 Posted by SuPlAdItAnG_DeMoNYItA
DbA AlM MOnG MhAlAgA K Sa AkIn... AlM MOnG MaSaYa aKo pAg aNdItO k..At mAs aLm m
oNg MaHaL KiTa..AlAm Mo pLa eH!! BaT NgMhAl k p Ng IbA... 12,11 Posted by SuPlAdIt
"Mistakes keep geniuses from being vain" 12,11 Posted by dIaS_lAg`|AwY|
sori 4 hurtng u d way i did dumaan nko dyan, i had my share of pain n tears, now
kaw nmn, now i knw how 2 break sme1s hart, hands up 2u, u showd me how 8s done!
12,11 Posted by KaylangMaganda
its hard to hyd n ndi mo luv frnd mo. mnsan ur prentending d k apektado pg nagla
2mbing xa syo pro dip nsyd kilig k at gsto mo n sbhin, "uy tma n... nluv nko syo
..." 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
i remember the days wen ud say "i love you baby". i remember the days wen ud say
"il never let u go" but most of all, il never forget the day u sed "baby, iwan
na kita ha..." (plastic no?iiwan k na nga nya..may baby pa..hehehehe) 12,11 Poste
Ikaw lng inaasahan ko,,, ikw lng gus2 ko,,, ikw lng mhl ko,,, wag k ng mgtka kng
bkit ikw at hnd cia,,, kc cia mn ang tadhana ko,,, alm ko ikw nmn ang bhy ko,,,,,,,
12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
Never frown even you are sad,,, because you never know who is falling in love wi
E WORLD!!!!! 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
if i wr gvn a chnce 2chus hu my angel cud dfnitly chus u..Y?..Cz i knw ur
rspncble enuf 2luk aftr me n dt il b sfe n ur arms evry sec of my lyf... 12,11 Po
sted by ^wakamaru^
it's been quite a while, i can say i miss your stories, our laughters, & i miss
you. but what i really really miss is not you and not us.. but how we were befor
e.. 12,11 Posted by PINKMODEL
4Dati may nagmamahal sa akin sabi niya manhid daw me at walang pakiramdam, hindi k
o raw kasi nahalata, hindi ko raw, pero kung wala akong pakiramdam, bakit kaya m
ahal kita? hindi mo ba alam? hindi mo ba nahahalata? bakit manhid karin ba? 12,11
Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4which is harder? hoping that the one you love will love you? or trying to love so
meone who loves you? both hard right? but the hardest is when you fall for the o
ne who loves you just when the one you love finnaly falls for you 12,11 Posted by
4hindi ko alam kung kelan mo ko kayang mahalin baka hindi ko maabutan, baka hindi
ko mahintay, pero sa panahong mahal kita, isa lang ang tanong ko "Mahirap ba tal
aga akong mahalin?" 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4I was there for you because i love you,i leave you because i love you so much so
i set you free because i knew you were not happy with my company 12,11 Posted by |
4mahirap mahkunwaring masaya kahit na nasasaktan ka, mahirap magkunwaring kaya mo
kahit na hirap na hirap ka na, pinakamahirap magkunwaring hindi mo na siya mahal
habang sa puso mo... sya lang talaga 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4baket ang iba marami pang hinahanap? un bang meron na nga hindi pa rin kuntento,
gagawin lahat makuha lang! pero para sa akin, mawala ng lahat wag lang yung impo
rtante sa buhay ko, tulad ni ..... 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4huwag kang mangako huwag mo kong pangakuan ngkahit na ano hihintayin kita... at k
ung sakaling hindi ka na makakabalik dahil hindi na sya aalis lagi mo lang tatan
daan na mahal kita... mahal na mahal 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4i waited for you so long, you never really cared, i promised myself to wait forev
er, forever i was there, you took me for granted. i decided to mone on then you
realize you love me. but then i was gone 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4minsan kahit gaano kamahal ang isang tao kahit nasaktan ka hahayaan mo siyang map
unta sa iba. wala kang magagawa. kahit gusto mong magalit hindi pwede kasi wala
kang karapatan dahil ang pinanghahawakan mo lang mahal mo sya 12,11 Posted by ||sU
4hirap mahalin ang isang taong may mahal ng iba, lalo na pag bestfriend mo pa ang
mahal nya. patukso-tukso ka pa! kunwari kinikilig sa kanila pero sa totoo lang n
asasaktan ka! 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4minsan nagtatanong tayo bakit, may mga taong bigla na lang dumadating sa buhay na
tin? yun ang natanong ko nung makilala kita, i know may dahilan but whatever it
is happy ako dahil nakilala kita 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4minsan sa pag-ibig uikaw ang aasa, masasaktan magdurusa pero minsan suko ka na ay
aw mo na sa kanya at pagnakita ka niya na may kasamang iba saka niya sasabihing
"Ang laki kong tanga!" 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4hindi habang buhay kasama mo ko, darating ang araw na iiwan kita. darating ang pa
nahon na matututunan mo kong kalimutan. masakit pero kelangan tanggapin bakit??
kasi kaya mo naman kahit na wala ako diba? 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4Pain... heartache.. woe... anguish... sorrow, and loneliness. that's all i felt w
hen you left me a feeling that no one expected, exept god who really knows it. 12
,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4dont shed tears for someone you've hurt; dont feel sorry if you failed, when you
tried your best you shuld not be stupid enough to fall in love with someone who
is so stupid to fall for you selfishness 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4kadalasan love is so unfair! kung sino yung nagmamahal, siya yung nasasaktan! at
yung nagbabalewala, siya yung minamahal Minsan tuloy naisip ko, kung balewalain
kaya kita, mahalin mo kaya ako? 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
4dati akala ko pag nasa akin na ang taong mahal ko masaya na ako pero bakit nung n
asa akin na sya hindi parin ako masaya. hindi lang pala yung tao ang kailangan k
o, kundi pati pagmamahal niya. :( 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
Never welcome something you cannot entertain; Never open your doors if you mean
to close your heart; Never accept love if you cannot give yourself in return; Ne
ver start a relationship if you know you wanna end. 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
"paano mo ba malalaman na ang tao eh may gusto sau....ang pagkamahiyain ba nya o
r ang pagpapansin nya kong sakali naman na gusto mong malaman...ano a
ng gagawin ko...ewan ko ba kong bakit ganyan....pag me gusto ayaw ka pang direts
ahin papahirapan ka nagmumukhang tanga...un pala nag aakala sa wala 12,1
1 Posted by coolaid
1 2,1Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier t
o live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to ch
ange it. 12,11 Posted by [AyA-MiKag3_18]
4,1Treasure the love you recieve above all, it will survive long after your gud he
alth vanished 12,11 Posted by YaKuLT
11,1Treasure the love you recieve above all, it will survive long after your gud h
ealth vanished 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDo||
alm kong mahal mo ako. pero bakit mo tinago sa kin ang 22o na bago ako dumating
anjan na sya. may asawa ka na pla di mo man lang cnabi sana di ako nagmukhang ta
nga. sana dina ko umasa pa. sana di ko na lang naramdaman na mahal pala kita. 12,
11 Posted by geLLar23
palagi mong cnasabi non "baby i love you so much" ... tapos ilang araw lang nanl
amig ka na. nwala na ung sweetness mo. ako pa ang cnisi mo sa kasalanang di ko m
an lang ginawa. ma22 sana ako? bakit? minahal mo lang ba ako para turuan ng leks
yon? kung ganon, di ka 2nay na nagmamahal. ngaun cnira mo friendshp natin. d na
un babalik sa dati, wag kla ng umasa pa 12,11 Posted by geLLar23
Love isnt blind.. its sees more and not less...but becoz it sees is wi
lling 2 see less.. ^-^ 12,11 Posted by ||sUpLaDa||
4,1No man is worth a woman's tears.. and the one who is.. won't make you cry.. 12,
11 Posted by ||sUpLaDa||
I was beside you last night. I can't explain what I felt because finally, my dre
am came true. You stared at me for the first time, when suddenly a tear fell fro
m your eyes, then you said, "I'm sorry, but I don't love you anymore" 12,11 Poste
d by arnieDEAD-awei
"isn't it sad when you have so much pain in your heart and you want to talk to t
he person who can stop you crying is exactly the same person who made you cry.."
12,11 Posted by ^myra^
"the real test for true love is having all the things go wrong but still having
a special way to love inspite of all the wrong things that may happen.." 12,11 Po
sted by ^myra^
11,1si CaiDe NgaYon, Ikaw Bukas, Handa ka na bang Mamatay? 12,11 Posted by cHrIsSe
we've been through a lot U & I, we've had our moments, we laughed and cried and
i almost died...Loving you not only confounds it all...loving you also gives all
the answers...I LoVe YoU YaY 12,11 Posted by `SeNsUaLiTy
"love is not seeking for your own happiness. its main concern is giving not taki
ng. it is not about making sure that the other person's life will revolve around
yours, but it's a celebration of the other's existence and being even if you're
totally different from each other." 12,11 Posted by ^myra^
13,0A heart truly in LOVE never loses HOPE but always believe in the promise of l
ove... No matter the TIME... No matter how confusing the CIRCUMSTANCES... And ho
w far the DISTANCE! <James Baldwin> 12,11 Posted by laaerni
SaD is The OnlY word That CuD descriBe HoW i Feel RyT now...I LoVe You..NooNe el
se can stir me the way U do...BuT i'm so sad cause after the calm again comes th
e TeMpesT...I LovE You YaY 12,11 Posted by `SwEEtSeNsUaL`n`SuLtRySamanThA
ba't gnun mahal natin s bhy d tau mhl .. 12,11 Posted by Rain_09
iF i HaD THe LeTTeRs "HRT" i'LL aDD "EA" aND HaVe a "HEART" oR a "U" aND HaVe "H
URT", BuT i'D RaTHeR CHooSe "U" aND GeT "HURT" THaN a "HEART" WiTH ouT "U". i Lo
Ve You SaMaNTHa ERA 12,11 Posted by HoTSaUcE
ask ko si God sabi ko "bakit mo siya kinuha sa kin, binigay ko naman lahat?" sab
i niya " di ka kasi nagtira para sayo" sabi ko "ganito kasi ako magmahal." sabi
niya "kaya pala lahat kinalimutan mo pati ako." 12,11 Posted by ^myra^
loving is not about hugging someone, nor kissing their lips or about holding the
ir hands, instead it is about palcing them in your thoughts and in your heart al
ways!!! 12,11 Posted by ^yukio_snow^
somehow for all the time that has passed, you became an important part of my lif
e and slowly im starting to be afraid of losing you... i hope i'll be holding on
a hand that wouldn't let me go... 12,11 Posted by ^myra^
2 tirdrops floating down the river.... 1 tirdrop sed to the other, im a tirdrop
of a girl hu luvd a man and lost him, "who are you?", the other tirdrop sed, im
the tirdrop of a man regret letting the girl go.... :( 12,11 Posted by ^yukio_snow
wag mong sayangin ang oras pra ipagtapat sa isang tao na mahal mo cya lalo n kun
g alam mong mhal k rin nya dhil bka dmating ang araw n cgrado sya.... m
eron ng iba 12,11 Posted by Nowitzki_17
kaibigan kita dapat iingatan mo ko.. kaibigan kita.. kelangan lagi ka nandyan..
kaibigan kita dapat mahal mo ko.. kaibigan kita kaya tulungan mo ko.. tulungan m
o ko isipin na kaibigan lang kita... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
minsan tinanong kita "bakit mo siya mahal?" sabi mo sa kin "dahil matagal na pin
agsamahan namin" nainis ako kasi manhid ka.. di mo man lang naisip na kung gano
kayo katagal nagsama mas matagal kitang hinintay... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
i was finally getting over you and actually believing i didn't need you.. i was
finally accepting you had another love.. then you smiled at me and ruined it all
.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
minsan sa buhay kelangan pumili kung ano, sino!?!? saan at paano?!?! ka liligaya
.. di lahat ng pinili mo ay tama.. minsan.. kung sino pa yung ginive up mo.. yun
pala magpapaligaya sayo.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
whenever a guy hurt you so badly... don't say "I HATE YOU" just smile and wait t
ill he ask you "DO YOU HATE ME?" just answer "I NEVER LOVED YOU ENOUGHT TO HATE
YOU..." then walk away with a smile.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
i always thought that love can melt away the pain, no matter how painful it is..
but i realized that pain can melt away the love no matter how great it is.. 12,1
1 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
love is not when someone makes you happy, it's when you are happy because of som
eone.. sometimes hurt is the price to pay for love, but you know your love is so
great that somehow it's worth the hurt.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
love will fly if held too tightly.. love will die if held too lightly.. lightly,
tightly... how will i know if im killing you or letting you go? 12,11 Posted by ^
LOVE.. no matter how great it is.. still fades.. it can wait, but sooner or late
r will feel tired. it understands but not all the time. it trusts but still may
doubt.. give us life.. then will kill us slowly.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
"trust completely is to hold our faith so firmly that even what appears to be an
d feels like betrayal can be included as part of the wholeness of that faith.. 12
,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
"loving someone isn't abput letting him fill an empty space nor search a missing
piece.. it's about letting him make a space to fill and share a piece of his li
fe with you.." 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
baby, don't plant a seed of doubt in my might grow and my love for yo
u might not grow but wither ... i love so but i know i got to love me
baby, don't give me reason to fall out of love with you) 12,11 Posted by ^Mariane_
do you know what magic is? it's having the power to make someone happy without h
avin' to do a single thing.. do you want to know something else? ... in my life.
.. you have been nothing... but MAGIC... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
There are some people who meet that somebody that they can never stop loving, no
matter how hard they try. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, or even bel
ieve it, but trust me, there are some loves that don't go away. And maybe that m
akes them crazy, but we should all be lucky enough to end up with somebody who h
as a little of that insanity. Someone who never lets go. Someone who cherishes y
ou forever. 12,11 Posted by rAiNiEr03
... pano kung sbhin k sau n mhl kta .. ?? mani2wla k b ??? kc lagi k n lng 2mtwa
pag-cnsbi kong mhl ka ehh .. 12,11 Posted by rAiNiEr03
Im nöt süré wät lyf cöüld bring. Im nöt süré f dréams cömé trüe. Im nöt süré wät lövé cän d
thing évér happén to me 12,11 Posted by rAiNiEr03
Love is not blind.. its sees mor NOT less... and bcoz it SEES MOR.. it is WILLIN
G to see LESS... ^_^ 12,11 Posted by [mIz`uNdAhsTooD]
why do u meyk me fol for u? it hurtz knowin yah wont catch me if i fol... but it
s hurts mor to see ya catch someone else wyl i was foling... T_T 12,11 Posted by [
11,1I believe that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who do
n't even know you... ^_^ 12,11 Posted by [mIz`uNdAhsTooD]
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have rea
lly lived, are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love. 12,11 P
osted by _JM__
"don't be a fool to wait for someone who would never come.. to love someone who
loves someone else and to long for someone who's already gone... but you don't a
lways have to listen to me.. coz i'm also a fool who's doing it all" 12,11 Posted
by ^m[Y]rA^
If someone comes into your life and becomes a part of you but for some reasons h
e couldn't stay, don't cry too much just be glad that your paths crossed and som
ehow he made you happy even for a while. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
11,1Life is all about risks and it requires u to jump. dont be a person who has t
o look back and wonder what they would hav, or cud hav had... 12,11 Posted by [mIz
i drim of finding my 1 tru luv, bt wer on earth can he b? he's nt in my lyf. he'
s juz in my drims, nt real 4me 2c. i wnt 2hold him in my arms en show him ol my
luv en nvr hurt him, juz protect him like a dove. bt wer on earth r u, my luv da
t i cant c? i dnt wnt u in my drims, i wnt u hir wid me 12,11 Posted by [[[]]]
"I wondered whether good things really do happen to me, because after you were g
iven to me, we have to be on opposite ends of the earth. Now, I know that they d
o happen, because being with you, for just one second, is the best thing that I
have ever been blessed with." 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"I wondered whether good things really do happen to me, because after you were g
iven to me, we have to be on opposite ends of the earth. Now, I know that they d
o happen, because being with you, for just one second, is the best thing that I
have ever been blessed with." 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"Up in the skies, I look very carefully to see your face. I wonder if you're the
re, I wonder if tonight you're thinking of me. I just want to tell you that look
ing at the stars makes me think of you. By looking at it I just want to be where
you are, and hold you tight and never let go!!" 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"Baby, I know we are miles and miles away from one another, but I always believe
d that as long as our souls are connected to each other, the flame of our love w
ill burn forever. Only souls can resist death, our physical connection is meanin
gless." 12,11 Posted by Junmar
"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the
miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I
miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss." 12,
11 Posted by Junmar
the only reason mhy im here is because of you...hope you feel how much you reall
y mean to me...and im serious...i love you labsco!!!! 12,11 Posted by [-jheyk-]
i dont want to run away but i can't take it i dont understand, if im not made fo
r you then why does my heart tells me that i there anyway that i can sta
y in your arms charlesco??? 12,11 Posted by [-jheyk-]
we cannot beg someone to stay when he wants to leave and be with someone else..
we have to admit that love doesnt give us the license to own a person... theres
nothin we can do but SaCrIfIcE! 12,11 Posted by laarni
we cannot beg someone to stay when he wants to leave and be with someone else..
we have to admit that love doesnt give us the license to own a person... theres
nothin we can do but SaCrIfIcE! 12,11 Posted by BlueSniper```
Sorry kung hinayaan ko ang sarili ko na mahalin ka. Sorry kung hindi ko magawang
iwasan ka. Kung mali man ito, ayoko nang itama. Minahal kasi kita nang hindi si
nasadya. 12,11 Posted by BlueSniper```
being alone maybe is the hardest thing in life, but being alone gives you time t
o think and realize how much you really want to spend your life with the one you
're really destined to be with.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
inspiration is someone who will let you know life will go on and something beaut
iful can be waiting somewhere when you least expect it. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
when love has flown away, let it go with the wind. if it is meant to be for you,
it will come back, if not.. maybe.. maybe another heart is longing for you just
give it a chance... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
sometimes we hold back our feelings not because we are scared of falling for the
person but because that person has always been meant just for our dreams.. 12,11
Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
sometimes i wonder why are you treating me like special. i can't think of the th
ing i've done to make you do that to me. if only i could read your mind and make
sure if you love me, maybe then you know i feel it too for you! 12,11 Posted by ^
there are some things that we never want to let go of people we never want to le
ave behind. but keep in mind that letting go isn't the end of the world, it's th
e beginning of a new life.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
9,1 If I DiE B4 u Do, DonT 4Get d' WaY I CaRed 4 u.. buT iF u DIe B4 I Do, You dO
nT Huv 2 Make Me PrOmiSe 2 Do AnyThiN 4 U, BCoz d' DaY ThAt uL diE, I kNoW I'LL
DiE With YoU...  12,11 Posted by merirows
if you're afraid t love a person because of friendship, you have two choices ..
either tell what you feel and let the love take its place or forever hide the fe
eling under a friendship full of pretention.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
falling in love for the first time is easy, it's the second time around, after y
ou had fallen and trusted that someone to catch you the first time and they didn
't, it becomes difficult to let yourself fall in love again... 12,11 Posted by ^m[
n00n cnbi ko sa srili ko di na o magmamahal ng sobra...pero nang makapiling kita
...dko na kinaya...nasabi ko na lang sa sarili ko...kung may hihigit pa sa sobra
...para lang sayo ibibigay ko hanggat kaya ko..."taray" 12,11 Posted by [-jheyk-]
if sum1 throws you a stone, throw back a bread..but if its love....think first..
think real hard...dont just throw love can hurt more than a
amis and zwear!!!! 12,11 Posted by [-jheyk-]
itsumo kokoro we hoshi itsuka...dare ka to mata koi nei utchitimu...itsumo kokor
o nei eiro itsumo...anata dakeno basho ga aru kara...aishiteru itsunatemo charle
sco...(-_-) 12,11 Posted by [-jheyk-]
masak|t mgmahaL Lal0 nah kung aLm mng bwaL...mas masak|t kpag nLaman mng mhaL ka
dn dba p|nakamasak|t kpag |p|naglaban mo cia dhL mhal mo ngun|t cnb n
yang "suk0 nah ako..d kta kyang |pagLaban..." Apir tayo jan! *wink* Hahaha 12,11
Posted by kleya
y s it hard 2 let go of someone which s not really yours, but it's easy 2 hold o
n 2 d thought of knowing dat he's not urs...y s it hard 2 say gudbye 2 some1 whi
ch do not belong 2u & yet so easy 2 say i love u again n again.. y s it easy 2 a
ccept d pain of knowing dat he will not b urs 4ever than d pain of losing him...
12,11 Posted by kleya
Don't overuse your heart trying to look for the one you think you deserve. You s
hould save the best part of you for the person who deserves you and deserved to
be loved by you. 12,11 Posted by kleya
I never felt so sure because I never felt so right. I never felt so good till yo
u came into my life. I hope you spend forever with me because for me you mean mo
re than eternity. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Take care of the person you love. Never tell lies or attempt to hurt them becaus
e you won't know how important they are until they are out of your life. 12,11 Po
sted by kleya
I may be innocent to know what love is. I may not show it to you but I felt that
you knew. I may not love you the way it should be, but I'm always willing to lo
ve you the way I understand it. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Love not for the beauty or color of the skin but love for the heart that is loya
l within. For the beauty fades and the skin will grow old but a heart that is lo
yal will never turn cold. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Don't love a person like a flower, because a flower dies in season. Love them li
ke a river, because a river flows forever. 12,11 Posted by kleya
if a word cud explain my love 4 u, and that same word cud show the way i care 4
u, a word that says there's no1 but u, that wud b that im "devoted" 2 u. 12,11 Po
sted by kleya
There is no absolute freedom. When your boyfriend says, "I love you", that is hi
s freedom. But then again, will you let him say, "I love you" to every woman. 12,
11 Posted by kleya
We forgive those who bore us but cannot forgive those whom we bore. 12,11 Posted
by kleya
It takes three seconds to say I love you, three minutes to explain, three hours
to demonstrate, three days to appreciate, three terms to produce it, but a lifet
ime to prove it. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Being happy all the time is kind of boring. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and most often in the tongue of the liar. 1
2,11 Posted by kleya
Love is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship.
It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you bu
ild till the end, coz love is all there is. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Some people don't get any respect at all because they are asking for the respect
they deserve. 12,11 Posted by kleya
I always think of you, but I always fail to know the reason why. Is there someth
ing else I should know about you? But there is one thing that I know is true. Th
at life will always be sad without you. 12,11 Posted by kleya
I'm afraid to close my eyes coz I might think of you. I'm afraid to open them co
z I might see you. I'm afraid to move my lips coz I might speak of you. I'm afra
id to listen coz I might hear my heart fall for you. 12,11 Posted by kleya
I wish my eyes could speak what my heart feels for you, coz my lips can lie on w
hat is true. My eyes couldn't coz even if I close them I could still see you. 12,
11 Posted by kleya
Don't shed tears for someone who hurts u. Don't feel sorry if u fail when u do y
our best. U should not be stupid to fall in love for someone who's stupid enough
to fall for someone as special as u. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Ive got ur bak n uve got mine, ill help u out anytime, 2 see u hurt, 2 see u cry
, makes me weep n wanna die, ill b right here, til d end, coz ur my luv & my bes
tfriend. 12,11 Posted by kleya
When the time comes I can't smile anymore, don't worry about me, I know what to
do. I'll just stare at one corner and think of you. No one else could make me ha
ppy like the way you do. 12,11 Posted by kleya
bket b may mga taong cnungaling sa mundo?!? Ano yn pra lng maplease mo ang 1 tao
?!? Bket b may mga taong ptgo p kung manira?!? Ano yn pra lang makuha m ulet ung
tao?!? Bket sa quote p nagtitirahan?!? Ano yan para nde ko malaman?!? Hoy! nde
nmn ako ang niloloko nyo e.. SARILI nyo lang.. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Wag mong ipagpilitan sa sarili mo ang taong ayaw sayo... 12,11 Posted by kleya
Bket ba may mga taong mahirap makaintindi ng mga bagay at pilit na ibinabalik pa
.. Sinasabi sabing wala na.. Pero anong ginagawa?!? Hinahabol habol pa xa.. Mukh
a tuloy tanga.. 12,11 Posted by kleya
Sabi ni babae wala na daw.. Sabi naman saken ni lalake wala na rin daw.. Masaya
na daw xa sa kalagayan nya ngayon.. Pero baket ganon si babae?!? Parang kala mo
ngayon lang nakakita ng lalake.. LOL 12,11 Posted by kleya
Sabi mo wala na.. Sabi mo ok na.. Taena nyo! Ako pa ginago nyo! LOL 12,11 Posted
by kleya
May mga bagay sa buhay mo na hindi mo na pwedeng balikan.. Kasi lalo ka lang mas
asaktan.. 12,11 Posted by kleya
masarap pakinggan ang mga matatamis na salita na galing sa bibig.. Masarap basah
in ang mga makakatang linya galing sa isang tula.. Pero lam mo baliwala din un k
ung wala ka naman sa gawa.. 12,11 Posted by kleya
mahirap ipakita sa isang tao na mahal mo siya mas lalo na kung malayo kayo sa is
a't-isa.. Mahirap Magtiwala, Mahirap Umasa.. E gusto ko namang magtiwala e kaso
nga lang may Umeepal pa.. 12,11 Posted by kleya
"Close my eyes let the whole things pass me by there is no tym 2 waste asking y
i'l just run away w/ u by my side and need to let go of this pride...Until it ec
ho echo echo in my mind...zaHra_lee 12,11 Posted by FauXia||ZorldyCk
"im not crazy im just a little unwell i know ryt now u dont see but stay a while
and maybe u will see a little side of me im not crazy im just a little impaired
i know ryt now u dont care but soon enough ur gonna think of me of how i used t
o be.... 12,11 Posted by FauXia||ZorldyCk
How can you face ur problem if the problem is your face!!! :P belat 12,11 Posted
by LiL`MrReD
"Bakit bang masyado kang bilib sa sarili mo,noon alam ko na niloloko mo ko pero
tahimik lang ako dahil pilit kong pinaniniwalaan ang mga cnasabi mo na mahal mo
nga ako,pero bakit ng tanungin kita kung 22o bang may mahal ka ng iba ako'y inal
ipusta mo,cnabi mo ang masasakit na salita na ni minsan d ko aakalain na msasabi
mo...pero ngpapasalamat pa rin ako dahil doon nagising ako sa isang bangungot n
a hndi ka dapat mahalin...tangina mo pinaa 12,11 Posted by FauXia||ZorldyCk
"I found a reason for me 2 change hu i used to be the reason to start over new a
nd the reason is u....:P 12,11 Posted by FauXia||ZorldyCk
I can't blame you if one day you'll walk out of my 12,11 Posted by Maei
I can't blame you if one day you'll walk out of my life but expect me to give up
everything just to keep you in sight but if i fall, give me a chance to say, "G
agawin ko lahat, wag ka lang umalis"... 12,11 Posted by Maei
when i first met you, i've said to myself "la lang 'to". but as time pass by and
we became very close and trusted each other. I said to myself "kaw ang barkadan
g pangmatagalan". 12,11 Posted by Maei
" u were all i tot i ever knew, i expect we r meant 2 be,u wer evrything that i
wanted we were meant to be supposed to be but we lost it,all the memories that c
lose to me just fade away.....All dis tym u were pretending so much for my happy
ending.... 12,11 Posted by FauXia||ZorldyCk
if you'd ask me who i want to spend the rest of my life with, i'll just sit righ
t next to you, and look into your eyes with a smile, hold your hand and whisper.
. "IKAW SANA .. kaya lang.. GUSTO MO BA?" 12,11 Posted by Maei
"MAHAL KITA" sabi mo! hawak mo kamay ko noon at may luha ka pa sa mata! napaiyak
tuloy ako, mahal din kasi kita! kaya lang sasabihin ko na sabi mo.. "PRAKTIS LA
NG DI KO KASI MASABI SA KANYA..." 12,11 Posted by Maei
I finally found the love of a lifetime. A love that last my whole life through..
.4 ever in my heart... hheheh corny!! 12,11 Posted by BlueSniper
"ayokong mwala ka dhil ikaw ang chaser ng gin ko,foil pra sa shabu ko,tubig pra
sa ecstacy ko,lighter pra sa cgarilyo lahat yan ay dahil adik me sa u...
. 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
we cnnot beg sum1 2stay wen he/she wnts 2leave &b w/sum1 else..we have 2admit da
t LOVE dsnt gve us license 2own a prson..dis s wat love mins..SACRIFICE [^^SpYkE
^^] 12,11 Posted by ^^SpYkE^^
"Nang pinanganak ako may sungay ako....mawawala lang daw yun pag may kaibigan ak
ong tulad mo...nang maging kaibigan nga kita .....azzzzztig!!!!!tinubuan pa ako
ng buntot!!!ulol! 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"its rly paintful 2 say gdbye 2 some1 u dont wanna let go btits even paintful to
ask d person 2 stay f u can nver make it work outd way it shud be" 12,11 Posted
by ^^SpYkE^^
Kung d rin lang ikw,bkt pa?kng d rin lng ikw,cn0 p?kung d rn lng ikw wag na!bkt
ak0 mgppktnga? mgppkgag0? at mgma2hal ng s0bra2? KUNG DI RIN LNG IKW? 12,11 Poste
d by woffer_33
i know it's right because he was the guy i was writing poems about and dreamin'
of when i was still young... it took me years to find him and it was all worth t
he wait.. =) 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
"it's not dat i dont love you, & it's not that i dont care. it's that wen i look
in your eyes, i can see u dont want me ther. so even though it kills my heart t
o let u go, i gotta do wats ryt 4u & 4get wats ryt for me.." 12,11 Posted by ^^SpY
"I'm Afraid of Losing Someone...Special,Important,I Dream, 12,11 Posted by ^^SpYkE
"I'm Afraid of Losing Someone...Special,Important,I Dream,I Care,I Pray for,I Th
ink Of,I Vakue, and that Someone is You Pam" 12,11 Posted by ^^SpYkE^^
"noon d ako nanniniwala sa kasabihang malalaman mo lang kung gaano kahalaga ang
isang tao kapag nwala na sya sa u....pero bakit ganon ang naramdaman ko ng iwan
mo ako...:( ano ba 3 karama...buti nga sa u... 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"im not capable of hating u...msyado kitang mahal....kaya lang pminsan sa sobran
g pgmamahal naiisip kong i hate u but y i love u... 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"tama nga ang sabi nila wla kang mgagawang mali sa paningin nila.... 12,11 Posted
by zaHra_lee
" Sabi nila ako ay bata pa d ko pa raw alam kung pano umibig sa knya sa karanasa
n daw ako ay hilaw pa mg-aral ka pa ayan ang sabi nila.... 12,11 Posted by zaHra_l
"Ako'y may natutunan sa king karanasan mali anga mgmahal agad ang lubusan pigila
n ang damdamin kung kailangan upang d masaktan kung ika'y lilisan..:( 12,11 Poste
d by zaHra_lee
if there is love, there is life... if there is life, there is love HEHE! 12,11 Po
sted by BlueSniper
"u left me standing all alone n i know i got to face 2morow on my own so b4 i le
t u go i want to say i love u.... 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
loving someone isn't about letting him fill an empty space nor search a missing
piece. it's abput letting him make a space to fill and share a piece of his life
with you.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
love has its way of bringing you and finding you the person meant for you.. but
what if we don't take the chance of accepting that person it brought you??? that
's the question no one dared to answer... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
if (katkat = %nothere) { i will idle | halt } else { msg katkat i love you then
i dont know what more can i say | halt } 12,11 Posted by sysmon
"f*ck u faux....i hate everything bout u but y i do still love u....taena mo....
.its me jibas... 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
As I gaze upon your beauty, I think to myself, never have I seen an angel fly so
low... 12,11 Posted by sysmon
"ang isang halik ay parang cgarilyo..nakakaadik...tulad ko kaya mo ako iniwan kc
nga....adik ako sa u...corny 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"have u ever love n lost somebody wish u have the chace to say im sorry...bleh! 1
2,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
i had a drim and it was about u! i smiled and recall d memries we had. den i not
ice a tear fel from my eyes... u know y? coz in my dream u kisd me en stil said
gudby. ='( 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
"tandaan mo ito anak.wag kang iiyak dahil kahit isang patak ng luha mo ay maya k
apalit...mararamdaman mo na lang na may muta ka na pla sa yong mata...hhehehheh.
..corny 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"wag mo alisin panty nya baka may mkita kang nkakabigla....dahil may buhok na pa
laka....wahehehhee 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"tandaan mo ito anak.wag kang iiyak dahil kahit isang patak ng luha mo ay maya k
apalit...mararamdaman mo na lang na may muta ka na pla sa yong mata...hhehehheh.
..corny 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"bitches dey come n go saturday to sunday monday.monday 2 sunday yo!maybe i love
u 1 day maybe we'll someday grow...i dont love idont trust u we just met n i ju
st f*ck u....azzztig!!!!faux" 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"my neck my back lick my pussy n my ass,ur tounge ur lipz i will lick ur dick ti
ll u cum....nigga!!!horny u... 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
bKiT gANuN kUnG cNo aNg mAs mHL mO sa kAniLaNG 2 dI kA NMN nYa mHL mRoN cYAnG iB
nG mHL .. pRo dI mO aLaM uNg iSaNg tAo eH .... MhL kA pAlA nG 2naY .. pRo aYw mO
sA kAnYa ... 17 ... 12,11 Posted by GhEtTo_HaRdY17
bKiT gANuN kUnG cNo aNg mAs mHL mO sa kAniLaNG 2 dI kA NMN nYa mHL mRoN cYAnG iB
nG mHL .. pRo dI mO aLaM uNg iSaNg tAo eH .... MhL kA pAlA nG 2naY .. pRo aYw mO
sA kAnYa ... 17 ... 12,11 Posted by GhEtTo_HaRdY17
sabi mo humiling k ng magmamahal sayo...sabi mo nakita mo n cya..tapos iniwan k
nya..umiyak ka..nasaktan ako..tanong mo bakit ako nasaktan..alam mo kung bakit?!
kc ako ung pinadala pero d mo nakita... 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
you said you'll catch me when i said you'll risk it all..pero bakit no
ng nahulog ako,iba sinalo mo? sabi mo pa," tanga ka talaga! nakisabay ka pa, ala
m mo namang mas mahal ko sya! " 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
minahal kita noon pero pinabayaan mo. minahal kita ngayon pero binalewala mo, ng
ayon minahal mo ako, pinakawalan ko, bakit ngayon mo pa ako minahal, ngayong may
mahal na akong iba? 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
Anong pakiramdam mo kung makita mo ko na may kasamang iba?! Siguro wala kasi kai
bigan lang naman ako sa yo pero kung marealize mo na mahal mo ko sabihin mo lang at
iiwan ko sya para sa yo 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
dahil sa'yo kaya iniwan ko sya. mahal kita kaya pinaglaban kita. mahal na mahal
kaya pati buhay ko, binigay ko na! pero TANG INA, bakit di mo sinabing....gaguha
n lang pala! 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
Love is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship.
It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you bu
ild till the end, coz love is all there is. 12,11 Posted by Maei
nde man kita mabigyan ng magandang buhay, pangako ko mabibigyan kita ng magandan
g lahi 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
psalms 34:7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and
delivereth them. 12,11 Posted by BlueSniper
"Ang pag-ibig ay parang utot. Kahit anong gawin mo ay napakahirap itago at pag i
binuga mo ang kimkim na damdamin, maaamoy ng lahat hindi ka man umamin.faux 12,11
Posted by zaHra_lee
Why the fuck Do people keep pretending to Love Someone yet they Survive to lose
them not even have the courage to fight for the Damn love they said to be real.
People now a days, when they tell U Love U, They mean it more Like Screw You! 12,
11 Posted by ][[katrIn]][
Why the Puck Do people keep pretending to Love Someone yet they Survive to lose
them not even have the courage to fight for the Damn love they said to be real.
People now a days, when they tell U Love U, They mean it more Like sCrhew You! 12
,11 Posted by sHesGirL
In my life ur all that matter in my eyes,the only thing i see wen my hopes n dreams
are shattered ur the one whose der 4 me... 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"you know ur in love when all you can think about is that one special person and
u can't stand to be away for more than one second. You miss them even when they
r standing right next to u. You fall asleep thinking about them, and dream abou
t them every night 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
"I'll Be Waiting For You...Here Inside My Heart! I'm The One Who Wants To Love Y
ou More" 12,11 Posted by BoY_InTeRrUpTeD`
gretch nsan k man ngaun kgi mo snang isipin nnd2 ako pra sau..inaala kita kc mhl
ga k skin...wag mong isipin n hndi k mhlga s kin...take care...miz u po...lab ya
h!!!!1mwuaahhh... 12,11 Posted by batang^batibot
ano b d mo n b tlga ako kakausapin?gani2 n lng b?wala ng pancnan khit ngsorry n
nga ang tao..ano b?plz nman o!!!!!!!! 12,11 Posted by batang^batibot
ano b d mo n b tlga ako kakausapin?gani2 n lng b?wala ng pancnan khit ngsorry n
nga ang tao..ano b?plz nman o!!!!!!!! 12,11 Posted by batang^batibot
You made me believe that your love was made me reach for the stars
and dream for a lifetime...but the stars and everything else in thi
s lifetime,your light has failed to shine, Y? bec u said people change and nothi
ng last 4ever 12,11 Posted by `SeNsUaLiTy
sabi mo mapaghanap ako...sabi mo nagdedemand ako...sabi mo wala namang nabago...
sana nga...totoo yung sinasabi mong mahal mo pa ako...pero di ba...hindi naman h
ahanapin ang isang bagay kung hindi ito nawawala? 12,11 Posted by `SeNsUaLiTy
Once upon a lifetime U said..I shall love you till my life ends...I choose you a
mong all else for life without you is meaningless...once you said you'd rather b
e hurt than having a heart without me...but that was along time ago...and i coul
d vaguely remember the feeling of how it is to be loved by shan't be a
walk to remember afterall...when you said you're going were wrong
cause now you're everywhere els 12,11 Posted by `SeNsUaLiTy
Sabi mo di mo ko kayang mawala...sabi mo inaalis kita unti2...ang hirap nga eh..
.sabi mo wag na ko magtanong...wag na ko magisip basta dyan lang ako sa tabi mo.
..sabi mo maniwala ako at magtiwala sa pagmamahal mo...pero pano ko gagawin ang
lahat ng iyon kung ikaw nga mismo di mo na ko hinahanap at nararamdaman...saan n
a kaya ang dating kilig at pananabik mo?Mahal mo pa nga ba ako o bukang bibig na
lang yon o di kaya naman nakas 12,11 Posted by `SeNsUaLiTy
Everytime we talk i that certain vagueness amidst us....everytime we're together
i can't help but sense that certain coldness...i cringe from the pain...i cry m
y heart out...i beg for you to stay and work this out...angered and bruised...i
can't seem to let go...until i succumb to all of these and told myself "sige lan
g, hanggat kaya mo pa...darating ang panahon makakaya mo ng lahat ng ito at di m
o na sya hahanapin sa puso mo" 12,11 Posted by `SeNsUaLiTy
"no matter how i still think of her....i may not replace her in any wa
y but please...tell me if i have the chance??? im hurting inside knowing you sti
ll love her...tell me so it wont hurt much... :'< 12,11 Posted by [-jheyk-]
"mi cielo, mi corazon ez no vacio porque de te...pero donde esta te? eres no con
me...te no me razon que yo odio mi vida...que yo deseo yo muerto" mea
ning: my sky my hart is not empty bec. of u.but where r u, u r not with me, u do
nt love me, the reason why i hate my life, why i wish i were dead... 12,11 Posted
by [-jheyk-]
'n ur daily fucking lyf different kynd of fucking fuckerz will fuck u!fuckin jer
z fuckin bitch n fuckin assholez but dis 1 fuck i promise u ILL fuck dem aLL if
they wiLL hurt u... 12,11 Posted by geisha_88
KeLaNgAn kO pA bA UmiYaK pRa mALaMn mOnG nSaKtAn mO kO ? kELaNgAn kO pA bA sBiHi
N kELaNgAn kTa pRa mALaMaN mOnG uN aNg 22O ? aT kELaNgAn kO pA bNg iWaSaN kA pRa
mLaMn mOnG mHL kTa ?? 12,11 Posted by KrEuZ_17
i kneel before you not as a prince but as a man il love... I would feel like a q
ueen if you would be my wife... i love u mjr. pain 12,11 Posted by Blackspawn17_mj
life is like an incessant series of problems, all difficult with brutally limite
d choices and a time limit. the worst thing to do is to make no decision, waitin
g for the ideal conclusion to present itself, make the best choice in a split-se
cond. we're not god....check!!! 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
u probably wont believe me if i'll say.."i love u" akala mo kc bola lng yan, but
ders one thing u still dont know about me bolero lng ako pero ndi ako sinungali
ng! 12,11 Posted by Blackspawn17_mjr
it rily sucks seeing ur eyes filled w/ tears, i wanna hug u tight from ur back a
nd never let go... but im scared, scared that you'll push me back and say: naman
di ikaw kailangan ko!" 12,11 Posted by Blackspawn17_mjr
it rily sucks seeing ur eyes filled w/ tears, i wanna hug u tight from ur back a
nd never let go... but im scared, scared that you'll push me back and say: naman
di ikaw kailangan ko!" 12,11 Posted by Blackspawn17_mjr
Lies are a funny thing. Everyone lies in one way or another. Lie to make someone
feel better about themselves or lie to make someone worse. Lie to hide the pers
on you are or jus plain lie to be mean. 12,11 Posted by batang^batibot
Never Say I Love U If U Dun Really Care Never Talk Of Feelings If They Aren't Re
ally There Never Hold My Hand If U Mean To Break My Heart Never Say Forever If U
Ever Plan To Part Never Look Into My Eyes If U Are Telling Me Is A Lie Never Sa
y Hello If U Think I'll Say Goodbye Never Say That I'm The One If U Dream Of Mor
e Than Me Never Lock Up My Heart If U Dun Have The Key... 12,11 Posted by FauXia_Z
bkit kaya ung mga taong mahal mo un pa ang hndi naniniwala sa mga cnsbi mo? 12,11
Posted by batang^batibot
i love you more than words can say.... i love you every hour of each day... i ca
nt get you out of my mind.... you really are one of a kind!!! 12,11 Posted by kens
Sabi ko noon, buti nalang di ko sinabi sa iyo na mahal din kita at least lumayo
ka man, i still have my pride with me! Pero mali pala ako, sana pala inamin ko n
a sayo ang tunay kong nararamdaman. Baka sakali hanggang ngayon mahal mo pa ako
at nandito ka sa piling ko! 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arm
s all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, the one that I love,
and I can't let you go. 12,11 Posted by BoY_InTeRrUpTeD`
minsan akala mo ok ka na yun bang wala ka nang pakialam sa isang tao kumbaga nak
amove on ka na... pero akala mo lang yun dahil nung nakita mo sya at nalaman mon
g may iba na syang mahal ang sakit pala... tagos na tagos... =( 12,11 Posted by De
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy, I'll be your hope I'
ll be your love, Be everything that you need. I'll love you more with every brea
th Truly, madly, deeply do 12,11 Posted by BoY_InTeRrUpTeD`[bUsY-mE]
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy, I'll be your hope I'
ll be your love, Be everything that you need. I'll love you more with every brea
th Truly, madly, deeply do 12,11 Posted by BoY_InTeRrUpTeD`
I want to stand with you on a mountain, I want to bathe with you in the sea, I w
ant to lay like this forever Until the sky falls down on me 12,11 Posted by BoY_In
minsan akala mo ok ka na yun bang wala ka nang pakialam sa isang tao kumbaga nak
amove on ka na... pero akala mo lang yun dahil nung nakita mo sya at nalaman mon
g may iba na syang mahal ang sakit pala... tagos na tagos... =( 12,11 Posted by |[
sabi nila find a true love, yong tutueuan ka ng tama. yong dadalhin ka sa kabuti
han, yong the best. natawa lang ako, bakit pa? eh ang gusto ko PRANING tulad mo 1
2,11 Posted by Kristelle_Shaye
"Love is when thoughts of but one man fill your heart, when he means more than l
ife to you, when you know you would do anything for him and shall die if he is t
aken from you. Desire is when you ache to see him and touch him, when he causes
your body to burn and tremble. Desire does not demand love before it can ensnare
you, but desire with love creates a powerful bond." 12,11 Posted by _JM_
love like you've never been hurt... be happy like you've never been lonely... 12,
11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
icpin mu plagi and2 aku sa likod mu..mhulog ka man sa hukay wg ka matak0t dhil d
ka nag iisa..nde man kita makayang hilain pataaS.. kaya ko naman magpadulas paba
ba pra samahan ka! 12,11 Posted by carlo_
lam mu minsan gs2 ku sabihin mhal kita pero inde pwd! lm m mnsan gs2 ko sbhin mi
z kita pero ind pwd! shit ka kc!! ngmahal ka pa ng iba! e samantalang mahal nama
n kitaaaa!!!!!!!!!!1 12,11 Posted by carlo_
kainis ktxt un mahl mo, kla m mhla krin nya, kng mgtxt ng quotes super swit,, ka
w nmn c tanga fil mo may duper meaning! pag ngtpat kna, ssbhin sau.. "cneryoso m
o? quote lng un"... :( 12,11 Posted by fanget
sabi nila ang laro sa bata lng.. s mga batang naghahanap ng mapaglilibangan., sa
na sa pag-ibig,, wala ng maglaro o mPaglaRuan,, kZE ang pag-iBig naRaramDaman,,
d gngawang libangan!!! 12,11 Posted by fanget
i would lyk to take dis opportunity to say thank you to the persons i really tru
st... KC< KAYE< JB<.. thx 4 everthing!! mwah 12,11 Posted by fanget
i would lyk to take dis opportunity to say and express what i really feel inside
,,, mAhaL nA mHAl ko c Carl laWrenCe,, =( 12,11 Posted by fanget
+++all i ask is just a little honesty though i know ur not coming back 2 me,, u
know ill do anything to make u stay,, but i just have to let you go if the feeli
gn is gone+++ shit ang hrap itago ng nrramdam!!! 12,11 Posted by fanget
nanaginip ako kanina, nakasulat pala sa libro yong buhay natin. nakita ko yong l
ibro mo, may nagtanong sakin kilala mo? sabi ko uu siya yong pinakamagandang kwe
nto sa buhay ko!! 12,11 Posted by ktistelle_shaye
We can never just walk up to a guy & say: Love me the way I want to be Loved....
We have to wait for him, 2 do it in his own way... at his own time... thats the
saddest part of being a Gay. 12,11 Posted by isprakenhowten
lagi nalan ako umaasa, kainis kna!! kailan m b ko mamahalin ng tunay?? 12,11 Post
ed by fanget
I've got so much to think of, but Why do I always think of you? I've got so much
to do, but Why do I do things for you? there are so many people that I could lo
ve, but Why did I have to fall for you?..:( 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
Grant me d serenty 2 accpt d thngs I cnt change,courage 2change d thngs I cnt ac
cpt & wisdom 2hide d bodis of dos ppol I had 2kill 2day coz they pissd me off.he
lp me 2 b careful of d toes I step on 2day as they may b connectd 2d ass dat I m
ay hav 2 kiss 2morow 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
pag nakita mo ex mo na kasma ung ipinalit sau, wag ka malungkot umiyak o mag ablu
ruto. smile lang sabay sabi: bagay sila! isang basura at isang basurera wahehehe
h! 12,11 Posted by BlueSniper``
Without love, Without truth. There can be no turning back... Without faith, Witho
ut hope There can be no peace of mind. 12,11 Posted by BlueSniper``
i may not be a glamour guy to be the man of ur dreams, i may not have that perfec
t teeth and don't have firm muscles to attract the eye of the judges, but i have
one thing to assure you, that i am not the perfect match to the girl who never
put an eye to the beauty of imperfection. 12,11 Posted by BlueSniper
"Never whispher the word LOVE if the feeling is NOT TRUE. Never use your CHARM if
you mean to BREAK a HEART. Never talk into the EYES if all you have to do is LI
E and Never say HELLO if you mean GOODBYE" 12,11 Posted by BlueSniper[AntiVirus]
Did you know that another word for saying i love you is by mentioning wala lng?
Why did i tell you this? Wala lng 12,11 Posted by YODz
may nag tanong sakin "bkit mo pinipilit ung sarili mo sa isang taong may mahal n
g iba?" ndi ako sumagot..tinuro kita..sabay sabing "kya nyo bang ndi mahalin ang
isang 2lad nya??" 12,11 Posted by Maei
minsan dumadating ung time na mag mamahal ka ng iba...mamahalin mo xa.....masaki
t pra skn na icpn un..lalo na pag dumating na ung time na ndi na kita kayang iwa na mahal na kita 12,11 Posted by Maei
love means never having to say you're sorry... 12,11 Posted by DeV|LzIsH`StyLe
Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you Hate the thought of her being
with someone else But you know that it's over Been knew it was through Just let
it Burn..for u HANZ MCCARTHNEY mwah!love kita.. 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee[sleeping
People say dat wen luv comes knocking on ur door let it in.But sumtimes luv comes
through a backdoor & by the time u notice its on its way out. 12,11 Posted by Blue
u luv coz u weep.u weep coz u hurt.u hurt coz u fail.u fail coz u try.u try coz u
need.u need coz u want.u want coz u feel.u feel coz u live.u live coz u luv. 12,1
1 Posted by BlueSniper
God created the world in SIX days But took him centuries... to come up with someo "HOT" ... as "SEXY" ... as "Fuckable" ... *..As "YOU!" ..  12,11 Posted by
8,2 You may never see how much I care for you, you may never hear how much I trea
sure you, you may never feel how much I miss you coz only here in my heart you c
an see them through. 12,11 Posted by batang^batibot
Wen U Nid Ril UnderstandinG Wen U nid S0m1 to C0unt on im AlwaYs HiR 4U...Rememb
er Dat Dis Offer StAnDs Forever!! 12,11 Posted by fie
d aKo pRfEcT MnSaN Mo0dY, ToPaKiN,In ShoRt MaY PaGkAbAliW... BuT WeN TyM CoMs Da
T Ul NiD Sm1 2 LeAn On, KhT wLa AkO S SaRiLi Ko,NaSa TbI Mo pRn AkO! InGaT K Lag
I PnGet!U 12,11 Posted by fie
True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to hav
e friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. To find one
real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing. 12,11 Post
ed by che04
"Ikaw ang gusTo ko eh bat sya mahal ko?,ikaw gsto ko makita eh bat mukha nya sum
usulpot,Ikaw gsto kong ksama bat sya nasa tabi ko,kelangan mo bang mgparaya para
sa kapatid mo..alam ko nman mahal mo na rin ako!!!bakit baHHH?taenerz kaung mag
kapatid!!!amF 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
": love isnt love,until you give it away so give it wings and let it go...if it
is meant to be it will fly back to u!!! luv u still my Sweet HanNz!!! 12,11 Poste
d by zaHra_lee
"Minsan u have to say na ala na u feelings para pagtakpan ang katotohanan na mah
al mo pa rin sya!!! u hav 2 kc kelangan..tangina nila kc alang pakialam!!! 12,11
Posted by zaHra_lee
Dnt trust a guy wen he said he loves u frm d bottom of hes heart, coz it means t
here's a posibility she can love another girl on the top. But for me wen u ask m
e wer u are in my heart ill stop and say I LOVE U With all my heart.... 12,11 Pos
ted by BlueSniper
u remind me of the times, wen i knw hu i was, but stil d 2nd hand wil catch us,
like it alweiz does, we'll make d same mistakes, i'll take the fall for you, i h
ope u ned this now, cause i know i stil do. Until d day i die i'll spill my hart
4 u.. (story of the year, until the day i day.. 12,11 Posted by ||seDuctivE||rEd|
FRIEND If God had given me the chance, To search the world and find; A very dear
and special friend, That I could choose for mine --- I'd look for all the quali
ties, Like strength and honesty; I'd seek a caring, sharing heart, And true inte
grity. I'd find someone who's not afraid, To share their hope... 12,11 Posted by z
Why are the words goodbye, I'm sorry, and I love you so easily pronounced, but s
o hard to say?... hmmm... 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
neVeR wasTe aN opOrtuNitY 2 saY I LOVE U 2 sum1 u reLi LoVe,cOz 8s nOt daT ezY 2
meeT a persOn hU haS d maGic 2 leT u faLL inLoVe!!! 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
Wen I stand up 4 myself n my beliefs,they call me a bitch.Wen I stand up for tho
se I luv,dey call me a bitch.When I speak my mind,think my own tots or do things
my own way,dey call me a bitch.Being a bitch means I won't compromise wat's in
my hart.It means I live my life MY way.It means I won't allow anyone to step on
me.When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it,I am defined as a BI
TCH!! 12,11 Posted by ||i|dont||care||
I am only one,but still I am one.I cannot do everything,but still I can do somet
hing.nd because I cannot do evrything I wil not refuse 2 do something i can do..
Damned 12,11 Posted by ||i|dont||care||
friend can always be a lover but a lover can never be a friend!!!!amF! 12,11 Post
ed by ||i|dont||care||
"gRaBe And2 Me Sa muNiCpYo, nHuLi AkO 4 iLeGaL pOsEsYoN oF CUTE FACE! AlA mE mAs
ABi, KuNdI GUILTY uR HONOR, lAkAs Ng EbiDenSyA NiLa.wew` 12,11 Posted by zaHr
How can I forget you when your always on my mind? How can I not want you when yo
ur all I want inside? How can I let you go when I can't see us apart? How can I
not love you when you control my heart?..luvs u Razi! :) 12,11 Posted by foxymaria
I thought that by telling myself and everyone else that I hated you. That sooner
or later I would come to believe it. But I now realize that by lying, it makes
me want you even more. From Razi 2foxymaria :) 12,11 Posted by foxymaria
the trouble with love is, it tears u up inside, makes your heart bliv in lies, s
o u gotta see it right.. the trouble with love is, it dsnt care how fast you fal
l, u cannot refuse a call.. see, you've got no say at all.. 12,11 Posted by zaHra_
the trouble with love is, it tears u up inside, makes your heart bliv in lies, s
o u gotta see it right.. the trouble with love is, it dsnt care how fast you fal
l, u cannot refuse a call.. see, you've got no say at all.. 12,11 Posted by zaHra_
Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never m
et. from Razi 2foxylove :) 12,11 Posted by foxymaria
8,2 When you love someone, you let him go thinking that if he loves you, he'll co
me back...what you fail to see is that he might not come back thinking that you
don't love him for the very reason that you let him go... 12,11 Posted by ______no
Every time I see your face and I hear your voice, It stirs up feelings inside th
at I've never felt before. Was it the words you said that made me feel this way?
Maybe it was the touch of your hand and the smile on your face...I think I'm fa
lling in love with...amF 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
L0VE..WHY does it hurt? why does it ache? maybe because we love to Much & to Dee
p that sometimes we forget to keep a little for OURSELVES. sad...but true. 12,11
Posted by zaHra_lee
i may not be the man in your dreams,may not be your ideal man,may not be that gu
y you like on a movie.. but i love you.. i hope someday you'll learn to love me
too.!) 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
Kiss slowly, love deeply, forgive quickly. Life is too short for you to be dissa
ppointed any longer!! 12,11 Posted by ||Franzia||SaraLee||
(If i WerE deaF, Ill HeaR u trU ur sMile... iF i wEre muTe, Ill SPk 2 U trU ur e
Yes... f I wEre bLind, iLL C u trU uR toucH.. I caN liVe witHout My seNses, But
My lyF wOnt makE senSe withOUt u!!! 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to lovin
g 12,11 Posted by zaHra_lee
4,13 may mga bagay sa mundo na kailangan mo kalimutan....gya koh? ano ba nmn ako p
ra tandaan mo? isang ala ala lng nmn dbah? pero ung ala ala na un nawala..naglah
o ng prng bula..kht pilt ko mang ibali..d na maibalik...u know y? kac mron ka ng
iba..may bagong mga ala ala na maganda at nd makakalimutan..gya mo, bago skn ky
a hirap kalimutan... 12,11 Posted by Maei
sbi mo mahal mo ko...minahal din kita...kht na alam kung mali...pinaramdam mo skn bkt ngaun? pinag muka mo kong tanga..cnasabi mo parn na mahal mo ko kh
t na mron ka na? masakit dbah? ndi mo alam? kac ako lng nakakaramdam nun eh.. 12,
11 Posted by Maei
It hurts to see the one you love loving someone else but what hurts even more is
when you found out that the reason why he belongs to someone else is because yo
u never gave him the chance to love you.. 12,11 Posted by Maei
It hurts to love someone and not to be loved back, but what is more painful is t
o love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel..
12,11 Posted by Maei
wen d tym cums 4 u 2 say gudbye il hold ur arms tyt so u cant go, evn f u say 'i
l b bak' il sit bsyd u & whisper, "ayaw k..d k kya..d2 ka lng plz.. 12,11 Posted
by Maei
I someday i'd die...i don't want you to cry...not even a single tear... you know
why ??? simple.... sino na magpupunas ng luha mo, wala na ko... 12,11 Posted by M
my angel told me 2 prove my love 4 u, I shouldnt say it, I should show it. then
i told her: "I already did!", she asked me how and I answered wid a tear, "I let
him go! 12,11 Posted by Maei
Noong gabing 'yon, halos 2mulo ang luha ko s aking nadama ng cnabi mong "ayw ko
na!". masakit mang isipin pero kaylangang tanggapin, ndi nman pdeng habang buhay
k sakn! 12,11 Posted by Maei
i flew off to space in search for another star... to forget about you and everyt
hing you are... when i got there, the more i felt cold and blue... just then i r
ealized... id be lost in space without you..." 12,11 Posted by Maei
mahirap maging kaibigan ang taong mahal mo, hindi mo alam kung san ka lulugar.hi
ndi ka pwedeng magselos dahil anong karapatan mo?! KAIBIGAN ka lang nman dba?! 12
,11 Posted by kHaT
hold on to the hand of the one you love and hold it tight because you never know
if you would be holding that hand forever or that's just the last chance to hol
d the same hand for the very last time... 12,11 Posted by Maei
Mahal kita! e kaw? mas mahal mo sya.. tangna, di magsama kayo!!! hanap na lang a
ko ng iba pero tandaan mo.... isa lang minahal ko ng higit sa buhay ko...sino? k
aw yun, bobo! 12,11 Posted by Maei
Bkt kita pm??? Kc naalala kta? Bkt kta naalala? Kc namiss kta? Bkt kta miss???kc
lab kta???bkt kita lab??SUS tanatanong paba yun!!! 12,11 Posted by kHaT
wen loving sumone/never regret wat u did/...only regret wat u never did/ ..its n
ot a matter of finding d ryt person ....but its a matter of being d ryt perosn 4
d one u chus to LOVE; 12,11 Posted by kHaT
Kala mo`kahit uso ang letting go, i wont let go of u. Kahit uso ang gvn up, i wo
nt give up on you. kung baduy ang pagiging true friend.. baduy na ko. mawala na
ako sa uso basta hindi ako mawala sayo 12,11 Posted by Maei
I told you your special, I told you I care, I told you I love you, you told me,
"I'll always be there." I asked why, you said, "kasi I love you." I asked if it'
s true, you said, "of course! Diba friend kita?" 12,11 Posted by Maei
This time it's over, I'm keeping my heart ,I'm gonna be strong & not fall apart
.. It'll get better, I'll no longer cry.. In a couple of weeks, I wont want 2 di
e, I won't want 2 go back, I'll be able 2 sleep, It won't hurt so bad, & it won'
t feel so deep 12,11 Posted by Maei
I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live
my life, wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or wh
at you do, I'm sorry I just can't help myself, falling in love with you..--> AYA
YAY 12,11 Posted by Maei
It hurts to fall in love with someone who only sees u as a friend but what hurts
most is knowing that this person loves you too but because of friendship your f
riend denies it...sad but true.... T_T T_T T_T 12,11 Posted by Maei
There's so many words i cant say wen i luk into your eyes. maybe you'll reject m
e & shatter my pride. each day my love grows strongr but i wont let u know. ther
es way too much behind my smile but i can never show. id love you like no other
but you dont understand. so i'll dream of us together, how good it cud be. & i w
ill keep the secret love you could have with me.. 12,11 Posted by Maei
If I could spend every minute of every day with you I would. I think about you a
ll the time. I think of you when I go to bed, and you're the first thing I think
about when I wake up. I can't go through one day without wanting to see you, ne
eding to see you. You're addicting, I dont get it...what is it about you? 12,11 P
osted by Maei
Di naman ako umaasang mahalin mo ako, kei lang naman sa akin kung ayaw mo talaga
,pero sana wag mo naman ipamukha sa akin kung gaano mo sya kamahal kasiang sakit
e... ang sakit - sakit... 12,11 Posted by Maei
Msakit man icpn, lam kng may iba ka n. ywko man tnggapn, lam kng mahal m tlaga s
ha.. kya ngyn nand2 ako nagiicp, mnsan umiiyak.. cguro dhil ikw prin tlaga! 12,11
Posted by Maei
Naiisip ko manhid ka kac ndi mo aco binibigyan pansin ndi mo aco binibigyan hala
ga pro naisip co mas manhid aco kac khit anung skit ang ipdama mo e2 prin aco na
g mamahal sau.. 12,11 Posted by Maei
FARMER ORDRD A MILKNG MACHNE: tried it on his penis & hd a wondrful ORGASM bt cn
t rmove it,So,He rids d manual n faints. it says "AUTO RELEASE AFTER 2 GALLONS".
12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
U pr0baBLy w0nt beLieve me f iL say "Luv u p0h!" kLa m0 xe bir0 Lng un... but de
rs 1 tHing u stiL dnt kn0w ab0ut mE.... paLabir0 Lng ak0,per0 d ak0 cnungaLinG 12
,11 Posted by Maei
I know that the things i did to hurt you cannot easily be forgotten, but please
know that through everything that we went through one thing never changed.... My
love for you... You were the one who planted love deep inside my empty heart an
d brought it back to life, for that I am forever grateful 12,11 Posted by Maei
dnt frown evn wn ur sadd.. bcuz u nvr knw hu gets nspyrd w/ur smile..2 d world u
may b 1 prson bt 2 1 prson u may b d world. so kip on smilin! 12,11 Posted by ^wa
dnt frown evn wn ur sad.. bcuz u nvr knw hu gets nspyrd w/ur smile..2 d world u
may b 1 prson bt 2 1 prson u may b d world. so kip on smilin! 12,11 Posted by ^wak
S isng rlsyon d mo maiiwasan Ang mGkron ng prblma 2ngkol s mhal mo pero kung mdl
i kng susuko,d mo n kya,dyn mkkta ng mhal mo kung hnggng saan k ttgal at hnggng
kelan ttgal n ibuhos ang pgmmhal mo pra s knya ... 12,11 Posted by kHaTs
Umiiyak ka ng iwan kita dahil may mahal akong iba, alam ko kasi na dadating ang
panahon na kaya mo na.. naman oh! bakit 12,11 Posted by Maei
Sabi mo, hintayin kita Sabi mo kasi, babalik ka Sabi mo kasi, babalik ka ang mas
akit... Ng tanungin kita... 12,11 Posted by Maei
" i have to let u go though i know i'd cry..i wont even recover,eventhough i'd t
ry..still'i'd ruin my life..and say goodbye..cos if i don't, i know for sure.."U
S" is just a lie"... :( 12,11 Posted by resse18
kahapon may nagtanong sken..cno daw and mas mahalaga sa buhay ko..kaw o ang mga
pangarap ko?..sabi ko..cyempre ikaw..kc kaw naman lang naman ang nagiisang panga
rap ko..[hehe..corny] 12,11 Posted by resse18
"..the HEART is in the center of our chest..but it beats at the left side..i gue
ss thats the reason why the heart isn't always right..." 12,11 Posted by resse[HW`
"...when you find yourself inlove with someone who can't love you back because h
e got someone else..don't worry or cry too much..just close your eyes and say..t
angina!!hindi naman sila bagay!!pareho silang panget!!amf sila!!!...hehe :) 12,11
Posted by resse18
love is life...if you miss miss life...[nahhhh for me] 12,11 Posted by r
"Every decision is liberating...even if it leads to disaster...otherwise,why do
so many people walk upright and with open eyes into their misfortune? [hell righ
t!!] 12,11 Posted by resse18
``show me how it ends it's me how defenseless you really are...sat
isfied and empty inside..thats alright..'' you're so cold..keep your hand in min
e..strong man wonder while strong men die..(excerpts from the song "So Cold")...
thats for you,adik!!! 12,11 Posted by resse18
love cannot endure indifferenc. it needs to be wanted. like a lamp, it needs to
be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low...' 12,11 Posted
by ^m[Y]rA^
the rain reminds me of you.. how cold you are... how gloomy you made me feel.. h
ow much tears i shed because of yu.. how much damage you caused and how stupid i
am for still wanting rain.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
so i can say, im here 4 u..of al da frends i've ever met,u r da ones i won't 4 g
et.. n if i die before u , i'will go to heaven n wait 4 u.... miss u ven!! -neo 1
2,11 Posted by C|FuH
while walking down the street one day, i herad an old man say "iv been inlove wi
th the same lady for 54 years...", i was touched but then i heard him whisper...
"i wish she knew..." =( 12,11 Posted by resse18
why do we close our eyes when we pray?, when we cry? when we kiss? this is becau
se the most wonderful things in life are unseen and felt only by the heart... 12,
11 Posted by resse18
i was willing to give you everythng i had, i was wiling to love you completely,
i was willing to fight for you but you didn't care... and eventhough i was willi
ng to do anything for you, you weren't... 12,11 Posted by resse18
lie to me, u knw i've been honest to you... cheat on me, i wud never do that to
you... turn your back from me, i'd still be there for you... let me cry and hurt
me once more, i'd still be loving you...:( 12,11 Posted by resse18
You were everything, everything that I wanted. We were meant to be, supposed to
be, but we lost it. And all of our memories, so close to me, just fade away. All
this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending So much for my happy
ending 12,11 Posted by BoY_InTeRrUpTeD`
"It's hard to hold on to something that can never be yours in any way you think just have to learn to let go and accept the fact...that while good thin
gs never really last...some don't even start...[are u listening,jibas?] 12,11 Pos
ted by `chrizzy
"loving someone is too give the most wonderful things and yet you sti
ll get'll try to stand up for it yet you fall down..but who says LOVE
& LIFE's fair?..It never was..never will be..[still with me,jibas] 12,11 Posted b
y `chrizzy
oh ano? bigo ka n nmn? kaya ka hanap ng quote? sus pakamatay ka na kc..!! 12,11 P
osted by |Naughty_Boy|
"the mind has a thousand eyes and the heart had only me..but when this eyes clos
e, the light of the whole life dies." 12,11 Posted by kissmahlips
"spring from the fountain of hope flows from the streams of joy comes through th
e shared feelings and gives without expecting" 12,11 Posted by kissmahlips
"spring from the fountain of hope flows from the streams of joy comes through th
e shared feelings and gives without expecting" 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
"i cry with bloodshed tears just to find out that you left.what will i see if yo
u wouldn't look?what will i hear if you wouldn't speak?all i found is another pa
th to begin with all my strength" 12,11 Posted by kissmahlips
"i cry with bloodshed tears just to find out that you left.what will i see if yo
u wouldn't look?what will i hear if you wouldn't speak?all i found is another pa
th to begin with all my strength" 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
iMagInE uR lIfE w/o mE bHeB.. wLaNg mKuLit, wLaNg mAiNgY, wLa nG mKi2aLm sAu.. o
K nOH? pRo mL2ngKot k kYa? kPaG wLa nG "rOjEaN" s bUhAy mU? 12,11 Posted by sweetm
mahirap mag mahal ng sabay..mahirap mag mahal ng isang taong ndi ka nmn mahal..p
ero mas mahirap plang mahalin ang isang taong mahal mo pero ang mahal nya ndi ik
aw... 12,11 Posted by Maei
iF eVrY1 tUrNs u dOwN.. u gEt hUrT.. eN.. u cNt heLp bUt cRy! hOLd bAck.. tKe eA
sY.. LisTeN 2me! cZ iL wZpEr.. "tArA rEd hOrSe nLng tAu.." LbRe kTa! ;> 12,11 Pos
ted by sweetmaldita
kahit ilang beses akong masaktan ng dahil sayo...di kita iiwan..d kta pababayaan
d ako kung may 100 dhilan pra iwan ka..hahanap ako ng 1 praan para
ipaglaban ka.. 12,11 Posted by Maei
i wanna be w/ u 2nyt, watch u sleepin and sing u a song, i wanna be close 2 u...
2 whisper in ur ear "ma2log ka na..pagcng mo bukas mahal parn kita" 12,11 Posted
by Maei
It hurts when we risk our hearts & ends up getting broken..But what hurts even m
ore is when we still hold on when we know that were waiting for nothing..[right,
jibas?] 12,11 Posted by `chrizzy
< flower is die, ocean will dry by my love for u will never say goodbye 12,11 Pos
ted by arch_angel_22
for the lips of an about to rest drip honey and his speech is smoother than oil.
.but in the end he's bitter as a as double-edge sword. 12,11 Posted b
y kissmahlips
Life is not a static thing...the only people who do not change their minds are i
ncompetents in asylums and those in cemetery..(Everett McKinley Dirksen) 12,11 Po
sted by resse18
ang sitsit ay sa aso, ang para ay sa tao. magbayad ng maaga para di maabala. 12,1
1 Posted by alitaptap
i promise you from the bottom of my heart, i will love you till death do us part
... i promise you as a lover and a friend i will love you like i never loved aga
in... with everything i am... 12,11 Posted by DeV|LzIsH`StyLe
dko alm kng ano ang 2nay n nra2mdmn mo pra skn, pro kng anuman un, nkhnda ako, m
ahal mo man ako o hndi, lro mn o 22o, 1 lng alm ko... mahal kta, msktn man ako!
:( 12,11 Posted by sweetmaldita
my dhlan ora s lht... dhlan pra mbuhay.. dhlan kng bkt ngm2hal. pro kng hndi mo
mhnp ang dhlan mo pra ngumiti maari b ako n lng ang MAGING DAHILAN... kht sglt l
ng! :( 12,11 Posted by sweetmaldita
my mga taong tanga s pgibg.. alam ng mahal nya at mnmahal xa pnkwlan p! tanga tl
g! tpos s huli 3hn ang srli... iiyk.. mgl2cng... kw? tnga kb? ag nmn sna?! 12,11
Posted by sweetmaldita
Loving, knowing your gonna get like living knowing your gonna die...Bu
t. Not loving knowing your gonna get like killing yourslef before you
die... 12,11 Posted by cYbEr_wacko
LOVER'S is not finding the right person, but creating the right relationship...i
ts not how much u LOVE ur sweet from d beginning, but how much LOVE u build till
d end...:) 12,11 Posted by shaiaa
Pag iniwan mo ko...okay lang...sige...umalis ka...eto lang gusto kong malaman mo
. Oras na umalis ka...magpapainom pa ako 12,11 Posted by invulnerable
love is just another word for pain it's a broken record repeating the same thing
when you want it it's not there when you have it you don't care!! 12,11 Posted b
y ^Mariane_
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so th
at when we finally meet the right person, we should know how to be grateful for
that gift.. 12,11 Posted by ^Mariane_
"its better to live in disgrace than to die w/ honor" 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
It's a risk having you coz its like stealing an angel from heaven. If id be puni
shed for that, id rather accept it than give u back coz i know dat id nvr have a
nother "YOU" in my life again. 12,11 Posted by ^Mariane_
PeoPLe DoNT KNoW aBouT THe THiNgs I SaY and Do !¸.—´‾`—.¸ -o- I BLaMe THe WoRLD FoR MaKiNg
He GooD MaN BaD 12,11 Posted by ^Mariane_
A real man would do these things for his girl! 12,11 Posted by a`n-g-e`l
somehow for all the time that has passed, you became an important part of my lif
e and slowly i'm starting to be afraid of losin you.. hope i'll be holdin' on a
hand that wouldn't let me go... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
I hope that you can accept, How much I really care. A person who loves you more,
You can find nowhere... 12,11 Posted by BoY_InTeRrUpTeD`
minsan kala mo kaibigan lang kita. minsan akala mo nandito lang ako bilang tagap
agpayo mo.. minsan akala mo wla lang ako.. pero minsan ba naisip mo na mahal pal
a kita?!?!? 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
nOtHiNg s tReaSuRed mORe dAn LuV, nD nO peRsON's lUvD moRe dAn U! i mAy bE nUtHi
n wEn iT coMeS 2 sUmtHiNg, bUt iM sUmtHiNg wEn iT cOmEs 2 caRiNg 12,11 Posted by ^
Don't be bitter because you have loved at all. If we lose someone, that means so
meone even better is yet to come. Let us always remember that only when we leave
our bitterness behind can the love that we have lost be able to find its way in
to our hearts again.. 12,11 Posted by puyatera_desperada
In luv, we rarely win, bt wen d luv is true, evn if u lose, u stil win just for
havng felt d rush of even caring 4 sum1 more than u care 4 ur self!ü 12,11 Posted b
y puyatera_desperada
2nyt moon saw me cryn n my bed.. He askd me,..Y dnt u Leave hm hu made u cry?..
I lukd at hm wid wide teary eyes & said 2 him: Moon, wud u evr Leave ur sky?!..ü 12
,11 Posted by puyatera_desperada
13. Someday, someone will tell you things the way that I do. Someday, someon
e will say he loves you too. But I know someday, somehow this very someone will
never love you the way that I do. 12,11 Posted by puyatera_desperada
d only way 2 know dat sum1 truly luvs u, is wen after u've turned him down,,u c
him rise frm d Fall,,walk up 2 nd say "i Love u more,,dan i did before.." 12,11 P
osted by puyatera_desperada
When love comes, let it be with nothing more than but truth and understanding. N
o plans, contracts or promises, no complaints or demands to change. Just the sim
ple fact that you re love for what you are. 12,11 Posted by puyatera_desperada
Masakit, 'di dahil 'di mo ko mahal ngunit dahil 'di mo ko sinubukang mahalin. Ma
sakit, 'di dahil mahal mo siya kundi dahil alam kong kahit tayong dalawa na lang
ang tao sa mundo, kaibigan lang talaga ako sayo. 12,11 Posted by `Harry``
"i love you without knowing how, why, or even from where." 12,11 Posted by aira_ba
"i want to say i dont care but my heart says i do, i wnat to say i dont miss you
but still i continue to, i want to say i can live without you but now i'm dyin
jas to be with you." 12,11 Posted by aira_baby
what im feeling.. i can't explain.. somehow i know it's true.. im here for you..
and if you asked me to.. i'll take a chance with you.. in love.. you're all i n
eed.. the air i breath.. you mean the world to me.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of t
wo WHOLE individuals...look for someone complementary...not supplementary.. 12,11
Posted by puyatera
sumtyms u jst smile 2 cover up d pain. sumtyms u intend 2 laugh 2 cover up the h
eart. bt whether u smile or laugh u cn nvr hide wat u rili fil insyd kaya i-diatab
s mo na yan! 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
We may have loved d wrong person, we may hv cried 4 d wrong reason but no matter
hw things go wrong,1 thing's 4 sure - mistakes help us find things dat r not me
ant 4 u! 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
How I wish I cud really tell u how much,u mean 2 me, but m afraid 2 love,scared
2 get hurt... I hope dat u will wait, 4 me & pray dat u will not get,tired of lo
ving me... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
Do u knw dat evn f we wer lost in a big crowd, I'd still knw ur smile, ur voice,
ur eyes & ur warmth I'd still find my way back 2 u do u knw why? I guess when u c
are 4 sum1, u jst knw 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
sometimes love is so unfair... d more you love, d more you failed... d more you
sacrifice, d more you end up hurt... and when you thought you've given your best
... it still seems not enough until you have no choice... ....but to give up....
.. 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
Please listen to me my friend to these words I say... "I'll leave you now and tr
y to face the coming day. Nothing is wrong between me and you,at least nothing w
as ever wrong until I fell in love with you.. 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
sumtyms i wonder wat lyf wud have bin lyk f we nver met, wud it have been simple
r? YES! easier? Maybe. But then i realized dat it wud also have been incomplete.
... wabshuu bheb12.. 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
True love has no definition, for if u define the LOVE you say is true, u had giv
en it boundaries and conditions, and LOVE, TRUE LOVE, has neither 12,11 Posted by
The greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone you never had 12,11 Post
ed by |Naughty_Boy|
n luv, we all tke rsks we all fall dwn &gt hrt bt u shud nvr b scrd 2 go a lil f
urthr or a lil crazier cz n d end, d swtst luv s d 1 tht mde u lose control.. 12,
11 Posted by ^wakamaru^
<sa dihang mikatol akong kibot ako kini gikuot unya ako gi simhot ako kamot ako
nasimhot na baho di ay ang sulod sa lobot..nikatol ako kibot dili nako mokuot ka
y basin ako makautot kay kagabii pa ko gipanuhot> 12,11 Posted by amaw
<<sa dihang mikatol akong kibot ako kini gikuot unya ako gi simhot ako kamot ako
nasimhot na baho di ay ang sulod sa lobot..nikatol ako kibot dili nako mokuot k
ay basin ako makautot kay kagabii pa ko gipanuhot> rusty 12,11 Posted by amaw
Once in ur lyf u wil find sum1 who wil luv u truly... nvr take dem 4 granted, nv
r let dem go... coz f u lose dem, u can nvr find d same kind of prsn again... 12,
11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
If u cud b a part of my body, i'll let u b my heart. For I want u 2 b d one who
beats & 2 b d center of all my emotions & b d last 1 to stop wen i'm gone.... 12,
11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
Someday, when the pages on the book of my life runs out, i know you're one of th
e most colorful chapter i ever had. if it will be opened again, i'll start it on
the page when i met you... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
LoVe iS nOt aBoUt fiNdiNg d rIGht peRsOn, bUt cReaTiNg a RiGhT reLaTiOnsHiP. iTs
nOt aBoUt hOw mUcH lOvE yOu in THe beGiNNiNg bUt hOw mUcH lOVe yOu tiLL d eNd =
) 12,11 Posted by marriane\brb
'i dont like people who think that they are better than everyone else , i like s
omeone less entilegence , but more humanity , like you sweety ^_^ i love you so
much :p 12,11 Posted by MARKOVIC
love is if you love someone... dont be blind 12,11 Posted by eX_LaWs
iM nOt eXpEctIng sOmeOne Like yOu wIll bE oUt oF mY lIfE,jUst bEcAuSe of nOnsenS
e thIngs..anyway i aM tHnKfUl fOr tHe tyM tHaT i sTaRted tO loVe yOU..always Tke
cRe oF yOusElf b___,cOz iM nOt always ThEre fOr yOu,unLike bEfoRe!i nVeR mEaNt
tO qUit bUt :I hAve tO,jUst :aLwayz rEmMber that I lOve yOu..nOt jUst tHe dAy i
hAve yOu,bUt fOreVer! 12,11 Posted by ^Mariane_
love is just another word for pain it's a broken record repeating the same thing
when you want it it's not there when you have it you don't care!!' 12,11 Posted
by ^Mariane_
"Remember my name, remember my face, because there is no other girl that can tak
e my place." tandaan mo yan maldita ka! 12,11 Posted by bitchy12
" Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again. Skinned knees and scraped arms are
easier to fix than a broken heart." 12,11 Posted by janica12
kahit anong agaw gawin nila, akin ka pa rin! kahit anong pilit na paglalandi nil
a, akin ka pa rin! nde ako papatalo sa kanila kase ako ang tunay na mahal mo. 12,
11 Posted by janica12
wen i saw u i told myself cno kaya un.. days pass by,, ngkakilala na tau suddenl
y i realyzd nmmiz na kita now im telling myself sana d ko n tinan0ng kung cn0 ka
....minhal tuloy kita...=( 12,11 Posted by fanget
i know love will find a way anywhere i go im home if you are there beside me lik
e dark turning into day somehow will come true now that i found you love will fi
nd a way 12,11 Posted by ^Mariane_
"Pag may "ikaw" may "aKo" d aAlis c "AkO" kac mHal nYa c "ikaw" pag wala na c "i
kaw" La narin c "aKo" bkit? kac c "ikaw" and Buhay ni "ako" ingat c "ikaw"!! Dhi
L Nag-alala c "aK0" " 12,11 Posted by ^Mariane_
how 2 satisfy u: Hug u tyt? giv u a kiss? flatter u? Luv u? b f8ful? b tru 2 u?
How to satisfy me: wla...Ikaw lang ok na.. sobra2 pa nga eh... 12,11 Posted by MHL
the thing you're scared of is usually the most worthwhile...ehehe 12,11 Posted by
kapag nakita mo ang ex mo nmay ksmang iba, wg kng magalit o magselos. sbhin mo n
lng "bgay cla...isng basura n pnulot ng isang basurera!" 12,11 Posted by ifyousee
d only way 2 know dat sum1 truly l0ves u,is wen after u've turned him down, u c
him rise frm d fall, walk up 2 u & say, "i love u more, dan i did before.." 12,11
Posted by bo0kish_520
Pn0 kung iwan n kta?ha2bulin m0 b ako?uubusin m0 b 0ras m0 pra makia k0?iiyakn m
0 b ako kz mmi2ss mko?d pg iiwn n kta ssbhin m lng.."cge,ingat ka!!" 12,
11 Posted by bo0kish_520
we only live repeats,no in the moment..savor, enjoy, and f
ill it with unforgettable memories..remember..happiness is a CHOICE!!! 12,11 Post
ed by resse18
you may love the wrong person..and cry for the wrong reason..but no matter how t
hings go thing is for you find the right person
that are meant for you... 12,11 Posted by resse18
Well I'm just trying to do the best that I can So why are you always bringing me
down? I make the best of every circumstance, so why are you always bringing me d
own? Does it make you feel better? 12,11 Posted by Cutie-24-Male
I gave it everything, but you threw it all away I can't take anymore of these ga
mes that you play I've been through heartache and I've been through pain And it'
s hard to believe you still treat me this way.. 12,11 Posted by Cutie-24-Male
wen we lost each other, i am the one hu love u most, but between us.. u lost mor
e, bcoz someday i will love some1 the way that ilove you.. but u will never be l
ove agen the way that i did.. :) 12,11 Posted by ^^SwEEt_PoIsOn^^
was told the crap of divine designs, of a more wonderful being destined for me,
but I did not want to hear the same arguments on meeting someone better than thi
s one. What good is a better person of divine designs, when my very soul screams
for this man? I did not want anyone better. This is better. 12,11 Posted by ^eMeR
all that you are. all the versions of you. your stories, your thoughts, your mem
ories, accolades, failings, attitudes and quirks. your yesterdays, your todays,
and perhaps your tomorrows. i love them all as i love all of you. AISHITERU GEOR
GE B. NOBLE. 12,11 Posted by ^eMeRaLd^
love you because I know I am ready to miss the chance of loving someone whom oth
ers may perceive as the right one/deserving of my love just so I can love you...
amidst, despite and inspite of all reasons for me not to love you. 12,11 Posted
by ^eMeRaLd^
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a sun...In somebod
y else's sky, but why..Why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine 12,11 Posted by
Sabi mo lahat ng story may ending baket ung sa atin wala? Palagi na lang ganito
paulit-ulit na lang. Pano ba ang ating kwento? sasama mo ba ako sa totoo mundo m
o o iiwan mo lang ako sa kwentong binuo mo? 12,11 Posted by MsChai
"u can do sumtin to save d relationship we had but you never tried...i guess u r
eally want this to end..and now i let you go....para sa labsco date. 12,11 Posted
by introvertGAL
Sa buhay ng tao may loko-loko, may totoo. Sa buhay ng tao may nagmamahal ng toto
o, may nagmamahal ng loko loko. Eh sa buhay mo mahal mo ba akong totoo o nilolok
o mo lang ako? 12,11 Posted by ^^SwEEt_PoIsOn^^
Baby, listen- there's something in the way I'm missing you... And I just can't d
eny it Because I know that it's true My heart is insisting that I'm still in lov
e with you... Yes, there's definitely something in the way I'm missing you... 12,
11 Posted by Dhon
*Sino mahal mo? Aah...sya pala yun...kaya pala nasasaktan ako..pero ok lang yun!
Kase alam kong masaya ka kahit masakit kase mahal kita.... 12,11 Posted by cool_b
I can't escape from the reality that we both were hurt before But right now, I'm
wondering if there can be something more It's too easy to give up, simply walk
out the door So why do I feel that without you, I just can't reach the shore.. 12
,11 Posted by Dhon
*Nasaktan ka ba ng malaman mong may mahal na kong iba?... Pasensya na ha..ayoko
na kasing umasa...pagod na rin kong maghintay...pero makakatulong ba kung sabihi
n kong...handa ko siyang iwan para sa yo.... 12,11 Posted by cool_b
I can't stand the emptiness that's betrayed in my eyes I'm searching for reason,
but I'm lost in the lies I can no longer let myself be hurt by these goodbyes I
'm stronger now, and somehow, I've learned that first love dies... 12,11 Posted b
y Dhon
all things in life are not meant to last..things change and so do pipol..u can n
vrhold on 2 sumthing 4ever so learn to live and let go..wag lang cellfone nyo..h
ehehehe 12,11 Posted by itlogan
LAB: If some1 asks you, ANONG PANGALAN NYA? dont answer, just say DI KO ALAM, ev
en if you do. Coz may become their bridge and someday youll say SANA DI KO NA LA
LAB: Magulo talaga ang mundo pag gusto mo, ayaw sayo; pag gusto ka ayaw mo: pero
ang masakit, gusto mo gusto ka pero... di pwedeng maging kayo... 12,11 Posted by
A Bachelor of arts is one who makes love to a lot of women and yet has the art t
o remain a bachelor 12,11 Posted by ^^LaDy_AuRoRa^^
DiVa-Ness is to be a bootlegging social cannibal who eats peoples brains and ste
als ideas to increase his or her social standing 12,11 Posted by ^^LaDy_AuRoRa^^
someday we might forget about us.. the things we used to do, the closeness we ha
d and we might not think of each other often but one thing for sure you should r
emember... you'll stay in my heart forever! @>poLk<@ 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
OW "Too much is never enough Because I love you so Your heart makes my heart ove
rflow"! 12,11 Posted by MrRightGuy
LAB: Kumatok ka sa puso ko, pinatuloy kita. Pero kinuha mo ang susi nito at umal
is ka na lng bigla. Tanong ko lang, BABALIK KA PA BA? Di na kasi mabuksan ng iba
... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Bakit kaya pag mahal mo ang isang tao, nagkakagusto sya sa iba? Ikaw na nga
nagsasakripisyo, ikaw pa ang binabalewala. Bakit ganun? ang masakit pa... mahal
mo na nga ang nawala kaibigan mo pa ang minahal nya! 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: If there is some1 who is going to leave me, pwede huwag ikaw? If there is s
ome1 who will hurt me, pwede wag ikaw? But if there is some! who will be with me
forever, pwede ikaw na lang yun? 12,11 Posted by Junmar
maraming nabubuhay ng masaya dahil sa salitang "mahaL kita" pero mas marami ang
lumuluha dahil din sa salitang yun, bakit? kc mas marami ang bibig na cnungaling
kaysa sa pusong nagmamahal ng totoo =( 12,11 Posted by babae_ako
d last tym i fel n luv i get hurt and i told 2 myself nver 2 fol once agen den u
came, and touch my hart sabi ko.... last na, pag nawala kapa ayoko na tlga!! 12,
11 Posted by babae_ako
d kita maccc kung makalimutan mo ko kc lamko marami nagpapagulo sa isip mo nakak
ahiya nga kc ang kulit ko pero sana kahit sandali minsan pag nag iisa ka, maicip
mo khit pangalan ko...... 12,11 Posted by babae_ako
madalas kita hanapin, palingon lingon, patingin tingin, tpos kapag nakita kita a
t nakaharap bigla nalang akong d makapag salita..... e pano paba ako magsasalita
kung buong kahulugan ng buhay ko nasa harap ko na?! 12,11 Posted by babae_ako
bat ba pag nagmamahal ka nagmumukha kang tanga? dahil ba nagiging mali ka kahit
tama kna? dahi ba nagiging mahina ka kahit napakalakas mo? dahil ba nagbbgay ka
kahit walng kapalit? o dahil masaya ka kahit masakit??? 12,11 Posted by babae_ako
LAB: Sabi nila, wag daw kitang sasaktan... Sabi nila, mahalin daw kita ng lubusa
n... Alam kong di ko kaya, pero gagawin ko. Hindi dahil tama... Hindi dahil nara
rapat... At hindi dahil sabi ng iba... Simple lang mahal lang talaga kita... 12,1
1 Posted by Junmar
You don't have to make believe and pretend you are happy when you're not.But don
't let your tears run dry. Don't starve yourself to death for someone who never
respected your feelings. Someone who was never really worthy of your love... 12,1
1 Posted by bo0kish_520
We wonder why we don't always get what we want and we fail even if we put so muc
h effort in getting it. If we think of it, we'd realize that we will never get s
omething that is never really meant for us. 12,11 Posted by bo0kish_520
We never have to be sorry that we have loved, for love is the best gift we could
ever give someone. Even if we fail and our love is unreturned, we should still
be glad that we have experienced how it is to care for and share our life with s
omeone special. 12,11 Posted by bo0kish_520
me you're the hope that moves me to courage again, you're the love that rescues
me when the cold winter rage! 12,11 Posted by Dhon
LAB: Ang sarap alalahanin ang nakaraan. Andun kasi ung tawanan... Yung iyakan...
Yung masayang alaala... Alam mo ba yung totoong dahilan bakit masarap alalahani
n yun?... kasi andun ka! 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Ive been waiting all my life to find some1 like you. Now that you are here,
I realized mali pala ako. Dapat di kita hinintay, sana hinanap kita para noon p
a sana ganito ako kasaya. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
I wonder if you knew how grateful I am to have you. Sometimes I don t know how to
show it, but if ever I had imagined someone perfect for ME to be my friend, it w
ould exactly be you. 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
Friendship is the sweetest form of love... so when i say I ll be your friend till
the end, its as good as saying' I d keep you in my heart till its very last beat. 1
2,11 Posted by [M][m]
The distance keeps us more and more apart as time goes by. I just hope that warm
th of friendship will remain no matter how time and distance will kip us apart.
Take care! 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
The only wealth i have are the people around me that i really call friends and 12
,11 Posted by [M][m]
YOU may hear nothing from me on how I appreciate YOU as a friend.. But beyond th
at silence, Your friendship creates a beautiful sound in my heart that will last
4 a lifetime.... 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
Friendship is one of the hardest things to keep because somewhere in the middle,
new friends may come but I hope you'll still keep me in your heart even if some
one new has come... 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
They said friends are rewards, the more you do good, the more friends you can ha
ve. Now I'm wondering because even though I'm not that good I still have the bes
t reward - YOU! 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
You are my friend not because you say so but because with you I've learned the v
alue of friendship and you made me feel what is it like to have one. Thanks for
making me feel that somehow I'm special. 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
Dn t close ur door when you feel alone. Dn t close ur heart wen you dn t wnt to love &
dn t ever close ur hands wen you need a Friend bcoz I ll be here until the end! God
bless! 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
Sumtyms things change. Plans fail.. Joy fades.. Excitemnts gone. U start 2 quest
ion y?Bt wen u luk bhind..Real friends rmain!Tc! 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
sbi nla lht tau my dhln kng bkt tau nbu2hay.. di ko lam kng ano sau pro skn.. ik
aw un mahal ko..Nyt.ü 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
i LovE y0u!..j0ke! pR0 aNg j0kE dw haLf meant m0rE s0 dAn d trUth.. snA nmAn mgj
0kE kA Rn kht mnsAn na LovE m0 Rn ak0..ü 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
My voice is so soft for you to hear. My actions are too weak for you to see but
if you would only listen carefully, you'll hear the beat of my heart that says,
'From now till forever, I'll always be here... 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
f iL b gVen a chAncE 2 say SmthNg 2u dT wUd rveaL hW i fiL...s 22o LnG.. wRdS aR
nt enUf! bT f u inSist,jSt rmMbEr dS... "bLewLa aNg buHay k0 kNg d ktA nkiLa2" 12
,11 Posted by [M][m]
f dying s d only way 2 be wid u ol d tym..wrevr u may go..den i'd rader kill mys
lf. So i cud wtch ovr u..frm day til nyt..4 my only dream is 2 be by ur side..4
d rest of ur lyf...jst lyk ur angel..Nyt! 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
Lst nyt I died & went 2 hvn it felt lyk I Cnt rmmbr anything nt evn my name! bt
as i entrd i stopd & sd "di ko p oras bbntyan ko p c Reg" 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
iN LyF,kNwiN' hOw 2 wiN is oFtEN ÄS iMpRtNt ÄS kNÖWiN' hOw 2 wiN..sO wEn u FoL dOwN,LEÄR
N 2 gEt uP..DuSt uRsLf & pRoUdLy sAy.."ok lng un. "MM" luvs me nmn e.." 'mis u 12
,11 Posted by [M][m]
ryt aftr u closed ur eyes 3 angels wd peep as u sleep 1st wd kiss u gdnyt 2nd wd
hug u tyt & d 3rd wd whsper.. "lam mo REG'... MM' luvs u so mch.." 12,11 Posted
by [M][m]
I L0vE Y0U wrng send? hnde n0h.. sy0 tlga yn kse spcl ka kya ingat ka lgi kse y0
k0 may msmang mngyri sa baby kng..maHal ko..'nyt bhie.. 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
wn 'm missn' u,i jz cloz my eyes & i c u infrnt of dt drim,i dnt hv 2 long
4 ur tch cz i fil u smhw.& der,i dnt hv any fir.prhps uv melt dm away wd a kiss
.wd u,i c hvn ryt b4 my vry eyes.i cnt deny,'m inluv wd u.& i wnt 2 fil ds way 4
d rst of my lyf..nyt bhie. 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
Last night I wanted 2 write y0u a letter but all i cud write was.. "V+>l 7VHVW"
it ddn't mke any sense till u read it upside down.Ü 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
If ur heart feels empty, juz tell me & ill gladly step inside. But if one day u ll
be needing that space for someone else, don t worry for ill step out & give up my
space juz to see you happy 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
"Love often comes n d most unexpected tym, n strange ways & we can never imagine
, but on how ull react is all that matters, f u let it in or juz simply let love
pass u by..." 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
LAB: Inaamin ko may mahal ako bago kita minahal... Katulad mo din sya halos wala
ng pinagkaiba... Pero sasabihin ko sayo... di kita minahal para makalimutan sya.
.. kundi kinalimutan ko siya para mahalin ka! 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: It hurts so much to see you because of what happened to us before. People a
sk me about you, I say MAHAL KO YAN... and it hurts to know that whenever they a
sk you about me you just say MINAHAL KO YAN... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Takot akong mabuhay ng wala ka... di ko alam kung bakit. Hindi sa di ko kay
ang mabuhay ng wala ka kundi takot akong dumating ang araw na wala ka na pero MA
HAL PA RIN KITA... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
I love you Even when the songs Begin to cry. Though my heart Is bleeding And eve
rything seems To fade away. Even when the tears Stop falling And flowers Begin t
o dry. Seasons may pass And the world may die In the darkness and The loneliness
of my grave; If I die I'll live again Because even in death I will love you, st
ill. -BlueSniper 12,11 Posted by Dhon
Candies are sweet And so is wine and honey too, But the sweetest thing of all Is
the love I found in you. I close my eyes and think how caring should be You came
along with your love And shared it with me. 12,11 Posted by MrRightGuy
You're sweet and true Yes, I will always run to you. The good things never end Yo
u may make my dreams come true. I think of you wherever I may be. This love has
something great for you and me! 12,11 Posted by MrRightGuy
I would like to die sleeping like my grandfather and not screaming like the pass
engers of his car 12,11 Posted by kiddoh
LAB: Paano kaya kung iwan kita? Magmamahal ka ba ng iba o maghihintay ka? Paano
kung di na ako bumalik? Ako pa rin kaya ang mahal mo? Sana... Kasi kasi ako kahi
t anong gawin mo... Ikaw lang ang mahal ko 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Pag mahal mo, gagawin mo lahat. Kahit masakit, kahit di mo kaya...Pero baki
t ba nagiging masakit? Kc patuloy pa ring umaasa na mamahalin ka rin nya, khit a
lam mong HINDI NA... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Nanaginip ako kagabi... naluha nga ako kasi sabi sa panaginip ko di mo raw
ako mahal... tapos nagising ako at natawa... kasi naalala ko, kahit nga pala sa
totoong buhay di monaman ako mahal... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Let the love begin, let the light come shinning in, who knows where the road wil
l lead us now. Let the love begin, let this moment turn ur hears around, it may
never come again, let it in... Let the love begin.. bwahehe!!! 12,11 Posted by MrR
Let the love begin, let the light come shinning in, who knows where the road wil
l lead us now. Let the love begin, let this moment turn ur hearts around, it may
never come again, let it in... Let the love begin.. bwahehe!!! 12,11 Posted by Mr
LAB: Minsan may nagtanong sa akin... Paano daw kaya pag nawala ka? Napaisip ako,
naluha at natakot ako bigla... Tapos sabi nila... HUWAG MO NA SAGUTIN, SA MGA M
LAB: If youve been hurt by the person you love most, wag mo siyang gantihan... p
rove to him he was wrong to let you go... eventually, he will be hurt realizing
kung gaano siya katanga para pakawalan ka... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: It feels sad when we want to express our feelings to the person we love but
hold back coz they have chosen another... then wehn they get hurt, we can only
whisper AKO NEVER KITANG PABABAYAAN... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: People say that life begins when you meet the one you will love forever...
so when my friends asked me if my life has begun... I said ITS OVER, KASI INIWAN
MO AKO... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Am I crazy for wanting you.. Baby do you think you could want me too.. I don't w
anna waste your time.. Do you see things the way I do.. I just wanna know if you
feel it too.. There is nothing left to hide.. 12,11 Posted by [M][m]
sometimes you feel you'r like spring, somedays YOu feel you'r in hell , NOONE ne
ar you speically when u need them ! 12,11 Posted by sUr
LAB: Lahat ng tao SINUNGALING... Lahat ng tao MANLOLOKO... Lahat ng tao PLASTIK.
.. pero ikaw hindi... KASI HINDI KA NAMAN TAO!! For me you are an ANGEL... ANGEL
OF MY LIFE... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Bakit ang tao pag mahal mo iiwan ka... kapag iiwan mo, mamahalin ka... pag
mahal mo siya lang talaga, pero siya naman may mahal na iba... Sakit noh!!! Iton
g pag-ibig kasi eh, bakit nauso pa?! 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Habang naghihintay ka sa taong para sayo, maglibang at maglaro ka muna sa i
ba pero ingat ka... baka ang taong pinaglalaruan mo, pagkatapos ng lahat siya pa
la ang taong para sayo... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Di madaling maghintay. Di rin biro ang magmahal. Minsan akala mo siya na at
minsan akala mo ok na, pero mamamalayan mo na lang na... dumaan lang siya para
paibigin ka... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
I don't care what consequence it brings...I have been a fool for lesser things..
.I think you ought to know that I intend to hold on for the longest time...Aishi
teru.. 12,11 Posted by ^eMeRaLd^
Quand je vous vois sourire, je puis faire face à l'ohh du monde, vous sais que je
puis faire n'importe quoi. Quand je vous vois sourire je voir le rayon de la lum
ière, le voient shinning hors du throuh la pluie. Quand je vous vois sourire, bébé qua
nd je vous vois sourire à moi. 12,11 Posted by MrRightGuy
i may not be too good for you.. i may not be the sweet person you want me to be.
. i may not be too expressive for you to feel my love but one thing i tell you..
"nasa iba man lahat ng hanap mo.. iba pa rin kapag ako nagmahal sayo..." 12,11 P
osted by ^m[Y]rA^
don't underestimate the power of doing simple things in life, they might just be
the reason why you have a special place in somone's heart, just like the place
yo have in mine.. thanks for the simple things! 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
loving someone is a decision in life and once you've decided to love, there's no
turning back... kaso minsan love is not enough to stay with the one you truly l
ove kasi mahal mo sya pero di sya marunong magpahalaga.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
Dont hate me cause I am beautiful hate me cause your boyfriend thinks I am beaut
iful! -karma ang napapala ng mga malalanding suplada 12,11 Posted by gf-ng-vampire
loving someone is a decision in life and once you've decided to love, there's no
turning back... kaso minsan love is not enough to stay with the one you truly l
ove kasi mahal mo sya pero di sya marunong magpahalaga.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
loving someone is a decision in life and once you've decided to love, there's no
turning back... kaso minsan love is not enough to stay with the one you truly l
ove kasi mahal mo sya pero di sya marunong magpahalaga.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
the hardest thing in life is when you know inside your heart you still love the
person .. but you've run out of reasons to fight for what you feel & what you be
lieve in... 12,11 Posted by ^eMeRaLd^
every fiber of my being, every breath i struggle to take in, are all legacies of
how much i miss you. 12,11 Posted by ^eMeRaLd^
LAB: I have always thought that I have to fight for what I really feel. I have f
ought and got hurt, still I tried to give it a chance but now I don't know if I
still believe in that... kasi tao lang ako napapagod din... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Everybody said Im crazy for loving you... They also said Im stupid for loving yo
u... But you know what i told them? INGGIT LANG KAYO KASI WALA KAYONG MAHANAP NA
KASING PERFECT NG BABY KO. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Simple lang akong tao.. simpleng bagay lang masaya na ako... simpleng buhay
kuntento na ako... simpleng mensahe lang galing sayo pakiramdam ko ako na ang P
INAKA-IMPORTANTENG tao sa buhay mo... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB Di ba masakit pag inayawan ka... di ba masakit pag niloko ka... diba masakit
pag pinaasa ka pero mas masakit pag umiwas sya kahit ramdam na ramdam mo na MAH
AL nyo ang isat isa... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Huwag mo isiping nagiisa ka. Para saan pa ako? Huwag mo isiping malungkot k
a. Para saan pa ang mga ngiti ko? Pag inisip mo na walang umaalala sayo. Para mo
na ding sinabi na wala na ako. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Pag may nagsabi sayo na I DON'T LIKE YOU, huwag mong patulan, hilahin mo ak
o saka mo sabihing... WHO CARES?! 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Dati ginawa kong biro ang mahalin ka pinaniwala kita at ikaw naman si tanga
, naniwala pero ngayon? Na realize ko, ako pala ang tanga kasi yung biro ko, sa
puso ko totoo na pala. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Come.. let us take courage, and hand in hand pursue our journey in the path of l
ife.... 12,11 Posted by bheng
Be willing to have it so. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to o
vercoming the consequences of any misfortune. 12,11 Posted by bheng
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal
to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks! Then the doing of your wor
k shall be no miracle, bubt you shall be the miracle... 12,11 Posted by bheng
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal
to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks! Then the doing of your wor
k shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle... 12,11 Posted by bheng
Be not anxious about tomorrow. Do today's duty, fight today's battle, and do not
weaken and distrust yourself by looking forward to things which you cannot see
and could not understand if you saw them.. 12,11 Posted by bheng
A wise man once said, "Whatever came to me, I looked on as God's gift for some s
pecial purpose. If it was a difficulty, I knew He gave it to me to struggle with
, to strengthen my mind and my faith." That idea has sweetened and helped me all
of my life.. 12,11 Posted by bheng
13 Sitting Up And Sitting Down , Kissing Is A Common Noun , All The Words With Pr
oper Tense , Choose The Girl With 4Common Sense..!!! 015*3»13®3«0*13Maria2005©0*3»13®3«0* 1
LAB: Life may be... happy or stupid, cool or weird, overwhelming or miserable, m
insan pa full of pain... but whatever life may bring andito lang ako parati... 12
,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: Bakit ang iba marami pang hinahanap? Yun bang meron na nga di pa rin kunten
to, gagawin lahat makuha lang! Pero para sa akin mawawala lahat wag lang yung im
portante sa buhay ko, tulad mo. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: If in time you just want to give up and fall.. go ahead, for I will catch y
ou. But if again you fall, I will just tap you on your shoulders and say, lika n
ga dito.. di na kita bibitawan. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
LAB: If you were here beside me, I would stare at your face, look into your eyes
, hold your hand very tight and kiss you. Then as I look at your face, I would w
ish to God na sana akin ka na lang. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Bakit ganoon? Minsan ganoon, minsan hindi naman. Kaso gusto ko ng ganoon, pero d
i talaga. Eh paano na? Sana naman. Doon kaya? Makakamtam ko rin 'yon. Ano sa tin
gin mo? What!? How dare you? You piece of whatchamacallit! Si bheng in love... 12
,11 Posted by ghodhereek
damn you for leaving me!! damn you for mortality!! im so totally weak! i cant ev
en breath! i miss you its killing me!!! 12,11 Posted by SaraB|
damn you for leaving me!! damn you mortality!! im so totally weak! i cant even b
reath! i miss you its killing me!!! 12,11 Posted by SaraB|
U cn col me selfish! all i wAnt is Ur lOve!...caUse U cn col me hopeless! baby,
hoplessly inLoVe!... yOu cAn col me UnperFect. bUt whO's perFecr.. tell me whAt
do I gOtta do.. tO prOve tHaT i'm tHe onLy oNe fOr yoU..... So whats wrong with
being selfish!!!!! 12,11 Posted by aylabyu
U cn col me selfish! all i wAnt is Ur lOve!...caUse U cn col me hopeless! baby,
hoplessly inLoVe!... yOu cAn col me UnperFect. bUt whO's perFecr.. tell me whAt
do I gOtta do.. tO prOve tHaT i'm tHe onLy oNe fOr yoU..... So whats wrong with
being selfish!!!!! 12,11 Posted by aylabyu
nAiiCp mo pa kYa aKo? NaaLaLa mo Pa kYa uNg dating Tau? KhT kya mInsAn naiCp mon
G baLikAn unG mgA panAhoNg eiOn? KSe aKo ggWin ko LahAt buMaLik Ka Lng Sa buHay
Ko!! 12,11 Posted by jellyace
GaGaNtI kA rIn Ba KaPaG nIlOkO kAyO nG iNyOnG kArElAsYon? sa pnahon ngaun, kpag
nkgawa ng mli ang krelasyon, tyak na ggawa rin ng mali ang 1pa, blg. gnti sa knl
ang kpareha.'ika nga, "kUnG aNo AnG gInAwA mO sA kApWa Mo Ay DaPaT :lAnG dIn Na
DaNaSiN mO aNg SaKiT nA dUlOt Ni2. 12,11 Posted by ^rh|zza``
Creation of Woman from the rib of Man: She was not made from his head to top him
; Nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him; But out of his side to be equa
l with him, Under his arms to be protected, and near his heart to be loved. 12,11
Posted by ^rh|zza``
in a relationship, d 2 of u r involvd. its not dat 1 prson wud alwys xpriens pai
n or wud scrifice ol d tym bt it must b d 2 of u hu wud face it wid courage n lo
ve. 12,11 Posted by ^rh|zza``
Remember nung nagwish ka sa falling star na sana may magmahal sayo ng lubos? The
next day, sabi mo sa akin di ka na naniniwala sa falling star. Kung alam mo lan
g, love na kita bago ka pa nag wish. 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
Minsan akala mo di kita love, minsan akala mo di kita miss, minsan akala mo di a
ko care sayo. Pero akala mo lang yun! Di yun totoo dahil ikaw ang buhay ko! 12,11
Posted by guess`whose`back
Magmahal? Oo, marunong ako nun! Yung tipong tanga ka na, sige ka pa rin kasi mah
al mo. Sayang talaga. Pero sa bandang huli itatanong mo, TANGA BA TALAGA AKO OR
NAGMAHAL LANG? 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
Minsan kailangan mong maghintay. Minsan kailangan mong magtiis. Minsan kailangan
mong umiyak para maipadama mo sa taong mahal mo na handa kang gawin ang lahat p
ara lang sa kanya. 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
Mahal kita kaya iniwan ko siya. Mahal kita kaya pinaglaban kita. Mahal na mahal
kita pati buhay ko binigay ko na. Pero bakit di mo sinabing may mahal ka nang ib
a? 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
Kung makakasama kita buong buhay ko, di kita iiwan, di kita pababayaan, di kita
sasaktan, aalagaan kita, mamahalin ng sobra. Alam mo gusto ko katabi kita ngayon
para malaman mong ikaw ang buhay ko. 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
Naging tayo nung wala na kayo. Sabi mo minahal mo siya pero mas minahal mo ako.
Masaya pa nga tayo, diba? Ngayong bumalik siya, iniwan mo ako. Ngayon pa! Ngayon
g di ko na kayang mawala ka. 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
There was a time when someone secretly loved you. Someone secretly got hurt and
someone secretly is still crying... Do you know who taht secret someone is? Teka
lang ha... pupunasan ko muna luha ko. 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
Ilang beses ko na sinabi sa sarili ko na hinding hindi na kita mamahalin ngunit
tuwing nakikita kita laging sinasabi ng puso ko, HANGGANG NGAYON MAHAL PA DIN KI
TA. DI YUN MAGBABAGO! 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
The last time I fell in love, I got hurt and I told my self never to fall once a
gain, but then you came and touched my heart sabi ko, LAST NA PAG NAWALA KA PA A
YOKO NA TALAGA! 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
If you ask me who I want to spend the rest of my life with, I will just sit righ
t next to you, look into your eyes with a smile, hold your hand and whisper... i
kaw sana kaya lang... gusto mo ba? 12,11 Posted by guess`whose`back
kung m@y kkyh@n lng @ng mg@ LUH, n sbhin @ng mg@ dpt m0ng mrinig, hb@ng buh@y @k
0ng iiya, dhil m@y mg@ bg@y n@ mt@ lng @ng nk@2kit@ at LUHA lng @ng m@y ky@ng mg
p@dm@... 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
if i die & go 2 heaven & god ask me wats my last wish, i'll pause 4 a while 2 lu
k 4 u & wen i c u crying i wud say, "LORD, gve me a minute, yyakipin ko lng c LO
T 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
halimbawa may mahal ka? tpos cnktan k lang nya! iiyak kb? e pano kung ako ung LU
HA? cnong mas ha2yaan mng mwl? cya n mhal mo? o ak0ng Luhang ppyak pg-iyak mo?:)
12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
pAg mhaL m0 syA, sbhn m0, kht aLm m0ng, wLng kpaLit un, ang mhLga nLmn nyA, at k
ung magALit syA, sbhin m0: ang sb k0 mhL kta, hnd k0 cnbng mhLn m0 rn ak0.... 12,
11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
imagne ur lyf w/o me... wlng mkulit, wlng mgdadrama, wl ng mkkialm syo.. ok noh?
pro.. mlu2ngkot k kya? kpag wla ng "YUGIN" sa buhay mo...??? 12,11 Posted by ``St
Lif3 Is FuLL Fuckin Whor3s, pSychO cRaPs, LoWFiL3 BiTch3S & PaThetic SluTs! But
When Dos buLcRaPs Piss You OfF, TeLL Me & i'L Do D MosT ShiTy ThinG A fuckIn Fri
EnD CaN Do0o0o.. 12,11 Posted by CrAnBeRri3S^
8,2pag mahal mo ang isang tao, lahat gagawin mo para sa kanya. kahit masakit, kah
it mahirap, kahit magmukha kang tanga... mamahalin mo pa rin sha... kahit na may
mahal pa shang iba.. 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Alam mo yung mahal mo, mahal ka din. Pero nasa'yo siya wala sa akin. Lahat na gi
nawa ko para ako na lang ang mahalin...pero bale wala kasi ikaw pa din. Hindi ko
alam kung ano na ang dapat gawin...kasi yung mahal ko, mahal mo, at mahal ka di
n 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Sinungaling ako kung sasabihin kong d kita gusto. !@#$ ko pag tinago ko ang nara
ramdaman ko Pero bobo ko pag umasa kong mamahalin mo rin ako gaya ng pagmamahal
mo sa tropa ko 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
nkkta mo ako pg nkak2limutan knya, ginugus2 mo ako pa my ksama syang iba... ano
nga ba tlga ako sau? "DAKILANG EXTRA" tpos cya.. cyempre ung "BIDA".. 12,11 Poste
d by ``Streetboy``
Muntik ko nang ipagtapat s'yo ang nararamdaman ko nung magkasama tayo.. muntik k
o na sabihin na mahal kita.. pero nung sasabihin ko na, napatigil ako dahil bigl
a mong sinabi, "lam mo miss ko na siya.." 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Sabi nila tanga ko daw kasi hinihintay pa rin kita, kasi okay lang sa akin kahit
nandiyan siya, kasi wala naman akong magagawa para malaman mo na mahal kita. Pa
ano pag naging tayo? eh di masaya....isang manhid at isang tanga. 12,11 Posted by
8,2We bc0me selfish wen we luv sum1.., gus2 m syo lng xa, d pwede sa iba..., but
wat if may humngi sa knya? @ gus2 nya suma2? ibi2gay mo ba? o magda2mot ka? 12,11
Posted by ``Streetboy``
We bc0me selfish wen we luv sum1.., gus2 m syo lng xa, d pwede sa iba..., but wa
t if may humngi sa knya? @ gus2 nya suma2? ibi2gay mo ba? o magda2mot ka? 12,11 P
osted by ``Streetboy``
we both knw we love ich othr but we prtnd we dnt. u knw y? der r tyms we say i l
uv u thru jokes... damn! i cnt w8 4 d tym 2 tel dat "totoo na yun..." 12,11 Poste
d by ``Streetboy``
bakit kung kailan natuto akong maghintay hindi ka dumating? bakit kung kailan na
tuto akong magtiis dun ka sumuko? bakit kung kailan natutunan kitang mahalin dun
ka lumayo, bakit kung kailan mahal na kita saka ka nagmahal ng iba? 12,11 Posted
by ``Streetboy``
puno ng makahiya, bulaklak ng yellow bell, tingnan mo at makikita ang salitang m
ahal kita!!!. :) 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
d ko naman sadyang mahalin ka.. nahulog lang po.. malay ko bang ganito pala mang
yayari.. ansakit nga eh! pano.. nahulog na ko't lahat.. d ko naman alam kung mas
asalo mo ko.. 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
8,2ngtataka kb bkt kta mhal kc ikaw yan eh, wla ng iba pa!! subukan mong 2mqyo sa
lugar ko ng malaman mo kung gaano ksarap magmhal ng taong TULAD MO... 12,11 Post
ed by ``Streetboy``
Sino ba mahal mo? ay siya ba? Akala ko kasi kahit pano... mahal mo din ako...per
o sige..k lng.. basta ako mahal na mahal na mahal kita.. tama na sakin un.. 12,11
Posted by ``Streetboy``
L NA MAHAL KITA 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Kaya kong tuyuin ang iyong mga luha sa bawat sakit na iyong mararamdaman ngunit
kailan mo kaya mapupuna ang aking luha? Pareho lang tayong nasasaktan - ikaw dah
il sa kanya.. at ako, dahil sa'yo 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Alam mo yung mahal mo, mahal ka din. Pero nasa'yo siya wala sa akin. Lahat na gi
nawa ko para ako na lang ang mahalin...pero bale wala kasi ikaw pa din. Hindi ko
alam kung ano na ang dapat gawin...kasi yung mahal ko, mahal mo, at mahal ka di
n 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
Nothing beats love. Love is the greates healing power there is, nothing else com
es close. Not ancient cures, modern medicines and technologies, or all the inter
esting books we read or the wise things we say and think. Love has a transformat
ional power... 12,11 Posted by bheng
Love does not consist in gazing each other, but in looking outward in the same d
irection.. 12,11 Posted by bheng
When someone cares it is easier to speak, it is easier to listen, it is easy to
play, it is easy to work. When someone cares it is easier to laugh.. 12,11 Posted
by bheng
alwys tot dt u fil d sme lyk I do I ws hpi, bt wn I trnd bck, I sw u wd sm1 els
dn I askd, bt m k pnaasa? U sed, d kta pnaasa, mhal kta bstfrnd kta dba? 12,11 Po
sted by ``Streetboy``
Alam mo, I love you so much today. Tomorrow, I'm sure I love you more. Until the
rest of my life...ikaw? Kailan mo kaya ako makukuhang mahalin? Kapag di na kita
mahal? 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Muntik ko nang ipagtapat s'yo ang nararamdaman ko nung magkasama tayo.. muntik k
o na sabihin na mahal kita.. pero nung sasabihin ko na, napatigil ako dahil bigl
a mong sinabi, "lam mo miss ko na siya.." 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
-IISA PANGAKO 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
They Say YoU LoV3 To save FutuR3. But M3 I DonT MinD Spending.. SPENDING the RES
T of My LIfe With YoU 12,11 Posted by Nadia`774
LUV can Hurt You SometymS But The Only Way Is To ForgeT And AccePt The Reality..
If Some1 is Gone TherE ComeS a nEw 1 HappinesS Shall Come Ur Way WiD The Person
YoU DeseRve 2 Have.. 12,11 Posted by Nadia`774
Bakit ngayong wala ka na tsaka kita napansin? Bakit ngayong iniwan mo na ako tsa
ka kita binigyang halaga? At bakit ngayong may mahal ka nang iba tsaka ko lang n
alamang mahal kita? 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Ok na ako hindi ka pa. Anong problema? Ako ba? Masaya na ako, malungkot ka. Baki
t ba laging salungat ka? Tahimik na ako, utak mo ay magulo pa. Dahil ba ako ang
kasama mo at hindi siya? 12,11 Posted by Junmar
I miss the way you talk to me and the way you say, HOY MUSTA?! The way you wave
and say INGAT KA HA? But the thing I miss most is when you say, OK LANG YAN. NAN
DITO NAMAN AKO, EH. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Paano mo malalaman kung mahal ka niya? Simple lang. Tumalon ka at isigaw mo na m
ahal mo siya. Pero kung di ka niya saluhin, wag kang mag-alala! Ano bang silbi k
o? Diba taga-salo pag wala siya? 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Nung makita kita, sabi ko ikaw na nga. Nung makausap kita, sabi ko ikaw na nga.
Nung maging magkaibigan tayo, sabi ko ikaw na nga. Pero bakit nung makita mo siy
a, sabi mo sa akin siguro siya na nga? 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Pumayag akong mawala ka dahil dun ka masaya... pumayag akong masaktan dahil dun
ka masaya... pumayag akong umiyak dahil dun ka masaya... napilitan akong pumayag
kasi alam ko sa iba ka sasaya... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Masakit mang isipin alam kong may iba ka na. Ayoko mang tanggapin, alam ko na ma
hal mo siya. Kaya ngayon nandito ako, nagiisip at kung minsan ay umiiyak pa. Sig
uro dahil ikaw pa rin talaga. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Kaya kong maibsan ang iyong mga luha sa bawat sakit na iyong nararamdaman ngunit
kailan mo kaya mapupuna ang aking mga luha? Pareho lang naman tayong nasasaktan
, eh. Ikaw sa kanya at ako sayo. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Kaya kong matiis ang lahat ng hirap at pagod at ang mabibigat na pasanin at pags
ubok na dumadating, ang hindi ko lang makakayanan ay iwan mo akong nag-iisa o ak
ing Panginoon 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
Alam mo ikaw ang aking inspirasyon, at ang aking buhay. Di ko alam kung ano ang
gagawin ko kapag nawala ka pa sa aking piling. Alam mo kung gaano kita kamahal.
I Love You Honey!!!!!!! 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
bheng, i take u as my lawfully wedded chatmate, in sickness or in health, thru m
eterin or not, til dc do us part!!! 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
the words are in my mind but my lips are tied to express this matter h
ow i tried i just can't tell u how much i really love u and miss u my Honey, Mar
ynessa 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
Laging ikaw ang nasa isip ko, ang buhay ko ay para sa yo tanging ikaw lamang ang
iibigin, Marynessa :)) 12,11 Posted by Ren_tao
Even though you're far away, in my heart you'll always stay, and with my love yo
u'll always win, distant love is not a sin. I can hear your voice, travel it thr
ough me, and my feelings for you I will make you see, distant love is you and me
. I look at the stars and see your face, The sweetness of your lips I still can
taste. I hope you will always love me, like I'll always love you, caus distant l
ove was bound f 12,11 Posted by bheng
hlmbwa my mhl ka...tpos cnktan ka lng nya! iiyak kb? e pno kung ako ung LUHA?cno
ng mas ha2yaan mng mwl? cya n mhl mo? o akong Luhang pptak pag-iyak mo?:) 12,11 P
osted by enegue0304
ang puso prng bote kpg nbsag mhrp n mulng mabuo, ngunit tndaan mo nbsag man ang
puso mo, my 1 taong handang msugatn s basag na praso pr buuin muli ito... :) 12,1
1 Posted by ``Streetboy``
ganda ng langit sa gabi noh? daming bituin... kaya nga lang minsan nakakapagod t
umingala... buti nalang nanjan ka... isang tingin ko lang, langit na. 12,11 Poste
d by Junmar
awayin ka man ng mga tao sa mundo, asahan mong andito ako para sayo. Pagka-isaha
n ka man nang lahat, yaan mo, hahawakan ko kamay mo at sabay tayong tatakbo... p
ara humanap ng ibang mundo" 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Tumingin ako sa langit, nakita kita. Binuksan ko ang radyo, narinig kita. Naghan
ap ako ng matatambayan, nakasama kita. Nanood ako ng TV, ikaw ang bida. Baliw na
ba ko? O miss lang kita? 12,11 Posted by Junmar
Pag wala ka na, di na ako iiyak. Pag wala ka na, di na ako malulungkot. Pag wala
ka na, di na ako magmumukhang tanga. Alam mo kung bakit? Kasi wala na rin ako. 1
2,11 Posted by Junmar
magpapaalam na sana ako syo, sbi ko iiwan na kta.. at niyakap kta sa huling sand
ali, bumulong ka rin sken.. kala ko ppgilan mo ko perso sbi mo.. "WAG.... 12,11 P
osted by kree
what if you love the wrong person? are you gonna give up or hold on? or maybe yo
u need to do nothing just continue loving.. who knows? maybe that love.. might b
e enough to make that person the right one.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
i found the right guy.. gave the perfect love.. it was the right time. Everythin
g was perfect except for one thing... for him, i wasn't the perfect girl and i w
asn't even so close being the right one.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
sabi nila kapag mahal mo isang tao, wag mo pakakawalan.. pano kapag di kayo nagk
asundo? papakawalan mo ba? ako OO.. papakawalan ko yung PRIDE ko.. wag lang mawa
la yung taong mahal ko.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
Love can never be wrong.. sometimes you blame the situation or even the person..
but no matter who you blame, if it really wasn't meant for you.. it just wouldn
't be.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
hanggang ngayon ba umaasa ka pa rin.. umaasa na mamahalin ka ng minamahal mo na
may mahal pang iba... di ka ba napapagod? di ka ba nasasaktan? o talagang nanini
wala ka lang sa salitang.. KATANGAHAN?? 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
don't expect life to be fair, mahirap kasi, madaming trials.. pero kahit ganun,
don't forget to SMILE... sa mundo puwedeng isang tao ka lang.. pero sa isang tao
puwedeng ikaw ang mundo.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
if all else fail.. would you be there to love me?... when all else fail.. would
you be brave to see right through me?.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
Most relationship fail not bcoz of absence of love. Love is always present, it's
jst dat loved 2 much and da other loved to little. 12,11 Posted by edgtlkhgf``
ï £övé ÝÖÜ Wørds dåt i wi££ ñévèr 4gét 2 say! ånd i ñévèr givé úp! úntil d rèst øf my £ifé.
`BhAbY_KhAyE ï £övé ÝÖÜ Wørds dåt i wi££ ñévèr 4gét 2 say! ånd i ñévèr givé úp! úntil d rès
`BhAbY_KhAyE N/A ï £övé ÝÖÜ Wørds dåt i wi££ ñévèr 4gét 2 say! ånd i ñévèr givé úp! úntil d
`BhAbY_KhAyE = N/A = ï £övé ÝÖÜ Wørds dåt i wi££ ñévèr 4gét 2 say! ånd i ñévèr givé úp! únt
`BhAbY_KhAyE N/A Pag sinabi kong mahal kita maniniwala ka kaya? Siguro hindi kas
i di mo naman ako siniseryoso. Kung maniwala ka naman siguro di mo na papansinin
kasi di mo naman ako mahal at iba ang mahal mo. 12,11 Posted by `BhAbY_KhAyE
`BhAbY_KhAyE N/A Kung makakasama kita buong buhay ko, di kita iiwan, di kita pab
abayaan, di kita sasaktan, aalagaan kita, mamahalin ng sobra. Alam mo, gusto ko
katabi kita ngayon para malaman mong ikaw ang buhay ko. 12,11 Posted by `BhAbY_KhA
Sa buhay natin, walang permanente, lahat pwedeng mawala.Nasasaiyo kung pano mo i
to aalagaan. Kaya ikaw, iingatan kita at mamahalin baka sakaling maging permanen
te ka sa buhay ko... 12,11 Posted by Junmar
I love you Even when the songs Begin to cry. Though my heart Is bleeding And eve
rything seems To fade away. Even when the tears Stop falling And flowers Begin t
o dry. Seasons may pass And the world may die In the darkness and The loneliness
of my grave; If I die I'll live again Because even in death I will love you, st
ill. 12,11 Posted by MrRightGuy
"You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; 12,11 Posted by party_lover
"HaPPyness is not the matter of Destiny It is a Matter of CHOICE" 12,11 Posted by
You are always new. The last of your kisses was ever the sweetest 12,11 Posted by
Is not a kiss the very autograph of love 12,11 Posted by party_lover
The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love And feel
the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the wo
rld is transformed 12,11 Posted by party_lover
There is no path greater than love.There is no law higher than love.And there is
no goal beyond love.God and love are identical 12,11 Posted by party_lover
takot ako mwala ka, di ko alam kung bakit, hndi sa hndi ako mabubuhay ng wla ka,
kundi takot ako dumating yung araw, na mahal pa din kita...KAHIT WLA KA NA 12,11
Posted by party_lover
bkit ganun?! alam mong mali pro d m mgwang itama, lam mng bwal pro andyan k p ri
n, nkdapa k n ayw m p ring bmngon kelan nga b mgging tama ang mali sa pag-ibig 12
,11 Posted by party_lover
Pag nawala ka sa buhay ko? edi ok wala na akong problema! pero pwede ba wag k nl
ng mawawala? kc... mas ok pang problemahin kita... kesa mamroblema dahil... wala
ka na... 12,11 Posted by marzky
mnsan gus2 nting sbhin n msaya tau... pro anumang plit nting mgng masaya hahanpi
n prin ntn ang 1ng bgay n nagpapsaya satin ewan ko kung ano sau? skin kc... "ika
w... sana..." 12,11 Posted by marzky
mahirap makipaglaban sa bagay na lam mong talo ka, wala kang magawa kundi hayaan
na lang, tumahimik, hanggang ilayo sau ang taong pnkamamahal mo. naisip ko tulo
y, sana di ko nlng sya nkilala di sna ko nahihirapn ng ganto... /sob 12,11 Posted
by marzky
nagtiis ako para syo.. binigay lht bsta kaya ko... kinaya ang sakit para sayo..
pero pinagpalit mo pa rin ako... /sob 12,11 Posted by marzky
naalala ko ang mga arw na cnsbi mo skin "mahal kita" ...naalala ko nun cnabi mo
na "i'll nver let u go" ...pero higt s lhat nde ko makakalimutan ang araw nun cn
abi mo "iiwan na kita ha?" 12,11 Posted by marzky
Sa pagmamahal di dapat ikaw nasusunod, minsan kailangan iwanan ka para matuto ka
ng maghabol, kailangan saktan ka rin para matuto kang magmahal at kailangan siya
ng mawala para matuto kang maghanap 12,11 Posted by gOrGeOusZ_16
Kung talagang mahal mo ang isang tao, wag mong isipin kung ano ang gagawin mo pa
g nawala siya. Ang dapat mong pag-isipan kung ano ang gagawin mo.. para di siya
mawala sa yo 12,11 Posted by gOrGeOusZ_16
Alam mo ikaw ang mahal ko kya lang may problema.. mahal mo ba ko? Oo? Eh bakit di
mo pinakita, di sana TAYO NGAYON, hindi kami.. ikaw kasi eh, ikaw lang naman hi
nihintay ko 12,11 Posted by gOrGeOusZ_16
mahal kita, OO! yun ang totoo.. at kahit wala ka sa tabi ko ikaw pa rin ang lama
n ng puso ko. sabi mo noon mahal mo ko pero kung tatanungin kaya kita ngayon, an
ong sasabihin mo? ako pa rin ang mahal mo o ang taong nakasama mo nung WALA ako?
12,11 Posted by marzky
mttgo ko ang skit, mppniwla ang iba n kya ko, pero d ko mttgo sa sarili ko, na u
ng taong ng-iwan at nnakit s akin, ay ang tao p rin na gs2 kong mahalin... 12,11
Posted by marzky
<narasan mo na ba magmahal ng pasaway...??? hrap dba?? sakit ng ulo, kkhayblod,
kkaasar, kkpikon! pero naranasan mo na ba mahalin ng pasaway? sarap db??? lalo n
a pagsinabi nya... "iloveyou!sori na> 12,11 Posted by cathy_2419
<mhrap sumuko sa bgay na mtgl mo pinaglaban sa isang iglap, bglang wala na... pr
o sa sarili mo lam mng kaya mong lumaban ang mskt... laban k ng laban then... su
ddenly... cnuko ka na pla...> 12,11 Posted by cathy_2419
love may take long... but it will always take you to where you belong... enjoy t
he journey... no need to hurry 'coz your heart will know when it's finally home.
.. 12,11 Posted by fReYa_17
mhl kta.. bat nagmhal kpa ng iba? lam ko dati mhl mo rin ako, kso bnlewala kta..
umaasa ko n bblik kp, kso di na mngyyri un dhl nkta kta.. ksma mo mhal mo.. kyb
igan ko pa! 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Once I feel in love with someone very special and I told myself that I'll never
gonna give up on her. But the other day, she asked me to. I tried really hard bu
t I couldn't kasi mahal na mahal ko pa rin sya. 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Minsan pag nagmahal ka, kahit may nakikita ka nang mali, tahimik ka lang. Kahit
sobrang sakit na tahimik ka pa rin...kailan ko kaya masasabi sa'yo na mahal na m
ahal kita at sinasaktan mo ako??? 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
a lost possession can be replaced; a lost life can't. 12,11 Posted by Marzky
sometimes we think that loving someone can be such a risk. how else would we win
if we don't take a chance. you don't lose by loving, you lose by holding back. 1
2,11 Posted by Junmar
sUmtYmS i wAnT 2 SHOUT & LeT D HuL WrLd KnW Hw Luky I aM 2 hAV U... Bt sUmTymS i
JsT HuSH & Be quIte CoZ D wrLD MyT tKe u AwAy Fr mE.. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
of ol d days uv been away,i sim 2 mis u mor 2day. ol i hav s a starles sky & hop
les dreams 2 get on by. tho ders no rison 4u 2b near i knw its crazy but i wish
u wer here. :( 12,11 Posted by Junmar
i know a hand i want to hold, a voice i long to hear, a smile i'd die to see and
the presence i love to be near with. i miss someone and that someone is you. it
's just too bad i can't be with you. :(( 12,11 Posted by Junmar
as you steps slowly away from me... staring and wishpering "stay"... then i've w
aited. believing one day you'll return. somehow, somewhere you'll realized that
when you left there is a soul who waits for a time... thats me. 12,11 Posted by Ju
--> LeTtinG gO dOesNt mean "iTs oveR", bReakiN up dOesnT meAn "yoU'd had enOugH"
, insTeaD..iTs a gOod reaSoN as sAyiN.."yaw nA kitaNg maHirapAn..gO on, you deSe
Rve somEonE betTer" 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
tHey saY thE sweEtesT woRd iS "I LOVE YOU" anD tHe harDesT is "GOODBYE" bUt whAt
iF yOu diScoVerEd thAt hE doeSn't reaLly loVe you? wouLd yOU chOse tHe biTternE
sS oF goOdBye oR choSe to heaR thE swEetesT liE? 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
WheN yOu Love sOmeoNe yOu leT thEm go..thiNkinG thaT iF theY lOVe yOu thEy wiLl
comE bacK..wHat yoU faiL to See is ThaT theY maY nevEr comE baCk foR the veRY re
aSoN thaT yOu lEt theM gO 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
WheN yOu Love sOmeoNe yOu leT thEm go..thiNkinG thaT iF theY lOVe yOu thEy wiLl
comE bacK..wHat yoU faiL to See is ThaT theY maY nevEr comE baCk foR the veRY re
aSoN thaT yOu lEt theM gO 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
wHy dO we tEnd To huRt the oNe wE loVe anD huRt ouRseLf twiCe as mUch? whY do wE
haVe to giVe up iF we sTilL waNt to fIghT? wHy dO thiNgs go wRong whEn alL we d
O is.."LOVE?" 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
gAanO kaHiRap tuRuan ang puSonG magmahaL nG isaNg taOng di mO maHal?..gaNun diN
kaYa kaHiraP kung pipiLitinG wag maHaLin ang tAong maHal na mahaL mo? 12,11 Poste
d by jaszmine
LeTtinG gO dOesNt mean "iTs oveR", bReakiN up dOesnT meAn "yoU'd had enOugH", in
sTeaD..iTs a gOod reaSoN as sAyiN.."yaw nA kitaNg maHirapAn..gO on, you deSeRve
somEonE betTer" 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
i mEt a cRazY mAn anD i asK him "wHich is gReaTeR, heaRt or brAin?" he ansWereD
me lauGhing "i loSt my bRain beCauSe oF lOve, bUt i loSt mY loVe beCausE i foLlo
wEd my bRaiN" 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
baKiT maHiraP panSiniN ang isaNg ex? gaLit ka Ba daHiL sinaKtaN ka Niya? gaLiT k
a bA daHil niLokO ka niYa? gaLit ka ba dahiL iniWaN ka niyA? o, naHiHiya ka laNg
amiNin na.."mahaL mo pa RiN siYa?" 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
4,8 pag sa palagay mo bibigay ka na, pag sa palagay mo d mo na kaya, at sa plagay
mo wla ka ng kasama, e2 lng masasabi ko..puro ka palagay mo ba iiwan
kita? HeLLO! sa palagay ko d ko kya.. 12,11 Posted by Maei
d lst time i fell in luv, i got hurt, i told myself, nvr 2 fol in luv again, but
den u came & touch my ko: lst na 2..pag nwla ka pa..yoko na tlga 12,1
1 Posted by Maei
kung may kakayahan lang ang mga LUHA, na sbihin ang nmga dapat mong marining,hab
ang buhay akong iiyak, dahil may mga bagay na mata lang ang nakakakita at LUHA l
ng ang may kakayahang magpadama 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
puno ng gumamela bulaklak ng sampaguita tingnan mo at makikita ang salitang MAHA
L kita. 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
forget DO, forget RE, but dont Forget ME, DO,RE,ME........ 12,11 Posted by ``Stree
"all men are animals, some just makes a better pets" 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
"I was born intelligent but education ruined me" 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
'When you think of your past love, you may view it as a failure. In the game of
love, it doesn't really matter who won or who lost. What is important is you kno
w when to hold on and when to let go!' 12,11 Posted by yEe_zAi
SeArChInG To FeEl yOuR SoUl, tHe sTrEnGtH To sTaNd aLoNe, tHe pOwEr oF NoT KnOwI
nG & lEtTiNg gO. I GuEsS I FoUnD My wAy, It'S SiMpLe wHeN ItS RiGhT, FeElInG LuC
kY JuSt tO Be hErE ToNiGhT, AnD HaPpY. JuDt tO Be mE AnD Be . . . 12,11 Posted by
If anyone should be happy, it should be me not you.If anyone should be lucky, it
would be me not you.And if there's a reason why it would be's because o
f you. 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
u may not see me da way i c u... U may not care 4 me da way i care 4 u.. U may f
eel nothn 4 me even if i feel so much 4 u... N U may never ever love me even if
il olwyz b here.. Lovin u... 12,11 Posted by ^^SwEEt_PoIson^^
Sometimes lov is ironic. Its hard 2 find but easy to lose... makes u feel gud bu
t hurt u so bad, opens ur eyes but makesu blind... fills up ur heart then tears
it apart... 12,11 Posted by ^^SwEEt_PoIson^^
Takot akong makasama ka, baka kasi masanay akong andiyan ka,,, D naman sa di ko
kayang mabuhay ng wala ka... Kundi takot akong dumating ang araw na hahanapin ki
ta pero wala ka na.. 12,11 Posted by ^^SwEEt_PoIson^^
Life is so short to waste time for someone who's unworthy for your love.. Its so
sad when the right person will not be able to search for you coz your too busy
all your life makin' the wrong person right for you.. 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy
How I wish I cud really tell u how much u mean 2 me, but m afraid 2 love, scared
2 get hurt... I hope dat u will wait 4 me & pray dat u will not get tired of lo
ving me... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
ur d rison y i find tym 2 smyl.. d rison y i havnt given up.. d rison y pain doe
snt hurt at all.. d rison y i luv... d rison y i liv... so pls stay.. coz ur d r
ison for my lyf.... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
We've been close in a bit of time and you've been so wonderful to me in ways no
one else has been, i'll always be greatful for all the happiness i might never h
ave known if you would not have been a part of my life.... 12,11 Posted by |Naught
I know that we don't belong to one another but the more I befriend you, the more
I fall and if I fall, I know I'd be hurt because friends are for company, not f
or falling in love with, right? 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
I hope that time would come for you to realize that once in your life, I was her
e loving you & I will leave not because I love you no more. But to give you spac
e so you could love her more.... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
Pag may nagsabi sayo ng "i don t like you" wag mong damdamin... Hilahin mo ko at sak
a mo sabihin sa kanya ng "who cares?" eto o si JERALD a.k.a |Naughty_Boy| mahal na
mahal ako!!! 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
may mga bgay sa mundo n di mo maintindihan... may mga bgay n nagyari n di mo mpi
gilan... pro khit ano png mangyari... gs2 kong tandaan mo... ndi2 lng ako, lalo
n kung pra sau.... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
lecheng buhay 2... daming prblema... daming dahil sa buhay n 2...
nkilala kta... kya naicip ko...s**t!! sarap pala mabuhay... lalo n andyan ka! 12
,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
wg mong icipin nagiisa ka...pra san pa ko? wag mo iciping mlungkot ka...pra san
p mga ngiti ko? pg inicip mo wlang nagmamahal sau... pra mo n ring cnabing... wa
la n ko... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
b4 i met u, msaya buhay ko... wla msyadong problema, laging nkangiti, pro nagbag
o ang lahat ng dumating ka...ewan ko ba... pwede palang maging... mas masaya 12,1
1 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
may mga bgay sa mundo n di mo maintindihan... may mga bgay n nagyari n di mo mpi
gilan... pro khit ano png mangyari... gs2 kong tandaan mo... ndi2 lng ako, lalo
n kung pra sau.... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
kung bbgyan ako ng pgkakataong umpisahan ulit ang buhay ko..ndi ko tatanggapin..
lam mo ba kung bkt ayaw ko? 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
kung bbgyan ako ng pgkakataong umpisahan ulit ang buhay ko..ndi ko tatanggapin..
lam mo ba kung bkt ayaw ko? papano kung ndi na kta muling mkta at mklala? balewa
la rin dba? 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
slowly, tiny stars fell from the dark sky,you know the reason why? it's because
i begged them to. so that i could prove to you thatnot only i... but even stars
could fall for you 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
wag mong sayangin ang time na iparamdam sa isang tao na mahal mo siya... lalo na
kung alam mong mahal ka rin niya dahil baka dumating ang araw na sure ka na...
pero siya... "sumuko na" 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
minsan. gusto kong sabihin sayo na... nasaktan mo ako... pinaiyak... pinaasa...
pinagmukhang tanga... pero natatakot ako kasi baka sabihin mo... "bakit mo ako s
inisisi? sinabi ko bang mahalin mo ako?" 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
mahirap magalit ng walang dahilan, mahirap umintindi ng di mo maintindihan, mahi
rap masaktan ng wala kang karapatan, pero diba... mas mahirap magmahal ng taong.
.. angturing sayo'y di mo alam 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
may mga pagkakataon na kailangan natin masaktan dahil sa pagmamahal kailangan mo
ng umiyal para sa kanya at minsan di mo mapigilang umasa pa kahit alam mong... "
WALA NA SIYA" :c 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
pag ako namatay gusto ko nandun kayo lahat maingay... tumutona... nagsosounds...
ayokong makikita kayong umiiyak, dapat masaya. Paglibing ko na gusto ko sabihin
niyo "happy trip angel ingat ka!" :c 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
im scared to think of you i might not stop. im scared to be with you coz i might
not let go. And im scared to look in your eyes coz you might see... How much yo
u relly mean to me... 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
When you Love... NeVer eVer giVe youR 100% LeaVe At Least 70% for YouRseLf sO iF
eVer He'll huRt yOu, You coUld sTill say: "ShHiit!!! Yun nA bA Yun?!!! waLa na
Bang mas Msakit pa don?!!!..." Ü 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
[i love you] means really care for you...... 12,11 Posted by yEe_zAi
I asked for all things so I can enjoy life. God gave me life so I can enjoy all
things. 12,11 Posted by iconworks
love is patient and kind, it never gets tired nor impatient. 12,11 Posted by ic0nw
How I wish I cud really tell u how much u mean 2 me, but m afraid 2 love, scared
2 get hurt... I hope dat u will wait 4 me & pray dat u will not get tired of lo
ving me... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
iniwan kita d dahil ayoko na sa'yo tinalikuran kita d dahil galit ako; lumayo ak
o d dahil ayaw na kitang makita; umalis lang ako kc ayaw ko ng umiyak habang nak
ikita kang masaya........ 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
sa 2wing ika'y nakikita, puso'y nasasaktan lam mo kng bkt? dhl mhl kta.. pro d m
ko mhl.. gs2hn k mng mlamn m ang narramdamn ko,d maari dhl mhl na mhl k ng kaib
igan ko.. 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
di naman ako umaasang mahalin mo ako, okey lang naman sa akin kung ayaw mo talag
a, pero sana wag mo naman ipamukha sa akin kung gaano mo sya kamahal kasi ang sa
kit eh... 12,11 Posted by |Naughty_Boy|
Tila yata sadyang ganito ang aking kapalaran. Namana ko siguro ito sa una kong p
ag-ibig kaya nagkakaganito ako. Huwag naman sana... gusto ko rin siyang maging m
asaya. Hindi sa paraan ng paglimot sa kasalukuyang pag-ibig, ngunit sa pag-ibig
na umaasa hanggang sa kabilang buhay... 12,11 Posted by ic0nw0rks
wla naman akong prinamise pero bakit nagkakaganito ako!? sadya kayang mahirap ka
limutan ang pag-ibig mong walang kasiguraduhan? 12,11 Posted by ic0nw0rks
the lips of the girl is the sister part of a vagina. which all men desires and n
ot... 12,11 Posted by ic0nw0rks
to hack than to be hacked is a stupid belief. strengthen your security system so
you won't be hacked, just like love... 12,11 Posted by ic0nw0rks
the last time i was inlove, i got hurt and i told myself... never to fall inlove
again! but the you came and touched my heart... sabi ko, "LAST NA TOH! PAGNAWAL
A KA PA.... AYOKO NA TALAGA!" 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
kailangan kita kailangan ka niya...mahalga ka sakin mahalaga ka sa kanya mahal k
ita mahal kanya parehas diba? ang pinagkaina lang... nasa likod mo ako pero siya
nasa tabi mo... :c 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
hinahanap mo ako pag wala siya... naalala mo ako pagnakakalimutan ka niya... lam
mo kung ano lang talaga ako sa buhay mo?... "isang dakilang extra" samantalang
siya... "nagiisang bida" :c 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
Hw wS i Supose 2knw twas Gona End This Way??? iCn stL rmMbr our memris ich & evR
yday. U wer my ANGEL and U gV me Wings and Ol. U gV me winGs, Yes,, Bt u R Also
the caused my fall.. :c 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
pagmurang songhits na bili moito makukuha mo... Red Hot's Zephyr Song: Fly away
on my CELLPHONE...I feel it more than ever 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
its been 4 years that im not seeing u, do u still remmber me?, its so long since
we see each oder, sandali nga?? ano nga pala pangalan mo?? 12,11 Posted by devlis
kagabi ask ko si LORD kung may taong manhid? sabi niya wala daw siyang ginawang
ganun... tumalikod ako at napatungo bigla niyang sinabi "manhid ba siya o di mo
lang matanggap na kaibigan ka lang niya" 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
luv is..??hmm...ano nga b tlaga ang luv..??y do pipol die 4 luv?ikaw alam mo? 12,
11 Posted by MADD``
In Life... we meet a person were not supposed to fall in love with... for it cou
ld only cos trouble and pains... logic tels us to stop... but are heart says: Ho
w could it be so wrong, if it feel so right. 12,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
may mga bagay na sau na, naaagaw pa ng iba, d nmn maiiwasan un, pero lam mo masa
rap dun?.. ung alam mo maraming umaagaw sa knya...pero kahit minsan hindi
nila nakuha.. 12,11 Posted by Maei
u dnt have 2 b perfect 2 let sombody luv u, d way u wntd 2b loved, always rememb
er dt being SIMPLE..s da most prfct way 2 make sum1 fall in love wd u.. 12,11 Pos
ted by Maei
minsan trip kitang inisin.. asarin.. pikunin..tpos ako tatawa lang...sus! wag ka
ng mag alala paraan ko lng un..pra shbn na: ang saya ko kc nanjan ka.. 12,11 Post
ed by Maei
minahal kita, ginago mo ko, pinatawad kita, tinarantado mo na nman ako, huling p
ag kakataon ang hiningi mo, sinampal ako ng katabi ko....... "Manhid ka ba?? o T
anga ka lang talaga??".... lam kung ano sabi ko sa kanya??..... "tang***mo pala
eh! MAHAL kO sya eh!" - mito_18 12,11 Posted by devlish_mind
sabi nila "IF U LOVE SOMEONE U HAVE TO LEARN TO LET HIM/HER GO...." pero nde mo
ba naicip? Ano kaya ang naramdaman nya ng iwan mo sya?? 12,11 Posted by devlish_mi
what is the use of promise if the other person do not hope for it? true, love is
unfair... 12,11 Posted by iconworks
love can be compared into a jewel. if it's in high value, you will keep it. if n
ot, then you will take it for granted 12,11 Posted by iconworks
ang pagmamahal, hindi lang sa salita, kung hindi sa gawa rin naman. 12,11 Posted
by iconworks
peter pan cme 1 nyt & invte me to nverlnd wer i can nvr grow old... i was bout t
ogobt i refusd knw y? coz i thot of sumtng better to grow old wid YOU. 12,11 Post
ed by ChokNut
Pano kung maisipan mong iwanan ako?...Anong gagawin ko?..Lam mo kung ano gagawin
ko......WALA....Dahil pano pa gagalaw ang taong wala ng buhay.. 12,11 Posted by C
i know we nvr hv time 2gdr as id like.but there r many times when my thoughts tu
rn 2 u.i dont always take time 2 tell u how much i care,but i hope u know i do 12
,11 Posted by tarp
Not everyone understands you...Not everyone cares for you...Not everyone misses
you...but what s the sense of me being here?...of course... to do all those things
.. 12,11 Posted by ChokNut
I know we never have time togetheras I d like. But there are many timeswhen my tho
ughts turn to you...I don t always take time to tellyou how much I care...I hope y
ou know that I always do. 12,11 Posted by ChokNut
if you luv sum1, never let go!dont belive dat letting go means u LOVE best inste
ad 4 for ur LOVE, dats wat TRUE love is.............kaya parati ko kayo paglalab
an!!! 12,11 Posted by FHOT_FHOT
Now that can be my car that can be my house That can be my baby boy that you're
nursing That can be the trash, which I always take out That could be the chair t
hat I love to chill in That could be my food on the table at the end of the day 1
2,11 Posted by _^no_sense_angel^_
wen d crown brings u down,or wen critics fucked u up..u wil see me running close
2 u,saying..friend!..pakihawak nga ng y0si k0! ako na bahala sa mga pUtang-inan
g 'to !! 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
the heart is in the center of the chest..but it beats at the left side..i guess
dat's the reason why..the heart isn't always right.. 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05
mnsan nakukuha mong tumawa kahit malungkot, nakukuhang mong magbago kahit sobran
g hirap..nakukuhang ngumiti sa mga problema, lahat ata makakaya mo wag lang..maw
ala RED HORSE sa tabi mo..hehehe 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
minsan d ko maintindihan! may oras na nagpaparamdam ka at sinasabi mong anjan ka bakit d ko lubos maramdamanna anjan ka nga?! mahalaga ba ko tlga o and2 ka
lang kc lam mong hahanapin kita? 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
i met a crazy woman...& i wased her.."which is greater, heart or brain?"..she an
swered me laffing.."i lost my brain bcoz of luv..but i lost my luv bcoz i follew
d my brain!!" 12,11 Posted by prince_TCQ`05`
may pagkktaon na kylangan mo iwan ang mahal nde nanga2hulugang iiwan mo
xa dhil nde mo na xa mahal..kundi bawal lang ang girls sa CR ng boys. 12,11 Poste
d by prince_TCQ`05`
wen ur feeling depressed & defeated, juz rmember dat u were once d strongest & t
he most powerful sperm of ur go !! Super Sperm !! 12,11 Posted by p
lahat tayomay karapatang magmahal at mahalin... lisensyado tayong masaktan.. isa
lang naman angdi natin karapatan eh, ang humabol sa nang-iwan. :c 12,11 Posted b
y _^no_sense_angel^_
It's hard letting go of someone specially if he became an important part of your
life. But if you feel that you've given everything but still nothing happens, s
et him/her free. "Mas madali siguro ang bumitaw kesa maghintay." 12,11 Posted by _
d ko kayang ika'y mawala. d ko kayang maagaw ka nya. ipaglalaban ko pagibig na i
to d ako susuko. ipagtulakan mo man ako palabas ipagtulakan palabas ng puso mo a
lam ng dyos na d magbabago ang pag-ibig koh!) 12,11 Posted by iconworks
bakit ganito ang buhay? may ibibigay ang diyos para mahalin mo... tapos kukunin
din agad ..... pano kung mahal na mahal mo na ung tao?? tapos biglang kukunin di
n............. hindi ng iba!!! 12,11 Posted by _JM_
may kanya-kanyang desisyon ang mga tao. pag dumating ang oras na iyon... kahit m
ahal mo pa siya o hindi, wala kang magagawa kung hindi tanggapin ang desisyon na
iyon... 12,11 Posted by iconworks
kung mahal mo siya at may iba siyang mahal ngunit ang mahal niya ay hindi ikaw n
gunit ang taong mahal mo, ano ang gagawin mo? 12,11 Posted by iconworks
i found the right guy.. gave the perfect love.. it was the right time.. everythi
n was perfect except for one thing... for him i wasn't the perfect girl.. and i
wasnt even close bein the right one... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
what if you love the wrong person? are you gonna give up or hold on? maybe you n
eed to do nothing just continue loving... who knows? maybe that love.. might be
enough to make that person right... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
love can never be wrong.. sometimes you blame the situation or even the person..
but no matter who you blame.. if it wasn't meant for you... it just wouldn't be
.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
Heaven knows what to say even though for right now you're so far away gonna tell
you and show you do whatever I can do to get back to you 12,11 Posted by _^no_sen
ang babaing mainitin ang ulo, parang isang talbos na kamote na panandalian lang
ang silbi. 12,11 Posted by ralph_lauren
pagmamahal? ano nga ba ito? halika, tingnan mo. di mo makita? syempre, nararamda
man ito. 12,11 Posted by warren[erica_nasanka]
im offically missing you!!! love you sobra... miss na miss na kita... 12,11 Poste
d by _^no_sense_angel^_
masakit magmahal kapag alam mong masasaktan ka. ngunit mas masakit magmahal kung
wala na itong lunas... 12,11 Posted by iconworks
masarap mag mahal kung alam mong mahal ka rin nya...mahirap mag mahal kung alam
mong ndi ka nya kayang ipaglaban..masakit mag mahal kung ung mahal mo ay may mah
al na iba.. 12,11 Posted by Maei
we often tend to hurt ourselves by our own will, yet we continue to move on. but
the more we move on, the more we loose our own free will... 12,11 Posted by iconw
i hd a drim & it was about u..i smyld & recalld d memories we hd den i noticd a
tir fol frm my eye,...u know y? coz in my dream u kissed me and say "GUDBYE" 12,1
1 Posted by Maei
minsan tanong ko s Diyos kung ppno mo malalaman na mahal ka nga ng 1ng tao? sbi
nya "wag mong hntayn na mahalin ka nya kungndi iparamdam mo sa knya na dpt ka ny
ang mahalin" 12,11 Posted by Maei
after you said goodbye, i have no where to go. even if i look back, you're alrea
dy far. but i got a note... saying, "i'll come back for you, so don't look back.
" 12,11 Posted by iconworks
masakit magmahal, nakakatakot may mahrap mag mahal..pero d ba mas masa
kit, magnakakatako at mahirap pag nalaman mong...IKAW c mAHAL? 12,11 Posted by Mae
iparamdam mo man sa isang tao na mahal mo siya, wala rin mangyayari kung hindi s
iya maniniwala. kaya mahirap magparamdam... mahirap maniwala. 12,11 Posted by icon
mahal kita. yan ang madalas nating marinig. ngunit mas masarap pakinggan ang...
"mahal kita dahil naubusan na ako ng sasabihin sayo." 12,11 Posted by iconworks
Mahal na mahal ko si wasted lalo na pag nasa BOT mode siya. Siya ang pinaka best
BOT na nakilala ko. ^_^ 12,11 Posted by iconworks
i'll swear if you come back to my life, i'll keep you tight and free you from al
l worries. 12,11 Posted by iconworks
1DeR R MoMeNtS daT i JuZ waNnA GiVe Up On Us coZ Der R ThInGs DaT In RaLlY cOnFuS
D wiTh BuT WhEn I HeARd YoU say ``I LoVe YoU...wag mo ko iwan ha...`` I KnEw thE
n dat WaT w hAvE is WorT FyTinG4...I LoVe YoU 2 @ oo YoKonG mWaLa K p Sa BuHaY k
o. 12,11 Posted by iconworks
kung sa buhay, may kabiguan tayong nararanasan. huwag kang mangamba, sapagkat ma
yroong isang Dios ang laging handang tumulong sa atin, kahit anong oras. 12,11 Po
sted by iconworks
love is everything its cracked up to be, dats why people are so cynical about it
.. it really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. and the trouble is..
if you dont risk anything.. you risk even more.. 12,11 Posted by iconworks
may isang fairy.. sabi nya lahat ng nagmamahal sayo, sinusumpa nya na magiging n
gongo... deadma lang ako.. maya maya sabi ko.. "nye,mwniwaya? hinyi aman uuo yon
,aloohan.." 12,11 Posted by iconworks
kung mawawala ako, malulungkot ka? kung malulungkot ako, magiging masaya ka ba?
kung mabasa mo ito, mauunawaan mo kaya? 12,11 Posted by iconworks
evil is not eternal. they may attain victory, not for eternity but for this life
only. 12,11 Posted by iconworks
we cannot guarantee the residency of our love one with their hearts. but as long
as we're living inside them, we must do all what we can to show how we really f
eel towards them. 12,11 Posted by iconworks
I rlly cant deny what anyone can seee..and even differ u from an angel..but tym
have past that u and i wernt 2b..and bcme stranger 4 etrnity..hoping 4 a miracle
, mght impocble 2 happn..rlly.., cant look 2 others my heart was stolen and
my lyf is gone..knwing such thin`.. I cant live without u..A simple words with
honest touch..`D only words i can say "I say I Love U Still".. 12,11 Posted by _JM
Loving someone is a matter of acceptance.If ur looking for someone who isn't der
think again coz it will only make u feel bitter and miserable.But if u learn to
accept and appreciate someone who's right beside u,You won't even realize u wer
e looking for someone else. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Friendship is just about the only way to keep the light in the hearts of two peo
ple glowing when they find out that love wasn't really meant to happen to them. 1
2,11 Posted by _JM_
why don't you tell me where it hurts now baby, and i'll do my best to make it be
tter. 12,11 Posted by sard0nyx
to hazel geronilla (639279058555) hazel, inaamin ko na nagkamali ako. nirespeto
ko sana ang privacy mo, alam kong gusto mong mapagisa, but pinilit ko pa rin ang
sarili ko. patawad... ngayon, kung ano man ang mangyayari.. sa relasyong binuo
natin, nagpapasalamat ako. alam kong natural sa iyo ang pagiging tahimik.. but m
asyado akong naging mapilit, patawad. sana, dumating ang panahon na maunawaan mo
ako. minsan, hindi kita maintind 12,11 Posted by sard0nyx
Tear down this walls for me, stop me from going under. You are the only one who
knows im holding back. It's not too late for me, to keep from sinking further Im
trying to find my way out, so Tear down these walls for me now. 12,11 Posted by D
mabuti pa ang tambay, may panahong magisip para sa bagay na nais niyang gawin. s
amantalang ikaw, di ka naman tambay, wala kang panahong magisip 12,11 Posted by ic
Send someone to love me I need to rest in arms Keep me safe from harm In pouring
rain Love u juVy``` 12,11 Posted by Dhon
I walk beside you, wherever you are, Whatever it takes, no matter how far. Tru a
ll that may come, and all that may go. I walk beside you, i walk beside you lov
u juVy``` 12,11 Posted by Dhon
doN't tHInk am HappY juZ bcOZ i SmiLE ..dNT go FigURin sumTHing daT is nT even w
oRthwhILE..i mYt hAve sEd i LuV u oNce iN mY lYf..i Myt haVe saId d Truth oR i M
yt have juZ Lied! (don't think dt m still n deep sh*t,,,hell no!) 12,11 Posted by
... if your silence will heal my broken heart, then i'd rather hear you say that
you love me than to be healed 12,11 Posted by ornaments`of`oblivion
nkilala kita sa text, nging kaibigan... ka kwentuhan. nahulog ang loob ko syo ng
unit hindi ko masabi sayo na natutunan na kitang mahalin... dahil sabi mo... pag
natuto ka sa isang bagay, inaasam mo na may bago ka ulit matutunan. 12,11 Posted
by ornaments`of`oblivion
In life, we meet persons we're not supposed to fall in love with, for it could o
nly cause troubles and pain. Logic tells us to stop, but our hearts say ... "How
can it be wrong if it feels so right?" 12,11 Posted by SimpLy_AnGeLic29F
People often commit mistake of loving the wrong person and letting go of the rig
ht one... if you happen to be one of them, don't be too sad coz love will always
lead you back to the person rightfully for you. 12,11 Posted by SimpLy_AnGeLic29F
Once in your life, you will find someone who loves you truly ... never take them
for granted ... never let them go ... coz if you lose them you can never find t
he same kind of person again. 12,11 Posted by SimpLy_AnGeLic29F
saBi ko kaya kiTang limuTin..sus, cno ka nmn d ba? kaLa ko madaLi lang..ginAwa k
o na lahAt pero bakiT ganito..hanap ka pa Rin ng puSo ko? 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
inaMin konG mahaL kiTa..gaga..sana d ko naLang ginawa un..saNa ngayOn magKasama
pa Rin taYo..kahiT biLang magkaKaibiGan lang 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
aLin ka ba saSaya? sa pagKakaiBigan o pag-ibiG? kaLa ko noOn owkei na taYo sa pa
GiginG friends lang..peRo d ko sinAdya na maHuLog sau..sinAbi kong maHal kita pe
ro UmiwAs ka..lumayo at kinaLimuTan ako..maLi ba ang mahaLin ka? siGuro oo..i sh
udnt ask 4 more naLang sana.. 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
syet! d ko dapat sinabing mahal kita! my mistake! sorry friend! 12,11 Posted by ja
friends or lovers? i rather choose friends nalang..mahirap iwan ulit! 12,11 Poste
d by jaszmine
id be so selfish if i told u to leave her..itl be juz so unfair..pareho ka namin
g mahal..ang pinagkaiba lang..mahal mo siya at siya ang pinili mo 12,11 Posted by
i get so weak in my knees i can't hardly speak i loose all control and something
takes over me in a daze and it's so amazing it's not a phase i wan't you to sta
y with me by my side i swallow my pride your love is so sweet it knocks me right
off of my feet..i can't explain why your loving makes me weak 12,11 Posted by jas
gusto kong makaLimot..gusto kong sumaya uli..pero paano kiTa maLiLimutan kong la
Hat ng bagay sa paLigid ko......just reminds me of you? 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
i'm willing to surrender my love for you just for you to stay with me 12,11 Poste
d by jaszmine
buti pa maging manhid para di masaktan..sana d nalang kita minahal! 12,11 Posted
by jaszmine
i can't live without you, can't breathe without you, i'm dreamin' bout you hones
tly, tell me that it's over 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
i'll kiss you one last time then i'll go..promise you will never hear anything f
rom me 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
i thought that when u neglect me, it'll make me stronger..i never realize that i
t really made me sick! 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
through the fire, to the limit to the wall, for the chance to be with you, i'll
gladly risk it all... 12,11 Posted by iconworks
if someone would ask me what a beatiful life means... i would lean my head on yo
ur shoulder and hold you close to me and answer with a smile... "having this per
son in my life" 12,11 Posted by ^angel_in_disguise^
mdaLinG sBhin n maHaL mo ang 1 taO kht d nMn 22o..cmpLeng "ILuvU" tpoS send nd k
owtS..perO meROng mhRap.. "ang kmain ng saGing na kAsinlaki nina B1 at B2" =) 12,
11 Posted by _^angeLycah^_
pagmahal mo isang tao, gagawin mo lahat. pagsinabi niya dalidali mong gagawin! k
ahit ano inutos niya ok lang BASTA SIYA! pano kung inutos ko ng wag mo siyang ma
halin??? magawa mo kaya? 12,11 Posted by ^angel_in_disguise^
hinahanap mo ako pag wala siya... naalala mo ako pagnakakalimutan ka niya...lamo
kung ano lang ako sa buhay mo? "dakilang EXTRA"... samantalang siya... "nagiisa
ng BIDA" :c 12,11 Posted by ^angel_in_disguise^
soRRy if u cant Luv me d wAy u Luv d 1 b4 mE.. kya ngA i set u FrEE to find her!
but someDay u reaLize that the "trULUv" u Lookn 4.. was d 1 hu sEt u FREE!! 12,1
1 Posted by _^angeLycah^_
Wäké mé üp wén ür héärt nééds cömpäny. TÄKé my händ wén ü fél älöné. TüRn 2 mé wén ü nééd s
,11 Posted by _JM_
'y r u blaming me for not giving u a second chance...i did but u didnt know...u
were bz searching for the other person..and when u found no one u turn to me and
said...its ur fault u didn't accept can i?...u were just playing with
my heart. u never been serious toward me 12,11 Posted by littlegurl
No matter how ugly you think you are, that special someone that loves you believ
es you are the most beautiful and irrisistable thing on earth and nothing can ev
er change that. 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|D]
"Love doesn't seek what's not there. Love accepts all pains to bear. For love pa
tiently waits for someone out there" 12,11 Posted by _JM_
When it seems like the whole world is on your shoulders you need love, for no bu
rden is heavy when it's carrried with love." 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Real love is a pilgrimage. It is a commitment. We have to make sacrifices if we
want it to last forever. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
If my Tears can make U happy, IL always cry.. If hurting me can make u laff, iL
leT U hUrtme.. Butif my haPpinesS can hUrt U.. Id raTher be iin TeaRs CoZ iLbe H
apPier 2 C U haPpY.. 12,11 Posted by ^^SwEEt_PoIsOn^^
kunG aLam mo Lang kunG Gano ka kahaLaGa sakin, siGuro maTatawa ka aT sasabihin m
onG "aLa ka banG maGawanG iba sa buhay mo?" nGinGiTi Lang ako aT sasabihinG "aLa
eh, kaw Lang kasi buhay ko.." 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
isanG araw nakiTa mo na kasama ko sya, hawak kamay aT kayakap sya, umaLis ka dah
iL akaLa mo pinaGpaLiT kiTa sa kanya, ang di mo aLam paGTaLikod mo umiyak sya...
"dahiL PINILI KITA" 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
paG mahaL mo isanG Tao LahaT maTiTiis mo..paG naGaLiT, unawain..paG naasar, paTa
wanin..paG naGTampo, suyuin..paG inaway ka, sumaGoT ng.."TAMA NA KASI,KAHIT ANO
GAWIN MO MAHAL PA RIN KITA" 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
u ran To me cryinG wiTh quesTions in your eyes.."baT Ganun xa? di ba ña ko kayanG
mahaLin?" i just Looked down and whispered.."ikaw, baT Ganyan ka?...xa Lang ba k
aya monG mahaLin?" 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
whaT if naGkaLayo kayo nG mahaL mo aT nanGako kanG maGhihinTay sa kanya..buT The
n..nainLove ka sa iba? anonG GaGawin mo? TuTupad ka pa ba sa panGako..o susunod
sa buLonG nG puso? 12,11 Posted by jaszmine
peTer pan said: "Think of happy ThouGhTs so you can fLy" Guess whaT? you made me
fLy! coz you're one of such..happy ThouGhTs i couLd ever imaGine! 12,11 Posted b
y jaszmine
ang pagkakaibigan walang katapusan sa kwentuhan man o sa inuman... pangakong wal
ang iwanan... may yosi man o wala... ambagan man o taya... sa kasiyahan o awayan
... tropa hanggang kamatayan... 12,11 Posted by ^angel_in_disguise^
may mga pagkakataon na kailangan natin masaktan dahil sa pagmamahal kailangan mo
ng umiyal para sa kanya at minsan di mo mapigilang umasa pa kahit alam mong... "
WALA NA SIYA" 12,11 Posted by the_prince_of_love
You can throw salt over your left shoulder. You can keep garlic on your window s
ill. You can plant lavender for luck. And you can fall in love whenever you can.
12,11 Posted by the_pRinCe_oF_LoVe
AMA, sa IYO ko inihahabilin ang lahat. Patatagin mo ang aking pananampalataya up
ang lahat ng pagsubok sa aking buhay ay aking mapagtagumpayan at di ko mapabayaa
n ang aking mga paglilingkod sa IYO. 12,11 Posted by ^FullMetalAlchemist^
i alwayz der 4 u, yet u neva cared, da one who made u smile each time u cried bu
t yet it doens't even matter 2 u all i am is nuffin 2 u 12,11 Posted by the_pRinCe
"Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent protects you from
age." 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Sometimes love strikes the best of friends. Let us hope that tears do not have t
o be shed for the friendship because one friend, accidentally fell in love with
another 12,11 Posted by _JM_
D DaY U BrOkE My HeArT I DrOp a TeAr In D SeA i WaS LosT n DiStorTeD w/o U I cAn
T Be mE.. BuT WeN DeY fInD dAt SiNgLe DroP oF PaIn DaTz d OnLy TyM DiS HeArT 4ge
tZ Ur NaMe 12,11 Posted by ^cOnFuSeD
Minsan may nag tanong sakin pano daw pag iniwan ako ng mahal ko? .. napa icip ak
o..napaluha .. natakot .. tapos sabi nila "wag mo na sagutin sa mata mo plng hal
ata na hndi mo tlga kaya.".. 12,11 Posted by ^cOnFuSeD
this is not a quote, this is a question... here goes.. what is so frigile that w
hen you say it you broke it??? tell me the answer??? 12,11 Posted by ^angel_in_dis
pano kung iniwan ka ng mahal mo? sa d mo alam na dahilan db masakit? tapos kung
kailan nalimot mo na sya bigla syang babalik at sasabihing MAHAL PA KTA.. manini
wala ka pa ba?? 12,11 Posted by kLyncie^^
Sumday mawa2la ka rin sakin pwdeng mapagod ka, pwdeng magsawa ka, pwdeng sumko k
a, pede rin may makita kang bago, ok lng un, atleast hndi aq ang sumuko IKAW... 1
2,11 Posted by kLyncie^^
i rili miss u but i cant be w/ u, i wana see u but i cant find u, i want to hold
u but i cant get der.... pano kaya kta malalambing eh ang layo mo?!! 12,11 Poste
d by kLyncie^^
Peter Pan said.... think of a happy thoughts so you can fly....................
guess what? you made me fly!!! hope you wonder it why... 12,11 Posted by PsYchO[S|
Lagi nalang umu-ulan, Parang walang katapusan Tulad ng paghihirapko ngayon Paran
g walang humpay Sa kabila ng lahat ng aking pagsisikap Na limutin ka ay di parin
magawa Hindi naman ako tanga Alam ko na wala kana Pero mahirap lang na tanggapi
n Di na kita kapiling Iniwan mo ako nag-iisa Sa gitna ng dilim at basing-basa pa
sa ulan Pero huwag mag-alala dina kita gagambalain Alam ko naman ngayon may kap
iling ka nang-iba Tangin 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
*NoW i dOnT unDeRstanD is nOW iM feeLiNg sO baD noW..wEN i kn0w iT waS My IdeA..
coUld haVe jusT deNieD d trutH n Lied buT why Am i d OnLy 1 standinG straNdeD at
D saMe GrouNd... 12,11 Posted by SrB_gUrL
"Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends" 12,11 Posted by s
At the beginning and at the end of love, the two lovers are embarrassed to find
themselves alone" (La Bruyere) 12,11 Posted by sRb_gUrL
"It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely une
ducated." 12,11 Posted by sRb_gUrL
"Only one thing is ever guaranteed, that is that you will definitely not achieve
the goal if you don't take the shot." 12,11 Posted by sRb_gUrL
what we love intensely or for a long time we are likely to bring within the cita
del, and to assert as part of oneself. 12,11 Posted by sRb_gUrL
kung kinakailangan mgpakamatay ako, gagawin ko. pra lang i-prove sau na wala ako
ng ginwang masama, mali, at ewan... basta!!! 12,11 Posted by wurmer24m
this is a friend that is so hard to find, so cute and sweet that taste like wine
, whenever i see her name and wants to chat, i feel alive and my heart gets fat.
i dont know why you and i have met, coz it seems like gold that is hard to get,
but whatever this friendship leads on to, remember im still here to help you th
rough. 12,11 Posted by wurmer24m
"love is like a wind, you can't see it, but u can feel it" - A Walk To Remember 1
2,11 Posted by wurmer24m
patawad na sayo, di ko sinasadya na masaktan puso mo... hahayaan mo bang mawala
ako sa mundo, para lamang lumigaya ang isip mo 12,11 Posted by wurmer24m
ealous when ur talking to anyone, i am. Attention from loneliness of u, i seek.
Ur true and honest love, i desire. Forever to be with you, my only dream... I lo
ve you. daf! 12,11 Posted by srB_gUrL
A girl asked a guy if she was pretty, he said no. She asked him if he wanted her
, he said no. She asked him if she left would he cry, he said no. She turned to
leave, he grabbed her arm and're not pretty; you're beautiful. And I d
on't want you; I need you my love! 12,11 Posted by sRb_gUrL
"True love never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime
but lust just pushes away 12,11 Posted by sRb_gUrL
"Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time... It tells us to tell each
other right now that we love each other 12,11 Posted by sRb_gUrL
"We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel complet
ely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our ever
yday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a
moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we
are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives." 12,11 Posted
by sRB_gUrL
"No one is too young for love, because love doesn't come from your mind, which k
nows your age, but from your heart, which knows no age, Love conquers all." 12,11
Posted by wurmer24m
"No one is too young for love, because love doesn't come from your mind, which k
nows your age, but from your heart, which knows no age, Love conquers all." 12,11
Posted by wurmer24m
'If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If
they don't, their love was never yours to begin with...' 12,11 Posted by wurmer24
Sabi nila mahal daw kita kase pangalan mo daw parati kong binabanggit, parati da
w akong masaya pag andyan ka. Sabi nila aminin ko na daw syo, pero sabi ko 'saka
na lang, pag mahal na din nya ako'. 12,11 Posted by wurmer24m
hoy ikaw ka BAGUIO-BAGUIO mo lng dito puro KALOOKAN nayang ginagawa mo e kung DA
GUPAN ko yang mukha mo ede nahilohilo ka magsumbong ka pa sa TAGAYTAY mo pag bin
aril ko tatay mo sa shorts baka NAVOTAS payan!! 12,11 Posted by isip_bata_ako
pag mahal mo ang isang tao magpapasimplesimple kamuna hanggang maglapit kayo kah
it na alam mo na teken na cya pero pipilitin mo parin na mahabol...kahit na naka
kasaktan ka na taong mahal ka na hindi mo nmn mahal... 12,11 Posted by |JR|
If I only have one hour left to live and I'm with you that day...I'll lay my hea
d unto your shoulders as I feel the breeze touch my skin and say 'Pasandal lang
po muna ha? matagal po akong mawawala eh. 12,11 Posted by wurmer24m
'All thoughts, all passions, all delights Whatever stirs this mortal frame All a
re but ministers of Love And feed his sacred flame.'(Samuel Coleridge) 12,11 Post
ed by wurmer24m
'... what we love intensely or for a long time we are likely to bring within the
citadel, and to assert as part of oneself.'(Nicholas Chamfort) 12,11 Posted by wu
"Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it is cooled off. It takes you by
suprise at first, but it keeps you warm for a long time 12,11 Posted by the_prince
"What makes a man goes after a woman without intention of marrying? the same urg
e with the dog running after a car without intention of driving" 12,11 Posted by S
A girl asked a guy if she was pretty, he said no. She asked him if he wanted her
, he said no. She asked him if she left would he cry, he said no. She turned to
leave, he grabbed her arm and're not pretty; you're beautiful. And I d
on't want you; I neeed your sOuL..just to be my sacrifice!to the darkness 12,11 P
osted by Nymphetamine^^gUrL
"I was born when you kissed me, and I died when you left me, but I lived for the
two weeks you loved me." 12,11 Posted by Nymphetamine^^gUrL
" A true friend s the 1 that's coming n the door while everyone else s going out
" 12,11 Posted by ging
" Never take a stop bckwrds not even 2 gain momentum" 12,11 Posted by ging
" I cud never choose whats gud for u!neither I could say what u should do, but r
emember that when the best things r goin wrong.......I will be here 2 make u str
ong."g 12,11 Posted by ging
" IF evrything wud change & everything wud fade, still I wud not break the bond
we've made..If u forget me theres nothing I can do But 1 thing is for sure I'd s
till b here 4 u" 12,11 Posted by ging
"Loving someone that doesn't love you is like reaching for a star. 12,11 Posted b
y Dianna_Grace
"Loving someone that doesn't love you is like reaching for a star, you know u'll
never reach it but you just got to keep trying" 12,11 Posted by Dianna_Grace
"you can't describe the meaning of love.. the answer lies within your heart" 12,1
1 Posted by Dianna_Grace
I rote ur name in d sky but wind blew it away. I rote it in d sea but waves wash
ed it away. You engravd it in my heart where it will stay. 12,11 Posted by Dianna_
Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And
when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your
roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should
ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not
excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is j
ust being "in love" which any of us can convince our 12,11 Posted by Shane22
If my Tears can make U happy, IL always cry.. If hurting me can make u laff, iL
leT U hUrtme.. Butif my haPpinesS can hUrt U.. Id raTher be iin TeaRs CoZ iLbe H
apPier 2 C U haPpY. 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
If my Tears can make U happy, IL always cry.. If hurting me can make u laff, iL
leT U hUrtme.. Butif my haPpinesS can hUrt U.. Id raTher be iin TeaRs CoZ iLbe H
apPier 2 C U haPpY. bheng 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
"Maybe one day, my princess will come and love me forever. Until that day, I sta
nd here and wait, loving her for all time." 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
luv can be magic...but sometyms magic can sometyms be just an illusion. 12,11 Pos
ted by BoY_InTeRrUpTeD`
love never gets tired.. only people do.. whenever they get tired.. it doesn't me
an that they dont love you anymore.. they just wanna rest.. and come back.. to l
ove you even more! 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
its easy to fall completely with someone.. its easy to believe all these lies..
its easy to lose yourself to someone you hardly know.. but why isn't easy to for
get someone you love.. who found it easy to let you go?? 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
di ba madaling manloko?.. lalo na kapag di mo naman talagang mahal yung tao.. pe
ro di ba masakit din maloko? lalo na kung ang gumawa sayo ay yung taong.. sinery
oso mo.. :c 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
one day we wake up fallin inlove with wrong person.. in a wrong time and place..
but one day we realize that its not the person, time and place that is wrong..
but our expectation for a perfect love story.. :( 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
bawat tao may kapaguran.. pagod umiyak.. pagod magmahal.. pagod masaktan.. kaya
ikaw, pahalagahan mo ang taong nagmamahal sayo.. dahil kapag napagod yun.. kahit
mahal ka nya.. iiwan ka rin nya.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
minsan sa pagaakalang nakalimot ka na.. nagmamahal ka ng iba.. katwiran mo kasi
"may karapatan ako lumigaya".. pero pano ka liligaya kung sa puso at isip mo sya
pa rin ang gusto mong makasama? 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
the Hebrew Talmud says: "be very careful if you make a woman cry because God cou
nts her tears.. the woman came out of a man's rib, not from his feet to be walke
d on.. not from his head to be superior of, but from the side to be equal with..
under the arm to be protected for and next to the heart to be loved.. 12,11 Post
ed by ^m[Y]rA^
tinanong ako sa panaginip ni Lord.. if gusto ko daw tignan ang nasa puso mo.. tu
manggi ako at sinabing.. "ayokong masaktan baka makita ko lang na sa mga laman n
g puso mo.. wala pala ako.." :( 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
puwedeng lahat ng taong darating sayo marunong umunawa.. magpahalaga.. at matutu
nan kang mahalin.. sa mga yun piliin mo yung di marunong magsawa kasi lahat maru
nong magmahal pero di lahat panghabang panahon.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
alam mo ba na ang tears ay mas special kaysa sa smile? kasi ang smile puwedeng i
bigay kahit kanino.. pero ang luha.. ay para sa taong.. mahalaga sayo.. 12,11 Pos
ted by ^m[Y]rA^
its easy to play with love.. so easy to fool someone.. so easy to make someone c
ry.. but its so hard if you're the one who was played.. fooled.. hurt.. and the
one who cried.. :( 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
If you only knew how much I care for you, you wouldn't need anyone else. If you
only knew how much I miss you, you wouldn't see anyone else. If you only knew ho
w much I love you, you wouldn't leave me for someone else. 12,11 Posted by kisses0
How do I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who w
as never mine? Why is it that I miss someone who I was never with? And I ask why
I love someone whose love was never mine? 12,11 Posted by kisses07
Maybe you'll soon forget about me; it's fine. I may not be your ideal person, bu
t at least you taught me how to be one, and at least you'll remember me as someo
ne who tried to be perfect for you. 12,11 Posted by kisses07
LoVE WoRKs iN mAgIcAL WayZ BuT NeVeR bE FoOlEd By ThE pRoMiSe Of FoReVeR,ThErE w
Ill cOMe A tImE wHeN tHe sParK wIll DiE aNd WhEn tHe tImE cOmE,We MuST LeArN tO
lEt gO,No mAtTeR hOw PaInFuL iT iS.. 12,11 Posted by kisses07
Don t shed tears for someone who hurt you. Don t long for that person if they left.
Don t feel sorry if you failed when you tried your best. Someone is more deserving
of your love. 12,11 Posted by kisses07
you can hide the pain that you feel and make others believe you can move on. but
you can never deny the truth to yourself, that the person who has failed and hu
rt you, is still the person you'll alweiz choose to love.. 12,11 Posted by kisses0
Di ko akalain na mamahalin kita ng ganito. Hindi ito sumagi isa mang saglit sa b
uhay ko. Ngunit nangyari na. Sana ikaw na nga ang huli kong mamahalin. I Love Yo
u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12,11 Posted by STMICHAEL_ARCHANGEL
Masakit magmahal pag binigay mo lahat kahit alam mo na walang darating na kapalit
pero mas masakit magmahal pag pinaasa ka niya na mahal ka niya tapos sasabihin
sa iyo "sori ayaw ko na!" 12,11 Posted by STMICHAEL_ARCHANGEL
If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If t
hey don't, their love was never yours to begin with... 12,11 Posted by STMICHAEL_A
Cherish your love while you still have them , not when they are gone.. Life can b
e understood backwards, but we must be lived forward.. 12,11 Posted by STMICHAEL_A
Never take for granted the person who truly cares about you, remember feelings ju
st like people, it grows tired to when neither appreciated nor returned no matte
r how great you thought the LOVE is! 12,11 Posted by STMICHAEL_ARCHANGEL
Hinde Ako Magagalit Kung Hinde Mo Ko Mahal, Hinde Ako Magagalit Kung May Mahal K
a Ng Iba, Dahil Alam Ko Masaya Ka Pero Siguro Ang Ikagagalit Ko Ay Pag Pinaramda
m Mo Na Mahal Mo Ko Pero Hinde Naman Pala Totoo?!!:( 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
There is a place in my heart where ur fingers still rest, ur kisses still linger
, and ur words still echo. It's the place were a part of u will alwys be a part
of me. 12,11 Posted by the_prince_of_love
A soldier died. Wife is crying during burial when flag was given to her. She sai
d,"Aanhin ko paang watawat na 'to kung wala na ang flagpole ko!"
12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
kUng iiwan k n ng mhL mo smntLhin m0 pgkA2tAon ykApin m0 xa ng mhigpt hwkn m0 km
y ña sAbAy bULong... "S3X tAu... Last nA.. HeHeHeHe :P 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Life is like a pekpek. mnsan DRY, mnsan WET, minsan MADUGO, mnsan MAPUTLA....per
o parating nakanganga, naghihintay kung merong darating na grasya... THAT's LIFE
..... 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
alam mo bang mahalaga ka sa buhay ko? lam mo bang di kumpleto buhay ko pag wala
ka sa tabi ko? bakit ko ba sinasabi sayo to, ano nga ba naman paki mo! tanong ko
lang, pag ako kaya nawala.. kawalan ba ako para sayo?? Posted by ysonn_kneeko 12
,11 Posted by ysonn_kneeko
to be is all i gotta be n all that i c n all that i nid dis tym to me d lyf u ga
ve me d day u said goodnight... 12,11 Posted by srB_gUrL
its too late to say ur sorry, its too late to understand aLL d tym u make me wor
ry..all the tym i tried to fake a smile..just to geT bY!!tangina! 12,11 Posted by
alam mo noong nagkita tayo at nakilala kita, umisip ako ng mga paraan kung pano
mapapalapit sa'yo. Hanggang magsimula na akong tumawag at hanggang naging TAYO!
Noong naging tayo, natakot akong baka magbago ka. Ngayong sobrang mahal kita...
mahal na mahal... natatakot naman akong mawala. 12,11 Posted by ysonn_kneeko
pumayag akong mwala k dhil dun k msaya... pumayag akong masaktan dhil dun k msay
a... pumayag akong umiyak dhil dun k msaya... npilitan akong pumayag kc lam ko s
iba k sasaya.. 12,11 Posted by ysonn_kneeko
I'lL lOvE u 4eVeR aNd A dAy...EvEn If U WeRe 2 lEaVe mE tHiS dAy...My LoVe Is He
Re 2 sTaY...i'Ll ShOw U In AlL wAys..Ne ThInG 2 pRoVe..i'll LOvE u 4eVeR aNd A d
Ay UnTiL My dYiN dAy... 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
kung sana alam mo na mahal kita ngayon.. kung sana nasasabi ko sayo lahat ng nar
aramdaman ko.. pero alam ko hindi pede kasi para ano pa?? d mo nmn ako mahal dba
? 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
the person meant for you is the person who'll love you even when there's no more
reason to love you.. for in nothingness.. the one meant for you will find what'
s loveable in you.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had. But, I can t beca
use I know you won't come after me, and I guess that's what hurts the most 12,11
Posted by Jenny_22
You hurt me once... shame on you. You hurt me twice... shame on me. 12,11 Posted
by Jenny_22
when It's clear that you don't feel the same way for me... the problem is that a
s much as I can't force you to love me, I can't force myself to stop loving you.
12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
Someone can walk into your life and it is not until after they walk out that you
realize that they were even there 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
Love can tear you apart... it can kill you. But if you re lucky, it can put you ba
ck together 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
It hurts to see you walk away. For admit it or not, you were an important part o
f my life and the time we shared will forever be a part of me. So even though I
realize that it was never meant to be, still, it hurts. 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
You have been the treasure in my hand. You have been the one who always stood be
side me. So unaware, I foolishly believed that you would always be there. But th
en there will come a day, when I will turn my head and you will slip away. 12,11
Posted by Jenny_22
I hate you...and then I love's like I want to throw you off a cliff....
then rush to the bottom to catch you 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
I ve seen fire and I ve seen rain. I ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end
. I ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that
I d see you again. 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
Oh, I shouldn t care or wonder where and how you are. But I can t hide this hurt ins
ide my broken heart. I m fighting back emotions that I ve never fought before, cause
I m not supposed to love you anymore. 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
Even if my heart should call out your name in the rain. Even if these arms shoul
d want to embrace you again. And even if I m all cried out and no longer in pain..
. I ll never fall in love that way again. 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
could fill a thousand pages telling you how I felt and still you would not under
stand. So now I leave without a sound, except that of my heart shattering as it
hits the ground. 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
The ones that you love the most are usually the ones that hurt you the most 12,11
Posted by Jenny_22
How could you forget me and so easily walk away, when I'd give up a thousand tom
orrow's for just one yesterday 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
Dont' look at me, don't say my name , or even think about me, and don't even try
to speak to me. What gives you the right? Just look at me now and see what you
have caused, you have put me through so much hurt and played so many mind games
w/ me. And when someone does this to you don't come crying to me because I won't
be there, don't ever ask yourself why it's happening to you. Just look at what
youhave done to me and that will be your answ 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
I say that I hate you because that s what I want to believe. But deep down inside
I know that no matter how much you hurt me, I ll always forgive you. And I m always
going to be here waiting for you. For you to realize that what we had is real, a
nd that you do need me as much as I need you. I know this may take time, but don t
worry I ll be patient 12,11 Posted by Jenny_22
Sa baWat hampaS ng taMboL,iStraM ng gItarA, bIgatIng nOta ng BahO,LirIkO ng kant
A at LangIT na bOseS ng bOkaliSta,NAKUKUMPLETO ang PAGKATAO KO. 12,11 Posted by Sr
When the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways, but when the heart is u
nwilling, it will find a thousand excuses 12,11 Posted by SrB_gUrL
U wer der to dry my tirs wn deyr fallin.. u mke me fil safe wn im wid u.. bt den
, he jst came nd u jst left me hanging.. I cried nd jst sed hay.., kala ko ikw na
.. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Isn t it s2pd wn we wnt 2 xpres r filings 2 d person we luv bt wer hlding bk cos w
e knw we cnt hav dem 4evr den wen deyr gone, we say, sayang kung alam lng nya 12,11
Posted by _JM_
I gve my hart bt it was torn apart.. nw im afrd 2 luv agen,scared dt my hart wud
b brkn..wen wil I learn 2 trust agen..wen I cnt evn trust myslf nt 2 fol agen..
I gve my hart bt it was torn apart.. nw im afrd 2 luv agen,scared dt my hart wu
d b brkn..wen wil I learn 2 trust agen..wen I cnt evn trust myslf nt 2 fol agen.
. 1 2,11 Posted by _JM_
I LONG4 u n a manner dt ul nvr KNW, cz I NID u n manner dt ul nvr DO. I MIS u n a
manner dat ul nvr FIL, cz I LOVE u n a manner u nvr WIL.. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
I ms u. no Y?cz u wr nvr der by my side.i nd y?cz u wr nvr dr wn I nd a han
d 2 hld on.i lv y?cz u chngd my lyf.nw I h8 y?cz u lft me w/o syng gud
bye.. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Uv hrt m 1,uv hrt m ol I dd ws clse my iyz frm d realty wc evry1 cn c.dt i
lvd u mr dn u lvd I rli dnt cre.m wlng 2 w8 4 u 2 lv m d sme wy I stl lv u.
12,11 Posted by _JM_
Ds day is d last day il b wishing 4u..d last tym I shal cry & d last moment I sh
al hurt myself.. 2mrw if I c u il jz whisper, tama na,msydo n ktng mnahal 12,11 Poste
d by _JM_
I nvr rli wntd 2 let u go bt u wntd 2 b free,I wntd 2 stay bt u wntd m 2 go,I nv
r gve up until u told dat ol d tym I was luvin u.. u wer wishin me gone.. 12,11 P
osted by _JM_
Evry1 tels me 2 giv up on u bt dey dnt c u lyk I do. Ur d 1 hu broke my hart,ur
d rison y my world fell apart.ur d 1 hu made me cry, yet I stil luv u & I dnt kn
w y.. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Mahal kta pero mahal mo cya, cryoso ako, sb m seryso dn cya. Pro bkt nkta ko cya
my ksmang iba?! Ngyn iiyak-iyk ka, tps sa blikt ko pa! Pasalamat ka, mahal kita
.. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
U knw y im stil on 2 u? y im cncdering ur stil my girl? Nd y im stil luvng u sam
e as b4? U knw y? coz I jst cnt go on wid my life knowin dat I hvnt got u anymre
.. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Sm1 askd me y I stil hold on 2 u.. I smild, wat made me fol 4 u?i stayd silent.
Dey askd me y of ol pipol I chose u,I answrd.. in d world of lies, she s the only
truth I know.. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to leave it, but you must. So
metimes it hurts too much to hold on to that thing you love. And sometimes you l
et go of what you love because it hurts, but then just sometimes... you get it b
ack and live happily ever after. 12,11 Posted by SrB_gUrL
kapag pinabayaan ka ng mahal mo.. ok lang na iyakan mo.. magalit ka.. pero tama
na yung minsan lang kahit masakit, di ka dapat manghinayang sa tulad nya na masy
adong tanga para pabayaan ka.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
di ba minsan kala mo di mo na sya mahal?? dahil galit ka sa kanya?? yun pala kay
a ka nagagalit dahil.. di mo matanggap na.. sa kabila ng lahat ng ginawa nya say
o.. mahal mo pa rin sya.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
kapag pinabayaan ka ng mahal mo.. ok lang na iyakan mo.. magalit ka.. pero tama
na yung minsan lang kahit masakit, di ka dapat manghinayang sa tulad nya na masy
adong tanga para pabayaan ka.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
Love has always been the thing they consider even they don't have it, and worst,
they couldn't see and give what they have 12,11 Posted by danv1
What is true love when you don't even believe in the existing world, cannot acce
pt the reality and don't rely on the basic needs of living? 12,11 Posted by danv1
s pgibig d mhlaga ang nkaraan.. kund ang ksalukuyan.. mtimbng ang krnasan kysa s
kit n pngdaanan at ang ngpptatag d2 ay kptawaran.. d ang sumbat ng kslanan 12,11
Posted by FrUsTr8eD_w[]oUt_yOu
pG nLmN mOng pNg-33pAn k Lng nG mHaL mO hwaKaN mO kMaY ñA hiLAhin mo tpoS sBhiN mO
"niCE gAmE pnLo kA,, peRo inGaT kA bKa mTaLO kA pg pNgLaruAn kA ng KaRmA".. LOL
x 12,11 Posted by FrUsTr8eD_w[]oUt_yOu
11,2 i hate the way you talk to me, i hate it when you stare, i hate the way your
always right, i hate it when you lie, i hate it when you make me laugh even wor
se when you make me cry, i hate it when your not around and the fact that you do
n't call, but mostly i hate theway i don't hate you not even close, not even a l
ittle, not any at all... 12,11 Posted by Poetry_in_Motion
noon akala ko mahal mo din ako yun pala kaibigan mo lang pala ako... dahil may m
ahal kang iba.... :(( 12,11 Posted by ewankosayo[park]
Bakit mo ba ako ginaganito??? ano bang nagawa ko at lagi mo kong sinasaktan??? d
ahil ba mahal kita kaya mo ginagawa yan??? :(( 12,11 Posted by ewankosayo
Wag kang mangako. Huwag mo akong pangakuan ng kahit ano. Hihintayin ku
ng di ka na makakabalik dahil di na siya aalis...Lagi mo lang tatandaan na mahal
kita...mahal na mahal. 12,11 Posted by sweet```
minsan BaDtriP magmahal...bigay k ng bigay pero kulang pa din...magpapakatanga k
, iiyak...ikaw ang iiwas pero kaw din msasaktan, hintay k ng hintay pero kaw din
iiwan... :( 12,11 Posted by sweet```
minsan makulit ako, hirap kausap, minsan pa nga badtrip... pero ders this 1 ques
tion dats buggin my mind... pag binuhat ba kita, tas binuhat mo ko... at d same
time, lulutang ba tau???? 12,11 Posted by Ciel
0,12IpagLalaban ko ang Ating Pag-Ibig MaghiNtaY kA LaMaNg At AkO'y DaRaTiNg PaGKa
T Sa IsAng TaOnG MaHal mO ng BuOnG PuSo ... LaHaT aY GaGaWiN... MaKiTa KaNg MuLi
... 12,11 Posted by kisses07
minsn n22 akng mgmahal..minsn n22 akng masaktan..minsn n22 akng umasa..kse minsa
n....minahal kita ng sobra2.. 12,11 Posted by sweet```
smart ka ba sweet 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
mahal na mahal kitaaaaaaa....... 12,11 Posted by sweet```
"what's the point of being FEARLESS...if you can't have fun with it...once in a
while!!!" 12,11 Posted by AiLeNe_HaLaY
paano mo malalaman kung love ka nya???simple lang tumalon ka at sigaw mo love mo
cya...pero kung di ka nya saluhin wag kang mag-alala!!! ano bang silbi ko??? di
ba tagasalo kapag wala cya??? 12,11 Posted by sweet```
mhal mo p sya? hmm... mhal ka ba niya? um, kasi may gusto sana ko sabihin... mah
al kasi kita e! kaya lang huli na ata... pero kung wala na siya, nandito lang ak
o naghihintay... 12,11 Posted by sweet```
muntk k n ipgtpt syo ang nrrmdmn k nung mgksma tyo.. muntk k n sbhn n mhal kta..
pro nung ssbhn k n, nptgl ako dhl bgla mng cnb, "lam m mis k n sha.." 12,11 Post
ed by sweet```
matatago mo ang sakit, mapapaniwala ang iba na kaya mo, pero di mo matatago sa s
arili mo na ung taong nagpapahirap at nananakit sayo ay ang taong patuloy na tin
itibok ng puso mo... 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
I fel for you n I knw dat its nt ryt, dats y I tryd to be over u, tryd nt 2cre,
tryd not to love you, but no matter wt I do, evrytime your nir... I always say "
bhala na, khet na alm kong mssktn lng ako... 12,11 Posted by sweet```
Pag sinabi kong mahal kita maniniwala ka kaya? Siguro hindi kasi di mo naman ako
siniseryoso. Kung maniwala ka naman siguro di mo na papansinin kasi di mo naman
ako mahal at iba ang mahal mo. 12,11 Posted by sweet```
hello poh... nagiisip p po ako eh 12,11 Posted by Bunster
Heto ako, malapit na sa taas. Tapos na sa pag-iyak, tapos na sa lahat. Bakit nga
yon, ngayong nasa may dulo na ako, saka ka pa dumating? Mahuhulog na naman ba ak
o na walang sasalo sa akin? 12,11 Posted by sweet```
I cried alone hoping that you'll come stay with me here in my arms till my eyes
run dry but seems the sky cried with me... 12,11 Posted by Bunster
Back when I was fearless, it went like this: 12,11 Posted by AiLeNe_HaLaY
A message you can probably send to your ex: "Nung tayo pa...dati sabi mo sakin i
kamamatay mo pag nawala ako...ngayon wala na tayo...TUPARIN MO NAMAN PROMISE MO.
............MAMATAY KANA!!!" 12,11 Posted by AiLeNe_HaLaY
nvr say ur goin' to f u nvr wil.. nvr talk abt feelings f dey arnt ril..nvr say
i luv u f u dnt rily feel..nvr touch den break a hart coz sumtymz it dsnt heal..
:( 12,11 Posted by BeNCH_GuRL
Sex, Drugs and what the fuck is emo rock? 12,11 Posted by `hopesfall`
a gUy iS dyIng oF canCeR..hiS friENd aSkEd, y dO u kEEp oN tELing pPOL daT uR dy
InG oF aiDs?hE rEPLyd, sO wEn iM dEaD, nO1 wiLL daRe 2 tOUcH mY guRL nOt uNlEsS
d pErsON lOvEs hEr sO mUCh.. :) 12,11 Posted by BeNCH_GuRL
So afraid to loose you Never in m y dreams to be alone If I could have one wish
that will come true I want to stay with you forever... 12,11 Posted by Laine_21
Tao LaNg aKo Na PeDe MaGMaHaL.......Tao Ka LaNG Na PeDe MaSaKTaN......Tao LaNG T
aYo Na MaRuNoNG MAGMAHAL at MASAKTAN.......pero wag mo idahilan tao ka lang na..
.......PWEDE AKONG SAKTAN AT PAGLARUAN!!! 12,11 Posted by AiLeNe_HaLaY
Tumingin ako sa langit, nakita kita. Binuksan ko ang radyo, narinig kita. Naghan
ap ako ng matatambayan, nakasama kita. Nanood ako ng TV, ikaw ang bida. Baliw na
ba ko? O miss lang kita? 12,11 Posted by `hopesfall`
i dnt know how 2 say "nagtatampo po ako" i dnt knw how 2 shout d word "GlT na ko
sau"..ganun yta tlga pag mahal mo nasasaktan ka na, cnasbi mo pa .... "wla un, o
k lng ako!" 12,11 Posted by Maei
minsan naging masaya ako ng dahil sayo...naging malungkot din ng dhil sayo..sna
nmn maicp mo na lht ng gngwa ko pra sau..puro n lng sarili mo sarili mo sarili m
ong gs2...ako natanong mo ba kung ano gs2 ko? ndi nmn eh! bwiset 12,11 Posted by `
every man not to be inquisitive through every hour of his great adventure down t
o the day when he shall no longer cast a shadow and the sun, for if he dies w/o
a question in his hear, what excuse is there for his continuance? 12,11 Posted by
0,4 a heartbreak isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding sometimes it can be as
quiet as a feather falling and the most painful thing is no one really hears it
except you.. 12,11 Posted by `LiSz
Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And
when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your
roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should
ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not
excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is j
ust being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselv 12,11 Posted by `LiSz
Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify
the heart. 12,11 Posted by `LiSz
When you love someone... say it, make them feel it.. or else the moment will pas
s... 12,11 Posted by Laine_21
i shall go the way of the open sea To the lands I knew before you came And the c
ool ocean breeze shall blow from me the memory of your name 12,11 Posted by Laine_
Constantly, you're on my mind... Thinking about you all the time... I can't slee
p no matter what I do... I just keep on thinking about you... shes already taken
... shes already taken... shes already taken me... 12,11 Posted by Laine_21
msakit magmhal pg binigay mo lhat khit lam mo wlang darating na mas
maskit magmhal pg pinaasa k nya n mhal k nia tpos ssbihin sayo na ..."sori, yoko
na" 12,11 Posted by sweet```
Sabi mo, mahal mo ko. Sabi mo rin seryoso ka. Nag-promise ka pa nga di ba? O, yu
n naman pala eh. Pero bakit hindi tayo? Ah, siguro, kasi nandyan siya? At mahal
mo pa rin siya, di ba? 12,11 Posted by ysonn_kneeko`
Sabi mo, mahal mo ko. Sabi mo rin seryoso ka. Nag-promise ka pa nga di ba? O, yu
n naman pala eh. Pero bakit hindi tayo? Ah, siguro, kasi nandyan siya? At mahal
mo pa rin siya, di ba? 12,11 Posted by ysonn_kneeko`
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not p
roud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps
no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always PROTECTS, always TRUSTS, always HOPES, always PERSEVERES..." 12,11 Pos
ted by sweet```
I chose to love you in silence for in silence I find no rejection, I chose to ad
ore u in my loneliness for in my loneliness no one owns u but me.... 12,11 Posted
by sweet```
minsan n ko nagmhal, mnsan n din nasaktan, mnsan nang naging tanga, dhil mnsan m
nhal kita.. ppygan ko p b maulit? bkt hindi? e minsan lang ako nging msaya, nang
mhalin ka.. 12,11 Posted by sweet```
Life becomes wonderful even if there are struggles & difficulties because we hav
e a GOD so loving and inspiring who heals the pains & keeps us going. GOD BLESS 1
2,11 Posted by Laine_21
I can hide the pain that I feel and make others believe I can m0ve on but I can
never deny the truth 2 myself that the person wh0 has failed t0 l0ve me and hurt
me is still the person I'll always ch00se 2 l0ve. 12,11 Posted by sweet```
I can hide the pain that I feel and make others believe I can m0ve on but I can
never deny the truth 2 myself that the person wh0 has failed t0 l0ve me and hurt
me is still the person I'll always ch00se 2 l0ve. 12,11 Posted by sweet```
On average, children between the ages of two and seven color 28 minutes every da
y. 12,11 Posted by Mapagmahal
If Barbie were life-size her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand 7 f
eet (2 m) 2 inches (5 cm) tall and have a neck twice the length of a normal huma
n's neck. 12,11 Posted by Mapagmahal
Christmas is the gentlest, loveliest festival of the revolving year - and yet, f
or all that, when it speaks, its voice has strong authority. 12,11 Posted by Mapag
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. 12,1
1 Posted by Mapagmahal
Love is the history of a woman's life; it is an episode in man's. 12,11 Posted by
Love is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch. 12,11 Po
sted by Mapagmahal
The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. 12,11 Posted by Mapagmahal
Find arms that will hold you at your weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugl
iest, a heart that will love you at your worst, then you have found your TRUE LO
VE. 12,11 Posted by Laine_21
di man kita makikita, makakausap at makakasama, di ako malulungkot,magdaramdam o
masasaktan.... kc alam ko....wala ka man sa tabi ko, andito ka naman palagi sa
puso ko! mwahhhh 12,11 Posted by missygirl
di man kita makikita, makakausap at makakasama, di ako malulungkot,magdaramdam o
masasaktan.... kc alam ko....wala ka man sa tabi ko, andito ka naman palagi sa
puso ko! mwahhhh 12,11 Posted by missygirl
When you say I Love You to the one you Love uve given the right to that person t
o hurt you!!! 12,11 Posted by ToRpEnG`HuDas
sumtyms U just cn't take things back 2d way dey used to matter how u try,
regardless of how sorry u R,..coz n dis lyf, der R no rewinds, only pl
ay it right! 12,11 Posted by readMoDe
"Sa buhay ko ang daming nangyari..minsan umiiyak ako,nasasaktan,nahihirapan,...a
ng dami kung sama ng loob,pero alam mo ba na sa lahat ng luha ko, isa ka sa mga
ngiti ko?!" 12,11 Posted by readMoDe
"wen u decide 2 love, allow it to grow, wen u promise 2 love refuse 2 let it go.
.love s a painful risk 2 take,,,only love makes u cry and only love knows why?" 1
2,11 Posted by readMoDe
"wat f nagkalayo kayo ng mahal mo?,at nangako kang maghihintay sakanya,but then.
.na inlove ka sa iba,..anong gagawin mo?,,22pad kapaba sa pangako..0 susunod sa
bulong ng puso?" 12,11 Posted by readMoDe
"i feel happy, do u know why? coz im lucky..u know y? coz GOD loves me..u know h
ow? God sent a nice person to me...and u know who? it's YOU!" 12,11 Posted by read
"loving someone s a decision n lyf & once u've decide 2 love der's no turning ba
ck, kaso minsan love s not enuf 2 stay with d one person u truly love kasi mahal
mo sya pero di sya marunong magpahalaga!" 12,11 Posted by readMoDe
"wen i was walking alone, i wish 2 reach d end of d' road, but wen u walked with
me, i wishd dat d' road doesn't end coz i'd rather b lost w/ you than reached d
' end without you!" 12,11 Posted by readMoDe
Ano bang gusto mo na magpapasaya sa yo, ito ba ang karangyaan sa pamumuhay. Mala
king bahay, magarang kotse, maraming pera, magandang asawa, me mga anak, maganda
ng damit, masarap na pagkain, sikat na sikat kasi me pangalan pero nakalimutan a
ng Diyos. 12,11 Posted by MaHaL_Ko
I love you $nick $+ , ^_^ gulat ka noh 12,11 Posted by _JM_
ang pag-ibig di hinahanap kusa itong dumarating sa ating mga puso. Wag magmadali
... matuto tayong maghintay sa twag ng tamang pag-ibig na para sa atin!!! :) 12,1
1 Posted by Laine_21
if u wanna do something go on so long as u dont step on anyone's foot.. u juz ha
v 2 believe nothing's impossible.. combine w/ efforts anything can happen.. 12,11
Posted by Laine_21
Minsan, kung ano ang bawal, ginagawa natin...Kung ano ang wala, un pa hinahanap
natin.. Gaya ng pagmamahal ko sa kanya,Bawal peroginagawa ko...Parang pagmamahal
nya sa ken, wala pero hinahanap ko... 12,11 Posted by sierra_madre
1,8 its nice to love after you've had a broken heart...... 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
1,8 "Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination." 12,11 P
osted by Angh3L
1,8 "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not givin
g the kiss the attention it deserves." 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
1,8 "Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance m
akes the garden a place of delight just the same" 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
1,8 "A woman knows the face of the man she loves like a sailor knows the open sea
." 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
mnsan khit ayw nting mghiwalay d pede, gusto man nting mgkasama alang chance, ib
a ibang lfy,knya knyang drimS, pero alam mo mgkalayo man tau..kasama ka prin sa
pnkamagndang ngyari sa buhay kO! 12,11 Posted by ^angELycah^
iniiSip nNman kta... nkangiti,2matawA... tama kHit anOng mngyaRi, impOrt
antE kaskin.. bSta Salamat anjan ka.., cia nGa pLa.. Miss na ktA!!! 12,11 Posted
by ^angELycah^
wE alwayS aSk f dErs stil hOpE left or if dErS stil tym.. but wE nvEr rEaLizE da
t; HOPE onLy leaveS wEn wE DOUBT it & TIME onLy rUnS out d mOmEnt wE GIVE UP :) 1
2,11 Posted by ^angELycah^
loving you is the hardest thing to do... 12,11 Posted by toinkz
on the anniversary of the couple, d guy gave the girl a bunch of dead roses.Dgur
l got mad and walked out.She left the guy and d flower without even reading the
little card saying "dis is me without you" 12,11 Posted by me_14
---{@ dnt cry coz its over.instead smile coz it happened... @}--- 12,11 Posted by
THe HeaRT WiLL BReaK...YeT BRoKeNLY LiVe oN!!! 12,11 Posted by AiLeNe_HaLaY
---{@ you can close ur eyes with the things u dnt want to see but u can never cl
ose ur heart wid the things u dnt want to feel... @}--- 12,11 Posted by me_14
letseng pag-ibig yan puro problema!!!! 12,11 Posted by sweet```
If you have reasons for loving someone then you are using your mind, but if you
love someone for no reason....then you are using your heart...waaa damn LOVE!!! 1
2,11 Posted by Hari_ng_Sampay
i ges dat dis is wer we've come to if u dont want to den u don't have to believe
me but i won't be der wen u go down ur on ur own now... jst so u know now ur on
ur own now bliv me 12,11 Posted by Hari_ng_Sampay
They said you were a great asset. . .I told them they were off by two letters 12,
11 Posted by BoY_InTeRrUpTeD`
I chose to love you in silence for in silence I find no rejection, I chose to ad
ore u in my loneliness for in my loneliness no one owns u but me.... 12,11 Posted
by ^FullMetalAlchemist^
8,1 ang pagmamahal di nasusukat sa tagal ng samahan,kundi sa dmi ng problemang na
lampasan, di sa pagpapabaya, kundi sa malawak na pang-unawa, di sa pagpaparaya,
kundi sa pakikipaglaban sa alam mong tama... 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
1,8 The greatest thing you'll ever learn.... Is to love and be loved in return. 12
,11 Posted by Angh3L
1,8 True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist, Nor can it be hidden
where it truly does 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched...bu
t are felt in the heart. 12,11 Posted by pIxaR
yokong magtanong, kasi yokong malaman. yokong malaman, kasi yokong masaktan... p
ero bat pa ko aayaw kung ikaw na nagsabing... yoko.. sayo.. 12,11 Posted by pIxaR
I fel for you n I knw dat its nt ryt, dats y I tryd to be over u, tryd nt 2cre,
tryd not to love you, but no matter wt I do, evrytime your nir... I always say "
bhala na, khet na alm kong mssktn lng ako... 12,11 Posted by pIxaR
Sabi nila gago ako, sabi nila bobo ako, sabi nila ang tanga ko. Lahat na sinabi
nila, bakit mahal pa rin daw kita? Sabi ko, akala ko may pag-asa e wala pala! 12,
11 Posted by pIxaR
"©"Heartaches"©" Bakit ganon? Di pala lahat ng akala mo totoo no? Dahil akala ko di
kita kailangan, akala ko di kita mamahalin pero mali pala ako at nung inaakala k
ong minamahal mo din ako, ni minsan di pala nagkatotoo. 12,11 Posted by wala_ako
Kung mahal mo raw, ipaglaban mo. Totoo ba yon? Paano kung hindi ka niya mahal? A
nong ipaglalaban mo? Isang pag-ibig na ikaw lang ang nakakadama? Mahirap yata yo
n ah!!! Kaya mo ba? Pero pag mahal mo talaga, kakayanin mo di ba? 12,11 Posted by
---{@ 2 teardrops wer floating down a river.1 teardrop asked d oder 1,"hu r u?" 1
2,11 Posted by me_14
---{@ 2 teardrops wer floating down a river.1 teardrop asked d oder 1,"im d tear
drop of a girl hu luv a man & lost him.Hu r u?"."im d teardrop of a man hu regre
t letting a girl go" 12,11 Posted by me_14
1,8 When you Love... NeVer eVer giVe youR 100% LeaVe At Least 70% for YouRseLf sO
iF eVer He'll huRt yOu, You coUld sTill say: "ShHiit!!! Yun nA bA Yun?!!! waLa
na Bang mas Msakit pa don?!!!... 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
Do not leave the person you LOVE most for the person you just LIKE because the p
erson you just LIKE will leave you for the person they truly LOVE.... 12,11 Poste
d by blueberrycheesecake
When you encounter unreasonable people, just think of them as "sandpapers"....Th
ey rub you - scratch you painfully but eventually.... you end up smoother and po
lished. 12,11 Posted by blueberrycheesecake
hirap umasa,, kc d mo lam f ano ka skanya, d mo lm kng sn ka dpat lumugar, hirp
mgdcsyon kc minsn kla mo mhal ka nya pro 22o, pnssaya ka lng nya kc lam nyng mha
l mo cya 12,11 Posted by ^FullMetalAlchemist^
hirap umasa, kc d mo lam f ano ka skanya, d mo lm kng sn ka dpat lumugar, hirp m
gdcsyon kc minsn kla mo mhal ka nya pro 22o, pnssaya nya lng pla srili nya dhl n
oon nsaktan cya 12,11 Posted by jAnGaNyOu
love wont break your heart if you dont let it .. wouldnt tear your face apart if
you deny it .. so if you want it just come and get it, but if you think you mig
ht regret it ... DONT EVEN START!!! 12,11 Posted by _IHateYou_
---{@ do u knw dat d phrase "wala lng" could also mean "i luv u"?Wonder y i'm te
lling u dis?WALA LNG! @}--- 12,11 Posted by me_14
---{@ it's hard 2 smyl,2 show ut not hurt, 2 giggle, 2 pretend ur's hard
2 laugh after u hav cried...what's worst s ur still in luvwid some1 even after
u hav said...goodbye. @}--- 12,11 Posted by me_14
Crossin' path with you was a coincidence, I will never forget nor regret. Cause
you are one of those wonderful people i dreamed of havin' in my life. I am so th
ankful that once in my life's journey, I have found a friend in you. 12,11 Posted
by blueberrycheesecake
Tinanong ako sa panaginip ni LORD if gusto ko daw tingnan ang nasa puso mo...tum
anggi ako at sinabing..."ayokong masaktan baka makita ko lang na sa mga laman ng
puso mo...wala pala ako. 12,11 Posted by blueberrycheesecake
dko kinain almusal k kc iniicp kita. dko kinain lunch k kc iniicp kta. dko kinai
n hapunan k kc iniicp kta. at ngun d ako makatulog kc ngugutom ako!! amp.. kasal
anan m2!! 12,11 Posted by janeci
mahirap magmahal lalo na pag nalaman mong di ka mahal ng taong mahal mo.... 12,11
Posted by ewankosayo
Ng-aawy ang utak at puso.. Sbi ng utak s puso, "kLimutan m n xa! Tanga m tlga!"
....... sgot ng puso, "kLa ko b mtLno k? Pno k kkLmutn eh lgi m0ng iniicp?!" 12,1
1 Posted by janeci`asleep
tRiAls DoNt CoMe To MaKe Us FaLl, BuT fOr Us To LoOk FoR GoD AnD cAlL, TrIalS Do
Nt SeRvE aS kEy To HaTe, BuT rAtHeR DoOrS tO gReAtEr FaItH!!! 12,11 Posted by Lain
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so t
hat when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful. 12,11
Posted by Laine_21
---{@ sabi nila wag daw hanapin ang taong itinadhana sau,maghintay ka.sabi nila
kusa daw xang darating sa buhay mo,maghintay ka lng.KALOKOHAN!paano kung hinihin
tay ka rin nya?hintayan ever na lng kayo? @}--- 12,11 Posted by me_14
---{@ masakit maging # 2 lng...nakikihati,nakikisawsaw.pero dba mas masakit kung
ikaw ang # 1 sa buhay ng mahal mo,pero di mo alam meron xang # 2. @}--- 12,11 Po
sted by me_14
---{@ letting go doesn't olweyz mean "its over".breaking up would not mean"i've
had enough".instead,its as good as saying..."yaw na kita masaktan,go on..u deser
ve some1 better". @}--- 12,11 Posted by me_14
Some people say the worst way to miss someone is when they are right next to you
and you know you can't have them, but it's worse when you thought you didn't wa
nt them anymore and then all of a sudden you realize you can't live without them
. 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
pwdng mhal m prn ang taong mtgal ng wla xau..pde rng dmo mgwang mgmhal ng iba dh
l xa prn tlga..mskt dba?kc antgal nio ng wla pro sa puso's icpan mo,d prn xa mwl
a wla.. :`( 12,11 Posted by BeNCH_GuRL
u probably won't remember me It's probably ancient history Im 1 of D chosen few W
ho went ahead & fell 4u Im out of vogue, Im out of touch I fell 2 fast, I feel 2
much I thought that u might hv sum advice 2 give, on How 2b INSENSITIVE ) 12,11 Pos
ted by Uruja_Kurenai
It hurts when we risk our heart and it ends up getting broken. But what hurts ev
en more is when we still hold on when we already know that we're waiting for not
hing.... :( 12,11 Posted by `sHocK
Maybe Ive been the problem, maybe Im the one to blame.But even when I turn it of
f and play myself the outcome feels the same. 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao[out]
I can't choose who i'm gonna love but i also can't just love who chooses to love
me... and you can't blame me in choosing to love you as much as i can't blame y
ou for not learning to love me...=( 12,11 Posted by ^kholo^
think twice before leaving a space in someone's heart because it is painful to r
ealize in the end how much you miss that space and decided to go back only to fi
nd out that someone had taken your place...='( 12,11 Posted by ^kholo^
sabi nila halata daw na mahal kita, kita daw sa mukha ko kapag kachat kita. ang
saya ko raw kapag kausap ka sabi nila aminin ko na raw sayo. sabi ko, "saka na p
ag mahal mo na ko 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
magtiis ka muna kaibigan, me ilaw sa kabila ng kadiliman. dagat man daw na kay l
alim may hangganan. Umasa kat maririnig ang sigaw mong kapayapaan... 12,11 Posted
by Uruja_Kurinai
I know that time can never change the love I have for you..... Except to make it
deeper still with everything we do...... In all my dreams of coming years, you
play the greatest part, For I know that time will never change the love within m
y heart... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
marami ang nagsasabing mahirap magmahal, marami ang nasasaktan, mahirap iwasan.
kapag ang pusoy nagmahal mahirap turuan kahit ano ang sabihin di ka pakikinggan.
.. 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Kaysarap ng may nagmamahal. Kaysarap ng may minamahal. kahit na anong sabihin, k
ahit na anong sapitin, Napakasarap ng may nagmamahal... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kuri
natural lang ang madapa sa tuwing tayo ay nagmamahal, ang maganda don sa bawat s
akit mas higit tayong nagiging malakas, matatag, at sa bawat luhang tinatagas ng
ating mga mata ito nmn ang naglilinis ng ating katauhan..wag matakot magmahal..
. 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
* _JM_ has quit IRC (Quit: You Don't Need a Reason to Help People. ) 12,11 Posted
by Angh3L
PaGdumating anG aRaw na NaLaman koNg DaLawa na KamIng mahaL m0h d kITa pApipiliI
n sa AmIng DaLawa hahaYaan nA LanG KiTa sA KaNya,,,,BakiT?KasI di ka naman magMa
mAhaL ng Iba kUng TaLaganG maHal m0h k0h DiBa? 12,11 Posted by Junmar
ang love parang jeep,,minsan lang daraan,..kaya kapag nangyari yun parahin mo't
sumakay na..,,,,ikaw rin baka di na bumalik yan o kung babalik man may sakay nan
g iba. 12,11 Posted by Junmar
anything has no value if done without love. why? because it is the greatest gift
the Lord has given to us. you do good things to your boyfriend or girlfriend bu
t doing it without love makes you a mere non-sense individual. 12,11 Posted by Jun
sBi nila pg nasaktan ka sa pag-ibig tila i2 isang bombang sumabog sa mukha mo..p
ero sa una lang daw toh..naicp ko 2loy..gnun ba katgal ung cnasavi nlang una??.A
raw,Buwan,taon o Habangbuhay?? 12,11 Posted by _JM_
kailan mata2pos ang pagka2ibgan and magccmula ang pag-iibigan?pano mla2man kung
nong mas dpat pahalagahan sa dlawa?nong ms msakit marinig na"mahal kita dhil kai
bigan kta" o "mhal kta pero kaibgan kta" ==>Isip at Puso..mdals mgkasalungat..Is
ip puro dpat..Puso puro gus2..d mo 2loy alam kung ano mgpa2saya syo..ung msaya p
ro mali o ung tama nga pero msakit 12,11 Posted by _JM_
I dreamth i was w/ my bestfriend and you.we wer on a boat dat was sinking and i
can only save one..i choose 2 save my bestfriend over you..but i want u 2 know d
at..i went back 2 die w/you.. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
wat if the person u secretly love tells u that he alrdy found the ryt one 2 whom
he will spend his lyf with wud u be brave to ask "who?" or bear the pain inside
not knowing its u? 12,11 Posted by _JM_
kapag mahal mo siya sabihin mo! klahit alm mong walang kapalit un ang mahalaga m
alaman niya at kung magagalit siya, sabihin mo "ang sabi ko mahal kita. d ko sna
bing mahalin mo rin ako! 12,11 Posted by _JM_
mahal mo siya pero my hinahanp ka pa kala mo makikita mo un kaya isinantabi mo s
iya nang di mo makita bumalik ka pero huli na tao rin un, naghahanap din ng iba.
. 12,11 Posted by _JM_
*8s so hrd 2 say " I luv u, " n not draw back in tirs *8s so hrd 2 kno dat ur no
t der 2 help me face my fears *8s so hrd 2 jst fnd filings n now have to make th
em hide *8s so hard 2 liv w/o u, wen I nid u more then wrds *I want 2 scrim how
much I luv u but hold back n not be herd *8s so hrd 2 go 2 slip at nyt whn I cnt
drm of u *8s so hard to not start cryng wen I hear ur fav song *8s so hrd 2 sit
n wondr, wer did I go wrong? 12,11 Posted by _JM_
i uSed 2 bEliVe i'D FiNd hAppIneSs by WiSHing ON dA StARS Dat fAll On My WAy...T
hEn i MEt "U"...And i LeARned dAt Real sTaRs Don't JUz FaLl And FadE...TheY StAY
!!! 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai[tulog]
pag-ibig kong itoy sa yo lang ibibigay pagkat ikaw lamang ang tangi kong mahal,
lumayo ka man, ako ay maghihintay, ganyan kita kamahal 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurin
Di maiwasan, sa sinuman na may minamahal, na ang isat isay saktan, matapos ay ma
glalayo, ito sana'y di mangyari sa atin.. Pangako mo skin na tayo ay hindi mabib
igo, asahan magmula ngyn na gagawin ko ang lhat wag k lmang malayo sa akin. 12,11
Posted by _JM_
Lumuha man ako ng dahil sa iyo, di ko magagawang magalit ng totoo, pagkat ikaw l
amang ang tanging mahal ko, pag-ibig ko'y sa yo... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
I will foLLow you eVen in heLL coz' w/ yOu is wheRe i beLong...BlessEd by Heaven
's LighT, it musT be Right...--if I fiNd yOu, I wOn 12,11 Posted by KaEdE`
DoN'T taKe fOr GranTed thE PerSons YoU LoVe coz' yOu MiGHt waKe uP 1 Day juSt to
find thaT you'Ve LosT a DiAmOnd coz' YoU'rE tOo bUsY coLLectiNg StOnEs 12,11 Pos
ted by KaEdE`
kung pwde lang ba tlga ipakita at iparamdam ang totoo kong nararamdaman kanina k
o pa ginawa pro ano magagawa ko kung too late na lahat... 12,11 Posted by sweet```
im sorry for the tears ive made u cry i guess this time is really is goodbye u m
ade it clear when u said i just dont love u no more 12,11 Posted by fly_away
if i could fly away and i wouldn come back no more i id turn around just to see
u for the last time see now i know that it wont be easy i done fought in a battl
e an i done made it this far i gotta few more feet but its still the longest yar
d 12,11 Posted by fly_away
wg mong paglaruan ang taong mahal ka inintindi at ipinaglalaban ka bka dumating
ung time n sabihin nya "in juz a toy 2 you benta mo n lng kya aq?" 12,11 Posted b
y jheniks
Lahat ng tao nagbabago, lahat ng tao may makikilalang iba...lahat tayo masasakta
n, iiwanan at kakalimutan...pero pag dumating sa kin ang araw na yon...pipilitin
ko pa rin maalala yung araw na nakilala mo ko. 12,11 Posted by Selphie^_^
I guess the time was right for us to say We'd take our time and live our lives t
ogether day by day We'll make a wish and send it on a prayer We know our dreams
can all come true with love that we can share With you I never wonder - will you
be there for me With you I never wonder - you're the right one for me 12,11 Post
ed by `BOK
8,4I finally found the love of a lifetime A love to last my whole life through I
finally found the love of a lifetime Forever in my heart, I finally found the lo
ve of a lifetime 12,11 Posted by `BOK
True Love doesn't have a happy ending. dz bcz True Love doesn't have ending 12,11
Posted by ging
LOVE has its own time,season and reasons.. You can't ask it to stay. You can onl
y embrace it as it comes and be glad that for a moment in ur LIFE it was urs!! 12
,11 Posted by Ging
Minsan kasama ang pga2linlangan sa pgma2hal,Pro pgtama ang pnagla2anan maki2ta m
o mas masarap ang may minamahal at may nagma2hal, lalo na kng maraming pagsubok
na pinagda2anan 12,11 Posted by Ging
Waking w/ GOD s d best adventure, Finding GOD s d best achievment and having GOD
as a companion s d best source of happiness... 12,11 Posted by ging
Walkng w/ GOD s d best adventure,finding GOD s d best achievmnt & having GOD as
a companion s d best source of happiness 12,11 Posted by ging
A heart truly inlove nver loses HOPE bt alwys blievs n d promse of LOVE. No matt
er how long and how far d distance 12,11 Posted by ging
Marami ang nabu2hay ng masaya dahl sa salitang I LOVE U.Pro mas marami ang lumul
uha dahil sa salitang un.Bakit??? ksi mas marami ang bi2g na sinungaling ksa pus
ong nagma2hal 12,11 Posted by ging
Noon sabi mo sa kin, di mo ako mahal. E bakit nung me gf na ko e, umuusok ang te
nga mo sa galit ha??? di kita maintindihan. ang weird mo!!! 12,11 Posted by Uruja_
Kadalasan hindi natin napapansin na may isang taong laging nandyan, handang suma
klolo sa anumang kailangan mo. bakit ganon? nakakausap mo na nga siya pero hindi
mo pa rin napansin na HE TRULY CARES FOR YOU??? 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Sayang nung walang nagmamahal sa yo hindi mo ako napansin. siguro nga di mo tala
ga ako pansin, malibre ka man o hindi, HINDI KA MAGIGING AKIN. 12,11 Posted by Uru
*****...Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in
spite of them and you have found a lover for life..***** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
*****...Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the love we keep. The onl
y way to retain love is to give it away....**** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
*****.....To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already thre
e parts dead....***** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
We find rest in those we love, and we provide a resting place inourselves for th
ose who loves us....**** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
*****.....****** The soul that can speak through the eyes can also kiss with a g
aze *****....**** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
****....---<@...."I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but i would like to
be something to someone....@>--...**** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
*****...."You cannot make someone love you...All you can do is be someone who ca
n be loved. The rest is up to them.".....***** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
*****"Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is INVISIBLE---it canno
t be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, a
nd offer you more JOY than any material possession..."....***** 12,11 Posted by sn
******* " Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be" ****** 12,11 Posted by sn
Nobody´s perfect until you learned to love them 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
mnsan ang pagcclos, nkkcra ng relasyon, kc wlang twala, mkitid utak. pero khit m
nsan ba, naicp mo na kya xa nagcclos e nttkot xang mwla ka.. kc mahal ka nya??? 1
2,11 Posted by Laine_21
SeReNdIpItY... u CaN cHuS hU 2 CrE, cHuS hU 2 PrOtEcT,cHuS hU 2 ShARe LiFe wItH.
BuT u CaN nVeR cHuS hu 2 FaLl iNlUv w/.. 4 LoVe Is NoT a chOiCe.. bUt... DESTIN
Y.. 12,11 Posted by Laine_21
Laine_21 has quit IRC (Quit: SeReNdIpItY... u CaN cHuS hU 2 CrE, cHuS hU 2 PrOtE
cT,cHuS hU 2 ShARe LiFe wItH. BuT u CaN nVeR cHuS hu 2 FaLl iNlUv w/.. 4 LoVe Is
NoT a chOiCe.. bUt... DESTINY.. [para kay rich!! ahahhahahaha]) 12,11 Posted by A
Angh3L (~cavtpsy1@ Quit (Quit: 0,5 bkit gnon..?i didn't ask God pe
ro dumating you know how important you are to me...?God bless you) 12,11
Posted by _JM_
MAGMAHAL?! oo, marunong ako nyan....yung tipong mukha ng tanga...cge pa rin,kc m
ahal mo syang talaga e! pero sa bandang huli itatanong mo...TANGA B TALAGA AKO..
.o MAHAL lang talaga kita!!(Kurei) 12,11 Posted by bheng
Loving someone desperately is like holding a broken piece of glass not wanting t
o give up but your hands feel the pain and when you finally let go ur free from
pain but your hands are empty and bleeding.... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
pag mahal mo isang tao ggwin mo lahat lumigaya lang sya.khit ano ang iutos nya m
ahirap man o madali,susunod ka. eh pano kung sbhin nya na iwan mo sya... gagawin
mo ba? 12,11 Posted by |||||||||||||||||
Word`s cant tell how much you mean to me only my hearth can say , only your hear
th can hear one word i`d like to say that I LOVE YOU .. 12,11 Posted by SEnsual-ma
Sometimes letting go does more good than holding on... it takes a lot of courage
to do that, but you are giving yourself better chances for happiness... there's
no point of staying in a relationship if you are not happy... 12,11 Posted by Uru
*****.....IF I WERE asked, "whatt is the one thing that made your life happy?" I
would answer, "for having good friends & the most is when I met you."....***** 1
2,11 Posted by snowbabe
*****.....I DON'T CARE how many lips you have kissed, how many shoulders you hav
e embraced, & how many times you've said, "I love you." All I care is not be the
first but to be your last....***** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
***** A KISS IS a lovely trick designed bynature to stop speech when words becom
e unnecessary. Just be sure that those lips will only kiss the person whom you t
ruly love and care about.***** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
***** IF YOU REALLY love someone, never let go, don't believe that letting go me
ans that you love best, instead fight for your love, that's what true love is.**
*** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
---->>>LOVE IS LIKE riding a bike, if you fall you have to get back up again <--
-- 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
LOVE AND ELECTRICITY are one in the same my dear, if you do not feel the jolt in
your soul, every time a kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, a touch is felt, t
hen you're not really in love. 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
I told myself that i will wait for you... I came to this point that I asked myse
lf "what am I gaining through all this? Wala naman di ba? Kaya ive decided to go
on with my life and start looking for my future.... =) 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kuri
SABI MO MAHAL kita, sabi mo mahal mo din sya. Seryos ako sa'yo. seryoso ka rin s
a kanya. Ngayong iniwan ka nya iiyak-iyak ka, ang masama nito sa balikat ko pa..
.pasalamat ka, mahal na mahal kita.. 12,11 Posted by snowbabe_BRB
***** LOVING SOMEONE WHO doesn't love u is like reahing for a star. You know you
'll never reach it butyou just have to keep on trying coz you're still hoping th
at one day it might fall.**** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
IF YOU LIKE me, say so, & if not then stop acting like you do.... 12,11 Posted by
**** Jahe pag crush mo Di mo malaman kung pano itatago, Deadma pag nangulit, wal
a lang paglumapit, pero minsan pag naglalambing gusto mo ng sabihing TAMA NA!PWE
DE BA? "naiinlove na ako"...:)...lolz...**** 12,11 Posted by snowbabe
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equ
als nothing. 12,11 Posted by Cloud^^
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. 12,1
1 Posted by Cloud^^
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good he
alth has vanished. 12,11 Posted by Cloud^^
Love works in miracles every day: such as weakening the strong, and stretching t
he weak; making fools of the wise, and wise men of fools; favouring the passions
, destroying reason, and in a word, turning everything topsy-turvy. 12,11 Posted
by Cloud^^
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible. 12,11 Posted b
y Cloud^^
Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. 12,11 Posted by Cloud^^
Love is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch. 12,11 Po
sted by Cloud^^
***** Gusto kong mahalin ka. pero takot na akong masaktan. pero kung un lang ang
paraan para matutuhan mo ako mahalin...Ano ba nmn ung masaktan"LANG" ako!***** 12
,11 Posted by snowbabe
The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. 12,11 Posted by Cloud^^
*****Si Ren adik sa cellphone...hamakin mo ba nmn meron n cyang 3 cellphones...a
ng yamannnnnn....hahahhaha....joke lang po..blehhhhhhh***** 12,11 Posted by snowba
NeVeR TKe LoVe 4 GRaNTeD 'CoZ D BeST THiNG iN DiS WoRLD iS KNoWN 2 Be LoVeD... S
o iF u HaVe a SPeCiaL SoMeoN3.. --HoLD THeM CLoSe 2 uR HeaRT.. DoNT WaSTe TiMe..
12,11 Posted by _JM_
Let me sleep... For when Im asleep, i dream that YOU are here... YOU ARE MINE...
And all my fears are left behind... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
I might not always be there, we might not keep in touch often & I know sometimes
, i look like i dont care at all. Dont be deceived, trust me, despite of that I
care for YOU &I always will!!! 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Dont grow old filled with regrets... For things not done... For words not said..
. For love not shown... Life is to short... Do what make you... HAPPY!!! 12,11 Po
sted by Uruja_Kurinai
aNg tOtong mEtaL.. waLa sA dAmi nG aLam nA bAndA... o Sa tiNdi nG poRma... aNg t
OtoOng mEtaL aLam LahAT nG ikAbubUti nG kAsamAan.. *^_~* 12,11 Posted by pEnk_mEta
11,1 Bayang Di Matatalikod, Nagkakaisa Sa Pagsunod  12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
PpOl fall inluv not knowing y nor how.. its a very special feeling dat it doesnt
require much answers.. u just love no matter how stupid you become! 12,11 Posted
by Laine_21
Success in life can never be an accident. It is the result of the right decision
s at the right time. Champions are not the people who never fail, but people who
never quit... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Tonight I wish you might take a look at the stars above you. One of them shall s
lowly fade but still, you might never know. Sa milyong bituing nakikita mo, ano
nga naman sayo kung mawala ako? 12,11 Posted by _JM_
Akala ko kpag nsaktn ako, ms magiging msya ako pg wala ka na. ms magiging msya a
ko pg wala ka na. dhil ang taning kcyahan ko sa buhay ko... ay ang makasama ka..
. at hindi ang kalimutan ka... 12,11 Posted by |||AngheL|||
minsan nagtatanong tayo, bakit may mga taong bigla na lang dumadating sa buhay n
atin? natanong ko yun nung makilala kita. alam ko may dahilan, anuman yun basta.
. masaya ako dahil andyan ka... love u baby ko aka _m|ke_ 12,11 Posted by RoXyGurL
bkit pag nsaktan tyo or wala tyong mga gf/bf sabihin ntin wala na ang pra sa ati
n, porke ba hindi nag work ang una wala kna chance? just keep on accepting the o
pportunity dude, you'll never kng ang darating syo, malay mo, isa pla cya sa mga
nka tambay sa kanto, humihintay lng ng tsempo pra umamin syo na mahal ka nya! 12
,11 Posted by RoXyGuY
Dont believe in destiny. Dapat mong isipin ang reality, kung talagang mahal mo a
ng isang tao, ipaglaban mo coz destiny is just an excuse of LETTING things happe
n instead of MAKING things happen. 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
In our life there are many problems we face, sometimes too hard for us to handle
and sometimes we easily give up... You know what keeps our heart foghting? The
Master of our life, GOD... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Life is too short for drama and petty problems, so travel slowly, laugh insanely
, love truly and forgive quickly. Coz life is too short to be anything but happy
!!! 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Sa buhay natin madami tayong nakikilala. Andun si admirer, andun si bhez, andun
si ex, andun si labs. Pero sa lahat ng yun wag mo sana kalimutan na, andun din s
i REN ha? 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Find what makes you happy and follow what your heart tells you. They may call yo
u foolish, but at least you're a happy fool, not an empty-wise person. Enjoy Lif
e!!! 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Minsan puro ako biro, laging nakabungisngis, lagi na lang nakatawa. Pero sana pa
niwalaan mo, SERYOSO ako pag sinabi kong, DING ang bato!!! Darna!!! 12,11 Posted
by Uruja_Kurinai
Bhezz, sharing a part of my life with you has been fun. Its greatand its certain
ly one of the best highlights of my life. Hope you will always stay around for g
ood because you are really ONE OF THE BEST I HAVE ... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurina
I thank the LORD for the gift of having you, where i can be myself and be accept
ed as i am, and for finding a home in the heart of a good person, and thats YOU!
!! 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
If you love someone, never ask opinion from others, because it might get wrong.
Just follow your heart, for it is better to fall from your own hapiness than to
fall from anyone's advice! 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Life is full of twists and turns. Learn to enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy it
is, for in every twist and turn, a BLESSING is ALWAYS given in return. 12,11 Pos
ted by Uruja_Kurinai
Some people mack you coz they have nothing to do, others mack you so that you'll
mack them too, but me, i do coz macking is my way of saying I REMEMBER YOU!!! 12
,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Tatlo kayo sa bangka, Ikaw ang nasa gitna, Yung mahal mo talaga noon pa. Yung is
a ayaw mo mawala kasi doon ka masaya. pag lumubog ang bangka, kanino ka sasama,
sa taong mahal mo talaga, o sa taong masaya ka??? 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
uve got to love me for wat i am for simply being me... dont love for what you in
tend or hope that i would be... and if ure only using me to feed ure fantasy...u
re really not inlove so let me go... i must be free 12,11 Posted by [A]THEN[A]
"Love never dies a natural death. It dies,because we don't know how to replenish
its source.It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals.It dies of illness and
wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing." 12,11 Posted by [A]TH
Our minds gather the dirt and dust of human opinion everyday. but God's words ar
e like waterfalls that wash and purify our hearts and minds. 12,11 Posted by Uruja
"If you have it(love), you don't need anything else, and if you don't have it,it
doesn't much matter what else you have." 12,11 Posted by [A]THEN[A]
1,8 "To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three part
s dead." 12,11 Posted by [A]THEN[A]
"The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart
withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears
only the echoes of his own thoughts and findsno other inspiration." 12,11 Posted
by Angh3L
The weirdest thing happened the other morning... I woke up with tears in my eyes
...and one rolling down my cheek... and I knew I must have been dreaming of you
again. 12,11 Posted by [A]THEN[A]
Its hard to pretend you love someone when you don't but its harder to pretend th
at you don't love someone when you really do. 12,11 Posted by [A]THEN[A]
Nothing hurts more than realising he meant everything to you, but you meant noth
ing to him. 12,11 Posted by [A]THEN[A]
Giving up on Love isn't Moving On Its Giving up Your Happiness 12,11 Posted by [A]
I understand that with loves comes pain, but why did i have to love so much? 12,1
1 Posted by [A]THEN[A]
When I Look At You My Heart Skips A Beat But Later That Beat Could Mean A Lifeti
me Of Tears Wasted 12,11 Posted by [A]THEN[A]
8,1 My Heart Was Taken By You, Broken By You And Now Is In Pieces Because Of You 1
2,11 Posted by Angh3L
"many ppol thnk m strong, cuz of d hurtful strugles iv had,d problms iv ncountrd
,d pain iv felt..But dy'r wr0ng cuz nsyd me s a WEAK HART..but bhind it is a STR
ONG GOD!!!" 12,11 Posted by Laine_21
10hai ambot lng...bsta ang ako lng malingaw ko ninyo dri..wlay tagay dri 12,11 Pos
ted by jv_amew
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were mean
t to be serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure
out who you are or who you want to become. 12,11 Posted by ^berde^
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck.
Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to t
est limits of your soul. 12,11 Posted by ^berde^
It's hard letting go of someone specially if he became an important part of your
life. But if you feel that you've given everything but still nothing happens, s
et him/her free. "Mas madali siguro ang bumitaw kesa magmukhang tanga 12,11 Poste
d by [A]THEN[A]
Minsan, kahit may mahal ka na, di maiiwasang mahulog sa iba.. Pero pag dumating
yung tyime na papipiliin ka nila, piliin mo kung kanino ka sasaya. May masaktan
ka mang isa, atleast nagpaka-totoo ka diba?? 12,11 Posted by ^MhOi`MhOi^
How wud u know if a guy truly luvs u? Its wen u scream, he's calm, wen u slap hi
m, he kisses u, wen u cry he hugs u, and wen u tell him u h8 him, he tells u he
luvs u 12,11 Posted by ^MhOi`MhOi^
girl asks her man... GF: y do u luv me? BF: i hav no reason(gf got mad and say)
GF: give me a reason! BF: coz ur byutipul, caring and has a nice voice(gf was sa
tisfied 2 bf's answer. den 1day d grl met an accdent) GF: do u still love me? BF
: now dat ur not pretty and ur paralyzed i dont hav d rison 2 luv u!(gf cried..
den bf holds her hand and say) BF: now u understand "luv dont nid reasons" so "i
luv u and stil luv u no matter wat hapens!" 12,11 Posted by ^MhOi`MhOi^
When love dies, hold on to the memories but let go of the one u love 12,11 Posted
by ging
Sa pagmamahal, di mahalaga ang nakaraan, kundi ang kasalukuyan. Di mahalaga ang
itsura kundi ang ugali. Di rin mahalaga ang edad kundi kung pano mo siya tatangg
apin sa puso mo... =) 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Pag may problema ka, lapitan mo ako, di kita iiwan. Yayakapin kita ng mahigpit a
t ibubulong ko sa yo, "Andito lang ako... kahit hindi ako ang kailangan mo... :)
12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Ang buhay di ko alam ang kabuluhan, kung saan patungo at kung saan ang hangganan
. Sana mawala man ako sa paningin mo manatili pa rin sa puso't isipan mo ang ala
ala ng tulad ko... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Ingatan mo yung taong laging andyan para sa yo. Laging nag-iisip, laging nagmama
hal, laging nag-aalala. Kasi pag yan nawala mahirap na. Kaya ikaw ingatan mo siy
a sino man siya... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
I had a dream last night, you hanging on the edge of the cliff, i reached out my
hands to you, but someone down there offered to catch you. You know why my tear
s fell? I SAW YOU LET GO... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Hirap mainlove di ba? Yun bang kahit buhay mo ibibigay para sa "mahal" mo. Pero
bakit kung minsan kung sino pa yung mahal mo, siya pang nagpapahirap sa yo.... 12
,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Wait for me, There's so much more of life for us to see 12,11 Posted by SrB_guRL
I value you not for the things you have done to me but for just being there for
me and for accepting me for what and who i am. Thank you dor being so good. I'll
always be here for you not because i have to, but because i want to... 12,11 Pos
ted by Uruja_Kurinai
Buong buhay ko wish ko na mahalin din ako ng taong mahal ko, kahit sandali lang.
.. Pero, asa pa ko! itext nga lang di niya magawa, mahalin pa kaya??? =( 12,11 Po
sted by Uruja_Kurinai
Sa buhay, minsan may tama, minsan may pagkakamali. May dumarating, may nawawala.
Kasama talaga yun... Pero tandaan mo, nawalan, nasaktan o nagkamali ka man, eto
lang ako... DI KITA IIWAN... KAHIT KAILAN!!! 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is gre
ater than your need for each other... 12,11 Posted by Bason
Remember the four r's. Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for
all your actions, and Reality... 12,11 Posted by Bason
4My favorite place to be is inside of your hugs where it's warm and loving. I Lov
e You!" 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
bakit hndi tayo pwede.. mahal naman kita... kaso ang problema mas mahal mo sya..
. hndi ba pwedeng ako na lang at wag na sya? 12,11 Posted by _attagirl_
4 You are my soulmate, my sweetheart, you are my dream come true, from now until th
e end of time I give my heart and soul to you." 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
4"You can't imagine how beautiful my life has become... Ever since you came into i
t. I Love you!" 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
I fell for you and I know that it's not right, that's why I tried to be over you
, tried not to care, tried not to love you, but no matter what I do, every time
your near... I always say "bahala na, kahit na alam kong masasaktan lang ako....
12,11 Posted by _attagirl_
4"With every passing day I find myself falling more and more in love with you!" 12,
11 Posted by jv_amew
mahal mo pala sya? bakit di mo sinabi sakin e di sana nakatulong ako, natulungan
sana kita sa kanya, bakit ngayon lang?! sana noon pa... para napigilan ko na an
g sarili ko na mahalin ka!!! 12,11 Posted by _attagirl_
Mahal na mahal kita pero bakit mo pinabayaan??? Masakit kaya naisipan ko humanap
ng iba...minahal ko na siya...pero di katulad ng sa' ngayon bumabalik ka
sa akin at sabi mo mahal na mahal mo ako...may tanong lang ako...ayaw mo ba tal
aga akong LUMIGAYA??? 12,11 Posted by _attagirl_
Masakit magmahal kapag binibigay mo ang lahat kahit alam mong walang darating na
kapalit para sayo. pero mas masakit magmahal kapag pinaasa ka niya na mahal ka
niya tapos malalaman mo na may iba na sya sa buhay nya 12,11 Posted by _attagirl_
4"I never knew what love was until I met you, then when distance pulled us apart,
I found out what true love is." 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
It is not love alone but commitment that gives a guarantee for the permanence of
relationship. 12,11 Posted by W1z
"My love for you has no depth, its boudaries are ever expanding. My love and my
life with you will be a never ending story." 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
"You are my soulmate, my sweetheart, you are my dream come true, from now until
the end of time I give my heart and soul to you." 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
"If my love for you were water, it would be as vast as an ocean." 12,11 Posted by
"Forever is not a word...rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes
them there." 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
"Listen to your heart, for it knows the truth." 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
"True love is not without pain, like that of thorns in your side. Yet love is li
ke the rose in full bloom, beautiful and full of life." 12,11 Posted by jv_amew
"The only love I know, is the love we shared, the love you showed me; a love I n
ever knew until you came into my life ... that I know is real." 12,11 Posted by jv
Kung liligaya ka sa piling ng iba, at kung ang langit mo ay ang pag-ibig niya. T
ututol ba ako, sa kagustuhan mo, sapat na ang minsay nakilala mo ako!!! 12,11 Pos
ted by Hell_Teacher_Nube
minsan nagtatanong tayo, bakit may mga taong bigla na lang dumadating sa buhay n
atin? natanong ko yun nung makilala kita. alam ko may dahilan, anuman yun basta.
. masaya ako dahil andyan ka... 12,11 Posted by Hell_Teacher_Nube
Love is not the only reason why a relationship stands dor years or till forever.
We might think that love holds the relationship. But what if you love too much
and forget that love also can weaken or worst, destroy a strong relationship? I
just realized that love is not enough. The secret of having a strong, lasting re
lationship is to trust the one you love and accept his/her weaknesses or mistake
s. 12,11 Posted by Hell_Teacher_Nube
I dnt wnt 2 rmber d thngs tht we've bin through nd ol d thngs dat rminds me of u
, nd i dnt wnt to hir d songs, d songs we use 2 sings,coz i dnt wna fil d pain i
n my hartSumtms whn u luv sm1 vry mch, ud hve to go evry tir, evry hartache, evr
y pain coz in da end its not hw u sufrd bt how you LOVE...... 12,11 Posted by [^s^
Minsan dumarating ang pagkakataon na kailangan mong lumayo sa taong natutunan mo
ng mahalin, hindi dahil sa di mo na siya mahal, kundi di mo na kayang may MINAMA
HAL NA SIYANG IBA... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
1araw nkita kta umiiyak sa ulan...nilapitan kita sabi moh, "wla kang pki alam d2
lng aq!"2mawa aq sabay sabi,tanga yung dede moh bumabakat na"!:) 12,11 Posted by
kala ko wla ng mas sasakit pa sa isang kahapong mahirap kalimutan.. ndi pla.. ma
s masakit pla ang isang kasalukuyang.. kahit ipaglaban.. la na yatang patutunguh
an! :( 12,11 Posted by Laine_21
i was once hurt by sum1 i rily love i dnt wnt 2 gve up even if it hurts but 1 da
y i did.. y?? pagod na ko..masakit pala.. lalo na pag binabalewala ka lang nya!!
12,11 Posted by Laine_21
When LOVE dies, hold on to the memories.But let go of d one you love" 12,11 Poste
d by ging
To be loved is a blessing but to no longer be loved is not necessarily a tragedy
12,11 Posted by ging
LOVE is not a contest.It is not a competition to see who emerges the prettiest o
r toughest.LOVE is what it is a gift.It can't be forced on anyone.Neither can't
it be forced out o 12,11 Posted by ging
2 let go doesnt mean 2 stop carin.2 let go is to learn theres sumthin beyond.2 l
et go means acceptin reality.2 let go is lovin more coz u only want the best. 12,
11 Posted by _RainDoWnOnMe_Zzz
People say dat wen luv comes knocking on ur door let it in.But sumtimes luv come
s through a backdoor & by the time u notice its on its way out 12,11 Posted by _Ra
There is night so we can appreciate day, sorrow so we can appreciate joy, evil s
o we can appreciate good, you so I can appreciate love. 12,11 Posted by _RainDoWnO
Do you know that men and women are angels created with only one wing? And they n
eed to embrace each other to be able to fly... Hope you can find your angel whom
you can fly with forever. 12,11 Posted by _RainDoWnOnMe_Zzz
Someone asked what makes people happy. Some said wealth and some said fame. I wa
s thinking about this when my cell phone beeped and received a text from you. Th
en, I smiled and said: "This makes me happy." 12,11 Posted by _RainDoWnOnMe_Zzz
When you love somebody, be ready to take the intensity of emotions. Be jealous,
anxious. Love with all your might. Take the pain and everything that comes with
it. Just make sure that the person is worth it. 12,11 Posted by _RainDoWnOnMe_Zzz
Love can never be taught for it is to be learned; love can never be bought for i
t is to be given; love can never be kept for it is to be free; love can never be
old for it lives to last a lifetime. 12,11 Posted by _RainDoWnOnMe_Zzz
Sana walang sawaan, sana walang iwanan, sana forever kang andyan kahit di tayo m
agkita. Pero kung sawa ka na, ikaw ang bahala desisyon mo yan! Basta ako andito
pa rin, kahit ayaw mo sa akin.... 12,11 Posted by Hell_Teacher_Nube
Sometimes it's hard to be inlove cz ur afraid to be hurt but still u need to try
cz to be hurt is a part of being inlove and LOVE is a part of being alive 12,11
Posted by ging
"is it so hard to belive our hearts are made to be broken by love" 12,11 Posted b
y {V}ille{V}alo
"i try to call your name but im silenced by the fear of dyeing in your heart onc
e again" 12,11 Posted by {V}ille{V}alo
"in joy and sorrow my homes in your arms in a world so hollow its breaking my he
art" 12,11 Posted by {V}ille{V}alo
"if u look at life in a optimistic way nothing can bring you down" 12,11 Posted b
y {V}ille{V}alo
"we are like the living dead sacraficing all we have for a frozen heart and a so
ul on fire" 12,11 Posted by {V}ille{V}alo
"love can be as cold as grave a one way ticket to endless sorrow an empire of ge
ntle hate today without tommorrow" 12,11 Posted by {V}ille{V}alo
" It's better to be single if u cannot find someone who truly LOVES u.It will be
like living in hell married to someone who does not LOVE u. 12,11 Posted by ging
LOVE someone like tomorrow never comes, you may not even wish that 48 hours a da
y is not 12,11 Posted by ging
Sadness is the opposite of happiness.Without experiencing sadness we can't treas
ure happiness 12,11 Posted by ging
"Sadness is the opposite of happiness.Without experiencing sadness we can't trea
sure happiness" 12,11 Posted by ging
" Friendship is a gift from GOD.It must be his instrument for us to lean on duri
ng bad times or good times. 12,11 Posted by ging
"Learn to overcome weaknesses.Remember that bad temptations can bring u into dee
p trouble. 12,11 Posted by ging
"Kung tutuusin magkasama sama tayo ngayon.Sabi nga nila "Laht daw ng bagay pwede
pero d lahat ng pwede ay dapat." Galing no!Parang tayong dalawa,bagay pero d 12,
11 Posted by ging
"If u do not learn to swallow ur pride,sometimes even smallmatters can spark int
o big troubles" 12,11 Posted by ging
" Be patient and u can solve problems effectively.If u rush, u create errors and
cause disasters instead" 12,11 Posted by ging
"Don't blame others for ur failures.Be strong to conquer ur own weaknesses and c
orrect ur mistakes.The road to success is only a matter of time. 12,11 Posted by g
It is important to remember the past mistakes and do things right today for a be
tter tomorrow. 12,11 Posted by ging
enjoy ur stay jha2 make ur life more convenient and joyful!!! 12,11 Posted by ging
Do you know why its so to be in love again after a broken heart? Its because you
no longer know how much to make the next one special because you made the last
one SO SPECIAL... Thinking she'll be your last... 12,11 Posted by Hell_Teacher_Nub
True love covers the eyes to see no wrong. True love darkens reason to consider
every situation. True love loves more when it hurts much. And True Love is still
true even to the point of letting go... 12,11 Posted by Hell_Teacher_Nube
Sana kahit kunwari lang mis mo ako.Kunwari naaalala mo ako. Kunwari iniisip mo a
ko. Kunwari di mo ako nakakalimutan. Pero masakit, dahil kahit kunwari lang, DI
MO PA MAGAWA... 12,11 Posted by Hell_Teacher_Nube
Kung may mahal ka, wag kang tanga, dont let him na maagaw ng iba dahil pag nakit
a mo na masaya siya sa iba baka magsisi ka at masabi mo sa sarili mo na... DAPAT
AKIN SIYA, KUNG DI LANG AKO TANGA... 12,11 Posted by Hell_Teacher_Nube
Hindi naman ako tanga Alam ko na wala kana Pero mahirap lang na tanggapin Di na
kita kapiling Iniwan mo ako nag-iisa Sa gitna ng dilim at basing-basa pa sa ulan
^^ 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
"Never regret d choices u have made.Always be satisfied of what u have now.LIFE
is not perfect.It is a blend of JOY and SORROW.It is just a matter of how u deal
w/ it. 12,11 Posted by ging
"GOD has a reason for allowing things to happen.We may never understand why,but
we simply have to trust him. 12,11 Posted by ging
" TRUE LOVE is not perfection.The perfection lies in the welding of two hearts a
nd two souls,To create a bond that survives all imperfections and the passage of
time. 12,11 Posted by ging
"mnsAn ang Hrap Magmhal!nKita mnA,mawwala pa!Pg hNnap mo,my mHal ng ibA!Nging ta
pat ka tpos lo2kohin kA pA!NgpPakTnga kNa, gA2guhin kp!TaNgNang PagiBig yn naUSO
p! 12,11 Posted by jha_jha
"mnsAn ang Hrap Magmhal!nKita mnA,mawwala pa!Pg hNnap mo,my mHal ng ibA!Nging ta
pat ka tpos lo2kohin kA pA!NgpPakTnga kNa, gA2guhin kp!TaNgNang PagiBig yn naUSO
p!" 12,11 Posted by jha_jha
<the one who hurt you the most is the one you love the most> 12,11 Posted by Roman
Kagabi, inask ko si Lord kung bakit may mga taong manhid. Sabi niya wala daw siy
ang ginawang ganun. Tumalikod ako at napatungo. Bigla niyang sinabi, Manhid nga b
a siya o hindi mo lang matanggap na friend ka lang talaga niya? 12,11 Posted by ^A|
Say you'll Stay Don't come and go Like you do Sway my way Yeah I need to know Al
l about you Its all because of you Its all because of you 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
Gusto ko nang ipagtapat ang nararamdaman ko sayo. Sabi mo, Sige, ok lang yun! Natat
akot akong baka mailang siya. Sabi mo, Hindi yun! Malay mo mahal ka rin niya! O, sig
e na nga. Sasabihin ko na. Mahal kita. Sabi mo, Hoy, wala namang ganyanan. Friends
tayo, diba? 12,11 Posted by ^A|ucard^
here I Go Losing my Control I'm practising your name So I can say it To your fac
e it doesn't Seem right To look you in the eye nd let all the thingsYou mean to
me Come tumbling out my mouth Indeed it's time Tell you why I say it's Infinitel
y true 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
Isang araw, may magtatapat sayo. Sasabihin niya, Alam mo, mahal kita. Pag dumating
yung araw na yun na magtapat siya sayo, promise mo sakin di mo ko pagtatawanan,
ha? 12,11 Posted by ^A|ucard^
Kaibigan? Oo, kaibigan mo lang ako. Takbuhan pag may problema sa kanya, iyakan p
ag sinasaktan ka niya tapos iiwan. Babalik pag iiyak ulit. Eh, ako? Kanino ako i
iyak tuwing nasasaktan ako dahil sayo? 12,11 Posted by ^A|ucard^
Tumabi ako sayo at huminga nang malalim. Sabi mo, Hmm, bakit?" Di ako nagsalita p
ero di ko na talaga kaya. Kung nagtanong ka lang sana ulit, sinabi ko na. Hay, ma
hal na yata kita! 12,11 Posted by ^A|ucard^
Tumabi ako sayo at huminga nang malalim. Sabi mo, Hmm, bakit?" Di ako nagsalita p
ero di ko na talaga kaya. Kung nagtanong ka lang sana ulit, sinabi ko na. Hay, ma
hal na yata kita! 12,11 Posted by ^A|ucard^
i know its over now, i cant believe we're through. If this is what you need ther
es nothing i can do. So where am i to go? what have i to choose? remembering our
days, just makes me want to cry. We tried so hard i know but still we said good
bye... 12,11 Posted by Uruja_Kurinai
Sa pagma2halan d mahalaga ang nakaraan kundi ang kasalukuyan,di mahalaga ang its
ura kundi ang ugali,di rin mahalaga ang edad kundi kung pano mo sya ta2nggapin s
a puso mo 12,11 Posted by ging
If ur not ready to feel d pain then ur not ready to fall in love 12,11 Posted by g
y is dat, d 1 i Luv alweiz hurtz me bt d 1 i dont luv alweiz luvz me.. d sad thi
ng is thou i try to chuZ d 1 hu luvZ me, my heart stl belongs 4 d 1 hu hurtZ me!
12,11 Posted by ^angELYcah^
I don't want 2 rmember d things that we've been through and all d things dat rem
inds me of u, and i dont want to hear d songs, d songs we used 2 sings,coz i don
t wanna feel d pain in my heartSumtyms when u love sum1 very much, ud have to go
every tear, every heartache, every pain coz in the end its not how u suffered b
ut how you LOVE.........i was fully hurt...i love u so much SHY...i dont want u
to be taken from me... 12,11 Posted by Skater08
i miss you... 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut deep as you allow them to go.The ch
allenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them. 12,11 Posted by
a couple had an argument.. boyfriend confessed 12,11 Posted by ||KaylangMaganda||
mahirap iwan ang 1 tao na naging bhagi ng buhay mo, 1 tao na mnhal mo at dmo kya
ng mwala..kya ng dumating ka 1 lng dsal ko "sana wg kng mwala sa buhay ko" 12,11
Posted by ANgh3L
m so shy to tel how much u mean 2me, 2 scared to show i care...but wtevr kind of
fling it wud be... i'd be lying 2 myself f il say "wla ka lng skin.." 12,11 Post
ed by ANgh3L
d prson ment 4u s d prson hu'l luv u even wen der's no mor rison2 luv u, 4 n urn
othingness d 1 ment 4 u wil find wats lovable in u... 12,11 Posted by Angh3L
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your charact
er is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you
are >17 12,11 Posted by the_dumb
Don't grow old filled w/ regrets 4 d things not done 4 words not said & 4 love n
ot shown.Life is too short. Do what makes u happy 12,11 Posted by ging
Love s d weakest when there are more doubts than trust, but Love is strongest wh
en we learn how to trust despite doubts un your heart 12,11 Posted by ging
maHirap pag mLayO ang taOng mHaL mO.. bukOd sa ndi mO na nkkiTa.. minsaN hindi m
O pa nkkaUsap.. 2Loy minsAn.. naitatanOng mO nLang.. mHaL pa kya akO nun? :( 12,1
1 Posted by ^angELycah^
minsAn tnatanOng q sriLi q kng cnO kb tLga sa buhay q? "ikaw" 1 cmpLEng tao na m
nsang nkiLaLa kO, minsang pnatawa akO minsang hnanap q.. cmpLeng taO. pErO mHaL
na mHaL kO!! 12,11 Posted by ^angELycah^
sabi niLa hnggat my taO na ngmmhal sau, d sayang ang lyF mO kya kung sakaling ng
kandaLokoLoko na ang buhay mo at gus2 mO ng sumukO.. aBa nman! pasaway ka! and2
pa kaya ako.. 12,11 Posted by ^angELycah^
We run so fast to reach our dreams & sometimes,we fall on d ground!but dont desp
air cz d most successful people in this tricky world r those w/ wounded knees 12,
11 Posted by Guest02253
Mas na2isin ko pang malaman ang nila2man ng puso't isipan mo kahit masakit ksa p
aasahin mko at umasa sa wala 12,11 Posted by ging
Sana sa pgpa2sya mo masaya ka kasi un naman gusto mo dba?Pro sana inisip mo rin
bat ko ba kilangan mgpasyang lumayo e andyan ka namn ang tanga2 ko! 12,11 Posted
by ging
San ka man ngaun sana masaya ka at sana minsan maala2 mo na naging mgkaibigan ta
u 12,11 Posted by ging
Mahirap tlga yang pinagda2anan mo pro d mo man lang ba naisip sa sobrang pgma2da
li mo kya ayan anong na pala mo sobrang sakit.Hinay hinay lng kaibigan at mag an
tay kalng dahil may nkalaan sau 12,11 Posted by ging
Akala ko to2ong tao ka.Pro bat ganun dahil lng don gnusto mong lumayo at ang ba2
w pa ng dahilan nau2nawaan namn kta! 12,11 Posted by ging
Sana sinabi mo ung to2o na ayaw mo.ok lng naman sa akin.Ang masakit lng ay umasa
ako sa wala! 12,11 Posted by ging
Sana dumating yng araw na maala2 mo sumilip.At kng darating yon hayzzz sa2bihn k
o tlga thnk u so much!kay tagal ktang hinantay at hina2p 12,11 Posted by ging
D kta masi2 kng ganyan ka.Pro sana inisip mo na may pnangako ka at dapat may isa
ng salita ka! 12,11 Posted by ging
Bat ka ganyan inis na tlga ako dahil sau nagkaproblema ako.kng to2usin wla naman
tau! 12,11 Posted by ging
Tama ka dko napgdaanan ang sakit na pnagda2anan mo.Pro kng sakaling darating ang
araw na maranasan ko yan.Aba sa2bihn ko bat ba ako nagpa2apekto life must go on
!dka karapat dapat sa pagma2hal ko! 12,11 Posted by ging
Naka2panghinayang ka.Sana yang pgma2hal mo inukol mo sa taong mahal karin at d s
a taong kilangan mong mgmalimos ng pgma2hal sa knya 12,11 Posted by ging
Ganyan kaba talga mag mahal kaibigan kahit ilang ulit ng nasa2ktan at snasaktan,
Pilit mo parin syang mapasau.magising ka nga d ka nya mahal iba ang mahal nya 12,
11 Posted by ging
Ayan mato2 kana ha!Na mahirap mgtiwala kahit sabihin mo pang tapat ka kng magmah
al. e ano ngayon may napala kba 12,11 Posted by ging
A heart truly in love nver losses HOPE but always beleive in d promise of LOVE.N
o matter how long d time and how far d distance 12,11 Posted by ging
We run so fast to reach our dreams & sometimes,we fall on d ground!But don't des
pair cz d most successful people in this tricky world are those w/ wounded knees
. 12,11 Posted by ging
Sabi nila mahirap dw masaktan,lu2ha ka,walng ganang kumain,mgkulong sa kwarto ng
aun alam ko na kng pano masaktan.Pwede bang mgtanong?Ano namn ang pakiramdam pgn
alaman mo na may nasaktan ka? 12,11 Posted by ging
WhenEver ur down,always remembr ur braver than u believe.stronger than u seem &
smarter than u think.keep on smiling!GOD is n our side 12,11 Posted by ging
GOD will nevr leave us empty f something s taken away.He will replace it w/ some
thing better.If he denies our request it's bcz he want's to give us d best! 12,11
Posted by ging
Sa pg-ibig daw laht mara2mdaman mo.Ang umasa,mabigo,masaktan,mangarap.Pro ang pn
akamasakit sa laht.ang iwan ka ng walang sapat na dahilan 12,11 Posted by ging
Friendship s an unwriten promise.not given by pledge nor any writen documents.In
stead,8s a promised based on "VALUE & TRUST" dat is writen in d HEART:0 12,11 Pos
ted by ging
FAITH s our spiritual oxygen it's not only keeping us alive in GOD,But enable us
to GROW STRONGER in him. 12,11 Posted by ging
True love doesn't have ending.Thats bcz true love doesn't have ending 12,11 Poste
d by ging
LOve s d weakest when there r more doubts than trust,but Love s strongest when w
e learn how to trust despite doubst in ur hearts 12,11 Posted by ging
my love for u is a journey..starting at forever and ending at never 12,11 Posted
by ec0m_cam2cam_YM
im wasting away i know ill see you again whether far or soon but i need you to k
now that i care and i miss you 12,11 Posted by f|nch
What f nagkalau kau ng mahal mo at nangako kang mghintay sa kanya but then na in
love ka sa iba.Anong ga2win mo?tu2pad kba sa pangako o su2nod sa bulong ng puso?
12,11 Posted by ging
Pagnatagpuan mo ang pag-ibig itago mo.Alagaan mo gawing to2o,gawin ang tama.ksi
ang pag-ibig hindi mo maki2ta mala2man mo lang yan kapag wla na sya 12,11 Posted
by ging
When LIFE seems so tough go on.when things go wrong move on!bear on mind that GO
D give us strenght to persevere not to surrender 12,11 Posted by ging
Learn to understand & accept d changes in our life.Be prepared for d responsibil
ities we r going to face in each chapter of our life 12,11 Posted by ging
FRIENDSHIP s an unwritten promise.not given by pledge nor any written documents.
Instead it's a promise based on "VALUE & TRUST"that s written in the HEART 12,11
Posted by ging
I'd rather let my heart break into pieces bcoz of loving you than to have it in
one piece without you.....Neko-Chan no tame ni 12,11 Posted by Kira_[Neko]
ill be waiting for you even if it takes eternity.....for eternity is nothing com
pare to a life without you, but i hope that someday you'll be mine forever...Nek
o-Chan no tame ni 12,11 Posted by Kira_[Neko]
Lyk the slow rising of the river after an early snow melt n d mountains, he seep
ed into my lyf, unhurried, almost w/o notice, until d strength and breadth w/in
him covered everything that had once been familiar, made it different, new over
old. 12,11 Posted by ||KaylangMaganda||
Lyk the slow rising of the river after an early snow melt n d mountains, he seep
ed into my lyf, unhurried, almost w/o notice, until d strength and breadth w/in
him covered everything that had once been familiar, made it different, new over
old. 12,11 Posted by ||KaylangMaganda||
"I chase the wind, it falls behind me, beyond my horizon, My dreams are big, my
hopes are high, I fear the uncertain, dread the unknown, still.... I chase the w
ind.. 12,11 Posted by ||KaylangMaganda||
Luv and friend are walking in a village.. Eh medyo engerz tong si Luv, it fell i
nto a well... Why? Coz' Luv is Blind; Having seen this, Friend also jumps inside
; Why? Coz friend will do anything for Love. 12,11 Posted by ||KaylangMaganda||
"U know why I hate silence so much? Coz when it's quiet, when Iam alone, thats t
he moment I realize....... I'm Badly Missin' Our Noise.. =(" 12,11 Posted by ||Kay
some of us thinks holding on makes us strong... but sometimes.. it is letting go
=) 12,11 Posted by ||KaylangMaganda||
it ain't love that hurts.. it's the absence of it that does.. who says time heal
s? you don't get over the pain.. you just learn to get along with the pain.. and
live with it through time.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
love is like a roll of tissue paper.. you only realize its worth when you get to
the last piece.. and see that most of it was wasted on shit.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[
you love someone not because you want them to love you too.. but rather, you lov
e them.. simply because.. you found no reason not to.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
do you know that 'i trust you' is a better compliment that 'i love you'? because
you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person
you trust.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
sometimes you have to just forget the rules.. follow your heart and see where it
takes you... *never apologize for saying what you feel because that's like sayi
ng sorry for being real.. *never regret anything you said or did because at some
point, it was what you wanted.. *true strength is being able to hold it all tog
ether when everyone else is expecting you to fall apart... 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA
to love is to risk.. sometimes we get what we don't expect.. but that's just how
it is to love.. we simply have to give.. not knowing what to take.. 12,11 Posted
by ^m[Y]rA^
there's always pain and disappointments when loving someone.. but continue shari
ng your love coz the more you love.. the more you'll get to know yourself.. coz
every person you love becomes your REFLECTION.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
people change no matter how hard they try not to.. as you grow older, you mature
and with each new level of maturity comes different ideas.. different needs and
wants.. the person who was perfect for you at 20 could be the persoon you hate
when you're 35. find someone who will grow with you.. change with you.. laugh wi
th you and cry with you.. a person who fills in where you lack, a person whom yo
u can fill in for when they are lacking.. but what 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
a heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding.. sometimes it's as so
ft as a feather falling and the most painful part is no one really hears it exce
pt you.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
when i know things are not meant for me.. i learn to let go.. it doesnt mean im
weak.. but im just showing how strong i am to fight the urge of wanting somethin
g im not supposed to have.. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
gaano kaimposible magmahal ng isang tao na di ka puwedeng mahalin? ganito.. para
kang nasa istasyon ng LRT, naghihintay at nagaabang sa paparahin mong... JEEP..
. 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
there's a difference between giving up and letting go.. LETTING GO is sacrificin
g what was rightfully yours... GIVING UP is forgetting what was never yours.. 12,
11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
i met a crazy woman, and i ask her.. 'which is greater.. heart or brain?!' she a
nswered me laughing.. 'i lost my brain because of love.. but i lost my love beca
use i followed my brain..' 12,11 Posted by ^m[Y]rA^
We all have come to a point where we all once loved someone or loved by someone
and also to a point that we once lost someone we love and treasure so much... We
thought that on that day a part of you died... Just like me... And then you thi
nk you have friends that can help you bring it back... Well friends can actually
help you but it will be useless if you will not help yourself... Through pain,
there are lessons learned... Use those lessons in 12,11 Posted by olweiz
Use those lessons in facing the next chapter of your life... That chapter may no
t end so well but you can always create a new one and continue hoping that it wi
ll be the right one that can complete your book... 12,11 Posted by olweiz
The greatest test of courage here on earth is to bear defeat without losing hear
t.... 12,11 Posted by olweiz
And I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do. Are you somewhere feeling l
onely, or is someone loving you. Tell me how to win your heart, because I don't
have a clue. But just let me start by saying I LOVE YOU. 12,11 Posted by Ren_Tao
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies 12,11 Posted by phoenix25
love is like the truth..sometimes it prevails..sometimes it hurts! 12,11 Posted b
y jaszmine
while walking down d st. i heard an old lady say: ``ive been inlove with d same
man for over 50 years``. i was touched. but then said: ``I WISH HE KNEW`` =( 12,1
1 Posted by pinktooth
dba mnsan akala moh di mo na mahal ang isang tao dhl glit ka sa kanya? un pla ky
a ka galit kc dmoh mtngap na sa kbla ng mga gnwa nya sau.. mahal moh pa rn tlga
xa.. 12,11 Posted by pinktooth
"It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt
. 12,11 Posted by Goodbye^2^Romance
"You have two ears and only one mouth. Listen twice as much as you speak." 12,11
Posted by Goodbye^2^Romance
I will sweep off ur feet and make the god regret he left an angel behind 12,11 Po
sted by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
D gr8test test 2 a relationshp is wen sum1 tries 2 take away d person u luv away
from u,nd dos wo come out succesful r not d one who allowd pride and jealousy b
t dos who luvd even more even wen der no reason 4 loving anymore.. 12,11 Posted b
y W1z
11,1kapag umiiyak ka, iisipin nila.. nasasaktan ka.. o kaya minsan, nahihirapan k
a na.. pero diba minsan, ang talagang dahilan ay... natuto ka lang naman.. magma
hal ng sobra.. 12,11 Posted by ||suplado||
sa sayong kabuntagon, inig mata muta ang unahan.. ang baba limogmogon para dili
manimahung boogon ang imong babang ga punay ug kaon.. human lingkod sa lantay ta
pad ni nanay..inom ug tsokolate paresan ug baye-baye 12,11 Posted by rysty^^^
When you follow your heart, don't worry where it leads you. Your heart knows the
way and if you do get lost, do reach the dead end. Use your head to lead your h
eart back home!!! 12,11 Posted by iza
I'd rather be hated for who i am than to be loved 4 who i am not. 12,11 Posted by
Love,always respected,Trusted and Not Humiliated. Love can always be use,but not
Abused, Love can overcome all strugle and pain, Love always Prevail, So dont ex
pect Love to be Perfect,Coz Love always leads itself to Perfection, I love you A
i 12,11 Posted by IRC_SWAT
Mahirap mapalayo sa taong mahal mo.Dka sgurado na dka nilo2ko,dka sguradong kw l
ng mahal nya.Ang sakit pa kng sabihn nya na..wla ka ksi kya nahulog ako sa iba 12
,11 Posted by ging
Through trials,we learn to grow.In growing we learn to give.In giving we learn t
o love.In loving we learn the real essense of life. 12,11 Posted by ging
Sa pg-ibg mahirp dw hanapn ang 2nay na para sau.Kya gnagawa itong laro ng marami
.Payo ko lng,"ingat sa pgla2ro mo ksi bka ung taong pnagla2ruan mo,e ung tao na
palng para sau!" 12,11 Posted by ging
Life wont b real w/o problems.Mahirap.. but u must alwys remember that sometimes
nau2na ang hrap sa saya..kya ngiti lng,GOD is in control.. 12,11 Posted by ging
LIfe bcomes meaningful,When we survive hurts of the past.Live fully in the prese
nt & view the future w/ through courage & faith to the LORD.. 12,11 Posted by ging
I admit that I may not b d best friend for u.. or even give u a perfect care..bu
t there's only 1 thing I can promise..214.2 be 1 or ur friends 4evr... 12,11 Post
ed by ging
Every trial s a call to prayer.Every burden s a brigdge to the LORD..and Every d
ifficulty s an invitation to bend our knees.Keep on praying and keep on trusting
GOD.. 12,11 Posted by ging
FRIENDSHIP nver ends.It continues to care and remain forevr in out heart,even if
we can't see each other. 12,11 Posted by ging
Keep on trusting GOD & keep doing what u know s right.Never GIVE UP! GOD loves u
. 12,11 Posted by ging
Don"t focus on what u lost,but what remains.Don't focus the pain but how the pai
n shaped u.Don't focus on the failure but on the great lessons the failure taugh
t u.. 12,11 Posted by ging
When GOD is involved anything can happen,b open GOD has a beautiful way of bring
ing good vibrations out of broken chords! 12,11 Posted by ging
Life itself is a challenge that we ought to face.We lose some,we win some,But if
u never give up u will discover that sacrifices have the greatest rewards. 12,11
Posted by ging
"the best bf material (and ultimately the best husband too) is not the man who i
s quick with the girls." 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|ambing
"if there'll be scars, it should not be that of a gamble that has been lost. ins
tead it should be that of a learning that wasn't worth all the effort and love y
ou gave." 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|ambing
"i've been through relationships. some of which i thought were true love. that's
why now that you're in my life i don't know what to do.. lots of questions aris
ed within me, question of fate, honesty and a question of destiny, that possibly
awaits you and me. it's hard to know what the future holds, i could see you and
i together, but sometimes my heart skips into a different beat then fear takes
over. even the strongest of my emotions, 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|ambing
questions never get tired of popping into our minds.. but fellas, winners are th
ose who dare!" 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|ambing
'it's natural to get scared, but everytime fear visits you, think of the love he
have showed and been showing you, and you'll be fine..." 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|am
"sometimes, times are not that kind to give us all the good things we're dreamin
g or we've been dreaming of. often times." 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|ambing
"sometimes, times are not that kind to give us all the good things we're dreamin
g or we've been dreaming of." 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|ambing
love conquers all does it? yes, in fact, love rules all. if not GOd could have l
ost his temper to those who constantly commit mistakes.. He should have made His
mercy superior to His love. 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|ambing
time will come, that God will give me the exact worth of what i did to you alvin
- if not in this world maybe the next one. the damage has been done and it's ha
rd to cure or maybe compensate things. that's why all i can promise is "change" 1
2,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|ambing
love with all your hart and accept the unlovable side of others.. for anyone can
love a rose but only a great heart can include the torns.. 12,11 Posted by Ms`Ma|
All this time. I knew someday youd need to find. Something that you left behind.
Something I cant give you. All these tears. And like alight love disappears. Bu
t hearts are good for souvenirs. And memories are forever 12,11 Posted by ``Street
Say goodbye. Apart well make another try. But dont be sorry if you cry. Ill be c
rying too 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
All this time. All in all Ive no regrets. The sun still shines the sun still set
s. The heart forgives the heart forgets. But what will I do now with all this ti
me 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
I dont mind not knowing what Im headed for.You can take me to the skies...Its li
ke being lost in heaven.When Im lost in your eyes 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Till now I always got by on my own. I never really cared until I met you. And no
w it chills me to the bone. How do I get you alone. How do I get you alone 12,11
Posted by ``Streetboy``
You might say that it's over, You might say that you don't care, You might say y
ou don't miss me, You don't need me, But I know that you do and I feel that you
do, INSIDE. 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
I can pretend each time I see you, That I don't care and I don't need you, And t
hough you'll never see me cryin', You know inside I feel like dying, And I'd do
anything for you, In spite of it all, I've learned so much from you, You made me
strong, But don't you ever think that I don't love you, That for one minute I f
orgot you 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Evry nice frnd s a glimpse of GOD.It's 1 of life's best blessings,A priceless gi
ft that can nver b bought,sold,or forgotten.just like u! thank you! 12,11 Posted
by ging
Friendship s a gift that s fair in all things.It roots frm 1's heart and involve
d memories that stay not for a while but for a lifetme. 12,11 Posted by ging
all this time, all in all ive no regrets, the sun stil shine the sun stil sets,
the heart forgives the heart forgets, but wat will i do now with all this time "
ALL THIS TIME by Tiffany" 12,11 Posted by Yhu-Jhin`0304
I could never love again the way I loved you, I could never cry again like I did
when I left you, And when we said goodbye, the look in your eyes just left me b
eside myself without your heart "FOOLISH BEAT by Debbie Gibson" 12,11 Posted by ``
You dont know how long I have wanted, To touch your lips and hold you tight, You
dont know how long I have waited, And I was going to tell you tonight, But the
secret is still my own, And my love for you is still unknown "ALONE by HEART" 12,
11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Till now I always got by on my own, Till now I always got by on my own, And now
it chills me to the bone, How do I get you alone, How do I get you alone "ALONE
by Heart" 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Till now I always got by on my own, I never really cared until I met you, And no
w it chills me to the bone, How do I get you alone, How do I get you alone "ALON
E by Heart" 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
bAt gNun..MnSaN nga lng MAGMAHAL, napupurnada pa...mhalin mo xa, paglalaruan ka.
..iyo na aagawin pa...sau na, may eepal na iba...TANGINA pag-aari mo na!bkt naga
wa pang lumandi sa iba??... 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
may oras na darating na keilangan ng itigil ang pgma2hal sa 1 tao d dhil ayw mun
a s knya kndi alm mong ms sa2ya cia kung ha2yaan mo cyang magmhak sa tlagang MAH
AL ña!! :| 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
AKO? ako ung "NOTHING" as in nothing pr sau kc lam ko na meron k ng "UR EVERYTHI
NG" pero sna lam mo na pgnawla c "EVERYTHING" d2 lng c "NOTHING" 2 gve u "EVERYT
HING".. :) 12,11 Posted by ``Streetboy``
Tell GOD all ur P's.Problems,Pressures & Plans,And He will give you HIS ABC's An
swer to prayers.Best favors & Courage to go on!! 12,11 Posted by ging
Khit gano mo ka mahal ang isang tao.khit mahirap at msakit klangan iwanan.i2wana
n ksi minsan mas mabuti gawin ang mali para sa tama,ksa gawin ang tama para sa m
ali 12,11 Posted by ging
Trials dont come to make us fall,but for us to look for GOD and call.Trials dont
serve as key to hate,but rather doors to greater FAITH!! 12,11 Posted by ging
FRIENDSHIP OR LOVE? hirap mamili noh! Pro ang to2o..Ang pagka2ibigan pwedeng tap
usin sa pgma2halan,Pro ang tinapos na pgma2halan mahirap ibalik sa dating pgka2i
bigan.. 12,11 Posted by ging
The real magic of LOVE..D importante na mgkasama,mgkausap o nagkkta lgi,d import
ante na malayo kayo sa isat isa.What important is alam nyong nsa PUSO NYO ANG IS
AT ISA!! 12,11 Posted by ging
GOD understand we are not strong all d time.HE knws that sometimes all we can do
is to rest on HIS arms as HE takes us thru the journey of life! 12,11 Posted by g
11,12 They say one must follow the will of the wind... But I have learned to beli
eve that we should not always let the wind steer us to its coarse... We have the
strength to be ourselves and follow our own matter how strong it is..
. ZaFiRaH 12,11 Posted by zafirah
slowly im msin u bt stl m tryin 2 kip tngs wer dey shld b so wen u fil dat I dnt
cre 4 u, jz try 2 rmembr dat ol my cre 4 u grws n a plce wer no 1 cn c 12,11 Pos
ted by heyjmwatzup
the greatest challenge in your life is 2 find a person who knows your faults and
weakness but still willing to embrace you with so much love without doubt. 12,11
Posted by _JM_
tnx for being so understanding 12,11 Posted by kokakokak
crAzySeXyCoOL I.,. nEvEr kNow LoVe tiL i foUnd yOu,.,. deRs mAgiC iN yOUr smiLe,
., nEver kNow LovE tiL i sAw yOu.,., LoOkiN iN mY eyEs.,. aNd sUdEnLy oUr sAdneS
disaPeArs.,. tRuE LovE hAs finaLy shOw 12,11 Posted by kokakokak
I wrote your name in the sand, but the sea washed it away .. I wrote your name i
n the sky, but the wind blew it away .. I wrote your name in the puzzle, but the
child broke it apart .. Now , I wrote your name in my heart .. it will stay her
e as long as I'm alive ..* ``LaiNey`` sets mode: -b *!*bleh@202.81.167.* 12,11 Po
sted by ``LaiNey``
I wrote your name in the sand, but the sea washed it away .. I wrote your name i
n the sky, but the wind blew it away .. I wrote your name in the puzzle, but the
child broke it apart .. Now , I wrote your name in my heart .. it will stay her
e as long as I'm alive .. 12,11 Posted by ``LaiNey``
DoNt Be AfRaid tO LoVe cOz It'S tHe NiCeSt fEeLiNg BuT hOw AbOuT iF U lOvE wItH
aLl uR hEaRt tHen U wIlL jUsT bE hUrT, dO U tHiNk It's EaSy To MoVe oN?? o C'mon
. . . iT's EaSy tO SaY bUt iT's hArD tO dO. 12,11 Posted by kiddoh
you can hide the pain that you feel and make others believe you can move on. but
you can never deny the truth to yourself, that the person who has failed and hu
rt you, is still the person you'll alweiz choose to love.. 12,11 Posted by Bason
i cryd so much for a love lost and the love i never had, i suffered pain worse t
han dying, but feelings change and there' s a lesson that everybody learns in ty
m, sumtyms u just have to move on... 12,11 Posted by Bason
I can say i'm fine when you don't see me cry, I can say i could move on when i c
an't evn try. I can say i'm happy when i juzt wanna die but one thing i can't sa
y.. I still LOVE YOU when i let you go! 12,11 Posted by Bason
minsan akala mo ok ka na yun bang wala ka nang pakialam sa isang tao kumbaga nak
amove on ka na... pero akala mo lang yun dahil nung nakita mo sya at nalaman mon
g may iba na syang mahal ang sakit pala... tagos na tagos... 12,11 Posted by Bason
i tried 2 luv u as much as i could,stil u didn't its time 4 me 2
move on,it seems ur goin' anyway,juz remember,b4 i say gudbye,wen i said i luv
u,it wasn't a lie... 12,11 Posted by Bason
if i were to engrave your name on a tree, i'll put a circle around it not a hear
t coz a heart can be broken while a circle has no ends 12,11 Posted by Bason
"Pg my Mahal ka,b contented wg ka mgha2nap ng bagay na wla sa knya.Wg mo sya ico
2mpare sa iba.kc mas masarap mg mahal ng kontento khit d completo.ksa completo d
namn to2o..! 12,11 Posted by ging
Pg mahal mo isang tao,khit malau pa sya dpat kayanin mo khit d kau madalas mg-us
ap o mgkita,carry mo dhil ang pg-ibig hndi sa lapit o sa lau kndi nsa "PUSO at T
IWALA" 12,11 Posted by ging
dont judge the book by each other 12,11 Posted by eYeStRaIn
aanhin pa and damo kung meron namang shabu 12,11 Posted by eYeStRaIn
kay haba haba man ng prosisyon, namatay tuloy ang kabayo. 12,11 Posted by eYeStRaI
Ang tunay nagmamahal ay laging nakahandang magpatawad gaano man kalaki ang nagaw
ang kasalanan... 12,11 Posted by Hao
Db mnsan akala mo d mo na mahal ang 1 tao dhl galit k sknya? Yun pala kaya ka na
gagalit kasi ndi mo matanggap na sa kabila ng mga ginawa nya sayo mahal mo pa ri
n talaga xa 12,11 Posted by gUiLTriP
on bended knees the guy hold the girl's hand and said "will u be my girl?" teary
-eyed yet happy,she was about 2 answer then the guy said "ano bestfriend?.. sagu
tin nya na kaya ako? 12,11 Posted by gUiLTriP
sana kaya ng puso maging fair para kung sino na lang ang nagmamahal ng sobra2 sa
u siya na lang pipiliin mo kesa yung taong kahit mahalin mo ng sobra sobra iba p
a rin ang pinipili nya! 12,11 Posted by gUiLTriP
Good afternoon my dear friends. Accept that you're a sinner, Believe the Lord Je
sus Christ who alone can save you from sin and CONFESS your sins to Him, Invite
Him to come into your heart to be your Saviour and Lord ..... 12,11 Posted by FrEe
Minsan sa Life ko,may naga2wa ako dko na ma2layan,May oras na mayabang na pala a
ko,naka2inisa at naka2sakit na pala ng ibang tao.If ever isa ka sa nsaktan ko SO
RRY ha? dko po snasadya.. 12,11 Posted by ging
once u undergo a failed relationship, d pain is olweiz left unaided... everyone
thinks you moved on but you'll later realize u never stopped loving them, you ju
st learned how to live without them... 12,11 Posted by |3roKeN`HearTeD
(from the movie armageddon) aj:this is my job!! harry:you take care of my daught
er, that's your job! 12,11 Posted by gUiLTriP
ON BREAKING UP: If a person doesnt love you anymore then there is no more reason
for you to stay.The only way to stop hurting is to stop wanting and the only wa
y to stop wanting is to start accepting that the person is probably not the same
person you used to know. Then and only then can you move on to finding the happ
iness that becomes truly rewarding when shared with the person who loves us just
the same or probably even more... 12,11 Posted by gUiLTriP
Its difficult enough to love you unconditionally, but what hurts the most is the
fact that no matter what I do...No matter how hard I try...I can never win you
back. 12,11 Posted by TheAnimal
Ran: Im only a man with an eye of feminine beauty, who easily fall inlove with y
ou're regal Charm and Loveliness 12,11 Posted by Oyeoye

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