1st Year Maths PS2

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FIRST YEAR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING MATHS PROBLEM SHEET 2 sin tz 4. (a) Sketch y= f(z) FE for z>0. Is f(z) even, odd or neither? Use acalculatorto evaluate f(z) for z=1, 10-?, 10-?, 10-3 and 0. Deduce lim f(z) as z-+0 and,hence, tim®22 as 20. (#) Use acalculatorto deduce tim p+4] as r—00. 2. Evaluate the following limits : 1 eat © ; © im, - 2 fan pr i, @ ince: © IGE. oe. Say ore~tnz) , 0) FFE | a vei verT-vEl. 3. Differentiate from first principles : (a) vite, () siz , () ec , (d) nz, () tone. ( Note: VIFe ~ 144, & ~ Ite , Inflte) ~ € , as em. J 2 4. Differentiate: 10 , sin(z?) , sintz , inde , xe*sindzr , Inews(4) > ten(a) loge, In(secr+tanz) , In(z+vaFF1). 5. (a) Find intermsof t , when z=# and y=tsint. ay a x () Find intermsof = and y , when a where ¢ isaconstant, © Tr where c,m and @ areallconstant, show by logarithmic Cntay on ¥ I dy _ v[l+n(nti)ztay] differentiation, or otherwise, that sitiensraloael * Be Comeau cle = 7. Showthat: TG =-Ga/ + Verify this expression for y= 27. {Hint : consider a and note thatonLHS z=2(y) andonRHS y=y(z). | 8. Two passages, ofwidth a and b , meetata right-angled comer, Show that the longest ladder that can be taken round the comeris oflength (a™+5™)" —, where maget 9. I y=keosz+9co?z in OSz18, showthat 9-k 8th Be + 288 4 1304 24, 1482 72~3 8 ea: %oo-z, 2, 8. (laa?) /?-2(1-22)-/? | 9. Neither: (i) ; Even: (x), (vi) ; Odd : (ii), (i), (iv) & (vit) H. f(e)=2? + (2-22) H(z) . 12. =F 5 f(z) issymmetric about the line y 13. CHEMENGPS2.TEX

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