Are You Ready

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(II Tim. 4:6-8)

Close your eyes. Everyone close your eyes and keep them closed. Picture yourself
on an airplane headed to Hawaii for vacation (It’s all paid for by me, do no worries).
We get to enjoy the nice weather while relaxing, away from everyone. The flight is 6
hours so relax and read a book; watch a movie, play games, or go to sleep. We are
a couple hours into the flight and everything is going smooth. (Sound DING!) “This
is your captain speaking; we are having some technical difficulties with the plane so
we are going to have to make an emergency landing. So everyone remain calm and
relax.” The plane begins to SHAKE and the flight attendants begin to panic!!!
(Sound DING!!!) “This is your captain speaking; we are going down the engines
have stopped say your prayers we are all going to die.” The plane crashes and we
all die.

Were you ready to die? (were you right with God)

I want you to be honest…

I. I knew some people growing up who were not ready to die:

A. Story about Danny…
B. Story about Darnell…
C. Story about Myself… Robbed and almost beaten to death. (Chaplains praying me
into heaven)
D. Did you know someone who wasn’t ready to die…
1. Pick up a news paper and look at the obituary (I wonder how many people were
2. Drive by, or go to a cemetery (I wonder how many people were ready…)

Trans. Statement: There were people in the Bible that were not ready to die. Open
Bibles to Acts 16

I. The Philippian Jailer was not ready to die Acts 16:25-34

Trans. Statement: There were people in the Bible that were ready to die. Open Bibles to
II Tim. 4

II. The apostle Paul was ready to die II Tim. 4:6-8 (Paul about to be beheaded
by Nero)
A. How did Paul get himself ready?
B. By obeying the Lord on the road to Damascus Acts 22:6-16
C. After his conversion (being baptized into Christ) he lived faithful to the Lord
1. Following in the footsteps of Jesus I Cor. 11:1
2. Following Jesus is walking in the Light I Jn. 1:7 (Doesn’t mean we’re perfect)

Are you ready?
– For death Heb. 9:27
– For Jesus’ return II Pt. 3:10-13, “Comfort one another with these words” (I
Thes. 4:18)
– Don’t wait too long tomorrow is not promised Ja. 4:13-14
– Today is the day to Trust and Obey II Cor. 6:2
Anthony F. Johns

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