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At the level of self (‘I’)-

I came to know that human being is a co-existence of self(I) and body. Therefore, in order to understand
human being, his needs and their fulfillment, one has to understand the self (I) and the body. It could be
identified that out of the two basic needs of happiness and physical facilities, happiness relates to the
self (I- consciousness) and physical facilities relate to body (material). Need for physical facilities is
temporary in time and limited in quantity whereas need for happiness is continuous in time and
qualitative in nature.

This made it clear that mere fulfillment of need for physical facilities or accumulation of lot of it will not
ensure the fulfillment of need for continuous happiness. The human need for continuous happiness is
fulfilled by right understanding (Jnan) and right feeling (Bhav). Therefore for fulfillment of human needs
all three are required –

Right understanding (Jnan)

Right felling (Bhav)

Necessary physical facility

Only after understanding the needs of ‘I’ and body separately, could I see that need for physical facilities
is limited (for nurturing, protection and right utilization of body). This gave me the revelation that nature
has enough for everyone’s physical needs and that prosperity is possible for every family, village,…
nation and finally the world. So both, happiness and prosperity, are possible for one and for all- from
individual family to world family.

Having understood the human being as a co-existence of I and body, I could see that ‘I’ is Chaitanya
( consciousness) and body is Jarh ( material). The activities of ‘I’ are continuous while the activities of
body are temporary. The need of ‘I’ is continuous happiness, which is fulfilled by being in harmony
within and harmony with rest of nature.

An undeveloped ‘I’ operates mostly at the level of Mana (selection and taste) and Vritti (Analysis and
comparison) and the activities are guided by preconditioning or sensations. As one starts referring to
one’s natural acceptance in one’s thought, behaviour and work, the higher dimensions get activated and
the happiness in the ‘I’ grows to continuity.

2. At the level of the body,

I came to know that the body is a Jarh (material) unit and a means for ‘I’. ‘I’I takes care of the body by
being responsible for its Poshan (nutrition), Sanrakshan (Protection) and Sadupyog (Right Utilisation)
and the body works as an instrument. The brain is a part of the body only and works to establish the link
between ‘I’ and the body. The whole body is a Jarh unit only and has a separate existence than ‘I’. These
needs of the body are fulfilled through physical facilities and are limited in time and quantity. It was this
identification of physical need, which made it possible for me to see that prosperity is possible for
everyone as the need for physical facilities is very limited and enough is available in nature as resource
and capacity of man to produce

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