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 Kaddugu
 Ulluva
 Jeera
 1 onion chopped into small pieces
 Cut some vendaikkai
 1& ½ spn molagu podi
 3 spn malli podi
 ½ spn manja podi
 Put little pulli in water
 Keep the prawns ready
 Grind little coconut & oddacha kadala into a fine paste
 Karruvepala
 Salt to taste


In a kadai heat 2 tbsp oil & put the 1 st 3 incredients together. When the kaddugu pottifies, add the
onion & sauté for some time.

Add the cut vendaikkai & sauté for 5-10 minutes. Then pick the fried vendaikkai & keep it aside

Add all the 3 podis & mix ½ glass water. Let the podi cook for 3-5 minutes. Then add puli water & mix it.
Let it be on heat for 3-5 minutes.

Now add the coconut & oddacha kadala paste & add water if required. Cook for 5 minutes

Then add prawns, salt & karruvepala and mix it. Close the kadai with a lid let the prawns cook for

Then add the fried vendaikkai & mix. Close with a lid & let it cook for 5-10 minutes.

For Tempering:

Heat oil, put some red chillies & then karruvepala & add it to the curry.

Vendaikkai Prawn Curry READY!!!


2 c. cold mashed potatoes
Salt and pepper
1 egg yolk
Mix potatoes, salt, pepper and egg yolk together. Shape into balls. Place in
greased pan and make a depression on the top of each. Place butter in
each hollow and brown in 400 degree oven.


1 sliced onion
1 chopped tomato
1 tsp garam masala
1/2 cup moong dhal
2 medium size potato
Salt to taste
a pinch of turmeric powder
3 tsp vegetable oil
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp cumin seeds

How to make Dhal Curry:

 Boil the potatoes, peel and smash it.

 Cook the moong dhal and blend it. Set aside.

 In a skillet heat oil, add mustard when it crackles add cumin seeds.

 Add onion, tomato stir and cook till onions are golden.

 Add boiled moong dhal and smashed potatoes followed by salt, turmeric powder and garam masala.

 Fry for a minute.

 Add some water and keep boiling for 3 minutes.

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