Spring Spree 11

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Spring Spree "it~ The Silver Edition comea to you in a awirl of fresbncas ax} unpardlicled energy. Che treasure trove of cultural extravagansa that Qelince Spree will come forth with” iba! epirit that Defines tbe contemporary youth of thi grea country. Striking 0 chord between the fraditional and tbe new ogc, Spree continues to reign ag one of premier culfural feats’, in the comiry. Spree reiurne thie year With ite trobemark literary, muvicol and aris fare bul witha new flavour and fervour. With a plethora of publicity and advertising opportunitic Spree promises a boost to your brond lilte;none other. Srom a well-sketched oul publ ‘campaign to customised merchandise, watches your brand grows larger than life with Spring Spree willbe where the mmgie redides= woiting for you. So join us in the cupboria, through the the a athe npottighis and in ite entirety~ Che cxbilorating ride that to A *\ é - oA - f ee b Spree continues to breathe, magic and this! yeot beckons you to’ witnesa it for yoursell, We Spree in ite 25th, edition ian’ juot o cultural test, but a brand in-iteell. Baving enamourcd iudentn trom oll over the country to join ie in celebrating Spree, we bove always wtood by our Promise of undiluted publicity and an’ impeccable public appeal. 1, Spree provider your brand with a tollored. promotional ipackage ibal covers every aspect of fpiving your brond the spotlight! thot if bescrues. With innovative pubficity atunte and ample sboweasing of your brand in and orounD the feel, we go that extra mile for your brand, Spree provides: you a, Nexible range ot options to choose trom and an even wider gomut of events that your brond can ientily Iteelt with, 3. Che publicity campaign that comes with our association with our teat alec includes an online compatan with a team specially set wp Kor ible purpose. 5. Another icature ie our widespread rangelol “apree merchondiee, With cape, i*sbirte, hevebaine, we offer You a Diverse range of miediuma to beost your brand. 8. [Phe Spree worktorce jipell forms a bulk to which your brand can’ appeal fo. These volunicers, ‘ond ciers, will concentrate on your brand publicity during the three days. Sromi ont the “spol” games,” quisses, opinion polls, sascciation for your brand with Spree will more than hap always been to"place is’ pporisore’ inteteo! as one ol jt top) prioritie thal Spree bas become mynommoue over all these years, we axeure you You Investment, We look forward fo yout asiotiotion with Spree’, = Spotlights Allures Che ininitable st ree! Very OW Zaabion coninetition eames agait thie voor, becoming biguer with every-stép, Jashionisios from all over the country, desig from every écboot! of faabion, ‘Bending atvles and ng Hate ec here Showcasing the ivogie of the doy, Alive will toke your breath oway with ‘nd pure glamour, Feafuring some of the bignest names én the’ Soshiow induott fosision tolnew Dissving heights. And all this will hanpen at ond: only oF Sp ite grace, attitude Allure tahes ng Spree ‘I Tear" Up= Chey Near, Ghd they're bere fo repeal bistory. This Year Tear It up goes from With the breath-taking formations, the class oct and the fire brand competilien that they display not enly mokes Cear it ip the fille to win fo: prove yoursell in the but also a gold mine defined the limits of possifie at Spree le of publicity prospective, This Spree, the magniticent and the wichedly. flexible and agilé converge at Spring Spree for the (redteat showdown of our fine. Iea* Sor hwo Yeard:in a row now) TBie'S premier rock sbow oun as gone. trom phenomenal fg. leienbary. Serming g evelonie coavergcfice of metal beads from’ alt over the country mosbing ‘it head bonging, Ira atanba. true 19 the “apirit of rock.” Chey, have ade Indian rock history and will breathe dent hands trom every, eortier al the “ced here tor the: ied filles Gh 4 of advertising ground,°So_ pill the coof ekaae on ne bands bigher..this. fie’s: sing! 10 be @ ‘breatty foling one -_ TITMUN= Che “St Woiors Fira! eee Pe" Uited Natisna: Conlerences, PITCUN' looks: fo teamp Mal predeecesors, An all aspects. of tbo political and the “Séplématie, With more committees and: more plticl exgnarics, TICATRI wba nly some tei incentives ond a. promis@\of. a roller-coaster, experience of a Literary & Debating End ol! Spree minced no words “Every lingual complication finown to mankind will be cngloyeean Wit ond’ pune will be served generously. (ark Anthony ond Marrin Luthor ing will flied, their oratory’ matches. Scintitlating speeches will be deliverets and rebutted with equally profilic Gpee A fifan in its own right, Sponsors MdAiah! Scrabble: AL the stroke ol ihe midnight hot of vocabulary and wit, Conjuring wort from mindless Gi the highest scores with the riabt letter combination. ers: piss t adoiinilaic Wordly pleasures: Cake a plimge info. #ea of |etters and. fi ib the outlying: pattern -aubaequently deciphering the message. Chey'll take Vou ever ‘aaegrany an’ ap word loDderm. To places no word can describe. ALM. «The Just amine: erase that’s gripped ibe pation goes wochiler at spree as everyone t1ies 18 prove that they"can blobber the best without a k. Bere’s the dedl where sense Was’ fever the PANE Leaving the crowd Spres'e Cit events, TAM comes Debonoit, Mébateres -thé Beat: gute Ott FA einlepbere, will: meet (n 4 ing ob hard=hining” debate Arguing, collet Orouments, statistic subile jeers, all, tbia ate tho, Spree Mebate, Vipul, : thelorators are here: Music . at Sront rock 10 the fagas, from the altar fo the guitar, from Whe lossical te the hichossical, we take you everywhere. in the reokm of music. Chese gauihil inofrumentale and awe-ingpirmg wocdls dre guaranteed to breathe new fife info. the male enthusiobt in vou. (Music, the universal tongiage attracts: students trea all ‘over tbe cousiry lor an experience that #5 out worldly fo say the least, Imnbibing elements from every echoot of music in our great country, Spree strives fo cater to oll the tastes of o music lover: tratrumentale: These Vin Belens of the west and) Ustodgeol. thE GHent will clasty in a titanic Foceefl protucing music unbeard im any country or continent. Spree comes info its very beat, as the music fille the ale around, Iranelorming you into another woth ol tineBained imclotics. So come hither and enjoy these evmphonies at Spree: Ml Sole Stinging: This song will never be forgotten, because if wll sing. about our country, Jone Peace ond all good things thal we Sreamers believe in, So come will) inn) Imogine, a world untainted ond beoutiful sanctified ty thie: sonia, Chis mesmerised auiience ani an awe-inspiring vocal! rendition of mmsicdl fake stage pirely for your musical pleasure. Closistcal Music The Indian dassical music, awbich ehce was ofBded in oliigSh every rove the Hength and breadity of this country. will be reniniaced with) jy ‘as Spree's very own classical geniuses Whe cenine Blage, ‘Srom this umiverse ond from every other fictional one, come Spree’s most anticspated quisses. Guiszard3 all over India will join liv this joust, 03 the most tandom things: ‘one feod will make a. Bifferonce betieen a win and a loss. So experience Ibe thrill first hand ot Quisses @Spree. General Quis! Encompassing evervibing Jangible ond intangible, The Spree General Quis churis out quissers in theif masses, “So geat|wp.os the most random things you may have picked ‘up from the most rondomof fotations (gets Your {bat right answer. Sports: Quis: (Thmiching the very eneray on-Hiekb as theabietes rum, the footballers run ond the cricketers amash, Che Spice Sports Chas'promises to fox your grey, if not harder, Coming from the heart of India's mos! religious sports: the youth, the Sports Quis is a must for everyone who fellows these ‘endurance. Theme Quis: Theme quissés bave oheays been a popular focus among the Young quizzers at This year it’s no different. Sq be it the forry Dotter or Cord oi the rings, these Themes fo a whole new level this seat, Chores eo ae All the world's @ stage ond we are mere puppets in the /pands of o greater being. Detving very laws of physics that gover them, breathfalting stunts engraved in @ wd of mecning ‘and esthetic Depth arc performed only for your entertainment and to spark : thought or two. In this cultural and: newe-age juxtaposition ef the performing artes, guarantees an. audience for your brand. Clossical Dance: = Having been graced by her most esteemed presence Dr. Sobba aid; i understanding of these age tong arts, chassical dances at Spree ‘opportunities waiting for you. Chis ceowd- palling magnet always is a. breatls ol reat! ait With the graceful formations, the: Feamworlt and, moat ‘of all. the underlying theme and the which if is depicted. Ofien on even! thatafjums olf in (14 thousaniss, E spime ALwworld where sborbs aro gn ot ind cua newer fear. Che rime mokess its mmescage’qut UW the -suppic worl, Their actions opeat louder than fhe“ailent, tpl coe endo Heol ves ‘peaks volumga:a “ Sine Orig at Spting Spree, the perfect koniluence of on artisie’s experienced eve ond the ‘wild youtblit Tmopinotions, which’ produces bredib=toking canvases, Witb the world and everything in it, these young minds furn even “ihe plainest:securrence-in your day To Say life into something purely ingenious, Sponsors have always been innovatively served through the fine rls at Spree, a3 their brond is. grailuhied, eculpled and cralted. idl or! exhibition showcases imostcepicces of young artiste oll ever! the country. Che themes of these paintings vary! irom thevoge of the renaissance to the nuances of the Say. Srom block ond white steiches To wild ond colouriul endowment of arts, CHIC "His a true’ patron of the aris. every year, a8 splay cons ore emptied. Che cull=ike e she echoes of the west bill comes finned in cons with the (ides touch, the Indian, jie Sculptin lidian ypenchant for carving om te Wi or country, Spree extends itsoll to vegetables. ne ot oucmpnstihgnular events, Veggie Sculpting churns cut cbjets gant from. ton iio catrots, / hg" Photography With an eye for the picture periect and the fove forthe lenses, photography at Spree has ochle new heights over these past Years. With a high level of participation that compounds every: Yeary participants jontle around clicking away to glory. With exhibitions of sorte ot tbe participating photo shots, the fest is Gaptured-en lenses in style ond panidche, Baxathlon: Al sitrstage race ta tbe finish equipped. with nothing more ‘thari Your. camera and your iits; -porticipamt's Dash around ‘icing ferbciously, The efforl to make Ut before the clock ruts out ond the uality that the photos ochieve is an ability. thot surely baa fo be honed ants trained corehilty, Thematic Photographyy Sometimes © photoarapher needs to sey mote in a picture. Jand Chematic photography is one such event, With various, themes to be photographed cn, Sprée's. photos aren't ian ‘duals but a. story in eoch ol them RED Pheshary=sh te) Pena CC Se a ae evonta encanaulating the essence of your brand. Vour apart, our Cc en a) Ce Re en any eR eS So GR ee iS Se se mec en eS PE ee CC ae a Se a COM ce eC aes Sa Ti cS Ue ee ol a excellence of the brand Spring Spree in all it glory, With famed namea in the Indian rock Se ee Se Se Ca De oe This platform bas also scen the likes of Drum Cole who performed at the opening ceremony SU Re Pe ite ah er uc UR ce Se ec a UL RL Le Pe Mes i te ocd oS cao Si Sd Se Roms Dee CO re ee Se 4 . F PL bole ew tun level of komning where Spree coters’ to these lille hobbies: “ial cach one of us bave. So whether it's about linocking a tune on a guitar Ser beboving er cooking, Spree brings you the fiany of the Fie to help you Tove Wi and tearm it. Srom “worl record holding ocrebate 10 reriowncd Ghotecuronhers, Spree gives only the best. Chete workishons scree as Fainasinig plotiorms for Your brand publicity; and the Large voriety of them Aiverrition Your options, Gntormals PWhY so derioie !”- Che Jotier, Che Dark [hight Khe lestooning touch of Spree remoins untelt Hl you Baven't hod a foote of informals ot Spring Spree. HAMS Ad even inore insane participaner, fil to Aatiote those Kile whims and fancies (thal Well have locked in us So fend your woice fo The: herooke of your favourite tacks of air guitar Led Seppelin to shore. Informals at Spring Spree leases one and all with a eniile on Your face ant. Mth prizes’ thot only add 10 the list of aurptines. Srom: dedications to darea, lnformols goes boldly. Where no feat has gone. Sponserd find thie very altnoctive With The in-otall games, the on-stage boats: leh mony trove, €elebrity Anplugged , Meet the bold, the beautiful ond the insanely lamous at Spree’e Celebrity Linplugged. A whole scament of Spree Dedicate’ tothe {Hans who Tule the World of entertoiminent ond “ality AL totally informal’ session with the afare of the day, with a few surprises, Je teed cin apis cae’ 6 aie, ine he Senisens of famed i oN Ct ED UN tesj Nm ate Ce for ae ee UT) cd frre ‘Dhaypat —: +91 99129 $2669 Rokesh = +91 97002 78730 Keerti «=: +91: 99594 27775 Sudheepta : +91 99897 87767

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