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c ke s ty

b bt i tl

e d u

Fes t e r

c it M

e d
d i h

Auel isceka
rt c

After filming sections of our film we began to edit
the clips we had, and decided to gain audience
feedback to criticise our progression towards our
short film. We did this so that we could see if
anything needed to be changed, therefore would
have to be reshot, or if elements of the film did not
fit well. We let our target audience, aged 16-26
watch what we had filmed and edited so far and
asked them to answer a few questions.
The questions we asked our target audience were;

Ø Did you enjoy what you have seen so far?

Ø Do you think it follows our genre in mind?
Ø Do you think we have targeted our audience?
Ø Any improvements?
As the audience has only seen roughly 2 minutes of filming
and editing, we know that some of the questions may be
harder to answer without seeing the finished product, but we
would like to find out if we are heading in the right direction.
Those who had answered no, said that because only
sections of the film had been filmed so far it was hard
to imagine the other sections of the film which propel
the story along. This will be resolved when the filming
is finished and hopefully they will enjoy the finished
2. Do you think it follows the genre in
3. Do you think we have targeted our
100% of our target audience answered
The majority of our feedback was positive and said that with completion it
should be a very successful short film. Our only critics were that we
should use a variety of camera angles to keep our audience interested. We
already had this in mind, as we have only filmed the coffee shop scene
which is solely based on the main character speaking to the camera in
which a medium shot is in constant use. However with the flash backs of
previous dates which occur in-between this main section of filming we
shown, a variety of camera angles will be used there as it takes up the
majority of the filming. We have no issues with the criticisms we faced as
we knew that camera angles would be a problem with the audience,
however we have only fully finished a section of the film, and will be more
diverse with filming when completing the rest of it.

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