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Ethnic Groups Government

The Arab Moors, often Mauritania’s

known as “White government is run by
Moors”, control its military. The
Mauritania and its government has stated
government. They are that it is willing to take
the slaveholders. action against slavery,

Slavery in but does not have

Modern Day The Haratines or enough resources to

“Black Moors” are the fund needed services,
largest ethnic group such as shelters, legal
and are often born as assistance, and
slaves to White Moors. training in life-skills
and income generating
Zachary Dwinell The main religion in activities. 
Mauritania is Muslim.

It is estimated that
Mauritania currently
has 600,000 slaves,
which is 20 percent of
The Vicious An escaped slave’s What can we do to
Cycle story help?

Most slaves in Skyra is a runaway -Spread awareness of

Mauritania are born Mauritanian slave. the current situation in
into slavery. When a She was born into Mauritania
slave has a child the slavery and spent her
child is owned by the childhood working for -Ask politicians what
master and the child her master. She was they are doing to stop
will be a slave for the only untied when she slavery.
rest of his or her life. had to do work. She
Most slaves don’t has two children who -Write a letter to a
know any other life are the product of congressman or our
than serving there rape. Skyra risked her president
masters. Many Slaves life so that her
don’t have anywhere children won’t have -Give this brochure to
to go to if they run the same fate as she your family and friends
away. Because of this did. to help spread
cycle slavery is passed awareness
down through

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