Semester Review Project Rubric

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Algebra II Pre-AP Semester Review Project Rubric Name _____________________

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score

1 2 3 4
Uses a very efficient
and sophisticated
Uses a strategy that is strategy leading
Students No evidence of a partially useful, leading directly to a solution.
represent steps strategy or procedure, some way toward a
Uses a strategy that leads
Employs refined and
to solving, or uses a strategy that solution, but not to a full
to a solution of the
complex reasoning.
does not help solve the solution of the problem. Applies procedures
graphing, problem. Uses effective
problem. No evidence of Some evidence of accurately to correctly
and/or mathematical reasoning. mathematical
mathematical reasoning.
solve the problem and
simplifying. There were so many reasoning. Could not
Mathematical procedures
verify the results.
used. All parts are correct
errors in mathematical completely carry out Verifies solution and/or
and a correct answer is
procedures that the mathematical procedures. evaluates the
problem could not be Some parts may be reasonableness of the
resolved. correct, but a correct solution. Makes
answer is not achieved. mathematically
relevant observations
and/or connections.

Some of the graphics, The graphics, sound

sounds, and/or and/or animation assist
The graphics, sounds,
animations seem The graphics, sound/and in presenting an overall
and/or animations are
unrelated to the or animation visually theme and enhance
Graphics, unrelated to the content.
topic/theme and do not depict material and assist understanding of
Graphics do not enhance
Sound and/or understanding of the
enhance the overall the audience in concept, ideas and
Animation content, or are
concepts. Most images understanding the flow of relationships. Original
are clip art or recycled information or content. images are created
distracting decorations
from the internet. Images Original images are used. using proper size and
that create a busy feeling
are too large/small in Images are proper size, resolution, and all
and detract from the
size. Images are poorly resolution. images enhance the
cropped or the content. There is a
color/resolution is fuzzy. consistent visual

The solution shows a

There is no solution, or
The solution is not The solution shows that deep understanding
the solution has no
complete indicating the student has a broad of the problem
Students relationship to the task.
that parts of the problem understanding of the including the ability to
Inappropriate concepts
understanding are applied and/or
are not understood. problem and the major identify the appropriate
of work. procedures are used.
The solution addresses concepts necessary for its mathematical concepts
some, but not all of the solution. The solution and the information
The solution addresses
mathematical addresses all of the necessary for its
none of the mathematical
components presented in components presented in solution. The solution
components presented
the task. the task. completely addresses
in the task.
all math components.
Final product is
Final Product Final product is complete professionally done
Final product is Final product is complete
and finished project is and represented by
incomplete. but messy.
neatly done. creativity. Impressed
the teacher.
There is no explanation There is a clear,
of the solution, The effective explanation
explanation cannot be de- tailing how the
There is not complete
understood or it is problem is solved.
explanation; it may not be
unrelated to the problem. There is a clear All of the steps are
clearly presented.
There is no use or explanation. There is included so that
Communication inappropriate use of
There is some use of
appropriate use of the reader does not
appropriate mathematical
representations (e.g. accurate representation. need to infer how
representation. There is
figures, diagrams, There is effective use of and why decisions
some use of terminology
graphs, tables, etc.). terminology and notation. were made. There is
and notation appropriate
There is no use, or precise and
to the problem.
mostly inappropriate use, appropriate use of
of terminology and terminology and
notation. notation.

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