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Odor Body Issues, Causes and Recommended

The Veolia Water North America – West “(Veolia”)‘s Waste Water Treatment Facility
on Canal Boulevard, Richmond, California (the “Facility”) is under contract to the City
of Richmond. The Facility currently experiences problems with fugitive emissions that
cause nuisance odors for nearby residents. During the still air months of 2006-2007 and
the following years, residents became more vocal, increased odor complaints and asked
for solutions.

Veolia requested an independent investigation of the situation and a consultant prepared a

study titled: “Odor Evaluation Report” prepared by Webster Environmental Associates,
Inc and dated September, 2007. While the solutions for odor control offered in that
report are functional, they do not actually offer a more efficient approach that limits the
massive capital undertaking suggested in that report.

Rod Satre a local scientist, community leader and Principal of SSD Consulting was asked
to help Veolia address this issue. Mr. Satre has first hand experience in odors, pollution
control techniques and drift control of noxious odors. In the mid 1990’s, Mr. Satre’s
work was used as the scientific basis of successful litigation regarding waste aerosol drift
in a Northern California lawsuit. From practical knowledge, the issues in Richmond
were immediately apparent to SSD Consulting. However, solutions need to be tempered
with practical advice and lessons learned by others and applied to this problem as best
adapted to the situation.

Change in the Urban Setting:
Waste water treatment plants are always addressing odors. In the present situation, a
dramatic change in the local “environment” exacerbated the odor issues and was outside
the control of Veolia: Whole stands of “woods” were eradicated.

It is a well known fact that trees are useful in manipulating the air quality of the
surrounding, down-wind community.1 Exactly how much influence a woods offers is a
very complex model [attached as an appendix to this report]. Odors coming from an

Apart from moisture, the wind may carry heavy loads of ice, dust, or sand. Strand trees (palms,
pines, and Casuarinas) have tough stems or thick bark to withstand wind particle blast. Even
tussock grasses slow the wind and cause dust loads to settle out. In the edges of forests and behind
beaches, tree lines may accumulate a mound of driven particles just within their canopy. The forest
removes very fine dusts and industrial aerosols from the airstream within a few hundred metres.
SSD Consulting Serving California,
the Nation and the World
Since 1990
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open source are regulated as nuisance odors and controls are required subject to
regulatory requirements.2

Contaminants causing a nuisance or having an objectionable odor. The release of any contaminant
causing injury, detriment, a nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of people or to the public,
or to businesses or property, is prohibited. Odors must be controlled through incineration or a method that
is just as effective.

SSD Consulting Serving California,

the Nation and the World
Since 1990
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