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BATCH: JULY 2009-2011




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We hereby declare that this project report is the record of authentic

work carried out by us during the period from 6th April 2010 to 31st May 2010
and has not been submitted earlier to any university or institute for the
award of any degree/diploma etc.

Name of the Student:







Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 3



This is to certify that Mr. Mrityunjoy Bora, Mr. Sagar Deb Roy, Mr.
Anshuman Purkayastha, Mr. Manas Jyoti Deka, & Mr. Vikas Chandra Jain of
Acharya Institute of Management & Sciences has successfully completed the
project work titled in partial fulfillment of requirement for the completion of
PG course. This project report is the record of authentic work carried out by
them during the period from 6th April to 31st May in which he has worked
under my guidance.

Project Guide:

Aishwariya P. S. Abhinn Baxi

Program Manager:

Ambali Srikumar


Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 4

Place: Bangalore

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 5


In this project report we have made an honest and dedicated attempt

to make the research material as authentic as it could. And we earnestly
hope that it provides useful and workable information and knowledge to any
person reading it.

During this small time frame of two months in which the project
reached its completion, there were a few people whom we would like to
make a mention of and without whose help the project would have never
seen the light of day.

We also thank to our supportive and dedicated group of faculty

member for their timely response through personal meeting, which
immensely helped in giving the project the initial direction it needed.

We would like give sincere gratitude to our Prof. Ms. Ambali Srikumar,
Prof. Aishwariya P. S., Prof. Abhinn Baxi, for their encouragement, providing
necessary information required to carry out the project and also giving their
personal time to guide us whenever problem arose.

We also like to thanks to those peoples who gave their time to help us
to gather information and each and every person who some or other way are
linked with this project work.

Name of the Student:




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Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 7


Chapter Chapter Name Page No.

7 CONCLUSION 99 – 108
8 FINDINGS 109 – 111
9 BIBLOGRAPHY 112 – 113

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 8


Research purpose

In the current context of the global financial meltdown, the Direct to

Home (DTH) industry in India is in the throes of multifarious challenges and

The ‘big game’ is all about shaping up grandiose plans to master the
winning rules to garner as much portion of the Indian DTH pie as possible by
a handful of players.

Since the DTH space denotes ‘big value’, akin to the space occupied by
television and telephony, inter-firm rivalries have thrown up price wars,
discount schemes, procurement of transponders, ambitious targets for
improving the subscription base, popular bouquet of channels, set top boxes
with superior quality of videos, improving content, etc. as a desperate means
to entice the Indian viewer.

A neat 20 per cent annual growth is being witnessed in the DTH sector
in India with over 8.5 million households having digital pay-tv.

According to Harsh Bijoor, a brand consultant, “Since Dish TV, the

biggest market player on the Indian soil, has not scraped even five per cent
of the pie, there is plenty left for other players to eat.”

In the early 2008, five major players, Zee’s Dish TV, Tata Sky, Reliance
ADAG, Sun Direct and Bharti Telemedia formed an umbrella body – DTH
Operators Association of India (DOAI).

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 9

The Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Association of India in its ‘2008
Pay TV Piracy Survey’ have predicted that the Grey TV market of around USD
1.1billion will gradually be taken over by the legal DTH industry.

Marcel Fenez, chairman CASBAA, said, “Despite the global sinking of

economies, the Asia Pacific market is healthy and the decline in growth will
not derail the industry. With 1.7 million digital cable subscriptions, the digital
pay-tv market is finally taking off and this degree of penetration represents a
tipping point for our industry in Asia.”

Starting with a million strong subscriber bases in August 2006, Tata

Sky, a DTH joint-venture Company between Star (owned by Rupert Murdoch)
and the Tata Group, now has more than 2.7 million connections and the
forecast for 2012 is that it will further increase to 8 million.

The Indian DTH growth scenario bodes well for the advertising industry
as well with over ` 30-40 crores being earmarked by these companies
annually for advertising revenues.

While Tata Sky has roped in Bollywood actors Amir Khan and Gul
Panag for its promotion, Shahrukh Khan endorses for the Dish TV.

MD and CEO of Tata Sky, Vikram Kaushik, recently confirmed in an

interview that the company estimates were standing at ` 40 billion for its
final funding requirement as ‘competitive entries’, ‘explosive growth in
volume’ and customer acquisition have jacked up the costs.

Tata sky recently launched the NDS – developed XTV personal video
recorder (PVR) that enables the customers to watch a particular TV show
while recording another. It is being hailed a major introduction in the Indian
DTH market.

Within a few days of its launch 2500 PVRs, priced at ` 8999 were sold
as claimed by the Tata Sky MD, Kaushik.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 10

This places Tata Sky among the top 19 ‘pay-tv operators’ around the
world with NDS solutions being a unique introduction to facilitate flexibility of
PVR to their subscribers.

A deal along similar lines was announced by Bharti Airtel, in the

provision of DTH services, dependent on NDS for its conditional access.

N Arjun, executive director Bharti Telemedia, expressed enthusiasm

about the company’s expansion plans by disclosing that his company looked
forward to providing the best of home entertainment services via Airtel
digital TV in terms of latest technology and exciting content. “Since DTH is
the future of home entertainment, with the support of our technology
partner NDS, we will render superior, state-of-the-art services to our DTH
service customers”, he said.

Sun Direct, which entered the DTH sector as a discounted brand in

opposition to Tata Sky, notched at a 30 per cent premium and supposedly
mopped up over a million subscribers within a short time span.

Tata Sky, though placed at a launch-premium of ` 1,000, is open to


A demand of a tax holiday of five years from the government has been
mooted by the DOAI that should incentives the DTH industry as its market
has reportedly surpassed the Japanese one in the last five years.

The Indian DTH industry players look forward to a seven times

multiplication of its market, about 40 million subscribers by 2015, from a
total of 165 million pay TV households.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 11


What is DTH?

DTH stands for Direct-To-Home, it’s a system that allows you to have a
personal dish antenna how cable operators do, except it’s much smaller in
size, the antenna can be seen on the top left corner of the blog

This antenna can be fixed on your terrace and receives transmissions

directly from a satellite; hence it is called as a direct to home service.

Introduction of DTH in Indian Market

In earlier days there was only one TV channel in India the

“Doordarshan”, Channel Doordarshan was owned and operated by
government of India. In this era, every home which had a TV set used to
have its own antenna to capture the signals.

The Cable Television Ordinance Law was passed in January 1995. This
enabled cable operators to feed channels and later on private companies
were allowed to air their own channels and this led to the explosive growth in
number of TV channels and number of cable operators. The growth of TV
channels & cable operators created a big industry and market opportunities.
There were as many as 1, 00,000 cable operators across India until few years
back. However the services provided by cable operators were poor.

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The strikes, increase in tariff plan, selective broadcast and poor
services were major cause of dissatisfaction among the customers. This has
created an opportunity for DTH, which serves an immediate threat to the
high-end cable networks India has about 130 million TV homes of which,
Cable & Satellite (C&S) services are present in 97 million (74%) of the home.
The DTH market in India comprises 11% of the total market with almost 15
million homes.

Also India about 70% of Indian lives in rural and Semi-Urban areas in
which cable network is not available. Also most of people living in rural area
can't afford to pay ` 200-400 towards the cable fess monthly even if it is
made available. While with the technology advances Private Companies
(Dish TV) tries to introduce the concept of DTH-Direct to Home which can be
made available in everywhere in country it remain mostly in Urban areas due
to lack of interest and unawareness about the rural market as potential
revenue source.

With launch of India's First Free DTH Service - DD Direct Plus by

Doordarshan on 16 December 2004 open up new dimension in this world of
TV Viewing by Rural mass. This opens up the real future market of India for
Brands. Response from rural and also poor and middle class urban was quite
good with 6 million subscribers while Dish TV struggle for more than 15
years to reach 1 million.

The DTH industry growth lagged to 10.3% in 2008 from 16.7% a year
earlier. But Industry players agree that the digitization drive is expanding by
35-40% annually. However, industry estimates DTH to touch 35-40 million
subscribers by 2012, and that’s the number that every DTH brand has set its
sights on.

How DTH works?

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 13

Early satellite TV viewers were explorers of sorts. They used their
expensive S-Band, then C-Band dishes to discover unique programming that
wasn’t necessarily intended for mass audiences. The dish and receiving
equipment gave viewers the tools to pick up foreign stations, live feeds
between different broadcast stations and a lot of other stuff transmitted
using satellites.

Some satellite owners still seek out this sort of programming on their
own, but today, most satellite TV customers in developed television markets
get their programming through a direct broadcast satellite (DBS) provider,
such as DISH TV or the Doordarshan DTH platform. The provider selects
programs and broadcasts them to subscribers as a set package. Basically,
the provider’s goal is to bring dozens or even hundreds of channels to the
customers’ television in a form that approximates the competition from
Cable TV. Unlike earlier programming, the provider’s broadcast is completely
digital, which means it has high picture and stereo sound quality.

Early satellite television was broadcast in C-band - radio in the 3.4-

gigahertz (GHz) to 7-GHz frequency range. Digital broadcast satellite
transmits programming in the Ku frequency range (10 GHz to 14 GHz).

There are five major components involved in a direct to home (DTH)

satellite system: the programming source, the broadcast center, the
satellite, the satellite dish and the receiver.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 14


The broadcast center converts all of this programming into a high-

quality, uncompressed digital stream. At this point, the stream contains a
vast quantity of data — about 270 megabits per second (Mbps) for each
channel. In order to transmit the signal from there, the broadcast center has
to compress it. Otherwise, it would be too big for the satellite to handle.

The providers use the MPEG-4 compressed video format — the same
format used to store movies on DVDs. With MPEG-4 compression, the
provider can reduce the 270-Mbps stream to about 3 or 7 Mbps (depending
on the type of programming). This is the crucial step that has made DTH
service a success. With digital compression, a typical satellite can transmit
about 200 channels. Without digital compression, it can transmit about 30

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 15

At the broadcast center, the high-quality digital stream of video goes
through an MPEG-4 encoder, which converts the programming to MPEG-4
video of the correct size and format for the satellite receiver in households.


After the video is compressed, the provider needs to encrypt it in order

to keep people from accessing it for free. Encryption scrambles the digital
data in such a way that it can only be decrypted (converted back into usable
data) if the receiver has the correct decoding satellite receiver with
decryption algorithm and security keys

Once the signal is compressed and encrypted, the broadcast center

beams it directly to one of its satellites. The satellite picks up the signal,
amplifies it and beams it back to Earth, where viewers can pick it up.


A satellite dish is just a special kind of antenna designed to focus on a

specific broadcast source. The standard dish consists of a parabolic (bowl-
shaped) surface and a central feed horn. To transmit a signal, a controller
sends it through the horn, and the dish focuses the signal into a relatively
narrow beam. Satellite & Cable TV The dish on the receiving end can’t
transmit information; it can only receive it. The receiving dish works in the
exact opposite way of the transmitter. When a beam hits the curved dish,
the parabola shape reflects the radio signal inward onto a particular point,
just like a concave mirror focuses light onto a particular point.

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The curved dish focuses incoming radio waves onto the feed horn.

In this case, the point is the dish’s feed horn, which passes the signal
onto the receiving equipment. In an ideal setup, there aren’t any major
obstacles between the satellite and the dish, so the dish receives a clear

In some systems, the dish needs to pick up signals from two or more
satellites at the same time. The satellites may be close enough together that
a regular dish with a single horn can pick up signals from both. This
compromises quality somewhat, because the dish isn’t aimed directly at one
or more of the satellites. A new dish design uses two or more horns to pick
up different satellite signals. As the beams from different satellites hit the
curved dish, they reflect at different angles so that one beam hits one of the
horns and another beam hits a different horn.

The central element in the feed horn is the low noise block down
converter, or LNB. The LNB amplifies the signal bouncing off the dish and
filters out the noise (signals not carrying programming). The LNB passes the
amplified, filtered signal to the satellite receiver inside the viewer’s house.


The end component in the entire satellite TV system is the receiver.

The receiver has four essential jobs:

It de-scrambles the encrypted signal. In order to unlock the signal, the

receiver needs the proper decoder chip for that programming package. The
provider can communicate with the chip, via the satellite signal, to make

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necessary adjustments to its decoding programs. The provider may
occasionally send signals that disrupt illegal de-scramblers, as an electronic
counter measure (ECM) against illegal users.

It takes the digital MPEG-4 signal and converts it into an analog format
that a standard television can recognize. Since the receiver spits out only
one channel at a time, you can’t tape one program and watch another. You
also can’t watch two different programs on two TVs hooked up to the same
receiver. In order to do these things, which are standard on conventional
cable, you need to buy an additional receiver.

Some receivers have a number of other features as well. They pick up

a programming schedule signal from the provider and present this
information in an onscreen programming guide. Many receivers have
parental lock-out options, and some have built-in Digital Video Recorders
(DVRs), which let you pause live television or record it on a hard drive.

While digital broadcast satellite service is still lacking some of the basic
features of conventional cable (the ability to easily split signals between
different TVs and VCRs, for example), its high-quality picture, varied
programming selection and extended service areas make it a good
alternative for some. With the rise of digital cable, which also has improved
picture quality and extended channel selection, the TV war is really heating

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Why DTH is in so much demand?

This service is in so much demand because customer wants

independence from the wired cable transmission because any fault in the
cable or in the system at the central place all the transmission and the
quality reduces and also any change in the system by the cable operator
then all the settings of the channels are disturbed and also the customer has
to watch that many channels which the operator transmits.

To get rid of all of this DTH services became very popular because of
the wide choice it gives to the customer and also since the transmission is
digital and since it is wireless it is very easy for a customer to install the
connection where ever they move. Irrespective of the location the customer
can watch the channels because of the technology the service provider uses.
They use satellites to transmit the signals to the customer which is why they
are so clear and accurate.

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Since now a days as technology increased and everyone wants quality,
sound and picture quality in their TV sets because the TV sets are designed
so and if a person installs a cable connection then they cannot enjoy the
clarity of the picture and DTH removes all this and give the customer the

 The customer can use the same account (connection) at any

place in India.
 The customer has the freedom to choose the number of channels
desired for any number of days required.
 The services can be stopped or resumed by just calling their
customer care or just by sending an SMS from their registered
mobile number.
 The connections can be transferred to any other person over
 The services are very prompt.
 User has the privilege to change the package at any time.
 The services are available within minutes after installation.
 The clarity of the picture is perfect and of high quality.
 Now a days recharging is very easy by using a scratch card and
feeding it through the remote or by sending an SMS or
recharging online using Credit/Debit Card.
 Packages or services or Add – ons can be changed any time
 Multiple sets can be connected using the same connection just
like a TV showroom does.

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Industrial Profile

Indian DTH space is a rapidly rising industry. Since the time, it first
arrived in India, more and more new players are joining the bandwagon.
Because of arrival of new entrants, this industry has become very
competitive which ultimately results in customers having more benefits and
options of latest technology.

DTH stands for Direct-To-Home television. DTH helps in keeping

broadcasters in direct touch with consumers thus, eliminating the need of
local cable operators. DTH technology works through direct reception of
satellite programmers with a personal dish.

The latest technology of DTH network includes satellites, multiplexers,

broadcasting center, modulators, encoders and DTH receivers.
Technologically speaking, the process starts with DTH service provider
leasing Ku-band transponders from the satellite. Thereafter, encoder gets
into the process of converting video, audio, and data signals into the digital

Once encoding is done, multiplexer mixes these signals. Users have to

install a small dish antenna and set-top boxes which decode those mixed
signals and lastly users get to view numerous TV channels. Primarily, DTH is
an encrypted transmission received directly from the satellite by the
consumer at his place with the help of dish antenna.

The history of DTH services in India dates back to 1996. But, the
proposal couldn’t get through policy hurdles because of concern over
national security. It was finally allowed in July 2006. As of now, number of
total customers stand at 14 million whereas total cable TV households

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 21

number is 75 million. That reflects the huge potential of this industry in the
long run.

Major Indian DTH players are; Dish TV which is also the largest private
DTH player. DD direct, Tata Sky, Sun Direct, Big TV etc. are other major
players. New entrants are Airtel Digital TV and Videocon. All players use
MPEG-4 technology. MPEG-4 technology is more efficient in broadcasting
superb quality video and more channels as well.

DTH system service offerings include the following:

 Subscription TV: The DTH provider’s offer channels on a tiered

subscription basis—that is, most customers subscribe to a basic
package of channels and one or more packages of premium channels,
such as the HBO multiplex. Typically, the basic packages include
access to an on-screen electronic program guide and a number of
audio-only music channels. Specialty television subscriptions such as
international channels are available. Subscriptions are also offered for
series of events, such as all available games from a professional sports
 Pay per view (PPV): PPV services give customers the option to pick a
specific program or series of programs and pay for the selected
content as a one-time transaction. The DTH systems provide extensive
PPV offerings including theatrical Films, concerts, and sports events
such as prize fights. In certain cases, the PPV concept has been
extended to selling viewing rights for movie for an entire day rather
than for a single showing.
 Local channel broadcasts: To provide a seamless, high-quality
experience, the satellite DTH services offer subscription packages of
the local channels.

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 Digital Video Recorders (DVRs): DVRs have proven to be an excellent
ancillary application for satellite services. The aggressive marketing of
new receiver types to “early adopters” gave the service providers a
majority of all DVR households The DVR application benefits from two
basic satellite DTH service attributes, the availability of electronic
program guide (EPG) information and of all-digital broadcasts. For a
given program, as indicated in the EPG, the digital content can be
directly recorded to a hard disk drive without the need to perform A/D
 High Definition (HD): When DTH or Direct to Home services came into
India, the whole country gave a very positive welcome as it brought as
high quality television viewing experience. Customers are able to do
away with poor quality TV reception and grainy reception of the
signals. Now taking this to the next level is the HD DTH services (DTH
HD Services). All the top DTH service providers are moving to HD DTH

DTH leaders in India like Sun DTH, Big TV, Airtel DTH and Tata
sky have launched HD or High Definition services to provide highest
quality TV viewing experience. However, customers should be
prepared to shell out more money to enjoy this HD experience. Even if
they are willing to spend more money to enjoy high definition TV, at
present not all the channels available in India are HD channels (HD
Channels on DTH). Only very few channels can be viewed in HD. This
makes many people hesitate to invest money in HD set top boxes.
Existing customers will have to upgrade their set top box to HD
enabled set top box. Also they have to have a HD TV because not all
televisions are capable of producing HD quality pictures.

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It is hoped that soon the number of HD channels will increase in
India within a short time. The cost of the HD channels is also likely to
come down with the increasing competition in this industry. When DTH
entered the Indian market, the cost of this service was prohibitive and
only the rich and elite could afford it. But today that is not the case
anymore as the price of DTH subscriptions has come down
dramatically. The same is expected to happen with HD DTH services.

Sun Direct DTH is the first company to launch HDTV services in

India. With this new service they are now targeting the upper class
audience and upper middle class audience. They targeted middle class
and lower class audience with their DTH services. So they priced it
very low to capture the market. Now their target group is different,
they are not likely to keep their prices too competitive. As of now
customers will have to shell out up to ` 100 per HD channel (1080p HD
channels) which is too high even for the upper class audience that are
used to paying just ` 200 for all the channels they watch.

 Interactive: The simplest interactive television services are not

associated with any particular video services: for example, an
electronic program guide, or screens displaying personalized and
localized information, including weather, news, financial information,
lottery results, and so on. More complex interactive services are
integrated with program video and as a result require more complex
implementations. On-screen mosaics of multiple live channels
applications are examples of these applications. Special “middleware”
receiver software is responsible for interpreting the received data and
displaying the associated application. Due to the great complexity and
the need for careful management of receiver resources, the
technologies deployed to date by satellite DTH operators have used
proprietary middleware implementations. Considerable work has been

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 24

done to create standards for interactive services, and the ATSC “ACAP”
standard and the Open Cable “OCAP” standard are noteworthy
examples. As the services and technologies mature, these standards
are likely to play significant role in future digital DTH system
 Home Networking: DTH providers’ newest services feature satellite
receivers with integrated home networking features, including support
for connecting to a terrestrial broad-band path such as DSL. Networked
receivers enable digital television to be recorded on one receiver and
played on another. The linkage to the Internet permits remote DVR
scheduling over the Internet and applications such as the transfer of
electronic photos from cell phones to the family’s home network.
 Special markets: Although satellite DTH may be symbolized by the
small roof-mounted antenna on a single-family home, the services
provide programming for various special markets.


 Policy and Regulation: Being a nascent industry, there are lots of

teething issues with the current policy framework and it is regulated in
reality. Some of the challenges faced are given below
 Lack of exclusive content: In the global DTH market, competition is
mostly on proving niche content. In India, TRAI does not allow a
broadcaster to offer content exclusively to a specific player. Hence
content differentiation as a USP is not possible currently in the Indian
scenario. TRAI has clearly indicated that exclusively can be provided
only when DTH market matures and there is perfect competition in the
market place. But DTH operators are feeling that without content

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differentiation, the competition can only be on price which may even
cannibalize the industry.
 The rule of “Must Carry”: DTH is obliged to carry all the channels
provided by every broadcaster on a non- discriminatory basis. However
with the capacity constraint in place, this is not feasible. So in cases,
where the operator is willing to broadcast only the popular channel,
the broadcaster either deny giving the entire bouquet or charge price
for the complete bouquet. Operator like Dish TV who have more
transponder and operator who have a cable company backing like Sun
Direct are supporting the “Must Carry” clause whereas transponder-
scarce new entrant like Bharti Airtel are against this clause.
 Cap on Foreign Investment: As per the current policy, the total foreign
equity including FDI/NRI/OCB/FII cannot exceed 49% and within that
FDI component cannot exceed 20 %. This would reduce the interest of
foreign investor as they cannot get a controlling stake in the company
in spite of a heavy investment. On the contrary, up to 74% of foreign
equity, with no limit on FDI, is allowed in the Cable industry. With DTH
being a capital intensive industry, these limitation hurt the expansion
plans of the cash constrained operator.
 Cap on Cable Company/Broadcasting Investment: In order to ensure a
fair competition, the current regulation restrict the cap on
Broadcasting/Cable company investment in the DTH venture to 20%
and also prevent the DTH firm to hold more than 20% in a
Broadcasting/Cable company. As one can see, the DTH operators are
able to overcome this challenge by spinning of new. But removing this
rule would reduce the bureaucracy involved and also reduce the
content cost for an operator due to the synergies created between him
and the Broadcaster.
 Interoperability issues: TRAI mandates an open architecture for STBs to
ensure technical interoperability but in reality this is not being

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 26

implemented. However, with the increasing consumer awareness, the
dilution of this rule would soon be corrected. In addition, in the recent
consultation paper, TRAI also wants to try out the commercial
interoperability (the ability to return a purchase STB or leave a STB)
route. Although this is good from the consumer point of view, DTH
operator cannot build a switching cost for the end user.
 Non-availability of transponders: A Ku transponder can be used for 12
to 20 channels depending on the compression (MPEG 2 or MPEG 4)
technology used in the satellite. A DTH operator will at least need 5
transponder to compete in the market. Right now, ISRO has INSAT 4A
and INSAT 4B in the orbit with 12 Ku transponder each. The next is
INSAT 4CR [September 2007], which opens up another 12 Ku
transponder. INSAT 4G will be launched in 2009-10 with a capacity of
18 Ku transponder. Also with the launch of INSAT 4G, ISRO would have
used up the entire spectrum that was allotted to it by WARC, ITU Even
with 54 transponder by 2010 with 7 operators the demand-supply gap
is huge with each operator getting approximately 150 channels. Also if
any of these launches fall like INSAT 4C it may spoil plans of DTH
operator. Current regulation stipulates a DTH operator to use only
Indian satellite or in case of foreign satellite, they have to be approved
and leased by ISRO.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 27



Tata Sky is a DTH satellite television provider in India, using MPEG-2

digital compression technology, transmitting using INSAT 4A.

It is a joint venture between the Tata Group, that owns 85% and STAR
Group that owns a 15% stake. Tata Sky was incorporated in 2004 but was
launched only in 2006. It currently offers close to 205 channels (as on
February 2010) and some interactive ones.

The company uses the Sky brand owned by British Sky Broadcasting.

In October 2008, Tata Sky announced launching of DVR service Tata

Sky+ which allowed 130 hours of recording in a MPEG-4 compatible Set Top
Box. The remote is provided with playback control keys and is being sold
with special offers for existing subscribers.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 28

In 2008, Singapore-based Temasek Holdings picked up 10% stake in
Tata Sky from the Tata Group. This has diluted Tata's stake in the venture to


Tata Sky+ is a premium set-top box-cum-Personal Video Recorder that

allows recording up to 130 hours of live TV, recording one program while
watching another, pause, fast-forward and rewind a live telecast and review
a TV program.

In March 2009, Tata Sky became the first Indian direct-to-home (DTH)
service provider to be awarded the ISO 27001:2005 accreditation, the
benchmark for information security. ISO 27001:2005 is an international
standard that provides specifications and guidance for the establishment and
proper maintenance of an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
The assessment for the certification was conducted by Intertek Systems
Certification, the management systems registration business unit of Intertek

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 29

Group. This certification confirms that every transaction carried out through
Tata Sky’s IT systems is highly secure.


 Uniform volume level across all channels

 Stable set-top-box with less bugs or issues
 Customer service is satisfactory and after-sales support is good
 Joint venture with International DTH Brand, Sky, famous for its
exquisite technology
 Exclusive access to some authentic international channels like BBC
entertainment etc.


Package Name No. of Annual Semi – Monthly

Annual price
channel price price
Annual Mega Pack 185 ` 5,500 ` 3,000 _
Super Hit Pack 67 ` 1600 ` 800 ` 160
Super Value Pack 102 ` 2200 ` 1100 ` 200
Super Saver Pack 127 ` 3025 ` 1550 ` 275
South Starter Pack 76 ` 1250 `. 625 ` 125
South Value Pack 99 ` 2000 ` 1000 ` 200
South Saver Pack 110 ` 2600 ` 1300 ` 260
South Jumbo Pack 143 ` 3410 ` 1760 ` 310

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 30


Package Name No. of channels Annual price Monthly price

Cosmo Pack 9 ` 450 ` 45
Fun Learning 4 `. 300 ` 30
Lifestyle Gold 15 ` 450 ` 45
Lifestyle Bronze 4 ` 150 ` 15
Sports Gold Pack 2 _ ` 40
Sports Platinum 3 _ ` 65
ESPN & Star 2 _ ` 40
Sports Pack
Sports Bonanza 6 ` 1350 _
Marathi Pack 2 ` 200 ` 20
HD Gold Pack 2 _ ` 30


 ACTIVE ENGLISH: Active English service will help housewives improve

their English conversational skills, vocabulary and pronunciation from

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 31

the comfort of their homes, at a time most convenient to them. With
Active English, they can learn how to converse confidently in English in
day to day situations like PTA meetings, malls, banks etc. and many
more. The medium of instruction for this service is Hindi. Lessons
learnt through the week can be revised on weekends. The content for
this service is provided by British Council.

 ACTIVE MALL: Active Mall is an interactive service with which you can
buy electronic appliances, household goods and even mobile ringtones
and wallpapers at the press of a button. You can shop from the comfort
of your home at a time most convenient to you and also avail of
attractive prices on all products.

 ACTIVE WIZKIDS: Designed specifically for preschoolers, Active Wiz

kids is a television based service that aims to continue a child’s
learning process at home through a host of fun learning games,
rhymes and art & craft activities.

 ACTIVE LEARNING: A quiz based educational service covering Math’s,

GK and Science for children in the age group of 7-11 years. The
content for this service is provided by

 ACTIVE STORIES: A television based story book that children can read
and listen to at their own pace. The service features new stories in
English and Hindi every day from the likes of Panchatantra, Jataka
tales and Hitopadesh.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 32

to their favorite stories in six languages - English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu,
Bengali and Marathi.

 ACTIVE COOKING: On Active Cooking one can get their favorite recipe
at the press of a button. The service features four new and easy-to-
cook recipes daily, from master chefs across the country along with
handy kitchen tips.

 ACTIVEGAMES: Active Games is a range of interactive games for all

ages. These games can be played on television with the help of the
Tata Sky remote. The games are refreshed periodically.

 ACTIVE STAR NEWS: Active STAR News is a new-age interactive service

which puts in control of how and when one wants to watch the news.
The service presents you with four screens on a single window,
enabling you to go directly to Headlines, Top Stories or Features.

 ACTIVE DARSHAN: Get 24x7 darshan of the following temples on TV:

Shirdi Sai Baba, Mumbai’s SiddhiVinayak, ISKCON and Kashi
Vishwanath. This new service is brought to you in partnership with
STAR News.

 SHOWCASE: Watch the latest blockbusters from the comfort of home

on Tata Sky’s pay-per-view service, Showcase. All movies come with

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 33

just a single ad-break and in original print. The movies can be ordered
once and enjoyed multiple times through the day.



 To recharge and then make payment using:

Credit Cards: All MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Diners Cards

Debit Cards: Debit cards of all leading banks are accepted.

Net banking: Simply select your bank from the list of banks available


The Tata Sky helpline is another convenient way to recharge using

credit card. Call the helpline, select the ‘Recharge’ option and use ‘Pay by
Credit Card’ option.


One can now make Tata Sky payments by cheque.


Most Tata Sky dealers recharge account either by Recharge Vouchers

or make payments through a simple pin less and paperless transaction.


Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 34

Atom mobile application: The atom application for mobile phone is
used to recharge Tata Sky account


The Auto Debit facility is yet another convenient payment option. With
this facility, subscriber is ensured uninterrupted viewing of Tata Sky.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 35

Reliance BIG TV

Reliance BIG TV is a DTH satellite television provider in India based in

Navi Mumbai, using MPEG-4 digital compression technology, transmitting
using MEASAT-3. It is the 5th DTH service launched in India.

Reliance BIG TV limited is a part of Reliance Communications Ltd., a

subsidiary of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group founded by the Late
Dhirubhai Ambani, the Indian business tycoon and owned by his son Anil
Ambani. BIG TV started operations from 19 August 2008 with the slogan "TV
ho Toh BIG Ho" ("If you have a TV, make it BIG"). It currently offers close to
240 channels and many interactive ones, 32 cinema halls (i.e. Pay per View
Cinema Channels) as well as many Radio channels. The company plans to
increase the number of channels in the near future to 400 and begin High
Definition (HD) broadcast. It is the first Pan-India DTH provider that uses
MPEG-4 for broadcasting. There are also plans to introduce services like i-
Stock, i-News and other such interactive services in the future.

Reliance BIG TV's launch in August was probably the biggest roll-out in
home entertainment ever. They deployed the most advanced MPEG4

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 36

technology that enabled them to deliver best quality digital audio-video to
the consumer. That apart, it also got prepared for the future when Hi-
Definition TV will be launched in India because only MPEG4 technology can
support HD TV and not MPEG2 which is used by the earlier entrants in the
DTH industry.

The MPEG4 technology also gave them advantage of broadcasting at

least 50% more channels compared to the competitors. The superior
compression technology of MPEG4 helps them to broadcast up to 35 to 40
channels per transponder and with 12 transponders in hand gave them the
unique edge of being able to broadcast over 400 channels. They are
currently utilizing only 8 of their transponders to broadcast over 200
channels. They are offering Channels in various packages like Value Pack,
Bronze Pack, Silver Pack, Gold Pack, Diamond Pack and Platinum Pack and
Reliance BIG TV announces 3 New Packages w.e.f from 16th Feb 2010 which
are New Value Pack, Bronze Plus Pack and Silver Plus Pack.

Reliance BIG TV's retailer network is spread across 100,000 outlets in

6,500 towns in India. This was literally unheard of in the DTH industry. They
had effectively out-stripped the competition here. When it came to pricing –
packaging, their introductory offer stood at ` 1,490/- with 3 to 6 months of
free subscription. They also introduced 32 Pay-Per-View Movie Channels, the
highest by any DTH player. Not just that, while other players made
subscribers pay for each movie, Reliance BIG TV introduced the unique
concept of Subscriber-Video-On-Demand (SVOD) under which the subscriber
paid a monthly subscription of ` 50/- to get a 24 x 7 access to the 21 PPV
channels showing Hindi and Regional Films. Also the first to introduce
dedicated PPV channels for Marathi, Gujarati and Bhojpuri films.


Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 37

 First DTH with MPEG-4 technology hence can carry more number of
 Awesome picture and audio quality
 Lots of channels in base pack hence more cost effective
 Can watch 12 channels at a time on single screen
 Much better performance even if it rains


Package Name No. of Channels Package Price

Non – South South [Taxes extra]
Value Pack 101 106 ` 115
Bronze Pack 117 122 ` 135
Bronze Plus Pack 120 125 ` 150
Silver Pack 127 132 ` 180
Silver Plus Pack 131 136 ` 200
Gold Pack 139 144 ` 225
Diamond Pack 153 158 ` 270
Platinum Pack 157 162 ` 315


The HD will feature a host of hi-tech features including 200 hour

recording facility, time based recording mode of up to 14 days, and a
universal remote to control TV-DVD-Set Top Box (STB).

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 38

The company will initially roll out the HD DVR STB across top 100
Indian cities and towns supported by its distribution network and retail

Reliance Big TV has launched this unique application in association

with Reliance Money. Reliance Money has created a unique iStock zone on
Reliance BIG TV’s DTH platform. This zone will not only provide information
about Indian and international indices, currencies, commodity, stock and
market news; but also provide Reliance Big TV customers with value added
services including a unique personal portfolio management tracker.

Reliance BIG TV’s subscriber base uses its various interactive features
such as iGames, iCooking, iNews, iAstro and iSports. Though currently
offered as a “free of cost service”, as part of its long term strategy, Reliance
BIG TV may decide to monetize its interactive applications through targeted
revenue modules.

Reliance BIG TV sees big appeal for iStock application from cities and
smaller towns alike especially amongst the trading community who has
invested in markets and would like to keep a close watch on their stocks.

Reliance BIG TV’s interactive applications offer a world of exclusive

interactive features at the touch of a button on the Reliance BIG TV remote.
iStock is the latest in a bouquet of growing interactive applications under its
interactive services which include sporting action on iSports, games
application iGames, daily astro feature iAstro, recipe-rich iCooking and iNews
with the latest news updates.



Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 39

Reliance BIG TV has entered into a strategic partnership with “Oxigen”,
a premium recharge service provider to enable its customers to enjoy
uninterrupted television viewing. Customer can recharge by Oxigen’s easy
recharge option.


Customer can recharge their monthly subscriptions by logging in, click on the `Recharge’ and follow the simple instructions
on their computer screen. All they need to do is enter their Smart Card
Number and click on the submit button to proceed.


In addition, Reliance BIG TV customers can also recharge by a simple

Recharge Voucher (RCV). These vouchers are available at Reliance World &
Reliance Mobile Stores and with various dealers.


Apart from Oxigen, Reliance BIG TV’s portfolio of easy recharge options
include, Online Payment using Credit/Debit Cards or Internet Banking,
Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Mobile Mode Payment (SMS) or just calling
the toll free number 1800-200-9002.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 40

Dish TV

Dish TV is a DTH satellite television provider in India, using MPEG-2

digital compression technology, transmitting using NSS Satellite. Dish TV’s
managing director and Head of Business is Jawahar Goel who is also the
promoter of Essel Group and is also the President of Indian Broadcasting.

DTH service was launched back in 2004 by launching of Dish TV by

Essel Group's Zee Entertainment Enterprises. Dish TV is on the same satellite
where DD Direct+ is. Dish TV started its service in Pakistan with the
collaboration of Budget Communication.

Dish TV was only DTH operator in India to carry the two Turner
channels Turner Classic Movies and Boomerang. Both the channels were
removed from the platform due to unknown reasons in March 2009.

Dish TV uses NSS-6 to broadcast its programs. NSS-6 was launched on

17 December, 2002 by European-based satellite provider, New Skies. Dish
TV hopped on to NSS-6 from an INSAT satellite in July 2004. The change in
the satellite was to increase the channel offering as NSS 6 offered more

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 41

transponder capacity. The main provider for this service is now Dish

Dish TV is available across the country and adjacent countries like

Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Gulf Countries, Bangladesh & Pakistan.


Dish TV has tied up with employment service provider

and matrimonial website and for providing value
added services to its customers

Dish TV is planning to launch conditional access modules (CAM) which

will allow consumers owning set-top-box of other operators to switch to Dish
TV’s feed of television channels, a person from a broadcast company with
knowledge of the development said. CAM is a small gadget than can be
inserted in the set-top-box and enables the consumers to shift from one DTH
service provider to another without buying a new set top box. DTH players
currently subsidize the set-top-box to get on board a new subscriber hoping
to make money over a longer period through monthly fees.

DISH TV also facilitates recording of two programs simultaneously.

With the help of DVRs, it is possible to record two programs while you watch
the third on TV. So the biggest bonanza comes when one’s favorite show
gets recorded quickly on a secured basis while there is not a point of scope
to miss watching the third one. The satellite TV is equipped with integrated
DVR systems, two TV outputs and dual tuners to facilitate such a fantastic
action. These devices enable endless hours of digitally enriched video

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Another specified feature is that it can be viewed on smart phones. The
latest technology has made it possible for anyone to watch it on one’s smart
phones which are categorized as iPods and I-Phones. It helps to view TV even
while we are travelling.


Package Name No. of channels Package price

Rest of South
Silver 160+ 146+ ` 125
Silver Saver 169+ 150+ ` 150
Gold 188+ 171+ ` 210
Gold Saver 195+ 178+ ` 270
Platinum 214+ 200+ ` 325
Child 214+ 200+ ` 170



Subscriber can recharge by logging into the web site

Recharge now under the Login section on the homepage. Follow only three
easy steps to make the recharge. Enter Viewing Card or Mobile Number.
Select Credit/Debit Card or Net Banking or ITZ Card as payment option.


 Check/Drop Box

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 43

 Easy Bill
 DD/Pay Order
 Money Order
 Mobile Recharge
 Recharge it now
 Net Banking
 Credit Card on IVR
 Credit Card Standing Instruction
 Credit Card online
 Prepaid Card

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 44

Airtel digital TV

Airtel Digital TV is the brand name for Bharti Airtel's DTH (Direct to
Home) service in India. It uses MPEG-4 digital compression with DVB-S2
technology, transmitting using INSAT 4CR. Airtel digital TV service was
launched on 8 October, 2008.

Airtel digital TV’s standard definition broadcasts are in MPEG-4 with

Interactive Service (itv) and 7-day EPG (electronic program guide).
Interactive Service (itv) of Airtel digital TV includes an add-on service which
allows a user to shop, book movie tickets etc. A universal remote is included
in the package which can, over IR frequencies control both the TV and the
DTH box. Like other DTH service providers it also provides a Video on
demand interactive service which includes a catalogue of movies in Hindi,
English and other regional languages which can be ordered on demand.

FEATURES OF Airtel Digital TV

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 45

Generally most Direct-To-Home setup box don’t work in bad weathers
like rainy times but Airtel’s set top box is 20% bigger than other providers to
make sure the service is not interrupted and the subscribers can continue
enjoying their TV shows. You can watch onscreen account details, book
cinema tickets, browse & travel holiday packages, make tele-shopping, get
city based information guides and also get the stock updates using widgets
along with Worldspace radio content, which makes Airtel Digital TV superior
than other providers because they offer seriously extra features which others
don’t offer.


 Universal remote – that works for both Set Top Box and TV
 Highest Set Top Box memory – meaning more interactive applications
 World space Radio – integrated satellite radio for music fans
 Interactive applications – iMatinee (Book cinema tickets), iTravel (book
travel packages), iShop (Shop on TV), iCity (Get city information)
 High quality games – refreshed every 6 weeks
 Audio gain control – ensures uniform audio levels across all channels
 On screen account meter – keep track of monthly expenses
 Last viewed channel – restored after power disruption/switch off
 Low battery indicator – Time to recharge


Airtel digital TV, the DTH service from Bharti Airtel, has launched a set
top box which enables TV recording through a mobile phone from anywhere.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 46

The Airtel digital TV recorder connects the mobile to the TV. Customers
need to send an SMS from a registered mobile number which is linked to an
Airtel digital TV account. They can then download the mobile recording
application. Using their customer ID and password they can log in and record
shows using any mobile Java and GPRS enabled handset.

Shop on Airtel DTH via iShop

Subscribers will be able to place orders through iShop's call center

without stepping out of their homes. India Times Shopping has launched the
shopping facility on Airtel's DTH interactive services platform under the
brand name 'iShop.' iShop will function as a real-time 24-hour shopping
channel on television. With iShop, subscribers will be able to purchase
electronic items, mobile phones, apparels and accessories, books and
magazines, gifts and flowers, and health and beauty products. This facility
will allow users various payment options like cash on delivery, cheque, and
credit card.

Internet facility

 Magic @ Home Value: 139 channels are provided for a rent of ` 999 per
month. Movies worth ` 150 for first three months are given. Broadband
of speed 256 kbps is provided with unlimited data transfer and Airtel
 Magic @ Home 384: 139 channels are provided for ` 1299 per month.
Movies worth ` 150 for first three months are given. Broadband of
speed 384 kbps with unlimited data transfer can be utilized through
this plan.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 47

 Magic @ Home Turbo: 139 channels are provided for a rent of ` 1499
per month. Movies worth ` 150 for first three months are given.
Broadband of speed 512 kbps in day, 1 mbps at night is provided with
unlimited data transfer. Value added services like Airtel mail, PC
Secure, Speed on Demand and unlimited gaming are also made
 Magic @ Home Freedom 1 mb: 139 channels are provided for a rent of
` 1899 per month. Movies worth ` 150 for first three months are
provided. Broadband of speed 1 mbps is provided with unlimited data
transfer. Value added services like Airtel mail, PC Secure, Speed on
Demand and unlimited gaming are also made available.


Package Name No. of channels Package price[Monthly]

[Taxes extra]
Rest of India South Rest of South
Super Value Pack 93 93 ` 115 ` 110
New Value Pack 108 - ` 145 -
Economy Pack 139 138 ` 200 ` 200
Mega Pack 159 154 ` 275 ` 275
Ultra Pack 167 164 ` 330 ` 345


 Recharge by IVR: Subscriber can simply call to the toll free number
1800 102 8080 or 020-40181400 (tolled) from any of Registered
Telephone Numbers.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 48

 Subscriber chooses account recharge from the Menu option. Select the
denomination amount for payment / recharge and enter credit card
details for to debit the amount toward the services subscription.
 Recharge on the web: Subscriber can recharge instantly from website.
To do this, first need to register on website with
Customer ID. Subscriber will be given a secured login ID and password.
 Customers have the following online payment options any of the
following banks to directly transfer amount from the bank account

➢ State Bank of India

➢ AXIS Bank
➢ State Bank of Indore
➢ Punjab National Bank
➢ ABN Amro
➢ IndusInd Bank
➢ Union Bank of India
➢ Kotak Mahindra Bank
➢ Bank of Baroda
➢ State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
➢ State Bank of Patiala
➢ Bank of India
 Recharge through Airtel mobile: Airtel digital TV presents an easy and
secure way to recharge DTH account. Here subscriber can make
recharge payments from Airtel mobile phone anytime, anywhere
through the interactive mCheck application.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 49


DTH Industry in India: Past, Present and Future

India has a total television population of close to 135 million, out of

which 80% have access to cable and satellite (i.e. 108 million). The total DTH
subscribers are close to 22 million. Thus the DTH has a market share of
approximately 20%. The subscriber base for DTH in 2006 was meager 1
million. Now for an industry which is just 5 years old, it is a great

Let’s have a look at how the DTH industry has grown in these 5 years.
In 2005 Dish TV was the only player in the DTH industry and was registering
subscriber growth mainly in the areas where cable TV was not available. The
subscribers were not ready for the cost of set top box. In 2007 CAS mandate
was introduced in selected metro cities, where users had to invest in a set
top box.

Though the initiative was not very successful, it gave a wider

acceptance to the DTH and consumer became ready to pay for the set top
box. Spotting the opportunity Sun Direct launched its services in 2007 with a
drastically low onetime cost involved for DTH subscriber. Followed by this
Reliance and Air-Tel and Videocon launched their services. The market
became competitive. Every player came with innovative offerings. Dish TV
offered Movie on Demand free worth the cost of set top box, Air-Tel and Big
TV offered free subscription for first few months etc. All these things were

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 50

coupled with aggressive marketing campaigns. Tata Sky gained the
maximum subscribers during this period.

Today the market shares of various players are as follows

 Dish TV: 30%

 Sun Direct: 25%
 Tata Sky: 22%
 BIG TV: 13%
 Airtel : 8%
 Videocon D2H : 2%
So where is the real growth happening for the DTH industry? Is it the
urban areas or rural? Though DTH is comparatively expensive than cable
service, the growth is coming from the rural area. If we see statistics the
growth for the digital segment in rural areas were 34%, 49% and 64% in the
past three years. (Source: - TAM Annual Universe Update –2010). The growth
in the rural segment can be attributed to frequent power cuts in the rural
areas. DTH platform gives the rural consumer access to their favorite
programs, with the help of generator/ invertors, which is not possible with
the cable service in most of the areas.

Though DTH has certain advantages such as better picture/ sound quality,
better customer service. It also has a disadvantage of price. The DTH player
have to pay various taxes such as Adjusted gross receipts @ 10%, service
tax @ 12.36%,VAT @ 12.5%,CST@3%,corporate tax, Excise duty@ 16%,
Customs duty, CVD ,customs duty etc. Whereas the local cable operators
easily get away with government taxes by underreporting the subscriber
base. Thus gaining a clear cost advantage. The regulator should take a note
for the same and provide regulations for the same.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 51

At the same time in Indian market “One size fits all” strategy doesn’t work
for long. So, the DTH players have to design packages suitable for rural
consumers enable them to enjoy the digital content.

The DTH industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 24% .The

future of DTH industry will largely depend on innovative marketing tactics
adopted by the DTH players. The stage is all set for DTH industry. Let the
real game begin.

What is a CUSTOMER?

In general terms, a customer is a person or organization that a

marketer believes will benefit from the goods and services offered by the
marketer’s organization. As this definition suggests, a customer is not
necessarily someone who is currently purchasing from the marketer.

In fact, customers may fall into one of three customer groups:

 Existing Customers: Consists of customers who have purchased or

otherwise used an organization’s goods or services, typically within a
designated period of time. For some organizations the time frame may
be short, for instance, a coffee shop may only consider someone to be
an Existing Customer if they have purchased within the last three
months. Other organizations may view someone as an Existing
Customer even though they have not purchased in the last few years.
Existing Customers are by far the most important of the three
customer groups since they have a current relationship with a

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 52

company and, consequently, they give a company a reason to remain
in contact with them. Additionally, Existing Customers also represent
the best market for future sales, especially if they are satisfied with the
relationship they presently have with the marketer
 Former Customers: This group consists of those who have formerly had
relations with the marketing organization typically through a previous
purchase. However, the marketer no longer feels the customer is an
Existing Customer either because they have not purchased from the
marketer within a certain time frame or through other indications. The
value of this group to a marketer will depend on whether the
customer’s previous relationship was considered satisfactory to the
customer or the marketer. For instance, a Former Customer who felt
they were not treated well by the marketer will be more difficult to
persuade to buy again compared to a Former Customer who liked the
marketer but decided to buy from someone else who had a similar
product that was priced lower.
 Potential Customers: The third category of customers includes those
who have yet to purchase but possess what the marketer believes are
the requirements to eventually become Existing Customers. The
requirements to become a customer include such issues as having a
need for a product, possessing the financial means to buy, and having
the authority to make a buying decision. Locating Potential Customers
is an ongoing process for two reasons. First, Existing Customers may
become Former Customers and, thus, must be replaced by new
customers. Second, while we noted above that Existing Customers are
the best source for future sales, it is new customers that are needed in
order for a business to significantly expand. In order to realize stronger
growth the company may seek to sell their products in other countries
where Potential Customers may be quite high.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 53

For most organizations understanding customers is the key to success
while not understanding them is a recipe for failure. It is so important that
the constant drive to satisfy customers is not only a concern for those
responsible for carrying out marketing tasks; satisfying customers is a
concern of everyone in the entire organization.

Who is The CUSTOMER?

Every person who enters the business is a potential customer. Even

though they may not purchase something today, they may purchase
something tomorrow. What a salesperson needs is a better way of
determining who the customer really is. One way of doing this is by
understanding the steps of the buying and selling process and then
determining where the customer is in this process at the moment the
salesperson greets him.

“AIDA” the selling process, originally conceived as a guide for the

creator of good advertising copy. AIDA is a memory device standing for:

 A -- Attention
 I -- Interest
 D -- Desire
 A -- Action
If an advertisement follows these principles, then first it secures the
reader's attention, which arouses interest, creating a desire to take action to
purchase the advertised product. Shoppers are at some point in this selling
process when they enter the store. Salespeople who can recognize at which

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 54

step of the process the customer is when they meet him can accurately
classify the customer and use the information to help make the sale.

Consider the three basic types of customers and at what step they are in
the selling process.

 Customers who know what they want.

 Customers who do not know exactly what they want but have a need.
 Customers who do not know if they want or need anything.

Customer for DTH service

DTH is related to TV viewers so customer for DTH services are from all
ages groups from children to working peoples (male/female) to old age
peoples .Viewers like children uses DTH service to see cartoons movies
coming in their favorite channels, young’s peoples like to watch sports, news
movies etc. Old age people like to see religious and religious channel all are
provided with best clarity sound feature by DTH. Also the value added
service provided by DTH also is an added advantage for using DTH services.
Usage of DTH is not limited to a particular age group and so the target
customer for DTH services is huge.


The degree to which customer expectations of a product or service are

met or exceeded Corporate and individual customers may have widely
differing reasons for purchasing a product or service and therefore any

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 55

measurement of satisfaction will need to be able to take into account such
differences. The quality of after-sales service can also be a crucial factor in
influencing any purchasing decision. More and more companies are striving,
not just for customer satisfaction, but for customer delight, that extra bit of
added value that may lead to increased customer loyalty. Any extra added
value, however, will need to be carefully cost.

Satisfaction is an overall psychological state that reflects the

evaluation of a relationship between the customer/consumer and a
company-environment-product-service. Satisfaction involves of the following
three psychological elements: cognitive (thinking/evaluation), affective
(emotional/feeling), and behavioral.


Expectations are beliefs (likelihood or probability) that a

product/service (containing certain attributes, features or characteristics) will
produce certain outcomes (benefits-values) given certain anticipated levels
of performance based on previous affective, cognitive, and behavioral
experiences. Expectations are often seen as related to satisfaction and can
be measured as follows:

 IMPORTANCE: Value of the product/service fulfilling the expectation.

of the product/service.
 FULFILLMENT OF EXPECTATIONS: The expected level of performance
vs. the desired expectations. This is “Predictive Fulfillment” and is a

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 56

respondent specific index of the performance level necessary to
 EXPECTED VALUE FROM USE: Satisfaction is often determined by the
frequency of use. If a product/service is not used as often as expected,
the result may not be as satisfying as anticipated. For example a
Harley Davidson that sits in the garage, an unused year subscription to
the local fitness center/gym, or a little used season pass to a ski resort
would produce more dissatisfaction with the decision to purchase than
with the actual product/service.

Need of Organizations Focus on Customer Satisfaction

Businesses monitor customer satisfaction in order to determine how to

increase their Customer base, customer loyalty, revenue, profits, market
share and survival. Although greater profit is the primary driver, exemplary
businesses focus on the customer and his/her experience with the
organization. They work to make their customers happy and see customer
satisfaction as the key to survival and profit. Customer satisfaction in turn
hinges on the quality and effects of their experiences and the goods or
services they receive.

SATISFACTION for DTH customers

DTH service provider tries to satisfy its customer by giving its best of
best facilities to its user then that of the service given by the cable user.
There are lots of incapability’s of cable to its user which the DTH try to fulfill
like excellent service. Its good and new development in the world of TV

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 57

technology .It has mpeg 4 technology with recording feature. So one can
record your favorite program and can watch it later.

Customer care

DTH provider gives 24X7 customer service to its user. Its toll free
customer care numbers where you can solve your problem with one free call.
If you want movie on demand or want to change your plan then you can do it
with one single call.

Easy recharge options

There are various form of recharge option are available to its user. One
can choice recharges coupons or online recharge or through mobile can
recharge its monthly subscription. In villages availability of recharge coupons
are very easy that’s why DTH user is increasing in rural areas also.

Different Channel Package

DTH provides it’s user a wide range package offer to choice. Customer
only needs to pay what they wish to see. DTH provides package with
discount rate to a premium rate to fit accordingly the paying ability of its

Value Added service

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 58

Value added services are a term that is used to refer to service options
that are complimentary to but also ancillary to a core service offering. The
term is utilized widely in a number of industries, most notably
telecommunications, DTH. Value added services are often introduced to
customers after the client has purchased the core service that these ancillary
offerings center around.

In some instances, a value added service is something extra that is

provided to a customer at no additional charge. At other times, the ancillary
service is offered to an existing customer as an added service that is
available for a modest additional fee. The actual pricing structure for value
added services will usually depend on whether the providers sees the
services as amenities that are intended to create a stronger rapport with
customers or as an additional revenue stream.

Value added services provide advantages for both the customer and
the service provider. Customers have the opportunity to receive something
above and beyond their basic needs. Providers benefit from the increased
rapport with the client that is likely to translate into a more consistent flow of
revenue. These additional custom services often cost the provider little to
nothing to provide, yet have the potential to enhance the growth and the
reputation of the company significantly.

Value Added services provided by DTH

The DTH subscriber market in India has seen an accelerated growth

and crossed approximately nine million subscribers. In a short span of time,
the entry of multiple players has increased the competition. It became

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 59

important for DTH provider to give extra to its user to get a competitive edge
over others. DTH players are now coming up with new value added service
for its customer not to retain its existing customer but also to attract new

With improvement technology DTH player are able to come up with

new added service which can be enjoyed by the customer. The various value
added service provided by different players:

 Active English, Active Mall, Active Wizkids, Active Learning, Active

Cooking, Active Games, Active Star News, Showcase
 iStock, iGames, iCooking, iNews, iAstro and iSports, Live Recording up
to 200 hours
 Easy access,,, conditional access
modules (CAM), facilitates recording of two programs simultaneously,
can be viewed on smart phones like i-phone
 iShop, Internet Facility, Recording of live program for mobile

Customer Care service

Customer care can be defined as the ability of an organization to meet

the customer wants and needs. Without the proper customer service
business cannot shine and it would be faded away soon. Hence, business
needs to provide an excellent customer support in order to withstand among
the competitors. It is the ability of an organization to exceed the
expectations of the customer constantly and consistently. To achieve this,
one perspective towards the idea of customer service has to be changed. To
exceed the expectations, one should know what the expectations are. To
identify each and every aspect of the customer on your product or service.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 60

Importance of customer care

According to the many business guru's and to many more successful

companies, the key to success lies not only in having a good product, but
also in being able to provide the customer with the level of service they
desire. After all Sales are vital to business, so one should take care of its
customer. Its help to maximize to increase the sale and also help to retain
and attract customer. A poor customer service will cause to lose its existing
customer on whom so many money is been spent and also gives bad
impression and unable to gain new customer. Organization need a reliable
flexible way of managing its customers and a way which can help to gain
information on the service the business is delivering. Once these examples
of good customer care are established one can ensure that entire
organization follows it to be an excellent customer care system.

Support Service provided by DTH

Different DTH player provides support to its customer by providing toll

free number so that any problem regarding the service can be informed to
the company and requisite action can be taken to solve the problem. All DTH
players provides its customer toll free no. to lodge their complains and

What is DTH service?

The Direct-To-Home (DTH) service is a digital satellite service that

provides television services direct to subscribers anywhere in the country.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 61

Since it makes use of wireless technology, programs are sent to the
subscriber's television direct from the satellite eliminating the need for
cables and any cable infrastructure This is particularly valuable in remote
and difficult to reach areas where cable and in many cases, terrestrial
television services are poor or nonexistent. DTH services also provide the
finest of picture and sound quality which is considered to be second to none
worldwide. Now surround sound, home theaters, live concerts and daily
television programming are all delivered to your home with the same quality
as any modern movie theater.

How does DTH work?

A DTH network consists of a broadcasting center, satellites, encoders,

multiplexers, modulators and DTH receivers.

A DTH service provider has to lease Ku-band transponders from the

satellite. The encoder converts the audio, video and data signals into the
digital format and the multiplexer mixes these signals. At the user end, there
will be a small dish antenna and set-top boxes to decode and view numerous
channels. On the user's end, receiving dishes can be as small as 45 cm in

DTH is an encrypted transmission that travels to the consumer directly

through a satellite. DTH transmission is received directly by the consumer at
his end through the small dish antenna. A set-top box, unlike the regular
cable connection, decodes the encrypted transmission.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 62

How does DTH really differ from cable TV?

The way DTH reaches a consumer's home is different from the way
cable TV does. In DTH, TV channels would be transmitted from the satellite
to a small dish antenna mounted on the window or rooftop of the
subscriber's home. So the broadcaster directly connects to the user. The
middlemen like local cable operators are not there in the picture.

DTH can also reach the remotest of areas since it does away with the
intermediate step of a cable operator and the wires (cables) that come from
the cable operator to the house. As explained above, in DTH signals directly
come from the satellite to DTH dish.

In DTH one can choose what he likes and only pay for what he/she
wants to watch. It is not an all or nothing proposition like most cable.

Premium Channels, according to customer choice, selectable anytime

by a simple call to the Customer Service Center.

Advanced Viewing Control Features like the Electronic Program Guide

(EPG) which provides the user with the current and next program on all
channels, Parental Lock which safeguards its children’s viewing options, and
Pre-booked Pay-Per-View and Impulse Pay-Per-View – Watch that boxing or
golf match, horse racing or Olympic events you have been waiting to see – in
the comfort of home.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 63



Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or any

systematic investigation to establish facts. The primary purpose for applied
research (as opposed to basic research) is discovering, interpreting, and the
development of methods and systems for the advancement of human
knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the
universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so.

Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a

harnessing of curiosity. This research provides scientific information and
theories for the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world
around us. It makes practical applications possible. Scientific research is
funded by public authorities, by charitable organizations and by private
groups, including many companies. Scientific research can be subdivided
into different classifications according to their academic and application

Research processes

Generally, research is understood to follow a certain structural process.

Though step order may vary depending on the subject matter and
researcher, the following steps are usually part of most formal research, both
basic and applied:

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 64

 Formation of the topic
 Hypothesis
 Conceptual definitions
 Operational definition
 Gathering of data
 Analysis of data
 Test, revising of hypothesis
 Conclusion, iteration if necessary
A common misunderstanding is that by this method a hypothesis can
be proven or tested. Generally a hypothesis is used to make predictions that
can be tested by observing the outcome of an experiment. If the outcome is
inconsistent with the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is rejected. However, if
the outcome is consistent with the hypothesis, the experiment is said to
support the hypothesis. This careful language is used because researchers
recognize that alternative hypotheses may also be consistent with the
observations. In this sense, a hypothesis can never be proven, but rather
only supported by surviving rounds of scientific testing and, eventually,
becoming widely thought of as true (or better, predictive), but this is not the
same as it having been proven. A useful hypothesis allows prediction and
within the accuracy of observation of the time, the prediction will be verified.
As the accuracy of observation improves with time, the hypothesis may no
longer provide an accurate prediction. In this case a new hypothesis will
arise to challenge the old, and to the extent that the new hypothesis makes
more accurate predictions than the old, the new will supplant it.

Research methods

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 65

The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge, which
takes three main forms (although, as previously discussed, the boundaries
between them may be obscure):

 Exploratory research: which structures and identifies new problems

 Constructive research: which develops solutions to a problem
 Empirical research: which tests the feasibility of a solution using
empirical evidence

Research can also fall into two distinct types:

 Primary research
 Secondary research
In social sciences and later in other disciplines, the following two
research methods can be applied, depending on the properties of the subject
matter and on the objective of the research:

 Qualitative research
 Quantitative research
Research is often conducted using the hourglass model Structure of
Research. The hourglass model starts with a broad spectrum for research,
focusing in on the required information through the methodology of the
project (like the neck of the hourglass), then expands the research in the
form of discussion and results.


Primary research (also called field research) involves the collection of

data that does not already exist. This can be through numerous forms,
including questionnaires and telephone interviews amongst others. This

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 66

information may be collected in things like questionnaires and interviews.
The term is widely used in market research and competitive intelligence.
May be very expensive because many people need to be confronted. By the
time the research is complete it may be out of date. People may have to be
employed or avoid their primary duties for the duration of the research.
People may not reply if emails or letters are used.


Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the

current status of the phenomena to describe "what exists" with respect to
variables or conditions in a situation. The methods involved range from the
survey which describes the status quo, the correlation study which
investigates the relationship between variables, to developmental studies
which seek to determine changes over time.

 Statement of the problem

 Identification of information needed to solve the problem
 Identification of target population and determination of sampling
 Design of procedure for information collection
 Collection of information
 Analysis of information
 Generalizations and/or predictions

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 67

Descriptive research designs include the following

 Simple descriptive
 Comparative descriptive
 Correlational

A simple descriptive research design is used when data are collected

to describe persons, organizations, settings, or phenomena. For example, a
researcher administers a survey to a random sample of teachers in the state
in order to describe the characteristics of the state’s population of teachers.

With a comparative descriptive design, the researcher describes two or

more groups of participants. For example, a researcher administers a
questionnaire to three groups of teachers about their classroom practices.
The researcher chooses the three schools because the schools vary in terms
of the amount of professional development that they provide to teachers.

A correlational research design is used to describe the statistical

association between two or more variables. For example, a researcher
measures the student-teacher ratio in each classroom in a school district and
measures the average student achievement on the state assessment in each
of these same classrooms. Next the researcher uses statistical techniques to
measure whether the student-teacher ratio and student achievement in the
school district are connected numerically; for example, when the student-
teacher ratio changes in value, so does student achievement. The researcher

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 68

can then use the student-teacher ratio to predict student achievement, a
technique called regression analysis. When there is more than one predictor
variable, the technique of multiple regression analysis produces a multiple
correlation that is used for prediction.

Descriptive research can be either quantitative or qualitative. It can

involve collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a
continuum in numerical form, such as scores on a test or the number of
times a person chooses to use a-certain feature of a multimedia program, or
it can describe categories of information such as gender or patterns of
interaction when using technology in a group situation. Descriptive research
involves gathering

data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and
describes the data collection. It often uses visual aids such as graphs and
charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. Because the
human mind cannot extract the full import of a large mass of raw data,
descriptive statistics are very important in reducing the data to manageable
form. When in-depth, narrative descriptions of small numbers of cases are
involved, the research uses description as a tool to organize data into
patterns that emerge during analysis. Those patterns aid the mind in
comprehending a qualitative study and its implications.

Most quantitative research falls into two areas: studies that describe
events and studies aimed at discovering inferences or causal relationships.
Descriptive studies are aimed at finding out "what is" so observational and
survey methods are frequently used to collect descriptive data. Studies of
this type might describe the current state of multimedia usage in schools or
patterns of activity resulting from group work at the computer.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 69

Descriptive statistics utilize data collection and analysis techniques
that yield reports concerning the measures of central tendency, variation,
and correlation. The combination of its characteristic summary and
correlational statistics, along with its focus on specific types of research
questions, methods, and outcomes is what distinguishes descriptive research
from other research types.

Three main purposes of research are to describe, explain, and validate

findings. Description emerges following creative exploration, and serves to
organize the findings in order to fit them with explanations, and then test or
validate those explanations.

The Nature of Descriptive Research

The descriptive function of research is heavily dependent on

instrumentation for measurement and observation. Since descriptive
research spans both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, it brings the
ability to describe events in greater or less depth as needed, to focus on
various elements of different research techniques, and to engage
quantitative statistics to organize information in meaningful ways.
Descriptive studies can yield rich data that lead to important

Methods of Data collection for descriptive Research

The methods of collecting data for descriptive research can be

employed singly or in various combinations, depending on the research
questions at hand. Descriptive research often calls upon quasi-experimental

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 70

research design. Some of the common data collection methods applied to
questions within the realm of descriptive research includes surveys,
interviews, observations, and portfolios.

Methods of data collection are

 Survey Techniques: Structured questions to assess people’s beliefs,

attitudes, and self-reports of behavior. If the researcher wishes to
generalize the responses to a population, it is important to have a
representative sample. Surveys that rely on self-selection produce
non-generalizable results. Surveys also provide information for
correlational research. One can correlate responses to some questions
(often demographic questions) with responses to other questions
(often attitudes or reports of behavior). Survey question must be clear
and unambiguous. Even if the questions are unambiguous and non-
leading, people may display a social desirability bias and give positive
or socially acceptable and desirable answers. Survey methods include:
(1) the interview or face-to-face method which is generally viewed as
the best method for obtaining a high rate of responses but is also very
costly; (2) phone surveys, which are less expensive but have a higher
non-response rate; and (3) written or mail surveys, which are least
expensive but have a very high non-response rate. Follow-up
messages can help increase the response rate.
 Questionnaires: A questionnaire is a tool to collect the data. It is very
helpful to study behavior, past and present. Demographic
characteristic such as age, sex, income, occupation. Attitude and

Steps involve in developing a questionnaire

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 71

 Determine the Objectives: What is to be finding out should be
ascertained and following this the questionnaire should be to set. This
is a very important step in whole process because if the objective is
not properly defined then the data and result obtain won’t give any
right suggestion or advice.
 Delimiting the Sample: The size of the sample should be determined
from whom the information is to be obtain. Very large sample or too
small sample size will lead to error in result. Therefore sample size
should be optimum so as to maximize the information.
 Constructing the Questionnaire: When people first attempt to build
questionnaires they quickly discover that questions that appear clear
to them are often open to many different interpretations. It is a time
consuming task and once again need to consider how to plan and
analyze the possible responses. The format of the questionnaire must
consider the most appropriate format:
➢ Open-Ended Questions allow the responder a variety of response
options. The good part is that responders are free to say what
they like. The bad part is that they take more time to answer and
are tougher to analyze.
➢ Closed Questions direct responders to certain choices among
provided options. Responders are asking to rank order choices,
select a score on a scale, or respond to provided categories. The
wording of the questions, and the length and appearance of the
questionnaire requires careful consideration to maximize the

 Conducting a Pilot Study: A pilot study is an essential first step.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 72

 Cover Letters: Many questionnaires will not be returned. Some people
will discard them immediately upon receipt because they feel they
don’t have time. Others will look at the length or the type of
information requested and then ignores or discards. The cover letter
include with the questionnaire creates a first impression and may sway
whether or not get a return. A brief, grammatically well written letter
outlining clearly why one is requesting assistance may keep the
questionnaire out of the discard pile (at least for the time being!).
Usually, the cover letter will include a requested date to receive the
 Sending the Questionnaire: Sending the questionnaire through mail
helps to reach a large number of respondents throughout the country.
Some questions which cannot be answered immediately and needs
some thinking on part of respondent, this method is the best way to
get answer in proper way. It saves cost, personal and sensitive
questions are well answered.
 Follow up: Response rates are typically much lower than expected.
Some types of questionnaires with certain samples might elicit much
higher than average responses. A 50% response rate is often as good
as it gets. To increase responses many researchers develop a system
of follow-ups. These might begin with a postcard reminder, then be
followed up with another questionnaire, and finally - if the response is
vital - with a phone call. When response rates are extremely low (10-
20%), the value of the findings is highly questionable.
 Analyzing the Results and Preparing the Report: Once the
questionnaires have been returned with a satisfactory response rate,
the data must be analyzed and reported. Most often descriptive
statistics (means, medians, modes, %, demographic data etc.) will be
used. Remember however, that methods of analysis will of course have
been decided in the planning phase of the study. To a great extent, the

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 73

nature of the discussion section in r study will depend on the results

The Delphi Method

The Delphi method is a systematic, interactive forecasting method

which relies on a panel of experts. The Delphi technique is another way of
obtaining group input for ideas and problem-solving. Unlike the nominal
group process, the Delphi does not require face-to-face participation. It uses
a series of carefully designed questionnaires interspersed with information
summaries and feedback from preceding responses.

In a planning situation, the Delphi can be used to:

 Develop a number of alternatives;

 Assess the social and economic impacts of rapids community growth;
 Explore underlying assumptions or background information leading to
different judgments;
 Seek out information on which agreement may later be generated;
 Correlate informed judgments on a subject involving many disciplines;
 Educate respondents on the diverse and interrelated elements of a
The Delphi begins with the initial development of a questionnaire
focusing on the identified problem. An appropriate respondent group is
selected, and then the questionnaire is mailed to them. Each participant
answers the questionnaire independently and returns it. The initiators of the
questionnaire summarize responses, and then develop a feedback summary
and a second questionnaire for the same respondent group. After reviewing
the feedback summary, respondents independently rate priority ideas
included in the second questionnaire, then mail back the responses. The

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 74

process is repeated until investigators feel positions are firm and agreement
on a topic is reached.


TABLE I: People aware of DTH Services

Option Total response Percentage

Aware 134 26.8
Not aware 366 73.2


Many people still do not aware of DTH services. They do not know what
DTH stands for or what the service is exactly providing to the customers. We
found that many people recognized DTH only when it was mentioned as Tata
Sky/Dish TV/Big TV. As shown above only 26.8% respondents are aware of
the DTH service or what DTH stands for.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 75

TABLE II: People using DTH service

Option Total response Percentage

DTH users 197 39.4
Cable users 303 60.6


The DTH penetration is 39.4% while Cable connection still captured as

large as 60.6% of the market*. With this growing rate DTH can capture 50%
of the market by 2012.

*Based on 500 random samples.

TABLE III: The DTH services and their users

Options Total response Percentage

Airtel Digital TV 32 16.2
Dish TV 15 7.6
Reliance Big TV 37 18.8
Sun DTH 36 18.3
Tata Sky 71 36.0
Videocon D2H 4 2.0
DD Direct 2 1.0

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 76


Tata Sky is leading the market with 36%, followed by Reliance Big TV
18.8%, Sun DTH 18.3%, and Airtel Digital TV with 16.2%.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 77

TABLE IV: Reason for choosing the service

Option Total response Percentage

Good picture & sound quality 83 42.1
Poor cable service 50 25.4
Flexible package offer 52 26.4
Compatibility with TV sets 12 6.1


Majority of people (42.1%) choose DTH services for the better picture
and sound quality provided as compared to normal cable connection.
Flexible channel packages of DTH service (26.4%) and poor cable service
(25.4%) are also a major reason for opting DTH.

TABLE V: Source of awareness

Option Total response Percentage

Newspapers & magazines 48 24.4
Advertisements on TV, 104 52.8
Radio etc.
Friends & family 39 19.8
Internet 6 3.0

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 78


The advertisements on TV, radio is the major source for promoting and
creating awareness for DTH with 52.8% response, followed by
advertisements on published media with 24.4% and friends & family
reference with 19.8%.

TABLE VI: Users of the Value Added services

Option Total response Percentage

Yes 43 21.8
No 115 58.4
Rarely 39 19.8


A large number of people, 58.4% are not using the value added
services provided by the DTH companies. 19.8% people rarely uses the
services. Only 21.8% are using the services currently.

TABLE VII: Packages using

Option Total response Percentage

South India packs 156 79.2
Rest of India packs 41 20.8

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 79


79.2% people are using the South India Channels Packages and 20.8%
go for the Rest of India Channel Packages.

TABLE VIII: Customers’ satisfaction with the packages

Option Total response Percentage

Yes 114 57.9
No 30 15.2
To some extent 48 24.4
Can't say 5 2.5


57.9% people are satisfied with the number of channels they are
getting with the subscribed packages, while 15.2% people are not satisfied
and 24.4% are satisfied to a certain extent but want some additional

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 80

TABLE IX: Customer Care rating

Option Total response Percentage

Excellent 32 16.2
Good 104 52.8
Average 57 28.9
Poor 4 2.0


More than half of people are satisfied with the Customer Care service
of the DTH players. 52.8% rated it as good while 16.2% rated the services as
excellent, i.e. a total of 69% are fully satisfied with the services.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 81

TABLE X: DTH account recharging mode

Option Total response Percentage

Recharge coupons 124 62.9
Online recharge 70 35.5
Mobile recharge 3 1.5


The main mode of recharge the DTH account is the recharge coupons
with 62.9%. 35.5% people go for the online recharge option.

TABLE XI: Availability of recharge coupons

Option Total response Percentage

Excellent 17 8.6
Good 67 34.0
Average 71 36.0
Poor 42 21.3


Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 82

The availability of recharge coupons are not good in many localities
and customers find it little inconvenient.

TABLE XII: Technologies desired

Option Total response Percentage

Internet with DTH 59 29.9
Universal remote 98 49.7
No set top box 15 7.6
Recording 25 12.7


Almost half of the people (49.7%) want a Universal Remote with their
DTH connection. While 29.9% people want internet connection with their
DTH connection and 12.7% want the recording feature with the DTH.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 83

TABLE XIII: Overall rating for DTH

Option Total response Percentage

Excellent 18 9.1
Good 128 65.0
Average 42 21.3
Poor 9 4.6


Majority of customers are satisfied with the overall performance of the

DTH players.

TABLE XIV: Reason for using cable

Option Total response Percentage

Low monthly rental 129 42.6
Number of local channels 77 25.4
Frequent airing of local 48 15.8
No or very less installation 49 16.2

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 84


42.6% people subscribing the normal cable connection for low monthly
rental. And 25.4% want to go for the number of local channels provided by
the cable operator. While 15.8% are using cable for the airing of local movies
and 16.2% are using it because of the free installation or in some cases a
minimal charge.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 85

TABLE XV: Satisfaction with the provided channels

Option Total response Percentage

Yes 139 45.9
No 66 21.8
To some extent 85 28.0
Can’t say 13 4.3


Most of the people (46.9%) are satisfied with the channels provided by
the cable operator. While 28.0% want some extra channels and 21.8% are
not satisfied at all.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 86

TABLE XVI: Users of digital set top box with cable connection

Option Total response Percentage

Yes 105 34.7
No 198 65.3


65.3% are not using any Digital Set Top Box with the cable connection
and the remaining 34.7% are using it.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 87

TABLE XVII: Satisfaction with customer care of cable operator

Option Total response Percentage

Excellent 14 4.6
Good 142 46.9
Average 115 37.9
Poor 32 10.6


46.9% customers are satisfied with the customer care service of the
cable operators, while 37.9% rated it as average and 10.6% thinks it is poor.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 88

TABLE XVIII: Picture and sound quality of cable connection

Option Total response Percentage

Excellent 16 5.3
Good 151 49.8
Average 107 35.3
Poor 29 9.6


Half of the cable user thinks the picture and sound quality of the cable
connection they are using are good.

TABLE XIX: Overall rating for cable connection

Option Total response Percentage

Excellent 17 5.6
Good 159 52.5
Average 95 31.4
Poor 32 10.6


Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 89

52.5% customers rated cable connection as good for overall rating and
31.4% thinks its average.

Area wise data presentation


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 10 22.2
Cable user 35 77.8

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 90


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 28 66.7
Cable user 14 33.3

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 91


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 6 25
Cable user 18 75

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 92


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 46 54.8
Cable user 38 45.2

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 93


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 19 33.3
Cable user 38 66.7

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 94


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 23 46.0
Cable user 27 54.0

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 95


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 16 30.8
Cable user 36 69.2

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 96


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 21 55.3
Cable user 17 44.7

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 97


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 10 62.5
Cable user 6 37.5

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 98


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 14 27.5
Cable user 37 72.5

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 99


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 0 0.0
Cable user 22 100

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 100


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 4 36.4
Cable user 7 63.6

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 101


Option Total response Percentage

DTH user 0 0.0
Cable user 8 100

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 102


The DTH service was introduced in Indian market in 2004. The initial
players were DD direct and followed by Dish TV. Later many DTH service
providers came into the market viz Tata Sky, Reliance Big TV, Airtel Digital
TV, and Sun Direct. In 6 years it has significantly grasp the Indian home
entertainment market. From the sample size of 500 we got a penetration of
DTH 40% with approx. 6.6 % growing rate during the 6 years period in
Bangalore city. With this rate the DTH Industry will be able capture 50% of
the Indian Entertainment Market by 2012.

Factors affect choosing a DTH service

Many factors are taken into consideration before customers decide to

take DTH.

 Installation: Initial charges for installing DTH is expensive as compare

to cable service which takes only a minimal charge as security against
the service. Therefore many customers hesitate to go for DTH service.
 Mobility: Peoples staying in rented house finds it difficult during
shifting from one place to another to carry and re-install dish for
continuing the service.
 Flexibility with the service: Very rigid with the service provided by the
DTH service providers. Any delay in paying rental charges may lead to
discontinue of the service. But in cable service is quite flexible with its

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 Handling two separate remote: User of DTH service had to handle to
separate remote for TV set and for set top box. It sometime makes
problematic and irritating to handle two remote.
 User friendly: Some of features and technology are not clearly
understood by the user like setting reminder for programs for next day
or week, value added service like on-line shopping, active services,
many job portals.
 Some technology said but not delivered: Some of the companies
promise to provide advance technology for better viewing but are not
delivered after taking connection.

Lack of awareness of DTH service

During our survey we found that the awareness of DTH as services was
very limited to a few number of people. The people to whom we
communicated tends to identify DTH only under the name of Tata Sky. It
could be said that Tata Sky has positioned itself in the market in a way that
peoples relates or figure out DTH as Tata Sky.

Some people hesitate to take DTH service as initial expenditure have

to made on setting up of DTH like the dish, set top box as compared to cable
where everything get easily installed without extra charges. But DTH
provides better service than cable since it gives digital picture quality and
clear sound. Since cable provides analog picture quality to convert into
digital needs separate set top box which itself cost around ` 1400, and
makes it almost equivalent to the DTH installation.

Now companies are coming up with new plan like installation and
subscription free for 6 months to one year which makes the cost DTH almost
similar to that of cable subscription annually.

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DTH service provider gives its user pay for per view so customer can
opt for those channels which he want to view with maximum number of
channels as compared to cable where one has no choice else but to watch
what is provided.

Marketing Strategies by different DTH Player

Different DTH player uses various marketing policies to attract new

customer and retain its old customer. Coming up with new package facilities
are very commonly used by the competitor to become the market leader.
Pricing strategy is one of the most common competitive tools used by the
companies to increase its market share.

Dish TV

Market leader Dish TV has dropped the cost of its TruHD box from `
5,990, when launched, to ` 2,990 as a reaction towards the pricing strategy
of Tata Sky.

Dish TV’s package includes the price of the set-top box (STB), LNB,
Dish antenna and remote. The company is also offering two months
subscription of Platinum/South Platinum Pack and two months subscription of
HD Pack. Customers will have to pay an extra amount of ` 200 for

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Direct-to-home (DTH) operators sense they can expand their up-end
customers through their HD service offerings. Tata Sky had set the ball
rolling with the launch of its High Definition (HD) service at a price of ` 2,599.

Tata Sky

Tata Sky has offered competitive pricing at entry-level subscription

plan to increase in customer base. In search of newer audiences in smaller
towns, DTH operator Tata Sky is introducing a new package worth ` 99,
called Super Hit Pack. It consists of 53 channels.

Tata Sky launched its high definition (HD) service at a price of `

2,599.While other like Sun Direct HD service is currently priced at ` 9,990,
Reliance Big is priced at ` 7,490 while Dish TV's HD service, recently
launched, is being offered at ` 5,999.

Tata Sky in Bangalore is now available with best offer. Tata Sky New
Set Top Box with Installation at ` 1599 only. Save ` 1000 installation just for
booking it this week. And if one books it now, they'll also get Free 2 Months
subscription of south value or super value pack.

 Free Set Top: Set top Boxes can be given free while ensuring lock in by
providing base pack free for limited time duration, thus inducing
update to next level.
 Lock in of 1 year: Ensure long term lock in(s) by providing incentives
for pre-payment of long term charges. Continue with current strategy
of providing 2 months free on payment of 10 months services.
 Multiple Connections: Provide discounts for consumers buying second
Tata Sky Connection (up to 50% off)

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 Encourage References: Provide discounts on Monthly charges if
reference from existing consumer becomes a new customer.
 Regional Disparity: Provide free regional packs in local areas to ensure
switch from Cable TV to DTH service, i.e. provide free south Jumbo
pack for customers in all Southern States.
 Community Dish: Provide Incentives in the form of Free Months
charges for first 3-6 months and reduce the Installation charges per

Sun Direct

Sun Direct with a low monthly subscription of ` 75, excluding taxes.

Sun Direct, to be launched by the end of the month, will offer 75 TV channels
and 15 radio channels. Both the dish and set-top box would be free, but the
company will collect one-time installation charges of ` 999.

Sun Direct with new HD pack rate of ` 2940, with 2 months Metro pack
+ all HD channels and Services for 2 months.

Reliance Big TV

Reliance Big TV is launching the entry offer at ` 7990/- bundled with

three months of Diamond Pack in the non-south market. In the southern
market the entry offer is priced at ` 7,790/- bundled with five months of
value pack with a full bouquet of sports channels. For existing Reliance Big
TV customers the company is offering an upgrade option from SD to HD DVR
at an exceptional price of ` 5,990/-.

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Airtel Digital TV

Airtel digital TV [HD] will be available for New Customers at an

attractive bundle price of ` 2840 inclusive of 75 Days subscription of the
Economy Pack or 100 Days subscription of the South Super Value/South
Super Sports Value Pack.

Videocon D2H

Videocon D2h DTH Price is ` 1,690/- Satellite Box. One month diamond
pack free worth ` 275 free installation worth ` 300.

Also unique and quality features were been included each competitor
to make its customer can enjoy quality viewing of home entertainment:

Tata Sky

 Pause Live TV: With Tata Sky enables to live TV while watching TV,
press pause on Tata Sky+ remote to Pause Live TV. To resume, press
the play button.
 Record Live TV: To record live TV programmers’, choose a program in
the Guide or search & scan banner to record, then press the record

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button on your Tata Sky+ remote. It can record up to 130 hours of

Dish TV

Direct to Home services are upbeat in the market now; Dish TV is release its
new scheme “DISHTV ON WHEELS’. Mobile Dish TV on wheels is all about
watching TV on the go, especially when one is driving long distance or even
commuting to office for long hours in this traffic. Mobile Dish TV offer more
than 100 channels include music & cricket on its primary focus.

Reliance Big TV

Reliance uses MPEG4 tech for better picture quality now with 12
transponders in hand gave them the unique edge of being able to broadcast
highest no. of channels i.e. over 400 channels.

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 Recording: Reliance Big TV provides digital video recording up to 200
hours. Also provides functions like pause, rewind, fast forward – catch
up with shows. Recorded content preview to get a snapshot of the
programs before viewing. Set-top box with 160 GB hard drive gives
superior performance.
 High Definition: The high definition feature of Reliance Big TV HD DVR
offers five times clearer & sharper image quality with two million pixel
resolution and digital surround sound effect. The digital video
recording capabilities offer features like pause, play and rewind Live
TV, record Live TV to allow one to record a program while watching
another channel.
 Universal Remote:- Reliance Big TV is also offering a 3-in-1 Universal
Remote to enable its subscribers to the advantage of using single
remote to control three devices namely, the TV, Set-Top Box and any
other music/ disc player system.
Airtel Digital TV

 High Definition: Airtel digital TV launches its first Digital Dolby Plus
Sound experience as part of an HD offering for the Indian DTH market.
Airtel digital TV HD offer viewer’s crystal clear resolution that is 5
times better than normal, through the combination of the latest MPEG
4 DVBS2 technology and High Definition signal processing using a
powerful 256MB RAM processor. The Dolby Digital Plus feature
provides for an enhanced surround sound experience.
 Recording through mobile: Airtel digital TV recorder', an enhanced set
top box (STB) with the capability to record television shows from
mobile phones anywhere in the world. It give its customer the of option
to search for any television show for two days on the mobile; has the
facility to pause live television program for up to forty-five minutes;
offers ease of search by giving choices such as program name, show

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 110

details and/or date/time using the remote; provides program
information instantly, including description, length and rating on the
mobile; and has the option to give fixed time based commands to
record shows.

Sun Direct

 South Indian Channels: Sun Direct provides all south Indian channels
than any other player gives but it offer less Hindi channels.
 High Definition: Sun Direct test launched the first ever High Definition
(HD) service on DTH platform in India in April 2009. Sun Direct is
partnering with Samsung India to promote High Definition content. The
company will be giving consumers an experience of Full HD content by
showcasing Samsung Full HD LCD TVs with Sun Direct at the Samsung
Brand Shops and select multi brand outlets.

Videocon D2H

 No set top box: Videocon launch its DTH service without any set top
box. It’s a chip which is inserted or in built in Videocon TVs thereby no
need of having set top box. This facility is available only in Videocon TV

Value added services are also being provided by some players apart of home
entertainment so as that customer can use DTH services in other process
such as:

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 111

Tata Sky


Reliance Big TV

 I-Stock
 I-Games
 I-Cooking
 I-News
 I-Astro
 I-Sports
 I-Interactive

Dish TV

 Dish TV tie up with Matrimonial Service ‘shaadi Active’ in

association with Through parents will be able to search for
eligible bride / groom of their choice from amongst millions of profiles
listed on

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 Dish TV has tied up with job search portal
to allow its consumers to browse through job opportunities. The service
also promises to offer counseling to fresher.

Airtel Digital TV

 Internet services: It provides internet facility to the user along with DTH service under
different speed.
 I-Shop’s Customer can shop directly from home without stepping in any shopping center.
I-Shop will function as a real-time 24-hour shopping channel on television. Payment
can be made through credit card, cheque.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 113



From our survey, we found 40% penetration of DTH through random

sample size. It has been 6 years since DTH launched; we can find that
growth of 6.6% in entertainment market.


User of DTH was belonging to lower and middle class people while
upper class people find DTH service an expensive service. Picture quality and
channel variety with different packages attract to choose DTH service over
cable service. But some people perceive DTH service is expensive because of
its installation charges and no flexibility with service. Also family having
children DTH service are more popular and demanded over single and retire


 Door to door: Promoting door to door about the DTH service will help
people to get in depth knowledge of the service. It will overcome the
hesitation of people to find out the information the service. This may
help to increase the no. of DTH user.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 114

 Mall intercepts: Mall interception can also be done and also companies
can set up some display for the DTH services. This way companies can
make the upper middle class aware about the services.
 Advertisement regarding price: Most of the time DTH player promote
its value added services, number of channels provided or features like
picture quality, sound but if it promote the actual price of service
including prices of set top box to installation charges will better
knowledge about the service.
 Service flexibility: DTH should be flexible in its service to customer and
not disconnect the service if rental not paid on time, rather it should
give credit period to its customer. If up to the credit period rental is not
paid it can discontinue the service.
 Mobility: People living in rented house face the problem with DTH
when shift from one place to another. Going to new place have to re
install it which involve extra charges. It will be better if the company
provide free re installation and within a day after shifting.

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences 115

Area wise observation

BTM Layout A
Vijaynagar B
Girinagar C
RMV Colony D
R.T.Nagar E
Rajajinagar F
Jayanagar G
Vidyaranyap H
Nandi Durga I
Mathikere J
JP Nagar K
Chikpet L
Marathalli M


 A Project Report on “MARKET RESEARCH FOR VIDEOCON d2h+” by


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