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Q. 1. The two charged conductors are touched mutually and then separated. What will be the
charge on them?
Ans. The charge on them will be divided in the ratio of their capacitances. We know that q = CV.
When the charged conductors touch, they acquire the same potential. Hence, q ∝ C.
Q. 2. The plates of a charged capacitor are connected to a voltmeter. If the plates of the capacitor are
separated further, what will be the effect on the reading of the voltmeter?
q ε A
Ans. V = and C= 0
C d
As the capacitor plates are separated, C decreases. Since charge on the plates remains the same,
value of V increases. Hence, the reading of the voltmeter will increase.
Q. 3. Any conducting object connected to earth is said to be grounded. Explain.
Ans. The earth is an electron source or sink and is arbitrarily said to be at zero potential. A conduct-
ing body connected to earth is also at zero potential or “ground potential”. Alternatively, the
capacitance of earth is so large that removal of electrons from it or supply of electrons to it
makes no difference either in the charge or potential of earth.
Q. 4. How does a spark discharge occur between two charged objects?
Ans. The air between the two charged objects is subjected to an electric field. If the potential gradient
in the intervening air column becomes high enough, the air is ionised and conducting path is
formed for free electrons which move across to discharge the surfaces. Stored electric poten-
tial energy is dissipated as heat, light and sound.
Q. 5. If a solid dielectric is placed between the plates of a capacitor, its capacitance increases. Is there
any other advantage of solid dielectric?
Ans. There are other two advantages of a solid dielectric. First, it helps in keeping the plates close
together without touching. Secondly, we can now charge the capacitor to a high potential (V = q/
Q.6. Can you place a parallel plate capacitor (consisting of two plates) of 1 farad in your almirah?
Ans. No. Suppose the two plates of the capacitor are separated by as small a distance as 1 mm.
ε0 A Cd (1 × 10−3 )
C= or A= = (1) × = 1.1 × 108 m 2
d ε0 8.854 × 10−12
This area is equal to the area of a square having each side more than 10 km. Modern technology,
however, has permitted the construction of 1F capacitors of very moderate size.
Q. 7. Given a solid metal sphere and a hollow metal sphere. Which will hold more charge? Both
spheres are of same radius.
Ans. Both the spheres will hold the same charge. It is because charge remains on the outer surface of a
charged conductor (whether solid or hollow) and the spheres have equal surface areas.
Q. 8. Two capacitors of capacitances 1 µF and 0.01 µF are charged to the same potential. Which will
give more intense electric shock if touched?
Ans. q = CV. Since V is constant, q ∝ C. It means that capacitor having large capacitance will store more
charge. Hence, when 1µF capacitor is touched, the discharging current will be high and you will
get more intense electric shock than in case of 0.01µF capacitor.
Q. 9. Two spheres of different capacitances are charged to different potentials. They are then joined by
a wire. Will total energy increase, decrease or remain the same?
Ans. The two spheres are at different potentials. Therefore, when they are connected by a wire, there
will be redistribution of charge (i.e., flow of charge through wire) till the two spheres attain the
same potential. Due to the flow of charge through the connecting wire, some energy will be lost as
heat. Hence, the total energy after connecting the spheres will decrease.
Q. 10. Can there be potential difference between two adjacent conductors which carry the same posi-
tive charge?
Ans. Yes. We know that V = q/C. The capacitance depends upon the dimensions of the conductor. If
the two conductors are of different shapes and sizes, they will be charged to different potentials
when given the same charge.
Q. 11. What are the differences between conductors and dielectrics?
Ans. (i) Conductors have a large number of free electrons while dielectrics have practically no free
(ii) When a conductor is placed in an external electric field, there is no electric field inside the
conductor. However, when a dielectric is placed in an electric field, its molecules are polarised.
The effect of this polarisation is to weaken the applied electric field within the dielectric.
(iii) The dielectric constant of conductors is infinity while that of dielectrics is finite.
(iv) The dielectric strength of conductors is zero while that of dielectrics is finite.
(v) There is no limit to the current that a conductor can carry, provided that it can be kept cool
enough. However, there is a limit to the electric flux that a dielectric will carry without
breaking down.
Q. 12. Show that capacitance of a metal plate A can be increased by bringing another
+ + – +
metal plate B near A. + + – +
Ans. The charge holding property of a conductor is called its capacitance. Fig. 5.47 + + – +
shows an insulated metal plate A. Let positive charge be given to it till its poten- + + – +
tial becomes maximum. No further charge can be given to the plate as it would + + – +
leak out. Now bring another insulated metal plate B near the plate A as shown in + + – +
Fig. 5.47. The plate A will induce negative charge on the inner face of B and equal + + – +
positive charge on the outer face. The induced positive charge tends to increase
the potential of plate A while induced negative charge tends to decrease the poten-
Fig. 5.47
tial of plate A. Since the induced negative charge is nearer to plate A than the
induced positive charge, the net effect is that the potential of plate A decreases. A B
Therefore, more charge can be given to plate A to raise its potential to maximum + + –
value. Thus the capacitance of conductor A is increased by bringing another + + –
+ + –
uncharged conductor B near it.
+ + –
Q. 13. In the above question, show that capacitance of metal plate A can be further + + –
increased by earthing the plate B. + + –
Ans. If the plate B is earthed [See Fig. 5.48], the induced positive charge being free will + + –
flow to earth. However, induced negative charge remains since it is bound to the
positive charge on plate A. As a result, the potential of plate A is sufficiently
reduced. We can now give a large amount of charge to plate A to raise its Fig. 5.48
potential to maximum value. We arrive at a very important conclusion that capacitance of an
insulated conductor is increased by bringing near it an uncharged earthed conductor.
Q. 14. Two identical metal plates are given charges q1 and q2 (q2 < q1) respectively. If they are now
brought close to form a parallel-plate capacitor with capacitance C, what will be the poten-
tial difference between the plates ?
Ans. Suppose A is the area of each plate. When the plates are held at a distance d, the capacitance of
the parallel plate capacitor formed is
ε A
C= 0
If E1 and E2 are the electric fields due to two plates, then net electric field E between the two
plates is
q / A q2 / A 1
E = E1 − E2 = 1 − = (q1 − q2 )
2 ε0 2 ε0 2 ε0 A
1 d
∴ P.D. between plates, V = E d = (q1 − q2 ) × d = (q1 − q2 )
2 ε0 A 2 ε0 A
q1 − q2  ε0 A 
= ∵ C = d 
2C  
Q. 15. A man fixes outside his house one evening a two metre high insulating slab carrying on its top
a large aluminium sheet of area 1 m2. Will he get electric shock if he touches the metal sheet
next morning ?
Ans. Yes, the man gets shock. The discharging current in the atmosphere will charge the aluminium
sheet. When the man touches the sheet, the charge will flow to earth via the body of the man.
Therefore, the man will get a shock.
Q. 16. Capacitors P, Q and R have each a capacitance of C. A battery can charge the capacitor P to a
potential difference of V. If after charging P, the battery is disconnected from it and the charged
capacitor P is connected in the following separate instances to Q and R (i) to Q in parallel and (ii)
to R in series, then what will be potential differences between the plates of P in the two instances ?
Ans. When the capacitor P is charged to a potential difference V, it acquires charge q = CV.
(i) When P is connected in parallel to Q
Total capacitance = C + C = 2C
Total charge =q+0=q
∴ Potential difference V′ across each capacitor is

q CV V
V′ = = =
2C 2C 2
i.e. P.D. across P = V/2
(ii) When P is connected to R in series
When P is connected to R in series, the circuit is incomplete and no charge is transferred from
capacitor P. Hence potential difference across the plates of P remains V.
Q. 17. The safest way to protect yourself from lightning is to be inside a car. Comment.
Ans. We know that electric field inside a conductor is zero. Since the body of the car is a metal, the
electric field inside it is zero. The discharging current due to lightning passes to earth through the
metallic body of the car.
Q.18. Five identical capacitor plates each of area A are arranged
12 3 4 5 –
such that the adjacent plates are at a distance d apart. The plates V
are connected to a battery of V volts as shown in Fig. 5.49. What +
is the magnitude and nature of charge on plates 1 and 4 ?
Ans. The system constitutes 4 capacitors in parallel across V volts. Fig. 5.49
Since area of each plate is A and the separation between adja-
cent plates is d, all the four capacitors have the same capacitance C. The plate 1 acts as a
positive plate of capacitor C1 (of capacitance C ) formed between plates 1 and 2.
ε0 A
∴ Charge on plate 1 = + C V = V
The plate 4 acts as a negative plate of both the capacitors C3 (between plates 3 and 4) and C4
(between plates 4 and 5).

∴ Charge on plate 4 = − (C + C ) V = − 2 ε 0 A V

Example 1: Assuming earth to be an isolated conducting sphere of radius 6400 km, what is the capaci-
tance of earth?
Solution: Capacitance of earth, C = 4π ε0 r
Here, 4πε0 = ; r = 6400 km = 6.4 × 106 m
9 × 109
6.4 × 106
∴ C= = 0.711 × 10–3 F = 711 µF
9 × 109

This shows that farad is a very large unit of capacitance.

Note: Since capacitance of earth is quite large, we choose earth as a level of zero potential for practical
purposes. Think about this !
Example 2. An isolated sphere has a capacitance of 50pF. (i) Calculate its radius. (ii) How much
charge should be placed on it to raise its potential to 104V?
(i) Capacitance of sphere, C = 4 π ε0 r
∴ Radius of sphere, r = × C = (9 × 109 ) × (50 × 10−12 ) = 45 × 10−2 m = 45cm
4 πε0
(ii) Charge to be placed, q = CV = (50 × 10–12) × 104 = 5 × 10–7 C = 0.5 µC
Example 3. Twenty seven spherical drops, each of radius 3mm and carrying 10–12C of charge are
combined to form a single drop. Find the capacitance and potential of the bigger drop.
Solution. Let r and R be the radii of smaller and bigger drops respectively.
Volume of bigger drop = 27 × Volume of smaller drop
4 4
or π R 3 = 27 × π r 3
3 3
or R = 3r = 3 × 3 = 9 mm = 9 × 10–3 m
Capacitance of bigger drop, C = 4 π ε0 R = × 9 × 10−3 = 10−12 F = 1pF
9 × 10 9

Since charge is conserved, the charge on the bigger drop is 27 × 10–12 C.

∴ Potential of bigger drop, q 27 × 10−12

V == = 27 V
C 10−12
Example 4: A spherical capacitor has an inner sphere of radius 9 cm and an outer sphere of radius
10cm. The outer sphere is earthed. Assume there is air in the space between the spheres. What is the capaci-
tance of the capacitor?
Solution: Capacitance of the spherical capacitor is
4π ε0 rA rB
(rB − rA )
Here rB = 10 cm = 0.1 m; rA = 9 cm = 0.09 m; 4π ε0 =
9 × 109
0.09 × 0.1
∴ C= = 100 × 10–12 F = 100 pF
9 × 109 (0.1 − 0.09)
Example 5. The thickness of air layer between two coatings of a spherical capacitor is 2 cm. The
capacitor has the same capacitance as the capacitance of sphere of 1.2m diameter. Find the radii of its
4πε0 rA rB rA rB
Given : = 4π ε0 R ∴ =R
rB − rA rB − rA
Here rB – rA = 2 cm and R = 1.2/2 = 0.6m = 60 cm
rA rB
∴ = 60 or rA rB = 120 cm
Now (rB + rA)2 = (rB – rA)2 + 4 rA rB = (2)2 + 4 × 120 = 484
∴ rB + rA = 484 = 22 cm
Since rB – rA = 2cm and rB + rA= 22cm, rB = 12cm ; rA= 10 cm
Example 6. The plates of a parallel plate air capacitor are separated by a distance of 1 mm. What must
be the plate area if the capacitance of the capacitor is to be 1F?
Solution: The capacitance of a parallel plate air capacitor is given by;
ε0 A
Here d = 1 mm = 10–3 m; A = ?; C = 1F

Cd 1 × 10−3
∴ A= = = 1.1 × 108 m2
ε0 8.854 × 10−12
Note the enormous magnitude of plate area required to have a capacitance of 1F. This shows that farad
is a very large unit of capacitance.
Example 7: What distance apart should the two plates each of area 0.2 m × 0.1 m of a parallel plate air
capacitor be placed in order to have the same capacitance as a spherical conductor of radius 0.5m?
Solution: Area of plate, A = 0.2 × 0.1 = 0.02 m2
Radius of sphere, r = 0.5 m
For parallel plate capacitor, C = ε0A/d
For spherical conductor, C = 4π ε0 r
Since the capacitance of the two capacitors is the same,
ε0 A
∴ = 4πε0r
A 0.02
or d = = = 3.18 × 10–3 m = 3.18 mm
4π r 4π × 0.5
Example 8. Calculate the capacitance of a parallel plate air capacitor of plate area 30 m2; the
plates being separated by a dielectric 2 mm thick and of relative permittivity 6. If the electric field strength
between the plates is 500 V/mm, calculate the charge on each plate.

ε0 K A (8.854 × 10−12 ) (6) (30)

Solution: Capacitance, C = = = 0.797 × 10–6 F = 0.797 µF
d 2 × 10−3
P.D. across plates, V = E × d = 500 × 2 = 1000 volts
∴ Charge on each plate, q = CV = (0.797 × 10–6)1000 = 0.797 × 10–3 C = 0.797 mC
Example 9. A p.d. of 10 kV is applied to the terminals of a capacitor consisting of two parallel plates,
each having an area of 0.01 m2 separated by a dielectric 1 mm thick. The resulting capacitance of the
arrangement is 300pF. Calculate (i) charge on each plate, (ii) electric flux density, (iii) potential gradi-
ent, and (iv) relative permittivity of the dielectric.
Solution: C =300 pF = 300 × 10–12 F; V = 10 kV = 10 × 103 volts
(i) Charge on each plate, q = CV = (300 × 10–12) (10 × 103) = 3 × 10–6 C
q 3 × 103
(ii) Electric flux density, σ = = = 3 × 10 –4 C/m 2
A 0.01
V 10 × 103
(iii) Potential gradient, E = = = 107 V/m
d 1 × 10−3
(iv) Electric intensity, E =
ε0 K
σ 3 × 10−4
∴ Relative permittivity, K = = = 3.39
ε0 E 8.854 × 10−12 × 107
Example 10. A parallel plate capacitor is to be designed with a voltage rating 1kV using a material
of dielectric constant 3 and dielectric strength of 107 Vm–1. What minimum area of the plate is required
to have a capacitance of 50 pF?
Solution. For reasons of safety, the electric field E between the plates should not exceed 10% of the
dielectric strength of the dielectric i.e. E = 10% of 107 = 106 Vm–1.
V V 1 × 103
Now E= ∴ d = = 6
= 10−3 m
d d 10
(50 × 10−12 ) × 10−3
∴ Plate area A = = 1.9 × 10-3 m 2
8.85 × 10−12 × 3
Example 11. Two parallel plate air capacitors have their plate areas 100 cm2 and 500 cm2 respec-
tively. If they have the same charge and potential and the distance between the plates of the first capacitor is
0.5 mm, what is the distance between the plates of the second capacitor?
Solution: Let us denote the first capacitor by suffix 1 and second capacitor by suffix 2. Since the two
capacitors have the same charge and potential, their capacitances (C = q/V) are equal i.e. C1 = C2.
ε0 A1 ε0 A2 A2
∴ = ∴ d2 = d1
d1 d2 A1
Here A2 = 500 cm2 ; A1 = 100 cm2 ; d1 = 0.5 mm = 0.05 cm
∴ d2 = × 0.05 = 0.25cm
Example 12. Three capacitors have capacitances of 0.5 µF, 0.3 µF and 0.2 µF respectively. They are
first connected to have maximum capacitance and then connected to have minimum capacitance. Find the
ratio of maximum capacitance to minimum capacitance.
Solution: (i) For maximum capacitance, all the capacitors will have to be connected in parallel.
CP = 0.5 + 0.3 + 0.2 = 1 µF
(ii) For minimum capacitance, all the capacitors will have to be connected in series.
1 1 1 1 31
= + + =
CS 0.5 0.3 0.2 3
or CS = 3/31 µF
CP 31
∴ =
CS 3
Example 13. Two capacitors of capacitance 15 µF and 20 µF are connected in series to a 600 V d.c.
supply. Find (i) charge on each capacitor, (ii) p.d. across each capacitor.
C1 C2 15 × 20
Solution: (i) Equivalent capacitance, CS = = = 8.57 µF
C1 + C2 15 + 20
In series connection, charge on each capacitor is the same.
∴ Charge on each capacitor, q = CS V = (8.57 × 10–6) × 600 = 5.14 × 10–3 C
q 5.14 × 10−3
(ii) P.D. across 15 µF capacitor = = = 342.7 V
C1 15 × 10−6
q 5.14 × 10−3
P.D. across 20 µF capacitor = = = 257 V
C2 20 × 10−6
Example 14. The total capacitance of two capacitors is 4µF when connected in series and 18 µF
when connected in parallel. Find the capacitance of each capacitor.
Solution: Let C1 and C2 be the unknown capacitances. Then,
C1 + C2 =18 ...(i) when in parallel
C1 C2
=4 ...(ii) when in series
C1 + C2
Multiplying eqs. (i) and (ii), C1C2 = 72

Now C1 − C2 = (C1 + C2 )2 + 4C1 C2 = (18) 2 − 4 × 72 = ± 6 ... (iii)

Solving eqs. (i) and (iii), we get, C1 = 12 µF or 6 µF; C2 = 6 µF or 12 µF
Example 15. In the circuit shown in Fig. 5.13, the total charge is 750 µC. Find the values of V1, V
and C2.
q (750 × 10−6 )
Solution: Voltage across C1 , V1 = = = 50 V
C1 15 × 10−6
Applied voltage, V = V1 + V2 = 50 + 20 = 70 V
Charge on C3 = C3V2 = (8 × 10–6) 20 = 160 × 10–6 = 160 µC
∴ Charge on C2 = 750 – 160 = 590 µC


C1 = 15 µF

C3 = 8 µF
V1 V2 = 20 V
+ _
Fig. 5.13

590 × 10−6
∴ Capacitance of C2 = = 29.5 × 10–6 F = 29.5 µF
Example 16: Obtain the equivalent capacitance for the network shown in Fig. 5.14. For 300 V d.c.
supply, determine the charge and voltage across each capacitor.

C1 C1

C4 100 pF
100 pF A B C
C2 C3 C2 C3
100 pF

200 pF 200 pF 200 pF 200 pF

C4 300
_ V
_ +

100 pF 300 V
Fig. 5.14 Fig. 5.15
Solution: Equivalent Capacitance. The above network can be redrawn as shown in Fig. 5.15. The equiva-
lent capacitance C′ of series-connected capacitors C2 and C3 is
C × C3 200 × 200
C′ = 2 = = 100 pF
C2 + C3 200 + 200
The equivalent capacitance of parallel combination of C′ (= 100 pF) and C1 is
CBC = C′ + C1 = 100 + 100 = 200 pF
The entire circuit now reduces to two capacitors C4 and CBC (= 200 pF) in series.
∴ Equivalent capacitance of the network is
C × CBC 100 × 200 200
C= 4 = = pF
C4 + CBC 100 + 200 3
Charges and p.d. on various Capacitors
 200 
Total charge, q = CV =  × 10−12  × 300 = 2 × 10−8 C
 3 
∴ Charge on C4 = 2 × 10–8 C

q 2 × 10−8
∴ P.D. across C4, V4 = = = 200 V
C4 100 × 10−12
P.D. between B and C, VBC = 300 – 200 = 100 V
Charge on C1, q1 = C1 VBC = (100 × 10–12) × 100 = 10–8 C
P.D. across C1, V1 = VBC = 100 V
P.D. across C2 = P.D. across C3 = 100/2 = 50 V
Charge on C2 = Charge on C3 = Total charge – Charge on C1
= (2 × 10–8) – (10–8) = 10–8 C
Example 17: Fig. 5.16 shows a network of four capacitors. Determine the equivalent capacitance
between points A and B. If a 10V battery is connected between A and B, how much total charge will be
stored on the capacitors.
C1 = 3 µ F C1

C2 = 9 µ F C4 = 9 µ F

C2 C3 C4
C3 = 9 µ F
Fig. 5.16 Fig. 5.17
Solution: The given network is equivalent to the network shown in Fig. 5.17. The equivalent capacitance
C′ of the series connected capacitors C2, C3 and C4 is given by;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= + + = + + =
C ′ C2 C3 C4 9 9 9 3
∴ C′ = 3 µF
Between points A and B, we now have capacitors C1 and C′ (= 3 µF) in parallel. Therefore, the equivalent
capacitance CAB between points A and B of the network is
CAB = C1 + C′ = 3 + 3 = 6 µF
Total charge stored on the capacitors is
q = CAB × V = (6 × 10–6) × 10 = 60 × 10–6 C = 60 µC
Example 18: Calculate the equivalent capacitance between points A and B in Fig. 5.18.
Solution: Refer to Fig. 5.18. It is clear that one plate
of each capacitor is connected to point A (plate 1, plate 4, 1 2 3 4 5 6
and plate 5). Similarly, other plate of each capacitor (plate A B
2, plate 3 and plate 6) is connected to point B. Therefore,
the three capacitors are in parallel. Hence, equivalent C1 C2 C3
capacitance between A and B is
CAB = C1 + C2 + C3 Fig. 5.18
Example 19: In the circuit shown in Fig. 5.19, find (i) the equivalent capacitance between A and D and
(ii) the charge on 12 µF capacitor.
(i) CAB = 10 µF

8 µF 8 µF

10 µF 8 µF 8 µF

12 µF

8 µF
+ _

400 V
Fig. 5.19
CBC =   + (8) + (8) = 4 + 8 + 8 = 20 µF
8 + 8
C × CBC 10 × 20 20
C AC = AB = = µF
C AB + CBC 10 + 20 3
CCD = 8 + 12 = 20 µF

∴ (20 / 3) × 20
C AD = = 5 µF
(20 / 3) + 20
(ii) Total charge, q = CAD × V = (5 × 10–6 ) × 400 = 0.002C
The total charge will divide between the parallel capacitors connected in the branch CD.
q 0.002
P.D. between C and D, VCD = = = 100 V
CCD 20 × 10−6
∴ Charge on 12 µF capacitor = (12 × 10–6) × 100 = 1.2 × 10–3 C = 1.2 µC
Example 20: In the network shown in Fig. 5.20 (i), C1 = C2 = C3 = C4 = 8 µF and C5 = 10 µF. Find
the equivalent capacitance between points A and B.
C1 C1
C2 C2
C5 C2
C5 B

C3 C4 C3 C4

C4 D D
(i) (ii) (iii)

Fig. 5.20
Solution: A little reflection shows that circuit of Fig. 5.20 (i) can be drawn as shown in Fig. 5.20 (ii).
We find that the circuit is a Wheatstone bridge. Since the product of opposite arms of the bridge are equal
(C1C4 = C2C3 because C1 = C2 = C3 = C4), the bridge is balanced. It means that points C and D are at the
same potential. Therefore, there will be no charge on capacitor C5. Hence, this capacitor is ineffective and
can be removed from the circuit as shown in Fig. 5.20 (iii). Referring to Fig. 5.20 (iii), the equivalent
capacitance C′ of the series connected capacitors C1 and C2 is
C C 8×8
C′ = 1 2 = = 4 µF
C1 + C2 8 + 8
The equivalent capacitance C″ of series connected capacitors C3 and C4 [See Fig. 5.20 (iii)].
C3 C4 8×8
C ′′ = = = 4 µF
C1 + C2 8 + 8
Now CAB = C′ || C″ = 4 || 4 = 4 + 4 = 8 µF
Example 21: A mica dielectric parallel plate capacitor has 21 plates, each having an effective area
of 5 cm2 and each separated by a gap of 0.005mm. Find the capacitance of the capacitor. Take the relative
permittivity of mica as 6.
Solution: For a multiplate capacitor, capacitance is given by;
ε KA
C = ( n − 1) 0
(8.854 × 10−12 ) × 6 × (5 × 10−4 )
= (21 − 1)
0.005 × 10−3
= 0.1062 × 10–6 F = 0.1062 µF
Example 22: A parallel plate capacitor has three similar parallel plates. Find the ratio of capaci-
tance when the inner plate is mid-way between the outers to the capacitance when inner plate is three
times as near one plate as the other.
Solution: Fig. 5.21 (i). shows the condition when the inner plate is mid-way between the outer plates. The
arrangement is equivalent to two capacitors in parallel. Capacitance of this capacitor,
ε K A ε 0 K A 4ε 0 K A
C1 = 0 + =
d /2 d /2 d


d/2 3d/4

(i) (ii)
Fig. 5.21
Fig. 5.21 (ii) shows the condition when the inner plate is three times as near as one plate as the other.
Capacitance C2 of this capacitor,
ε K A ε0 K A 16ε0 K A
C2 = 0 + =
d /4 3d / 4 3d
∴ C1/C2 = 0.75
Example 23: Given some capacitors of 0.1µF capable of withstand-
ing 15V. Calculate the number of capacitors needed if it is desired to
obtain a capacitance of 0.1µF for use in a circuit involving 60V.
Solution: + _
Capacitance of each capacitor, C = 0.1 µF
60 V
Voltage rating of each capacitor, VC = 15 V
Supply voltage, V = 60 V Fig. 5.22

Since each capacitor can withstand 15 V, the number of capacitors to be connected in series = 60/15 = 4.
Capacitance of 4 series-connected capacitors, CS = C/4 = 0.1/4 = 0.025 µF. Since it is desired to have a
total capacitance of 0.1 µF, number of such rows in parallel = C/CS = 0.1/0.025 = 4.
∴ Total number of capacitors = 4 × 4 = 16
Fig. 5.22 shows the arrangement of capacitors.
Example 24: A cylindrical capacitor has two co-axial cylinders of length 20 cm and radii 15.4 cm and
15 cm respectively. The relative permittivity of the insulation is 5. If a p.d. of 5000V is maintained between
the two cylinders, determine (i) capacitance of cylindrical capacitor and (ii) potential of inner cylinder.
(i) The capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor is
Kl 5 × 0.2
C= × 10−9 F = × 10−9
41.4log10 (b / a ) 41.4log10 (15.4 /15)
= 2.11 × 10–9F
(ii) Since the outer cylinder is earthed, the potential of the inner cylinder is equal to p.d. between the
two cylinders, i.e., potential of inner cylinder = 5000V.
Example 25: A 5µF capacitor is charged to a p.d. of 100V and then connected to an uncharged 3 µF
capacitor. Calculate p.d. across the capacitors.
Solution: Charge on 5 µF capacitor, q = CV = (5 × 10–6) × 100 = 0.0005 C
When the two capacitors are connected through a wire, the total capacitance CP = 5 + 3 = 8 µF. The
charge 0.0005 C is distributed between the two capacitors to have a common p.d.
q 0.0005
∴ P.D. across capacitors = = = 62.5 V
CP 8 × 10−6
Example 26: Two capacitors of capacitance 4 µF and 6 µF respectively are connected in series
across a p.d. of 250V. The capacitors are disconnected from the supply and are reconnected in parallel
with each other. Calculate the new p.d. and charge on each capacitor.
Solution: In series-connected capacitors, p.d.s across the capacitors are in the inverse ratio of their
∴ P.D. across 4 µF capacitor = 250 × = 150 V
Charge on 4 µF capacitor = (4 × 10–6) × 150 = 0.0006 C
Since the capacitors are connected in series, charge on each capacitor is the same.
∴ Charge on both capacitors = 2 × 0.0006 = 0.0012 C
Parallel connection. When the capacitors are connected in parallel, the total capacitance CP = 4 + 6
= 10 µF. The total charge 0.0012 C is distributed between the capacitors to have a common p.d.

Total charge 0.0012

∴ P.D. across capacitors = = = 120 V
CP 10 × 10−6
Charge on 4 µF capacitor = (4 × 10–6) × 120 = 480 × 10–6 = 480 µC
Charge on 6 µF capacitor = (6 × 10–6) × 120 = 720 × 10–6 = 720 µC
Example 27: Two capacitors A and B are connected in series across a 200V d.c. supply. The p.d.
across A is 120V. This p.d. is increased to 140V when a 3µF capacitor is connected in parallel with B.
Calculate the capacitance of A and B.
Solution: Let C1 and C2 µF be the capacitances of the capacitors A and B respectively. When the
capacitors are connected in series [See Fig. 5.31 (i)], charge on each capacitor is the same.
∴ C1 × 120 = C2 × 80
or C2 = 1.5 C1 ...(i)
When a 3 µF capacitor is connected in parallel with B [See Fig. 5.31 (ii)], the combined capacitance of
this parallel branch is (C2 + 3). Thus the circuit shown in Fig. 5.31 (ii) can be thought of as a series circuit
consisting of capacitances C1 and (C2 + 3) connected in series.
∴ C1 × 140 = (C2 + 3) 60
or 7C1 – 3C2 = 9 ...(ii)
3 µF


C1 C2 C1 C2
120 V 80 V 140 V 60 V
_ + _
200 V 200 V
(i) (ii)
Fig. 5.31
Solving eqs. (i) and (ii), we have, C1 = 3.6 µF; C2 = 5.4 µF
Example 28: A 16 µF capacitor is charged to 100V. After being disconnected, it is immediately
connected to an uncharged capacitor of 4 µF. Determine (i) the p.d. across the combination (ii) the
electrostatic energies before and after the capacitors are connected.
Solution: C1 = 16 µF; C2 = 4 µF
Before joining
Charge on 16 µF capacitor, q = C1V1 = (16 × 10–6) × 100 = 1.6 × 10–3 C
1 1
Energy stored, U1 = C1 V12 = (16 × 10−6 ) × 1002 = 0.08 J
2 2
After joining
When the capacitors are connected through a wire, the total capacitance, Cp = C1 + C2 = 16 + 4 = 20
µF. The charge 1.6 × 10–3 C distributes between the two capacitors to have a common p.d. of V volts.
q 1.6 × 10−3
∴ P.D. across capacitors, V = = = 80 V
CP 20 × 10−6
1 1
Energy stored, U 2 = CPV 2 = (20 × 10–6) × (80)2 = 0.064 J
2 2
It may be noted that there is a loss of energy. This is primarily due to the heat dissipated in the conductor
connecting the capacitors.
Example 29: A metal sphere 4 m in diameter is charged to a potential of 3 MV. Calculate the heat
generated when the sphere is earthed through a long resistance wire.
Solution: Potential at the surface of sphere, V = 9 × 109
V ×r (3 × 106 ) × 2
∴ Charge on sphere, q= = = 0.67 × 10−3 C
9 × 10 9
9 × 10 9

1 1
Energy stored in sphere = qV = (0.67 × 10−3 ) × (3 × 106 ) = 1005 J
2 2
When the sphere is earthed, stored energy will be dissipated as heat in the resistance wire.
Example 30. A parallel plate capacitor is connected to a 12 V battery. The charge on the capacitor
is 1.35 × 10–10 C. If the plate separation is decreased to half, find the extra charge given by the battery.
Solution. When the plate separation is decreased to half, the capacitance (C = ε0 A/d) becomes
twice. Therefore, the charge on the capacitor (q′ = C′V)becomes twice. The extra charge is supplied by
the battery.
Extra charge supplied by battery = q′ – q = 2q – q = q = 1.35 × 10–10 C
Example 31. A parallel plate 100 µF capacitor is charged to 500V. If the distance between the plates is
halved, what will be the new potential difference between the plates and what will be the change in the
new stored energy?
C = 100µF = 100 × 10–6F = 10–4F; V = 500 volts
When plate separation is decreased to half, the new capacitance C′ becomes twice i.e. C′ = 2C.
Since the capacitor is not connected to the battery, the charge on the capacitor remains the same. The
potential difference between the plates must decrease to maintain the same charge.

∴ CV CV V 500
q = CV = C′V′ or V′ = = = = = 250 volts
C′ 2C 2 2
1 1 V 
New stored energy = C ′V ′2 = (2C )  
2 2 2
1 CV 2 1  1 
= =  CV 2 
2 2 22 
1 1 
=  × 10−4 × (500)2  = 6.25 J
2 2 
Example 32. Fig. 5.32 shows a circuit for a camera flash. A 2000 µF capacitor is charged by 1.5V cell.
When a flash is required, the energy stored in the capacitor is made to discharge through a discharge tube
in 0.1 ms giving a powerful flash. Calculate the energy stored in the capacitor and power of the flash.
Energy stored in the capacitor is Trigger
1 1
U = CV 2 = × (2000 × 10−6 ) × (1.5)2
2 2 +
= 2.25 × 10–3 J 1.5 V 2000 µF Discharge
– Tube
In order to produce the flash, the capacitor discharges
in 0.1 ms (= 0.1 × 10–3 s).
U 2.25 × 10−3 Fig. 5.32
∴ Power of flash = = −3
= 22.5 W
Time 0.1 × 10
Example 33: A parallel plate capacitor is partially filled with an ebonite plate of thickness 6 mm. The
area of the plates of the capacitor is 2 × 10–3 m2 and the distance between them is 0.01m. The dielectric
constant for ebonite is 3. Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
ε0 A
Capacitance of the capacitor, C =
d − t (1 − )
Here A = 2 × 10–3 m2; d = 0.01 m; t = 6 × 10–3 m; K = 3
(8.854 × 10−12 ) × 2 × 10−3
∴ C= = 2.95 × 10–12 F
0.01 − 6 × 10−3 (1 − 1/ 3)
Example 34: A parallel plate capacitor has plate area of 2 m2 spaced by three layers of different
dielectric materials. The relative permittivities are 2, 4, 6 and thicknesses are 0.5, 1.5 and 0.3 mm respec-
tively. Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
ε0 A
Solution: Capacitance of capacitor, C =
t1 t t
+ 2 + 3
K1 K 2 K3

(8.854 × 10−12 ) × 2
= −3 = 0.026 × 10–6 F
0.5 × 10 1.5 × 10−3 0.3 × 10−3
+ +
2 4 6
Example 35: A capacitor is composed of two plates separated by 3 mm dielectric of relative permit-
tivity 4. An additional piece of insulation 5 mm thick is now inserted between the plates. If the capacitor
has now capacitance one-third of its original capacitance, find the relative permittivity of the additional
Solution: Fig. 5.40 (i) and Fig. 5.40 (ii) respectively show the two cases.
ε0 K1 A ε 0 × 4 × A
For the first case, C= = ...(i)
d d
C ε0 A ε0 A
For the second case, = = −3 ...(ii)
3 t1
t2 3 × 10 5 × 10−3
K1 K 2 4 K2

K1 = 4 K1 = 4 K2 = ?

3 mm 3 mm 5 mm
(i) (ii)
Fig. 5.40

4 3 5 
Dividing eq. (i) by eq. (ii), 3 =  + 
3  4 K2 
∴ K2 = 3.33
Example 36: An air capacitor has two parallel plates of 1500 cm2 area and held 5 mm apart. If a
dielectric slab of area 1500 cm2, thickness 2 mm and relative permittivity 3 is now introduced between the
plates, what must be the new separation between the plates to bring the capacitance to the original value.
Solution: When a dielectric slab of thickness t (t < d) is introduced between the plates of air capaci-
tor, the capacitance is given by;
ε0 A
C= ...(i)
d − (t − t / K )
If the medium were totally air, the capacitance would have been
ε0 A
C0 = ...(ii)
An inspection of eqs. (i) and (ii) reveals that with the introduction of the dielectric slab between the
plates of air capacitor, its capacitance increases. The distance between the plates is effectively reduced by
t – (t/K). In order to bring the capacitance to the original value, the plates must be separated by this much
distance in air.
∴ New separation between plates = d + ( t – t /K) = 5 + ( 2 –2/3) = 6.33 mm
Example 37: The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is 50 pF and the distance between the
plates is 4 mm. It is charged to 200V and the charging battery is removed. Now a dielectric slab (K = 4) of
thickness 2 mm is introduced between the plates. Find (i) final charge on each plate, (ii) p.d. between the
plates, (iii) final energy in the capacitor, and (iv) energy loss.
Solution: The capacitance of parallel plate air capacitor is given by;
ε0 A
C0 = ...(i)
When a dielectric slab of thickness t is placed between the plates of the capacitor, capacitance is given by;
ε0 A
Cm = ...(ii)
d −t+

C0 d − t + (t / K ) 4 − 2 + (2 / 4) 5
= = =
Cm d 4 8
Before Introduction of the Dielectric Slab
When air capacitor is charged to 200 V and then battery is removed, charge (q) on each plate is
q = C0 × V0 = (50 × 10–12 ) × 200 = 10–8 C
After Introduction of the Dielectric Slab
(i) Since the battery is removed before the introduction of the dielectric slab, the charge on capaci-
tor plates will remain the same after the introduction of the dielectric slab.
Final charge on each plate = q = 10–8 C
(ii) When dielectric slab is placed between the plates of the capacitor, its capacitance increases to
Cm and p.d. between plates decreases to V.
q = C0 V0 = Cm V

C0 5
V = V0 =   × 200 = 125 V
Cm 8
Note that p.d. between the plates decreases. This is in agreement with theory.
(iii) Final energy stored in the capacitor,
1 1
U = qV = (10−8 ) × 125 = 6.25 × 10 –7 J
2 2
1 1
(iv) Initial stored energy, U0 = qV0 ; Final stored energy, U = qV
2 2
∴ Energy loss = U0 – U = q (V0 – V)
= (10–8) (200 – 125) = 3.75 × 10–7 J
This loss of energy will be apparent to the person who introduced the slab. The capacitor would exert a
tiny force on the slab and would do work on it equal to 3.75 × 10–7 J.
1 1
Note: Initial stored energy, U0 = qV0 = (10–8) × 200 = 10– 6 J
2 2
Final stored energy U = 6.25 × 10–7 J
Had the slab been 4 mm thick (= distance between plates), the energy stored in the capacitor would have
been smaller by 1/K i.e. U0/K.
Thus we arrive at a very important conclusion that final energy after the slab filling entire space is
introduced is smaller by 1/K.
Example 38. A parallel plate capacitor having plate separation of 3mm possesses a capacitance of
17.7 pF. The capacitor is connected to a 100V supply. Explain what would happen if a 3 mm thick mica
sheet of dielectric constant 6 were inserted between the plates (i) while the voltage supply remains
connected (ii) after the supply was disconnected.
Solution. Capacitance of capacitor, C = 17.7 pF ; Dielectric constant of mica, K = 6
(i) When voltage supply remains connected
When mica sheet is inserted between the plates of the capacitor, the capacitance becomes K times
C′ = KC = 6 × 17.7 = 106.2 pF
The p.d. between the plates of the capacitor remains equal to 100 V.
Since C = q/V and V is same but C has increased, the charge on capacitor must increase i.e. Charge
on capacitor, q′ = C V = 106.2 × 10–12 × 100 = 1.06 × 10–8 C
The extra charge is supplied by the battery.
(ii) After the voltage supply is disconnected
C′ = KC = 6 × 17.7 = 106.2 pF
Charge on capacitor, q = CV = 17.7 × 10–12 × 100 = 1.77 × 10–9 C
Since the supply is disconnected, the charge on the plates remains the same. Because the capaci-
tance (C = q/V) has increased, the potential difference across the plates must decrease to maintain
the same charge.
q 1.77 × 10−9
V′ = = = 16.67 V
C ′ 106.2 × 10−12
Example 39. In a Van de Graaff generator, the shell electrode is at 25 × 105 V. The dielectric strength
of the gas surrounding the electrode is 5 × 107 V/m. Calculate the minimum radius of the spherical shell.
Solution. Electric potential V of a charged shell is
1 q
V =
4 π ε0 r
Electric field at the surface of a charged shell is
1 q
4 π ε0 r 2
V V 25 × 105
∴ =r or r= = = 5 × 10−2 m = 5cm
E E 5 × 10 7


1. A capacitor of 20 µF and charged to 500 V is connected in parallel with another capacitor of 10 µF
charged to 200 V. Find the common potential. [Roorkee]
[400 V]
Hint. Charge on one capacitor, q1 = C1 V1 = (20 × 10–6) × 500 = 0.01 C
Charge on second capacitor, q2 = C2 V2 = (10 × 10–6) × 200 = 0.002 C
Total charge on capacitors, q = q1 + q2 = 0.01 + 0.002 = 0.012 C
Total capacitance, C = C1 + C2 = (20 × 10–6) + (10 × 10–6) = 30 × 10–6 F
q 0.012
∴ Common potential, V = = = 400 V
C 30 × 10−6
2. Five equal capacitors connected in series have a resultant capacitance of 4 µF. What is the total
energy stored in these when connected in parallel and charged to 400 V ?
[E.A.M.C.E.T. 91] [8 J]
Hint. Suppose C µF is the capacitance of each capacitor. Since 5 (= n) capacitors are connected in series,
= 4 or C = 4 n = 4 × 5 = 20 µF
When the capacitors are connected in parallel, then equivalent capacitance C′ is
C′ = 5 × 20 = 100 µF = 100 × 10–6 F
Energy stored is given by;
1 1
U = C′ V2 = × (100 × 10–6) × (400)2 = 8 J
2 2
3. Find the length of the paper used in a capacitor of capacitance 2 µF if the dielectric constant of
the paper is 2.5 and its width and thickness are 50 mm and 0.05 mm respectively. [90 m]
ε0 K A
Hint. C=
Here C = 2 µF = 2 × 10–6 F; K = 2.5; d = 0.05 mm = 0.05 × 10–3 m
Cd (2 × 10−6 ) × (0.05 × 10−3 )
∴ A= = −12
= 4.5 m 2
ε0 K 8.85 × 10 × 2.5
Area 4.5
∴ Length = = m = 90 m
Width 50 × 10 −3
4. A 5 µF capacitor is fully charged across a 12 V battery and connected to an uncharged capacitor.
The voltage across it is found to be 3 V. What is the capacity of the uncharged capacitor ?
[E.A.M.C.E.T.] [15 µF]
Hint. The common potential V after connection is
C1 V1 + C2 V2
V =
C1 + C2
Here C1 = 5 µF; V = 3 volts; V1 = 12 volts, V2 = 0; C2 = ?
5 × 12 + C2 × 0
∴ 3=
5 + C2
∴ C2 = 15µF
5. A parallel-plate capacitor has plates of dimensions 2 cm × 3 cm. The plates are separated by a 1 mm
thickness of paper.
(i) Find the capacitance of the paper capacitor. The dielectric constant of paper is 3.7.
(ii) What is the maximum charge that can be placed on the capacitor ? The dielectric strength of
paper is 16 × 166 V/m. [(i) 19.6 × 10–12 F (ii) 0.31 µC]
ε0 K A
Hint. (i) C=
Here ε0 = 8.85 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2; K = 3.7; A = 6 10–4 m2; d = 1 10–3 m
(8.85 × 10−12 ) × (3.7) × (6 × 10−4 )
C= = 19.6 × 10−12 F
1 × 10−3
(ii) Since the thickness of the paper is 1 mm, the maximum voltage that can be applied before break-
down occurs is
Vmax = Emax × d
Here Emax = 16 × 106 V/m; d = 1 mm = 1 × 10–3 m
∴ Maximum charge that can be placed on capacitor is
qmax = C Vmax = (19.6 × 10–12) × (16 × 103) = 0.31 × 10–6 C = 0.31 µC
6. A capacitor of capacitance C1 = 1 µ F withstands the maximum voltage V1 = 6 kV while
another capacitance C 2 = 2 µ F withstands the maximum voltage V 2 = 4 kV. What maximum
voltage will the system of these two capacitors withstand if they are connected in series ?
[M.N.R. 1992] [9 kV]
Hint. The maximum charge q1 and q2 that can be placed on C1 and C2 are
q1 = C1V1 = (1 × 10–6) × (6 × 103) = 6 × 10–3 C
q2 = C2V2 = (2 × 10–6) × (4 × 103) = 8 × 10–3 C
The charge on capacitor C1 should not exceed 6 × 10–3 C. Therefore, when capacitors are con-
nected in series, the maximum charge that can be placed on the capacitors is 6 × 10–3 C ( = q1).
q1 q 6 × 10−3 6 × 10−3
∴ Vmax = + 1 = +
C1 C2 1 × 10−6 2 × 10−6
= 6 × 103 + 3 × 103 = 103 (6 + 3) = 9 × 103 V = 9 kV
7. A parallel-plate capacitor is charged with a battery to a charge q0 as shown in Fig. 5.70 (i).
The battery is then removed and the space between the plates is filled with a dielectric of
dielectric constant K. Find the energy stored in the capacitor before and after the dielec-
q0 2 q2
tric is inserted. ; 0
2 C0 2 K C0
Hint. Energy stored in the capacitor in the absence of dielectric is
U0 = C0 V02
Since V0 = q0/C0, this can be expressed as :
U0 = ... (i)
2 C0
Eq. (i) gives the energy stored in the capacitor in the absence of dielectric.
After the battery is removed and the dielectric is inserted between the plates, charge on the capacitor
remains the same. But the capacitance of the capacitor is increased K times i.e., new capacitance is C′
= K C0 [See Fig 5.70 (ii)].
q0 q0
+ _ + _

C0 KC0

(i) (ii)
Fig. 5.70
∴ Energy stored in the capacitor after insertion of dielectric is
q02 q02 U
U = = = 0
2 C ′ 2 K C0 K
or U = 0 ... (ii)
Since K > 1, we find that final energy is less than the initial energy by the factor 1/K. How will you
account for “missing energy” ? When the dielectric is inserted into the capacitor, it gets pulled
into the device. The external agent must do negative work to keep the dielectric from accelerating.
This work is simply = U0 – U. Alternately, the positive work done by the system = U0 – U.
8. Suppose in the above problem, the capacitor is kept connected with the battery and then
dielectric is inserted between the plates. What will be the change in charge, the capacitance,
the potential difference, the electric field and the stored energy ?
Hint. Since the battery remains connected, the potential difference V0 will remain unchanged. As a result,
electric field ( = V0/d) will also remain unchanged.
The capacitance C0 will increase to C = K C0
The charge will also increase to q = K q0 as explained below.
q0 = C0 V0 ; q = C V0 = KC0 V0 = K q0
Initial stored energy, U 0 = C0 V02
1 1
Final stored energy, U 0 = C0 V02 = K C0 V02 = KU 0
2 2
∴ U = KU0
Note that stored energy is increased K times. Will any work be done in inserting the dielectric? The
answer is yes. In this case, the work will be done by the battery. The battery not only gives the
increased energy to the capacitor but also provides the necessary energy for inserting the
9. A parallel plate capacitor is maintained at a certain potential difference. When a 3mm slab is
introduced between the plates, in order to maintain the same potential difference, the distance
between the plates is increased by 2.4 mm. Find the dielectric constant of the slab.
[M.N.R.] [K = 5]
Hint. The capacitance of parallel-plate capacitor in air is
ε A
C= 0 ... (i)
With the introduction of slab of thickness t, the new capacitance is
ε0 A
C′ = ... (ii)
d ′ − t (1 − 1/ K )
Now the charge (q = CV) remains the same in the two cases.
ε0 A ε0 A
∴ =
d d ′ − t (1 − 1/ K )
or d = d′ – t (1 – 1/K )
Here d ′ = d + 2.4 × 10–3 m ; t = 3 mm = 3 × 10–3 m
 1
∴ d = d + 2.4 × 10–3 – 3 × 10–3  1 − 
 K
 1 
or 2.4 × 10–3 = 3 × 10–3  1 − 
 K
∴ K=5
10. The capacitance of a variable radio capacitor can be changed from 50 pF to 950 pF by turning the
dial from 0° to 180°. With dial set at 180°, the capacitor is connected to 400 V battery. After charging,
the capacitor is disconnected from the battery and the dial is turned at 0°.
(i) What is the potential difference across the capacitor when the dial reads 0° ?
(ii) How much work is required to turn the dial if friction is neglected ? [M.N.R.]
[(i) 7600 V (ii) 1.37 × 10–3 J]
Hint. (i) With dial at 0°, the capacitance of the capacitor is
C1 = 50 pF = 50 × 10–12 F
With dial at 180°, the capacitance of the capacitor is
C2 = 950 pF = 950 × 10–12 F
P.D. across C2, V2 = 400 V
∴ Charge on C2, q = C2V2 = (950 × 10–12) × 400 = 380 × 10–9 C
When the battery is disconnected, charge q remains the same. Suppose V1 is the potential difference
across the capacitor when the dial reads 0°.
∴ q = C1V1
q 380 × 10−9
or V1 = = = 7600 V
C1 50 × 10−12
(ii) Work required = Gain in energy of the capacitor
1 1
= C1 V12 − C2 V22
2 2
1 1
= × 50 × 10−12 × (7600) 2 − × 950 × 10−12 × (400)2
2 2
= 1.37 × 10–3 J
11. A 90 pF capacitor is connected to a 12 V battery and is charged to 12 V. How many electrons are
transferred from one plate to the other ? [6.9 × 109]
Hint. –12
q = CV = (90 × 10 ) × (12) = 1.1 × 10 C –9

Now q = ne
∴ Number of electrons transferred is
q 1.1 × 10−9
n= = −
= 6.9 × 109
e 1.6 × 10 19

12. If C1 = 20 µF, C2 = 30 µF and C3 = 15 µF and the insulated plate of C1 be at a potential of 90 V, one

plate of C3 potential of 90 V, one plate of C3 being earthed, what is the potential difference between
the plates of C2, three capacitors being connected in series ? [20 V]
Hint. Fig. 5.71 shows the conditions of the problem. The equivalent capacitance of this series combina-
tion is given by;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
= + + = + + =
C C1 C2 C3 20 30 15 20
20 20
C= µF = × 10 −6 F
3 3
P.D. across series combination, V = 90 – 0 = 90 V
Total charge, q = CV = × 10–6 ×90 = 6 × 10–4 C
q 6 × 10−4
∴ P.D. across C2 ,V2 = = = 20 V
C2 30 × 10−6
13. A spherical capacitor has an inner sphere of radius 12 cm and outer sphere of radius 13 cm. The
outer sphere is earthed and the inner sphere is given a charge of 2.5 µC. The space between the
concentric spheres is filled with a liquid of dielectric constant 32.
(i) Determine the capacitance of the capacitor.
(ii) What is the potential of the inner sphere ?
(iii) Compare the capacitance of this capacitor with that of an isolated sphere of radius 12 cm. Why is the
capacitance smaller in the latter case ? [(i) 5.55 × 10–9 F (ii) 4.5 × 102 V (iii) 1.33 × 10–11 F]
Hint. (i) Capacitance of spherical capacitor is given by;
C = 4πε0 K
Here = 9 × 109 C2N–1 m–2; K = 32; b = 0.13 m; a = 0.12 m
32 0.12 × 0.13
∴ C= × = 5.55 × 10 −9 F
9 × 109 0.13 − 0.12
(ii) Potential of inner sphere is
q 2.5 × 10−6
V = = = 4.5 × 102 V
C 5.55 × 10−9
(iii) Capacitance of isolated sphere is
= 4πε0 r = = 1.33 × 10−11 F
9 × 109
Note that capacitance of an isolated sphere is much smaller than that of the concentric spheres. It is
because in case of concentric spheres, the total potential is distributed over two spheres and the
potential difference between the two spheres becomes smaller. Since capacitance (C = q/V) is
inversely proportional to potential difference, a spherical capacitor has large capacitance.
14. N drops of mercury of equal radii and possessing equal charges combine to form a big drop.
What is the charge, capacitance and potential of the bigger drop ?
[(i) Q = Nq (ii) C = c N1/3 (iii) V = v N2/3]
Hint. Let q, v and c be the charge, potential and capacitance of the individual small drop. The corresponding
quantities for the bigger drop are Q, V and C.
Charge on bigger drop = N × charge on small drop
∴ Q = Nq
The capacitance of a spherical drop is proportional to the radius.

∴ C R
c r
Since mass is a conserved quantity,
4 3 4
πR ρ = N × π r 3 ρ
3 3
R=r×N 1/3

or = N1/3
∴ = N1/3 or C = c × N1/3

Now V = Q and v = q
C c
V Q  c   1 
∴ =   ×   = (N ) ×  1/3  = N2/3
v C  C  N  C

or V = v × N2/3 C C
15. An infinite identical capacitors each of capaci- C C C C
tance 1 µF are connected as shown in Fig. 5.72.
What is the equivalent capacitance between ter- C C C C C C C
minals A and B ? [2 µF]
Hint. It is clear from the figure that the rows of capaci- C C
16 capacitors
tors are connected in parallel. The capacitance of
first row, second row, third row, fourth row ... . is C,
C/2, C/4, C/8 ... .
The equivalent capacitance of the arrangement is Fig. 5.72

C C C  1 1 1 
C AB = C + + + + .... = C 1 + + + + ... 
2 4 8  2 4 8 
 1 
= C  = 2C = 2 × 1 = 2 µF
1 − 1/ 2 
16. A spherical capacitor has 10 cm and 12 cm as the radii of inner and outer spheres. The space
between the two is filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant 5. Find the capacitance when
(i) the outer sphere is earthed and (ii) inner sphere is earthed.
[(i) 3.33 × 10–10 F (ii) 3.46 × 10–10 F]
Hint. (i) When the outer sphere is earthed, the capacitance of the spherical capacitor is
C = 4πε0 K
Here 4πε0 = = C2 N–1 m–2; K = 5; a = 0.1 m; b = 0.12 m
9 × 109
1 0.1 × 0.12
∴ C= ×5× = 3.33 × 10 −10 F
9 × 109 0.12 − 0.1
(ii) When the inner sphere is earthed, the system is equivalent to capacitors in parallel. One capaci-
tor is between outer sphere and earth and the other capacitor is between outer sphere and inner
earthed sphere. The equivalent capacitance is
C = 4πε0 b + 4πε0 K b − a
1 1 0.1 × 0.12 2 µF
= × 0.12 + × 3 µF
9 × 109 9 × 109 0.12 − 0.1
= 0.13 × 10–10 + 3.33 × 10–10
= 3.46 × 10–10 F 5 µF
17. Find the charge on 5 µF capacitor in the circuit shown in
Fig. 5.73. [9 µC] 4 µF
Hint. The p.d. between AB is 6 V. Considering the branch AB, the
capacitors 2 µF and 5 µF are in parallel and their equivalent 6V
capacitance = 2 + 5 = 7 µF. The branch AB then has 7 µF and Fig. 5.73
3 µF is series. Therefore, the effective capacitance of branch AB is

7 × 3 21
C AB = = µF
7 + 3 10

21 63
Total charge in branch AB, q = CABV = ×6= µC
10 5

q 63 1 21
P.D. across 3 µF capacitor = = × = volts
3 5 3 5

21 9
∴ P.D. across parallel combination = 6 − = volts
5 5

Charge on 5 µF capacitor = (5 × 10–6) × = 9 × 10–6 C = 9 µC
18. Two parallel plate capacitors A and B having capacitance of 1 µF and 5 µF are charged
separately to the same potential of 100 V. Now positive plate of A is connected to the negative
plate of B and the negative plate of A is connected to the positive of B. Find the final charge
on each capacitor. [On A = 200/3 µC; On B = 1000/3 µC]
Hint. Initial charge on A, q1 = C1V = (1 × 10–6) × 100 = 100 µC
Initial charge on B, q2 = C2V = (5 × 10–6) × 100 = 500 µC
When the oppositely charged plates of A and B are connected together, the net charge is
q = q2 – q1 = 500 – 100 = 400 µC
Net charge 400 × 10−6 200
Final potential difference = = = V
Net capacitance (1 + 5)10−6 3
200 200 200
Final charge on A = C1 × = (1 × 10–6) × = µC
3 3 3
200 200 1000
Final charge on B = C2 ×= (5 × 10–6) × = µC
3 3 3
19. The radii of the two spherical shells which form an air filled spherical capacitor are 10 cm
and 10.5 cm. After the inner shell has been charged to a potential of 100 V, the outer shell
is taken apart and removed. What is the final potential of the charged inner shell ?
[2100 V]
Hint. The capacitance of air-filled spherical capacitor is
C = 4πε0
Here 4πε0 = = C2 N–1 m–2; a = 0.1 m; b = 0.105 m
9 × 109
∴ 1 0.1 × 0.105 2.1
C= × = F
9 × 10 9 0.105 − 0.1 9 × 109

2.1 21
Charge on inner sphere, q = CV = × 10 −8 C
× 100 =
9 × 10 9
When the outer shell is removed, then charge on the inner sphere remains the same. However, the
capacitance will change and is given by
1 1
C ′ = 4πε 0 a = × 0.1 = × 10 −8 F
9 × 10 9 9
∴ Final potential of the inner charged shell is
q 21 9
V′ = = × 10 −8 × −10 = 2100 V
C′ 9 10
20. A capacitor is filled with two dielectrics of the same dimensions but of dielectric constants K1
and K2 respectively. Find the capacitances in two possible arrangements
2ε 0 A K1 K 2 ε0 A
[M.N.R.]. (i ) ( ii ) ( K1 + K 2 )
d K1 + K 2 2d


d/2 K1 A/2 A/2

d d
d/2 K2 K1 K2

()i ()ii
Fig. 5.74
Hint. The two possible arrangements are shown in Fig. 5.74.
(i) The arrangement shown in Fig. 5.74 (i) is equivalent to two capacitors in series,each with plate
area A and plate separation d/2 i.e.,
K1 ε 0 A 2 K1 ε0 A
C1 = =
d /2 d
K 2 ε0 A 2 K 2 ε 0 A
C2 = =
d /2 d
The equivalent capacitance C′ is given by;
1 1 1 d d d  1 1 
= + = + =  + 
C ′ C1 C2 2 K1 ε0 A 2 K 2 ε0 A 2 ε0 A  K1 K 2 
d  K1 + K 2 
=  
2 ε0 A  K1 K 2 

2 ε0 A  K1 K 2 
∴ C′ =  
d  K1 + K 2 
(ii)The arrangement shown in Fig. 5.74 (ii) is equivalent to two capacitors inparallel,each with plate
area A/2 and plate separation d i.e.,
K1 ε0 ( A / 2) K1 ε0 A
C1 = =
d 2d

K 2 ε0 ( A / 2) K 2 ε0 A
C2 = =
d 2d
The equivalent capacitance C ″ is given by;
K1 ε0 A K 2 ε0 A ε0 A
C ′′ = C1 + C2 = + = ( K1 + K 2 )
2d 2d 2d
ε0 A
∴ C ′′ = ( K1 + K 2 )


1. Calculate the radius of a spherical conductor of capacitance 1 farad. [9 × 106 km]
2. Can a metal sphere of radius 1 cm hold a charge of 1C ? [No]
3. Calculate the capacitance of a conducting sphere of radius 10 cm situated in air. How much charge
is required to raise it to a potential of 1000 V ? [11 pF; 1.1 × 10–8 C]
4. A capacitor consisting of two parallel plates 0.5 mm apart and each of effective area 500 cm2 is
connected to a 100 V battery. Calculate (i) capacitance of the capacitor and (ii) charge on each
plate. [(i) 885 µF, (ii) 0.0885 µC]
5. Find the length of the paper used in a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 2µF if the dielectric
constant of the paper is 2.5 and its width and thickness are 50 mm and 0.05 mm respectively.
ε KA
[Hint. C = 0 . Here d = 0.05 mm. Now area, A = length × width]
6. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor are separated by a distance of 0.5 cm. What must be the plate
area if the capacitance of the capacitor is to be 2F? [1130 km2]
7. A parallel plate capacitor has circular plates of 8.2 cm radius and 1.3 mm separation. What is the
capacitance of the capacitor. If a p.d. of 120 V is applied across the plates, what charge will appear
on the plates? [140 pF; 17 nC]
8. A parallel plate capacitor has plates 0.15 mm apart, a plate area of 0.1m2 and a dielectric of relative
permittivity 3. If charge on capacitor plates is 0.5 µC, find (i) electric flux density, (ii) p.d. between
plates, and (iii) electric field intensity. [(i) 0.5 × 10–5 C/m2 (ii) 28 V (iii) 186667 V/m]
9. Two capacitors of capacitance 2 µF and 4 µF respectively are connected in series. A d.c. potential
difference of 900V is applied to this series combination. Find p.d. across each capacitor.
[600V; 300V]
10. How can three capacitors of capacitance 3µF, 6µF and 9µF respectively be connected to have a
capacitance of 11µF? µF and 6µ
[3µ µF in series with 9µ
µF in parallel with both]
11. Three capacitors of 2µF, 3µF and 6µF respectively are connected in series across 500V d.c.
supply. Find charge and p.d. on each capacitor. [500 µC; 250V, 166.7V, 83.3V]
12. Calculate the capacitance between points A and B in Fig. 5.23. µF]
13. In the circuit shown in Fig. 5.24, find the equivalent capacitance between points A and B. [4µ µF]
4 µF 4 µF
2 µF

5 µF 6 µF
5 µF
2 µF
6 µF 4 µF 4 µF

Fig. 5.23 Fig. 5.24

14. In the circuit shown in Fig. 5.25, find the equivalent capacitance between points A and B.[ 5µ
15. In the circuit shown in Fig. 5.26, find the equivalent capacitance between points A and B. [1µ
2 µF 3 µF 3 µF 3 µF

8 µF 1 µF 1 µF
2 µF 2 µF 3 µF
4 µF
4 µF 3 µF 3 µF 3 µF
Fig. 5.25 Fig. 5.26
16. How will you combine four capacitors, each of 1µF, to have a net capacitance of 0.75µF?
[Three in parallel and fourth in series with this parallel combination]
17. A variable air capacitor has 11 movable plates and 12 stationary plates. The area of each plate is
0.0015 m2 and separation between opposite plates is 0.001m. Determine the maximum capacitance
of this variable capacitor. [292 pF]
18. Calculate the number of sheets of tin foil and mica for a capacitor of 0.33 µF capacitance if area of
each sheet of tin foil is 82 cm2, the mica sheets are 0.2 mm thick and have relative permittivity 5.
[183 sheets of tin foil; 182 sheets of mica]
19. A 600 pF capacitor is charged by a 200Vsupply. It is then disconnected from the supply and is
connected to another uncharged 600 pF capacitor. How much electrostatic energy is lost in the
process?. [6 × 10–6 J]
20. An uncharged capacitor is connected to a battery. Show that half the energy supplied by the
battery is lost as heat while charging the capacitor.
21. Two capacitors are connected in parallel and the energy stored is 18J when a potential differ-
ence of 6000 V is applied across the combination. When the same capacitors are connected in
series, the stored energy is 4J for the same potential difference. What are the individual capaci-
2 1
tances ? µF ; µF
3 3
22. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is 50 pF and the distance between the plates is
4mm. It is charged to 200V and then the charging battery is removed. Now a dielectric slab
(K = 4) of thickness 2mm is placed between the plates. Calculate (i) final charge on each
plate (ii) final potential difference between plates (iii) final energy in the capacitor.
[(i) 10–8 C (ii) 125 V (iii) 6.25 × 10–7 J ]
23. An ebonite plate (K = 3), 6 mm thick is introduced between the parallel plates of a capacitor of
plate area 2 × 10–2 m2 and plate separation 0.01m. Find the capacitance. [29.5 pF]
24. A parallel-plate capacitor having plate area 100 cm2 and separation 1.0 mm holds a charge of
0.12 µC when connected to a 120 V battery. Find the dielectric constant of the material filling
the gap. [11.3]
25. A slab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as the plates of a parallel-plate
capacitor but has a thickness 3d/4 where d is the separation of the plates. How is the capacitance
changed when the slab is inserted between the plates ? 4K
C = C0
K +3

26. Two parallel-plate capacitors, each of capacitance 40 µF, are connected in series. The space
between the plates of the capacitors is filled with a dielectric material of dielectric constant of
4. Find the equivalent capacitance of the system. [32 µF]


1. Write a short note on conductors and insulators.
2. Discuss the behaviour of metallic conductors in electric field.
3. What is a capacitor? How does a capacitor store charge?
4. Define the SI unit of capacitance.
5. Derive an expression for the capacitance of an isolated spherical conductor.
6. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a spherical capacitor.
7. What is a parallel plate capacitor? Derive an expression for its capacitance.
8. What do you mean by dielectric constant of a dielectric?
9. Three capacitors are connected in (i) series (ii) parallel. Obtain an expression for their equivalent
10. Write a short note on multiplate capacitor.
11. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor.
12. Show that energy stored by a capacitor is q2/2C where q is the final charge on the capacitor and C
is its capacitance.
13. What do you mean by energy density of electric field?
14. Two capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 are charged to potentials V1 and V2 respectively.
The capacitors are joined through a conducting wire. What is the value of common potential?
15. Write a short note on polar and non-polar dielectrics.
16. Discuss the behaviour of a dielectric in a uniform electric field.
17. What do you mean by dielectric strength of a dielectric?
18. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with conducting slab between
the plates; assuming that thickness of slab is less than the plate separation.
19. A parallel plate air capacitor has plate separation d. If a dielectric slab of thickness t (t < d) is
introduced between the plates, derive an expression for the capacitance of the resulting
20. Write a short note on atmospheric electricity.
21. Give an account of thunderstorms and lightning.
22. Write a short note on the discharging effect of sharp points.
23. Write a short note on lightning conductor.
24. Describe the principle, construction and working of Van de Graaff generator.


1. Why is an insulator called a dielectric?
2. How will you prove that electric field inside a charged conductor is zero?
3. Show that farad is a too large unit of capacitance.
4. Show that SI unit of ε0 is F/m.
5. Mention three advantages of dielectrics in capacitors.
6. Can you apply any value of electric field to a dielectric?
7. What do you mean by voltage rating of a capacitor?
8. Why are capacitors connected in series or parallel?
9. What is the need of a multiplate capacitor?
10. Name the practical example of a cylindrical capacitor.
11. Show that electrostatic energy of a capacitor is stored in its electric field.
12. What is the importance of energy density of electric field?
13. How will you discharge a charged capacitor?
14. What is the difference between polar and non-polar dielectrics?
15. A parallel plate air capacitor has a capacitance of 10 µF. If air is replaced by mica (K = 6), what is
the capacitance of the capacitor?
16. What is the dielectric constant of a metal?
17. What is the importance of capacitance?
18. How does lightning conductor prevent the building from lightning?
19. Why does charge leak off rapidly from pointed ends of a charged conductor?
20. What is the breakdown voltage of air?

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