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Centre for Diploma Programmes(CDP)

Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)

Database System (DCS5078)

Trimester 1, 2010/2011

Bookshop Management System

Lecturer Name: Usha AP Vellappan

Group: DM 1 & DM3

Group Members:

• Tey Chee Yong 1091100107

• Luwe Cheng Wong 1091100967

• Chua Wee Liang 1061105477

Bookshop Management System


I would like to thank Ms. Usha AP Vellappan for direct us in our assignment. So,
we can complete our assignment more efficiency and success. She also gave us a lot of
comment on how to draw ERD, identify relationship and draw the relationship between
the entities. We feel very satisfy because Ms. Usha has given us a powerful support.

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Bookshop Management System

Table of Content

• Mission Statement 1

• Mission Objective 2

• Business Rules 3

• Entity-Relationship Diagram 4

• Data Dictionary 5

• Screen Shot of Form and report 8

• Bibliographic 21

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Bookshop Management System

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Bookshop Management System is to support all the

operation of a bookshop and maintain data on inventory of textbook
and other instructional supplier and materials.

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Bookshop Management System

Mission Objectives

1. We need to make decision on book sale prices.

2. We need to know how to make supervision of book deliveries.
3. We need to know how to maintain an update inventory of books.
4. We need to know sales each month.
5. We need to know list of employee.
6. We need to know which book sale the most in every month.
7. We need to know number of customer in each branch.
8. We need to know which category of book is more interested to customer.

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Bookshop Management System

Business Rules

1. One branch can have only one book supplier.

2. One supplier can only have one branch.
3. One book supplier can process many suppliers order.
4. One supplier order can only be process by one book supplier.
5. One supplier order contains many books.
6. One book can only be under 1 supplier order.
7. One book is belong to one category.
8. One category is own by many books.
9. One branch can employ many employees.
10. One employee can only be employ by one branch.
11. One employee can process many customers order.
12. One customer order can only be process by one employee.
13. One customer order is belong to one customer.
14. One customer can own many customers order.

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Bookshop Management System

Entity-Relationship Diagram


BRANCH B O O _KS U P P L IE R P K S u_N u m b e r

P K B_I d PK S_I d S u_U n it p ric e
p ro v id e
p ro c e s s S u_Q ty
B_L o c a t io n S_A d d S u_T o ta lp ric e
B_C o n ta c_Nt o S_H p_N o S u_D a te
F K1 B_Id B o_I d
S_I d

e m p lo y

c o n t a in
C U S T O M _O
PK O_N u m b e r
PK E_I d
U n itp ric e
E_N a m e p ro c e s s Q ty BOOK
E_A d d T o ta lp ric e
E_H p n o D ate PK B o_Id
p o s it io n F K1 E_I d
F K1 B_Id F K2 C_I d B o_T itle
B o_I S B N
P u b lic a tio_Dn a te
A u th o_N
r am e
b e lo n g to F K1 C a_I d


P K C_I d b e lo n g t o

C_A d d
C_C o n t a c_Nt o

P K C a_I d

C a_N a m e

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Bookshop Management System

Data Dictionary

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Table Attribute name Contents Type Format Range Re PK FK
Name qui or Referenced
red FK Table
Bookshop Management System
BRANCH B_Id Branch Int 99999 0-99999 Y PK
B_Location Branch Varchar Xxxxxx Y
Location (100)
B_Contact_No Branch Int 999- 0-
Contact 999999 999999 Y
Number 999 9.99

BOOK_S S_Id Supplier Int 99999 0-99999 Y PK

S_Add Supplier Varchar Xxxxxx Y
Address (100)
S_Hp_No Supplier Int 999- 0- Y
Contact 999999 999999
Number 9 9.99
B_Id Branch Int 99999 0-99999 Y FK BRANCH

SUPPLIE Su_Number Supplier Int 99999 0-99999 Y PK

R_ORDE Number
R Su_Unitprice Unit Varchar xxxx.xx Y
price for (7)
Su_Qty Quantity Int 9999 0-9999 Y
Su_Totalprice Total Varchar xxxxx.x Y
price for (8) x
Su_Date Date of Date dd/mm/ Y
purchase yyyy
Bo_Id Book ID Int 99999 0-99999 Y FK BOOK

S_Id Supplier Int 99999 0-99999 Y FK BOOK


Bo_Id Page 9 Book ID Int 99999 0-99999 Y PK
Bo_Title Book Varchar Xxxxxx 0-
Title (100) 999999
Bo_ISBN Book Int 999-9- 999999 Y
Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

Screen Shot of Form and report

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System

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Bookshop Management System





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