Horenso Brochure

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HORENSO is an essential communication system or tool that drives the daily activities in any business.

When practiced diligently, effective communication with peers, colleagues and subordinates is achieved
while acquiring the knowledge and skills to excel.


At the end of this program, the participants will:

 Understand the HO-REN-SO philosophy.

 Understand why HO-REN-SO Way is the essential tool of information-sharing in the area of reporting, discussing,
communicating and influencing.
 Gain practical HO-REN-SO tools that will allow them to participate more dynamically in solving workplace problems more
effectively and timely.


1. What is HO-REN-SO and it’s Benefits?

2. HO-REN-SO and PDCA Cycle equals to effective problem solving tool at the workplace.
3. 5 Levels of HO-REN-SO at workplace.

4. HO-REN-SO Management (1) HOKOKU (Two-Way Reporting)

 Why Two – Way information sharing is crucial at the workplace
 Tools to implement Two-Way report
 Case Study & Benefits

5. HO-REN-SO Management (2) RENRAKU (Information Sharing)

 Why Two – Way communication is crucial at the workplace
 Tools to implement Two-Way communication
 Case Study, Benefits

6. HO-REN-SO Management (3) SODAN (Consultation & Networking)

 Why Two – Way consultation & networking is crucial at the workplace
 Tools to implement Two-Way influencing & networking
 Case Study, Benefits

7. Effective Practical Approaches of HO-REN-SO at Workplace

8. Management games
9. Video playback

10. Developing HO-REN-SO Action Sheet.

11. Coaching Your HO-REN-SO Challenges at Work.

12. Useful Thoughts on HO-REN-SO.

13. End of the Workshop, and the Beginning of HO-REN-SO Management at workplace !!

14. Extrinsic and Intrinsic motivation.

15. The barriers.

For more info:

+6 03 5121 3251 training@mtcasean.com

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