How To Grow Aloe Vera Indoors

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How to Grow Aloe Vera Indoors

By S. A. Holt, eHow Contributor

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Grow Aloe Vera Indoors

Aloe vera is an undemanding plant that is easy to grow indoors. As a houseplant, it offers the added
bonus of providing its healing gel all year round. A succulent, it can tolerate some neglect and spring
back from setbacks that would kill a less-hardy plant. Its gray-green leaves are fleshy and firm, and it
makes a good contrast to more delicate houseplants like ferns, African violets and spider plants.

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Aloe vera plants have been praised for thousands of years for their health
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Health Benefits of the Aloe Vera Plant

The aloe vera plant is also referred to as "the miracle plant," because of its
remarkable… More

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How to Grow Aloe Vera Indoors

Aloe vera is an undemanding plant that is easy to grow indoors. As a houseplant,

it offers the… More

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Aloe Vera Health Benefits

Aloe vera has been used all around the world to treat various conditions for
centuries. The… More

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Aloe vera is best known as a topical agent found in creams and lotions. This is
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Aloe Vera Topical Benefits

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that has long been cultivated for its many
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About Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a type of succulent native to South Africa. Aloe vera is used as a
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Aloe vera is a succulent that has a long history of use as a medicinal remedy for
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The aloe vera plant has large green and fleshy leaves with prickly edges. The
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Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need:

 Cactus potting mix

 Pot with drainage hole
 Sunny window
 Marbles, pebbles or pot shards

1. 1

Select aloe vera plants that have firm, upright leaves with smooth skin.

2. 2
Repot aloe vera plants each spring. During warm-weather months, they can grow

3. 3

Provide aloe vera plants with loose, sandy soil. Cactus potting mix (or a mixture of 2
parts sand to 1 part potting soil) will work well.

4. 4

Select a pot with good drainage. Fill it 1/3 full with marbles, pebbles or potshards.

5. 5

Fill the pot 2/3 full with potting mix and introduce the plant.

6. 6

Cover the plant to the crown with soil. Pat the soil in place.

7. 7

Water the newly potted aloe vera and place it in a sunny window. Windows with a
southern exposure provide the strong light that aloe vera needs.

8. 8

Water aloe vera during the summer months only when the pot gets dry. Observe the
dirt closely and wait until it starts to pull away from the side of the pot before you
water. During the winter, aloe vera requires very little water. A good watering once
every two to three weeks is plenty.

9. 9

Harvest aloe vera leaves to treat burns by cutting off a small, exterior leaf at the
base of the plant and slicing it lengthwise. Peel the leaf outward, revealing the gel

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Tips & Warnings
 For the best results, place aloe vera outdoors for a few weeks in late spring to
late summer each year. Introduce the plant to the outdoors by placing it in a
protected spot for a few hours on a mild day, increasing the outdoor time over a
week to 10 days.
 If you place aloe vera outdoors in the summer, bring it in well before the first
 Never let aloe vera plants sit in water. They are very susceptible to root rot.
 Should aloe vera be exposed to frost, don't throw it out without giving it a chance
to recover. The leaves will wilt and start to liquefy, then fall off. But sometimes, if
the damage isn't too severe, a new set of leaves will start to grow from the base
of the plant. The plant is very unsightly for a few months, but will occasionally

Read more: How to Grow Aloe Vera Indoors |

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