500 Meter Swim Yesterday

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500 meter swim yesterday

From one end of Duck Pond to the other and back.

We all take our health for granted. Between our hectic work schedules, families and other
responsibilities, regular exercise and fitness usually fall to the bottom of the to-do list.
Furthermore the average American watches over four hours of television per day where we’re
bombarded by junk food ads. These junk food fueled, sedentary lifestyles are causing an obesity
epidemic putting even more stress on our health.

But what if exercise was not only convenient, but fun? What if you could swim, exercise and
play, year-round in the comfort of your own private, temperature controlled swimming pool,
installed just steps away? Not your ordinary backyard swimming pool, used several months a
year and costing a small fortune to heat and maintain; a swimming pool that uses less water,
energy and combines the best attributes of both a hot tub and swimming pool in one.

Necessity has bread invention and companies like Endless Pools have stepped in to create a line
of compact swimming pools also known as swim spas that might be your answer to better health
and fitness. These modular pools are often installed in the smallest of spaces like basements,
decks and even rooftops. They use less water, chemicals and energy than a traditional pool and
you can use it year-round regardless of your local climate.

Endless Pools compact line of swimming pools feature a smooth adjustable current so the user
can swim laps without turns. They also feature an underwater treadmill for water walking and
running, all in a near weightless environment which limits the stress on vulnerable joints and
muscles. Imagine, no traveling, no crowded locker-rooms, just a private pool just for you and
your family! They even have hydrotherapy jets for an after work-out cool down or relaxation
after a stressful day.

In the end we all are responsible for our health, but it’s good to know companies like Endless
Pools are making it easier for us to take a proactive stand on better health.

The Article is written by bestendlesspools.com providing swimming pool and underwater

treadmill Services. Visit http://www.endlesspools.com for more information on
endlesspools.com Service

Question by Stephen: What muscles does swimming exercise?

I know it’s cardio but what other muscles does swimming freestyle exercise?

Best answer:

Answer by knightrunner13
all of them if you swim and not just play around .

Give your answer to this question below!

Learn how to perform the pilates swimming exercise and why the swimming exercise is
important to learn in this free how-to video on advanced pilates exercises. Expert: Ricketta
Butler Bio: Ricketta Butler is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in Health
Science Education. She is currently a personal trainer and group fitness coordinator. Filmmaker:
Michael Carter

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