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United Nations Biosphere Reserve. With God's help and

I heard from a busines contact whose son works the diligent work of a number of Arkansas citizens, the
for a government agency. The son was bragging on a attempt to designate the United States' 48th biosphere in
project which has to do with satellite systems. He the Ozark Highlands has failed.
called his mom (who Iives around r-----:----:--:-;~=_::::;;::I As mentioned before, the area that the pro-
the Berryville/Alpena area) from "When the Lord tells you th' go posed reserve would cover closely matched
Washington D.C. and said, "I'll somewhere 0' to do somhct Ing. the description of what had remained on the
show you how great this system iust trust In Him. Whe\ erJ~l~ classroom wall in my son's fourth grade class
IS. Put your laundry out and I'll have the means 0' not. e as well as the description of the "heart" area
tell you from Washington what dlent .. \ believe there is a ;eason of the star in the Austrian woman's vision
you washed." He called her from \ for me to be In Arkansas. that she had some time in the late 1940s or
Washington saying the equipment perhaps the 1950s (seepage 4).
wasn't working well that day so he would have to try The same Ozark IIighlands land grab agenda continues
it another time. In December, our space agency sent to proceed through bureautic government agencies using
some technicians to repair the satellite system in space. countless rules, regulations and policies on water and en-
The guy called his mother back and said, "Let's try it vironmental issues. For our own sake and the sake of our
again." He called her and said, "You know, it's al- descendants we need to remember that America belongs to
most like there's a shadow over part of Northwest the American people. Our ancestors fought for the Iibelty
Arkansas. We can't see a thing there. They have no that later generations have enjoyed and it's in our own best
surveillance at all in that area." He said there are interest to fight against any attempts to gain control over
other places in the United States that are totally private property. It's up to us, not bureaucratic govcrn-
blacked out by shadow. ment agencies or the United Nations to be good stewards

• • • of God's earth and to "keep America beautiful."

There is an as yet unseen danger in yielding property

T he following is an exerpt from a grammar school text .

rights over to the U.N. The following article taken from
the Arkansas Democrat Gazette March 9, 1997 proves that
the biosphere is a serious concern for the American people.
Arkansas, with its great variety of natural resources,
is the only state that could have a wall built around Angel Antonio Cojulan, national police direc-
it, isolating it from the rest of the world, and still tor in Guatemala, where a decree has set aside land
survive and prosper. for the Maya Biosphere Reserve, said that about
400 squatters have taken as hostages at least 29
Also, this area has a high percentage offorest lands and is government offieials who were sent to evict them
replete with caves. A cave tour guide at Cosmic Caverns from the wildlife and archaeological reserve in the
once said that anyone owning 40 acres or more in north-
west Arkansas probably has at least one cave.
• • • ----- I GJrHE I
etC)R NE R :
A Pparently, Arkansas is the only state to have a power-:
ful provision in its eonstitution which grants county
government "exclusive original jurisdiction" (Article7, see-: ~AGJfHER][N~
lion28 of the ArkansasStateConstitution). The county govern-
ment prevails over state and I NBW~bBGfG:rBR I
fed era I go vern - ,I 2 7 ,3 f/ ••• r i50<'\ 7 2 ~ 0 z- II
h I ere, we . I J
ave e~rned thilt the lord ~pp~r- ments III al mat-
. I P.O. Box ili . Alpena, ARK n6tT I
en y h ~s SOme plans For this ilrea ters concerning (870) 420-3278
In H,s end-time schem eo Fth'Ings landI'use and water II To'hispublication is made possible only bvyour donatiom. 'I
H'. S '
e IS moving the most remilrk~ qua tty, etc. ev-
~ble people here, ilnd we ilre (on- eral attempts have I Name I
tentlo be Pilrt of His pia • been made over the I --------------- I
~~~~~~ •••• i1in~... last 20 years to re- I Address I
vamp our state's constitution, but all I I
have failed. I ---------------- I
I Howdidyou leamaboutthis newsletter'------ I
Northwest Arkansas was the first place in America where Li I
resistance has been successful agatllst efforts to establtsh a a1,L _--_-_--_-_--_-_-_-_-_---_-_--_-_.J

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