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Disasu Software Demonstration Guide Creating a New Vessel Chapter 1


Creating a New Vessel

Chapter 1

This chapter describes the first step in creating a new vessel model for the Disasu Software System. It covers:

1. Selecting “Create New File” from the main menu, and choosing a “sample file” from which to build.
2. Setting the initial vessel diameter, internal and external pressure, and shell material.
3. Entering the basic shape of a vessel by choosing the desired heads, shell(s), cone(s), and support.
4. Saving the new file.

Figure 1-1: The Main Menu

I. Getting Started
From the Main Menu (Figure 1-1) choose “Create New File”. At this point, another window will appear on the screen
asking you to which “starter file” to use (Figure 1-2). The starter file provides default information that may be used
while you are creating your new vessel. In this window, select Vertical Vessel w/ SKIRT Support. This is a
standard starter file for a vertical vessel supported by a skirt.


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