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Can Spirituality be a Pervasive Concept for Business?


Dr. P.K. Haldar

Dept. of Commerce &
Dean Faculty of Arts & Commerce
Tripura University
(A Central University)

(M) +91-9436463472


The art and practice of management, though it is as old as civilization yet it is and always has
been a living creative skilled and exercise for organized socio-economic human advancement.
From time memorial, when ever people were organizing or pursuing any activity or in other
words, consciously endeavoring to create an organization persistently trying for an orderly
conduct management may be said to have been there in practice. In creating resources or adding
values for the centuries for the human advances management in some form or other there had
been behind all success. But its formal beginning owes its origin to the contribution F.W. Taylor
as the father of Scientific Management. During last one hundred years pioneers and experts in
the field of management seems to be in search of the foundation on the basis of which the
elements of the management shall operate and function. As a result, a number of approaches
were proposed by the expert at different times followed by various techniques: Management by
Exceptions (F.W. Taylor, 1911); Management by Objectives (Peter Ducker, 1954), management
by Values (S.K. Chakraborty, 1991), Management by Consciousness (Gupta, 1994),
Management by Walking Around (Peter and Waterman, 1982), and management by
Participation , Management by Emotional Intelligence, Management by Sensation, Management
by intuition, Management by Facts, Passionate management, Management by Self Criticism
managing self reflection and so on. But in view of the emerging challenges as well as crisis that
we are facing on the whole look back to basis in search of ideals or philosophy that shall lay the
appropriate approach for managing or global business. For that the discussion in the proposed
paper shall attempt to look management for sustainability to spiritual sources for new approach
to management as the organ to produce result for sustainability and existence of mankind.

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