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Design of Sarda Fall:

Step 1:

Total fall ( H w )=U / S ( Full supply level )– D /S (Full supply level)

Step 2:
Crest length of fall ( L )=Width of channel
Crest width of fall ( B )=0.55 √ H +W ( For Rectangular fall )
Crest width of fall ( B )=0.45 √ H +W ( For Trapezoidal fall )


H=Head above the crest<Total fall ( H w ) D=Normal water depth( Full supply )

Step 3:
Discharge(Q)=0.415 √2 g L × H ׿

Step 4:
Velocity of reach(V )=

Step 5:
Velocity Head (ha )=

Effective Head(H e )=H +

Step 6:
Total energy level(U /S)=(U /S)Water level+

Step 7:
Crest level=Total energy level (U /S)– H

Step 8:

Height of crest above(U / S) bed level(h c )=Crest level – (U /S)Bed level

Step 9:
Hydraulic Head(H h )=Crest level – ( D/ S) Bed level

Step 10:

Total Length (LT )=Hydraulic Head(H h)× Bligh’ s coefficient (c )

Step 11:
Length of cistern (L)=5 × √ H w × H e

Step 12:
Depth of cistern(x)=0.25× ¿

Step 13:
Cistern level=( D/ S) Bed level – Depth of cistern ( x)

Step 14:
(U /S) Pakka floor length=Total Length( LT ) – Creep Length( Lc )

Step 15:
( D/ S) Stone pitching length=10 H e +2 H w

Step 16:

The(U /S)wing walls are provided ∈a circular shape with Radius

R=6 × H e

Step 17:
Length of ( D/S) Wing wall=8 × √ H × H w
Design a Sarda type fall for the following set of data
Full supply discharge =14 m 3 /sec

Bed width=18 m

Full supply depth( FSD )=1.5 m

Full supply level (U / S)=101.00 m

Full supply level (D/S )=100.00 m

(U /S)Bed level=99.5 m

( D/ S)Bed level=98.5 m

Natural surface level=99.5 m(D/ S)

Bligh’ s Coefficient (c )=8


Step 1:
Total fall ( H w )=U / S ( Full supply level ) – D/S ( Full supply level )¿ 101 – 100=1 m

Step 2:

Crest length of fall ( L )=Width of channel

¿ m18
Crest width of fall (B)=0.55 √ H + D( For Rectangular fall )

H=Head above the crest <Total fall ( H w ) D=Normal water depth( Full supply )

Assuming suitable value for( H )e . g . 0.7 m<( H w )1 m

(U /S) Depth (D)=Full supply level (U /S )– (U / S) Bed Level D=101 – 99.5=1.5 m

Crest width of fall (B)=0.55 √0.7 +1.5=0.815 m ≈ 1m

Step 3:
3 3 10
Discharge(Q)=0.415 √ 2 g × L× H 2 × ¿14=0.415 √ 2× 9.81× 18× H 2 × ¿14=33.09 H 6 H=0.6 m

Step 4:
Velocity of reach(V )=

A= ×1.5=29.25 m

V= =0.48 m/ sec

Step 5:
V2 0.48 2
Velocity Head( ha )= = =0.012 m
2 g 2× 9.81

Effective Head( H e )=H + =0.6 +0.012=0.612 m

Step 6:
Total energy level(U /S)=(U /S)Water level+

¿ 101+0.012=101.012 m

Step 7:
Crest level=Total energy level (U /S)– H
¿ 101.012 – 0.6=100.41m

Step 8:
Height of crest above(U / S) bed level(h c )=Crest level – (U /S)Bed level

¿ 100.41 – 99.5=0.91m

Step 9:
Hydraulic Head(H h )=Crest level – ( D/ S) Bed level

¿ 100.41 – 98.5=1.91m

Step 10:

Total Length (LT )=Hydraulic Head( H h) × Bligh’ s constant (c)

¿ 1.91× 8=15.28 m

Step 11:
Length of cistern (L)=5 × √ H w × H e

¿ 5 × √ 1× 0.612=3.91 m

Step 12:
Depth of cistern(x)=0.25× ¿

¿ 0.25 ׿

Step 13:
Cistern level=( D/ S) Bed level – Depth of cistern ( x)

¿ 98.5 – 0.18=98.32 m

Step 14:
(U /S) Pakka floor length=Total Length( LT ) – Creep Length( Lc )

¿ 15.28 –(1.2+ 0.3+1+0.3+ 4+0.2)=8.28 m ≈ 8.5 m

At end theoretically the impervious floor should be finished but

for safety we extend this distance by x .

Step 15:
( D/ S) Stone pitching length=10 H e +2 H w

¿(10 × 0.612)+(2× 1)=8.12≈ 8.5 m

Step 16:

R=6 × H e =6 × 0.612=3.7 m

Step 17:

Length of ( D/S) wing wallsare kept straight up ¿ a distance of ,

Length of ( D/S) Wing wall=8 × √ H × H w

¿ 8 × √ 0.6 ×1=6.2 m

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