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Group- D

Neha Shukla (Roll -1)

Nishant Kumar Rishu (Roll -2)
Mainak Saha (Roll -8)

Esha Deb (Roll -11)

Aindrila Chakraborty (Roll -12)
Samim Akhtar (Roll -13)
CHANGE - The law of life

MARKET - A mere prey to change


Major market changes :
Unemployment rise due to layoffs
Increased Government spending , decreased people
Decreased production
Many companies closed down
Widening export import gaps
Growing trade and fiscal deficit
Rupee depriciation
Worst hit sectors: Automobile, Infrastructure and
power, IT And ITES, Retail , Real estate, Telecom,
Banking etc.

General Electric
GE is probably one of the first companies to make history by
getting started during the economic recession of 1873.
Revlon Cosmetics
Founded in 1932 deep in the years of the Great Depression

Fortune Magazine in 1930, Hewlett-Packard in 1939,

Burger King in 1954, FedEx in 1973, CNN in 1980 and MTV
in 1981
Riding the crest of a wave

•The total worth of the IPL industry today is

estimated at $4 billion

• Sony charges Rs 4-5 lakh per 10 seconds,

(top soaps charge Rs 1.5 lakh per 10 seconds).

•Lalit Modi has made Rs 54 crore by selling 150

seconds of airtime on SetMax by carrying ads
on the scoreboard during an over.

•It costs MRF Rs 15 crore to have its blimp in

the sky for 24 matches.

Obama’s decision to stop outsourcing will be a

blow to the IT and ITES industry.

Customers are postponing large IT investments .

TCS, Infosys, Wipro, CTS are concerned about

growth in 2011.

Hike in IT budgets could be flat to 2% next year

amid economic uncertainity.

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