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Name: MG:

F.I.T.T. Principle

F: Frequency is the number of times you exercise each week.

I: Intensity is how hard you are working while you are exercising
T: Time is the total amount of time that is spent exercising in one session.
T: Type is the type of exercise you are doing (eg cardio respiratory, resistance
training etc).

Date Type of activity Time Intensity1 Total

(T) (T) (I) Time/Day2

Moderate intensity refers to exercise that make you feel warm and breathe heavier.
High intensity refers to exercises that make you perspire and breathe heavily.
Total time refers to the total amount of time spent on physical activity for the day.

My activity level is: Inactive / Moderately Active / Active

Levels of Activity:
The activity level of a person can be classified under 3 types:

Inactive Not doing any form of physical activity; having a sedentary lifestyle
which involves sitting down for long periods.
Moderately Doing at least about 30 minutes of physical exercise up to 5 times a
Active week; having a moderately active lifestyle which involves moving
around or doing physical activity for short periods of time throughout
the day.
Active Doing regular physical exercise for 30 minutes or more, 5 times or
more a week; having an active lifestyle that constantly involves
moving around or doing physical activity for long periods of the day.

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