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County of Linn, Iowa

Subject: Directive
Severe Weather
Approval Date: Effective Date: Revision No: Policy
12/08/09 12/08/09 Section
Reference: Distribution: Elected Officials, Department
Heads, County Employee Handbook, Intranet
Initially Adopted: 12/08/09
BOS Minutes: 12/08/09

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define guidelines for use by the Board of Supervisors
when considering the closure of county offices due to severe weather and to define
guidelines for notifying county employees of office closure due to severe weather.

II. Scope

This policy is applicable at any time the Board of Supervisors is considering the closure
of county offices due to severe weather.

III. Exceptions


IV. Procedures

A. The Board of Supervisors has the authority to make the decision to close County
facilities with the exception of Linn County LIFTS, Engineering, Facilities and
departments that operate on a 24-hour basis.

B. If the Board of Supervisors makes the decision to remain open during severe
weather, other elected officials may make the decision to close their individual
departments early or for an entire day.

C. Before making the decision to close or to remain open, the Board of Supervisors will
consult with the Director of Policy & Administration, who will have done or will do the
following to the extent possible:
1. Contact Sheriff’s dispatch who will speak with on-duty patrol and report conditions;
2. Listen to message(s) on Secondary Roads Department voice mail system;
3. Contact the court administrator;
4. Observe television and/or weather reports;
5. Gather other pertinent information at his/her discretion.

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