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H.E. Mr.

Yukio Takasu
866 UN Plaza, 2nd Floor,
New York, NY 10017 USA
Date: January 5, 2011

Subject: An appeal letter to put pressure on India government releasing of 34 ethnic freedom
fighters for Burma

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

We are dissidents overseas fighting for freedom and democracy in Burma. We would like to appeal
for your intervention saving the lives of 34 ethnic freedom fighters for Burma, who are currently
held in Presidential Prison in India without fair trial. 6 of their leaders were brutally murdered by
India army upon the request of Burma army in 1998. These 34 ethnic freedom fighters were secretly
held in the jails for more than 12 years by India government in order to cover up the crime the army

Now, we have learnt that the Indian government is keeping them in the jails to forcefully repatriate
them via its prisoners exchange program with the military junta in Burma. We are seriously concern
about them- as the activists struggling for freedom and democracy in Burma, if they are handed
over the brutal junta that will definitely torture, imprison and even execute them.

According to India government, they will never be released unless they will be sponsored by a third
country. As a result, we would like to appeal you to sponsor them on a humanitarian ground due to
their precarious dispositions.

The following details are the translation of the letter (the attached copy in Burmese) emailed by
ethnic prisoners for your consideration.

Once again, thank you very much indeed for your consideration.

Sincerely yours

Co-opreative Organizations

1 ) Overseas National Students' Organization of Burma ( H.Q ) Denmark

Tay Za Thura
General Secretary
E-mail :

2 ) Burmese Democratic Community ( Netherlands )

Ko Myat Thiha
Political Dept
E-mail :

3 ) International Foundation for Burma National Congress ( USA ) ( I.F.B.N.C )

Ko Htun Hlaing
Director ( Political Action Committee )
E-mail :

4 ) National League for Democracy ( L.A ) Netherlands

Ko Hla Myint Naing
E-mail :

5 ) Burma Bureau Germany

Ko Sonny Aung Than Oo
Foreign Affairs
E-mail :

6 ) All Burma Monks Representative Committee ( India )

Ashin Thavara
General Secretary
E-mail :

7 ) Burma's National Reconcilation Action Committee ( Norway )

Ko Aung Htun
Central Executive Committee
E-mail :

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