#280 BBB 04-29-10 4

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Circulation =2442


Use caution while participatmg

in ongoing 2010 national census

Special to The Sun-Sentinel will have proper identifica­ More information about the
tion, a handheld device for 20I0 census can be found
RIDGELAND - Due to a gathering information and a online at the official Web site,
current rash of e-mail mes­ confidentiality notice." census.gov/20 1Ocensus.
sages being sent falsely under
the name of the U.S. Census
Bureau, the Bettii' Business
Bureau (BBB) Serving Mis­
sissipprolfers the following
fuctoids about the 2010 cen­
• The U.S. Census Bureau
will not send e-mail messages
to obtain or verilY informa­
tion or to solicit donations.
• Census workers will not
begin going door-to-door
until ApriL The campaign
will end in July.
• Field representatives will
never ask for your Social
Security number, b
account information or credi
card numbers.
• The information requ
will be in the form of 10 sim­
ple questions relating to
name, gender, age, race, eth­
nicity and home ownership.
Your answers are protect
by law and not shared wi
anyone outside ofthe Cen~
• Citizens are required b
law to respond to the
information requests. Th
data collected is used in all
cation offederal funds and .
determining each state's con
gressional representation.
"If someone contacts yo
claiming to be working fu
the Census Bureau befor
April, they are probably try
ing to obtain your perso
information illegally," sai
Bill Moak, president/CEO 0
the Mississippi BBB
"Remember, too, that all vali
door-to-door census worke

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