Drugs Study

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Generic / Dosage / Classificati Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing Responsibilities

Trade Frequen on tion
Name cy
Piperacilin Piptaz Piperacillin Treatment of Hypersensitiv Hypersensitivity Reactions: Piptaz should not be added
+ 2.5g IV and enzyme infections in ity to Rash, pruritus and fever to blood products or
Tazobacta q6 (to inhibitor the lower penicillins, have been reported albumin hydrolysates and
m complete respiratory cephalosporin should not be mixed with
40 doses) Belongs to tract s & β-lactam Gastrointestinal Effects: other drugs in a syringe or
Piptaz the class of Ex: severe inhibitors melena, gastritis infusion bottle due to
penicillin community- possible problems with
combination aquired pneum
Hepatic Effects: Transient compatibility.
s, including onia &
increases in aspartate Piptaz is not chemically
beta- healthcare
aminotransferase (AST), stable in solutions that
lactamase pneumonia;
inhibitors. uncomplicated alanine aminotransferase contain only sodium
Used in the & complicated (ALT), alkaline bicarbonate and solutions
systemic skin & skin phosphatase and bilirubin that significantly alter pH.
treatment of structure can occur. Lactated Ringer's Solution
infections. infections; is not compatible with
intra- Renal Effects: Increases in Piptaz.
abdominal serum concentrations of Piptaz is stable in glass and
infections creatinine and blood urea plastic containers (plastic
w/ peritonitis. nitrogen (BUN) may be syringes, IV bags and
observed. tubing) once used with
compatible diluents.
Effect on the Central
Nervous System: Use Piptaz immediately
Headache, Malaise after constitution. Discard
properly any unused
Local Reactions: pain, portion after 24 hrs if
stored at room
temperature (20-25°C) or
thrombophlebitis and
after 48 hrs if stored at
refrigerated temperature
(2-8°C). Vials should not be
Other Adverse Effects:
Hypertension, chest pain, frozen after constitution.
edema, dyspnea, Stability in the IV bags has
hypotension, Tachycardia, been demonstrated for up
bradycardia, heart failure. to 24 hrs while stability in
an ambulatory IV infusion
pump has been
demonstrated for a period
of 12 hrs at room

Generic / Dosage / Classification Indication Contraindicatio Side effects Nursing

Trade Frequency n Responsibilities
Co- Cotrimoxazole Sulfamethoxazo Respiratory Hepatic or renal Occasionally GI Assessment:
Trimoxazo forte 1tab BID le and tract, GIT impairment. intolerance.
le for 14 days trimethoprim ; & GUT infection. Assess for allergic
Belongs to the Premature or Mild & transient reactions
class of Skin & wound newborn infant. hematological
combinations of infections. disturbances. Monitor I&O ratio
and Other bacterial Monitor Kidney Function
trimethoprim, infections eg
including acute brucellosi Assess type of infection;
derivatives. s, septicemia. obtain C&S before
Used in the starting therapy
systemic Fungi &
treatment of protozoal
Assess blood dyscrasias
infections infection.
anti-infective; against
urinary tract sensitive gm-ve
agent; organisms

Generic / Dosage / Classificatio Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing Responsibilities

Trade Frequen n tion
Name cy
Clopidogr Clopidogr Adenosine Prevention of Active Stomach Assessment:
el el diphosphate atherosclerotic pathological upset/pain,
/ 75mg/tab (ADP) events in bleeding eg. diarrhea, History: Allergy to clopidogrel,
Clomex 1tab OD receptopr patients Peptic ulcer constipation, pregnancy, lactation, bleeding
Tab after antagonist w/ atheroscleros or intracranial headache, disorders, recent surgery,
lunch is at risk of hemorrhage. dizziness, rash, hepatic impairement, peptic
Antiplatelet thromboembolic Flu-like symptoms, ulcer
disorders eg. MI, back/joint pain.
Belongs to the peripheral Physical: Skin color,
class of arterial disease temperature, lesions,
platelet & stroke. orientation, reflexes, affect,
aggregation Pulse, BP, Orthostatic BP,
inhibitors baseline ECG, peripheral
excluding perfusion, Respiratory,
heparin. Used adventitious sounds
in the
treatment of Intervention:
Provide small frequent feeding if
aggregation GI upset occurs
by blocking
ADP receptors Provide comfort measures and
on platelets, arrange for analgesics if
preventing headache occurs
clumping of
platelets Teachings:

Take daily as prescribed. May

be taken with or without meals

Report skin rashes, chest pain,

fainting, severe headache,
abdominal bleeding

Generic / Dosage / Classificatio Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing Responsibilities
Trade Frequen n tion
Name cy
Citicoline Citicoline Neuroprotecti Treatment of Hypersensitivi Citicoline has a low side Must not be administered along
3ml BID cerebrovascular with medicaments containing
/ ve ty to the drug. effect profile. Some
accident in meclophenoxate
Somazone CNS Drugs & acute and citicoline side effects
recovery phase,
Agents for Patients with include elevated body
symptoms and
ADHD signs of cerebral temperature
hypertonia, restlessness, and
MOA: memory loss, difficulty sleeping if the
stimulation of poor
supplement is taken in
PtdCho concentration,
synthesis in disorientation, the evening.
the injured recent cranial
brain. trauma and their
sequela To
increase brain

Generic / Dosage / Classificatio Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing
Trade Frequen n tion Responsibiliti
Name cy es
Citicoline 1gm IV Neuroprotecti CVD in acute & Hypersensitivi Gastroinstestinal disorders. Allergic Must not be
recovery phase, administered
Na q12 ve ty to the drug. reaction: itchng or hives, swelling
symptoms & along with
/ CNS Drugs & signs of cerebral in yout face or hands, swelling or medicaments
insufficiency containing
Cholinerv Agents for Patients with tingling in your mouth or throat,
parasympath meclophenoxate
ADHD memory loss, cheat tightness, trouble breathing,
hypertonia, or rash, low blood pressure
MOA: recent cranial (faintness, dizziness) slow or fast
stimulation of trauma )
heart beat, headache, nausea &
synthesis in vomiting, or diarrhea.
the injured

Generic / Dosage / Classificat Indicatio Contraindicat Side effects Nursing Responsibilities
Trade Frequen ion n ion
Name cy
Rifampici 200mg/5 Anti- TB Treatment Comprilex Feeling dizzy. Rising Note for any allergic reactions
agents of Previous
n ml: slowly over several
pulmonary Isoniazid-
/ 3ml 30 and associated minutes from sitting or Give this medicine on an empty
extrapulm hepatic injury
Rifampin mins lying position is stomach. Give 1 hour before or 2
onary or other
Rifaldazin Tuberculos severe recommended. Children hours after meals.
e is isoniazid should be extra careful
Rifamycin climbing stairs. Give this medicine with a full
Zinaplex glass of water.
Severe hepatic Flu-like symptoms. These
damage, acute
gout. include headache, A liquid (suspension) is available
weakness, fever, shakes, if your child cannot swallow pills.
aches, pains, and Shake well before use.
sweating. Mild pain
medicine may help. Children who have feeding tubes
can also use the liquid. Flush the
• Belly pain.
feeding tube before and after
• Diarrhea. Yogurt,
medicine is given.
bifidumlactobacillus Measure liquid doses carefully.
acidophilus Use measuring device that
comes with the medicine. If none
• Discoloration of is available, get an oral syringe,
contact lenses. Do a medicine dropper, a medicine
spoon, or a medicine cup (only
not wear while taking for older children) from your
this medicine. pharmacist.

• Change in color of
body fluids to orange.

Generic / Dosage Classificatio Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing Responsibilities

Trade / n tion
Name Freque
Ciprofloxac 500 mg Antibiotic Treatment for Contraindicat The most frequent Ciprofloxacin should be
infection of the
in 1 tab ed in patients side effects of avoided in pregnancy,
respiratory tract
/ every 12 MOA: hypersensitivi ciprofloxacin include
Cipro, hrs/ NG ty to drugs nausea, vomiting, Ciprofloxacin should be
Cipro XR, diarrhea, abdominal avoided in children and
bacterial DNA
Proquin XR pain, rash, adolescents less than 18 years
gyrase thus
headache, and of age, as safe use in these
restlessness patients has not been
replication in
Patients taking ciprofloxacin
can develop sensitivity of the
skin to direct sunlight
(photosensitivity) and should
avoid exposure to sunlight or
use sun protection and

Administer 2 hrs before or 2

hrs after antacids

Generic / Dosage / Classificatio Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing

Trade Frequen n tion Responsibiliti
Name cy es
Food 1-3 Supplements, Immune None None Preferably be
booster. taken 1 hr
Suppleme caps/day Dietary/
before meal
nt for 5 days Combination For maintenance
& restoration of
/ Supplements
OMX microbial
balance during
and after
treatment w/
diarrhea, &
other digestive
Generic / Dosage / Classificatio Indication Contraindicati Side effects Nursing
Trade Frequen n on Responsibilities
Name cy
Omeprazo 20mg 1 Anti-secretory Short-term treatment of Contraindicated Headache, Assess other
le cap OD agent active duodenal ulcer with dizziness, medications patient
PB Proton pump hypersensitivity asthenia. maybe taking for
/ inhibitor First-line therapy in treatment to omeprazole effectiveness and
of heartburn or symptoms of or its Diarrhea, interaction.
Omepron Action: gastroesophageal components. abdominal
Suppresses reflux disease (GERD) pain, Monitor therapeutic
gastric Use cautiously nausea, effectiveness and
secretion by Short-term treatment of with pregnancy, vomiting, adverse reaction at the
inhibiting active benign gastric ulcer lactation. flatulence beginning of therapy
hydrogen/pota and periodically
ssium Atpase GERD, severe erosive Back pain. throughout the
enzyme esophagitis, poorly therapy.
system in the responsive symptomatic Cough, upper
gastric GERD respiratory Assess GI system:
parietal cell, tract infection bowel sounds 8
characterized Long-term therapy: hourly, abdomen for
as a gastric Treatment of pathologic Rash pain and swelling,
acid pump hypersecretory conditions appetite loss.
inhibitor since (Zollinger-
it block the Ellison syndrome, multiple Monitor hepatic
final step of adenomas, systemic enzymes.
acid mastocytosis)
production Assess
Eradication of H. pylori with knowledge/teach
amoxicillin or metronidazole appropriate use of
and clarithromycin this medication,
interventions to
Prilosec OTC: Treatment of reduce side effects,
frequent heartburn (2 or and other symptoms
more days per wk) to report.
Unlabeled use: Posterior
laryngitis; enhance efficacy of
pancreatin for the
treatment of steatorrhea in
cystic fibrosis


Generic / Dosage Classificatio Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing Responsibilities

Trade / n tion
Name Freque
Leviteracet 500mg / it does appear adjunctive Hypersensitivi Dizziness, and Assess effectiveness and
am to attenuate treatment ty to the muscle weakness interactions of other
tab 1tab
fully kindled for partial components are the most medications patient may be
/ HS seizures and seizures of the drug frequently reported taking.
the side effects
Keppra development levetiracetam Avoid adrupt of levetiracetam. Monitor therapeutic
of kindling may withdrawal effectiveness, laboratory
also be useful in Other possible side values, and adverse reactions
some patients Pregnancy effects that do not at beginning of therapy and
with usually require periodically with long-term
generalized, With renal medical attention use.
absence, or impairments include:
myoclonic Monitor for CNS depression
seizures, Caution if • Dryness or (somnolence and fatigue),
and in patients psychiatric soreness of behavioral abnormalities
with disorder and throat (psychosis, hallucinations,
Lennox-Gastaut geriatrics • Fever psychotic depression), and
syndrome other behavioral symptoms
• Sleepiness or
(agitation, anger, aggression,
irritability, hostility, anxiety,
apathy, emotional lability,
• tender, depersonalization, and
swollen depression).
glands in
neck Taper dosage slowly when
• numbness, discontinuing.
"pins and Observe and teach
needles," or seizure/safety precautions.
feelings Assess knowledge/teach
• loss of patient appropriate use,
appetite or interventions to reduce side
weight loss effects, and adverse
symptoms to report.

Generic / Dosage / Classifica Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing Responsibilities
Trade Name Frequen tion tion
Propylthioura 50mg Anti- Indicated to
Hypersensitivi Mild leukopenia Reserve use for patients unable to
cil (PTU) patients
/tab 1tab Thyroid
suffering ty to the drug tolerate any other treatments e.g.
BID HR < Agents from
and its Lupus-like methimazole, radioactive iodine or
sm components syndrome surgery.

Pregnancy Cutaneous Inform patient of liver failure risk

vasculitis and to report any signs of liver
dysfunction (e.g. loss of appetite,
Thrombocytopenia nausea, vomiting, pruritus, dark
coloured urine, light coloured
Skin rash stools, jaundice, right upper-
quadrant pain) or agranulocytosis
Urticaria arthralgia (e.g. fever, sore throat)
and fever immediately.
GI discomfort
Stop treatment upon signs of
Vomiting agranulocytosis, aplastic anaemia,
fever, liver injury, elevated LFT
Headache. above 3 times the upper limit of
normal or exfoliative dermatitis.

Regular monitoring of thyroid

function and CBC is advisable.

Monitor prothrombin time regularly

during treatment, especially before
surgical procedures.

Generic / Dosage / Classificatio Indication Contraindica Side effects Nursing Responsibilities
Trade Frequen n tion
Name cy
Ventolin q1 for Respiratory Relief of Hypersensitivi Headache, tremor, Dilution: May be diluted
(Nebule) 4hrs drugs Bronchospasm ty to any with sterile normal saline.
(with in Bronchial components Any unused solution in the
/ Anti-asthmatic asthma, Chronic of ventolin. hypertension, anxiety, chamber of the nebulizer
bronchial bronchitis, must be discarded.
rarely nausea and
Albuterol clapping Emphysema, Cardiac
and other arrhythmia vomiting, and skin Serum potassium levels
after Neb) reversible associated w/ should be monitored
rashes can be
Obstructive tachycardia
caused by observed. Bronchial Clapping may be
Pulmonary digitalis performed after each neb if
Diseases. intoxication. prescribed by the Physician

Generic / Dosage / Classifica Indication Contraindication Side effects Nursing
Trade Frequen tion Responsibilities
Name cy
Acetylcystei ½ amp Mucolytics Treatment of MAO inhibitor Hypersensitivity Monitor
ne q6 respiratory affections reactions including
(nebule) therapy within 14 bronchospasm, effectiveness of
characterized by angio-edema, rashes
days initiating therapy and advent
/ thick and viscous & pruritus;
therapy; of adverse/allergic
Broncoflem Severe Hypotension; effects.
acute bronchitis, Flushing, nausea,
chronic bronchitis vomiting, fever,
Coronary artery syncope, arthralgia, Instruct patient in
and its
disease, blurred vision, appropriate use
exacerbations; disturbances of liver
hypersensitivity to function, acidosis, and adverse effects
pseudoedephrine, and convulsions, to report
emphysema, cardiac & respiratory
acrivastine or any
mucoviscidosis and arrest.
component; Use with caution in
renal impairment patients > 60 years
of age


Generic / Dosage / Classificat Indication Contraindication Side effects Nursing

Trade Frequen ion Responsibilities
Name cy
Hydrocortiso 100g IV Adrenal For acute adrenal Hypersensitivity to Fluid retention, Give daily before
ne q8 cortical Hypertension,
(IV) steroid cortical insufficiency corticosteroids, hypokalemia, CHF, 9am to mimic
& acute keratitits, herpetica, muscular atrophy, normal peak diurnal
/ Corticostero osteoporosis, GI
hypersensitivity acute psychoses & ulcers, impaired corticosteroid
Hydrocorton Hormones reactions latent, cured or wound healing, levels.
e, psychic disturbances,
manifest TB, GI
Cortenema, Glucocortic convulsions,
Cortef oid ulcer, Hypertension, headache & papillo Space multiple
edema, Cushing's
osteoporosis, syndrome, latent DM, doses evenly
myasthenia gravis & Glaucoma, throughout the day.
exopthalmia &
renal insufficiency cataract.
Hypersensitivity Use minimal doses
for minimal
(anaphylactic shock)
duration to
minimize adverse

Do not give IM
injections if patient

Taper doses when

discontinuing high-
dose or long-term


Generic / Dosage / Classificat Indication Contraindication Side effects Nursing

Trade Frequen ion Responsibilities
Name cy
Doxofylline 400mg ½ Antiasthma Reversible Acute MI, hypotension, Nausea, Assess lung sounds, pulse
(tablet) tic & COPD vomiting,
tab q8 airways lactation and blood pressure before
Preparation obstruction epigastric pain, administration and during
/ s cephalalgia,
irritability, peak of medication.
Ansimar insomnia,
extrasystole, Note amount, color, and
tachypnea, character of sputum

Monitor pulmonary
function tests before
initiating therapy and
periodically during
therapy to determine
effectiveness of

Observe for paradoxical

(wheezing). If conditions
occur, withhold
medication and notify
physician immediately.

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