Flow Measurement: Fluid Relationships

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Flow Measurement

 Direct Flow Measurement

 Measurement principle is done directly.

 Inferential Flow Measurement

 Measurement principle is done by measuring a certain physical variable which is a

function of flow

 The mass or quantity of fluid flows in a unit period of time with a balance or a measure and the
measured result is in terms of weight of volume.

 Volumetric Flowmeters

 Weight or Mass Flowmeters

Fluid Relationships

 Pressure across a particular restriction point causes a flow through the point; the higher the
pressure drop, the higher the flow.

 Temperature; higher temperature decrease viscosity.

 Viscosity; a more viscous fluid flows less easily.

 Density; it decreases as the density increases.

 Friction; more friction reduces flow.

 Specific Gravity affects flow as well as density.

 Flow and flow rate refer to the volume of fluid that passes a given point in a pipe per unit time,
as defined by the following equation:

Q = AV, where :

Q = flowrate

A = cross-sectional area of pipe

V = average fluid flow velocity

 Differential Pressure(d/p)

As the fluid passes the restriction mechanism, the velocity increases and the static pressure falls. The
d/p produced between upstream and downstream of the restriction is proportional to the flow.

 Advantages

 Applicable to fluid flowing in a pipe of any diameter.

 Flow can be measured w/o feeding the measured fluid directly into the measuring device.

 Measuring range can easily be changed.

 Indication, recording, integrating and remote transmission can be readily made.

d/p Calculation

P1, P2 = Static pressure at points M & N (kg/cm2)

A1, A2 = Sectional areas at points M & N (m2)

V1, V2 = Flow velocities at points M & N (m/sec)

d = Density of fluid (kg/m3)

From Bernoulli’s Theorem,

P1/d + V1/2g = P2/d + V2/2g

P1/d – P2/d = V2/2g – V1/2g

1/d(P1 – P2) = 1/2g(V2 – V1) eq. 1

From the theorem of continuity, flow rate is Q (m 3/sec),

A1 V1 = A2 V2

V1 = Q/A1

V2 = Q/A2

By substitution from eq. 1
1 1 2 2 2 1 1
( P1 – P2 ) = Q - Q = Q -
d 2g 2 2 2g 2 2
A2 A1 A2 A1
= Q
2 A1
- A22
A2 A1
2g 2 2
( P1 – P2 ) A1
Q = d 2
A1 - A22
2g A1
A22 Fixed value of the
Q= ( P1 – P2 )
d Restrictor and the
- A22 type of fluid

Q= k ( P1 – P2 )


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