52 Mental Formations

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52 mental formations

From The Dhamma Encyclopedia

The 52 Mental Formations:
1. Contact
2. Feeling
3. Perception
4. Volition
5. Concentration of mind
6. Psychic life
7. Attention
8. Initial application
9. Sustained application
10. Effort
11. Pleasurable interest
12. Desire to do
13. Deciding
14. Greed
15. Hate
16. Dullness
17. Error
18. Conceit
19. Envy
20. Selfishness
21. Worry
22. Shamelessness
23. Recklessness
24. Distraction
25. Sloth
26. Torpor
27. Perplexity
28. Disinterestedness
29. Amity
30. Reason
31. Faith
32. Mindfulness
33. Modesty
34. Discretion
35. Balance of mind
36. Composure of mental properties
37. Composure of mind
38. Buoyancy of mental properties
39. Buoyancy of mind
40. Pliancy of mental properties
41. Pliancy of mind
42. Adaptability of mental properties
43. Adaptability of mind
44. Proficiency of mental properties
45. Proficiency of mind
46. Rectitude of mental properties
47. Rectitude of mind
48. Right speech
49. Right action
50. Right livelihood
51. Pity
52. Appreciation
(from Dhammasangani, the first book of the Abhidhamma)

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