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Great Times or Great People

Luthando Tofu

It is not great times that create great memoirs, but great people who craft a
path of glory in the worst of times and a lasting momentum in the best of
times. For, even a fool can assert greatness by holding ransom the idiotic
consciences of those who applaud fallacy as truth. Those who deem self-
perpetuating rhetoric a substitute to the sacrificial beauty of integrity.

It is however great times that conjure up great people to manifest the

conjunction of reflected divinity and the strength brought together in
humanity. We live not as our own but as a gift to the collective pool of the
human narrative that transcends our own biases. We write the pages of
history knowing that our lessons will determine the currency of generations,
the delicacy of memories and the architecture of social proportions for all
those to follow.

Every generation finds in its fringes the unsung heroes who indirectly shape
and reshape lives in manners untold yet they remain unreflected in the
great halls of popular culture. Menacing the perpetual lunacy of human
selfishness they construct bridges devoid of the insanity of their own times.
Such great people find responsibility a greater endeavour than rights.
Laying down their own to find worth in the unknown, they seek no glory
except glory in each soul resuscitated. It is not just that we are human but
we are endowed with divine consequence. A look at these great people we
shall surely conclude that we live in great times.

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