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Name : Nur Adawiyah bt Muhamad Ajos

Class : PK(BM) / PJ / BI


1) Discuss one moral value you can draw from the poem.

Every people has different fate in their life. From the poem, we can see that the two
siblings, Sadie and Maud has their own way of the life. "Sadie scraped life / with a fine tooth
comb" (3-4) stanza 1, describes Sadie lifestyle which was to live early day to its fullest and to
not worry about what others think. Maud, on the other hand, went to college and did
everything that was asked of her, yet she is the one at the end that is all alone and afraid of
life. Maud ends up alone after shaming Sadie and her daughters and after her parents have
already passed away. On the other hand, Sadie enjoys every moment of life and has two
daughters to love and care for, and she dies young and happy.

2) Choose which sister you like better and give reasons why. Your answer should be
supported with evidence from the poem.

I would like to choose Sadie for a few reasons. In the poem, Sadie is described as an
uneducated woman who can survive only by letting her body be misused compared to Maud
who is described as educated woman whose mental achievement isolates her from society.
“Sadie scraped life / with a fine tooth comb" (3-4) describes Sadie lifestyle which was to live
early day to its fullest and to not worry about what others think. Maud ends up alone after
shaming Sadie and her daughters and after her parents have already passed away. On the
other hand, Sadie enjoys every moment of life and has two daughters to love and care for,
and she dies young and happy.
The next metaphor is "Maud, who went to college, / is a thin brown mouse" (17-18) which
describes Maud as being a thin, timid black woman all alone fearful of life. On the other
hand, just because you have a career won't necessarily make you a happy person. Maud
went to college while Sadie was ridiculed for her lifestyle and having two children out of
wedlock yet she still happy with her life.
As a conclusion, the poem tells us to live our lives and do what we feel is best for us, and
that always doing the right thing may not make you happy at all because everyone has
difference fate in their life.

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