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Section O0C 2nd Term 2010-2011



1. Your friend has a sari-sari store. In a before and after hypothetical scenario,
contrast how your friend will not benefit from not using CRM and how your
friend can benefit from using CRM. Use sample computations. Use at least
250 words. (25 points)

2. Pick a thesis out of the 95 theses except Thesis #1. Contrast how the thesis
you chose would have meant to IT practitioners 10 years ago versus to IT
practitioners for the year 2011. Use at least 250 words. (25 points)

3. Using an activity diagram (with at least 3 swim lanes), describe how to deploy
Spree on Heroku ( 25 points)

4. If you wrote a novel for NaNoWrimo 2010, recall from memory an excerpt
that you would have wanted to rewrite from that novel and write it down.
Minimum 250 words. If you didn’t write a novel for NaNoWriMo 2010, write
down what would have been your first 250 words of a hypothetical novel. (25

5. BONUS: Discuss in a meaningful way how you would connect the concepts in
the Cluetrain Manifesto, Chris Anderson’s “The Long Tail”, Kevin Kelly’s
“1,000 True Fans” and “Ambient Intimacy” by Leisa Reichelt in terms of how
you would create and maintain a community for a hypothetical product or
service that you would retail. Minimum 250 words (25 points)

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