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Eunice Valerie P.


Reaction Paper in Rizal

It is nice to see a movie about historical figures especially those who have sacrificed a lot
for our country. There were stories that were not mentioned in the books but were told in the
movies. These were the stories that the historians cannot describe literally in the books.
Jose Rizal-The Movie tells the story of the Philippine’s National Hero, Jose Rizal. He was
willing to sacrifice everything including his life for the patriotic ideal of a more democratic
Philippines from the hands of the Spaniards. Unlike most of his compatriots of his time, Jose
Rizal was an intellectual and he was prescient enough to realize that there could never be a
country unless each Filipino recognized the need for self-sacrifice and putting aside the
differences for the common good.
About the movie, if I had one complaint, at times, the plot and timeline were a bit
unclear, as it occasionally jumps back and forth in time. It does not give much context to
viewers who were unfamiliar with the story. Even I am taking a subject in Rizal, I am still
unfamiliar with much of the historical context. Therefore, it took me a bit of time to really settle
into the movie. Once I did, it was well worth the effort.
As a Filipina, I am very proud of what a true Filipino is. And, Dr. Jose Rizal was an
excellent example of a true Filipino. Upon watching the movie, I felt more connected to the
past. However, the irony of the ideals he fought for seem to have been forgotten after the
Americans left in 1946. Sad to say that since his death, the country has degenerated into rival
political clans and families - pretty much the same way Filipinos used to be before the Spaniards
I hope that every Filipino should watch this movie for them to know the hardships and
sacrifices of our heroes and let them bear into their minds that the democracy and freedom we
are enjoying right now was the blood and life of a hero who had fought for it.

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