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Scott Connelly - The Fraud Father of

Sports Nutrition

Back in the mid-nineties, the long-running CBS program 60 Minutes

conducted an interview with fired tobacco company scientist Jeffrey
Wigand. During the interview, Wigand insisted that cigarettes were
"nothing but a delivery system for nicotine," and that his former
company, Brown and Williamson, deliberately manipulated the levels of
nicotine in their cigarettes to make them more addictive.

When Brown and Williamson caught wind of the interview, they

threatened to sue CBS. CBS killed the interview before it aired because
the lawsuit threatened a potential buyout of the network that would have
made a number of high-placed executives very rich.

The entire story was later made into an Academy Award nominated film
called The Insider with Russell Crowe playing Jeffrey Wigand.

Unfortunately, the cigarette industry isn't the only one playing fast and
loose with the truth.

The following interview was conducted with someone I met a long time
ago while working as a business partner in MET-Rx. This particular
individual — who doesn't want his name revealed — works for one of the
major manufacturers of bulk protein. In other words, his company makes
protein powders for supplement companies who, in turn, sell them to

However, unlike the cigarette industry's insider, our insider isn't spilling
the beans on any corruption inside his company or the protein
manufacturing business in general. Instead, he's spilling the beans on
the companies that buy his products, including Percon Protein Solutions
and BodyRx the new invention of Dr. Scott Connelly, once again
claiming bogus scientific studies. In a future piece, will be cover the
hidden 50 grams of fat per servings in his new Body Rx products.

You'll see what I mean when you read the interview.

Reporter: During one of our previous conversations, you mentioned that

of all the areas of sports supplementation, protein powders are the one
area that's devolved; gone backward instead of gone forward. What did
you mean by that?

Protein Insider: You bet they've devolved. Case in point, do you

remember when MET-Rx first came out — when the product came in
two containers? That was extremely high quality stuff. They used some
very exotic proteins in that product. If memory serves, they used some of
the same proteins that famed French protein scientist Yves Boirie used
in his research, and it was extremely expensive.

However, over the years, because Dr. Connelly wanted to make more
money by selling into Costco and Walmart, Dr. Connelly pushed the
price downward and increases in the price of proteins, the exotic
proteins were replaced with less expensive materials. As a result,
today's protein powders, for the most part, pale in comparison to the stuff
that was out a little over ten years ago. It's comparable to computer
companies re-releasing the early Pentium-I computers and not telling
anyone, simply because it's too expensive to make Pentium III's and IV's
and whatever.

Reporter: What do you mean by "exotic" proteins?

PI: Well, like micellar casein, very high quality whey isolates, and even
some very interesting whey concentrates. I know people involved with
MET-Rx — people who have no reason to lie — that insist that the
proteins the company uses today are not the same, very, very, high-
quality proteins that they used in the beginning.

Reporter: Why did proteins get so expensive?

PI: They became more expensive because the cost of milk proteins
simply went up. You have the baby food industry — which is way bigger
than the sports supplement industry — and then you have the ice cream
and dairy food manufacturers, companies that make soup, and various
other industries that use milk protein isolates. And, as the market
continues to grow, the demand for proteins goes up. As such, you have
big shortages… or, in some cases, perceived shortages. Think of the oil
industry and the price of gasoline. It's all supply and demand.

It runs in cycles, too. Maybe you've noticed that occasionally there's a

big swing toward a type of protein. For instance, a few years back, there
was a big push toward soy proteins. The reason for this was that it was
the height of the milk protein shortage, so marketers rewrote the rules.
"Soy is good," they said. "Let's start leaking out good info on soy!"

Reporter: What about these high-quality proteins… is there a shortage of

them, too?

PI: Not as much. A lot of companies won't use them because they're
even more expensive than the poorer quality proteins that are in short
supply. Look at it this way, if a company chose to sell the highest-quality
whey-protein isolate available in, say, a two-pound container, they'd
have to sell it for at least $70.

The trouble is, the public thinks that quality proteins should go for, I don't
know, 20 to 30 bucks, and the only way supplement manufacturers can
meet their expectations is by buying dirt cheap proteins to put in their
products. But the guy who walks out of a GNC caring a couple of
buckets of protein doesn't know that. He's just feeling good because he
got some protein at a rock-bottom price. Little does he know that often
he/she just purchased a concentrate with rat feces and lead in it.

Reporter: Well then, how does a company like… well, I won't mention
the name. Let me just say, how does the leading seller of whey protein
do it? Obviously, their product doesn't cost $70.

PI: The industry scuttlebutt is that Dr. Scott Connelly; Percon Protein
Solutions and the BodyRx brand uses the cheapest whey they can find,
with just a little bit of the good stuff in it.

Reporter: So you're suggesting whey protein hijinks?

PI: I'm not suggesting it, I'm stating it! They're flat out lying through their
teeth. The FDA has preached and preached and preached to these
people and they're still lying through their teeth.

It's routine for companies to claim a product made largely or totally of

whey hydrolysates while the product is really only 10 percent whey
hydrolysates and the rest is whey concentrate. First of all, whey
hydrolysates taste nasty as hell, so you'd be able to tell immediately if a
"plain whey" product were totally or largely whey hydrolysates.

As a matter of fact, the top seller in the whey protein market is probably
one of the cheaper proteins to make. It doesn't mean it's terrible quality
and that it won't "work," it's just that they're playing games.

Just like the false claims of WGFE Whey Growth Factor Extract. It is
simply a cheap whey protein concentrate.
Reporter: What makes a protein cheaper than another protein?

PI: Well, the more processing, or the more careful the processing, the
more expensive it is. Therefore, if you believe that things like
glycomacropeptides and certain factors in whey that have immunological
value, these things are still intact in the higher quality isolates and

Furthermore, the more expensive proteins don't cause the digestive

problems you see in cheaper proteins. And, certainly, the higher quality
proteins are digested and assimilated better. Your company is one of the
few that's using the best isolates available.

Reporter: So are there exotic proteins out there right now that aren't
being used?

PI: Absolutely. And they're simply not being used because of the cost.
For instance, there are real, true, colostrums available out there, and
people are looking at isolated microfractions of various proteins, which
cost about a hundred dollars a pound. They mostly come from New
Zealand and Ireland and can be found in only one product I know of, the
reformulated recovery product called PROGENEX.

Reporter: What's the deal with the ready-to-drink protein drinks? High
quality or low? Are they any better than Slimfast?

PI: They're slightly better than Slimfast.

Reporter: Why are they bad?

PI: You have to literally cook them. The FDA requires that you
pasteurize ready-to-drink products, and you end up just destroying these
glycomacropeptides — they're gone. What you end up drinking is just a
basic, bare minimum protein supplement, a very expensive one at that.

Because these products use so much water, and consequently weigh a

lot, the shipping costs end up being considerable. That's primarily why
they cost so much. You're paying dearly to have someone shake your
shake for you. And, unfortunately, the technology that exists today has
not improved since they first started doing RTDs [ready to drinks] and so
you get a basic protein supplement, nothing exotic, nothing interesting,
and usually rotten tasting.

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