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Rahul Prakash Dukande.

- General Secretary –
NSUI, Kolhapur City.
Address: - 814 A Ward, Haidar Road, Shivaji Peth, Kolhapur.

National Student Union of India


NSUI is that union which is created only for the welfare of all
students. Today India is the one of the youngest country in the
world. Therefore is become very important to motivate the
youngsters. NSUI helps to give justice those students who have the
educational problems. NSUI is not the political organization. It is
formed only for the students.

NSUI Objectives :-

 Welfare of all students from the different states.

 Arrange youth festivals due to which youngsters will get
more benefit from these festivals.
 To develop the leadership quality among the students.
 To solve the problems of students from the different states &
different colleges whether it may be private institutes or
government institutes.
If I selected as City President :-

Then I will do following things:-

1) My first main aim is to join maximum students in NSUI.

2) I will prepare NSUI units in all colleges.
3) I will arrange the speech programs of different experts
from the different fields.
4) I will arrange monthly meeting of all NSUI members in
our city to know the progress about NSUI.
5) I will arrange prize ceremonies to motivate the merit
holders from the poor students.
6) Those students who are economically backward & who
have the financial problems for further studies I will arrange
part time job for them.
7) I will arrange different programs which are helpful for
the students like Tree plantation, Blood donation camps,
cultural program, sports competition etc.
Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

Rahul P. Dukande.
NSUI - General Secretary
of Kolhapur City.

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