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§ 830.120 10 CFR Ch.

III (1–1–06 Edition)

document the basis of the graded ap- sures that subcontractors and suppliers
proach used, and submit that docu- satisfy the criteria of § 830.122.
mentation to DOE. The graded ap-
proach may not be used in imple- § 830.122 Quality assurance criteria.
menting the unreviewed safety ques- The QAP must address the following
tion (USQ) process or in implementing management, performance, and assess-
technical safety requirements. ment criteria:
(a) Criterion 1—Management/Pro-
Subpart A—Quality Assurance gram.
Requirements (1) Establish an organizational struc-
ture, functional responsibilities, levels
§ 830.120 Scope. of authority, and interfaces for those
This subpart establishes quality as- managing, performing, and assessing
surance requirements for contractors the work.
conducting activities, including pro- (2) Establish management processes,
viding items or services, that affect, or including planning, scheduling, and
may affect, nuclear safety of DOE nu- providing resources for the work.
clear facilities. (b) Criterion 2—Management/Per-
sonnel Training and Qualification.
§ 830.121 Quality Assurance Program
(QAP). (1) Train and qualify personnel to be
capable of performing their assigned
(a) Contractors conducting activities, work.
including providing items or services, (2) Provide continuing training to
that affect, or may affect, the nuclear personnel to maintain their job pro-
safety of DOE nuclear facilities must ficiency.
conduct work in accordance with the (c) Criterion 3—Management/Quality
Quality Assurance criteria in § 830.122. Improvement.
(b) The contractor responsible for a
(1) Establish and implement proc-
DOE nuclear facility must:
esses to detect and prevent quality
(1) Submit a QAP to DOE for ap-
proval and regard the QAP as approved
(2) Identify, control, and correct
90 days after submittal, unless it is ap-
items, services, and processes that do
proved or rejected by DOE at an earlier
not meet established requirements.
(2) Modify the QAP as directed by (3) Identify the causes of problems
DOE. and work to prevent recurrence as a
(3) Annually submit any changes to part of correcting the problem.
the DOE-approved QAP to DOE for ap- (4) Review item characteristics, proc-
proval. Justify in the submittal why ess implementation, and other quality-
the changes continue to satisfy the related information to identify items,
quality assurance requirements. services, and processes needing im-
(4) Conduct work in accordance with provement.
the QAP. (d) Criterion 4—Management/Docu-
(c) The QAP must: ments and Records.
(1) Describe how the quality assur- (1) Prepare, review, approve, issue,
ance criteria of § 830.122 are satisfied. use, and revise documents to prescribe
(2) Integrate the quality assurance processes, specify requirements, or es-
criteria with the Safety Management tablish design.
System, or describe how the quality as- (2) Specify, prepare, review, approve,
surance criteria apply to the Safety and maintain records.
Management System. (e) Criterion 5—Performance/Work
(3) Use voluntary consensus stand- Processes.
ards in its development and implemen- (1) Perform work consistent with
tation, where practicable and con- technical standards, administrative
sistent with contractual and regu- controls, and other hazard controls
latory requirements, and identify the adopted to meet regulatory or contract
standards used. requirements, using approved instruc-
(4) Describe how the contractor re- tions, procedures, or other appropriate
sponsible for the nuclear facility en- means.


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