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Presented by
1) What is blue eyes?
2) Aims of blues eyes technology
3) Tracks used
4) Making computers see and feel
5) Affective computing
6) Blue eyes enabled devices
7) Software and hardware
8) Current scenario
9) Future
10) Conclusion
11) References
What is Blue eyes?
The U.S. computer giant,IBM has been conducting research on the
Blue Eyes technology at its Almaden Research Center (ARC) in
San Jose, Calif., since 1997. The ARC is IBM's main laboratory
for basic research. The primary objective of the research is to give
a computer the ability of the human being to assess a situation by
using the senses of sight, hearing and touch.

Animal survival depends on highly developed sensory

abilities. Likewise, human cognition depends on highly
developed abilities to perceive, integrate, and interpret
visual, auditory, and touch information. Without a doubt,
computers would be much more powerful if they had even a
small fraction of the perceptual ability of animals or humans.
Adding such perceptual abilities to computers would enable
computers and humans to work together more as partners.
Toward this end, the Blue Eyes project aims at creating
computational devices with the sort of perceptual abilities
that people take for granted.

Thus Blue eyes is the technology to make computers sense

and understand human behavior and feelings and react in
the proper ways.
1)To design smarter devices

2)To create devices with emotional intelligence

3)To create computational devices with perceptual abilities

The idea of giving computers personality or, more accurately,

emotional intelligence" may seem creepy, but technologists say
such machines would offer important advantages.

De-spite their lightning speed and awesome powers of

computation, today's PCs are essentially deaf, dumb, and blind.
They can't see you, they can't hear you, and they certainly don't
care a whit how you feel. Every computer user knows the
frustration of nonsensical error messages, buggy software, and
abrupt system crashes. We might berate the computer as if it were
an unruly child, but, of course, the machine can't respond. "It's
ironic that people feel like dummies in front of their computers,
when in fact the computer is the dummy," says Rosalind Picard, a
computer science professor at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge.

A computer endowed with emotional intelligence, on the other

hand, could recognize when its operator is feeling angry or
frustrated and try to respond in an appropriate fashion. Such a
computer might slow down or replay a tutorial program for a
confused student, or recognize when a designer is burned out and
suggest he take a break. It could even play a recording of
Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" if it sensed anxiety or serve up a
rousing Springsteen anthem if it detected lethargy. The possible
applications of "emotion technology" extend far beyond the
desktop. A car equipped with an affective computing system could
recognize when a driver is feeling drowsy and ad-vise her to pull
over, or it might sense when a stressed-out motorist is about to
explode and warn him to slow down and cool off.

These machines have got their own personality and this

personality depends upon the moods of the user.
Our emotional changes are mostly reflected in our heart pulse
rate,reathing rate ,facial expressions ,eye movements ,voice
etc.Hence these are the parameters on which lue technology is
being developed.
Making computers see and feel
Blue Eyes uses sensing technology to identify a user's
actions and to extract key information. This information is
then analyzed to determine the user's physical, emotional, or
informational state, which in turn can be used to help make
the user more productive by performing expected actions or
by providing expected information.

Beyond making computers more responsive to people's feelings,

researchers say there is another compelling reason for giving ma-
chines emotional intelligence. Contrary to the common wisdom
that emotions contribute to irrational behavior, studies have shown
that feelings actually play a vital role in logical thought and
decision-making. Emotionally impaired people often find it
difficult to make decisions because they fail to recognize the subtle
clues and signals--does this make me feel happy or sad, excited or
bored?--that help direct healthy thought processes. It stands to
reason, therefore, that computers that can emulate human emotions
are more likely to behave rationally, in a manner we can
understand. Emotions are like the weather.We only pay attention to
them when there is a sudden outburst, like a tornado, but in fact
they are constantly operating in the background, helping to monitor
and guide our day-to-day activities.

Picard, who is also the author of the groundbreaking book

Affective Computing, argues that computers should operate under
the same principle. "They have tremendous mathematical abilities,
but when it comes to interacting with people, they are autistic," she
says. "If we want computers to be genuinely intelligent and interact
naturally with us, we must give them the ability to recognize,
understand, and even to behave' and express emotions." Imagine
the benefit of a computer that could remember that a particular
Internet search had resulted in a frustrating and futile exploration
of cyberspace. Next time, it might modify its investigation to
improve the chances of success when a similar request is made.
Affective Computing

The process of making emotional computers with sensing abilities

is known as affective computing.The steps used in this are:
1)Giving sensing abilities
2)Detecting human emotions
3)Respond properly

The first step, researchers say, is to give ma-chines the equivalent

of the eyes, ears, and other sensory organs that humans use to
recognize and express emotion. To that end, computer scientists
are exploring a variety of mechanisms including voice-recognition
software that can discern not only what is being said but the tone in
which it is said; cameras that can track subtle facial expressions,
eye movements, and hand gestures; and biometric sensors that can
measure body temperature, blood pressure, muscle tension, and
other physiological signals associated with emotion.
In the second step, the computers have to detect even the
minor variations of our moods.For eg,a person may hit the
keyboard very fastly either in the happy mood or in the angry
In the third step the computers have to react in accordance
with the emotional states.
Various methods of accomplishing affective computing are :
1) Affect detection:
This is the method of detecting our emotional states from the
expressions on our face.Algorithms amenale to real time
implementation that extract information from facial expressions
and head gestures are being explored.Most of the information is
extractewd from the position of the eye rows and the corners of the
2)MAGIC pointing:
MAGIC stands for Manual Acquisition with Gaze Tracking
Technology. a computer with this technology could move the
cursor by following the direction of the user's eyes.
This type of technology will enable the computer to
automatically transmit information related to the screen
that the user is gazing at. Also, it will enable the
computer to determine, from the user's expression, if he or
she understood the information on the screen, before
automatically deciding to proceed to the next program.
The user pointing is still done by the hand,ut the cursor always
appears at the right position as if by “MAGIC”.By marrying input
technology and eye tracking ,we get “MAGIC pointing”.

SUITOR stands for “Simple User Interface Tracker”.It
implements the method for putting computational devices in touch
with their user’s changing moods.It is mostly used in we ased
applications.By watching what we page the user is currently
rowsing,the SUITOR can find additional information on that
topic.The key is that the user simply interacts with the computer as
usual and the computer infers user interest based on what it sees
the user do.

This is the mouse emedded with sensors that can sense the
physiological attributes such as temperature,ody prewssure,pulse
rate, and touching style, etc.The computer can determine the user’s
emotional states by a single touch.IBM is still oerforming research
on this mouse and will be availale in the market within the next
two or three years.The expected accuracy is 75%.

Blue Eyes enaled devices

Some of the blue Eyes enabled devices are discussed below:

The first blue Eye enabled mass production device
was POD ,the car manufactured y TOYOTA.It could keep the
driver alert and active.It could tell the driver to go slow if he is
driving too fastly and it could pull over the driver when he feels
drowsy.Also it could hear the driver some sort of interesting music
when he is getting bored.
IBM released a robot designed for demonstrating
the new technology.The Blue Eyes robot is equipped with a
computer capable of analyzing a person's glances and other forms
of expressions of feelings, before automatically determining the
next type of action. IBM has released a robot called PONG, which
is equipped with the Blue Eyes technology. PONG is capable of
perceiving the person standing in front of it, smiles when the
person calls his name, and expresses loneliness when it loses sight
of the person.
IBM is showing this robot to the public at the company's
exhibition called "IBM Fair 2000" at the Japan Convention
Center (Makuhari Messe) in Chiba prefecture, March 1-3.

This is an electronic badge that can identify the
wearer and track his movements and activities with an array of
sensors. The device was designed for a major health-care provider
to track the activities of doctors and other personnel at large
medical facilities. It knows who you are and where you are, and it
has a pretty good idea of what you are doing and when you are
doing it. Although that may sound ominous, the device will
ultimately benefit patients by enhancing the security and
accountability of medical facilities. For example, the device will
know who has accessed a drug locker and what drugs were
removed. It will also allow doctors to access confidential medical
information without carrying around paper charts, which can be
misplaced or read by unauthorized personnel. When a doctor
wearing the Secure Pad enters a patient's room, the patient's
medical records will automatically appear on a wall monitor when
the doctor looks at it. When he looks away, or another person
enters the room, the records will disappear. Another advantage of
Secure Pad is that it's interchangeable; when a wearer removes the
badge from her body, the device automatically deactivates, its slate
wiped clean until the next person puts it on.
BLue Eyes software is called “agent” which analyzes and
modifies the mother program, according to the user’s needs and
moods.The user modifies the mother program whenever the user
requests or hardware finds that the user is changing his moods.
For eg, in a we browsing ,if a particular search is found to e
failure ,the agent might improve the searching y changing the
searching key words so as to get the desired results.
Hardware used is dedicated hardware.Usually emedded
devices are used.For eg, a pc camera may drain the processing
ailities of the system and can not e used. The embedded devices
have their own processing capabilities and can function on their
own to achieve specific purposes.

Pioneers in this field are IBM,MIT(Massachussets Institute of

Technology),Sony.Egs of the technologies now under study have
already been discussed.Limited success is achieved in translating
neurological activities into identifiable emotional states
y implanting electrodes in the rain.Researches are still going on
and commercial availability is supposed to happen within the next
few years.

Future applications of this technology is limitless –from

designing cars and developing presentations to interactive
entertainment and advertising.Also it may become very common in
our household devices also .
For eg:
A blue eyes enabled TV set would become active when we
look in its directions.Voice commands could then tune your
favourite channel and adjust the volume.

The Blue eyes technology ensures a convenient way of

simplifying the life by providing more delicate and user friendly
facilities in computing devices. The gap between the electronic and
physical world will be reduced.The computers can be run by using
the implicit commands instead of the explicit commands.


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