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State Representative

Jim Abeler
479 State Office Building, 100 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155
Phone: (651) 296-1729 E-mail:

For Immediate Release: For more information contact:

January 5, 2011 Andy Cook (651) 296-5529

State Rep. Jim Abeler Responds to Early MA Expansion
“MA expansion undoes reform, relies on unsustainable funding.”

ST. PAUL—State Representative Jim Abeler (R-Anoka), Chair of the House Health and
Human Services Finance Committee, responded to Governor Dayton’s signing of the
early MA expansion under the federal health care bill in St. Paul today.

“I recognize the good spirit with which Governor Dayton has signed this legislation—we
all want to do what’s best. But when it comes down to the policy, I disagree with
fundamentally undoing our nation-leading GAMC reform and relying on promised
federal dollars,” said Abeler, who has played a key role in many of the health care
reforms of recent years.

“Our state has been victimized by promised federal dollars in the past. As we speak, the
federal government owes Minnesota a half-billion dollars in special education funding,
costs now borne by school districts and property tax increases,” said Abeler. “Rather
than undoing reform and relying on the feds, let’s take this challenge head-on. We can
build on our past efforts and forge creative solutions that both reflect reality and keep our
promise to the people of Minnesota,” said Abeler.

Abeler expressed his commitment to develop fair, sustainable health care solutions. He
discussed the need to create patient-centered reforms for affordability, quality and value
in the health care marketplace.

“Health care is a large part of our state budget and an important concern for Minnesota
families. I look forward to collaborating with colleagues of both parties, the Governor
and citizens on this critical issue. I’m confident that with an honest, positive approach
we can develop solutions to redesign government, save taxpayer dollars and deliver
results for Minnesotans.”

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