Letter From DR Malachi Z York El (December 09th, 2010) Part 2

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THein TRLE Why of Life Pra TAyNAM-4 THE Danton Pwo Hes GenFted Devils pan Heka kthaSut-u the Crventions woekect ron AX ASA Toran ye 6000 yerms To COME ste tre LASt f Tove" palo wt five werk ee COOL Petey W 400 yen To see This DAy WHed The Devil will be Remoseck How Muchk will you Gite Te See THAt Great Ano Dnénclfel DAy. we Hove To Shad off es He Comes Down. you See watld yea thot He Hay Los? Respect Ano Trust. The Celtic wiccanis Aro tein Relig sons ef Blinn FAH Pwo Sook IS/, 1S Gvex, well | Just UisHed fw SAY tars TU yor PI. PRO Tt yeu At) Fon pRepatelns A place For me ONCE / Arq FLEE Ard FOR PRovidirlg For my Drushter Puo Consort who Live THERE. 4 will Mat Forget your emaness, JIN Gua est Holy Schiptene fg) Saget {Poa TaRag “THe WAY” The Livals Woed- Ame Little Book, Sweet Ad Haney AS roy Lene tt Po TAKE +f IN. yet 14 Becomes Souk Iwsipe At you Think of THESe Final DAYS, Ao THere whe will Awa Hove Become Foud Fea thesn ANA Km, well The Awswene ws is Fact Awak€E ove USE Voludtary Functions Sleep owe HAS “NAN Volunrrny Funtcttoals, You see Somehmes You look Te HAnd te whit IS Simple. wHy 1S The Qveshini Inportrt TO New aupiGals To TREE Control vp tre AT Ofer Voices You must Listed For Yova Own TONE, Voice THis 1s Done by CHanhve pro Meditation Relax Ain Let Go Let Your mind TAKE You". ,,.. you Kngw tne Rest.. 200K INSIDE AnD you will

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