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VF Professional 1.

5 User Reference

VF Professional

Copyright and Trademarks

© Copyright 2006 Reyes Infográfica S.L. All Rights Reserved.

This publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose.


Reyes Infografica S.L. reserves the right to revise and update our products from their state at time of purchase. This
document describes this product at the moment of publication and might not reflect the product in its entirety in the future.

Virtual Fashion is a trademark of Reyes Infografica S.L. in Spain and/or other countries.

Poser is a registered trademark of e frontier, Inc.

DAZ is a Registered Trademark of DAZ Productions, Inc.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Professional

COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARKS...........................................................................................................................2
INDEX ........................................................................................................................................................................3
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................................4
WHAT IS VF PROFESSIONAL .................................................................................................................................5
What is New in VF Pro 1.5?.......................................................................................................................................... 6
VF DESIGNER...........................................................................................................................................................7
Garment Molds and Fabrics ......................................................................................................................................... 7
The Workspace .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
VF Designer General Options..................................................................................................................................... 12
VF Designer Tools ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Manage Garments ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Fabric Cuts ................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Cutting Tool: Best Practice ......................................................................................................................................... 25
VF FITTINGROOM ..................................................................................................................................................26
Draping ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
VF FittingRoom Options ............................................................................................................................................. 27
VF MODELS ............................................................................................................................................................28
Creating a fashion plate.............................................................................................................................................. 28
VF MAKEUP ............................................................................................................................................................29
MakeUp: Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
MakeUp Tips .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
VF PHOTOSTUDIO.................................................................................................................................................32
VF PhotoStudio: Roll, Shot & Image........................................................................................................................... 32
VF PhotoStudio Options ............................................................................................................................................. 33
VF MATERIALEDITOR............................................................................................................................................37
Materials: Creating and changing fabrics.................................................................................................................... 37
VF CONFIG .............................................................................................................................................................39
VF Professional Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 39
VF MANAGER .........................................................................................................................................................40
Managing VF Professional.......................................................................................................................................... 40
Managing Projects ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
How to Backup Projects.............................................................................................................................................. 42
Sharing Resources ..................................................................................................................................................... 43
How to Reinstall VF .................................................................................................................................................... 44
NEW FEATURES ....................................................................................................................................................45
Importing Models into VF............................................................................................................................................ 46
Exporting Garments from VF to Poser........................................................................................................................ 50
Appendix I: How to Add the VF Runtime to Poser Library ......................................................................................... 52
Appendix II: Dynamic Cloth Simulations For Virtual Fashion Garments .................................................................... 53
TUTORIAL: A GENERAL APPROACH TO VF DESIGNER ...................................................................................58

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Professional

Minimum Requirements

Processor: Pentium IV or AMD, 1.5 Ghz or better.

Memory: 256 Mb or better.

Hard Drive: 800 Mb of free space for installation.

Monitor: Super VGA monitor (1024x768 resolution or better) with 32-bit color.

Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce4 / ATI RADEON 8500 64 MB or any card similar or better with a minimum of 64 Mb
on board RAM. (Latest drivers required)
Operating System: Windows 2000 or Windows XP.

Additional Software: Adobe Reader® 5.0 or upper.

Administrative privileges required for installation.

Internet connection required.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Professional

What is VF Professional
VF Professional is the only commercially available software solution for fashion makers, fashion lovers or for everyone who
wants to design fashion rapidly and with astonishing results.

VF Professional is the first and only fashion design system that lets you bring your creative fantasies to life. Without any
prior experience with computers or in fashion design, VF Professional puts you in command of the 3D workspace with our
intuitive and easy to use tools.

Our patented system allows you to design and adjust your garment directly on the model and in real-time. No knowledge of
pattern making is necessary! Add true to life textures to your creations that move and reflect light exactly as they would in real
life. Give your model a personality and your design attitude by posing your model, adding makeup and adjusting his/her
expressions. Moreover, when you are ready build the perfect scene to express your creation add the finishing touch with
backgrounds, decorations, lighting effects, camera angles and zooms to produce ultra high quality photo images such as
those seen throughout our website.

VF Professional is composed of various components that we call modules:

• VF Designer: Is the heart of VF Professional. Anything and everything having to do with the creation of fashion
happens here.

• VF FittingRoom: Try on your designs as you would in a store dressing room.

• VF Models: Change the features of the model, such as posture, facial gestures, skin color, and more.

• VF MakeUp: Puts the tools that professionals use in your hands that let you treat your models to the same touch-ups
that you apply to yourself and see in movies and music videos.

• VF PhotoStudio: Produce amazing quality images of your design, which can then be shared digitally or printed in
remarkable detail.

• VF MaterialEditor: Adjust any of the fabrics in program to create your own stunning textiles.

• VF Config: Optimize the software's settings to your machine's capabilities.

• VF Manager: Is the place where you manage all your VF Professional projects and much more.

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VF Professional

What is New in VF Pro 1.5?

The new version of VF Professional includes important advances over previous versions.

Import of Models

Now it is possible to import Poser and Daz models, create garments for them and export the clothing to Poser. (See
Importing Models into VF)

Garment Export

The export functionality, which was previously only available in VF Basic for Poser, is now available in VF Pro 1.5. New
options not available in VF Basic for Poser have been added as well as improvements in the garment meshes. (See
Exporting Garments from VF to Poser)

Mesh Options when Exporting

There are now two options in choosing the resolution and type of mesh: hexmesh or quadmesh.

The micro polygons created from cuts made in VF have been eliminated. A completely new mesh is created which is
optimized for Poser’s simulation engine.


The parameters associated with the fabrics included in VF have been recalibrated. Garments now offer much better
performance and accuracy while simulating creating much more natural wrinkles and folds.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Designer

VF Designer
Garment Molds and Fabrics
In VF Designer, the entire fashion design process occurs on the model in a 3D environment.

In reality, professional fashion designers also test their designs out on a model, but there are a series of steps they need to
complete before this. First, they have to imagine the garment, draw it, and pass on the illustration to pattern makers, who then
create and cut the pattern and then test it out on a mannequin or sometimes, on a model or even on the client. During this
process, designers use a cheap fabric of neutral visual and physical traits and they are forced to repeat each of the mentioned
steps as many times as necessary until the pattern is approved. With VF Designer, this entire process is avoided and garment
design is highly simplified. The starting point is selecting the form that will cover the body; these shapes will permit you to
design dresses, skirts, trousers, jackets, and even lingerie and swimwear. We call these forms Garment Molds. To begin
designing you select one these forms. They are represented with sections.

Figure 1. Garment Molds

Initially, these basic shapes will not look like the design you had envisioned, but after making some quick and simple changes,
you will see how your idea begins to take form. You can loosen some sections and tighten other ones, you can delete
unnecessary pieces or you can adjust the silhouette. From this point forward, the Garment Mold changes into a fabric piece.
You can choose what fabric you want to use from our fabric library, and then you can cut, create a pattern, or decide which
parts of the garment will be more rigid or flow more.

Figure 2. Fabrics

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VF Designer

Work with molds and fabrics follows a logical or natural order, which we call the pipeline, starting from the general
description and working towards the finer details. Once a model is loaded along with the corresponding mold (pant, skirt, etc.):

1. The shape of the mold is modified by way of the loosen/tighten and stretch processes.

2. Parts of the mold that will not be used in the design are discarded or eliminated. For example, if we want to make
only a skirt we can eliminate the entire upper portion of the mold in one-step.

3. The mold is adjusted in detail using the point-by-point section editor.

4. The cutting tool is used to create the pieces of fabric as they will be in the final design.

5. Materials are applied to the sections as they were cut. In other word, each section has a fabric defined to it.

6. Fabrics are decorated by hand or have a print applied.

7. Finally, parts of the fabric are reinforced to behave more rigidly during the draping process.

Nevertheless, you can skip from one-step to another at any time and you can work in the order you want; but take note two

1. New cuts after choosing fabrics probably will needs new fabric assignments.

2. You cannot color without choosing a fabric first.

The options available in the tools bar o pipeline are described below. See VF Designer Tools for a complete description
of every option.

Garment Mold options:

Loosen, tighten and adjust the silhouette.

Stretch or take in any parts of the Garment Mold.

Delete Section:
Delete the unnecessary sections of the garment.

Edit Section:
Control the shape on a point-by-point basis.

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VF Designer

Fabric options:

Like working with scissors. You can cut the fabric as you wish, and you can create necklines, sleeves, straps, etc.

Here you choose the fabric you will use for your design. There is a wide range of fabrics available complete with dynamic
and visual properties.

Paint or pattern the fabrics you are using.

Reinforce the shoulder pads, or the front part of the garment to maximize or minimize the effect of draping.


Clicking on this button undoes your last operation.

If you have clicked Undo, clicking on this button you can retrieve what you just deleted.

Preset groups of sections:

You can select the entire garment mold or groups of sections corresponding to parts of the body
(arms, legs, torso, head, etc.).

This option works with all Garment Mold operations and with the Cutter option.

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VF Designer

The Workspace
The workspace is the main work area when VF Professional is in use. In the workspace, you interact directly with the
model, the garment mold, the fabric, depending in which process you are.

The pipeline viewport, however, shows the work process including the last changes you have made. However, is only a
visual reference: you do not work directly over it. In this viewport, you will always see the most updated version of your design
and offers a window into how the design process is coming along. You can choose to hide it if you so desire as it will
decrease the amount of resources needed to run VF Professional. This viewport only shows the garments, not the model.

The Viewport Bar options:

The follow table describes mouse function in the workspace. The same operations are valid in the pipeline viewport
however by using left mouse button.
Select this option and use right mouse button while moving the mouse left and right to rotate the model.

Select this option and use right mouse button while moving the mouse up and down to zoom in and zoom out

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VF Designer

Zoom Region:
Select this option along with right mouse button to draw a rectangular region that will be the zooming area.

Select this option and use right mouse button to move the image.

Click this option to center the entire image in the viewport.

Click to access a set of predefined views
Frontal View.

Rear View.

Left View.

Right View.

Overhead View.

Under View.

Body Views :




The Viewport Shortcut options:

Independently of which option you currently have selected in viewport bar :

Use the right mouse button while moving the mouse left and right to rotate the model.

Use Ctrl + right mouse button while moving the mouse up and down to zoom in and zoom out the model.

With the mouse wheel, or center mouse button, or Shift + right mouse button while moving the mouse up and down you
can angle the model forwards and backwards.

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VF Designer

VF Designer General Options

Garment options:

A VF Designer project is composed of one or more designs associated with the model on which they were created. Each
project has a single name and it includes all the garments that compose it, such as a T-shirt, a pair of trousers, and a jacket.
You can add a new garment at any time, or you can choose from an existing one and edit it for inclusion in a new project.

To be clear, you can create a project that is comprised of a cardigan, chinos and shoes. If you want to add an overcoat, you
would need to start a new project and design it. However, after you are finished you could combine the projects into one or
combine them as two separate projects.
Manage Garments:
If you have a project that includes several designs, you can choose here on which of them you want to work.

Show/hide options:

Show/Hide Model:
Show or hide the model. With the model hidden, all that is displayed is the design.

Show/Hide Viewport:
You can show or hide the pipeline viewport.

Show/Hide Cuts:
You can show or hide the cuts you have done.

Project options:

New Project:
Loads a new project. You will need to name it, choose the Garment Mold, and the model you want to use.

Open Project:
Opens an existing project.

Import Mannequin:
To import an external mannequin from Poser or DAZ. (See Importing Models into VF)

Save Project:
Saves the project you are working in.

Save Form:
Saves a user defined form (see VF Designer Tools: To loosen and adjust the silhouette).

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VF Designer

Shortcuts to Modules :

While you are working in one of the modules of VF Professional, you can access another module and return quickly via one of
the shortcuts we have conveniently added. When a module is accessed from another module by use of one of these shortcuts,
and not from the title screen, only some options in this module are available , depending from where you are coming from.
VF FittingRoom:
To drape the design you are working on.

VF Models:
To change features of the model: makeup, facial gesture, and skin and hair color.

VF PhotoStudio:
To take a photo of your design.

VF MaterialEditor:
To create new fabrics by changing properties from any of the materials in VF Professional.


Takes you to VF Professional title screen.

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VF Designer

VF Designer Tools

Garment Mold Tools

To loosen and adjust the silhouette:

Choose a garment form in the Form Library. Select one section or a group of them that you want to adjust. Select a Loosen
Mode and move the Value slider to determine how far you want to extend the form.
When the “1x option” is selected, the garment size will never exceed the form's size. Each multiplier greater than “1x" will
increasingly loosen the garment.
Form Library: Shows the selected form.

Reload: After saving a new form, the list of available forms refreshes.
Delete: Deletes the selected form from list.

Loosen Modes:

Straight: Loosens the selected sections equally.

Baggy: Loosens the sections in the center more than the topmost
and bottommost ones.
Flare: Loosens sections gradually from top to bottom to achieve a
conelike silhouette.
Inverse Flare: Like Flare but loosens from bottom to top.

Curve: Loosens sections gradually from top to bottom to create a

curved silhouette.
Inverse Curve: Like Curve but loosens from bottom to top.

Value: 0% to 100%. Slide to the right to loosen. It may be amplified

using a multiplier.
Reset: Restores the original shape of the selected sections.

Symmetry: Applies the adjustment of the selected section to the

symmetrical part of the garment form (if available).

To stretch or take in any parts of the Garment Mold:

Select one section, or a group of them, and stretch or take them in by moving the Stretch Slider.
Value: Ranges from -100 to 100. Slide to the left to Take In and to the
right to Stretch.

Reset: Restores the original position of the selected sections.

Symmetry: Applies the adjustment of the selected section to the

symmetrical part of the Garment Mold (if available).

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VF Designer

To delete sections of the garment:

Select one section or a group of them to Delete or Restore.

Restore: Restores the selected sections.

Delete: Deletes the selected sections, which will then be displayed in


Reset All: Restores all sections.

Symmetry: Applies the adjustment of the selected section to the symmetrical

part of the Garment Mold (if available).

To adjust the shape on a point by point basis:

Select one section only. Then select a single point or a group of them and drag while holding depressed the left mouse button.
Use Edit Options to access additional features.
Sections: Check this option if you want to use Range and Shape effects on
nearby sections.

Range: 0 to 100. Extends selection progressively (shown in pink).

Shape: 0 to 1. While dragging the selection, 0 produces a rounded

shape and 1 a pointed shape.

Reset: Restores the selected sections.

Symmetry: Applies the adjustment of the selected section to the symmetrical

part of the Garment Mold (if available).

Options: Select with the left mouse button and use with the right mouse
Zoom in and zoom out the image by moving the cursor up and
down while holding down the right mouse button.

Moves the model. "Grab" the model by holding down the right
mouse button and drag to the desired location.

Centers the image in the viewport area.

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VF Designer

Fabric Tools

To cut and remove a piece of fabric:

Create a cut line using Line, Curve or Mixed Curve option (*). By default, all cuts are created on both the front and back of
the model. To cut only on the visible area select Front Only. Press the Cut button to cut the fabric. To remove a piece of
fabric select the Delete Element option and click over the piece you wish to discard. (See Fabric Cuts)

(*) To create a cut line click with the left mouse button in each location that you want to set a control point and then click with
right mouse button to finish the cut line. Afterwards, you can edit the curve by adding, deleting or moving points or using
the Advanced options.
Cut Line Edition:

Line: Creates a cut line with straight segments.

Curve: Creates a cut line with curved segments.

Mixed Curve: Creates a cut line with both straight and curved
segments. Click after click to create a straight segment. Click and
drag to create a curve segment.
Symmetry: Creates a new cut line that is symmetrical to the one
The lines upon which cuts are created depend on how the
mannequin is positioned with respect to the cut line. If you are trying
to achieve an exactly symmetrical cut, you must use one of the
predefined views before cut. (see The Workspace)
Add Point: Adds a new control point to the cut line. Select, move the
cursor over the line and left click to add.

Delete Point: Deletes a control point. Select, put the cursor over the
point and click to delete.
Selection Modes:

Select Point: Allows editing a cut line point by point. Press Control
to add or delete elements of the selection.
Select Section: Selects the sections on which you want to cut. Press
Control to add or delete elements of the selection.
Select Group: Selects a group of sections corresponding to parts of
the body (arms, legs, torso, head, etc.). The cut is made on the
selected sections. You can only select one group at a time.
Cut Mode:

All: Cuts without taking into account the selected sections or groups.

Selected: The cut is made only on the selected sections or groups.


Cut: Cuts the fabric along the active cut line. (See Front Only)

Front Only: Select to cut the fabric that is facing you.

Delete Element: Deletes a piece of fabric. Select, put the cursor over
the piece of fabric and click to delete.
Transparency: Allows for viewing of the model's body through the

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Reset: Restores the fabric without any cuts.

Advanced: To change the type of one control point in the curve select it and
choose between Auto, Corner, Bezier or BezierCorner.
Auto: Is the default option. Generates a curve like in Curve option.
Corner: Generates straight segments in both sides of the control
Bezier: Generates a bezier curve with one tangent handle.

BezierCorner: Generates a bezier curve with two tangent handles.

Show handles: In the case of Bezier or BezierCorner shows the

tangent handles to refine the curve as you want. To edit the tangent
handle click and drag with the left mouse button in one of the ends.

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VF Designer

To apply fabrics to your design:

Choose a material from the Fabric library. Press the Select button and click the left mouse button over the garment piece to
apply the fabric.
Assign: Click this button, and then click the area of the garment where
you want to assign the selected fabric.

Pick: Click this button, and then click on any area of the garment to
know which material you assigned.

Reset: Resets all the fabrics assignments.

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VF Designer

To color or pattern the fabrics you are using:

Select a piece of fabric to color. Select the channel in which to operate between Color and Transparency. Select a tool and
adjust properties (size, hardness, opacity, etc.). Select a color or pattern (*) and apply to the garment using the left mouse

You can include your own designs in the pattern library saving them in the folder MyFabricPrints. There is a shortcut to
MyFabricPrints in the Windows menu Start >> Programs >> Virtual Fashion >> VF Works >> MyFabricPrints. Images
must be TGA format (24 or 32 bits/pixel uncompressed) and you can use alpha channel to create transparency effects.
Select: Click this button and then select the area of the garment
you want to color.
Reset: Restores all the fabrics to their original state and
eliminates all colouring operations.
Color: Select to paint with a color or pattern.
Transparency: Select to apply transparency to the garment. White means
opaque and black is totally transparent. Play with different
shades of grey to get a feel for this tool.
Snap to cut: Select to follow the cut lines when you paint.

Pencil: Draws a thin line.

Dropper: Allows you to select a color by placing the cursor

over any part of the design and clicking.
Brush: Paints a thick line.

Erase: Deletes the colouring and restores the fabric to its

original form.
Fill: Paints with the selected color a region that has the
same color.
Clone: Copies a just painted region to other part. Use
Control + left mouse button to select.
Tiled Pattern: Tiles the selected pattern on the fabric
while the left mouse button is depressed.
Pattern: Applies the selected pattern by following the
mouse's motion.
Undo: Cancel the last operation.

Redo: Retrieves the previous what Undo.

(*With Tiled Pattern or Pattern selected) Brush Size: Changes the size of the active tool.

Hardness: Controls the blurring or sharpness of the stroke.

Flow: Controls the amount of "ink" that reaches the fabric.

Affects the intensity of the color or pattern.

Opacity: Changes the opacity of the active paint tool.

Aspect Ratio: Changes the proportion between height and width of the

Angle: Changes the orientation of the stroke.

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VF Designer

To reinforce different parts of the garment:

Select a Paint Tool and adjust properties (size, hardness, opacity, etc.). Select a color in the greyscale palette and apply to
the garment using the left mouse button. White means maximum reinforce and black without reinforce. Play with different
shades of grey to get a feel for this tool.
Reset: Restores the fabric. Eliminates all paint operations.
Snap to cut: Select to follow the cut lines when you paint.

Brush: Draws a thick line.

Dropper: Allows you to select a color by playing the cursor

over any part of the design and clicking.
Fill: Deletes the paint below and restores the original fabric.

Erase: Deletes the paint below and restores the original

Undo: Cancel the last operation.

Redo: Retrieves the previous Undo.

Brush Size: Changes the size of the active tool.

Hardness: Controls the blurring or sharpness of the stroke.

Flow: Controls the amount of "ink" that reaches the fabric. Affects
the intensity of the color or pattern.

Opacity: Changes the opacity of the active paint tool.

Aspect Ratio: Changes the proportion between height and width of the

Angle: Changes the orientation of the stroke.

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VF Designer

Manage Garments
VF Professional lets you compose a set by putting together different garments created separately in a single project using
the option Manage Garments. You can access this option from VF Designer (see VF Designer General Options) or
from the VF FittingRoom (see VF FittingRoom Options).

To manage garments and create complex designs:

Use the Manage Garments window to rename, add or remove garments to your project and to choose with which of them you
want to work.
Garment List: Displays the garments being used in the current project.

Rename: To rename a garment, select it in the list, write a new name

in the edit box and press the Rename button.

Up/Down: Pieces on the model are displayed in order of layer with the
topmost garment being the outermost and the garment listed
at the bottom being closest to the body.
You can use this option to easily adjust how your pieces will
be layered on the model.
If you have garments with transparency, play with
Up/Down until you get the correct visibility.

Choose a garment in the list and press the Up button to

move selection up and Down to move selection down.

Remove: To remove a garment from a project, select it and press the

Remove button.

Add: To add a garment to a project, press the Add button and

choose a resource from the project list.

Visible: Check this option if you want the selected garment to be


Close: When you close the Manage Garments window using this
option the selected garment will be the active garment on the
workspace in VF Designer.

Cancel: To close the Manage Garments window.

In VF Fitting Room, Close has the same effect than

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VF Designer

Fabric Cuts
Cutting fabric on a 3D model is equivalent to cutting cloth with a pair of scissors. VF Designer has split the process into three

1. The first operation is to mark the cut by way of a line, exactly in the same way a tailor would use chalk. Let us call
this line the Cut Line, which can be either straight or curved. Depending on the needs of the design, we choose the
appropriate option. As we are working in 3D, we can rotate the model, zoom in on a specific area or move the figure,
in order to help us position the model best before marking the Cut Line.

2. Now we use the Cut Line in order to cut the fabric. For this, we use the Cut option. Basically, there are three
possibilities that can result while using this option:

a. The fabric does not cut because the cut line does not touch the fabric.

b. The fabric succeeds in being cut but without separating into a new section of fabric.

c. The cut divides the garment into two or more pieces. In this case the change will be reflected by the
different segments of the garment being assigned each their own color. .

If the Front Only option is not selected the cut will be effected not only on the front of the garment but on all the
layers that are symmetrically mirrored on the back of the model. If we select this option, the cut will only be made on
the part of the fabric we see in front of us.

3. If the cut made is as of type "c" as outlined above, we can choose to discard any of the sections that we made by
using the Delete Element operation. Cuts are not always used just to discard parts of the garment. We also use
them so that we can later assign a fabric material to each area.

The Cut Lines as well as the cuts themselves are added to a list that appears to the right of the screen so that we can jump
back to any operation that we have made should we need to.

Let us look at some simple exercises.

A U-shaped neckline (torso and back)

Start by creating a new project. Load a female model and choose Skirt as your garment form. Then go directly to the Cuts
option in the pipeline. The frontal view that you have of the model is ideal to create the neckline. If you like, you can enlarge
the area in which you are going to work by using the Zoom Region operation. In reality, for this exercise it does not really
matter whether you have chosen a Skirt or a Trouser garment form.

Next, select the Curve option so that you can create a U by using your mouse to draw the five points as they appear in Fig.
2a. You can easily touch up your curve if you did not get it perfect on your first attempt by selecting one of the points and then
repositioning it. When you have finished adjusting the curve click on the Cut button. Now the garment has been divided into
two parts, which are indicated in distinct colors. Use the Delete Element option to discard the garment section that covers
the head and you will have your neckline as shown in Fig. 2b.

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Simple V-neck (torso only)

Once again, start a new project, select a female model with a Skirt garment form and select the Cuts option in the pipeline.
This time we will draw a line using the Line option because the neckline is a V as seen in Fig. 3a. However, before you cut
do not forget to select the Front Only option so that you do not end up cutting fabric that is on the back of the model. Now
click on Cut and watch what happens: nothing? However, the list of cuts shows that a new cut has been added. What is going

In reality, you have made a cut but you only have one section defined to your garment as in Fig. 3b, where the cut is shown
in green. So the lesson to learn is this: whether or not you use the Front Only option, a Cut Line always will create a cut,
even though it won't always divide the garment into more sections.

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So after seeing this little "trick" let us start again. It is not necessary to create a new project; you can use the Undo operation
in the pipeline or Reset in the tool panel to remove the last cut.

For a neckline of the type that we want to make it's going to be necessary to make two cuts. Deselect the Front Only option
and with the Curve draw a line to give the neck some shape as you see in Fig. 3c. Click on Cut and discard the upper part
of the fabric using the Delete Element option. Now select Front Only again and draw a line using the Line option as in Fig.
3d. Make sure that this second Cut Line falls inside the area of your first cut, as if you were using scissors "inside" the area
that you previously removed around the collar. This is how to create a section division in the fabric when using the Cut option.
In Fig. 3e and Fig. 3f, you can see the result.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Designer

Cutting Tool: Best Practice

The cutting tool is designed to give you complete freedom and yields its best results when used discreetly. Use the cutter as
you would scissors in real life by planning your cuts and not attempting to create impossible cuts that would not make sense
in real life. As a rule of thumb: the cleaner the cut the better your draping simulation result will be.
Be sure to avoid making any unnecessary cuts.

The Transparency option can be useful in deciding where to place your Cut Lines since it allows you to see the model
behind the clothing that covers his or her body.

When Front Only option is selected, the cut will only be made on the part of the fabric we see in front of us or, in other
words, on the part of the fabric that is "looking" toward us. With this in mind, be careful in order to do not get undesirable
results. Nevertheless, sometimes is not possible to avoid "extra" cuts, like in Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b: using a trouser, the inner
part of the left leg is cutting because this part is "looking" toward us, like the outer part of the right leg.

VF Professional 1.5 25
VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF FittingRoom

VF FittingRoom
VF FittingRoom lets you to try on your designs as you would in a store dressing room. Almost in real time, you will see how
the "rigid" forms you created become lifelike with our draping technology in action.

After loading a project, you are able to start a draping simulation. This process involves a huge amount of physics-based
calculations to simulate the fabric's behaviour while on model's body including gravity, weight, stiffness, collisions with body
and other fabrics, etc.

Furthermore, to get a more lifelike appearance, you are able to change the model's posture, facial gesture, skin, eyes and hair
color and add makeup (see VF Models).

The next images illustrate the before and after simulation and the reinforce used to fix those parts without simulation.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF FittingRoom

VF FittingRoom Options

The FittingRoom Bar options:

Load Project:
Opens an existing project.

Save Project:
Saves the project you are working in.

Export Project:
Exports the project as dynamic clothes to be used in Poser. (See Exporting Garments from VF to Poser).

Load Pose/Posture:
Changes the position of the mannequin body.
After loading a Pose / Posture, you will be prompted to adapt the garment to the new position. The mannequin
changes its color to orange to indicate that you need to adapt the garment to the new Pose/Posture.

Load Pose: To load a position of the mannequin body. Also includes changes in facial expression.

Load Posture: To load a position of the mannequin body.

Adapt Garment to Pose/Posture:

Adapts the garment to the new posture. The mannequin recovers his normal aspect.

Change to Draped Pose:

When you coming from VF Designer, if you have a previously draped garment, click to adopt the draped pose.

Restore Drape:
With basic posture, restores the garments to the default state before draped.

Start Draping:
Starts a cloth simulation process. You' are able to stop the process in any moment if you like the result you are getting.
The full process takes some time to complete.
For all parts of the garments you don't want to be affected by draping you need to reinforce. See VF Designer Tools.

Manage Garments:
Manages the garments to drape. You can rename, remove or add garments to your project.

Go to VF Models:
Takes you to VF Models.

Go to VF PhotoStudio:
Takes you to VF PhotoStudio.

Go to VF Designer:
Takes you to VF Designer.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Models

VF Models
Creating a fashion plate
With VF Models, the features of the model in your scenes are completely in your control. Add attitude or emotion and give
your final product that edge that fashion designers and photographers use. Make your model as unique as your design, a
Virtual Fashion Icon.

NOTE: These features are only available for the default VF figures. For imported models this options are not supported.

The VF Models Bar options:

You can stylize your character with facial expressions, gestures, poses, skin tones and makeup.
Changes the position of the body.

Changes facial gestures.

Eyes Color:
Changes eye color.

Skin Color:
Changes skin color.

Hair Color:
Changes hair color.

Chooses a combination of a Posture and a Gesture.

Make up the model. Takes you to VF MakeUp. (See VF MakeUp).

Restarts the current MakeUp session, discarding changes.

Loads / Unloads the MakeUp Tools.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF MakeUp

VF MakeUp
MakeUp: Overview
VF MakeUp puts professional tools in your hands that let you treat your models to the same touch-ups that you apply to
yourself and see in movies and music videos.

The power to accentuate is in your hands with various tools such as:

• Powder brushes.
• Foundation brushes.
• Eye and lip liners.
• Eyeshadows.
• Mask.
• Eyebrow pencils.

The Viewport options:

Use the right mouse button while moving the mouse left and right to rotate the model.

Use Ctrl + right mouse button while moving the mouse up and down to zoom in and zoom out the model.

With the mouse wheel, or center mouse button, or Shift + right mouse button while moving the mouse up and down you
can angle the model forwards and backwards.

MakeUp Tools :

MakeUp Set:
Choose the one that you want to use and apply on the face using your
mouse with the left button depressed.

Foundation Sponge: Apply your base uniformly to reduce shine and

even out skin color over the entire face.

Rouge Brush: Add color to the cheeks and cheekbone areas, or be

more creative and stretch it out a bit. The more you go over an area
the deeper the color gets.

Lipstick: Applies dense, intense and brilliant color to the lips.

Eye and Lip Lines: With this Set, you can contour areas of your
makeup with sharply defined lines.

Eyeshadow: This pencil is oily and not very sharp. It works just like
the Rouge Brush, coloring more deeply with more application.

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VF MakeUp

Tattoo: Add a festive touch with stars and glitter.

Removal Sponge: A wet tool to remove makeup from

anywhere on the face. .

Tool Size: Allows you to increase the size of any of the

makeup tools.

Undo: Cancel the last operation.

Redo: Retrieves the previous what Undo.

Using the Masks that we provide you can work exactly where you want to,
without worrying about drawing outside the lines.

No Mask: Choose this option to work freely anywhere on the


Facial Mask: Draw anywhere on the face that you like, except
on the lips.

Lip Mask: Like the name says, allows drawing exclusively on

the lips.

Lip Contour Mask: For applying the lip pencil, work can only
be done on the very edges of the lips.

Facial Options:
Our models, even though they do not talk, are alive. They can look at you...
open and close their eyes and even blow you a kiss.

Look at camera / Eyes fixed.

Close / Open eyes.

Pucker / Unpucker lips.

Color Palette:
The displayed color palettes will change according to which MakeUp Set is
selected. Choose the color you would like to use from the options at the right
of the palette. The color picked will display clearly at the left of the palette

If in a palette containing 6 colors you do not see a color that you would like to
use, you can select a tool that contains a color palette containing more
colors, select a color from that palette and then choose again the MakeUp
Set that you originally selected. Magically you will see the color you selected
available for use.

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VF MakeUp

MakeUp Tips
1. When applying foundation choosing the largest sponge is quickest.

2. When applying eye shadow on the upper eyelid it is recommended to use the medium size brush, it takes less time
than using the small one but you can control the area you want to color. The small size brush is very useful if you
want to profile the eyes with eye shadow instead of using a pencil. You can use it as well if you want to apply eye
shadow on the lower eyelid.

3. If you want to preview the thickness of the eyeliner pencil, it is most convenient to do so with the model's eyes open.
Then, close the model's eyes and draw the line using the medium size pencil. In order to get the best possible results,
you can zoom in to see the eyes closer, and using the small size pencil you can finish filling in color. You can then fill
in all the small blanks making it as uniform as possible.

4. If you want to draw a line inside the lower eyelid, it is easiest to do it with the model's eyes closed. Zoom in and draw
this line from the line in the upper eyelid to the border of the upper eyelid.

5. And this is the final result!

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VF PhotoStudio

VF PhotoStudio
VF PhotoStudio: Roll, Shot & Image
Suppose you have created the garment collections for summer and fall of next year and everything is prepared for the
promotional photo shoot. We have that covered with VF PhotoStudio. For starters, we will decide to separate each collection
and we will create two rolls, one for each collection, but we will get to rolls in a moment.

Imagine that the summer collection includes twelve different designs, and the photo director (meaning you) wants the models
dressed in your designs to pose in several different scenes, which could mean different camera angles and lighting or the use
of multiple models in a single shot. Well, in VF PhotoStudio every environment configuration is called a shot, just as a
photographer would name it!

Inside a VF Professional project, (see Managing Projects) you are able to create rolls to categorize or organize your work as
you desire. Within each roll, you can define as many shots as you want. Think of it as a roll of film with an unlimited number of

We have our designs, models, poses and gestures defined. The "photos" or images you will take will be stored in a folder
named MyPhotoStudio, which was created when VF Professional was installed. All images are saved in JPEG format.
When you take a photo VF PhotoStudio captures the scene you composed on your screen and takes a snapshot. After, you
can see it or print it with your favourite image software.

There is a shortcut to MyPhotoStudio in the Programs menu:

The next sequence of images shows a composite of VF PhotoStudio images.

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VF PhotoStudio

VF PhotoStudio Options

To manage files and images:

New Roll:
Creates a New Roll. VF PhotoStudio starts with a new roll opened.

Load Roll:
Loads an existing Roll.

Save Roll:
Saves a Roll.

Load Scenario:
Loads a new scenario.

Load Mannequin:
Puts a mannequin into the scene.

Take Photo:
Captures the scene into an image exactly as you see inside the region delimited by the foursquare angles. The quality of
the image depends of the megapixels selected.

Go To FittingRoom:
Takes you to VF FittingRoom.

Go To Models:
Takes you to VF Models.

Go To Home:
Takes you to VF Professional title screen.

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VF PhotoStudio

To change the light's color and position:

Click over one of the three lights in the reference map (1). To adjust the light position choose one position option and slide the
wheel. To change the light source shading click over the color palette to choose a color.

1. Imagine that the model is in the center of a sphere, and the lights are in any point in the surface of this sphere. In this map,
the yellow circle indicates how the light moves horizontally around the model and the rule in the right how the light moves
vertically around the model, from the top most point in the sphere to the bottom, but always over the surface. You are enabled
to select a light over this map, but you cannot use it to change the light position directly.

Click over to select a light.

To move the light source horizontally around the model.

To move the light source vertically around the model.

Turn on /off the light selected.

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VF PhotoStudio

To change the camera position and framing:

Select one of the three Position options and use the mouse over the scene. Alternatively, use the active map to control the
relative positions between the camera and the model . The camera has and additional control, the target , that
represents where the camera is pointed. Use the rules in the right side of the active map to adjust the height of both camera
and target.
Resets the default camera and model position.

To choose the element (model , camera or camera

target ) you want to interact over the active map.

Position: Use the right mouse button while moving the mouse up and
down to move the camera towards and forwards to the

Moves the camera around the model:

Use the left mouse button while moving the mouse left and
right to move horizontally.

Use center mouse button while moving the mouse up and

down to move vertically.

Displaces the camera parallel to the model:

Use the left mouse button while moving the mouse in any

Rolls the camera:

Use the left mouse button while moving the mouse left and

Framing: To choose between one of the three most popular photo

4:3 digital
3:2 35mm film
1:1 6x6 film

and between horizontal and vertical framing.

Zoom: Changes the focal length of the camera getting a most closer
or far view of the scene without change the camera position.

Megapixels: Changes the photo resolution. Choose a higher number if

you want high quality or a lower number to use in web or email.

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VF PhotoStudio

To change the scene's properties:

Select the property you want to change and edit the settings.
Background: Changes the background image. Click in the picture icon to
choose the image.

You can use any image in JPG or TGA format. The resolution
must be 1024 x 768 (4:3) or upper. In the case of TGA format,
you can use alpha channel to produce transparency effects.

Some scenes can have more than one background. For

example, the default Runway scene has three, two in horizontal
on the sides and one vertical in the center.

You need to put your images in MyBackgrounds folder.

There is a shortcut to MyBackgrounds in the Windows
Programs menu (see VF PhotoStudio: Roll, Shot and Image)

Reset: Resets the default property value.

To change the model's position:

Select one of the options and use the wheel to operate.

To move the model from left to right.

To move the model from near to far.

To rotate the model.

To add or delete a shot:

Click over the Save Shot button and enter a name to the new Shot.

Saves the scene as a shot.

Deletes the shot selected in list.

VF Professional 1.5 36
VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF MaterialEditor

VF MaterialEditor
Materials: Creating and changing fabrics
VF MaterialEditor lets you to create new fabrics by editing the properties of any material that already exists in VF
Professional. After creating a new fabric, you can save it and it will be permanently available in VF Designer inside the
fabrics library.

The process is as follows: press the New button, select a base material from list, enter a name that you like and press OK.
Adjust the properties associated with the fabric and press the Save button. You can always delete a material in the list by
selecting it and pressing the Delete button.

Not all materials have the same properties. For example, fabrics based on Denim only have Color, whereas others like Silk
have Brightness, Color and Opacity.

Click the palette button to access the palette color.

Click the background button to show a viewport background

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VF MaterialEditor

The Materials Viewport options:

The viewport shows every property change in real time.

Use the left or right mouse button while moving the mouse left and right to rotate the model.

Use Ctrl + left or right mouse button while moving the mouse up and down to zoom in and zoom out the model. .

With the mouse wheel, or center mouse button, or Shift + right mouse button while moving the mouse up and down you
can angle the model forwards and backwards.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Config

VF Config
VF Professional Configuration
VF Config lets you to customize your VF Professional by selecting the settings that best match the graphics capabilities of
your machine and others.

After changes are made, you can Save the new configuration, Apply the changes to view the effect before saving or
Restore the previous settings.

Graphic options:

To change the screen resolution. The application is optimized for and best viewed at 1024x768.

To avoid jagged lines and contours.

Miscellaneous Options:

Undo/Redo Level:
To change the number of "undo" and "redo" that are available.

Ask for Notification:

Check if you want the system to notify you before connecting to our server.

Posture Change Ratio:

To change the number of steps in a posture change.

Pipeline Alerts:
Will alert you if you should do any operations that can cause a conflict. In certain cases, the steps you take in your design could
cause conflicts. For example, if you return to cut a segment that you have already applied a fabric to then the program will alert
you to inform that you will need to apply a fabric to the new cuts.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Manager

VF Manager
Managing VF Professional
VF Manager is the place where you manage all your VF Professional projects: see how many elements compose a project,
add descriptions, share projects and resources with other users, register and update your VF Professional and others.

The VF Manager options:

Project Manager:
To manage and backup your VF Professional projects. See Managing Projects.

To share your projects, resources and VF PhotoStudio images with others VF Professional users. See Sharing

To register your VF Professional and get updates. To register the application, enter your serial number (retail),
login and password. Sometimes you will get an email from virtual fashion with a key code in order to get updates.
Once the key code is entered, the process will begin and be completed automatically. After that, you will be alerted that
the application will restart.

Use this option when you install your VF Professional in other machine. You can do until four different installations but
only one will be active.

VF Professional 1.5 40
VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

VF Manager

Managing Projects
Select a project in the Projects list to see what it contains in the Resources list. Moreover, you can add a description to
every specific editable resource by selecting it, writing it in the Resource Description text box and pressing the Save button.

If your projects contain many rolls or images (See VF PhotoStudio), the space used on your hard drive could be high. The

Project Manager window lets you view the size of your projects. Use the Delete button to remove a project and free up


When you save a project in VF Professional, the project is registered inside the application and the project file is stored in
the Dat\Projects folder. Only registered projects can be used and will be displayed in the Projects list. Therefore, if the
project have been renamed from outside VF Professional or moved to a folder other than the Dat\Projects folder, VF
Professional will clear the register entry for this project and you are unable to access the project again. To make a backup
copy of your files, use the Backup Projects dialog. (See How to Backup Projects)

If you should experience any malfunction, cannot access a project or a resource try to reload the previous configuration using
the Recover Configuration button.

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VF Manager

How to Backup Projects

To backup projects:

1. Go to the VF Manager and click on the Project Manager icon .

2. Click on the Backup Projects button.

3. Check the selected files you wish to backup.

4. You can either save into an existing directory or create a new backup directory folder.

When you want to reload backup projects, simply move them back into the Dat\Projects. VF Professional will register them
when you launch the application.

WARNING: Uninstalling VF Professional will clear the registry entry for all projects including backup files and you will be
unable to recover those projects. If you want to have your projects available in your new install of VF Professional, please
follow carefully the instructions given in How to Reinstall VF

VF Professional 1.5 42
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VF Manager

Sharing Resources
One of the more exciting things of VF Professional is the possibility of use the big window that the internet is to show your
work, and to be part of the virtual fashion community.

Start connecting with virtual fashion net by enter your login, password and pressing the Connect button. In the upper side of
the Upload Manager window, you will see the list of community groups you are subscribed in the virtual fashion web site.
And below, the resources in your hard disk that are enabled to share. Select a community group, select the resources in your

hard disk you want to put in and press the upload button .

If you want to delete a file that you have uploaded, select it in the community file list and press the delete button .
To refresh any list if you want to up to date it (normally not necessary) press the refresh button .

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VF Manager

How to Reinstall VF
To reinstall VF Professional follow next steps to complete the process:

1. Install the application on your "new" computer using the VF Professional Installer.

2. Run the application and register your copy of VF Professional using the on screen instructions.

3. Copy all the files from the installation directory on your "old" computer to the installation directory on your "new"
computer. If Windows asks if you want to replace these files, choose "Yes to all".

4. Start VF Professional and go VF Manager. Press the Reinstall button to complete the reinstallation.


These instructions must be followed if you wish to be able to move your backed up projects from your old installation to your
new one. If this process is not followed, you will be unable to recover these projects in the future.

Before reinstalling VF Professional on another machine (using the process as described above) you must copy all
previously backed up projects that are not already in the Dat\Projects directory into the Dat\Projects folder and then launch
VF Professional.

See How to Backup Projects for additional information.

In the event of severe program failure (virus, crash, etc.) please locate the DatB.gsf and DatB.gsfs.1 files (located in the
program install folder) and send them to us at We will return to you a new personalized file and
instruction on how to recover VF.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

New Features

New Features

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference

New Features

Importing Models into VF

VF Pro offers garment molds compatible with the most popular Daz and Poser models allowing garments to be designed for
those figures. Afterwards, from VF FittingRoom designs can be exported to Poser (see Exporting garments from VF to

Before importing a figure into VF for the first time you should add the VF Runtime into the Poser library.
See Appendix I: How to Add the VF Runtime to Poser Library.

If you are a user of these programs (Poser y DAZ) and you have the corresponding garment molds in VF Pro follow these
steps to import your model.

In Poser:

NOTE: The following models James, Jessi, KojiG2, Miki, TeraiYuki, Victoria3 and Michael3 are provided with this
version, so you can skip this part if you want to work with any of them.

1. Load the figure that you want to import into VF. IMPORTANT REMINDER: THE MODEL BEING IMPORTED MUST

2. Load the model’s neutral pose (the pose that VF uses during the design process) along with the set of corresponding
VF garment molds. You will find the pose identified by the model’s name in the Poses category inside the Virtual
Fashion library.

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New Features

3. From Windows Explorer, open the MyImportedMannequins folder located in the VF install directory. There is a
shortcut to this folder in Start>>Programs>>Virtual Fashion>>VF Pro>>MyImportedMannequins. One inside
the folder, create a new folder with the name of the model that you are going to import.

4. Once again from Poser, with the model that you are going to export already loaded, save the model as an .obj (File
>> Export >> Wavefront OBJ…) inside the folder created in the previous step, using the same name that you
used for the folder.

5. Choose Single Frame in the Export Range dialogue box and click OK.

In the Hierarchy Selection dialogue box deselect UNIVERSE and then from the icon, select the figure (Figure
1 in the example). This step should select the entire hierarchy of the figure without including GROUND or
UNIVERSE. Also, deselect of the hierarchy any element that does not comprise of the anatomy of the model:

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New Features

Now unfold the file hierarchy to the lowest level and deselect GoalCenterOfMass and CenterOfMass. Once done,
click OK.

In the last dialogue box, leave the options selected as they appear by default and click OK.

6. To finalize the process, you should copy the textures related to the figure to the same folder created in the previous
steps. From Windows Explorer navigate to ...\Programs Files\Curious Labs\Poser\Runtime\textures and open
the figure’s folder. You will most likely have to search for it inside the subfolders Poser 6 Texture or DAZ. Select
and copy all of the files to the folder that you have created inside MyImportedMannequins with the model’s name.
When selecting textures you might find more than one folder containing the textures of same model. For example, in
the case of Miki you will find three folders inside the Poser Runtime directory: Miki, MikiHair y MikiSpecial.

In this case, you should select the textures that are inside the folder with the EXACT name of the figure that you are
going to import as the folder MikiSpecial contains the texture of a model called MikiSpecial. The MikiHair folder
only contains hair textures, which are not necessary for the import into VF.

Note: You should never copy a folder into the model’s folder. Only select texture files and copy them directly into
the figure’s folder.

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New Features

From VF Pro:

The import full process can range from 19 seconds to 2 minutes, depending of system capabilities and model’s complexity.

1. In VF Designer click on the Import Model button .

In the upper portion of the box a list of models that have been copied into MyImportedMannequins will appear.

The lower box will contain a list of the molds available.

If one of the models that you have exported previously from Poser does not appear, make sure that you have
correctly copied over the geometry (OBJ), fabric (MTL) and texture (JPG) files as per the previous step.

2. Select a figure and his/her associated garment molds and click OK. A progress bar will show the status of the import

3. One a figure has been imported you will be asked if you want to work with the model immediately or not. If your
response is OK, you will then be directed to choose the mold with which you want to work.

4. From this moment on the figure will remain in VF and you will be able to access it from the New Project

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New Features

Exporting Garments from VF to Poser

Before importing a figure into VF for the first time you should add the VF Runtime into the Poser library.
See Appendix I: How to Add the VF Runtime to Poser Library.

In some special cases you will see this system warning: “A fatal error has occurred with the mesh due mostly likely to a
complicated cutting scheme. The export process will now abort.”
See Cutting Tool: Best Practice to note about the correct use of the cutting tool.

Do the following to export:

1. In VF FittingRoom click on the button labelled Export .

2. Choose a value defining the mesh density and the type of mesh desired and click on Ok.

Note: If the chosen mesh density is not sufficient to properly display the details of your design (i.e. very fine straps)
the system will automatically adjust the value and notify you.

3. The value 100%, to the left, represents the maximum density available (measured in number of vertices). The value
10%, to the extreme right, represents the minimum mesh density required to ensure a quality simulation.

Choose the desired mesh type:

Hexmesh: Quadmesh:

In the fabric simulation process, the hexmesh folds and wrinkles more easily living the garment a more realistic result.
However, it can produce intersections and discontinuous shading more easily.

On the contrary, the quadmesh produces fewer wrinkles but is more stable meaning less possibility of intersecting
vertices. Additionally, the shading is more homogeneous.

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New Features

Hexmesh Quadmesh

To test this for yourself, run a garment through the simulator leaving the mesh density identical and only changing
the mesh type in order to evaluate the results.

4. Click on the OK to show the Export Project dialog.

Select the object(s) you wish to export, and specify the export file name you wish to use. When you click OK, a Poser
prop (PP2 file) will be added to the Virtual Fashion runtime folder (Program Files/VFWorks/VirtualFashion). This runtime
can be added to your Poser Library, after which you can access this and other exported garments within the Poser

Note: In addition to the prop file created within the Virtual Fashion runtime, a zip archive will be created in the
MyPoserProjects folder, containing all information necessary to view the exported garment within Poser. This zip
file will allow you to easily share your exported garments with others.


The Opacity information in VF Materials (see VF MaterialEditor) is exported in a texture map. VF uses a texture map,
instead of a numeric value, to offer the option to draw a non-regular opacity map. You can do that using the transparency
channel in VF Designer (See VF Designer Tools: To color or pattern the fabrics you are using). Therefore, do not be
confused if you see a solid map attached to the transparency node.

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New Features

Appendix I:
How to Add the VF Runtime to Poser Library
For the export of garments from VF to Poser as well as the import of models from Poser to VF, it is necessary that VF data be
visible and available from within Poser. For this to be possible, you need to add VF Runtime to the Poser library. This step
only needs to be done once as the Runtime folder will remain available for all future projects. Follow these steps:

1. Open the Library panel and click on the Up One Level icon until you reach the top level of the library, which
includes the Poser Runtime icon, the Downloads icon and any other libraries you have already added previously.

2. Click on the Add Runtime button to open the Browse for Folder dialogue box.

3. Find your VF install directory (the default is Programs Files/VFWorks) and select the VirtualFashion folder.

4. Click OK to add the Virtual Fashion library to Poser.

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Appendix II:
Dynamic Cloth Simulations For Virtual Fashion Garments
Whether you are creating an animation or a still image, dynamic cloth adds incredible realism to your scene by causing cloth
objects to drape and move as they would in real life. Setting up a dynamic cloth simulation for an imported Virtual Fashion
garment requires several steps, including applying the garment to a figure, and creating a cloth simulation animation that will
drape and settle the clothing realistically around the figure. For an excellent explanation of the process of creating dynamic
clothing, please refer to the Poser 6 Tutorial Manual, page 174. However, note that the process of creating dynamic
clothing from Virtual Fashion imported files is slightly different from the process outlined in the Tutorial Manual. Those
differences will be outlined for you below. For specific information about the Cloth Room and dynamic cloth simulations,
please refer to the Poser 6 Reference Manual, Chapter 29: The Cloth Room.

In order to set up a dynamic cloth simulation for an imported Virtual Fashion garment, we recommend the following procedure:

7. Go to the Cloth Room, and open the Library palette.

8. From the Poser Runtime Library, open the Figures category and select the figure for which the garment was created
(James, Jessi, Miki or Terai Yuki).

Note: If you are continuing directly from the previous set of instructions, you will need to navigate from the Virtual Fashion
Library back to the Poser Runtime Library. Click the Up One Level button until you see the Library icons, then
select the Poser Runtime Library icon, and open the Figures category from there.

9. Click the Up One Level button until you see the Library icons.

Select the Virtual Fashion Library, and open the Poses category. Click on the Virtual Fashion standard pose for the figure
you have selected.

Note: It is essential that you use the Virtual Fashion standard pose, and not the Poser zero pose, for your figure. These
poses are not the same, and the cloth simulation will not generate the correct results if you start from the wrong

10. Open the Virtual Fashion Props category, and select the garment you wish to use.

11. To attach the clothing to the figure, you will need to assign part of the figure as the parent to the garment. For
garments that cover most of the figure’s body, such as a dress, we recommend that you use the figure’s Hip as the
parent. However, for garments that only cover a small portion of the figure’s body, such as a scarf or crop-top, you
should use the portion of the body that the garment actually covers as the parent.

To assign the parent, first select the garment as the current object, then select Object>Change Parent. The Choose
Parent dialog will appear. Select the appropriate part for the garment you are using, and click OK to return to the
Cloth Room.

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New Features

12. Verify in the animation controls that you are on Frame 1, with your figure in the Virtual Fashion standard pose.

13. Reset the animation controls to Frame 15, and then set up (or select) your desired target pose. You will notice that
the clothing does not automatically conform to the figure when you alter the pose; do not worry about this now, as
the clothing will conform after the cloth simulation has run.

Note: The instructions in the Tutorial Manual regarding animation frames are different from those we recommend here,
because the Virtual Fashion standard pose necessitates a slightly different process for the cloth simulation
animation. Be sure to follow the recommendations in this document in order to ensure that your cloth simulation
generates the correct results.

14. Slide the animation controls between Frames 1 and 15, and check to make sure that the figure transitions smoothly
between the Virtual Fashion standard pose and your target pose. If you run into any problems, such as body parts
intersecting each other or the garment, then you may need to add additional keyframes between Frames 1 and 15,
to ensure that the figure moves appropriately from one pose to the other. For more information on adding keyframes,
please refer to the Poser 6 Reference Manual, Chapter 21: Animating with Poser.

Note: We generally recommend that you allow fifteen frames for transitioning between the Virtual Fashion standard pose
and your selected standard pose. However, if your target pose is only slightly different from the Virtual Fashion
standard pose, you may only need ten frames for a smooth transition. Conversely, if your target pose is drastically
different from the Virtual Fashion standard pose, then you may need to allow additional frames to ensure a smooth
transition between the poses.

15. Click the New Simulation button in the Cloth Simulation area of the Cloth Room to open the Simulator Settings dialog.

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16. Enter your desired name for the new cloth simulator in the Simulation Name field.

17. In the Simulation Range fields, enter 1 for the Start Frame and 30 for the End Frame.

Note: We recommend that you set the End Frame for the simulation at least 10 frames past the frame number at which
you set your target pose, to allow the clothing to settle around the figure. For example, if you specified Frame 15
for your target pose in step 7, then you should set the End Frame of the Simulation Range at 25, or 30.

18. In the Additional Cloth Collision Options section, you may want to check the Cloth self-collision checkbox to prevent
the cloth from passing through itself during the simulation. Note that while doing so may improve the quality of your
simulation results, it will increase the time and resources required for calculating the simulation. For information on
the other collision options in this section, please see the Poser 6 Reference Manual, Chapter 29: The Cloth

19. In the Cloth Draping section, enter 0 in the Drape Frames field, as this section is not applicable for Virtual Fashion
imported garments. Then click OK to create the simulation.

20. Once you have created the simulation, you need to turn your garment prop into a dynamic cloth object. First, select
the garment, and then click on the Clothify button in the Cloth Controls section (section 2) of the Cloth Room. Doing
so will open the Clothify window.

21. From the Clothify dialog, select Props from the pop-up menu, and then select the name of your garment prop from
the list of props. Click the Clothify button to turn your garment into a dynamic cloth object.

22. Next, click the Collide Against button in the Cloth Controls section of the Cloth Room. This will open the Cloth
Collision Objects dialog, which will allow you to define the objects that will use collision detection (collision objects)
with the cloth.

23. Click the Add/Remove button to open the Hierarchy Selection dialog, which displays a hierarchical list of all the
objects in your scene, including body parts on figures. By default, none of the objects in the scene are selected
(checked). Use the checkboxes next to the various objects to select (check) or deselect (uncheck) objects for
collision detection. To ensure that you have selected not only one object, but also all the objects beneath it in the
hierarchy, use ALT-Click to select the parent object. Doing so will automatically select all children of the object you
selected. If you do not select the appropriate objects for the garment to collide against, it may slide off the figure
during the simulation calculation. Once you have finished selecting objects, click OK to return to the Cloth Collision
Objects dialog.

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New Features

Note: For small scenes, you can select the entire figure on which you have placed your garment. However, for larger
scenes, you may want to limit your selection to only those body parts or other objects that you expect may come
into contact with the cloth object. Doing so will reduce calculation time required for the dynamics calculations.

24. When you return to the Cloth Collision Objects dialog, you will notice that additional options are now enabled. For
information about these options, please refer to the Poser 6 Reference Manual, page 261. (If you do not see the
additional options enabled, verify that the Current collision object listed at the top of the dialog is a figure, or part of a
figure, rather than a prop.) We do recommend that you check the boxes for Ignore Hand, Feet and Head collisions,
as often those body parts will not intersect your garment during the simulation. However, if your garment is likely to
intersect any of these body parts, then you should leave the relevant checkbox unchecked.

25. IMPORTANT: Be sure to disable (uncheck) the “Start draping from zero pose” checkbox, as you will be starting your
simulation from the Virtual Fashion standard pose rather than the Poser zero pose for the figure. Click OK to close
the Cloth Collision Objects dialog and return to the Cloth Room.

26. For information on adjusting the dynamic cloth simulation parameters in the Dynamics Controls section of the Cloth
Room, please refer to the Poser 6 Reference Manual, Chapter 29: The Cloth Room. When you are satisfied
with the parameter settings, click the Calculate Simulation button at the top of this section.

27. After a brief wait, you should see Poser drape the garment over the figure as it moves toward your target pose.

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New Features

28. Once the calculation process is complete, you can then go on to complete your scene in the Pose Room, Face
Room, Hair Room or Material Room. When you enter the Material Room or render the scene, you will notice that the
shader nodes are already set up to match the material selected in Virtual Fashion.

Note: If you alter the figure’s pose in any way that would affect the draping of the clothing, you will need to re-
enter the Cloth Room and click the Calculate Simulation button again to re-calculate the cloth

To create an animation using dynamic clothing, follow the steps outlined above, but add additional keyframes after your target
pose that place your figure in additional poses. When you click the Calculate Simulation button, the cloth dynamics will be
calculated to move the garment in response to the character’s motion.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference


TUTORIAL: A General Approach to VF Designer

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference


Starting New Project

To start a new project select the New Project button in the vertical System bar to the left of the screen. The New Project
window will open. Write Nightdress in Project Title box and select Woman as the gender, Andrea as the model and Skirt as
the form. Press the OK button.

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VF Professional 1.5 User Reference


Garment Molds and Sections

Select the Loosen/Tighten option in the pipeline and

select a section group as in example 1.

In the Loosen/Tighten panel choose the Flare

option, select the 2x option and move the Value
Slider until it reads 25. You will get a result as in
Example 3.

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Select the Stretch option in the pipeline bar at the top of the screen. Click the left mouse button and
drag to select a region as in example 1. The selected sections will now appear in red. Move the
Stretch slider to the left to get results like examples 2, 3 and 4.

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Now click the Delete Section option

in pipeline and select a section
group as in example 1.

Press the Delete button in the Delete Section

panel. The deleted sections appear in black as
seen in example 3.

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Press the Cutter button in the Select the Zoom Section in the viewport bar
pipeline. You will see the entire below the model. This time use right mouse
garment turn red as in example 1. button and drag up to get a close-up view of
the upper torso and head of the model as in
example 2.

Select the Curve option in the Cutter panel and

draw a five-point curve. To do this click one
time with left mouse button in each location
that you want to set a point and then a sixth with
right mouse button to finish the curve.
Afterwards, you can edit the curve point by point
until the desired position, as in example 3.

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Click in Cut button. You will see a change of

color as in example 4. This means that the
garment has been separated along the curve
that you just drew. At the same time, the cutter
list on the right shows the cutting operations
previously realized.

Once you segment the garment, you are ready

to discard one piece by selecting the Delete
Element button and clicking with left mouse
button over the desired piece. The piece of
garment disappears as in example 5.

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You can add other cuts to your design by

repeating cutting operations. If you want to
repeat one cut in the opposite side of the
model you can use the Symmetry option as
shown in examples 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. In
order to get a complete view of the model
click on the Center option in the viewport

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Select the Fabrics button in pipeline

In the Fabrics panel there is a List of fabrics and a

viewport that shows a 3D simulation of the fabric
selected. To apply any fabric to the garment
proceed in this way: select a fabric in the list, press
the Assign button and move the cursor over the
design. The segment of the garment underneath
the cursor change will be highlighted in brilliant
red, as in example 3. Finally, click the left mouse
button over the garment piece to apply the fabric,
as in example 4.

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Color and Transparency

Select the Color button in the pipeline. Once the panel opens, you will need to select a piece of garment.
As in Fabrics, press the Select button in the Paint Tools panel and place the cursor over the piece of
garment you will be editing. It will highlight in a brilliant red color, like in 1. Only after selecting on
which garment you wish to work, are you able to paint.

Select the Fill tool (2), and the color black in the
Color palette (3). Then click the left mouse button
while the cursor is positioned over the garment. In
one click, the entire garment will be dyed black as in
example 4.

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Now we are going to work with Transparency. The way that this works is that a "color" is selected anywhere from white to
black, but only using grays. Each shade represents a different depth of transparency with black being completely transparent
and white being barely sheer. Test out different shades of gray to see how the effect is rendered on the garment. Keep in
mind that you can undo any tests you have made with the undo button so do not be afraid to play around.

To use transparency you must first change the Paint Mode to Transparency (example 5). Choose a middle gray color in
the Color palette (6) and select the Pen tool (7). In advance, you will need to rotate the model selecting the Rotate option in
the viewport bar (9) and using the right mouse button. Also, use the Zoom Section as in the Cutter to get a better view of
the model.

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After completing the transparency, switch back to Color mode and select the color white. And with the same tool, Pen, try
drawing the arabesque motif as shown in the next sequence of images and Final design.

Congratulations on completing this project!

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